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75790098 No.75790098 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know why but her situation kinda white-pilled me a little bit, especially after everything she and her family went through. I'm glad to see her thrive.

I don't always watch or even enjoy all of her streams, but seeing her succeed is nice.

>> No.75790258

She deserves it. She's different, and that's okay. She doesn't sing like the others, she doesn't do GFE, and she doesn't do ASMR.

She's a brotuber with a fetish for projects and it benefits everyone except Nijisanji. To that, I drink.

>> No.75790290

Why does she have the black sun behind her?

>> No.75790755

>especially after everything she and her family went through.
You mean everything she puts her family through such as accusing her father of beating her, her mother of beating her dog and abusing her and also accusing both of them of kicking her out of her own apartment?

>> No.75790899

I'm glad she's still dealing constant psychic damage to you sisters simply by existing and being successful. It'll never not be funny.

>> No.75790979

>accuses her family of abuse
What, do you want her to show her bruises? The image of her hospitalized arm not enough for you?

>> No.75790980

gah damn what an accusation to make, hilarious even

>> No.75791139

I agree. Accusing her own mother of beating her dog because "she thinks it's fun" is an insane accusation to make.

>> No.75791231

I triggers me a little to see certain snakes blatantly avoiding her.
The fact that she is currently considered a martyr and hero means that taking her side is basically FREE clout if you're a vtuber.
And yet certain people still choose to ghost her.
Makes me think those people must be absolute snakes and rats to refuse to associate with her.

>> No.75791249

True, but can you prove it? if you have proof, i will believe you

>> No.75791695

Or she herself is keeping certain people at arm's length publicly because she (and they) know that interacting publicly is going to bring them a wave of harassment. It's entirely possible that these people are all interacting in private.

>> No.75791805

It means they have reasons to refuse to associate with her.

People like Mousey acknowledge the presence of a situation but refuse to bring attention to it or speak an opinion on it because they know their words hold sway over their fanbase, and pointing it any which way would only skew the scales more than it already is.

>> No.75791983


Sure, here you go

>> No.75792041

That’s clearly a red sun

>> No.75792153

So let me get this straight. After trying all possible attack vectors for the past four months, the best you've now come up with is a twitlonger from four years ago when she was just an artist and occasional streamer detailing her unpleasant family situation? Bit of a new low really.

>> No.75792158

holy shit finally someone who can actually pull out proof instead of moving goal post and shit, i will give it a read, though it wont change my positive opinions of her, but its cool to get a glimpse of what she was like.

>> No.75792190

I wonder if her and Matara still interact with each other ? From what I've seen they don't seem to be friends, although their interactions seem to have been cordial. Matara recently implied that the only friend she has left in nijisanji is Rosemi, so that means that the friends she made there all left. I hope Doki is included because their interactions were comfy.

P.S: I'm kinda sad that Reimu and Matara (Nina) don't seem to be friends anymore (if ever), the way they talked about each other was sweet.

>> No.75792262
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>> No.75792269

Also she seems to be among the type of vtubers who are actually good at games (competitively).

>> No.75792331

Doki and matara were never close. You can tell from Nina's graduation with how awkwardly they interacted, they've never seemed to have a real issue with one another just nothing in common resulting in very litter interaction even when it was only the first 3 waves

>> No.75792372

That's a funny way to say she was accusing her parents of abusing her and her dog

>> No.75792403

>>75792158 (me)
Just finished reading it, quite sad about it, but glad she is doing better now, and hopefully she can achieve her goals.

>> No.75792461

Considering they even stalked her during her trip to Japan I don't see this as far fetched

>> No.75792484

Same reason she's blonde mate

>> No.75792567

This post was from 3 years ago and things seem to have changed between them. Her parents obviously care about her since her dad had a nervous breakdown when he thought she'd try to delete herself after elira's stream, she also said that her parents have been taking care of her since the whole debacle with niji.

Let's just stay with that.

>> No.75792607

It's hard to judge really, even if you hear both sides of the story. She's not really unique in having a rough time in life and family problems, but having been on the other end of spreading lies I'm not just going to accept any side of the story.

>> No.75792639


Sounds like faggoon cope, your dear oshi is not a saint

>> No.75792710

>fairly reasonable opinions, well-worded enough
>gets labeled faggoon cope

Ah, here come the bad faith arguments shitposters again

>> No.75792771

NTA but i don't think anybody in this world is a saint, so... whats your argument here?

>> No.75792823

Never said she was, but you nijiniggers have been trying to slander her for months and it's pathetic. I'm not even mad, I just think you could have done better than digging a tweet from 3 years ago.

>> No.75792840

Who knows if that's even what actually happened. She's either so mentally fucked that she continued to stay with her abusive parents despite having the money to cut them out of her life or she isn't are reliable source of information because of how far fetched this story is and how she never separated herself from her family

>> No.75792852

Anon that's the thing there isn't one.

>> No.75792914

>details abusive family relationship
>is the bad guy
Again if this is the best you can come up with then this is going to blow up in your face just like the BPD thing. Human beings with normal empathy aren't going to see her as the one in the wrong here.

>> No.75792925

>dookiebirds fans are racist
Not even surprised.

>> No.75792944

She is trying to move out, as per her word in a recent stream. Hopefully her therapist has also played a role in helping her with that decision.

>> No.75793018

I'm glad you #believeallwomen even when they show no proof.

>> No.75793028

The one who went through the effort of finding that twitlonger from four years ago was the bad faith shitposter. Your mistake was thinking someone going to the effort to drag that up was anything other than a raging sister still desperately trying to attack her.

>> No.75793033

this shit is pretty normal for asian parents honestly

>> No.75793046

From the way she talks, it's obvious she was a sheltered child, and even now, in a recent short she made, it's like she's still a child. She was raised the Eastern way (the Chink variety), it has its flaws but it also has a lot of perks.

I kinda relate to her.

>> No.75793076

I hope you sisters decide to try to spread this around on twitter like you did the BPD document; the renewed hate towards nijifags and Niji in general will be great.

>> No.75793100

If she was trying to separate herself from her family, why did she put her mother in charge of her money post Nijisanji?

>> No.75793113
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Only on certain days of the week.

>> No.75793164

Who cares if retards on X hate niji?

>> No.75793179

her bpd is thriving alright

>> No.75793219

>Factual statement about Doki makes her look bad? Seethe and ask for proof
>Anon provides proof? Seethe and call them a bad faith poster


>> No.75793234

>Post from now 4 years ago
Anon seems like the situation has changed

>> No.75793280

>bringing up past trauma makes her look bad
The mind of a nijifag is truly an amazing thing. Then again you're the same ones saying you hope Mio dies so it's not surprising.

>> No.75793306

I hate doki so much it's unreal.

>> No.75793370

Idk how you think this makes her look bad.

>> No.75793381

>"Your dear oshis isn't a saint"
Woman what are you going on about? Who unironically has been claiming that
she ?
Millie stop posting here

>> No.75793477

Ok, enna.

>> No.75793570

>Says her parents are abusive, physically violent and ruin her personal relationships. Says she will cut them out of her life once she's successful enough
>Becomes successful
>Still lives with her parents and makes her mom her accountant

Geez. I wonder if that story about her parents was true. If it is true, I'm glad she thinks it's okay for her dog to stay somewhere where he gets beat up for the fun of it

>> No.75793625

Sisters are really grasping at straws at this point, holy shit.

>> No.75793649

Let it go, nigga. enna isn't going to dm you her ass pics just because you slander Doki on 4chan.

>> No.75793673

Considering that's where most of you are from and spend most of your time I'd say you probably care quite a bit - which is why the BPD document was nuked eventually.

>> No.75793759

In all honesty she explicitly calls out her mother in that post for stalking her socials that it might have been a reality check for her

>> No.75793827


>> No.75793829

Where's the lie? She's accusing her parents of harassment. If it's fake accusations, she's throwing her family to the wolves online and making shit up about them to have them look bad. If true, she's still keeping her dog around her mom who beats the shit out of him for fun and clearly plans on having the dog remain around her. Btw if it's written, it's not slander. It's libel ;)

>> No.75793928

Hi Enna now type that without crying

>> No.75793960
File: 554 KB, 2243x1065, 20240514_025422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, nigga...

Look at this cute Dokibird merch !

>> No.75794030
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She is overrated because she went from a decent-but-ultimately-forgettable corpo with above-average gaming skills and an interesting voice, to being some "rebel" vtuber hanging out with the alt crowd.

I don't like that vibe, personally. It should be corpo and indie, and the two should stay segregated for the most part. I'm a purist and I also think mixing branches willy-nilly really causes problems down the line because it just shows how much vtubing is a free-for-all instead of an actual community where merit matters over tenure and connections.

Modern vtubing scene in general just feels way, way too confused and haphazard to make any sense of. It's not outright incestuous but there needs to be some organization because this will only accelerate more drama and incentivize disgruntled chuubas to reincarnate in the future. It's not sustainable.

>> No.75794050

Ngl, I was super disappointed that enna seemed to have been involved in the bullying of Selen.

Where was the Chink Unity in all of this ?

>> No.75794113

I accept your concession

>> No.75794120

Oh anon.... There isn't any there's a a reason YWNBW is a thing they use often

>> No.75794142

>one is from the mainland
>one is from Hong Kong when it was still British

>> No.75794206

> Things cannot change therefore the situation has remained the same.

>> No.75794394

it's very telling of the mindset of nijisisters that they would see a story like this and instead of feeling sorry for the girl in question or thinking 'wow that's fucked up I hope it got better' their instinctual reaction is 'wow she's a bad person for saying things like that about her family'

this kind of reasoning and some of the other things you see nijisisters say to try to defame Doki (such as simply pointing out she is mentally ill as if this in and of itself is morally bad somehow) are the ultimate proof to me that nijisisters are third worlders, probably asian and from some collectivist-minded shithole country(s) where behavior like this is normal and 'talking badly about your parents' (even if the claims are true) is some grave sin somehow - like they take issue with even just the idea of her accusing the parents as if that act in itself is bad rather than trying to dispute the claims.

every time these morally bankrupt nijifreaks try to attack Doki or bring up things it always just makes them look worse because they use things that no sane person in the civillized western world (the majority of Doki's actual audience) would even fault her for.
Whether or not these claims about her family are even true or exaggerated is beside the point, it's just interesting to me how these nijifreaks react to information like this, it's very telling.

>> No.75794412

She is planning on getting her own apartment, but you wouldn't know that since you spend your time digging for deleted tweets and cataloguefagging instead of watching streams.

>> No.75794454

Weird, since Doki feels more Chink than enna.

>> No.75794529

She had four years to get her own apartment and she was planning on doing that for four years. She hasn't. Instead she has made her mom in charge of her money. The same mom who apparently has fun beating the shit out of her dog. Interesting

>> No.75794568

It's also none of your business.

>> No.75794612
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>> No.75794688

Well the problem is the information is probably not true because she just blatantly lies about separating herself from her family and it's clearly written by someone mentally ill. You sound like one of those faggots that shame people for not believing all women when they say they got raped even if there's evidence otherwise

>> No.75794695

You have never been in an abusive familial relationship to realize how psychologically hard it is to cut the people who promised but failed to love you unconditionally out of your life and it shows.

>> No.75794707

They did get mad at Vox for a "your mom" joke.

>> No.75794756

Keep trying, I'm sure someone will believe you that she's a terrible person one day.

>> No.75794823

>made her mom in charge of her money
Bold of you to assume her mom didn't pressure her into giving her that role. From what I here that is a very Asian parent thing to do. It is remarkable how you leave out the part where she says she regrets it and advises her fans to never give their parent such a role.

>> No.75794835
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Poor Doki, that looks like a very rough family situation. Happy that things got better for her

>> No.75794855
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Hi nijifag!How is that lazulight anni stream going?

>> No.75794970

Why should I assume her mother had any interest in being her accountant after she was fired from her job? It just seems like her mother was telling her to be more responsible with her money so Doki started to bitch about it

>> No.75794989

Her family situation has changed a lot since then at least more so with her dad. Her dad spoils her dog rotten these days still a bunch of friction between her and her mother but she's doing better

>> No.75795023

Pretty much my same thoughts, I don't understand what the sister was trying to prove

>> No.75795092

>I don't understand what the sister was trying to prove
They aren't human so they don't understand normal human empathy. These are the same people who have recently made multiple threads/replies hoping for the death of Hololive's Mio - one of the most inoffensive and wholesome corpo chuubas.

>> No.75795216

NTA but they fucking what? Holy shit they're mind broken beyond help then. How pathetic can they be to hate someone that inoffensive?

>> No.75795321

Yeah, her dad nearly lost it when he thought she was going to try to self-delete again. Doki has talked a lot about her dad and they seem to have bonded more and it's very sweet. She doesn't mention her mother as much though, I hope they'll get closer.

>> No.75795335

>Believes an obviously bullshit story written by a mental patient with no proof provided because le women online is the one telling it
Did you know it says gullible on the ceiling?

>> No.75795392

>she just blatantly lies about separating herself from her family
in that twitlonger she stated her intention to separate herself from her family, this doesn't necessarily mean it happened. The part where she talks about separating from her family is not written in past tense i.e. as of when the twitlonger was written, it hadn't happened yet. This means it could be that it ended up not happening for whatever reason and there is no contradiction with Doki being with her parents when the attempts happened more recently.
Alternatively, there is nothing about the fact that she interacts with her parents post attempts that really contradicts the idea that she separated from them before this. It could just as easily be that she did in fact separate from them - then all of her time in Niji happened, then she attempted on herself and was hospitalized and ended up in her parent's care yet again as a result of this afterwards.

>> No.75795413

...Proof about what? She was sharing a very personal thing with her own community, why the fuck would she need to prove anything?

>> No.75795419

Don't forget to subscribe to Doki's channel.

>> No.75795442

>obviously bullshit
what about it is 'obviously' bullshit?

>> No.75795457

>How could these people online joke about Mio have cancer? She's completely innocent and inoffensive. I think I'll send death threats and hate comments to Aia now

>> No.75795467

>cut them out of her life
Outside of twitter troons, this isn't a common thing for most people to do, even if their family sucks.

>> No.75795469

I'm sorry your gotcha didn't work, sis.

>> No.75795505

The sister is just projecting.

>> No.75795534


>> No.75795553

Aia is barely even brought up /here/, and she was talking about receiving shit long before everything with Selen happened. Nice try though - you can't obfuscate the fact that you nijifags are psychotic monsters and always have been.

>> No.75795555

Can I see those death threads?

>> No.75795649

>she made her mom in charge of her money which was stupid of her to do
>all her mom did was tell her to be responsible with her money and it was stupid of her to complain about that
Kek, nice backpedalling there, sister.

>> No.75795728

>I think I'll send death threats and hate comments to Aia now
this is pure projection and a strawman
you're just accusing the other side of doing the kind of thing your side does as a whataboutism to avoid your side's shitty behavior being challenged
>oh yeah we talk about how we want Mio to die well... uhh... what about... this hypothetical thing I just amde up that you're TOTALLY gonna do (because it's the kind of thing WE do)

>> No.75795822

>It just seems like her mother was telling her to be more responsible with her money so Doki started to bitch about it
notice how whenever you get corrected or challenged on information you're only response is to invent fanfiction scenarios in your head where you just guess at what happened and somehow even know their feelings and motivations?

>> No.75795871

Maybe how insanely evil someone would have to be to beat on a dog for fun and how unlikely it would be for a dog owner to just let the dog near that person. Her accusation of her mom purposely eavesdropping on her because she was sitting in the kitchen and her saying her mom stalked her? Maybe even her saying her dad beat her and that he wouldn't let her go to a doctor for heart pains despite her being old enough to just go herself? These people sound like super villains and she's still willingly around them. It's almost like it's made up

>> No.75795909

Not my oshi and I think she's a trash person but it is what it is.

>> No.75795942

>It's almost like it's made up
It's almost like she had a very complicated relationship with her family and that things got better after a few years

>> No.75795971

I don't know if you realize this. But making someone your accountant doesn't mean they have the power to prevent you from wasting money on stupid shit.

>> No.75795994
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She had four years to get her own apartment and she was planning on doing that for four years. She hasn't
Now whyever could that be?

>> No.75795993
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me thinks she just overprotective of her dog, but i dun know, i no smart.

>> No.75796025

It is a little strange how her parents were from Hong Kong and then just visited and decided to live in Canada now. Apparently they earned enough money to pay for the apartment too?
Who knows though, there are a lot of shady people in the world and I don't know why we keep having to focus on just this one.

>> No.75796029

oh yeah she did complain about how expensive housing was wasnt she, in one of her stream?

>> No.75796039

You're still backpedalling.

>> No.75796090

Mysta has enough money to buy a fucking house and Reimu had enough to buy her own condo. Not even rented. She has enough money for her own apartment

>> No.75796126

Did they spend $200k in projects?

>> No.75796146

Don't know what the actual amount is. 160% of $400 is a lot different than 160% of $2000.

>> No.75796151

And where do Mysta and Reimu live?

>> No.75796187

That and finding a place that allows pets
>Living in third world countries

>> No.75796188

Even so what is wrong with her planning and finances?

>> No.75796208

Now I wonder what that money could have went to. Very hard choice
>Prioritizing the safety of yourself and your dog from your psychotic family by leaving the apartment and getting your own place
>Making a cartoon

>> No.75796232

>Why should I assume
Why not every thing else you have posted is assumptions anyway.

>> No.75796264

>Things have gotten better with my family and I want to reward my community for everything they have done for me

>> No.75796413

Mysta is British. He has enough to buy a house for his mom even with the houses being inflated to shit. Reimu is Colombian and had enough to buy a condo. Elira, Millie, Nina, Enna and I'm pretty sure Rosemi all have enough for their own apartments/houses. Petra had enough money to fucking move to Japan. She could have easily had the money to rent out either a house or an apartment

>> No.75796471

What assumptions? She herself said said she made her mom in charge of her finances. She never said her mother forced her into making her in charge of her money

>> No.75796513
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Jesus, imagine being so mad at someone that you have to literally write fanfictions to justify how much you hate them

>> No.75796580
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Why is the nijisis so obsessed with where Doki lives?

>> No.75796598

Mysta also had issues with HMRC so I'm not sure him buying a house is all that impressive if he wasn't paying taxes.

>> No.75796605
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>> No.75796647

Good, fuck taxes. Him being able to buy a house and still evade taxes makes him a legend.

>> No.75796695

I don't even watch Doki that much but the amount seethe she causes is something to behold

>> No.75796785

Where are you getting this idea her mom is in charge of her finances? All she's said is that her mom is helping with the business side of things for her.

>> No.75797374

She hired a manager to help her get deals so her mom is helping her with the "business side of things" which would be her money.

>> No.75797667

In her recent apex stream she said apex invited her to LAN and one of the reasons she turned it down (though among others) was she was hoping for things to cool down some more and that maybe then she'd feel a bit more safe about doing it.
We all know how psycho a lot of the sisters are and that they congregated on a literal doxxing site.

>> No.75797707

you're deliberately wording things in a way to make it sound more over the top and unrealistic than it is
let's go through how you'd described it
>what you said
>beat on a dog for fun
>what Doki actually said
>such as how my mom loves to hit my dog because to her, "it's fun"
she says 'hit' the dog not 'beat on' the dog - you made it sound like she's beating the fuck out of the dog every day while laughing maniacally whereas from what Doki said it could be she just hits the dog once whenever it annoys her e.g. yapping or something (unfortuantely this a thing that some dog owners do). Perhaps Doki challenged her why and her mom irritably said 'for fun' one time. Still bad but less over the top.
>how unlikely it would be for a dog owner to just let the dog near that person
you conveniently missed the part where Doki said
>Since the apartment was mostly paid by them, he can kick me out whenever he wants
suggesting she can't just not have the dog around them. Now I don't know how the tenancy of this actually works or if Doki is just being a retard here thinking she doesn't own this place/can be kicked out but she seems to believe so.

>Her accusation of her mom purposely eavesdropping on her because she was sitting in the kitchen and her saying her mom stalked her
by 'mom stalked her' what you mean is she just follows her socials and sees what she posts. As for the eavesdropping; this isn't an out of the ordinary thing that overbearing helicopter parents do, also Doki described her PC as being in 'the common' room of the apartment so it's not actually a bedroom. As odd as it is it'd be even weirder and less normal if it was her own bedroom her mom was coming into every night to sit and listen to her on the PC.
So far with this and the dog thing while they are both abusive they're not extraordinary or supervillanous.
> Maybe even her saying her dad beat her
saying this makes it sound like a regular thing whereas the actual context is that it was an argument/alteraction that escalated after a long time with the dad threatening to kick her out - we don't know how it escalated and got physical or what was even involved but nothing here necessarily suggests she was being 'beaten by dad' as a regular thing.
>he wouldn't let her go to a doctor for heart pains despite her being old enough to just go herself
not only does this make it sound like she was being physically prevented from going but you also conveniently didn't mention why they didn't want her to, making it sound like they're just being evil for no reason
>what Doki actually said
>Or how I'm not allowed to see the doctors rn despite feeling light headed for more then 2 weeks and recently heart pains since they think I just don't go outside enough and spend too much time on the PC so there's no reason to take me to see a medical professional
she only says she 'wasn't allowed to;' possibly in the same way a kid 'isn't allowed' to go out late past a certain time - doesn't necessarily mean they will be physically prevented.
It also seems like instead of just being evil it's typical asian parent bullshit where they think ailments are caused by trivial things and can be alternately treated - they were convinced she just didn't touch grass enough as the reason for her heart pains.

>These people sound like super villains and she's still willingly around them
so in summary, they actually don't sound like super villains, they sound like overbearing asian helicopter parents who ARE abusive - but in common not unrealistic ways. They sound bad from what is described - but not bad enough that it'd be strange for her to be still associating with them now after a suicide attempt and being hospitalized.

>> No.75797740

Because apparently she lives in a den of psychopaths looking to kill her dog? Why are you NOT concerned about where she lives?

>> No.75797800

True we all know that the entire business side of vtubing can be boiled down to "getting deals" and handling money. There is nothing else she could possibly be doing. Even your fanfics suck ass.

>> No.75797899

Please explain to the class what else an indie Vtuber's business looks like past getting sponsors, making content and handling money

>> No.75798014

They are asian.

>> No.75798024

>It is a little strange how her parents were from Hong Kong and then just visited and decided to live in Canada now
from all the information presented it seems like Doki's parents are just overbearing and don't trust her to be able to live on her own; they visited and decided to stay when they saw she was just 'doing nothing on her PC all day long' (from their POV, most likely)

>> No.75798087

are you gonna exaggerate it even more every time you retell it?

>> No.75798156

Merch, dealing with suppliers, storage space, checking over business emails all that sort of stuff makes plenty of sense to get help with if you have the option. Sorry if any of that messes with your fanfics.

>> No.75798268

100 bucks says that the ones sending those death threats were the NDF themselves. Your falseflagging is obvious, sister.

>> No.75798329

>from what Doki said it could be she just hits the dog once whenever it annoys her
But that wouldn't be hitting the dog for fun, it'd be because it was being announced. From what Doki said, her mom hits her dog because she thinks it's fun. I didn't miss any part either. She had four years to leave the apartment where she clearly had the money to move out but didn't. She said her mother would be sitting in the kitchen at night and that this was apparently her mom trying to eavesdrop on her talking to her friends. Doki saying her mom stalked her is her own words
>we don't know how it escalated and got physical or what was even involved but nothing here necessarily suggests she was being 'beaten by dad' as a regular thing
She still accuses her dad of beating her while she is a woman in her 20s while in the same breath essentially saying they forced themselves into her apartment and have been staying there whether she likes it or not.
>she only says she 'wasn't allowed to;' possibly in the same way a kid 'isn't allowed' to go out late past a certain time
And she is a grown woman who doesn't need her parents to allow her to go to the hospital. Why and how would they even prevent her from going? So you probably think she's exaggerating to shit which makes her parents look bad?

>> No.75798398

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.75798433
File: 6 KB, 227x222, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn why tf did this thread get derailed this hard

>> No.75798568

That's content creation
>Dealing with suppliers, storage space
That's still content creation and money handling
>checking over business emails
That's money handling. You're bad at this

>> No.75798626

It seems like there's more to this story that is not being told by Doki and is information only her parents know but they obviously aren't in a position to share.

>> No.75799082

Man you lot really are grasping at straws these days. Still waiting for a source on her mom having control of her money but if you're stupid enough to consider checking emails handling money, then we cant expect much eh.

>> No.75799526

Yes, we all know her mom getting her to do business talks is code for "my mom checks my emails". You truly are a superior intelligent being than the average person.

>> No.75799607

Why the Aryan Sun?

>> No.75799852

Hey, at least I'm not dumb enough to assume that means that actually her mum has complete control of her money.

>> No.75799908

>From what Doki said, her mom hits her dog because she thinks it's fun
Doki said
>because to her "it's fun"
this means that this was supposedly something her mom said but Doki doesn't just outright say 'she hits the dog for fun' she makes a point of putting it like 'in her words she said this' - at the end of the twitlonger Doki addresses her mom directly saying she thinks her mom will read it; this makes it seem like she is calling out her mom out for the reason she gave for hitting the dog, putting her words to her.
Whether Doki actually believed her mom hit the dog 'for fun' I don't know.
>From what Doki said, her mom hits her dog because she thinks it's fun
I think she is upset and trying to make them look bad in the twitlonger (becase she thinks they will read it i.e. it's spitefully directed at them) but this doesn't mean it is fabricated. It means she is probably venting about things that happened.
>She still accuses her dad of beating her
again, she never said he was 'beating her' she said he 'got physically abusive towards me' after a heated argument.
>while she is a woman in her 20s
do you think women in their 20s are unable to be beaten? This is a strange thing to say here so I don't know why you did, as if her age discredits it from happening somehow
>essentially saying they forced themselves into her apartment and have been staying there whether she likes it or not
I don't see how this is contradicted by her being in her 20s, she also said that they were the ones paying for the apartment.
>And she is a grown woman who doesn't need her parents to allow her to go to the hospital
>Why and how would they even prevent her from going?
I literally said the opposite that nothing she said implied she was being physically prevented from going. Doki doesn't even say whether she actually did go or not, just that they said she 'wasn't allowed to.'
You're also just glossing over the relationship dynamic that she is a (probably sheltered) shut-in girl on meds with overbearing parents living with her are paying for the apartment. This would affect what Doki feels like she can and can't do despite her age - and some people are just less assertive than others. And she is asian - chinese specifically - and their families are where the children are very passive and loyal to their parents.
>She had four years to leave the apartment where she clearly had the money to move out but didn't
you literally don't know that she didn't move out, you don't even know that the place she's living in now is the same place - you're just assuming this based on her interacting with her parents again post Niji/the attempts but you don't actually know what happened between that time.

>> No.75799956

So, after all the scandals and incidents and the thorough scorching of Nijisanji"s reputation, why are there any remaining fans of their English branch? Is it an emotional sunk cost? Contrarian behavior cranked up to ridiculous levels? Simple trolling? Why do we still get people defending them?

>> No.75800319

all of the above

>> No.75800442

>I think she is upset and trying to make them look bad in the twitlonger
So she's exaggerating to make her mother look bad
>she said he 'got physically abusive towards me' after a heated argument.
Which implies what? Her age matters because some people think it's acceptable to hit children for the sake of discipline and she is full grown adult. Her parents forcing herself into her apartment and then being "physically abusive" towards her makes them sound like they're just psychopaths.
>This would affect what Doki feels like she can and can't do despite her age
So she could have gone if she wanted to? Because her own words make it seem like her parents were trying to prevent her from going to the hospital
>you literally don't know that she didn't move out
She posted a photo of her dog with her dad's leg in it. She also talked about wanting to get her own place recently

>> No.75800816

Fun fact

Luca said in a membership stream he brought a bb gun to school and thought it was funny. His mom even defended him against school staff and teachers.

Sonny threw away the sandwiches his sister made for him for no reason other then to be a brat.


>> No.75800926

What.....? Sometimes, family relationships are complicated and not perfect life isn't some movie. My parents aren't perfect human beings. You're trying to paint this into something weird. You don't know her nor her parents at the end of the day.

You must definitely be American

>> No.75800929

I feel like her attempt was a wake up call for her parents

>> No.75800991
File: 826 KB, 2404x1260, 1696706356305830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the nijien thread. It's end stage degradation of a hobby.

>> No.75801232

>So she's exaggerating to make her mother look bad
like I said this doesn't mean it didn't happen
>Her age matters because some people think it's acceptable to hit children for the sake of discipline and she is full grown adult
from everything she said it seems like they still view her like a child which is the main issue
>Her parents forcing herself into her apartment and then being "physically abusive" towards her makes them sound like they're just psychopaths.
no it makes them sound like overbearing retards that don't trust her to live on her own and act like short-tempered retards when they get into arguments
>So she could have gone if she wanted to?
she said they were paying for the apartment and that was 4 years ago before she had the level of money she has now - maybe she herself just didn't feel like she was able to leave and get another place; also there's no guarantee they wouldn't just follow her anyway. You can say that's irrational or immature thinking but it's not unlikely, plenty of zoomers and even millenials these days still live with their parents and feel so ill equipped to live independently that they invented the term 'adulting' as if they are children pretending to be adults
(personally I think this kind of behavior is weak and retarded but none of my defence of Doki has precluded her from being a retard)
>She posted a photo of her dog with her dad's leg in it. She also talked about wanting to get her own place recently
the situation with her parents obviously changed over those 4 years and she might be more amicable with them now
I don't see how her being with them now means that story was entirely made up

>> No.75801327

There are those who will disagree with you because of her track record of fumbling the bag onstream. Selen was very good in her prime, and even her state of being washed rn is still pretty decent. She's not used to performing in environments like tournaments where the pressure feels more palpable and real. She's more akin to a ranked warrior who can thrive when she's in the zone and grinding regularly. Regardless of how much the board shits on her bad showing onstream, Selen has the Pred badges and the top500 scores to prove she has what it takes as long as she can get herself running.

A sad stark contrast to this is Rosemi, who fumbled the bag at her Tekken tourney after people hyped her up enough to get people thinking she was better than she ended up demonstrating.

>> No.75801336

Luca is currently living with his parents despite being beat on by his mom and older brother. His dad also didn't come back into his life until he was 14. And he forgave them.

>> No.75801421

God. I've been disconnected from this drama for awhile but this thread reminded me how subhuman nijisisters are. Can you all just kill yourselves already?

>> No.75801433

That’s clearly vril white supremacist garbage

>> No.75801556

No one's gonna believe me but as a iluna fan and all the shit they got at debut. I'm so glad they are finally getting that treatment. Even to the detriment of my oshi who has no chance of getting popular because every niji fan pushed the golden 20 BULLSHIT and said the new livers were bad.

>> No.75801584

If you just came in, collapse this post

>> No.75801601

Why is it still up?
Is the big question the holomods need to answer

>> No.75801666

She’s Chinese

>> No.75802052

>Whether or not these claims about her family are even true or exaggerated is beside the point
Actually, it's literally the most important thing there is, not just in this context, but in any context.

>> No.75802052,1 [INTERNAL] 

Her asking for dono for medical care and saying something like she was irresponsible of her health card. That was fucking something as a canadian myself. Like at least say its for prescriptions or your therapist because yes those shit arent covered.

Then her always getting copium being ex pred and ex top 500. Overly defensive about being boosted. Then not streaming her climb to top 500 on Overwatch but duoing with muma. Or duoing with acid on apex or nocturne.

Yet always putting down others being boosted like mercy mains and egirls.

Maple/Doki/Selen was how I got into vtubers and niji as originally from the overwatch community. She was an artist who made icons with all the well known pros and streamers in the ow community. She knew mendo, S4, etc. She set up crossovers with my favourite ow streamers. She was good at fps and i love fps.

She introduced me to the rest of the niji girls and i loved their friendship. But now apparently the girls bullied her when she willingly invited to collab and hang with them especially enna. Vox and ike too.

Then now her friend comes out that the exact friends where bullies she willingly hanged out with. Maybe that friend is wrong but im disappointed she didnt admonish that friend at all.

Maple was the one who didnt make effort to join collabs and prioritized her own group of friends in the fps community. Which i thought thats fine theres nothing wrong with that. But she turned it around and let this bullying accusation thing way too rampant in her community.

I understand her and elira probably got beef. But im sure it didnt help when she tried to use the girls to make her feel better at apex. Like some kind of pick me.

Last straw was seeing her finally stream overwatch and being disappointed about her copium and putting down others to make her feel better. Again as originally from her ow community. She doesnt have to cope that she is washed. Its normal and understandable.

But its not true that it was *harder* back then and rank is easier now. The skills of players have grown so much in ow. Ppl like all her old friends mendo s4 dpsstanky sleepy ARE washed too! Even legends like miro is.

Im so disappointed. I dont normally post here but i needed to let it out somewhere. I understand she has mental issues. And sadly again thats another thing i related about her. But just because we have depressive and bipolar tendencies doesnt mean we get shielded from criticism and accountability.

As a gamer i come across way too much girls with suicidal tendencies manipulating people. I really dont think she is that way... im copium because again it was mostly niji and her friends fault. And she did say not to blame and bully others.

She didnt do anything bad just gets a bit copium and tend to lie a bit to make herself seem better which is normal for humans.

>> No.75802052,2 [INTERNAL] 

Her asking for dono for medical care and saying something like she was irresponsible of her health card. That was fucking something as a canadian myself. Like at least say its for prescriptions or your therapist because yes those shit arent covered.

Then her always getting copium being ex pred and ex top 500. Overly defensive about being boosted. Then not streaming her climb to top 500 on Overwatch but duoing with muma. Or duoing with acid on apex or nocturne.

Yet always putting down others being boosted like mercy mains and egirls.

Maple/Doki/Selen was how I got into vtubers and niji as originally from the overwatch community. She was an artist who made icons with all the well known pros and streamers in the ow community. She knew mendo, S4, etc. She set up crossovers with my favourite ow streamers. She was good at fps and i love fps.

She introduced me to the rest of the niji girls and i loved their friendship. But now apparently the girls bullied her when she willingly invited to collab and hang with them especially enna. Vox and ike too.

Then now her friend comes out that the exact friends where bullies she willingly hanged out with. Maybe that friend is wrong but im disappointed she didnt admonish that friend at all.

Maple was the one who didnt make effort to join collabs and prioritized her own group of friends in the fps community. Which i thought thats fine theres nothing wrong with that. But she turned it around and let this bullying accusation thing way too rampant in her community.

I understand her and elira probably got beef. But im sure it didnt help when she tried to use the girls to make her feel better at apex. Like some kind of pick me.

Last straw was seeing her finally stream overwatch and being disappointed about her copium and putting down others to make her feel better. Again as originally from her ow community. She doesnt have to cope that she is washed. Its normal and understandable.

But its not true that it was *harder* back then and rank is easier now. The skills of players have grown so much in ow. Ppl like all her old friends mendo s4 dpsstanky sleepy ARE washed too! Even legends like miro is.

Im so disappointed. I dont normally post here but i needed to let it out somewhere. I understand she has mental issues. And sadly again thats another thing i related about her. But just because we have depressive and bipolar tendencies doesnt mean we get shielded from criticism and accountability.

As a gamer i come across way too much girls with suicidal tendencies manipulating people. I really dont think she is that way... im copium because again it was mostly niji and her friends fault. And she did say not to blame and bully others.

She didnt do anything bad just gets a bit copium and tend to lie a bit to make herself seem better which is normal for humans.
