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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 47 KB, 313x106, griftmouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75682065 No.75682065 [Reply] [Original]

So that's why she's been using that sickness grift more often now.

>> No.75683278

This is actually interesting if some autist could keep a spreadsheet on how often she pushes le sickness and see if it it coincides with her talking about money related issues

>> No.75683536

Give her a break. She inherited $5.2 million dollars in debt and has to move into a gas station in the US. Can't blame her for soliciting a bit to get her out of it.

>> No.75683846 [DELETED] 

isn't it Mother's Day in america rn? can you not talk shit about her today

>> No.75684015

Why, Connor finally did it?
Also Mother’s day is global except in uncivilized countries.

>> No.75684781
File: 122 KB, 330x288, grifterino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit it's so bad that she's had to get a part time job, i guess the grift will never end

>> No.75684808

It's becoming harder and harder to believe she isn't a pathological liar that uses sympathy to squeeze money out of people

>> No.75684860

This is Ironmouse, she probably OWNS the grocery store, like Amouranth owns a 7/11 in new jersey or something.

>> No.75685149

This, twitch incomes were leaked in a hack a few years back, she is a millionaire guaranteed. She is fake to the core, all the way up and down the chain. At best she might be whitewashing "boo hoo I'm totally in debt and poor like you guys lol.. man my mortgage on my 3rd house really makes me so poor lol.."

>> No.75685227

Retard didn't watch the video, she's in debt in Gas Station Simulator, the game she played in the video

>> No.75685287
File: 114 KB, 332x258, ironship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it doesn't seem to be working out since she's resorted to salvaging ships for scrap, baka this grift runs so deep

>> No.75685302

Since no one is gonna link the video here it is

btw it's about a game

>> No.75685499

Like your oshi Gura?

>> No.75685523

This is probably bait but she's still a lying whore.

>> No.75685640
File: 240 KB, 1080x1055, doxxfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is getting desperate..

>> No.75685690

you're so right anon
she's gonna slip up and reveal her act any year now!

>> No.75685729

what the frick is a big name vtuber doing with all that money? bitcoin?

>> No.75685758

Kek of course she follows this faggot

>> No.75685809

why does gura live rent free in your head? brought her up out of nowhere

>> No.75685866
File: 1.27 MB, 1468x1436, 1707353365585116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing this board, it's most likely just she's playing a game where debt is the premise and she used that for the title. Anon then sees this and sees a brilliant shitposting opportunity.

>> No.75685936

I hate Gura for the exact same reason. This behavior is absolutely sickening to me.

I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, especially with the sickness, but when the girl cries wolf so many times it starts to become hard to trust her

>> No.75686051

trolling this board is unironically so easy
still, good job OP

>> No.75686143

668k before tax over two years

>> No.75686284 [DELETED] 

She's a single mother.

>> No.75686323

You're right, see >>75685302

>> No.75686368

Just pull a DSP and file for bankruptcy.

>> No.75686503

i mean, if she lives in the USA it makes sense for her to be in debt

>> No.75686551

>Retard didn't watch the video
He probably did, he's just using it to bait vshotards since they're literally the dumbest group on the board. Seriously, they swallow every last bit of bait dropped on the board.

>> No.75686638

You think any of the posts in this thread using the OP pic to shit on her are VShojo fans?

>> No.75686682

She's Puerto Rican, which is technically the US, but also not.

>> No.75686742

Who's been swallowing the most bait this thread, the vshojo people or the anti-vshojo people?

>> No.75686876

She does vtubers deep dives from time to time and she talked about this guys model and followed him back then, bet she doesn't even know about the drama
I'm not gonna bother to look for the vod since it has been more than 2 years at least, since she went over this guys model
Anyways this board is gonna think whatever scenario favors their headcanon

>> No.75687314

Funny how doxxers are fine but Doki is the line she won't cross

>> No.75687576

Nta, but is she actually in Puerto Rico? There are more Puerto Ricans in the states in the US than actually in Puerto Rico.

>> No.75687661

Not anymore, she lives in East Coast US

>> No.75687724

But she wont Follow or even mention Dooki HUH???

>> No.75687798

how is she singlehandedly tearing down a wrecked ship i thought she was deathly ill something dont add up

>> No.75688161
File: 111 KB, 291x299, 1708816613306441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, should have known it was a sister falseflag. Do you not have any fucking shame to shittalk her one thread than use her as an offensive prop in another? Keep my oshi's name out of your pagpag-gorging mouths.

>> No.75688555

Retard I like doki, don't include me with that subhuman. I just find it funny that mouse follows some random doxxer but not doki.

>> No.75688635


>> No.75688644
File: 458 KB, 1079x765, ironmouse vs hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking bitch is leeching off of Hololive AND hating on them I hate her

>> No.75688787

>holo randomly bringing up her fertility out of nowhere
Get these holowhores away from her.

>> No.75689149

Anon, do you have any idea how many vtubers she follows? She does not keep up with them all. She featured this guy in a deep dive a few years ago and spoke positively about him at the time but she's not a fucking psychic. Are you going to assume she's besties with a few thousand vtubers and content creators just because she follows them?

>> No.75689500

When will she tell the truth?? SHOW YOUR TAX RETURNS IRONLUNG

>> No.75689935


>> No.75690100

Dude she's been desperate for years. I don't think I can think of a time when she WASN'T desperate.

>> No.75690237

Kek she is such a two faced backstabber. Goes on about how much she loves Calli and that she'll defend Calli against everything. And yet support filth who shit on Calli openly.

>> No.75690343

She follows so many vtubers yet not Doki, I wonder why..

>> No.75691848

If mouse is so cool with doxfags and airing everyone else's dirty laundry why doesn't she lead by example, then. Instead she tries extremely fucking hard to paper over shit she directly said long ago because well THAT of course that is off limits just 'cuz and doesn't count. I would say her teenage fans deserve to fully know everything about her before they rally behind her massive hypocrite cause.

>> No.75693225

Wasn't there some graphic or doc or something that basically proves she really is dealing with CVID and it's as bad as she says it is? Some anon analyzed machine sounds and info she drops in her streams and apparently it would be way more fantastical for her to be faking it.

Also she's been involved with some legit charity and plasma donation orgs and shit. You niggers are just hungry for more drama.

>> No.75693453

how was she able to salvage old ships for scrap metal if she's so sick?

>> No.75696503

this is what happens when you get a new fucking model every other month

>> No.75699485

You don't need a doc, you just need to listen to her talk about medical topics. (Spoilers: antis and schizos can't do this simple task.)
She has endless anecdotes about other chronically-ill people she's known either from hospital stays or support groups, and has unreasonably in-depth knowledge about specialized medicine for a layman.

The only way she COULD be faking is if she either
a) planned this years in advance and did hundreds of hours of research
b) has at least an academic background in medicine
The first option is retarded and the second is impossible because she went to art school for opera, which is self-evidently true

>> No.75699961

Dont forget how she actually attended meetings to actually pass legislation for CVID to be covered by health insurance nationwide
But people here will just believe whatever scenario favors their headcanon

>> No.75700547

How is she running a grocery store if any bacteria can fuck her up? isn't she literally living inside a bubble

>> No.75700759

Jesus Christ you people will believe anything

>> No.75703649

America is the most uncivilized country in the world.

>> No.75703753

some faggot over on /#/ or /vsj+/ will probably do that if you ask.

>> No.75704033


>> No.75704398
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 1693498444296529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vshojo antis are retarded thumbnail readers
tell me something new

>> No.75704580

Mouse is a terrible person and a terrible vtuber, but I don't need fake bait for that.

>> No.75704738

True you only need your delusions and mental illness for it.

>> No.75704874

>follows a doxxer
>despite desperately trying to purge her own tweets on her main account from the internet
hypocrite grifter whore

>> No.75705534

She followed him years before the doxx video, retard.

>> No.75705640

she has a functioning time machine

>> No.75706011

Evidence is not a delusion. Facts are not mental illness.

>> No.75706171

Okay Ben Shapiro

>> No.75706318

>some twitch literal who
>somehow the entire board has heard of this one

>> No.75706460

Shouldn't have commissioned 50 unique VTuber models

>> No.75706579

So true sister, you should’ve seen her charge coffee for 50% more than market price and people still visit her store and lap that shit up. Disgusting! When people complained she told them to fuck off to walmart

>> No.75706609

incoming back-to-back sleepathon

>> No.75706676

If this shit is blowing up on twitter AND here then you can bet your ass that someone who has a financial stake in this business would know about it too by now.

>> No.75706927

I could say literally anything about Ironmouse and holobrowns would believe it.
Ironmouse threatened to kill Doki if she ever applied to Vshojo.

>> No.75706953

And yet she continues following him even when she knows better. Don't be a retard, you know that she has a better pulse on this industry than any of us ever will.

>> No.75707155

Trying too hard sisters. Maybe you have better chances complaining that Sayu collabed with a known doxxer once than this nothingburger.

>> No.75707356

>literally no argument
You seem to not be trying at all. Typical brainwashed grift-loving cultist, can't make any logical arguments and just resorts to reciting mantras.

>> No.75707407

Your "argument" was just made up shit without any evidence to back it up.

>> No.75707526

That's funny, considering your argument is just a weaker version of mine. I'm assuming that someone who is highly invested in the twitch vtubing community would be aware of related drama, while you're assuming she's a stupid clueless retard who might as well have just completely lucked into success with no effort.

>> No.75707682

My argument is that she's not responsible for any of the shit a vtuber pulls when her only interaction with them was that she's only followed them years ago on twitter and a follow on twitter doesn't imply endorsement. The fact that you're acting like she has to react immediately and in less than a day to unfollow him is just baffling.

>> No.75707733

How many days should we wait until you'll consider it as tacit support?

>> No.75707847

I'll never consider a twitter follow that happened way before the drama as support unless she specifically comes out and says she endorses his opinions.

>> No.75707875

>following someone on twitter is tacit support

>> No.75707912

More typical cultist reactions.

>> No.75707950

A fucking follow?
When I saw this originally in my timeline, I just scroll down. Once you live in this shitty community, you learn to ignore shit.

>> No.75708053

Post hand

>> No.75708090

>Why doesn't ironmouse follow Doki?
>w-w-w-well you see Doki has a lot of drama so she wants to avoid that...
>Okay so why is she following the doxxnig?
>w-w-w-well twitter follows don't mean support or anything at all really
>So why doesn't she follow Doki when she has over 4k follows already so she clearly isn't going for a minimalist feed?
>w-w-w-well you see Doki has a lot of drama so...

>> No.75708222

Because she's not friends with Doki and never really interacted with Selen either and she followed the doxxnig way before he did a doxx video. Glad we cleared that up.

>> No.75708276

>saying she's FRIENDS with a doxxnig
oof not a good look

>> No.75708318

Reading comprehension reps.

>> No.75708374

>followed him 3 years ago
>the doxxing started this weekend
You aren't very bright.

>> No.75708391

Doki and Ironmouse aren’t friends. Both don’t follow each other, and they have never interacted before, not even as Selen (unless it was probably some huge collab). She followed this guy two years ago and probably is chilling not caring about what’s the newest drama in the community or entering the cesspool that it’s Twitter. Fun fact, if you scroll this shit the algorithm stops showing it for you.

>> No.75708424

First of all it's "dox". Where the second x came from I'll never know.
Second, talking about PLs where the person in question willingly posted their information online is not dox. It never was. The jannies here are retarded and ban for it but that does not make it dox.

>> No.75708507

Normally public figures would dissociate themselves with yab machines because it's common sense that reputation can be shared via association.

>> No.75708528

she isn't associated with him in anyway

>> No.75708611


>> No.75708818

I can't believe that you actually got some people with this. This board really is dumbest board.

>> No.75708934
File: 341 KB, 1078x1437, Screenshot_20240513_022740_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this pedantic yet this wrong on both points.

>> No.75708962

you cannot be this braindead

>> No.75709079

I take one look and I know why. His vtuber model is kinda unique, not my style but she might dig it. Ain’t that deep you pagpag third worlder

>> No.75709081

You are dealing with people who are convinced she has been faking a chronic illness for years without a shred of supporting evidence.

>> No.75709118

Information you post yourself on the public internet is not private information and thus not dox.
Feel free to kill yourself now for trying to sound smart and failing miserably

>> No.75709532
File: 58 KB, 1047x339, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard. Ame did not want her face to be seen. She tried to scrub her old accounts off the internet. Posting her face is technically considered doxing.

>> No.75709835
File: 462 KB, 1110x888, 1714201242307345.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent. Fucking. Free.

>> No.75710055

Are you actually falling for this awful bait? She's in debt in a fucking game.

>> No.75712704
File: 146 KB, 750x1000, Shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should need to pass a iq test before your allowed to post on 4chan but i guess all the sisters would fail ...

>> No.75713934

I don't care about the drama surrounding her, her streams are just boring and her Irish boyfriend is cringe.

>> No.75714104

he's scottish you fucking idiot

>> No.75714212

that's rather cynical

>> No.75714346

>you know that she has a better pulse on this industry than any of us ever will.

>> No.75714765

knee jerk vt sisters? our response?

>> No.75714945

who did he doxx?

>> No.75715177

Amelia Watson from Hololive English Generation 1 Myth

>> No.75715183

>Are you going to assume she's besties with a few thousand vtubers and content creators just because she follows them?

>> No.75715660

What’s with the doki mouse obsession. You’re weird for this
