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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75753478 No.75753478 [Reply] [Original]

Gura is, uh... yeah...

>> No.75753781

so true sister

>> No.75753940

This literally only bothers retarded Chumbuds at this point. She's the mascot Cover pulls out for big event and sponsorship profits, that's her role in the company. And I see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.75754264


>> No.75754406

>This literally only bothers retarded Chumbuds
It doesn't even bother them anymore tho. They are used to it from the past year. Only ones bitching about Gura are sisters trying to get some pointless reactions /here/ for some reason.

>> No.75754722

Kill yourself sister
You won't rest until everyone in hololive streams as little as Gura in the hope people resort to watching your shitters.

>> No.75755337

Still the #1 vtuber in the world? We know
Meanwhile today another niji graduated

>> No.75755455

>This literally only bothers retarded nijisister
ftfy, holo is thriving to the point that gura dont even need to stream AT ALL and making bank, the only one seething is nijisister

>> No.75755558
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>> No.75756789

As a chumbud, both of you kill yourselves.
Why the ever living fuck do you think this doesn't bother us? Do you have any fucking idea how much we miss her?
Gura makes a ton of money for Cover. Great. But we never get to see her and she won't even say why. So why should I care if she makes money? The more successful she is the less time she spends with us, so why should I want that?
Faggots like you use her to either say "look how good hololive is doing", but the only ones that lose are us.
Run an ice pick into your throat.

>> No.75756941

she is dead, unironically only nijniggers like you still care because you are dumb fucks that can't think up new materal.

>> No.75757083

>as a chumbud
stop falseflagging nijinigger
her fans complain in her membership where it actually matter, not seethe on 4chan.

>> No.75757195

I do both thank you very much

>> No.75757638

seethe more nyfco sister

>> No.75758096

The challenges Gura has overcome until now has made her into a better and stronger person. I think if she's become more averse to live streaming, then choosing the easy route and doing it less will have the opposite degenerative effect.
She's just lovely to have around and the world is better for it, but maybe she could get to thinking she's better off without the world, which is wrong.

>> No.75758185

Inconsistent, we’re aware

>> No.75758411

>her fans complain in her membership
No we don't, you larping faggot. That's the problem.
The last comment in her member comment section of her latest member's VOD was from two days ago. It's
"Thank you Gooba :_WuvXob::_WuvXob::_WuvXob:" by @user-sk5io7ix7l
Fucking kill yourself, you lying pig-fucking asshole.

>> No.75758577

This triggered the sisters so they've been overtiming their Gura anti-ing lately

>> No.75758712

When will you realise that she can do anything she wants. She is holding Cover by the balls.

>> No.75758744

>Why the ever living fuck do you think this doesn't bother us?
Well if I were a chumbud and she treated me this way I probably would’ve moved on by now if it genuinely bothered me. If you are a chumbud, you probably shouldn’t be supporting her if she’s making you feel shitty, ultimately vtubing is supposed to be a fun hobby and I think chumbuds are missing out.

>> No.75758894


>> No.75759058 [DELETED] 

You aren't a fan of Gura. She's streamed less than 20 times in the past 9 months.
Stop using her and us in your retarded corpo war bullshit.
If you think we chumbuds aren't sad because of Gura abandoning us, then you're retarded. Kill yourself. None of us have ever cared about your fanbase wars. We don't even think about you. That's how little you matter to us. Gura is all that matters and she's just gone and doesn't care about us anymore. Of course we're sad.
Fuck you for trying to use us as some kind of shield.
And nijiniggers tongue my anus.

All of you fucking die.

>> No.75759301


>> No.75759792

You think I don't know that? I would if I could, but no one else even comes close.
There are unironically chumbuds that are so broken hearted that they want her to graduate. I'm not there yet, but I get it. It really feels like she abandoned us and only treats us like ATMs now.
She said she would do better, but she said she also knows that actions speak louder than words. Then she disappeared for 5 months and wouldn't talk to us. Came back for two weeks and has been pretty much gone since January.
There are still a bunch of retard yesbuds that are happy with anything, and they'll try and tell you that they think nothing is wrong. And then other fanbases try and say that we don't care and that Gura is a mascot so it's fine that she doesn't give a shit about her fans.
None of this is fun anymore.

>> No.75759842

looks like my github

>> No.75759903


>> No.75760010

For those asking, today’s post flood is sponsored by:
>Holo breaking record revenue, higher than Niji records
>Lazulight anniversary stream got homo invaded, Finana did it again. Mint is still mogging them easily with a part 3 of a game.

>> No.75760042


>> No.75760361

This thread is stupid but at the same time anyone defending her is also stupid. Just move on, she doesn't care and neither should you.
>no one can replace her
Then fuck off from watching vtubers all together you whiny faggot.

>> No.75760688


>> No.75761400

Most loyal fanbase

>> No.75761533

>>75760010 (me)
New sponsor:
>Cover opens stock with a 19% increase, recovering an entire month of loss in a single day the same way Niji lost 25% of value in a single Q3.

>> No.75761660

Damn Togashi ought to hire her as an assistant for HxH

>> No.75761691

>but niji-
I do not care. Tell me how you benefit in any way from Gura not streaming.
>but hololive q4 numbe-
You do not receive a single cent.

>> No.75762991

Unbelievable chumbuds their is not near enough cope that will save you now.

>> No.75763316
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>> No.75765398
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So it's safe to say I should just filter "brothers" and "sisters" on this board now.
This is getting too fucking retarded.

>> No.75768202

HxH? yeah I know

>> No.75768284

bother is a verb, anon.

>> No.75768467

I don’t really understand why people even pretend to think she’s coming back when she does stream, now. Let it go

>> No.75771274


>> No.75771479

looks like my github :D

>> No.75771523

Damn her github activity is grim

>> No.75771626

wait fuuuuuck this guy said it before me, i will kill myself for being an unoriginal nigga

>> No.75771662

Gura is going through shit. Give her a break.

>> No.75771771

I think sisters are just jealous because their dying organs aren't streaming but they're also not as successful as Gura

>> No.75771825

>dying organs
Just like Mio lmaoooo

>> No.75771984

Honestly I get it. It sucks. No joke. The choices you can make now are simple but they aren’t easy, that’s what people don’t get. Yeah you can leave her all behind, all the good times and memories, but there will always be a part of you that will remember and when it happens it’s just an empty bitter why and what if. In the end we have to try our best and be the best version of ourselves and move on from people that were an important part of our lives but are no longer. Perhaps your paths will cross again but that is something for the future to bear. You can remember someone’s memory without being tied down by it.

>> No.75772078

If you’re still attached to gura in any way I’m genuinely fucking worried for you. please, talk to a therapist

>> No.75772130
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Yeah and?

>> No.75772231

>and she won't even say why
Because she's a dysfunctional womanchild with multiple physical and mental illnesses that makes doing any more than the bare minimum a tremendous task? It's pretty obvious she's just kind of a mess and she just does what she absolutely needs to in order to buy her next vegan frozen TV dinner and screw around online all day.

>> No.75772445

I just watch other people until Gura does something, only people missing out are people who are retarded honestly but maybe I can't relate because I don't put all my stocks into watching a specific vtuber

>> No.75772564

as long as she can make money who cares ?

>> No.75772578

>109 hours in 45 weeks
actually much higher than I thought it would be, honestly

>> No.75772580

not everyone can be a disloyal whore, yes

>> No.75772628

That reminds me of the HxH hiatus charts on /a/ kek

>> No.75772673

It's only your loss, Gura would've never wanted me to only watch her in the first place.

>> No.75772729

itt a bunch of anons call each other sister for the crime of having an oshi

>> No.75772800

do normies even watch her stream?
i think they just saw her merch and think its cute and a good gift for children

>> No.75772838
File: 18 KB, 860x128, Screenshot from 2024-05-13 21-48-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of this is fun anymore
just watch other vtubers if you aren't having fun anymore, nobody is forcing you to be miserable getting your hopes up for someone who gave up long ago. maybe try branching out of just hololive, there's a lot of vtubers out there at this point, the landscape isn't what it was when myth debuted anymore

t. day 1 chumbud that gave up on gura/hololive last year and now enjoys vtubers again

>> No.75772955

Haha, looks like my github

>> No.75773287

I'm glad Gura's successful and I hope she's alright, but I also miss her greatly. I hope the shark comes back someday... or that we learn what happened to her, at least.

>> No.75773544

Gura looks like the idol that abandoned her old fans to chase stardom, but she also looks like a washed-up artist because she's putting in no effort without the company's help anymore.

>> No.75773923

fucking based the hololive fanbase going crazy over how much money the company makes over their own enjoyment is peak tribalism brainrot

>> No.75774520
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>> gura’ manager is shit
Even Shion is more active than Gura, during her vacation

>> No.75774527

there, so you just unveiled yourself.
just go back and support your dying branch sister. ahahahaha
in "support", i mean "watch", since your a pagpag and watching is the only thing you can do, lmao

>> No.75774666

Glad to see that copebuds still like to make fanfictions about her.

>> No.75774991

nta but the same criticism could easily be applied to nijinigs too, it applies well to corpofags in general

>> No.75775756
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>Gura is, uh... yeah...

>> No.75776037

Open your wallet chumfuck

>> No.75776066

in my basement? Yeah.

>> No.75776865

I'm sorry? Did you not get the memo? You were one of the groups that I said should die, you stupid cunt.

>> No.75779515

Exactly the numbers and money obsession has ruined this fucking board. I don’t give a shit how much money some corporation makes.

>> No.75780709

she probably pays as much attention to her members as her twitter

>> No.75782788

If she wanted you to only watch her she would stream

>> No.75782870

Glorious Hololive Supremacy

>> No.75782884

this board was a cesspool from the very beginning, nothing was “ruined”. you were just younger and dumber

>> No.75783720

Cover should announce that if it's that serious. Like Mio.

>> No.75784680

she streams down my throat every day though
