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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75864803 No.75864803 [Reply] [Original]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.75864882

Based Kronii telling clipfags they aren't funny

>> No.75864948

Based. Redditors don't know when to let a meme die.

>> No.75864971

I do agree it is kinda getting Old. Since she mentioned she doesn't care about the Streisand effect means this post is to Filter the Tourist from her community.

I'm pretty sure anons from /here/ won't go apeshit on this right?

>> No.75864985

i don't watch EN much, what context?

>> No.75864996

More holos should do this desu, I remember Kiara telling bottom leftfags to shut the fuck up too

>> No.75865043

Clipfags and reddit still using a stale joke from 2 years ago

>> No.75865053

Man that felt like so Long ago even though it's just 4 years lol

>> No.75865071


>> No.75865091

When she blended a subway sandwich

>> No.75865092

What is this about

>> No.75865115

Which joke?

>> No.75865142

What joke?

>> No.75865146

>but giving her favorite clipper a shoutout and heart

>> No.75865151

ha! ha! i love hololive funny memes!! blended subway sandwich fuwawa is not real no boing boing pettan bottom left Ina's back!!

>> No.75865162
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I hate to agree with Kronii, but I must. Jokes aren't funny anymore after getting run into the ground for more than a year. It's probably even less fun if you're at the centre of it.

This was about the subway sandwich jokes, btw

>> No.75865187

>Your ebic joke is not funny to me and I find it annoying so stop
Basically that, just like how Kaela hated the penguin meme so she told chat to stop. And even stopped using her base model because of that kek.

>> No.75865206

dont know much kronii meme, i just remember she blended subway sandwich and she being narcissist

>> No.75865228

Could have done with this part of your reply but you are correct otherwise.

>> No.75865241

>Clipfags ≠ clippers

>> No.75865244


>> No.75865245

For once anons from /here/ are in unity that bringing up this Old joke is no longer funny and should stop. "Faith to Humanity Restored"

>> No.75865315

I don't get it, it wasn't that funny in the first place. it was a reddit tier joke at best

>> No.75865334

Every sane real fan hates when jokes are used over and over again. Happened with Rushia pettan, happened with Kiara bottom left and is currently happening with Jdon.

>> No.75865349

Wait, people are still making jokes about that.
Jesus, I kinda feel bad for her. Glad she finally said 'quit it, you fucking retards' in nicer terms.
Kiara and Mori had to do that on their own streams with the autistic as fuck and insane TakaMori fanbase back in 2021. It all came to a head when Kiara took someone else to the HoloMC summer event and her chat was filled with faggots spamming about Mori.

>> No.75865352

>fuwawa is not real
that one was quickly killed off surprisingly

>> No.75865356

>I'm pretty sure anons from /here/ won't go apeshit on this right?
Dramanigger that is our OP is trying to get that reaction and failing it seems. maybe they will start samefagging next thread.

>> No.75865359

>telling tourist niggers to fuck off with their shitty forced memes
>calling out the EN twitter account
based based based

>> No.75865369

Repeating thr same joke was never funny anyway. Its even worst when its a two years old fucking joke lel

>> No.75865410

Imagine that wojak guy yelling "Is that Kronii Subway reference ???" or "Are you gonna blend it ???" whenever a sandwich or Subway is mentioned

If you don't laugh then congrats, you are not retarded

>> No.75865467

most holo fans are autists that repeat the same stuff over and over again so its no surprise the subway bs stuck. glad she's speaking out

>> No.75865504

I think they addressed it on stream quickly about that. Im not sure though unless theres a raffian can confirm it

>> No.75865523

Then make new jokes! It's that simple!

>> No.75865540

>open chuubas.xlsx
>dislikes_for_shitpost tab
>scroll down to kronii
>click on "week old subway references" row
>click on "annoyance ranking" column
>change number from 4 to 8
>click on file
>save all
>close excel

Thanks Kronii

>> No.75865549

>filtering tourists

>> No.75865578

Thats what you get when all meme makers are fucking clipwatchers, they just run 1 joke into the ground for years. WATCH STREAMS YOU FAGGOTS

>> No.75865588

Literally a 400+ days old sandwich.

>> No.75865646

Kiara's always been pretty vocal when she's really 'over' some meme surrounding her.

>> No.75865652

Back when kronii was poor she would eat week old subway, when she started making Hololive money she realized she hated her fanbase but she also realized they were the ones keeping her from going back to week old subway. So any reference to that reminds her that she makes her money by pandering to men she hates.

>> No.75865699

Niggersister Kronii was eating only subs because of her jaw condition, she not only loves her fans as shown in the screenshot but also shit on retarded tourist and faggots like yourself

>> No.75865703

>Hey Kronii can i have your ribs? I wanna use it to create a Kronii clone. Thanks
>Hey Kronii, its me Sally's husband. Im railing your girlfriend right now. Heh cuckeronii.
>Hello general Kronii. When are we gonna get an Italian vtuber? Thats all you need to complete the Axis vtuber subgroup
Nevermind i dont know what joke can be use for kronii

>> No.75865718

Finally dared to reply in your own thread I see

>> No.75865762

That's a nono word friend, Kronii wouldn't like you saying the n word. Please respect subway princess wishes.

>> No.75865767
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Wow, it really takes ONE sandwich to mindbreak a Korean, huh?

>> No.75865793

Like "JDON MY SOUL" meme
fucking die already! its not even funny anymore after a day it happened.

>> No.75865823

>mindbreak a korean
Is less that shes korean more the 50 weird issues she has. She also doesn't really like Hololive but stays there for money, imagine working a job you hate

>> No.75865849

Subway joke broke kronii lmao

>> No.75865862

What's interesting is that Biboo has a lot of interaction with chat that they make new jokes and memes without dragging them off for too long.

>> No.75865889

Kiara is cute tho and likes Hololive, Kronii is a weird ass lesbian cuck women that qpuld quit the second she found another way to make money

>> No.75865897

>nigger try to shit on holo
>no one agree

>> No.75865920
File: 29 KB, 888x661, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, and here i thought she'd appreciate this video

>> No.75865984

oh no no no.. gyatt nerizzler thing stayed waaay too long, and its biboo's doing, not even chat

>> No.75866030

know what else is getting old?
the rancid subway sandwiches in your fridge
nasty af

>> No.75866041

Hololive community for some reason can not let a meme die. It's especially weird considering they have hundreds of hours of their oshi's content(except chumkeks), yet they chose to latch onto one joke that was created probably around the time the chuuba debuted.
Once in a few months I check the official Hololive subreddit to see what kinds of discussion goes on there, but I've noticed that the humour of a lot of people there is still stuck in 2019. People there still make Suicopath and pettan jokes and pretend they are funny.

>> No.75866071

>sister found the thread and started shitting themselves
Reminder that Le Retard de Vox Akuma couldn't even get HALF of her numbers outfit wise
Fucking shameful

>> No.75866120

The bread thing is a recurring thing that got nothing to do with the subway shit

>> No.75866132

>more the 50 weird issues she has
and most of them stem from her being Korean.

>> No.75866165

ratatatat74 please draw a kronii doujin

>> No.75866166

I appreciated Sana bread

>> No.75866179

So even the fucking sandwich are getting the Vesper treatment?, lmao

>> No.75866194

Ok so I analyzed this message very carefuly and I think...I think Kronii loves me. I am ready to propose.

>> No.75866245

dude subway lmao

>> No.75866335

>Thats how she see Sally's son hung shota cock
God...im patiently waiting for that /ss/ Aunty kronii doujin...

>> No.75866353

go for it bro the worst she can do is say no

>> No.75866354
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>When are we gonna get an Italian vtuber

>> No.75866356
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Kaela on jokes:

>> No.75866439

it's kind of her fault. she's the one who chose to do a "gross food" arc. look at how that turned out for haachama. and overall it's not THAT bad compared to other repetitive jokes the NPCs in chat could mention over and over.

>> No.75866505

Bro Sally's kid is literaly a year old Baby. Your disgusting bro

>> No.75866537
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If IRyS hadn't deliberately ignored the taxpayerfags in chat during her debut, we would still be hearing IRS "jokes" to this day

>> No.75866547

We got a Tourist over here guys. You know the drill get this Tourist anon outta here

>> No.75866594
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>> No.75866595

that's rich
she did that beyond beaten to death eggman announcement bit

>> No.75866637

Hi Kronii! Just wait until he reach 12 or something and your opinion gonna instantly change when you have to bath him.

>> No.75866708

speaking up beating up a dead horse over and over again

>> No.75866715

>kronii doesn't want to be known as the pagpag eater.

>> No.75866740

I see what you did there

>> No.75866814

Haachama embraced it, that's a big difference here

>> No.75866820

you still have some clipfags doing the penguin shit with kaela, some retards just dont care and want to have their joke at the expense of the holo that are like a monkey in a zoo to them

>> No.75866821


>> No.75866828

Eggman announcement is still funny, and I'm not going to pretend it isn't

>> No.75866849


>> No.75866870

I will now mention sandwiches in her next stream to provoke a oneguy meltdown, thanks for the info nonbinary Korean femcel

>> No.75866965
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will women really grudgepost for 2 years+?

>> No.75866974

so haachama handles a situation better than kronii? i'm shocked. fans have always driven jokes into the ground. it's just reality. the only person i can remember mostly shutting down something is iroha.

>> No.75867011

Hololive is full of these casual fans that just absolutely love the shittiest low effort jokes that turn the girls into caricatures of themselves. And they repeat these jokes for YEARS. They never let go. I'm glad that she's calling out these people

>> No.75867074

Wait, didn't one of the EN girls recently mention sandwiches in front of her? I thought she sounded like she was seething when she replied. Is that what provoked this?

>> No.75867133 [SPOILER] 
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kronii don't look booo!

>> No.75867186

Kinda. They put it immediately after in FWMC morning misunderstanding corner.
Play with it around a little, but with clear intention of making people that use that joke to feel guilty.

>> No.75867200

that doesn't make sense. Big sandwiches are hard to eat with a bad jaw.

>> No.75867374

Yeah I think it was on girls talk

>> No.75867376

Anons here have (rightfully) grudgeposted 5 year old /jp/ posts and 10 year old /b/ and /k/ posts, amongst others. Its not women-exclusive.

>> No.75867383
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>> No.75867420

sounds like mental illness

>> No.75867422

They had successfully shutted down some jokes that are uncomfortable for them like the Fluffian and Fuzzian. But they can also deliver higher caliber with Pero like the Josh Incident.

>> No.75867440

my 50 old sister still complains about things that happened in 96... Yes, they will...

>> No.75867473

to be fair, 96 was a fucked up year.

>> No.75867509

They never explicitley mentioned it (they never do with these sorts of things that bother them) but they never interact with that kind of fanwork so the artists stopped, and the very schizo ruffians that comprise their core fanbase caught on quick. So the jokes just stopped naturally

>> No.75867550

I am so glad we got IRySocrat instead. Such a good fan name.

>> No.75867572

Gura?!? What a Bully cunny.

>> No.75867620
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>> No.75867652

anon, that's definitely just a retard clipper watcher, not a fan exactly.
Subway blending is her own doing, not others. she even had a dedicated stream for that

>> No.75867692

So the raffian kinda collectively agree its not a good joke? Damn im impressed

>> No.75867722

Was that the same clipper she posted the idol culture comment on?

>> No.75867735

I haven't seen anyone reference the subway shit in months.

>> No.75867767

>The josh incident
They weren't calling that faggot out. Can you stop trying to project your dramanigger behavior onto my oshis. FWMC don't call people out, they never have and never will. They focus entirely on their fans and making them happy, not random faggots giving them shit on social media
They will always take the high ground because they have good hearts.

>> No.75867794

Is this part of her "villain arc"? telling people they're corny?

>> No.75867861

The very very hardcore ones yes.
I'm sure there are a bunch of retarded tourists that call themselves ruffians that make the joke, but what's important is that their top 200 or so fans never do those jokes and those people are the ones that dominate FWMC discussion on social media.

>> No.75867876

Clock jannies deleting all Subway's threads. Fuck nu-/vt/.

>> No.75867908

Be tasteful about it

>> No.75867914

more likely a hero arc
fuck overused memes that should be dead after a week.
majority of fans just cringe, and someone has to put an end to this

>> No.75868004

Thought it said "dead name", was really confused for a while

>> No.75868007

I hope EN's next retarded "3D clip video" does the subway stream out of spite now

>> No.75868034

TIME to graduate.

>> No.75868041

Women rarely ever let go due to their nature. Most of them hold grudges forever.

>> No.75868067

Are you really saying this on /vt/?

>> No.75868103

Not directly. But they pretty much addressed his shitty take.

>> No.75868108

What? Didnt you know /vt/ is full of woman?

>> No.75868137

Nice plural, ESL-kun. It's also full of men.

>> No.75868142

>50 old sister
Anon how old are you to have a sister the same age as Pekomama? Also, did you ever bang her?

>> No.75868169

I mean, that's just how it works? People still go up to Keegan Peele and shout "A-Aron!" after more than one decade or mention "Hasta la vista" around Arnold Schwarzenegger after 30 years.
Some moments/memes are just iconic. Like Fubuki's "Waifu? No, friends!" or Senchou being a grandma. Some people embrace them, others ignore them, and some confront their fans. Let's see how it works out for Kronii. AFAIK, Fubuki still gets called a cat on occasion.

>> No.75868216

/vt/ is literally full of seething females (viewers, vtweeters, and chuubas themselves)

>> No.75868217

A truly self-obsessed parasite that the world could do without

>> No.75868230

.... Terminator is ~40 years old now. I feel old.

>> No.75868243

and seething males as well

>> No.75868269

Sorry for the ESL but for the sake of my sanity, im just gonna pretend everyone in /vt/ are women. This entire fucking board is literally women gossip central

>> No.75868312


>> No.75868319

I have no idea what dead meme she's referencing but what even the fuck, is it that big of an issue she needed to call it out like this? So there's a group of people that enjoy a meme, let them enjoy it. Wtf is her problem

>> No.75868380

She knows that Sanas detriment began when she was exposed for continuing to use the same jokes and memes

>> No.75868418
File: 24 KB, 600x338, 6fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She dug her own grave with that though?? She was the one spamming the meme the most and now she's throwing a shitfit over her own actions?

>> No.75868448

Based on the timeframe I thought this was about homo collabs and completely forgot about the Subway shit

>> No.75868472

No, we're all women here. Even you. YWNBAM

>> No.75868471

4chan is full of broken females. You just don't get to notice as much unless you get involved in boards that require you write columns of text and lots of arguments.

>> No.75868494

It's a sad truth of the vtubing medium. It attracts very autistic individuals, or otherwise immature people who don't quite understand the social dynamics of this sort of thing. Add in what is probably a culture clash (since most of these clippers seem to be from south east asia) and it's a recipe for a shitshow. Not sure how you'd keep a finger on the pulse of your audience if you didn't have a proper life outside of it. You'd go insane.

>> No.75868551

Is it me or is there even more drama niggery than usual the last couple of days? It's like we still have tourists from that literal drama nigger here.

>> No.75868554

She despises the subway meme, one of the many reasons why she hates Redditt and clipfags. She might even hate it more than unicorns.

>> No.75868564

Why question is why is she throwing a shitfit aboit it? Who tf gets this mad over an old meme

>> No.75868577

There's not a single running joke that's ever been funny. Running jokes are gateways for newfags to feel like they're part of things and are inherently homosexual. Vtubing needs more gatekeeping and ways to shame people.

>> No.75868600

She really shouldn't have dedicated an entire fucking stream to Subway then

>> No.75868653

Yeah, let's stop talking about Subway, let's start truly addressing her pet play allegations instead

>> No.75868671

it's running gag retard and literally every "community" develops them be it just two friends.

>> No.75868700

You're the type of person she was posting about.

>> No.75868752

If a woman is not complaining at the momment is because she plans to complain harder at a later date

>> No.75868768

It's over.

>> No.75868796

You sound like a massive fag. Put a gun to your head and pull the trigger.

>> No.75868799

Vtubers do this to themselves. I tuned into IRyS recently and she is still unironically using the "DEEZE NUTS!" jokes.
Community reflects the streamer. No wonder half of them have garbage audiences.

>> No.75868811

Well I would beat up my friend if they kept making an unfunny joke when I just wanna enjoy a damn Sandwich. Thankfully, my friends aren't that autistic.

>> No.75868831

the subway shit has been meme'd on almost as long as Kaela has been in holo, we'll see how she feels about it then

>> No.75868856


>> No.75868892

That's the same girl who thinks Hirys it's Irys is the funniest shit ever what we're you expecting

>> No.75868902
File: 181 KB, 293x338, 000522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of the holo english speaking fanbase are manchildren and unfunny bunch

>> No.75868905

Sure make me the boogeyman when I don't even use chat or god beware use twitter but you are actually retarded, like in literally sub 80IQ retard without reasoning skills, if you think this stuff isn't in absolutely every community and will always be.

>> No.75868916

>That's the same girl who thinks Hirys it's Irys is the funniest shit ever
And yet, it is.

>> No.75868920
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>> No.75868923

Imagine giving your haters weapon-grade plutonium for free.

>> No.75868931

She deserved every single one of those instances of overuse for putting on that menhera shitshow in the first place

>> No.75868948

u mad bro

>> No.75868968

You know what another word for running gag is? Meme, now shut up.

>> No.75868969


It means YOU aren't funny and only have stale jokes. Like, every time a Holo gets tired of a stale joke, a thread goes up that is just "the funni anime woman told me to fuck off /vt/ ;-;" crying. Is like clockwork. Get over it.

>> No.75868972

What do you expect from the western audience? The one audience who actually found Amy Shumer funny at some point?

>> No.75869001

you will never see Gura, Fauna, Mumei and IRyS talk down to their fans like this. no wonder why no ones buy this whore's merch

>> No.75869054

Wrong. Now hush, boy.

>> No.75869086

Could you make a faggier post than this?

>> No.75869112

It means she's had nothing to fill the void for 2 years

>> No.75869125

Why do you care about it so much? I don't think it's that unreasonable for a person to be like 'yo that joke aint funny anymore can we stop?' specially if that person waited a year to see if it died naturally. It's whatever, she said it aint funny and so that's it. Why do you feel so offended? Are you a woman?

>> No.75869159

Gura would have to want to talk to her audience first. There is a reason she very seldom streams

>> No.75869164

people overused that joke because she doesn't have any other jokes, beside the vesper one.

>> No.75869207

IRyS has been running the same gag into the ground for approaching three years now and I am ever thankful for it. It's like a comfortably worn pair of undies.

>> No.75869233

What's Kronii's thing anyway?
I don't watch her so I only really know her for the blended subway stream

>> No.75869271

I remember when Kanata was legitimately sick and tired of the gorilla/grip strength meme. Rushia also reached that point with the flat jokes. What I find interesting is that they eventually became okay with it again and incorporated it into their brand identity. Kronii should get her head out of her ass and realize that being spiteful about everything is why she lacks any real control and has to compromise constantly. She could take ownership of it and use it to expand her brand, and give the casual audience what they want at the moment she decides, as long as she's still providing it. The references would die down naturally when there isn't a perceived void. She won't do it though. She seems to think of any amount of fanservice like having to crawl over broken glass

>> No.75869273

Is this really that big of a deal? She really needs to just ignore it. Everyone in hololive has some little thing that the general audience know about them. Maybe it is annoying, but can you not logically understand why and who are the people bringing it up? It is no different from people bringing up eating spiders to Haachama, War criminal to Pekora etc...I mean she should be glad her thing is subway sandwiches and not fucking horses like Mori has. Does Kronii have a therapist? She really should get one. If this bothers you that much, it is a you problem and you need to figure out why. No one is doing it with malice in their hearts.

>> No.75869282

>Fauna 'We aren't friends' Ceres.

>> No.75869287

What do you think a running gag is? A meme but you don't like it so it must be something else? No it's an often repeated inside joke. If they are funny or not is another matter but they won't go away.

I think you don't grasp the matter, I'm offended by you brown kids using English wrong.

>> No.75869316

They absolutely were calling that faggot out, that's why they had Pero say it so they could be more aggressive about it without compromising their image
It was based as fuck

>> No.75869323

It's hardly what I'd call a shitfit. She's trying in the most corporate polite way to make people stop without having to directly tell them
And yeah, hearing people parrot the same joke over and over again as if they are the first to do it is like a low key chinese water torture with drops of cringe instead of water.

>> No.75869352

Exactly. Flip it, reverse it. Take ownership of it. Some of these girls are such fucking idiots it does my head in. She could be parlaying this into a lucrative subway sponsorship ffs.

>> No.75869378

She is definitely doing it better than a certain dying fish

>> No.75869392

why does this sound so autistic? yeah I know this is kronii and she is talking about kronies but she makes it sound like the meme was a rape joke or something

>> No.75869409 [SPOILER] 

subway stream sponsorship when?

>> No.75869417

Her thing is severe body dysmorphia from having a giant pair of gazongas and hating it

>> No.75869423

She's the one who is supposed to create new material. She hasn't created anything notable or funny since Vesper left.

>> No.75869443

I DEFINITELY isn't the worst she can say when it comes to Kronii, but still go for it, it'll be funny

>> No.75869450 [DELETED] 
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>> No.75869490

if she was this smart she wouldn't have responded to clippers in the first place. she is , and always has been, a spiteful woman.

>> No.75869515

Her paypig treehouse mods have probably been given a license to kill so godspeed anonchama

>> No.75869539

>eventually became okay with it again and incorporated it into their brand identity
This is actually not that uncommon for entertainers and actors who get typecast early in their career. They start to hate the thing that made them infamous and eventually chill out and embrace it again.
Relevant anime case in point: Mari Ijima, who tried to divorce herself from her role as Minmei for a long time.

>> No.75869557

Kek, sums it up perfectly

>> No.75869572

again, FWMC have never called anyone out, and they will never call anyone out. they are 2 good girls, and their fans take the highest priority in their hearts

>> No.75869606


>> No.75869610

I think it affects people who think they are better than whatever the highlight of their career is, and it just takes years before they realize that they aren't and that the thing they're ashamed of is actually something worth being proud of. Just be glad anyone thinks of you at all, ya dumb bitch.

>> No.75869647

they will never do anything to upset the fans they love so much

>> No.75869648

>2 good girls
Keep dreaming, retard

>> No.75869653 [SPOILER] 

>your friends
What friends? This was supposed to be a hobby for the antisocial/lonely male.

>> No.75869659

>Sick of an overused meme and calls out tourists for it
I don't even watch her but I kneel. More people should unironically be like this.

>> No.75869675

I think they pushed back pretty quickly when people were trying to start that meme of Fuwawa being a hallucination of Mococo. Which was smart really. Long term that would have been a really toxic route for them to go.

>> No.75869704

lmao. Gura, Fauna, Mumei and IRyS never talked down to people like this

>> No.75869721

Most people are. What's rare is people who let it slide off their back and are just happy people still think of them through the years. Those are the true kings.

>> No.75869729
File: 55 KB, 500x500, krosu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A gut that's full up like a landfill
Yabs that slowly kill you
Reclines that won't heal
You sound so tired, unhappy
Bring down the unicorns
They don't, they don't speak for us
I'll take a meatball sub
A milkshake, some bacon on the side

And no more yabs and no surprises
No more yabs and no surprises
No more yabs and no surprises
Silent, silent

This is my final sub
My final bellyache

With no more yabs and no surprises
No more yabs and no surprises
No more yabs and no surprises, please

Such a pretty voice
And such a pretty warden
No more yabs and no surprises (get me out of here)
No more yabs and no surprises (get me out of here)
No more yabs and no surprises, please (get me out of here)

>> No.75869731

Anyone who watched her stream knows how she feels, she talked about holding back how she really feels for ages and that “real Kronies” should know when she’s holding back.

>> No.75869756

and they did it with careful consideration and respect to their fans, unlike this autistic shit>>75864803

>> No.75869773

Boo fucking hoo. Sounds like Kronii has a spine, sister.

>> No.75869777

Stop repeating yourself

>> No.75869924

Bro, this shit ain't even worth it. Unless she went 'L + Ratio + ur cringe @ parasocial fucks.' then I don't care, it's whatever.

>> No.75870066

Watch literally any twitch envtuber

>> No.75870144

>doesnt stream until just recently
>surprised people make old jokes

>> No.75870170

Outside of advent she's been one of the most consisten EN's wtf are you talking about

>> No.75870221

>that “real Kronies” should know when she’s holding back

>literally pulling the woman "read my mind" card

>> No.75870359

she has mention anything about sandwich since that stream
zero mention
for 2 years
yet some people still bring it up

>> No.75870397


>> No.75870426

You could say the same for the Vesper shit. Her mods even ban people on site for mentioning his name but clipfags still push him with her (and ignore orc’s existence).

>> No.75870511

Woman moment
At least she now admits how fucked in the head doing this made her look, as people told her during it.

>> No.75870528

When she sang White Girls Fuck Dogs

>> No.75870538

Shen you pander to trannies and dykes this was bound to happen, cronies are a special bunch

>> No.75870589

>Someone intentionally praises only fuwawa
>Mococo sad.jpeg, whataboutmococo.mp4

Still cute after one year

>> No.75870836

We have a schizo here that still have a grudge on holo even before her debut and still to this very hour doing shitpost.

>> No.75870838

I don't get it, why does the a meme about sandwiches make her so butthurt?

>> No.75870906

ah so she got the monkey's paw I see
as an outsider this whole thing looks kinda absurb but hey reality be like that sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.75870937

Because she's retarded dyke and can't take it like a champ. What she doesn't understand is her behaviour encourages Barbra Streisand effect, which means people bring it up even more.
Bae hates Jdon my soul, but she took it like a champ and didn't got butthurt over it like Kronii, and let the meme die.

>> No.75870983

Her post will have the opposite effect, what dumbass.

Also, everyone know that holofans overuse jokes until everyone cringes at the mention of that joke.

>> No.75871189

Why is it that almost every shitty vtuber clip channel has a picture of a vtuber/anime character with sunglasses on? Either that or the stupid pixel sunglasses? Is this some third worlder meme? Or some sort of not so subtle dogwhistle to show they're all working under a certain group?

>> No.75871274

Maybe in other community but at least overused joke instantly killed when they address it, you don't hear fubuki is a cat, ina back, kiara bottom left and the occasional penguin meme except from tourist. Also this address toward clipper too and stop them from using old joke.

>> No.75871361

>IRyS never talked down to people like this
IRyS just told babski to stop trying to spark shit between her and the other talents.

>> No.75871389

What's wrong with telling an anti to fuck off

>> No.75871412
File: 202 KB, 1510x880, wh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she has mention anything about sandwich since that stream

>> No.75871417

Her thing is that she doesn't have a thing

>> No.75871492

She's supposed to make the new material. She's the entertainer here.
God, what a sourpuss. No fun allowed, no titties either

>> No.75871496

Okay well has she put the effort into giving her audience anything else funny to meme on or is she just bitching

>> No.75871565

Based. Clippers and clipwatching tourists deserve the rope.

>> No.75871577

Imagine being angry that people find the only good joke you ever made funny

>> No.75871631

Josh was not a fan, so they did make fun of him. And they made fun of beggars by having increasingly silly "misunderstanding" corners while they were malding about their silence and expecting an apology.

>> No.75871677

Those jokes still happen just when she plays Delivering Hope or it gets closer to tax deadline in america.

>> No.75871801

That she hasn't just banned his ass instead.

>> No.75871833
File: 108 KB, 410x407, 1712947983711095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HiRyS it's IRS

>> No.75871882

>Jokes aren't funny anymore after getting run into the ground for more than a year.
You'll have to live with it, it's the hololive fan special
I don't know why there's a lot of people like that in the community

>> No.75871895

Well the "pixel glasses" or MLG/thug life glasses have been a meme for more than a decade. Other than that I don't know.

>> No.75872106

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the gross subway arc bit start shortly after her "respect my collab choices"/"don't you guys have female friends" comments? I think I remember people accusing her of having a breakdown/doing the subway thing to distract from that.

>> No.75872175

>a vtuber/anime character with sunglasses on
I scrolled through the 385 subscriptions in the account I use for chuubas and found only seven (7) channels that meet that criteria. I think you're just being paraonic.

>> No.75872266

>vesper collab September 2022
>subway stream October 2022

>> No.75872466

I wish other girls girls like Kanata and Chloe did the same. I'm sick of the same "HAHA FLAT!" or "HAHA STINKY!" jokes that pop up whenever they're brought up

>> No.75872604

gROUNdPouND hehe

>> No.75872628

I get it, but what's the problem with it? Gura to this day still gets A'd, or sha ha ha hark, and it's probably x10 for her when compared to what Kronii gets. Just ignore it and move on. Don't need to make any statement about it

>> No.75872694

Worst still she's arguing in the comments. Definitely gonna be one of the last of the gen to hit 1m at this rate.

>> No.75872774

i cant find her arguing in the comments?? am i going blind

>> No.75872779

Based Kronii

>> No.75872820

Sometimes a sandwich is just a sandwich.

Do you see the yellow and green you'd normally associate with Subway in this image? No? Then fuck off.

>> No.75872890
File: 807 KB, 672x747, 1715741992078068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who made another bait thread in the catalog today!

>> No.75872981

>kiara and kronii synchronized woman moment
honorary nijis

>> No.75873007

A and Shark jokes are relatively harmless compared to the Subway Kronii joke that paints her as a degenerate

>> No.75873036

>paints her as a degenerate
She is one, a FTM one

>> No.75873085

Why not buy a bag of rice.

>> No.75873146

Gura in her PL has endured worse things, so everything that happens in Hololive is child's play to her

>> No.75873333

Every community is like that. Remember, Sakuya pads her chest and Reimu is eating literal dirt.

>> No.75873467
File: 1.23 MB, 1440x1440, 1623969573669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you care about the most mundane things

>> No.75873558

>will women really grudgepost for 2 years+?
people here have grudgeposted for something even less for more years.

>> No.75873675

To be fair HoloEN is still in its infancy community wise
The 4chan equivalent would be if new people come here think 2014 jokes are still funny which is how most of the site still operates sadly enough

>> No.75873717
File: 542 KB, 1558x2145, IMG_7919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75873803

>greentexting on youtube

>> No.75873833

End it
And by that I mean both the joke and your life

>> No.75873841

average femoid will start holding grudges the second she learns the concept of inducing guilt

>> No.75873843

Can feel the seethe through the screen

>> No.75873853

She did that herself, she did it all herself.

>> No.75873960

Kronii hates Subway just like she hates gachi fans and idol culture. I was hoping she would be willing to change after submitting herself to that 3D humiliation ritual but i guess it's hard to change one's nature

>> No.75874065

Is that a fucking spyro subway reference

>> No.75874087

>mfw i check the vid
>first thing i see is kronii's extremely hot model
>i forget about everything

>> No.75874168

her mods ban anyone they can for any reason they can because they're creepy groomer fucks

>> No.75874183

But why?

>> No.75874241

Oh THIS nigger

>> No.75874315

The reason people keep bringing up subway and Vesper is because she basically hasnt done anything noteworthy since. There are no new memeable moments, no viral funny moments, her career died back then and she's just coasting on the remnants

>> No.75874320

reminds me of that time fubuki had to tell niggas to shut the fuck up about calling her a cat when she was trying to talk about tips drawing her years ago.

>> No.75874491

you new? also its not just a women thing

>> No.75874493

You're assuming those anons arent women themselves

>> No.75874606

They probably are. This is the most fembrained board on the website after all. /lgbt/ and /cgl/ wish they had as many mental foids as we do.

>> No.75874679

I simply refuse to believe that there is a board that is more menhara than /cgl/

>> No.75874947
File: 133 KB, 800x800, 1714455420603233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's saying that redditors, secondaries and clipwatchers aren't her fans

>> No.75875093

>redditors aren't her fans
>secondaries aren't her fans
>clipwatchers aren't her fans
>unicorns aren't her fans
So nobody is her fan?

>> No.75875170

This isn't the eaely 2010s anon. /cgl/ gets like 5 posts a day, the cosplay community hangs out in other places.

>> No.75875190

>she's wading into the yt comments again
Oh no, Kronii what are you doing? This did NOT end up well for you last time.

>> No.75875199

/r9k/ is pretty damn close

>> No.75875216

Now if only pepe and wojak got banned here.

>> No.75875348

Mumei talked about not being hot on "I Forgor" jokes a long time ago because it didn't originate from something she did.

>> No.75875354

No she's got a pretty firm grasp on the leftovers/undesirables cuck audience

>> No.75875373

I'm just surprised some retards still bring up the subway bs. Shit stopped being funny a week after it happened.

>> No.75875374

>Are you gonna blend it ?
But 'will it blend' was a meme for like years.

>> No.75875433


>> No.75875535
File: 83 KB, 1877x550, kronyism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loves her fans

>> No.75875787

God, I really want to bully. In a good way, but still bully. Like sit her down and forcibly explain uncomfortable truths to her, and watch her squirm.

>> No.75876087

>Jokes aren't funny anymore after getting run into the ground for more than a year.
Lol try telling that to redditors

>> No.75876138

post vod, I know krockucks have everything jewed away

>> No.75876166

been here since moot left
seems like a woman issue to me dawg

>> No.75876291

Here, let me explain.
Clipfags and Kronii are two sides of the same unfunny coin. Clipfags latch on to whatever garbage that happens to flow into their mouths and gargle it endlessly. Kronii has not since that event produced or participated in anything interesting or entertaining enough to supplant it.

>> No.75876379

No, Haachama leans into it and encourages it, Kronii doesn't and wants people to stop. It's not that hard to understand, unless you're legit retarded or ESL, or both.

>> No.75876538

Correct and for comparison gura makes a conscious effort to not overuse jokes/memes

>> No.75876633

>do something stupid/silly (blending a Subway)
>people find it silly (and laugh at it)
Is this another case of: 'women don't want responsibility for their actions'?

>> No.75876688

What is she doing?? Doesn't she know that her base is people who are drawn to unfunny "jokes"??

>> No.75876714

I don't fucking care if you're job is broken, blending food is fucking disgusting
Just eat soup or porridge or whatever like a normal fucking person, oh wait, that would require you to know how to cook basic shit...

>> No.75876849

she did that to herself? a lot of kronfags seem to forget that she was the one pushing this thing of eating expired sandwiches for months and months

>> No.75876853
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1646269081772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>War criminal to Pekora etc
achtually for peko it's the ogey edits and she said they're ugly on the tf2 and coco meme review streams

>> No.75876951

I'm pretty sure this clipfag is one of the clippers that keeps mentioning that

>> No.75877027

It wasn't just a stream. The stale Subway thing was dragged throughout almost a year prior to that.

>> No.75877148

Hey Nerrev, just wanted to let you know your clips are shit and you are a clipfag.

>> No.75877248

Both the same, faggot

>> No.75877430

Might be because I don't look at chat, watch Kronii all that often or look at her clips, but does the Subway thing come up all that often? I feel the Sally thing is what's been run to the ground, but that may be recency bias.

>> No.75877432

jesus, that's kinda dark.

>> No.75877575

last sentence of first paragraph rubbed me the wrong way when i stumbled upon it earlier
joke was never funny and i understand telling people to shut the fuck up about it, but disowning your fans because they keep mentioning it just shows how little you care
but i dunno, i feel like she couldve stopped at the fourth sentence if she really wasn't "worried as this is not a big issue"

>> No.75877767

Clipniggers unironically aren't fans though

>> No.75877814

Now let's all agree that Kronies are faggots.

>> No.75877922
File: 97 KB, 426x353, ruffianboomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the kevin lamar rivalry

>> No.75878004

I mean, even soups and porridge comes in packets and you just mix it with milk/water, nowadays.

>> No.75878121

>Gets mindbroken because of a lame ass joke
I get talking about the same meme even after a year is retarded, but disowning fans because of it it's even more retarded

>> No.75878236

why is she so triggered by this seemingly innocent joke? lol. calling it "really weird behavior", what the fuck is she on?

>> No.75878261

instead of seeing this joke as "wow look at where I was and look at me now" type of deal she spergs out for no fucking reason, the disrespect too. You wouldn't be making six figures if it wasn't for wada arco giving your retarded ass a tit monster avatar. put the cart behind the horse troonii

>> No.75878270

Why does she sound like she's constantly dying?

>> No.75878287

It reminds her and her countless gachis of times when she used to collab with Vesper a lot. She's just trying to bury her dark past since it's bad business.

>> No.75878359

How fucking empty her streams must be that the fanbase still using 2 year old jokes? Like nothing happened since then?

>> No.75878449

I think clippers who adds value (like animations) to the clips are good ones. But majority of them are just trying to click bait.

Funny enough the the one she likes is one of the shitty one out there.

>> No.75878481

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Kronii has issues with her controlling personality.
Why in the literal fuck would a dumb sandwich joke be considered "not respecting your boundaries?" She's acting like people are joking about raping her with the fucking sandwiches or something.

It wouldn't have been an issue in the first place if she'd just do something funny more than once a year.

>> No.75879444

At first glance it seems like it was something she said in a stream that was made into a meme against her wishes; a meme she politely, while nervously laughing, brushed off whenever it was brought up by the community.
Just saying this post would have made more sense if that were the case...

>> No.75879459

Yeah, tell that to reddit and clipfags.

>> No.75879817

I Am Not Spock was followed by I Am Spock

>> No.75879859

Don't elevate subhumans who do nothing but repeat that shit up to that level, they don't deserve it.

>> No.75879870

the last post was a nice clapback. I don't think anyone would like being called a duck because of how they sound but despite that, Subaru has made it her mascot or part of her identity after obvious initial discomfort.
Either if it's annoyance from seeing a joke repeated endlessly or wanting to change public perception, it's disappointing to see this kind of overreaction from something so harmlessly simple when it's many moments like these that the fandom fondly reminisces

>> No.75879903

It lasted a month at most.

>> No.75879949

Man, she's so masculine lately. Totally not it. I'm gonna watch Mori instead, she's so feminine.

>> No.75879953

It's 99% grey fags who bring it up literally anytime the topic of food is approached.

>> No.75880040

>thinking anyone in the fandom actually fondly remembers Subway
Say you're a clipfag without saying you're a clipfag

>> No.75880301

/r9k/, /lgbt/, and /v/

>> No.75880546

Sometimes I watch actual streams. But this can be applied to the girls I watch more regularly; there are iconic moments in their streaming career that stand out as specific moments you can recall.
It's rather distasteful to try and gatekeep in this situation when it's near unanimously seen as a harmless joke, 10 years ago, when people weren't so easily triggered by everything. "Oh that makes me uncomfortable so stop it unless you're not a real fan," to a fucking sandwich joke without any vulgar connotations.

>> No.75880993


>> No.75881113

Yeah, the Kronii Subway jokes are getting a bit stale
