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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7559878 [Reply] [Original]

Oh God, I finally saw why all of /vt/ adores Selene despite the debuff of being Nijisanji instead of Holobrony

>Have the same chaotic energy
>Both pander to le gamer/4ch crowd
>Both laugh every 4 seconds
>Both slur and have the same talking traits
>Both like being obnxious and smug when discussing stuff with chat

This board can finally admit they love Nuxanor's content now we've got a qt supplying it in a more acceptable medium.

>> No.7559988


>> No.7560042


>> No.7560056


>> No.7560103


>> No.7560124


>> No.7560151

ID doesn't go up
Is this your first day, retard?

>> No.7560175
File: 488 KB, 564x726, 1654987489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7560272

apologies I don't speak faggot

>> No.7560294

stop selfplugging every week, you absolute leechfaggot

>> No.7560445

Nux is a vtuber

>> No.7560637


>> No.7561110

Oh shit, this explains why I couldnt get into her as much as Lazulight.

>> No.7561194
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1613025358193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying way too hard

>> No.7561226

I have no idea who that is

>> No.7561395

Holy shit that is a reach, just admit you are bored of the EN talent of your kuso company and move on

>> No.7561586

I Am surprise there are no Nux troll posts here seeing as how he technically counts as a Vtuber, i mean if people are willing to post Annoying orange shit it is surprising how ti does not branch out

>> No.7561662
File: 65 KB, 810x550, bwahahahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
>He thought this was a good idea

>> No.7561770

Why give him content to use

>> No.7561855
File: 70 KB, 500x570, 1623894918523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch grass retard.

>> No.7562031

I'm watching her right now and you are right. I hate her already.

>> No.7562182

Who and who again?

>> No.7562282

Here for the lazy:
I swear I only heard about her from this very thread.

>> No.7562517

God, I'm cringing so hard.

>> No.7562703

>dead flower
>lazy penguin
Niji really scraped the bottom of the barrel if Shiki from PRISM is actually a reject. But the fact that Shiki exists gives me hope for HoloEN 2, since it show that there IS talent out there.

>> No.7562905


>> No.7563301


>> No.7563323

who's the fag?

>> No.7563377


>> No.7563402


>> No.7563505

Nobody in this entire board thinks of this dude.

>> No.7563571

is he new niji member?

>> No.7563598

i don't watch faggot

>> No.7564789

only melodyfags hate lord nuxanor

>> No.7564922

who and who?

>> No.7564965


>> No.7566099


>> No.7569526

Nux "laughs at haters" and almost never gives his haters the reaction they typically want.
Which is why you will never find threads of him here.

>> No.7569568

AO got evicted after Watson said he is not a vtuber.

>> No.7570509

Nobody cares about his reaction. Troll posts are for /vt/. The only thing he's good for is making clickbait titles.

>> No.7570539

Nux more like sux

>> No.7570568


Male twitch thot, clout chaser and anituber / moistcritikal orbiter. Imagine a male vshoujo, except even Veibei can't fucking stand him.

>> No.7570593
File: 120 KB, 433x427, 1626890067890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant wait for nut tako to upload some shitty video like "HATERS ON 4CHAN GET TROLLED" or something and he shows off himself samefagging for 14 minutes

>> No.7570619

You got it all wrong. It's wrong to like Nux cause he's a guy but it's okay for Selen. What you all ought to hope for in the new Male EN member coming soon is that he does not straight up copy Nux and more on copying other successful streamers like xqc, asmong or heck sodapoppin.

>> No.7570639

>What you all ought to hope for in the new Male EN member coming soon is that he does not straight up copy Nux and more on copying other successful streamers like xqc, asmong or heck sodapoppin.

Fuck that shit. I'm really hoping for either something new and unique or more laid-back, similar to Holostars or hell even Dunkey. Not this in-you-face loud obnoxious zoomer shit.

>> No.7570668

Does anyone into vtubers really want someone like the top normal male streamers? Besides if I had to choose one to copy I'd choose Ludwig before those people.

>> No.7570699

One of them tho is known doxxer and piece of shit tho. I would feel bad comparing anyone to Nux, he's garbage.

>> No.7570755


>> No.7570792

>known doxxer
Who ?

>> No.7570808

What makes someone a zoomer to you guys, anyway? It seems like it's just high energy or louder people that fit the bill, that's the only ones I see called that.

>> No.7570824

hes a doxxfag too? all i know about him is that he didnt tell melody about the sayori scene in ddlc and she freaked out about it, spoonfeed me.

>what makes someone a zoomer? the zoomer stereotype that i see everywhere?

>> No.7570851

I meant more like streamers whose fanbases are largely zoomers. Yeah, generally speaking it's the more loud and obnoxious ones that fit that bill. I'm actually looking forward to the NijiEN malewave, but if it's like that I'm out.

>> No.7570857


Why would anyone bother? Let Twitter trannies get angry at him for not licking their hairy balls and he can make another million view vid laughing. I dont give a fuck as long as he keeps playing Yugioh

>> No.7570967

i unironically thought his name was cux

>> No.7571053

I legit thought it was just old people being mad younger people have more energy than them for a while. I don't really mind if people tone things up a bit every now and then, I just want them to tone it back down when the moments passed. Good to know others opinions anyway.

>> No.7573363

>'I'm NOT your friend, give me props for killing of this parasocial relationship'
>5mins later
>'Oh my gawd guys, WE just got 50 subs! We're in the money bois, lets all roll into some youtube tonight and watch some shit together!
Faggot is the worse, just be shameless about it.

>> No.7573655

I prefer that slightly annoying shit over how xqc etc act
I'd prefer neither if I had that choice but from among the top male streamers that's what I would prefer.

>> No.7575228

lmao great thread

>> No.7576518


>> No.7577254
File: 186 KB, 332x512, 1627473443533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude has a few vruber videos with ("insert vtuber here" DOXXED) in his thumbnail and titles.

Dudes an irritating leechfag who consistantly tries to contact and fuck with vtubers, if he ever collabs with niji or holo im probably cutting vtubers outta my life

>> No.7577578


>> No.7577835

is responding with how new to anyone who doesn't follow along with the topic of your thread your tourettes or something? go overdose on your meds you fucking reddit cocksucking niggerloving rag full of shit.

>> No.7577998

>Le reddit funny line
Get >>>/out/ newfag.

>> No.7578013


>> No.7581147

>all of /vt/

>> No.7584101

>anti posts a did video
>Lord Nuxanor doxxes Coco in the thumbnail
The moment Apex dragon collabs with vshoujo, that's the moment she goes in the trash.

>> No.7584163

Shiki is a Niji reject?
