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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 92 KB, 1024x938, eliracalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75841342 No.75841342 [Reply] [Original]

I want to believe in the rrat that she was a bully. But every time I open youtube and watch her live, I can't help but feel the soothing voice calming me down. A girl that could make people not angry nor sad with her voice alone shouldn't have been an aggressive person. A girl with a charm like that couldn't have hurt another person.

>> No.75844094

You either believe a Japanese princess masterminded bullying some girl into suicide, OR that a BPD having chink faked her suicide
It's a nobrainer. But this is nu4chan who is cucked by china

>> No.75844310
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Cope harder, nijisister.

>> No.75844386
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>> No.75844426

Tbh, I was very disappointed that she was involved. She was so comfy.

>> No.75844534

I don't believe someone so cute can be so evil

>> No.75844688

that's what makes it so hot, femdom with that voice would be otherworldly

>> No.75844785

How do you get bullied by a bunch of faggot asians, asian women, and retarded incompetent asians 1000's of miles away?

>> No.75844895
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Keep it up nijichink

>> No.75844907

So glad you feel that way OP, it would really mean alot to her if you sent a SC letting her know you are a new fan. She could use the morale boost of knowing she can still find supporters in spite of everything.

>> No.75845248

There's always two sides to every story

>> No.75845539

Her chat's still on 1 month subscriber mode, so he probably can't send her anything.

>> No.75845768

as long as she still has her voice and big dragon tits I will always forgive her

>> No.75845891
File: 86 KB, 250x250, 1698806934369410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute voice = good

>> No.75846324

>trusting chinks
that's what blew up nijien in the first place

>> No.75846586

You were fine with it when it meant Vox was the EN fagking

>> No.75846939

If we give every ex- and current talent involved the complete benefit of the doubt, it's still possible that the only villains in the entire situation were NijiEN managers.
>Doki never specifically said it was other talents
>White background black text by Niji CLAIMED that Doki said it was other talents. No evidence is provided, throwing their own talents under the bus causing massive subscriber loss and hate
>Black stream happens, Elira very nervously repeats shit that management scripted for her
>NijiEN still trapped in hell and can't get out

Of course this is a very charitable analysis. The clique are probably shitty bullies, and Doki is probably a bit nuts and hard to deal with, but even if that's true then it's still a massive failure on the part of golf-score-IQ NijiEN management to handle the situation with even the iota of diplomacy that one would expect from a drunk middle school gym teacher.

>> No.75848947

'Cuz she's not a bully.

>> No.75848971

Just believe the counter rrat that Doki was just exaggerating the bullying shit to strong arm Nijisanji. Easy as pie

>> No.75849095
File: 55 KB, 600x800, 2d511c50f8c11ae284f9be6f8ee4c6fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just accept that she's evil. Evil women are hot.

>> No.75849284

You wont be saying that when we win in the next war and are crushing your neck under our heel

>> No.75849326

>cucked by China
That's rich coming from a nijiSHITster

>> No.75849530

>The clique are probably shitty bullies
Not probably, they confirmed it themselves. Enna being the true sociopath she is self-reported when she commissioned someone to cosplay as her and beat up a doki plush in the leadup to her 3D debut.
There is basically zero chance there isn't serious bullying going on internally by both talents and management. Too many cracks in public at this point.

>> No.75849651

>she commissioned someone to cosplay as her and beat up a doki plush
That's not even what happened. It was a music producer friend of Enna and the mascot was Duppio's. Even catalogfags know this.

>> No.75849704

If you’re talking literal wars, the hive can’t even build stable barracks. If you’re talking a cultural war, no human wants to deal with living in fear if an analytics page.

>> No.75849804
File: 130 KB, 640x478, 1709577399558526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. has never had a job in the digital workplace

>> No.75849823
File: 2.88 MB, 4000x3000, Elira BIG SIS[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgzrzup.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75850011

>can't even invade an island the size of Maryland
Sure, Zhang.

>> No.75850090

If that's true, then it's probably because she can soothe so well that she managed to get away with bullying for so long.

>> No.75850147

>A girl with charm couldn't have hurt another person
Oh boy retard you are in for a shock.
Welcome to women 101

>> No.75850189

The black stream made it excessively clear the kind of person she is.

>> No.75850209

Yup. Denial of such is simply the halo effect taking hold of one’s senses.

>> No.75850294

I need porn of Elira, Vox and Ike being degraded as a group. Bare feet, chains, beatings, bukkake, etc. Who do I gotta commission to get this done

>> No.75851796

The same producer that's got a wife but still flirts with Enna on Twitter?

>> No.75852330

To what purpose?
>Let me upload this 15 thousand dollar video I made using my own fans, money, and connections that I put together over the past year to shill your company or I'll take you down

>> No.75853055

As a famelira I can't see her being a bully. At worst she probably gave her the cold shoulder or said things behind her back. She's just a goofy girl.

>> No.75853137

The black stream aline was factors worse than your "at worst". And that was just her letting us get a peak of what's behind the mask.

>> No.75853147

nta but invading that maryland size island would literally cause World War 3 do that's not a very fair comparision.

>> No.75853275

It's funny how sisters use points against Doki from the black stream while also plugging their ears and/or screaming whenever it gets brought up

>> No.75853304

rrat: Cover is holding off on announcing the Holofes announcements to offset their stocks also being affected from Anycolor's collapse.
you are being intentionally dumb at this point, she literally said just before that she was still there and would be coming back before her outfit reveal probably but she isnt sure yet.

You are a fucking retard.

People used to learn to speak properly at schools. You also had professional speakers on radio and TV, which are now replaced by illiterate ESLs in the Internet.
same, my post regarding "Niji Delays as a Power Move" was removed for the same reason, there's no instigating shyt there, just people talking about how Niji would purposefully delay their stuff to drive people into corner.

>> No.75853332

The scripted stream that was obviously enforced by the agency is a test of her character? I guess when you watch none of the content and are only a drama tourist that's all you have to go off.

>> No.75853356

I met a Famelira irl the other day and just instantly felt a sense of enmity towards him, despite us both just interacting like normal acquaintances. Wacky how she still has 500k+ subs.

>> No.75853442
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They are called what is known as acting, the most prominent voice acting jobs

>> No.75853848

Why is NijiEN continuing to promote this literal garbage person? It's like they have no morals or compunctions, and no idea what the hell they're doing.

>> No.75854104

She could of refused especially with it being on her stream.

>> No.75854172

>soothing voice.
I've never heard it described that way. Mostly a lot of forced laughter and her voice is kind of unpleasant to listen to actually. One of the most annoying things is the way she laughs and "suddenly gets real loud" which can startle you and make you turn the volume down. It kind of ruins any comfy elements she could have had.

>> No.75854175

>you either belive elira bad or doki bad
yup thats the only 2 possibilities because its impossible that something a bit shitty happened and internet overexaggerated the shit out of it and made it into retarded teenage drama because they never worked in toxic enviroment so they think it had to be the bullying like its highschool because its totally impossible to be suciadal over feeling like you have poor work performance

>> No.75854211

Now that NijiEN graduates had plenty of time to get their own channels running it has become pretty clear that the real problem they all had with Niji was money. None of them are pushing boundaries, nothing creative is coming from them. It's just them doing the same things they've been doing before but with less hassle and more control over who they get to suck off to get money. Which is completely fine, it's normal to leave a job when you're mismanaged and underpaid, people do it all the time. Though this whole dramatic thing about bullying is getting stale now. Just say it how it is, you just want to chill out on your own terms now that you have accrued some following by being in a corporation. People will follow you either way, these strong words about "creative freedom" and "muh denied projects" sound just dumb when your main content without restrictions turns out to be reactions and/or multiplayer fps.

>> No.75854271

That's not the counter rrat at all. She got suspended and did all the accusing to get unsuspended

>> No.75854365

NijiEN has lost MILLIONS of dollars of earning potential because of Elira. She fucked the up, permanently.
Instead of firing her, they protect her and pretend everyone's ok. You continue to sink millions of dollars into this person with a black mark on their reputation. What a waste of money.
Just get rid of her, it's over.

>> No.75854403


>> No.75854437

She tried to kill herself when she was suspended. Why would she want to go back to the place that made her want to kill herself? She wanted OUT. I don't know how it's been this many months and you haven't understood that yet.
Spoken like somebody who's never had a job.

>> No.75854536

>like somebody who's never had a job.
I'm not a vtuber so unlike them I know what it's like to actually work.

>> No.75854561

>"The mascot was akshully someone elses and just coincidentally looked like the mascot of the person she is alleged to have bullied into a suicide attempt, pure coincidence!"
>"Do not look for the truth and support enna even if she kills someone!"

>> No.75854669

>Why would she want to go back to the place that made her want to kill herself?
Kek, that's like saying "Why would someone want their ex back after they tried to kill themselves after they broke up?" If she wanted out, she'd have just put out the tweet about the MV then quit. Which is probably what Kyo did

>> No.75854737


>> No.75854797

That's literally what she did. She got a lawyer and told them to get her the fuck out of there. Niji said no and instead they tried to smear her and ended up committing PR sepukku instead in their confusion.

>> No.75855006

its the voice that mocks you behind your back
i hear this kind of tone everywhere in a women dominated workplace, they would sound cherry and happy while talking to you and have the same tone while mocking you behind your back

>> No.75855077

Elira's presence in events feels so awkward. I just want her to go away. They keep shoving her in all the 3D and all the performances. It feels so out of touch. I don't want to see her or think about her

>> No.75855085

And she could have got out of there by simply writing about why the video got privated. You're not even answering the actual argument anymore and are substituting a response with rrats. Not a single person in Niji or Doki herself said she wasn't allowed to quit

>> No.75855237

Keep seething and living in february. Niji fucked up. The entire world knows it. No matter how many times you time loop, it's not going to ever end up with Niji in the right. Doki wanted to quit, Niji said "No, AND we're going to smear your career so you never find work again like we did to Zaion."

>> No.75855266

>Schizo babble
I accept your concession

>> No.75855410
File: 76 KB, 715x757, CUZkgcsEoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. Maybe you'll accept this instead.

>> No.75855457

Once you accept that subs aren't metric of success, sure

>> No.75855489
File: 164 KB, 784x327, elira vs minto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK. Let's use superchats then.

>> No.75855519

I see two successful Nijisanji members

>> No.75857403

Jesus, I know Elira's a landwhale but the fatphobic remark is wholly unnecessary anon

>> No.75858262

>black screen
fuck off, millie
