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File: 282 KB, 1080x3556, nijisister-masquerading-as-sincroknights-to-stir-shit-about-v0-3mikj76y0pzc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75554548 No.75554548 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisisters are now pretending to be Sayu fans

>> No.75554667

>sample size: one

>> No.75554695

>are now
Next you will tell me that the Suisei / Lui bait threads /here/ are made by sisters pretending to be Holo unicorns

>> No.75554705
File: 119 KB, 1941x1064, 2o2qjfobsmc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the game plan

>> No.75554786
File: 208 KB, 562x966, sistersfakesayucucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are now
They post this one random post they made in /ss/ a while back any time they want to "own" her fanbase.

>> No.75554804

what's up with OP's filename? What site are they downloading this from?

>> No.75554817

>I learned my lesson
Yeah, the wrong one. Good thing there’s ample time for correction.

>> No.75554825

Sisters are so deranged. Fortunately they're all women so all they can do is gossip

>> No.75554849

if this isn't mental illness i don't know what is

>> No.75554868

>One psycho false flags as a Sincroknight
>Gabe antis Kronii to the point that her fan base is in full civil war
Now, hold on, we need to have a nuanced discussion about this. One bad apple does not represent the entire community. It's clear that this scenario is not as black and white as we initially believed it, and we shouldn't attempt to paint an entire group of people as villains when the reality is far more grey.

>> No.75554871

oh my god tell someone who cares

>> No.75554903

Gabe can kill himself sixty times over, and this still doesn’t change that the collabs were retarded.

>> No.75554949

Wait I'm out of the loop. Who is Gabe

>> No.75555002

Literally not the point. The point is that one psycho bitch acting like a psycho bitch does not suddenly mean everyone criticizing Sayu is a Nijinigger, just like how one schizo antiing Kronii does not mean every one of her viewers wants her to unalive herself.

>> No.75555065
File: 21 KB, 112x112, saywucomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but you can criticize her all you want, just use actual criticisms instead of parroting niji smears and we're good. And obviously don't go after her directly.

>> No.75555118

>does not suddenly mean everyone criticizing Sayu is a Nijinigger
but (you) are

>> No.75555142

The main issue with that is in how one goes about either. Making your criticism identical to the cyclical shit the NDF employs makes you seem like the NDF, similarly to being able to pick Gabe out of a lineup purely by how he posts.

>> No.75555153

what is the point of this thread? nobody knows who Gabe or the people in the tweet is besides people from whatever site/general you're from

>> No.75555164

I wouldn't do that. Sayu seems like a sweet girl, though I'm very impartial to her and Nijisanji in general. However threads like these are absolutely retarded and only give more fuel for antis to keep doing schizo antiing because retards /here/ give them attention. If people dislike your oshi, who cares.

>> No.75555215

I'm not surprised

>> No.75555243

lol too bad nijisisters are retards so it's quite easy to spot them by what they say

>> No.75555256

yeah, that's why it's frustrating to see sayu threads pop up on the catalog, they're pretty much entirely just bait or drama threads to give people fuel to attack her. I really just want to see her grow and be happy again.

>> No.75555341

Gabe Newell, Valve and Steam founder

>> No.75555583


>> No.75555672

always has been

>> No.75555819
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>fail at lurking
How? How does a person fuck that up?

>> No.75555885

all these Sayu threads are so weird and make me miss 4chan having IP counter

>> No.75555999
File: 825 KB, 498x498, 1699212662861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely dont get why nijiniggers like to latch onto this specific ex member.
She was only there for like 2 months, left a year and a half ago, and has done nothing notable outside of throwing constant pity parties once a month since.
Yet almost every fujo chink acts like she is some evil villian, when Doki did 10x more damage to their shithole corpo.

>> No.75556038

They never learned how to do it properly and eventually stick their necks out. Doesn’t help that they frequent circlejerks while namefagging or having a handle.

>> No.75556041

Either she said Sayu was in the wrong during the Niji drama or Anycolor was right for terminating her

That or maybe something as simple as "just move on girl" and it's enough to raise suspicion in sayucord

>> No.75556167

or she mentioned anything about Niji at all. She was probably trying to bait reactions to send back to the mothership. Pretty sure any obvious drama stuff is struck down on sight. The mods there run a pretty tight ship to keep things from going out of control.
nice numbers. Also I'm pretty sure it's because she's an easy target. She doesn't hide, she's way too honest about shit, and also she released a document that exposed a fuckton of issues within Nijisanji after they terminated her.

I find it really, really fucking funny though that the jew joke actually wasn't in the suspension notice but they went back in and added it to the termination one later because people were clipping it everywhere.

>> No.75556176

Average woman anon... most of them are actually stupid.

>> No.75556225

literally posted her posts on her main, she utterly and clinically retarded

>> No.75556300

>utter lack of opsec
Name a more fitting pair.

>> No.75556363

>way too honest
Yeah I've noticed that, to the point where I cant enjoy any of her streams personally. Too much emotional baggage.

Still dont get why sisters go as far as to raid her discord and do OP pic, some people have way too much free time.

>> No.75556380
File: 64 KB, 939x322, 1706029274307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75556392

>being this obvious
no wonder she got fucking btfo'd.
Normally, I hate calling out specific twitter users, but this person's literally asking for it.

>> No.75556467

They also tacked on the rape joke bullet point only after Nijisisters made a fuss about it on Twitter, after her suspension began

>> No.75556485

Sisters are not beating the paki allegation

>> No.75556530

well, either the rape joke or the jew joke wasn't in the suspension notice. They just said something about an insensitive comment, which could be either.

>> No.75556549

The absolute state.

>> No.75556565

There's no way a Sincroknight made this thread. This is such an obvious bait. And if it somehow is a Sincroknight, wtf are you doing you retard. This doesn't help. Go show Sayu some love to overshout any hatred

>> No.75556567
File: 25 KB, 220x239, 1715376528276994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu is an easier target since doki is protected with the fact that she nearly ended her life within nijisanji severely impacting ndf their use of morality to bring down others.

>> No.75556771

>Still mindbroken by British Raj

>> No.75556897

They didn't. There were like 5 sayu bait threads made during the stream, and barely any of them got any pro-sayu responses once the stream started going strong.

>> No.75557496

They didn't do it to lurk, they do it to post retarded shit like >>75554786 as fans of another chuuba, take screenshots and then make fun of them(selves) on their main account.

>> No.75557526

Well, the sisters used to love Selen, because she was a bootlicker and used to work hard for the company.
But in case of Sayu, they had a bad impression of her from the very beginning. Given how easy it was for them to fling shit at her during(and after) her termination, unlike Selen/Doki, they think they can still do that with impunity, and they are right. Unlike Doki, Sayu's case wasn't that popular that it broke containment into general dramafag circles, nor did it garner the same, dare I say any, level of sympathy.
I do have a rrat that Sayu may have pissed off some management; they could have gossiped in nyfco and the hate brigade could have begun like that.
At the end of the day, they are just schizos who would go to that length to anti someone. They would have done that to Doki, if they could have. Maybe that also drives their motivation to do that to Sayu...

>> No.75557541

They also hate that Sayu is more successful than all the remaining niji females lately, without the help of vshojo or some ethereal retirement circle helping her out.

>> No.75557587

We've got our top sincroknight on the job fellas, we do not forgive we do not forget


>> No.75557608
File: 466 KB, 672x637, Hag_machine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's not our general then it's a bait thread made by an anti, simple as.

>> No.75557636

It's really inspiring that she managed to dig herself out of that ACTUAL nightmare.
Hell, after coming back, her numbers were even lower than when she graduated the first time, and she had to slowly build her relationships and confidence back up from scratch. Yeah, the Doki thing helped, but if she hadn't grown or worked hard to become an even better content creator in her own right, they would've just left immediately like they did with Quinn. Instead she got a nice bump in february and kept on growing from there.

>> No.75557785

If she can do it, so could Vivi....

>> No.75558154

No shit, 95% of Holo bait threads are by them.

>> No.75558422

Because they don't know how to attack Doki. They tried hard but failed completely everytime.

>> No.75558431

No wonder they are called nijiniggers

>> No.75558678

let them lurk around it will only increase the CCV so we can slap it to the faces of their oshis

>> No.75558721

nice thats a free court money for them
would love to see it

>> No.75558888

avarage Nijisisters 39iq

>> No.75559017

I love how lacking in opsec the sisters have.
They say all that hot air without thinking for a second what happens to their "liege" if they assault what is essentially a random member of the public in his name.

Sometimes I wonder if the sisters actually hate niji and are trying to purposefully kill the entire corpo.
Alas no, they're just that retarded.

>> No.75559392

I mean when their retarded "liege" sends signals like "Keep fighting the good fight", how else is this schizo bunch supposed to react.

>> No.75559822
File: 763 KB, 200x200, 1707997969776832.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>if you sexualise nuns, priests, imams, sheikhs, and all other religious figures hard block me and never return to the internet ever again loser
Sisters are fucking insane

>> No.75559907

Does that mean that she also hates sister Claire?

>> No.75560167
File: 516 KB, 1170x1088, IMG_7472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's crazy the Sayusisters act like this, it's really childish and immature

>> No.75560265

I can't tell anymore, are you trying to be ironic? I don't particularly like that guy, but those tweets are absolutely fine and are a measured answer when you have sisters falseflagging as different fanbases just to spread hatred and misinformation.

>> No.75560295

>woman is harassed regularly
>idiot attempts to harass her again
>someone says to watch out for falseflaggers
What exactly is the issue here? He's not telling anybody to "keep fighting the good fight" or harass anybody, you ingrown toenail, just to watch out for bad actors and support our oshi.

I guess that's a foreign concept to a girl who won't even watch streams and just tabs in for 3-5 minutes at a time in order to count as a "view."

>> No.75560330

it took you this long to find 4chan, huh, sister?
lol. lmao even.

>> No.75560390
File: 139 KB, 915x993, IMG_7162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's acting like the same nijifaggots you claim to hate, talking about "destroy us from within" like this is an anime or some shit, all you sisters are cut from the same cloth lol

>> No.75560430

trying too hard to fit in

>> No.75560440

We hate you fuckers because you harass our oshis, not the chuuni crap. The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.75560514

>He's acting like the same nijifaggots you claim to hate
I don't see him falseflagging to harass people and then claiming that he will do it again after being found out. That's what sisters do.

>> No.75560556

This guy at most deserves to get laughed at. Nijisisters unironically should be lynched on sight

>> No.75560574

He's a bit on the spectrum, he was harassing a fan artist for not including Sayu so he's more of an in your face type

>> No.75560704

That artist was a Quinnfag who probably was lying about forgetting to include Sayu (indicated by the censoring of her name)

>> No.75560720

you mean the obvious Sayu anti "artist" that put every ex-niji there EXCEPT her and made a half-assed attempt at censoring her name, mockingly so? that fartist is lucky it only had to deal with Piprup.

>> No.75560750

yeah, I'm sure a quinn fan just accidentally forgot to include sayu and then censored her name in his "apology"

>> No.75560805

To be fair I would have forgotten about her too she's been quiet since she hasn't leeched off drama since the Kenji thing. Guess I should expect her to mention Niji within the next week to get another boost.

>> No.75560834
File: 809 KB, 1344x906, your likes are public.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were lying, their likes proved it

>> No.75560845

could've fooled me. Sisters put up a bait thread on her nearly daily, and they're constantly attacking her directly on social media, too.
For some reason those cunts can't seem to get her out of their minds.

>> No.75560883


>> No.75560903

>For some reason those cunts can't seem to get her out of their minds.
Because they don't have the balls to attack Doki in public, so Sayu is the safest option.

>> No.75560964
File: 157 KB, 390x381, 1688041545856010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imma look you in the yes when i say this
>But let me quote the tweet instead of actually replying to anyone

>> No.75560979
File: 188 KB, 505x431, 1713381525397771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same nijisisters that cry when someone criticizes their "milord"

>> No.75561024

The sisters' absolute lack of self awareness is kind of amazing

>> No.75561154

Gabe is a retarded nigger and should kill himself

>> No.75561202
File: 351 KB, 900x900, 1713295331641338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obvious sister trying to leech from the wisps and the dragoons
>Doki and Mint ignored the art

>> No.75561252
File: 3.27 MB, 292x284, 1712746091472890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love my oshi

>> No.75561254

Based non-retarded former nijis

>> No.75561300
File: 96 KB, 1080x439, Screenshot_20240511-044700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75561325

But not retweeted

>> No.75561354

unsubscribed, unfollowed, rescinded my hololive acceptence recommendation letter

>> No.75561363

>Mint liked an art of her with Doki

>> No.75561365

Least obvious falseflagger setup

>> No.75561398

Is there any difference between a nijisister and a sayu fans? Both fanbase are shit stirring catalog shitting drama queens. Everytime either sayu are talked about you can bet your ass that is about some bullshit drama.

>> No.75561445

>thinking that its syncroknights making these bait threads

>> No.75561665

What would be the best way of getting rid of the doxxsisters? Would be enough with NijiEN closing down?

>> No.75561837

>Thinking one niji infiltrating their ranks absolve them from everything else they've done.
That's not the own you think it is faggot. Your oshi is a drama fucking magnet incapable of letting go of kurosanji which is the reason why everyone who is trying to move on from shitty sanji is avoiding her oof.

>> No.75561876

I feel like if nijien crashed down they'd double down on making this place even worse, to try and make us feel as miserable as they do.

>> No.75561995

I think they would just lose interest after a few weeks and move on to k-pop stars. Anyway, we will find out in a couple of months.

>> No.75562101

Do they think they're like spies in a psyop?

>> No.75562219

There was a thread about Vox's outfit and someone found her talking about the falseflag attempt in replies and linked to her profile. The account was deleted not long after that so I assume either a sayufag /here/ or another anon told other sayufags on twitter.

>> No.75562545

Having actual laws against doxxing when it's clear harassment.

>> No.75562568

Unironically, report the twitter accounts for harassment.

>> No.75563332

Using kurosanji doesnt make ur falseflag any less obvious sis

>> No.75563537

Oh no you poor corpo bootlicker :(

>> No.75563678

Kind of, they fucking love being evil, lurking around like secret agents, spreading lies and rumors, this is how these women have their fun on the internet, regular women already love gossip so imagine the terminally online ones.

>> No.75563916


>> No.75563969

I miss Gabe he was my fucking retard.

>> No.75564010
File: 550 KB, 773x793, jkterjter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to Twitter or whatever other shithole you came from

>> No.75564060

Keep seething nijinigger.

>> No.75564191

Kronii is the villain

>> No.75564560
File: 1.33 MB, 1588x909, mix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your drink sir

>> No.75564622
File: 200 KB, 1021x619, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you have the nijisisters

>> No.75564658

Kek, what thread is this from?

>> No.75564663

>twitter screencap thread

>> No.75564776

Nijisisters are a plague

>> No.75564794

Don't forget that they also pose as Goons, Wisps and Holofags

>> No.75564858

they literally pose as anyone now to shit up the catalog with fwmc/phase/vshojo bait threads

>> No.75566277

i belive this rrat. kronii also spams the "stop locking at my clockwife" threads.

>> No.75569295

honestly pathetic behavior

>> No.75569602

I swore I saw how this already plays out with Coco's bugmen arc
>pretend to be a fan
>thinks they're hard trolling
>in actuality just giving free views and engagements
>boosts the channel in the algo

>> No.75569872
File: 150 KB, 484x347, 1714186829394000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are women so mentally ill and actually get away with it? When dudes act schizo everyone calls them out. She has women encouraging her to falseflag.

>> No.75571434


>> No.75574359


>> No.75574431


>> No.75574601

Why did you bump a thread that no one posted in for an hour? Just trying to start shit?

>> No.75576569

