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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75738164 No.75738164 [Reply] [Original]

>75% of revenue comes from outside streaming
>Debut a new gen, wind down streaming within a year

>> No.75738216
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Hololive...only grows stronger... :3

>> No.75738374

Why does JP still mostly stream then?
It's almost as if Cover would love for them to stream but westerners are too lazy.

>> No.75738458

No they don't
Mio, Shion, Marine, Ayame, Laplus...etc don't stream

>> No.75738529

>Why does JP still mostly stream then?
Please explain what
are doing.

>> No.75738565

Mio has cancer and Marine has concerts, please get your facts straight because there's plenty of other JPs that are lazy for real.

>> No.75738576

It's ok when JP does it.

>> No.75738599

Streaming is still the single most important thing for remaining present and available to the fanbase that buys merchandise.

>> No.75738647

Expalne Gura then.

>> No.75738657
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>> No.75738685

Let's use some facts. Nobody has streamed less than Gura over the past two years.

>> No.75738696
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>> No.75738701

Nene streams a good amount and Haachama streams a lot

>> No.75738708

Suisei is always working on music, and unlike goobus she actually delivers pretty regularly. Nene down from that list still stream. Weak bait.

>> No.75738837

>Why does JP still mostly stream then?
A lot of JPs stream for fun. Sora's streams are her chilling out from all the Hololive work she's been doing during the day. Same with Koyori if I remember correctly. In EN everything is work to them, especially streams.

>> No.75738898

Streaming is still a quarter of their revenue. It's also the primary reason people care about concerts and merch as much as they do.
Currently there are enough talents streaming consistently that fans are still invested in the state of hololive as a whole, but if streams were to dry up completely that could change.

>> No.75738961


Because the issue is a lot more complex than "25% of revenue from streams."

Two categories that are only going to grow in revenue are going to be the live concerts and sponsorships. Why? Because concerts themselves are an investment with a lot of immediate expenses attached...expenses that Hololive has now paid. They've invested into all kinds of studios and software to make those happen, and now they seem pretty much set. Therefore, as time goes on, concert revenue will be higher since there are less expenses to subtract from it.

Meanwhile, sponsorships are something that is more lucrative the more popular Hololive is. As Hololive grows and gains in popularity, their sponsorships become more appealing for advertisers, meaning advertisers will shell out more and more money to make them happen. This category, alongside concerts, showed the most revenue growth as a result. Love it or hate it, advertisers and sponsors are unfortunately "where the money's at," so the more of this that are involved, the more this will draw percentage points away from the other categories shown.

Finally, streaming itself is something where Cover themselves only get a cut. Every donation or bit of profit gained initially goes through Google's profit filter before ever reaching Cover, let alone the talents. By default, this means streaming has a handicap when compared to the other categories, where Cover pockets 100% of the profit and at most just divides it internally with their own talents.

However, as their presentation also touched on, streaming is where everything starts. Without streaming, you do not generate discussion, which does not generate free press and marketing via discussion, which does not generate interest, which then cannot push sales and sponsorships.

To look at this and say "they should stop streaming since it makes no money" would be akin to a bakery getting rid of their flour because customers rarely buy it. It doesn't matter. It's still the foundation of the revenue generated elsewhere. People would not be interested in merchandising, concerts or sponsorship deals with the hololive talents if they were not already generating fan interest via streaming.

>> No.75739003

My bad, I hadn't realized she had picked up streaming in the last month!

>> No.75739068

Reminder that nijitrannies are afraid for 2 reasons
1 Advent is currently in JP which means 3D
2 Q4 report drop soon and they just saw Cover make a 10b profit

>> No.75739154

playing valorant with random dudes

>> No.75739320

Tried to kill herself, failed (again).
Preventing nene from kysing herself
Too much off stream valorant.
Same as Ayame
Views herself as a popstar with a streaming side-gig.
I feel like Aqua streams a lot when she wants to.
She's an 'idol' now.
Women who end in co hate streaming
Too busy trying to recapture the magic she had back in 2019.

>> No.75739338

Reminders that nijitrannies aren't real because no one watches their shit

>> No.75739444

If Gura streamed every day for a month all her haters would be drowned out by the chumhorde. If Gura had constant promotions like "gorbus voiced by gar gura" at the local japanese aquarium, taiwan and seol and singapore and hong kong promotions, voicing a character in cover's original cartoon etc. people probably wouldn't care. It's just that gura says "big stuff is coming, for real" since 2021 and it's like one MV every year, merch drop and then back to the shark cave to mald about other lolis trying to steal her captive paypigs.

>> No.75739544

Scooby dooby doo
Japanese women who don't know what hololive is buy the little shark girl for their 5 year old daughter.

>> No.75739604

>She's an 'idol' now.
What does that even mean in this context?

>> No.75739606
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Also, holy shit that concert/event revenue.

>> No.75739651
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Nigger, are you serious.

>> No.75739768

Whatever you want it to meme bby.

>> No.75739788

Did you just throw a bunch of random names in there or what?

>> No.75739822

It's funny that vtubing 'goes too fast' for people's brains to keep up. He's thinking about Aqua as she was in 2021, when she was on long hiatuses, but in 2023 Aqua's been streaming a lot but his brain didn't keep up with that.

>> No.75739881

>Elden ring
>meme games
Doesn't clunt as streaming

>> No.75739973

Most Holofans are too busy to watch streams anyways, I rather they spend more time working on some big projects like concerts and large 3d collabs shows.

I think Gura is a successful example, she's been working on more projects and made more money and more fans from it than streaming.

Streaming also causes a lot of stress, just look at Mio. Also, the EN girls have to travel to japan a couple times a year to record stuffs, Cover should only allow them to stream once a month at most to prevent overworking.

>> No.75740180

>she's been working on more projects
She has?!

>> No.75740190

I remember when we used to make fun of clipfags for not watching streams...

>> No.75740363

Copebuds are so funny sometimes.

>> No.75740435
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>the Concerts/Events revenue from the last quarter completely eclipses all revenue from each quarter of FY2022 into early 2023

>> No.75740670

nah, they should stop streaming

>> No.75740851

Its so weird to think that streams, the bread and butter are in reality just branding for cover and the real moneymakers.

>> No.75740977

I'm okay with them streaming less if in return we get more concerts and 3D lives.

>> No.75741081

There are plenty of it already. They should instead cut down some if it.

>> No.75741478

>didn't stream 11 days ago
>didn't stream 1 day ago
she obviously doesn't stream.

>> No.75741590

>Please explain what Suisei is doing

>> No.75741784

Wrong they're just too busy shitting the board instead of watching their dying organs

>> No.75741878

Advent is recording their 3D. Some will become lazy after that, some will keep streaming as usual
Its a rite of passage and a test of character

>> No.75741890

She did that thing at that aquarium back in Jan/Feb. Tickets for the event sold out within a few minutes. So many people showed up that the aquarium issued a public apology for not having enough merch for all the visitors.

When was the last time people made reservations for a show at an aquarium in such large numbers? When was the last time an aquarium gift shop had to close for the day earlier than normal due to the shelves going empty?

>> No.75742032
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When we actually work out the math, there is a good chance that by not streaming, the talent is losing out on a bunch of money. Residual adsense and memberships can only do so much.
>Assuming livestream revenue includes YT's cut, so 30/35/35
>FY 2024/3 Q4 (in MM yen)
Livestream Revenue = 2,157
Talent Share = 754.95 (2,157*.35)
Remuneration = 1,488
Stream revenue as % of remuneration = 50.74%
>FY 2024/3 Full Year (in MM yen)
Livestream Revenue = 7,647
Talent share = 2,676.45
Remuneration = 4,718
Stream revenue as % of remuneration = 56.73%
>Assuming that livestream revenue does not include platform cuts (there's a good chance based on how YT files form 1099-MISC)
Refer to graph, 72.48% of an "average Cover vtuber"'s income came from livestreaming/content creation.
Not streaming doesn't mean they get nothing from YT (especially since YT checks the royalty box on Form 1099-MISC), but it can hurt.

>> No.75742082

it's not that weird when you think about it. Youtube takes a significant cut out of memberships and superchats as is and ad revenue has never been great, which leaves sponsored streams and it's unclear if those get factored into streaming or collab revenue. streaming is mostly just advertising for events and and merch that pays for itself.

>> No.75742106

...What? This doesn't even make sense

>> No.75742156

And what does literally any of that have to do with Gura? She's not sending those emails. She's not managing the gift shop. Everything she does for her "projects" is no different than any other holomem who does/has done an offline event and still manages to keep up their steam schedules: regular rehearsals.

>> No.75742328

Like i get it, it makes sense on paper but still weird. Like when i learned 50 Cent made most of his money with Vitamin Water not actually beinga a rapper.

>> No.75742369


>> No.75742402

yes anon we know it's an idol agency.

>> No.75743668

Both days were members only stream

>> No.75744096


>> No.75745087
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It's easy to stream when it feels like a hobby, where you get to hang out with people and talk or play some games.
It's stressful to stream when it feels like a job where you have to roleplay as an anime character for simps you feel conflicted about.

>> No.75745177


>> No.75745219

And why might they feel conflicted, wisdomkun?

>> No.75745306
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>> No.75745677

That takes a grand total of one second to brush off. While I’d hate the idea of my own work producing smut, I cannot control it, for example, so I have to get over it. Same thing applies here.

>> No.75745831

They can feel thankful for the support, validated in their skills as an entertainer, and/or desired as a woman.
On the other hand, they can feel sorry for keeping their fans engaged in a sad hobby, undeserving of their success, and/or weirded out by the fact that they can be seen as part escort and part gravure model for lonely men.

>> No.75745895

There's a difference between having to get over something because you can't control it, and being able to.

>> No.75746227

While certainly true, i’d hope they’d have plentiful examples as to why you can, in fact, power through it. Not that they can, mind you, but entertainment isn’t without its hard knocks to begin with. Perhaps they could benefit collectively and individually from viewing their own work at a distance.

>> No.75746432

It might depend on how much they feel like they "are" their avatar. I know some vtubers just see their avatar as a character they happen to voice, while others really identify as it.

>> No.75747536

jesas some of the streamed less than 1h/day avg for the entire year

>> No.75748407

This is exactly how the Japanese talent agency model has worked forever. The real money has always been in sponsorships/advertising, branding, and merchandise.
Direct entertainment products like movies/TV shows/concerts/music albums are always risky and don't always have great returns, but they're valuable in establishing a connection between the audience and talent that lets you sell stuff to them later.

>> No.75748566

Based mathbro. There's standouts like Gura who seem to be getting a ton of cash from being the "mascot" of Hololive, but I think the average Hololive member is only hurting themselves by not streaming.

>> No.75748743


>> No.75748972
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It's not even just a talent agency thing, this is just a common trend across the media industry. Look at all of the biggest IPs in the world and most of them make the vast majority of their money through things like merchandising.

>> No.75749763
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Gura has streamed less than 20 times in the last 9 months. Every time she "comes back", she says she's going to try harder and that we mean so much to her. She even says she loves us.
She's a grifting, manipulative whore that's lying about her private life, and so are many of the others. They don't give a shit about their fans. All they care about is money.
If they actually cared about their fans beyond being wallet cucks, they'd want to spend time with them and stream.

>> No.75750016

It's still shocking how low their Licensing and collabs income is.
Sponsors offer 10x times more to US streamers, than their stream income. JP brands must pay bottom dollar.
