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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 863 KB, 1797x575, big 3 vtubers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75813747 No.75813747 [Reply] [Original]

With Gura's seat vacant who will win the power struggle of most popular EN Vtuber and why?

>> No.75814202

fuck off sister

>> No.75814298

Filian is past her prime
Ironmouse is on life support
Doki failed to capture momentum

>> No.75814350
File: 345 KB, 677x573, frick off nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75814387

All three have different niches; there's no reason for them to compete. Considering at least two of them have schizo antis I wonder whether the antis overlap as well or whether OP is just a regular dramafag.

>> No.75814432

Guras gone again? I thought she came back?

>> No.75814436

>With Gura's seat vacant
gura's seat ain't "vacant", she just shows up every few months, farts on it so that nobody else takes it, and leaves again

>> No.75814461

Fuck off Catalog Vermin

>> No.75814515
File: 687 KB, 320x320, Doki_FAQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot

>> No.75814590

prune the numbers thread and shit-tier bait like this disappears

>> No.75814692

None of these three. But regarding the question, I actually have to put my money on Biboo. She's go the hours, the skill, the cuteness, the entertainment power, and the corp support. If she keeps up the momentum, I can totally see her taking the title in the next few years.

>> No.75814699

It'll get worse.

>> No.75814778

more like doki and filian are working together double penetrating mouse.

>> No.75814780

She's not even the second fastest-growing in her gen

>> No.75814797


>> No.75814820

bijou is like an idealist's version of why gura got popular, she has a lot of her best qualities from back when she actually cared. but the reality is, gura is as popular as she is because shark girl branding

>> No.75814831

Hello OP
Can I request that picture of Ironmouse, but slightly thinner and taller?

>> No.75814875


>> No.75814893
File: 623 KB, 933x1075, 1695156760548674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ironmouse
I love Dokibird
I love Filian
All three are hard working vtubers who deserve all the encouragement and support even if one is not an active watcher. They make the EN community shine and alive.

>> No.75814923


>> No.75814946

It's about velocity, not acceleration. The rock has staying power, and her cuteness and memery allow her to act as a gateway drug, much like Gura.

>> No.75815007

one of the only good posts here

>> No.75815031

What you and a lot of others saying this don't realize is that that's not all there is to it. Gura is cute shark cunny, but she can also sing really well, and music is another thing that gives you a huge advantage for growth (see: Mori for Myth, Nerissa for Advent). Gura had over 100k people showing up to her karaokes in 2020

>> No.75815053

Hot I need art of this now

>> No.75815058

Hey what the fuck you can't post this

>> No.75815165


>> No.75815251

Depends what you mean by "popularity". If you're talking about mainstream popularity, like a vtuber is popular in the same way that a celebrity is popular, then I would argue that Gura was never popular. She has the biggest numbers, sure, but she essentially exists in her own dimension. You don't see her outside of strictly Hololive related events. Ever. That's largely true for most of HoloEN. They're kinda like scientologist actors. You see them in movies, and then once in a while doing a press tour before a movie release, but the rest of the time they're in their own world.

The other three are closer to mainstream celeb status but are still niche. If I had to pick one I would say Filian. She's the kind of person you could see going on a late night talk show for instance. Mouse could as well but I feel like she gets awkward when doing professional events still which puts her a step behind Filian. Doki could get there but I think it's still too soon, she hasn't solidified her place yet as she's only been around a few months (pre-2024 Doki doesn't count).

>> No.75815307

Why wont mouse collab with them?

>> No.75815327

That would be FWMC, not just EN they will be face of vtubing

>> No.75815466

donki easily, because she has the complete support of a brainwashed western audience. even though mouse is the better person and content creator.

>> No.75815520

Good post

>> No.75815539

I miss my wife filian

>> No.75815574


>> No.75815600

NijiNigger didnt even try to hide anymore.

>> No.75815638

>100k people in 2020, the year the whole thing with Covid and worldwide lockdowns started, forcing more people than usual to watch vtubers like Gura
>flash forward to PRESENT DAY where Gura's last streams can hardly gather 30k live ccv at best


>> No.75815670

Filian doesn’t like ironmouse. Doki idk

>> No.75815733

wtf i love filian now

>> No.75815828
File: 241 KB, 1205x725, filianthenkobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently the answer is filian, then kobo.

>> No.75815924

Please ask again after any of these starts making more money from merch than Gura

>> No.75815973

hahaha i love how EN have a lolicon and japan has a hag its all ass backwards

>> No.75815990

>was hoping there would be drama if filian surpassed Pekora on 4chan. Nothing happens here
Well nothing is going to happen here if she surpasses Marine but it will take a long ass while until she passes Gura so we can have fun drama on /vt/

>> No.75816010

>FWMC, not just EN they will be face of vtubing
if this happens, people will assume all vtubers are basically teletubbies with tits
and to an extent, they won't be wrong, kek

>> No.75816144

Where’s the hag with 20m subs?

>> No.75816170

Mouse have the ultimate advantage of being extremelly brand friendly, friends with twitch lefties, sickness buff, huge youtuber feeding her content and viewers + corpo buff.

>> No.75816323

Idk how the fuck mouse is seen as brand friendly. The wild shits she said while being zooted bruh

>> No.75816324


this should be posted everytime these retards get uppity

>> No.75816444

None of them, obviously, but the only one of them with even a remote shot is fillian.
Mouse is too focused on trying to get the wider normiesphere to take her seriously despite being an anime avatar.
Doki is more interested in becoming a shibuya hal figure than gura, someone whose events make her a central figure in the scene but the time sunk into them means their brand doesn't grow that much among the viewership outside of 'events guy'
Filian is the hyper content brained tiktok zoomer one spamming out clippable moments for shorts that get the kind of wide but not deep recognition that is needed to theoretically contest the top spot.

>> No.75816722

Filian makes nazi jokes every stream. She literally roasted a guy for being jew last stream, people still hate her for the george floyd joke, she makes pedo, abortion, suicide jokes constantly. Mouse is safe edgy when she's zooted and filian is just edgy every single stream lol.

>> No.75816761

It's kind of funny that only numberfag holodrones seem to take this thread seriously.

>> No.75816993

Yeah you’re right.

>> No.75817809

hololive successfully converted their fans into fanatics like that marketing guy recommended while everyone else just kinda watches vtubers as a hobby and doesn't really give a shit

>> No.75818245

pretty wild that kobo's in spitting distance of pekora

>> No.75818349

>dookiefags are targeting Gura and Hololive now with their harassment
Lmao, I warned you people.

>> No.75819086

bait used to be faggot you believable

>> No.75819174

Filian is kind of already there

>> No.75819214
File: 3.66 MB, 600x535, ezgif-5-c89fad177b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who(re), who(re) and who(re)?

>> No.75819227
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>the face of vtubing
long way to go

>> No.75819353

Kek no. Kobo has a better chance of surpassing Gura, and that's saying a lot considering she's Indonesian

>> No.75819406

LMAO no, fuck right off

>> No.75819487

>better person and content creator
They're both grifting whores.

>> No.75819634

>OP samefagging

>> No.75819826

did you expect anything else from catalog bait this weak?
faggot even came into the split threads to shill this turd of a post

>> No.75819834
File: 429 KB, 960x1440, 4004_Gawr-Gura-960x1440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfuck the big three, nigga, it's just big me

>> No.75819842

>Big 3
Gura shouldn't take this mockery and release a diss track on these losers.

>> No.75819972

Kobo doesn't speak English outside of collabs or when she has a stroke and wants to pander to her English once a season.

>> No.75820081

releasing a diss track would require gura to put effort into her job

>> No.75820136

Sounds based ngl

>> No.75820214

nah uh, just you wait until she drops the hottest beat of the summer

>> No.75820257

>zoom out
>the white background is just the hair of a giant CookieSwirlC.

>> No.75820281

So what's the appeal of Doki? Is she a good singer/performer? Can anyone post her karaokes and concerts?

>> No.75820385

doki is pretty much exclusively for people that don't give a fuck about songs, concerts, GFE or numberfagging and just want a vtuber to make them laugh

>> No.75820451

Why not just watch twitch fleshtubers then?

>> No.75820503

Is she funny? Post some funny clips of her.

>> No.75820610

this clip sums up the experience of watching doki better than anything else:

>> No.75820796

Do dokifags really?

>> No.75820837

because twitch is cancer, while doki streams on youtube and is actually fun to watch

>> No.75820898

Doki can’t even get past 5k in her normal streams anon. She’s only useful when she organizes events

>> No.75821035

Post fun moments of her.

>> No.75821060

Filian’s odds are objectively way higher than the other two, she has more plausible mainstream appeal and has objectively fine tuned her streams for dopamine production, like a scientist or something

>> No.75821293

just watch this VOD, it'll give you an idea of if you like her type of humor

>> No.75821311

>filian is a 3 foot 8 midget
>ironlung is 10 rocks heavy
That's a warm-up meal for our queen doki.

>> No.75821368
File: 186 KB, 425x461, 1714650511617643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inhumane griefer
>skunk bitch
>self-proclaimed whore

the west didn't send their best

>> No.75821417

Why do Holofags fall for bait?

>> No.75821553

they are programmed to. like if you tell a muslim the quran kinda sounds like bullshit they flip the fuck out.

>> No.75821730

None of them are even close to overtaking gura

>> No.75821816

Stop samefagging

>> No.75821834

wake up anon, it’s 2024. we fucking love whores here

>> No.75821869

I'm 12 minutes in, when does the fun start?

>> No.75822014
File: 19 KB, 400x400, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when she actually starts playing the game, 'ya fuckin' moron

>> No.75822098
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>> No.75822117

Which one is which? I'm not well versed in indie history.

>> No.75822204

Kill yourself

>> No.75822297

No, cope faggot. Your thread is dogshit.

>> No.75822517
File: 22 KB, 600x600, spiderkramer20110725-22047-szy7bv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22 minutes in
>still no fun

>> No.75822684

grifter = mousey
pardon my ESL, now go donate to her and help her cover up the cost of CVID treatment!

>> No.75822825

yeah, that's pretty much exactly what I expected. she's just not for you, but considering that you complained about not having fun yet before the game even started, you probably just didn't want to enjoy her content in the first place

>> No.75822886

OP is a faggot /thread

>> No.75822889

>22 minutes in and she still hasn't announced a new set of merch
how can she even compete with gura

>> No.75822940

You have brain rot.

>> No.75822970
File: 636 KB, 636x512, ojou laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75823022

Catalogfags are the most retarded people.

>> No.75823036

if you like gura that's fine but you can not deny that she usually only streams to shill merch. might as well call me brainrotted for saying she's blue. she just is.

>> No.75823138

Did your mother drop you as a child? What compels you to be a catalognig?

>> No.75823194

thousands of holofags invading my oshi's thread to numberfag mainly. don't dish it out if you can't take it.

>> No.75823223

Not the pink one
Not the yellow one

>> No.75823310


>> No.75823414

Dude, you're swinging at shadows.

>> No.75823419

Can their merch beat a collab done with Nijisanji & Genshin Impact? Can their merch be the best selling in their corpo? Can their figure outsell a popular anime around the same time? If they can't do even one of them then they are not even close to laying eyes on the throne.

>> No.75823445


>> No.75823453

>denying that gura doesn't stream
>denying that numberfags are a menace
i think your brain rot comment was projection

>> No.75823509


>> No.75823586

I'm not a Holofag. Again, you're swinging at shadows.

>> No.75823633

if you're batting for numberfags you may as well be one

>> No.75823669

Fuck numberfags and fuck OP.

>> No.75823722

there's nothing wrong with the op

>> No.75823908

Using other chuubas to shit on another chuuba is wrong. It also invites others to shit on them as well.

>> No.75823970

I think in the next year or two there will be a new talent who was a nobody who randomly gets recognition and rises to the top. Weather that mean it’s an indie or new future Holo member remains to be seen

>> No.75824015

>no Pippa
>no Kirsche
>no Lumi
>no MariMari

>> No.75824243

Neuro sama already fits that description in a way

>> No.75824343

range ban sea and these threads will slow down quite a bit, giving access to pag pag fujo trannies was a mistake

>> No.75824482


>> No.75824554

She’s fine but she’s not real. The real magic of seeing a vtuber rise to the top is the journey they to through. For example watching Korone from debut to now was incredible. Neuro is just a gimmick and half of the gimmick involves a male so it will never fill the shoes of a real vtuber journey akin to Korone, Suisei, etc. Part of the reason why Gura is the way she is is because she had explosive growth from the beginning and never had to work hard or prove herself. We need someone with talent who started at the bottom

>> No.75824645

I like how easily holofags and nijisisters fell for OP’s bait and knows its bait but still bit

>> No.75824665
File: 322 KB, 1272x710, ApplicationFrameHost_Knuk1953VW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a bit of an adorable little brat that loves to joke about how lazy she is, but she's always cooking something fun behind the scenes, be it events, contests, music, tournaments, wallpapers, random ass crap like shimeji, fucking VRChat worlds, and in general her community is very involved in her content creation. If you like an artist that draws her or someone she likes, chances are she likes them too and will eventually commission them to do something or help out.
Following her is a good way to always have something to look forwards to because she ALWAYS has at least 5-10 projects cooking at once. Up to now, she sorta had to start over from ground level, but now's about the time that they're starting to bear fruit. Expect a LOT of crazy projects and shit to start popping up rapidly within the next few months.

That last video that she got fired over is a great example. She commissioned over 15 artists in the community to help draw it, as well as other community members to help with the music, video production, etc.

>> No.75824687

About half of the posts in this thread are OP himself.

>> No.75824820

Genuine question: what do you hope to achieve by trying to promote your oshi in a catalog bait thread? The anon you're responding to almost certainly is not asking you to post about her in good faith.

>> No.75824865
File: 241 KB, 1280x720, dokihug.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might reel in a tourist.

>> No.75824891

This >>75824820 give it a rest goon

>> No.75825032

>Ironmouse is on life support
>Laughs like a maniac
>Yaps for hours
He really believes this bs.

>> No.75825249

>self-proclaimed whore
Her butthole is cute. Can you blame her for wanting to share pics of her spread ass?

>> No.75825347

dragoons are kind of naive, and will take any opportunity to talk about why they like doki so much

>> No.75825425

Idk man, seeing the way she develops as AI technology improves is very reminiscent of the way a regular vtuber grows. Cant really call it a gimmick anymore when all the other AI focused entertainment channels are dead or dying while shes still thriving
>We need someone with talent who started at the bottom
I doubt thats realistic anymore with how oversaturated the vtuber market is. Maybe in JP

>> No.75826586


>> No.75827856
File: 243 KB, 736x603, ironkeke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better person
Lmao, even

>> No.75828197

This website is not allow underaged users

>> No.75828406
File: 320 KB, 588x330, lui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75828925

Queen but only in Twitchland.

Unfortunately, Niji drama buff did not seem to last long.
Just like Kson right after she was fired from Hololive.

Her main content is short content on Tiktok/Youtube. But she is definitely the closest to Gura.
