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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 69 KB, 772x838, one-of-japans-major-newspapers-reported-the-soju-cocktail-v0-20kc57bybk0d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75869140 No.75869140 [Reply] [Original]

One of Japan's major newspapers reported the Soju Cocktail Incident

>> No.75869239

> Series of inquiries
I thought sisters said the japs don't give a shit about 2 anime men mixing 2 liquids together

>> No.75869570

Downplaying is a large part of damage control.

>> No.75869609
File: 31 KB, 427x381, 1686601333492407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically what the fuck is wrong with Niji management? Just how unprofessional do you have to be to fuck up a corporate sponsorship that aggressively and not have one person in the room say that it's a bad idea?

>> No.75869699

Because sisters are still clinging to the fact that it's not a big deal on their standard.
While on japan's standard, it's a big deal.
Japanese really autistic about health.

>> No.75869743

Kuzuha and Kanae didn't drink it, that was just a presentation slide. So this proves it was nothing to do with Niji, dramafags BTFO

>> No.75869806

There's an entire generation of high schoolers who got told 'Don't practice what Nijisanji said.'

>> No.75869849

And a whole generation of PR managers will be told just the same.

>> No.75869904

actual retardation

>> No.75869913

Niji lost their drink sponsor they threw the Niji staff under the bus at least. It was unprofessional and makes other companies look for alternatives like Hololive who are doing really good right now.

>> No.75869980

4lokos are good for you

>> No.75870003

Imagine if black stream what a kino idea is the same one who went fuck it mix and have a little fun.

>> No.75870041


>> No.75870044

All this booze talk reminds me you can get a free drink from Elira's cooch if you are managing the talent.

>> No.75870062


>> No.75870087

The funny part was that it wasn’t even their organs fault this time, it was a retarded staffer who thought it’d be ok to tell high schoolers to mix caffeine and alcohol.

>> No.75870135

what do you mean only nijiEN has problems

>> No.75870229

Not a Nijisister, but how weak are the Japanese? Starting at ~15, we mixed Vodka Energy every weekend and nothing happened to us at all.

>> No.75870265

holo"chads" crying about vodka red bulls still?

>> No.75870381

And that presentation slide even had a disclaimer saying "by the way, this drink is management's idea" or words to that effect. So even if they fire their top two male earners over this, they will find it exceedingly difficult to legally put "They told kids to make off-brand 4Loko" in the termination notice without opening themselves to a defamation lawsuit from the two of them.

They might be able to get away with "they told the world that we told kids to make off-brand 4Loko, and them making this statement infringed upon our honor," though. This is, of course, assuming that management would fire male talents over management's self-inflicted PR nightmare.

>> No.75870396

Wanna know what's better? In the same "sponsor" stream they were also shilling products from competitors.
It might sound obvious, but some people really don't have the tact to know that if they are, say, for example, being sponsored by Nike, you shouldn't compliment Adidas.

>> No.75870421

>lmao japanese are such lightweights unlike me whos so cool that i can drink a lot of alcohol
they dared the general public to do this mix,
a random person with undiagnosed cardiac problems can die from this

>> No.75870509

oh nyooo

>> No.75870517

This shitstorm isn't about vodka red bulls, though. It's about the vtubing equivalent of Max and Checo telling minors about vodka red bulls.
Or is there a tree blocking your view of the forest?

>> No.75870565

why is cover like this

>> No.75870579

when you have to cry "plz think of the children" you don't have a good point

>> No.75870624


>> No.75870643

Majority of sisters are mainlander chinese and SEA, they dont know shit about the Japanese

>> No.75870666

You are a sociopath

>> No.75870755
File: 12 KB, 194x259, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah they are just weak af and couldn't handle their alcohol unlike me whos cool af
Kek who asked?

>> No.75870773

you are an underage muslim

>> No.75870825

>entertainment company: advertises a recipe for poison
>energy drink company: breaks business relationship with entertainment company for using their product in a recipe for poison
>random person: makes that poison and dies from it
>random person's family: sues entertainment company for advertising that poison recipe
>entertainment company: surprised Pikachu face
>entertainment company's delulu fans: surprised Pikachu face

>> No.75870831


>> No.75870851

>to cry
It was a public announcement from ministry of agriculture, sister.
And contrary to your communistic belief, anicolor and any japanese corporation have to listen to the government.

>> No.75870863

Did you even read the image you posted? It was about "a popular youtuber" posting a "video of him mixing alcohol and energy drinks". There was a separate and more popular video around the same time as the Niji sponsorship that they were addressing.

>> No.75870871

weak japman

>> No.75870874

>excessive caffeine intake
Weird, in everything I've ever seen about mixing alcohol and caffeine, that potential issue has only ever been a side note. Sure there are cardiovascular issues that make caffeine incredibly dangerous, and while under the effects of alcohol that danger is increased. I've never seen that put as the central danger of the combination, and people with such underlying health issues should stay away from all caffeine, and often any alcohol as well.

>> No.75870964

it's one of the most popular cocktails in my country you dumb foreigner.

>> No.75870975

Wait, are you telling me that niji knew there was a moral panic going on about mixing alcohol and energy drinks and they STILL chose to show that shit on stream? Do you realize how retarded this makes niji management look?

>> No.75870980
File: 150 KB, 500x500, 1703834744967652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a caffeine equivalent of a can of cola mixed with the alcohol equivalent of a glass of wine is "poison"

>> No.75871041

it was a tweet by the ministry of crying.

>> No.75871088

>I've never seen
Maybe because you are not the ministry of agriculture.
Seriously, are you people really this fucking retarded?
The yab is not the energy drink and alcohol mix.
The yab is the fact that the ministry of agriculture tweet about it and they said it's dangerous.

>> No.75871114
File: 95 KB, 463x453, 1709461114347828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Communism is when corporations listen to the government

>> No.75871138
File: 99 KB, 587x499, 48F3B476-9F47-455B-B303-84958D3C28BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess these japanese highschoolers just aren’t as Badass as they are

>> No.75871140

Where the hell did you get that impression?

>> No.75871182

bad english and you're scared of drinks

>> No.75871190

Remember they hire students for minimum wage.
Is it really surprising that one of them bring out drink they do on college parties?

>> No.75871219

>pakisisters STILL larping as heavy drinker dudebros

>> No.75871247
File: 1000 KB, 250x336, Enna Mwah[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fod4dnd.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any publicity is good publicity. Nijisanji can't stop winning.

>> No.75871278


>> No.75871280

Ok, you're also a schizo I see.

>> No.75871336

Baka, I wasn't saying it wasn't a danger, just that in everything I've seen mentioning the combination they focus on the danger of alcohol, not caffeine. I'm well aware that it's a danger, I've just not seen public service announcements focusing on the caffeine side rather than the alcohol side.

>> No.75871347
File: 106 KB, 1080x414, Screenshot_2024-05-15-17-16-12-93_0ce57feeccaa51fb7deed04b4dbda235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niji getting shit on by their own livers
not like this...

>> No.75871382

Do you think Shueisha would be in the news if a reader of Shogeki no Souma made one of the dishes and died afterwards because of an unknown allergy?

>> No.75871406
File: 155 KB, 1080x964, 1690219230098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Publicity at work

>> No.75871432

Stealth suspension incoming

>> No.75871455

Not vtuber related

>> No.75871482

>mixing 2 liquids together
For a better cleaning product, Nijisanji recommends mixing bleach and ammonia.

>> No.75871535

Well now you see how japan deal with shit like this.

>> No.75871544
File: 831 KB, 524x1013, IMG_2872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on, I drink this every day , it is over for me?

>> No.75871573

Their management either consists of underpaid graduates fresh out of high school, or underpaid college interns, people that really don’t know why what they’re doing is bad. There is anyone older at Anycolor I am convinced they’re just phoning it in because they’re not paid enough to justify putting in any work, or they’re paid well but can get away with not doing any work due to being friends with Riku.

>> No.75871697

Nijisisters should all drink kuzu's magic potion, maybe we'd finally be rid of them

>> No.75871717

I'm sorry anon, you've been dead for years. At least your sense of taste is dead, otherwise you wouldn't be drinking Jack Daniel's.

>> No.75871718

But alcohol is haram in pakistan

>> No.75871723

holobros oh no aaaiiiiiieeee! your heart!

>> No.75871725

incoming 1 month travelling/vacation/hospitalization/mental health break

>> No.75871846


>> No.75871915

They don't until the media tells them that they should. Japan may be a country but its media functions more like that of a large city, think Chicago, NYC, or London. Local news media finds something technically illegal or unhealthy or whatever that nobody cares about and everyone does or knows someone who does it, housewives and old people get up in arms about it and demand reform, the government finds a few sacrificial lambs to throw to the mob, then everyone forgets about it and moves on to the next thing. It's just Nijisanji's turn now.

>> No.75871981

literally who

>> No.75872016

I firmly believe that some nijis are too impatient for the graduation queue and are trying to get terminated.

>> No.75872049

>losing dead subs is bad now

>> No.75872069

Why are some of the nips tweeting about some “Buru Aisu” thing? Did Oliver do something similar?

>> No.75872094

would honestly explain why the exid that got the "graduation" announcement recently have been more active in their rm and why some of the nijijp rm's have been sperging out

>> No.75872101

Anon, Coca-Cola has less caffeine in it than in a cup of green tea. Additionally a Jack and Coke is a mixed drink as old as the soft drink. The danger of mixing caffeine and alcohol comes from the fact that they increase the absorption rate and effect of each other.

>> No.75872182

drinking 2 cans of those is equivalent to what niji was shilling

>> No.75872215

>not gaining enough subs to make up for dead subs is good now

>> No.75872236

seems like a couple years ago he talked about mixing Strong Zero and Red Bull and called it a "Blue Eyes White Dragon"

>> No.75872321
File: 31 KB, 270x89, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akshually it's 4, that shit has 7% alcohol while niji was recommending making a 1:1 mix with Chamisul, which has 20% alcohol

>> No.75872391

>people actively unsubing them
>dead subs

>> No.75872445
File: 271 KB, 1080x2080, Screenshot_20240515_113906_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case Westoids try to downplay this with Jägerbomb anecdotes again.

>> No.75872549

The sad thing is that all of the shit Niji does hurts all of vtubing because people say whatever they do is what all vtubers are like...they need to clean up their act on the JP side

>> No.75872634

Dont use Selen for this nijifag

>> No.75872692

Nope, it's livers not vtubers.

>> No.75872712

So, nothingburger, huh?

>> No.75872776

God, I wish the share holders meeting was streamed.

>> No.75872778

Their 'strong' beer has 4-6% alcohol

>> No.75872800

>Eating/drinking X causes Y
If you're gonna take all of these seriously just go survive off of photosynthesizing because everything in excess kills you.

>> No.75872846

The old "right hand doesn't know what the left hand did"

>> No.75872949
File: 305 KB, 1080x592, 1693301330301823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They recommended a 1:1 ratio. I'm pretty sure everyone making "uhhh but I do it all the time" anecdotes around here don't actually do 1:1.

>> No.75872967

Don't worry, it only happen to nijinig because they full of underage sister, kek

>> No.75872987

>Hololive girls tweet something
>Nijisanji gets name dropped in a reputable news article about influencing kids to do 4loko
>i-it's a nothing burger!!1!!1

>> No.75873011

thanks for the info this is actually new news for khyo and false

>> No.75873100

Nijisanji just needs to go bankrupt already. They're a blight on the vtuber industry. They've bring nothing of value and only make things worse for everyone.

>> No.75873161

if they go down they'll disseminate and infest the other communities. i'd rather they stay up rotting slowly

>> No.75873171

How the hell does Nijisanji keep fucking up do they have god of poverty on their side or does Hololive does some weird juju shit to them lmao

>> No.75873263

They all get paid $8/hr

>> No.75873273

I used to drink monster zero ultra with a few shots of vodka, the flavor was insane. Government response is an overreaction but the same thing happened in the states with 4loko, it should be obvious this isn't the kind of thing you should recommend in a shill stream.

>> No.75873317

retard do you even know what 1:1 means?
1:1 is still less ABV and caffeine than a Jagerbomb. a whole can of that shit is 53mg and the alcohol is 17% compared to a Jagerbomb which is 55mg and 35% ABV.

>> No.75873345

Cover hires competent people instead of fresh out of high school students

>> No.75873391

retard do you think everyone mixing drinks comes equipped with a calculator and measuring cups to do accurate 1:1 alcohol:caffeine ratios, rather than the implication being drink volume? a bunch of dumb kids filled half a cup with energy drink and the other half with alcohol, which led to the current shitstorm

>> No.75873507
File: 197 KB, 1783x796, 1691872162167380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why is the avg age 30 for anycolor?

>> No.75873690

Anon if you mix a 20% abv beverage into a non-alcoholic beverage at a 1:1 ratio you end up with a 10% abv beverage. If you mix that into a standard highball (350ml) it's 35ml of alcohol vs. ~25ml in one of those Jack and Cokes. If you instead use the entire can of energy drink which looks about the same size as a red bull can (250ml) to make a giant ass half liter drink it's the exact amount of alcohol as is in two cans of those Jack and Cokes. Personally I don't even feel anything until I've had 3 cans of those.

>> No.75873918

>nijisisters coping and pretending they know more about the situation than the japanese government and media to downplay everything
lol, lmao even

>> No.75874007
File: 60 KB, 927x506, niji subreddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh by the way they locked down their sub. Not just "nobody can make a new post" lockdown, but "nobody can comment on existing posts" lockdown.
For the sake of comparison, the lockdown on Holo's sub when they fired Rushia was only a "no new posts" lockdown; they did allow comments on existing posts, and they didn't purge 2 months' worth of posts either.

A massive yab is about to hit Niji, and they're bracing for impact.

>> No.75874029

Could have been worse just imagine them telling the kids where to get weed

>> No.75874059

That shit has been /vt/ 2.0 for 5 months now

>> No.75874084

The hell happened again

>> No.75874122

how was r/hololive when they suspended Coco?

>> No.75874200

>trust the government
>they are your friend
ask how i know you're chinese

>> No.75874296

based chudbro, let's eat shit to spite the dastardly FDA who is totally conspiring to keep us from knowing the benefits of eating shit, trust no one not even yourself amirite haha

>> No.75874385

>drinking a red bull vodka is the equivalent of eating feces
ask how i know you're indonesian

>> No.75874421

AIEEEEEEEEEEEE Riku sama tell down picture please

>> No.75874434
File: 155 KB, 384x240, timber[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9y6co0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75874499

drinking excessive red bull vodka is equivalent, yeah

you could eat a gram of shit and probably be fine too, does that mean it's wrong to warn people against eating shit because you're some tinfoil-wearing manchild?

>> No.75874525

Notice how when this happened, and influx of Hololive dramabait threads emerged.

>> No.75874566

drinking excessive wine is bad for you too but i didn't see you crying when holo shilled their own drinks

>> No.75874570

>some jap e-celeb posts a video of him mixing strong zero and monster and causes a moral panic
>in the middle of this niji has a shill stream for an energy drink they are having a collab with
>halfway through it they show the "Nijisanji staff recommendation" which is a 1:1 mix wit Chamisul
>the japanese Ministry of Agriculture tweets and NDA about the risks associated with mixing alcohol and energy drinks
>the sponsor has to tweet damage control
>sisters start calling it a nothingburger and accusing anyone making fun of niji of being an underage muslim holobrony who can't legally drink
>jap newspapers start reporting the whole ordeal
>you are here

>> No.75874578

this amount of moralfagging over espresso martinis is making me laugh especially when you insinuate that kids getting their hands on alcohol isn't the fault of their dumbshit parents but instead some retarded anime youtuber, please keep doing it

>> No.75874594

The niji subreddit getting nuked didn't help either

>> No.75874637

>unironically arguing that alcohol is identical to alcohol+caffeine
kek you are beyond help, most definitely some NEET or minimum wage mcjob failure

>> No.75874640

NTA, but I find it kinda funny that you said
>a bunch of dumb kids filled half a cup with energy drink and the other half with alcohol
because I (35) actually thought the same as well. I daresay that's what majority of normal people think and not just "a bunch of dumb kids". If someone tells me to mix something with a 1:1 ratio, without any further detail, I will assume it's about volume

>> No.75874675

The niji subreddit was /vt/, you're insane if you think that Nijisisters posted there. Go look in /vt/'s archive, there were catalog threads near daily about reposts from the reddit

>> No.75874683

>caffeine aiiieeee
ask how i know you aren't american

>> No.75874701

I'm saying it's dumb to assume it's talking about volume, I'm saying they're dumb for going nuts with it and hospitalizing themselves because their favorite eceleb said it was fine

>> No.75874757

>non stop inconsistent ad hom as a substitute for an actual argument
I dare you to post your eye, you're not a self hating brownoid right?

>> No.75874807

not* saying it's dumb to assume it's talking about volume

>> No.75874813
File: 151 KB, 1500x1500, Nijideeznuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my nijifamily oh Yacht give strength!
Terminate DEEZ nuts, lost in a suspense!

>> No.75874940

westerners wouldn't be crying about a drink we've seen in every bar we've ever been in for our entire lives

>> No.75874961

>believing sister

>> No.75874987

Rushia wasn't even the longest reddit lockdown. The longest lock on /r/Holo was when Tempoop was announced.

>> No.75875037

>not "white"
yeah I knew it kek, your stupidity says it all

>> No.75875071
File: 53 KB, 666x666, bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the end it really was a last cup of coffee

>> No.75875094

NTA but just because they are in their thirties doesnt mean that they are qualified for the job

>> No.75875108

>Nijisanji staff recommendation
Why are nips so suicidal

>> No.75875156

you don't have to be white to not be a pussy.

>> No.75875238

bravado born from double digit IQ isn't respectable, sorry about your genes, and don't reply to me again

>> No.75875272

You would be as well if you worked in black company like Nijisanji

>> No.75875318

They need to keep their fans literally braindead for them to remain as niji fans.

>> No.75875331

>I thought sisters said the japs don't give a shit about 2 anime men mixing 2 liquids together
kuzuha has been extremely popular in japan for years and anyone who believes what these sisters are spouting are idiots

>> No.75875442

you ain't fooling anyone when you're crying that hard ahmed.

>> No.75875536

The sponorship bit and making the sponsor look bad and getting them involved in a controversy? That I 100% agree looks very bad for Anycolor. But I'm not about to concerntroll about streamer content not being suitable for children, or for retards who copy streamers for that matter. I especially won't take it seriously from a board who laughs at lean jokes to this day.

>> No.75875579

first they want to kill the liver,now the fans

>> No.75875672

Who asked?

>> No.75875694

>don't give a shit about 2 anime men mixing 2 liquids together

>> No.75876107

aiiieee he's going to die won't the government tell him to not drink all of those at once?!?

>> No.75876232

That just continuation of killing livers

>> No.75876312

How is that related

>> No.75876993

does it contain caffeine?

>> No.75877660

Not as much as a red bull vodka I assume.

>> No.75878224

wow reall? guess there are far more people on vt than i though there were.
AND all of them hate Niji? wild. they must have really fucked up

>> No.75878387

>wow reall?
Do you live under a rock or something? Ever since Selen's termination it was a hotspot discussion site to shit on Niji.
>there are far more people on vt than i though there were
The real statement should be
>there are far more redditors

>> No.75878517

>A massive yab is about to hit Niji, and they're bracing for impact.
At the bare minimum it's the Q4 report. Are you expecting something grander?

>> No.75878520

hololive subreddit has 1.1 million users
niji has 90k

>> No.75878670

you wouldn't know sarcasm if it kicked you in the dick and called you gay
yes i know that hololive is more popular but thats not what the anon i replied to said
he said there are enough people on vt who would bother to shit up nijisanjis subreddit and could do so without the locals pushing back
you might not know is since you are to new but this place used to have ip counts

>> No.75879874
File: 47 KB, 904x395, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it had very low traffic. at it's peak there was like 40 new posts per day and ~150-200 comments. which is like 40 4chan threads with 200 replies dispersed between them. so basically any active general could decide to post there and it would completely overrun them. or a fraction of a big one like /#/.

also slightly unrelated but it's interesting how much the hololive reddit blowing up coincides with coco starting her reddit review and it's steady decline starts a month after she graduates. and now it's almost as dead as niji's. that's grim.

>> No.75882185

Yeah, those aren't anime men!

>> No.75882401
File: 247 KB, 1280x1106, IMG_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should thank dramatubers then, since they have been giving nijiEN nonstop publicity for the last few months.

>> No.75882819


I've seen Rima, Parrot, even DN who's supposed to be persona non grata, getting 2-3 finanas, even hitting over 1k views. The free advertising of Nijisanji by these dramatubers are so good they're surpassing the livers

>> No.75883483


>> No.75883576

What's a fishery

>> No.75883800
File: 502 KB, 2048x1363, licensed-image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I though the only acceptable mix of alcohol + energy drink was Jägermeister + yellow monster/Redbull

>> No.75884450

Where do people discuss vtubers besides /here/ and discord circlejerks if not on reddit

>> No.75884615

Isn't this the jp organ most closely connected to the en branch?

>> No.75884716

>excessive intake of caffeine and alcohol is bad
Perhaps the same could be said of all alcohol...

>> No.75884736

dang reddit really fucked itself with the API changes

>> No.75884853
File: 98 KB, 559x360, UN4wURN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead subs
>only way to unsubscribe is to do it manually

>> No.75884876

Mass graduations delayed to make Q4 look better. Their coming, we already have one with that ID guy. If rrats are to be believed, Ike is next.

>> No.75885030
File: 246 KB, 700x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euroshopper energy drink together with mint flavoured vodka is goated
t. finland

>> No.75885067

this is good soundpost.
Ii button!!

>> No.75885083

Twitter like normal people?

>> No.75885271

don't worry. the managers will no longer be able to have a bad influence on the public. the managers have been promoted to producer roles.

>> No.75886254

Honestly, I don't know what to expect. Only that it will be big.

It could be the upcoming Q4 report (which is 4 weeks away)
It could be related to the soju incident
It could be that they're gonna close the EN branch earlier than we're expecting
It could be that Bonbon's graduation is just the first of a bunch of graduations on deck over the next few weeks.

It could be something completely different.

Or it could be that Intern-kun decided he wasn't paid enough to deal with this shit and decided to lock the doors on his way out.

>> No.75886650

It is impossible to have a discussion on twitter, might as well discuss vtubers in the comments of clips.

>> No.75887214

I hate niji, but this "drama" is so genuinely retarded i'm almost on their side.
There's not a single teenager who hasn't heard of or tried mixing energy drinks with liquor.

>> No.75887416

people drink energy drinks with alcohol all the time especially in nightclubs, people drink vodka and redbull in irish nightclubs all the time, now that I think about it also was quite common in japanese ones when I was there

>> No.75888617

Teenagers have also heard of this thing called "pornography," and you don't see Porn Hub or Xvideos going out of their way to advertise to high school students

The issue is less "marketing a recipe for spiked energy drinks" and more "marketing a recipe for spiked energy drinks to minors." You and I might ignore certain societal norms, but publicly-traded corporations generally don't have the luxury of being scofflaws.

>> No.75892113

>entertainment company's delulu fans: surprised Pikachu face

Nah, the Sisters will say the person who got sick or died from it was just a "holobrony" who poisoned themselves to make the company look bad.

>> No.75892596

Prior to the concerts, my expectation was the Q4 report is going to show a 50%-75% revenue decline. I still think a 25%-50% decline is probably in the works.

I think at a minimum the EN graduation parade is going to resume a few weeks after Q4. The other possibility is that they announce the merger/closure of the EN branch during the investor meeting. Every time an EN Liver streams, now, they lose subs - they can't afford to just let the branch keep staggering along like this for much longer.

I can't imagine Kotoka, for example, is ever going to come back. She's been gone for three months now.

>> No.75892719

What's up Gootecks how you've been?

>> No.75893277


>> No.75893417

The funniest part from all this is just like council acting like men, the sisters tried to act like chads who chug jaegerbombs on the reg and sounding like idiots the whole time.

>> No.75893548

Do you cross your arms and legs and stick your nose up in the air too after hitting send? You are comically stupid I can't help but laugh. Was it some other two streamers with the exact same drink sponsorship streaming at the exact same time?

>> No.75893664

37 and thought the same. I'm hoping some sister grows a pair and films themselves chugging two full bottles of each and dies on camera

>> No.75893822

It was bots. Always the bots

>> No.75893958

I'm gonna fuck this cat, I swear.

>> No.75894536

>>75874640 (35)
>>75893664 (37)
The important difference between old farts like us, and the young 'uns Nijisanji was advertising to, is that we're old enough to have learned the hard way why the "Please drink responsibly" disclaimer in booze advertisements is a thing.
You guys learned your tolerance limits through experience; I (40) learned mine through experience. Most of the under-26 crowd and (nearly?) all of the "too young to legally buy their own liquor" crowd are not old enough to have learned what the limits of their alcohol tolerance is, and there is literally exactly one way for a person to find out where their body's "do not exceed this amount of alcohol" line is.

Influencers telling impressionable youths how to make jager bombs at home is generally a Very Bad Thing™, particularly when they're doing it as the face of a major entertainment company, in a stream sponsored by a company that sells energy drinks. Niji deserves every last iota of bad press they get over this yab, no matter how many old farts insist that jager bombs are not THAT harmful.

>> No.75894705

in drink recipes, ratios are to be interpreted in terms of liquid volume 100% of the time.

>> No.75894755

I'm a heavy duty drinker and the most lethal drink I have ever encountered are those big strong zero cans. Minister of niggers should shut his hole unless he gets rid of those.

>> No.75895000
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>> No.75895507

Your retardation both amazes and terrifies me.

>> No.75896618
File: 207 KB, 393x392, 1694007016215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It took the most hated vtuber company out there to finally start making this issue an actual serious thing
About time, i've seen countless fleshtubers JP and EN do the same exact shit during alcohol sponsorships and its fucking disgusting.

Caffeine and beer/booze may seem likeweight in the moment, but that shit makes you sick as hell the morning after at best, or give you some serious lifelong health problems at worst.
onlyusemeblade for example

>> No.75897304

gradiation boeing style soon

>> No.75897336
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>> No.75898230

I'm male, I drink monster and vodka, I unsubscribed from every Niji including JP and got a Doki membership day 1, this is the dumbest controversy in vtubing right now and everyone pushing it is brown and underage and thinks caffeine and alcohol is the scariest thing ever. Imagine what could be accomplished if you put this energy towards something useful, like using the mountain of evidence against Luca to get Niji into deep shit, even just bombarding Elira with hate would be more worthwhile than clutching pearls over this.

>> No.75898625


>> No.75898840

nijiniggers take another L

>> No.75902859


>> No.75903304
File: 187 KB, 1125x1125, 1710708429492078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-b-but i do jagerbombs all the time
Is this an underage NDF LARP? Since when were jagerbombs 1:1 like the nijikeks were recommending?

>> No.75903373

Do people even read newspapers in Japan other than the terminally ill ojisans? Just asking because it's rare for me to see anybody read news papers here in the US anymore.

>> No.75903465

There is obviously an online version...hence OP's picture. Yes, people do read the news you dumb zoomer.

>> No.75904258

Also, jagerbomb is fucking disgusting. No one's chugging multiple glasses of it besides dumb college students.
Meanwhile a soju and energy drink mix is sweet, almost refreshing in fact.
Anyone with a functioning braincell can guess which one is prone to be binge-drunk.

>> No.75904487

Sisters so mind broken they suck drama cock. I laugh

>> No.75904684


>> No.75904714

They were advertising a 1:1 ratio. Even the Almighty you don't drink a 16oz can of vodka mixed with 16ozs of vodka. But maybe you should and after a couple in quick succession like some stupid college kid get back to us.

>> No.75905132

You don't 'into' how the internet works at all huh. Luca is bonafide protected on the regular he is a literal prince. Not just by the NDF but management as well. The real target has always been focused on staff / management which sisters were too slow to realize.
Now that Q4 will reveal the ineptitude of their organization as long as they lurk here their opinions will always be funneled into graduations / merge. Schizos already warned them, don't fucking lurk here at all and they would have been able to dig themselves out of their current situation. This alcohol yab is just one of many yabs that use to always occur, but Niji crushed them in the past with their prestige in the industry. Nothing protects them anymore so the freshest yabs stick.

>> No.75905300

Luca could be raping a double amputee minor live on stream and nijien management AND lucucks would rush to defend him.

>> No.75905763
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>> No.75905825

Anon.. dead subs don't get purged so frequently.

>> No.75905843

Being reminded you are an alcoholic hurts the feel feels. Typical logic of an emotional weakling.

>> No.75905915

I'm curious how many different kind of bots Niji used to artificially prop up their position.

>> No.75907052

>you don't drink a 16oz can of vodka mixed with 16ozs of vodka.
You don't know me

>> No.75907792

alcohol wasn't common for them historically, they had it, and alcoholics, but us euros descend from a population that would start drinking mugs of light ale at 5 and would drink before and during fieldwork. then in the 17th century brits where able to get a pint of gin for less than a pint of ale.

>> No.75910878


>> No.75911038
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>> No.75911765
File: 1.63 MB, 2146x1284, 1712335895879398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the sisters make for such good punching bags, bros? I don't think I've seen anons band together this much to dunk on an annoying group in such a long time.

>> No.75912239

Amongst other things, they are both /here/ and extremely sensitive unlike most other /here/ groups that cake themselves beneath layers of irony so they are extremely entertaining to dunk on. The fact that they are ontologically evil doesn't hurt too

>> No.75912393


Do you remember where you got this mp3 from?

>> No.75912526


>> No.75913620

newspapers journalist would be dumb if they didnt do a report on when the government itself already posted a warning

>> No.75913675


>> No.75913770

now you mention it
then the managers are a bunch kids managing older kids

>> No.75914293
File: 2.31 MB, 2448x3264, Four_Loko_Beverage_Large_Can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This kills the nip

>> No.75915113

nijiniggers why aren't you killing yourself with this?

>> No.75916238

>Niji was worried that Selen's incident might wake up their retarded fans.
>They decided to completely destroy the brains of Japanese (Asian) fans who are weak against alcohol with the synergistic effect of alcohol and caffeine.
>They will never be able to make sound decisions again and become Niji's obedient livestock.
Yep, they are Nijisanji, they will do it and I don't doubt it.

>> No.75917032

Ngl in this modern day even when most people ask for drinks they say it in percentages or just say part. Seeing it written down as a ratio is not a commonly spread expression. Like how everyone frowns when you use sophisticated English.

>> No.75917224

Hospitalise their livers, Hospitalise their audience. Who next honestly?

>> No.75917885

Niji hater stop caring niji :impossible

>> No.75917929

It's the liver damage company

>> No.75918182

You are on a Muslim board

>> No.75918493
File: 37 KB, 720x720, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matter of fact I do, it's numbers thread second album Nijiniggers and their Triggers, song is called Anycolor but they chose Black, let me paste it

/#/ first album - Invisible War

/#/ Second album - "Nijiniggers and their Triggers"
https://vocaroo.com/1a5fvEtXZTGV - t. Sister
https://vocaroo.com/1kN2NfbxwzH0 - Ennacuck
https://files.catbox.moe/z9yky7.mp3 - Anycolor but they chose Black
https://vocaroo.com/1mVuxWMF4bty - You disgust me
https://vocaroo.com/175QN29GrzmJ - Please seethe
https://vocaroo.com/177taGVaasmE - baseball lovers
https://vocaroo.com/15uYlm1FxAL0 - I joined nijisanji
https://vocaroo.com/1nTIFMSlM9lx - Empty chairs
https://vocaroo.com/1gkJNqfAp5VB - How do you deal with Gura?
https://vocaroo.com/1i7sBnha8ayY - always reclining
https://vocaroo.com/126cZwfklE2V - puppetear.

Bonus special -
>https://vocaroo.com/1aFwhV2G67Ds - I just want to sleep feat. Rectum

>> No.75920400

Seething so much she can't type straight lmao

>> No.75920842

please don't tell me you actually drink this slop

>> No.75921197


Thank you for the information!

>> No.75921591

They're the most insufferable faggots on the board so seeing them take L after L is cathartic

>> No.75926487


>> No.75926668
File: 5 KB, 495x369, based taso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75929219


>> No.75931196

What do you drink then?

>> No.75931954

>believing sisters
