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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 109 KB, 1200x900, manly men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75583919 No.75583919 [Reply] [Original]

Manly Men Edition
Previous Thread >>75572679

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.75583988
File: 297 KB, 1451x2048, GNJTTYpa0AAnedI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should have done the fast one

>> No.75584003

cute fuwawa

>> No.75584034
File: 273 KB, 1536x2048, GM71BtvbcAAk0_E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is for kissless virgins ONLY

>> No.75584114

>spend whole morning trying to ignore board because Mike gives me trauma
>finally open it again to read here
>there's a bunch of other former fandead ruffians
Oh so it wasn't just me lmao

>> No.75584179
File: 1.57 MB, 1356x2000, 1692689005684089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discuss Fuwawa's leaked set list for tonight

>Careless Whisper
>Take my Breath Away
>Without You
>Total Eclipse of the Heart
>Wicked Game
>I Want to Know What Love is
>With or Without You
>Eternal Flame

>> No.75584236

it's archived

>> No.75584267

How is it bait? Just look at Lamy's sub account or her streams. When was the last time they tweeted mundane stuff about their life? Lamy has done more zatsus in the last month than they have since their debut.
During their move there were nearly 2 consecutive weeks of radio silence. Lamy tweeted every day when she was hospitalized.
What kind of girlfriend experience is that if they don't tell you about their lives and they don't talk to you about yours?

>> No.75584271

Correct, I will archive it.

>> No.75584387

Lamy doesn't even do ガチ恋営業 anymore. It's so notorious that it was memed about for a while. And obviously plenty of other talents do that sort of thing but aren't anything close to GFE.

>> No.75584543

Ruffians I really like you guys but honestly speaking I think some of you guys just have to stop worrying about your oshis and focus more on trusting and loving your oshis. Also you should post more images of Mococos flat naked chest please. That last part is very important.

>> No.75584592
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>> No.75584596
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Ok Fuwawa, you are right.

>> No.75584652
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Femruffian and fat fuck at the concert.

>> No.75584688
File: 798 KB, 2568x3631, IMG_9612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75584727

Pero isn't female.

>> No.75584730
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>> No.75584835
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>> No.75584926 [DELETED] 
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Fuzzy love

>> No.75584993
File: 114 KB, 850x1328, 5cb7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My toaster strudel

>> No.75585031

So we're going after itta and toshiro tonight right

>> No.75585036
File: 3.62 MB, 4000x3000, 20240511_161450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>75575164 here
Sorry for the long wait. Beware the sound quality is horrendous. Anyways, here's the recording.


Sorry for the really shitty phone recording, I did my best Ruffians.

I have the recording of the other girls too but not sure if anyone wants.

>> No.75585100
File: 3.80 MB, 1920x1080, 1712587203612145.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75585157

Bless you anon

>> No.75585206

based spyanon

>> No.75585221

>the Hamtaro chants

>> No.75585312
File: 675 KB, 700x1046, 20221122_071019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the jannies don't care about off topic posts in /baubau/ anymore and only delete posts with naked butts. Go listen to Trouble Wander!

>> No.75585337

only me and 2 people beside me were doing chants everyone else in our general area was dead silent unfortunately

>> No.75585407

Go fuck yourself cliquefags

>> No.75585415

Luffians... you are so silly... I specifically asked for her flat naked chest... but only one of these is naked and none are flat..

>> No.75585424

Sad, but not entirely unexpected. I'm happy it's still very audible.

>> No.75585433

thanks bro

>> No.75585482

were you also the one that uploaded the other one in global? if so then the crowd energy was much lower for them
based on the fan meetup pictures they seemed to have the least fans too but it only goes up from here right?

>> No.75585503

It doesn't seem that bad

>> No.75585580

sad since that's the definitely reason they picked that song

>> No.75585696

TW used to be badass.

>> No.75585715


>> No.75585854
File: 296 KB, 1440x2560, 20240501_171125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to sex you fren

>> No.75585893

Yeah the chant part really hurts me. You know they were expecting something. Man I am going to lose my voice chanting for them whenever I can make it and I don't care who looks at me funny. I pray others join me.

>> No.75585930

Fuwa Fuwa time seems pretty popular. Kinda expected.

>> No.75585966
File: 2.04 MB, 720x1182, 1690913140154035.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT sex fren

>> No.75585975

I honestly thought the event would be a total disaster since the crowd was mostly dead. But then Kobo happened and she literally carried the entire concert herself. The contrast between her and Fuwamoco was likebnight and day. The audience legitimately did not want Kobo to leave and one girl even cried while she was singing. Kobo is not even my oshi and I thought the way she handled the concert was on a different level than the others.

>> No.75586093


>> No.75586106

They've got a long ways to grow but I trust they're willing to learn and put in the effort to make a good show in the future. ANYC sounded a lot higher energy from the recording but a different setting. They need a hype orisong to build up to and get people going. Rebellion with just the two of them in a seated venue ain't it

>> No.75586113

I was checking some Taiwanese social media and it seems the ranking is Kobo>Gura>BaeRyS>FWMC in terms of reception?

>> No.75586159
File: 109 KB, 273x337, 1715009628777253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's grim... Taiwan really is chumbud/promise central huh. I remember the New York con was rocking with chants and encores during FuwaMoco's karaoke back in November.

>> No.75586180

still going with this shitpost?

>> No.75586219
File: 3.85 MB, 1080x1722, 1714871683419271.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sexy friend

>> No.75586226

...You sound good!

>> No.75586231

They picked the wrong songs. Kobo sang 3 chinese songs, and BBBB. You cant go higher than that.

>> No.75586258

NTA but there, if we're talking audience hype that's accurate to me. Gura was okay but her reaction was guaranteed by her popularity there and sheer numbers which makes how well Kobo did even more impressive. FWMC were a flat as fuck sleepy opening act or appeared that way to most people. People didn't even know who they were around me.

>> No.75586259
File: 46 KB, 511x511, 1715459062246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75586303

How is this a shitpost? You can easily go through twitter and check the chinese posts. Hell, you can even listen to the audio and compare the reception.

>> No.75586322

Why do island chinks hate fuwamoco?

>> No.75586334

well it was 2D vs 3D right?

>> No.75586346
File: 2.39 MB, 1280x720, 1712593358252585.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can nannies stop deleting sfw fuwamoco sex please? It's one of our last defenses against all the off topic talk and it's being suppressed.

>> No.75586422

you will talk about men and you will like it

>> No.75586426

did you copy paste it from the other thread or you wrote the same shitpost again?

>> No.75586432

the thread's fine right now

>> No.75586535

Did we already talk about this one? Seems all the meet and greet were casual non ruffians and they all asked the same questions by fwmc.


>> No.75586582

Itta love!

>> No.75586607

Jesus the chumbud leftovers shitpost became reality including the fan only knowing the NOEH stuff. At least it seems they were nice enough. I get why fuwanoco are all in on the flanderizarion meme sounds now

>> No.75586627
File: 148 KB, 544x432, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is a pity FWMC has poor internet connection.
>Kobo is today's MVP.
>She managed to sing Chinese songs, both new and old.
>The crowd was at its peak.
You can literally see this kind of posts all over social media.

>> No.75586644

eh i'm happy they at least know things about them

>> No.75586654

My fat cock in between those fluffy cheeks

>> No.75586724

To be fair they probably googled that the second they saw they lost gura's draw. Which is still better than nothing I agree. Funny that's the first thing new people will see when searching.

>> No.75586744

>>75585975 here
>>75586258 nailed it. Gura only had a good reaction because she was popular. Not because her performance was good. Kobo on the other hand, amazing setlist and performance, knows how to interact and rile up the crowd. While Gura had odd song choices, was sharky at times and nervous throughout, and didn't interact much with the audience.

If I had to rank by performance it would be Kobo >>>> BaeRys >> Gura > Fuwamoco

>> No.75586758

The lottery system made it extremely likely that it would just be chumbuds since they got their second pick if no more first pick slots.

>> No.75586845

It’s unfortunate Mococo is having to r voice issue and they lack 3D, if they don’t get it soon I’m actually going to start hating Yagoo

>> No.75586848

>sing Chinese songs
social credit score +1
>sing japanese anime songs
social credit score -1

>> No.75586979

Not just any Chinese songs, she sang a song by Jay Chou, the pride of Taiwan.

>> No.75587058

What are we expecting for next week's schedule? I forgot today was the day

>> No.75587136

Thread has been going alright, obvious bait getting ignored. Is Charlie Sheen the newest addition to the list of thread saviors, along with Todd, DMX and Jack?

>> No.75587153
File: 154 KB, 850x1206, __mococo_abyssgard_fuwawa_abyssgard_mococo_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kamiya_maneki__sample-40e84106ec0ac9711d6f1cb3d0172638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuzzy and fluffy sex

>> No.75587170
File: 922 KB, 1409x868, 1708886352340057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like they don't know them or have no interest in them? I mean, just by going off FuwaMoco's superchats it's majority North America, Japan, and Europe. Bae, IRyS, Gura, and Kobo get a decent amount of superchats from other Asian countries. Not sure why the other Asian countries have no interest in them, unless it's because FuwaMoco are still new and not well known yet over there?

>> No.75587195

3 x FWMC mornings and 3 x game streams. At least one homework day.

>> No.75587283

i'm not sure, moco-chan's voice still sounds bad
she might need another week off

>> No.75587303

Light week probably

>> No.75587318

I don't know if I can hold back the gorilla within for another fluffy week

>> No.75587329

>shitpost became reality
If a had a quarter everytime this has happened in this thread, I'd have about 2 dollars

>> No.75587336

An actual light week, they need to rest and get ready for the 3D stuff with advent

>> No.75587348

Papa Puppy week, he's gonna beat the entire Halo series in a week and complain about how much worse than classic PC shooters it is.

>> No.75587357

*clap clap clap*
get better get better get better moconyan

>> No.75587421


>> No.75587449

Bae is a chink and knows abit of mandarin and cantonese. She is also super popular with Koreans and some of them flew over for the concert. IRyS is popular in East Asia outside of Korea because of PL. Gura is Gura. Not sure about Kobo.

>> No.75587453
File: 1.68 MB, 400x212, REBELLION.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75587582

I am at the same part right now haha

>> No.75587602
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 1713909575696446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. And the only time you hear papa puppy is when he grunts or sighs.

>> No.75587683

>a bug-man speaks
who cares lol

>> No.75587688


>> No.75587727

Seems like this kind of event is really tailored for complete casuals. I wouldn't feel excited if I got the chance to see my oshis on stage and they're just singing slop in my language thinking they're appealing to me. Quite the opposite. I want the kind of thing that made me love them, it's not about me, it's about them.
I assumed them singing only repeats at events like this was them being considerate of ruffians who can't attend, but I was mistaken, they're instead betting on "maybe they saw us singing one of these in a clip or tiktok."
Just furthers my resolve to not let embarrassment stop me from going if I ever get the chance.

>> No.75587735

EN bros. We're to DESTROY the venue after that song

>> No.75587752

Finally got around to watching FWMC morning and HOLY FUCKING SEX I NEED TO MATING PRESS FUWAWA RIGHT NOW

>> No.75587784


>> No.75587782

I'm going to get shitfaced and sing an encore in a karaoke bar. Join me

>> No.75587860

I want that back crowd shot during Rebellion at 6th fes to be full of fat fucks jumping during JUMP JUMP JUMP

>> No.75587906


>> No.75587916

How do people read this shit? Thank the lord for kana

>> No.75587933

I'm 350 and I'll still jump as much as I can even if I blow my acl. Nothing held back, I'm giving it all I can. Once in a lifetime chance.

>> No.75587971


>> No.75588001

I pray for whoever is next to you that you don't land on them

>> No.75588019

>even if I blow my-ACK

>> No.75588085

Damn, Fuwawa will be so wet seeing you...

>> No.75588107
File: 207 KB, 1080x1059, 1709138483786914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I can get a ticket for CTW2 or next year's fes I'm for sure taking my fat 38 year old ass down there to jump like a retard when Rebellion plays

>> No.75588212

It'll probably be the ONLY chance too, since for next FES they likely won't go with a full gen unity again, and also Advent will likely have new original song that may not be as good, but will still be pushed regardless.
6th fes is THE chance to see Rebellion live at full power. Unless they do an Advent 3D LIVE after the individual debut streams and sing it there, I'm ok with that too, not a bad way to do it.

>> No.75588223

Kek jesas. I'm imagining the crowd reaction to you needing medical assistance. Would advent react?

>> No.75588224

Ok this may or may not be an anti thread but god damn this OP is too funny

>> No.75588246

Fuwawa mentioned a song she wanted all of Advent to sing this week and I can't remember it. I just remember being excited at the thought. Anyone remember?

>> No.75588325

Bad Apple

>> No.75588410

Thanks homie, I will listen now while I spam-farm Lower Kurast runs for those sweet, sweet high runes.

>> No.75588478
File: 429 KB, 753x663, 1708511043397628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh my gosh that's one silly wuffian

>> No.75588546
File: 3.56 MB, 800x1080, fuwawaShake[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8q274n.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa would, like this

>> No.75588584

I'll still be doing cheers even if I'm in agonizing pain on the ground. If I can still move my arms and my heart is still beating I won't stop. I'll fucking fight ems if they try to take me away before the show is over

>> No.75588677

Honestly if this big boy actually makes it I'm willing to give him a front row spot I'd he commits to the jump. Imagine how much fuwawa would love it

>> No.75588681

based nikocado

>> No.75588777

I don't want some fat gross fuck blocking my view and also stopping the concert because he's dying.

>> No.75588820

>His favourite moment was a clip that was uploaded in the past week or two
I know that kind of thing doesn't really matter for them but man I want them to have a meet n great in NA so they can really get some of the love they give to us back

>> No.75588857

FWMC's little sister's kinda annoying

>> No.75588882

Pushup guy will win the lottery instead of (You)

>> No.75588932

Once in a lifetime showtime

>> No.75588957

Spoiler tags don't magically make it on-topic.

>> No.75588989


>> No.75589061

Based Real Ruffian

>> No.75589172
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x4230, 1715446976333315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna ask for countdown during their ASMR stream

>> No.75589190

Yeah.... I tabbed out after the first 30 seconds

>> No.75589260

You won't have to ask for it.
you'll have to beg for it

>> No.75589342

Uh huh, and Fuwawa will go "1... 2... 3..."
It's still funny to me

>> No.75589345

I will never get to a meet & greet, but it still makes me a little sad to see people who can barely respond with anything more than surface level being the only people who got in.

>> No.75589416

>"167... 168.... ah, wuffians... I'm tired... how long do I count for..."

>> No.75589445

This documentary is really good.

>> No.75589462
File: 302 KB, 1280x1856, angry gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75589483

>ends the stream and whispers "zeeeero" and giggles during the silent end screen

>> No.75589531

oh my gosh

>> No.75589572


>> No.75589622
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>> No.75589646
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>> No.75589655
File: 512 KB, 881x909, 1709676752574049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says zero in the post chat message

>> No.75589658

Imagine her using the arm rests to spread her legs out and open, while not wearing panties, and she just lets you go to town while trying to focus on the game, only getting annoyed if you accidentally press up against her and mess up her inputs.

>> No.75589671

trace this for a like

>> No.75589678

If you got to a meet and greet and whipped out your fully erect cock, how would they respond?

>> No.75589757

I'd post the tribute on the hashtag if she did this.

>> No.75589768

>AI slop
Fuck off

>> No.75589804

>AI makes cuter mocosex than most artists
Damn I like AI now

>> No.75589817

>End of SSS
>Point for cheering all the way through the outro
>Cheering stops after a few seconds and they have to cheer to get people to cheer again at the very end

>> No.75589821
File: 461 KB, 890x962, hundreds of hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75589839

There's a hashtag for tributes? What is it?

>> No.75589862

AI won artfag, its over

>> No.75589885


>> No.75589888
File: 461 KB, 1521x1871, 1716887229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75589902
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>> No.75589922

>oh my gosh

>> No.75589924


>> No.75589988

that's ai? it's so over for artists

>> No.75590036

I'll still tell myself this tag is the reason they never clicked and liked any white day project, just because it's funnier to think that.
Gonna use it again next year.

>> No.75590054
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x1024, 1703142046967904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75590080

There aren't even any cum tributes on that tag though.

>> No.75590111

They won't know if they don't click it

>> No.75590145

based. should be added to the rentry

>> No.75590202

Fuck I've been reawakened. I'm going to send a sex superchat, its our last chance. I may wait until the schedule to see if fluffy week 2 is real.

>> No.75590210

I'm telling them now.

>> No.75590240

Watch out, you're gonna trigger some people hard. /vt/ is especially anal about accepting that AI is rapidly outdoing most people and advancing at unholy rates.

I can only imagine how insane it'll be in 5 years.

>> No.75590288


>> No.75590304

>Hihi FUWAMOCO! Just to let you know, contrary to what the name could lead you to believe, the #WhiteFWMCLove fantag does not have any cocks or cum tributes, you can check it out! #helpFWMC

>> No.75590435

>artists forced back into physical media

>> No.75590442


>> No.75590570

Good. I buy at-con commissions from the few people who do them every time I go to a con because drawing and getting a physical piece is much more important personal than getting some digital commissioned shit. I usually end up having to pay $20+ more than I would for the same commission digital, but it's worth it.

>> No.75590589

How can I tell her I want her to ride me with her plump ass until she's exhausted before I explode on her floofies? In a way that won't get filtered.

>> No.75590614

In 5 years, I will have my AI Live4D Mococo wife

>> No.75590679

Just say it on twitter and add one of their egosearch terms. Suzu-tan has no power over there.

>> No.75590710

Will you make her call you ruffian?

>> No.75590737

>Moco-chan yelling and screaming, voice strained the instant she starts doing the MC segment.
It's gonna be a while before we have normal Fluff and Fuzz on the screen, isn't it?

>> No.75590768
File: 491 KB, 1280x1856, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75590814

I wonder if she’s been to the dogtor since the voice issue started

>> No.75590825


>> No.75590869

If she permanently damages her voice, we might never have normal fuzz again.

>> No.75590883

We're all gonna make it bros. There's only one Fuwawa and one Mococo, but with technology advancing we'll soon all be able to upload ourselves into the ARK and forever live with a perfect recreation of either (or both) in the virtual world.
Eternal happiness.

>> No.75590911


>> No.75590916

They probably don't have a 'regular' doctor yet in Japan.

>> No.75590961

At this point she has, it's a question of how much. Rest weeks don't even matter if she's going to keep screaming multiple times a week and reseting all recovery.

>> No.75590963

You won't make it into the ARK. At least this version of your consciousness won't.

>> No.75590965

Fuwawa is a doctor

>> No.75591090

Shouldn't have posted it Ruffian, now we know your artstyle

>> No.75591128

>she's going to keep screaming multiple times a week
Sorry, she's just so fuckable...

>> No.75591135

what the green stand for?

>> No.75591143

it's over

>> No.75591218

i'm colorblind

>> No.75591246

It's an M for Me

>> No.75591448

majin bejita...

>> No.75591493
File: 471 KB, 1080x1222, HugescoopX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75591523

I will strangle a chumbud

>> No.75591528

We need another fluff week. Mococo sounds worse in those Taiwan videos.

>> No.75591541

>mama puppy

>> No.75591550

What a retard

>> No.75591563

genocide bros...

>> No.75591570

>mama puppy @rswxx
Based zoomer ruffbud

>> No.75591594

I'm just surprised that it took this long

>> No.75591617

Let the Orinoco flow...

>> No.75591661
File: 19 KB, 581x428, 1695206141376059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 277: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched two episodes of an anime.

>> No.75591666

I wonder how many retards are going to be spamming them with this shit

>> No.75591678

>Mama puppy
of course it's a chumbud who doesn't watch streams

>> No.75591779

Kind of fun to imagine him as a regular viewer who legitimately thought they were talking about icomochi whenever she was mentioned

>> No.75591876

>Mama puppy
Please watch streams, this is sad

>> No.75591881
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>loses all her coins
>growls and thinks into comiting violence
kek shes great

>> No.75591899

Even still this guy is still more knowledgeable about fuwamoco than everyone who won the 1 on 1 meet and greet. Let that set in. I doubt anyone who won even knew what fuwamoco morning was.

>> No.75591905

they should kys

>> No.75591990

I'll make icomochi a mama. Mococo gave me permission to fantasize and make it a reality too.

>> No.75592011

It's just a literal kid, he's there pretty much every prechat.

>> No.75592013

>hey you have nothing in common other than being designed by the same person but uhh PLEASE COLLAB XD

I already hated this with other holos

>> No.75592036

I see this person chatting on streams how can they be so tone deaf

>> No.75592085

I think they're literal gen alpha

>> No.75592090

>still enough to make Moco-chan cry because she didn't want it to end
my crybaby Mokotan...

>> No.75592170

yea, he talks about going to school and all, it's just a kid, leave him alone

>> No.75592211

>I Hope You Three can do a Collab One Day!
Why Does He Type Like This

>> No.75592292

What does this OP image mean?

>> No.75592297

I like this alphoid more than most of you guys

>> No.75592299

if you are still here could you share the others please?

>> No.75592351

>it's just a kid, leave him alone
Yeah, it's still sad though

>> No.75592360

even me?

>> No.75592361

Me too. Kids honest, posts whatever he wants and doesn't spend 12 hours a day posting/here/ about other men

>> No.75592375

No fucking clue

>> No.75592402

Most fans are casual. There was a novelite calling shiori and nerissa her kamioshis, and thanking the homos for wishing shiori a happy birthday. The guy name was included in shiori bday bash.

>> No.75592442
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wait a minute... no...

>> No.75592471

50/50 chance in your case, you might be alright

>> No.75592480

Think it was the guy that kept saying this thread couldnt stop talking about men (mostly about clique members)

>> No.75592487

This threads theme song when clique schizos go into another 3 hour loop gossiping about each other instead of fuwamoco


>> No.75592566

But I like you :(

>> No.75592578

post the baeRyS one

>> No.75592603


>> No.75592608

I replace all the "men" in this intro song with "bau" and it sounds good

>> No.75592647

I've never been mentioned /here/ and I should keep it that way before fuwamoco find out I'm here.

>> No.75592784
File: 84 KB, 952x143, Screenshot_20240511_165618_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Idol Corp specifically off limits or is it just any non Hololive corpo?
Though holos have collabed with other corpos before

>> No.75592785

get on it AI music poster

>> No.75592802

What games can she let loose her sexual frustrations and go on a rampage?

>> No.75592853


>> No.75592874
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That's right, メ

>> No.75592914

They could mention them but I hope they won't. In fact I hope they never do anything with nonholo corps.

>> No.75592916

>Central time

>> No.75592978


>> No.75593011

The only non holos FWMC interacted with was milky, pomu and patra.

>> No.75593049

Patra collab when

>> No.75593108

So it's not really "ridiculous" then, and there's nothing special about idol Corp?

>> No.75593133


>> No.75593141
File: 104 KB, 640x1024, 1715236240668799m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want fuwawa to milk me dry

>> No.75593239

Have you seen their talent? The piss drinker and coomer baiter loli corp.

>> No.75593254

I want to milk Fuwawa while she milks me

>> No.75593259

Here in 2024because the world has lost its mind and it wasnt like that when these real men played real music.

>> No.75593289

Nope. The holobox is all I know

>> No.75593309

They should play retro games with Unou

>> No.75593343

I think is more of begging is frown upon. Especially when they said they want the scoops to be about hololive. What’s stopping from people tagging FWMC about maidmint if people ignore the rules?

>> No.75593366
File: 113 KB, 850x1333, __fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_maru_ccy__sample-76936496ba29765de53abd6302efb88f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to do my warmup for fluffy week's finale

>> No.75593374

Take the fishingpill, Ruffian

>> No.75593390

good, patra, milky, and Ui are basically the only people they could collab without causing someone to melt down. Idol is a disgusting corpo that they would not even mention

>> No.75593397
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>> No.75593412

As much as I enjoy a handful of the Idol talents (their 2nd EN gen has been pretty good by small-corpo standards), most would be a pretty bad fit for Hololive collabs and ESPECIALLY unfitting for FWMC. Enya, the girl in question, would be a terrible collab; they are like oil and water in personality and interests. It's a silly idea in general.

>> No.75593425

Koyo betrayed her.

>> No.75593464

>whats stopping from people tagging FWMC about maidmint
Considering the clique especially atm and mgs autist have been doing just that. Nothing.

>> No.75593485

kek, ganbatte ruffian

>> No.75593504

They liked a Patra tweet right after the Koyori collab, I think she brought it up off stream.

>> No.75593523

I think a collab between them and HimeHina will be cool…

>> No.75593542

There are okay girls there like Roca (I just like all her great karaoke) but overall yeah best to stay away from idol/phase/kawaii/niji/etc.

>> No.75593553

Also their "sister" has no fucking kayfabe at all, the whole thing about her debut is she was gonna reveal her PL.

>> No.75593572

Fuwawa would get out of breath if she saw this man. She'd forget the lyrics to ltst

>> No.75593588

Is this real??

>> No.75593613

>nobody will call out this leech nibba shill

>> No.75593632

Makes sense

>> No.75593638

Yeah but they ain’t tagging FWMC about maidmint shit or sending begging SCs.

>> No.75593659
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Fluffy week. This is your last chance to get extra silly one on one with fuwawa

>> No.75593666


>> No.75593672

the real jump King

>> No.75593677

>Fuwawa: We get to be here with...
>Moco-chan: Ruffians!
>Fuwawa: You!

>> No.75593692
File: 93 KB, 342x218, pero fat fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOOM 2016 + eternal endurance

>> No.75593698

that can't be good for their organs

>> No.75593729

Based Koyo wants to keep FuwaMoco to herself and locked in her sex dungeon, so she is trying to keep Patra away from meeting them

>> No.75593755
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Sex with the hot sister

>> No.75593763


>> No.75593806

Free Willy

>> No.75593823
File: 153 KB, 535x494, 1700095928327019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Fluffy week will end with the end of this week
>Implying Moco-chan is better when you could hear the strain from the leaked karaoke RNR

>> No.75593837

Helldivers 2.
Red Dead Redemption 2.

>> No.75593845
File: 117 KB, 850x1092, __fuwawa_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tilt_shift_azalanz__sample-588311629f53c3e837d8a68f904d58d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll follow fluffy anywhere

>> No.75593888

Fluffy needs rest too, this may actually be an off week.

>> No.75593918

>Implying my retarded autistic stubborn wife won't immediately start streaming next week and wreck her throat forever.

>> No.75593931
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If fluffy week continues for another week I will end up proposing

>> No.75593947

2 solo streams
4 homework days

>> No.75593950

But if they slow down at all, they'll never make it to 1m before the end of August.

>> No.75593961

Everybody loves FWMC, huh?

>> No.75594011

That is true.

>> No.75594034
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>> No.75594036

Just as long as they don't get too menhera from not seeing us enough

>> No.75594057
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sex with Fluffy

>> No.75594071

halls of torment
space hulk deathwing
the witness

>> No.75594127

Jokes on you, I'm poor

>> No.75594143
File: 3.78 MB, 2500x4093, 1691307531450024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moco-chan... it's no good, your barker... I think it's just not ready to bau bau loudly yet...
>And well, ah, you know... the wuffians were enjoying the week with me anyway, so that's okay...
>But more importantly, Moco-chan..., you still need to rest, right? Right?
>So, I think, ah... if you rest just a bit more and let me take care of the wuffians for just a little bit longer, that would be fine, ehehehe

>> No.75594156
File: 93 KB, 850x1289, 63fc7f0440d0fde3b6d7fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to ask her to be by my side forever.

>> No.75594198

They are not making it to 1m before the end of August short of a major viral hit like a Suisei level song. It's just not happening. It wasn't happening as soon as they took the break and the Japan move took twice as long as they expected. It's not happening now that Golden week is over. Even if they spammed Vertical streams every day and got 2k new subs a day, optimistic considering there's a limited pool of shortszoomers who will actually sub, they still wouldn't make it. It was an unrealistic goal the moment they took the equivalent of two months off. I'd rather they be healthy and be here to stream for us for a long time, instead of permanently wrecking their voices and becoming Marine or Suisei tier streamers.

>> No.75594202

I'm so fat...

>> No.75594210
File: 1.05 MB, 898x1080, 1707975887659682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did that sister who claimed the crowd was dead during fuwamoco’s performance at taipei ever follow through with xer recording?

>> No.75594249

>Saint Seya OP
No wonder the crowd wasn't hyped up. Good for FuwaMoco regulars because we want them to enjoy the old shit they loved, terrible for zoomer anime fans who'd go to something like this.

>> No.75594270

i hope the clique goes somewhere else

>> No.75594290

Yes and it wasn't a sister and sounded worse than I thought. They were the worst performance and reaction and it wasn't even close. It's in this thread, if you're going to be a shithead at least do your archive reps before posting old topics

>> No.75594302

What if Fuwawa gets addicted to having the wuffians to herself and she starts to poison Mococo's breakfasts to keep her voice in bad condition, forcing her to rest for many more weeks

>> No.75594311

They sang that one for me specifically. They knew someone would record it ilegally and it would reach me. FWMC love LATAM

>> No.75594314

i need to heal moco-chan's throat with my vibrant ojisan seed

>> No.75594340

Is this wotagei illegal or allowed? Anyway, kino!

>> No.75594381

Anyone else sending fuwawa a little something extra today to thank her for her hard week during fluffy week?

>> No.75594404

>let me take care of the wuffians for just a little bit longer
kek. Insert
>Mococo fuggler

>> No.75594441

yes i'm working on my tribute now

>> No.75594446

I don't want them to bother the other Advent members

>> No.75594449

I should also mention they wouldn't spam vertical streams every day because that's not the "Fuwamoco way" and they've said as much. The irony is, they probably COULD have made it to 1 million if they hadn't moved to Japan, they would have hit it and not had to change anything for themselves.

>> No.75594458
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>> No.75594477

so much of my seed she'll look 15 years younger

>> No.75594512

They're already trying to groom their own 2view in the Discord so it's fine.

>> No.75594525

it didnt sound bad in the slightest, as expected you were just dilating kek

>> No.75594541
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Ending fluffy week with a bang. Gorilla mode engage.

>> No.75594563

Oh I should say Fuwa Fuwa and Connect are decent picks because there's at least a decent chunk who've probably at least heard those two.

>> No.75594580

who the orion sisters? noooo, leave them alone

>> No.75594605
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>> No.75594608

Hamtaro would have been a great pick if people know the calls.

>> No.75594650

No a "femruffian" who herself is probably just a grifting whore trying to exploit them. So they all deserve each other.

>> No.75594678
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>> No.75594683

Sorry, haven't gotten there because I'm just giving play-by-play opinion because it's better than like a third of what this thread normally talks about at least. It's about FuwaMoco and a recent thing they did that was somewhat positive.

>> No.75594718

If only they could get a hit out like Loli Kami. Ui got like 700k subs out of that which is fucking insane.
But of course that is extremely hard and super rare.

>> No.75594781
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>> No.75594782

Damn, this is sad.

>> No.75594879

I definitely agree on the last point; it'd be NICE to hit 1m in time, but not if it means any sort of serious setbacks or long-term negative consequences.

I do hope we get more music soon, honestly, and especially another orisong beyond LTST. Obviously they've been busy as hell and recording all kinds of other stuff like voicepacks and all, but it has been a little while.

>> No.75594888
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>> No.75594941

I believe in them releasing a good original and getting 3d both before the anniversary, should be a decent boost

>> No.75594948

It's called being a casual fan. Of course you like the face of the 'movement', on top of that you can easily watch all her stuff without it eating into anything in your life because it's almost like a bi-weekly podcast at this point.

>> No.75594953
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I will be fuwawa's final fattest gorilla

>> No.75595026
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>> No.75595084

Honestly if they spammed Kendrick Lamar karaokes or something, one might get clipped or hit well enough on Tiktok to push them over.
It's so stupid though. They will absolutely have 1 million by the end of the year, honestly I think they'll have it by September. But this arbitrary deadline they and management are pushing on themselves is absolutely hurting them physically and mentally. What they aren't satisfied with being the quickest ENs to hit 1 million since Myth? Not to mention quicker than like 90% of the JPs? It's just greedy,.

>> No.75595091

What are you on about?

>> No.75595095

Wait what's the song that they sang after Connect? I know it but don't know the name or where it's from.

>> No.75595121
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Those floofies are out of control

>> No.75595125
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Don't forget about mococo too, okay?

>> No.75595185

>It's just greedy,.
Is called ambition. You set a goal and go for it. Dont know why the fuck some of you are adverse to this kind of stuff.

>> No.75595203
File: 477 KB, 2250x2250, 1697595691180008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>release memeable orisong like mogu mogu that people replay over and over
>release an actual diss track at kevin lamar on their channel
>do a lot of #shorts that are no more than 30 secs long on top of streams
>more offcollabs
>host their own tournament (like a 2hu tourney) with holos participating
>do totsus
>do endurance streams for 850k, 888k, 900k and 1m

It can be done.

>> No.75595220
File: 62 KB, 850x536, a58140af962ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mocochan is sexy too

>> No.75595266

that boulder ojisan game would be amazing endurance stream content.
I saw someone suggesting Fuwa vs Moco 2 POVs of that game, and "850k endurance" would be the perfect excuse for it.

>> No.75595272

i’m going to need more proof than that to substantiate your claim

>> No.75595293
File: 107 KB, 985x1024, 1713947541516453m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the hottest pieces of moccoo out there. My mind is so fuzzy right now

>> No.75595314

Part of ambition is knowing what to prioritize and what's realistic. They wanted to move to Japan, hit 1 million in a year, only sing the songs and play the games they wanted to sing and play, and get better sleep, all while taking on more and more projects like every voicepack and event they could. And as a result Mococo's voice is fucked after a week of "rest" and Fuwawa is sounding a bit hoarse as well.

>> No.75595351

Yeah, is definitely doable. What they should do is take 1 week off, reset their mind and then go hard for it.

>> No.75595360

unless they already have one in the works, by the time they get an MV, record, produce, and release an orisong they'll be at 1M already retard

>> No.75595394
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Am I not good enough for you, raffian? Haeh?!

>> No.75595400
File: 459 KB, 1266x2048, GNTMO3YWYAAVYvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy floofies

>> No.75595417

Honestly if they just did a bunch of hiphop karaokes on shorts, that would probably put them over the edge. Anime + Rap has been a proven combo since 2010. But the type of people that would bring to the fanbase coupled with the fact that it may not be the "Fuwamoco way" and go against the image they want makes it dubious.

>> No.75595427

Is it actually impossible for holos to release a cover for a known EN song on their own channel or is it just a matter of paying for it?
Tons of other channels do it, just never holos.

Like say they wanted to release a cover of idk say an Ed Sheeran song or w/e.

>> No.75595433

I honestly had no idea how the original Hamtaro song sounded because the EN one stuck in my mind forever and will never be replaced.

>> No.75595487

oh you are, i just want to see more of your sexy petite body mocochan

>> No.75595492

and eating NEET noodles
They need to get the pots and plates asap so Fuwawa can start feeding her proper food without additives

>> No.75595501
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Sisters first

>> No.75595518

Cover does not give a fuck about the EN audience. They announced a branch office, we still don't have one though. It's a bunch of Japs in Tokyo still using fax machines, you think they're gonna hit up Universal Music Group or whoever they need for the permissions?

>> No.75595523

Well 1m in a year has been their goal since the start so maybe they should have one in the works and have it come out within just a few weeks from now tops.
If you want the mil that badly you gotta game the system, can't just rely on streams only.

>> No.75595581
File: 99 KB, 850x1200, 3cf7697dd2c800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you insist.... un un

>> No.75595617

When you say other channels, you mean fucking small ones who nobody cares enough to sue? Indies? Are there corpos that release EN cover songs of Jay-Z and Taylor Swift?

>> No.75595661
File: 132 KB, 360x360, 1715271876137882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good lord

>> No.75595660
File: 111 KB, 753x1024, 1712785513220338m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo can make you feel good too, Ruffian. See?

>> No.75595726

There are huge channels who legally release cover versions of very popular songs without any issues.
So really it just has to be a Cover being JP and fax machine thing. Because it's not like it's impossible to release covers of big artists.

>> No.75595728

>>release memeable orisong like mogu mogu that people replay over and over
It takes way too long to record a fucking COVER song. An orisong will not be done in time for their anniversary

>> No.75595784
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>> No.75595798
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I took this screenshot with the intent to trace it and make fuwawa
the subs are mococo's talk

>> No.75595824

Why are you assuming they wont hit 1M?

>> No.75595839

I wanna say thanks for your enthusiasm recorder-Anon.

>> No.75595876
File: 53 KB, 850x541, 8w838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love fuwamoco.

>> No.75595892
File: 659 KB, 956x1228, GLc1-2lbcAAYo29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the end of fluffy week… it’s been fun fuwawa

holy shit she sounds hoarse too now

>> No.75595907

When you say huge channels, what do you mean? Indies with a lot of subs? Or channels of huge corpos? Because there's a difference.

>> No.75595931

>if they spammed Kendrick Lamar karaokes
to even think there is a non-insignificant overlap of Lamar fans and fans that love cute anime girls is downright retarded.
Pushing that shit meme further will only get them a bunch of lil' bros shitting on them for the lulz. VTubing is not supposed to go mainstream in the west.

>> No.75595937

I dont wana sound like an asshole, but are you sure is not the holos themselves who doesnt wana do a cover of a known EN song?

>> No.75595961
File: 2.44 MB, 2100x2971, xcoxzj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I getting so silly so so silly for fluffy and fuzzy

>> No.75595959

Don't forget to add the loss of VN streams. They should take a break to rest their voices for a few weeks. We could wait for the move, we can wait for them to get better. Hell, maybe it'll cool their jets with the 'need' to hit 1m by 1 year.

>> No.75596029

They could just cover superior japanese hip hop, folded 1000 times
Or generally just more tasteful stuff, instead of the garbage that has as the only appeal seeing how they're gonna censor the slurs
There's more than enough material for the meme pull of a FWMC HIP HOP KARAOKE STREAM!!!! (UNARCHIVED) without making it full of vile trash.

>> No.75596031 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded? Are you just responding to individual posts without reading the posts they are replying to? See >>75595084
They absolutely will hit 1 million before the end of this year. But maybe not before the 1 year anniversary of their debut, and the grinding they are doing to try and make that arbitrary deadline is hurting them.

>> No.75596035
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I'm giving everything I have for fuwawa to ensure fluffy week. My sexy princess. My cinnamon roll

>> No.75596081

I dunno, Haachama once released official covers of Ed Sheeran and Country Roads
But she's Haachama and has no manager anyway

>> No.75596109
File: 1.22 MB, 2589x4096, GMlDH33bEAAI93c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

control yourself

>> No.75596123
File: 209 KB, 1000x750, 1713029621933930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is pure sex. If I get shot for saying it I have no regrets. I'll cum forever for fuwawa. This one goes out to all my fallen silent gorillas.

>> No.75596168

This is probably my favorite art of Fuwawa. It's adorable and sexy

>> No.75596172
File: 182 KB, 439x442, 1689612803890570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a full month break and come back fully healed by the end of the month, stream normally for the rest of the year
>rest for 3 days, think you got better (you didn't), scream -> froggy voice is back, take another 3 days break, rinse and repeat until permanent damage by the end of the month, have problems for the rest of the year and eternity

>> No.75596196


>> No.75596200
File: 195 KB, 862x1024, 1712778140037960m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impossible when she's like this

>> No.75596249

is that you melon?

>> No.75596265

If it were possible I'm sure we'd have long seen Kiara do an official cover of a Fergie song

>> No.75596281

This is the time to take a full week off, but knowing them they'll work even harder to hit 1 million... They're probably doing 3D shit and are gonna be VERY VEEERY busy soon

>> No.75596298
File: 81 KB, 850x850, __fuwawa_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_dear_arisu__sample-ee51bf5b65cd789712092242dfef75db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To my gorillas fallen in the line of duty. May we cum for fuwawa and shower her with love tonight. Don't forget to send her your superchat tribute. Last chance.

>> No.75596336

If they covered Takyon, 4chan would love it but I don't know about the world and they need a lot of subs from new sources. They'd be better off covering one of the Drake or Kendrick Lamar beef songs. Also they don't have the throat integrity to do any Death Grips songs justice right now.

>> No.75596379
File: 288 KB, 800x826, 4903f7f427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerous blue woman

>> No.75596420
File: 1.70 MB, 1254x1920, floofiesondisplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like what?

>> No.75596418

I seriously dont see a problem. They finished their move to Japan and is in a position where they can do off-collabs with their JP senpais. They are also growing the fastest in HoloEN when it comes to subs and may still hit their 1M goal. You are the retard being a fucking wet towel.

>> No.75596432

calm down rissa

>> No.75596441

An official cover of a Kendrick song on their channel would do really well but it may not be possible

>> No.75596454
File: 118 KB, 724x1024, 1712578830485046m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lay back and let fluffy take care of you, ruffian

>> No.75596472

Fuwamoco should cover Fish Gun and get the gunweeb audience. However the downside is they would be attracting the people who watch modern Garand Thumb who is no longer based but cringe.

>> No.75596489

There's always Lotus Juice too, certified kino

>> No.75596495

I definitely see the SC reading endurance scheduled for this upcoming week as with FWMC Mornings but maybe apart from that it’ll mostly be a homework week.

>> No.75596530

You don't see a problem of them trying to push for 1 million by the end of July and in the process going so hard that Mococo doesn't feel she can get any rest when she obviously desperately needs it? Fucking idiot.

>> No.75596545
File: 101 KB, 1024x757, 1712785648306802m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly wuffian

>> No.75596550

They dont have to do an official cover. Just a 10-15s short clip and it will be fine.

>> No.75596569

I'd take On GP, Powers That B, Takyon, Bass Rattle, No Love, or Hackers. Damn, there's more Death Grips songs that I really like than I thought.

>> No.75596633

This is in my top 3 scenarios
A nursing handjob from Fuwawa would feel so good God

>> No.75596651

they're over 2 months behind on SCs
they might just be dropped at this point

>> No.75596653

Going back in time with this one:
Can FWMC Mornings. It's fucking over. Hit 100 and put it on the shelf.

>> No.75596659
File: 69 KB, 850x1152, __fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_meiwowowo__sample-9a350e0b123f18ee3e442f5bf69f3b6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75596686
File: 1.51 MB, 720x1080, Fuwawa I accept that I'm fluffy and dorky.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fes0rw9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna the miss this week but it's been a good one. I like this art of her. That's a side of Fuwawa I'd like to see more.

>> No.75596706

Yes, I dont see a problem. They set a goal and then go for it. She is not the first person, nor will she be the last, to set a really fuck hard goal and go for it. But if she succeed, mad props to her.

>> No.75596723

It makes me happy that they ended with Rebellion.

>> No.75596734
File: 112 KB, 689x1024, 1714823224152757m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a very fluffy and kind lover taking care of her extra special wuffian

>> No.75596748

>ESL doesn't understand what is going on
Many such cases.

>> No.75596753

She rested this week retard.

>> No.75596778
File: 334 KB, 2599x2530, fuwawaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant for >>75596035

>> No.75596793

everything's leading up for Advent 3D

>> No.75596821

She really didn't. She undid any rest she got on Wednesday and then again today.

>> No.75596843
File: 178 KB, 850x1402, __fuwawa_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_namakatsu__sample-4e5b6b8a4aca641dcd241cd6e693c582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The message was received.

>> No.75596847

rebellion is a banger gen song only beaten by blue clapper

>> No.75596850
File: 3.32 MB, 2400x3568, Dh0pP1r0R7LezE7Ug00wkPlx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup that’s me, i’m fuwawa’s fat silly wuffian and she wouldn’t want me any other way

>> No.75596866

>Comes on to FWMC Mornings.
>Still sounds like shit after 5 minutes of talking and yelling
>Goes to do the karaoke for Tai Pei.
>Throat is completely scratchy and shredded by the end
Totally helped, really got her there.
