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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.73 MB, 1188x895, baerys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75558250 No.75558250 [Reply] [Original]

>All those empty seats

>> No.75558283


>> No.75558348
File: 57 KB, 1024x558, 1714193911998489m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not as empty as the nijien concert

>> No.75558375
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>> No.75558383

>35 people

Now THIS is empty

>> No.75558397
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>> No.75558417
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>> No.75558421


>> No.75558445


>> No.75558466

why are you comparing niji concert to holo karaoke?

>> No.75558504
File: 772 KB, 750x807, 1715421391596101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75558535

Just a karaoke btw

>> No.75558540

holy shit.
What the fuck is that theater? That's insane.

>> No.75558541

This is unfair, why are you comparing Hololive Karaoke to Nijisanji concert. Its like comparing apples to oranges

>> No.75558593

Jesus christ was this during the concert?

>> No.75558600


>> No.75558685
File: 1.25 MB, 3024x4032, 1701020912802802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nijisisters desperate to hit back over their flop karaoke

>> No.75558697
File: 340 KB, 1049x1241, Sonnyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. Not even the boys could fill the seats.

>> No.75558705

No, preshow

>> No.75558733


>> No.75558752
File: 302 KB, 2048x1153, GMJisRNawAA6TQH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75558768
File: 3.19 MB, 1280x720, 1698472651321704.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nijinigsters resorting to lying

>> No.75558772

So the girls are a preshow to the boys?

>> No.75558779

Yeah this is the actual show. >>75558348 is the preshow.

>> No.75558810

Ennanigger status????

>> No.75558820


>> No.75558831

A promo image of one of the livers, not even their L2D nor singing any song, is preshow yes.

>> No.75558880

They are not performing here?
Im looking at >>75558768

>> No.75558910

So nice of the nijisisters to record it and post it online. Like seriously, what were they thinking???

>> No.75558918

They are preforming there. My original comment was pointing out that >>75558348 is the preshow.

>> No.75558935

This is Pre-show?

>> No.75558941

>Created this thread when the preshow trailers are still running and people haven't all sat down yet.
>Event actually filled up now.
The sisters can never stop embarassing themselves can they?

>> No.75558942


>> No.75558950

No, that's the concert. >>75558348 is the preshow.

>> No.75558960

Yes it is
Cause it ain't the actual show, we abide the rules, no recordings, no screenshots, nothing. You Holofags have been deceived by dramaniggers all this time.

>> No.75558969

you can literally see the karaoke lyrics on the screen retard

>> No.75558990

They are performing but it ain't the actual show??? Are you trying to troll me???

>> No.75558995
File: 338 KB, 1512x2016, 1704104882708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75558994

They are posturing. They want correction, but can’t just ask for it, obviously.

>> No.75559009

If you see their actual L2D model, it's part of the concert.
If you only see static promo artwork, it's the preshow.
It's not rocket science.

>> No.75559031

>Whole branch NijiEN concert compared to 2 people Holokaraoke
Its really unfair like comparing a hydrogen bomb to a coughing baby

>> No.75559034

They literally forbid recording because all that empty seats KEK

>> No.75559037

Meant for >>75558990

>> No.75559051

Trying too hard, Holofags. Don't embarrass yourselves like OP here if you weren't there in person.

>> No.75559057
File: 361 KB, 2048x1536, 1703607166832681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol seethe

>> No.75559060

They need some ammo to shit but too retarded to investigate it

>> No.75559079

this will never not be funny. and sad. but mostly funny.

>> No.75559082

Ok cool so show me one picture with it filled up then

>> No.75559100

well. sisters..... no one go to your concert so no one can tell about that........

>> No.75559114

>video evidence doesn't count

>> No.75559120

There is none because it never filled up. Doesn't change what I said.

>> No.75559123
File: 213 KB, 2048x1006, GMKrLTcaEAA1Kep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these then?

>> No.75559124

Then show the picture of full seats if you go there

>> No.75559150


>> No.75559159

Hm. Sisters have shown the ability to:
>hate brigade
>even send death threats to 3dpds
but they cannot take pictures of their own concerts? Rather odd.

>> No.75559167

Yes, cause purposely breaking the concert rules to slander Nijisanji is totally what a Nijifan would do
Jesus fucking christ how hard is it to understand? NO PICTURES!! THAT'S IN THE RULES!!

>> No.75559174


>> No.75559195

Niji Vermin subhuman status??????????????

>> No.75559196

Your thoughts? >>75559123

>> No.75559201

KEK i remember the nijisister that posted this clip in twitter trying to show it off got mass reported and got it taken down by other nijisisters because it was exposing the empty seats

Alas they were too slow since it would only take seconds to save the recording

>> No.75559205

>People pay money to sit down and watch V-tubers use their 2D models
I hope they at least did a Q and A or something

>> No.75559208

No pictures allowed but the nijisisters so kindly posted them all over social media
Seems like nijisisters cant follow simple rules

>> No.75559225


>> No.75559269

KEK, this guy was right, they dont want people to see the empty seat. It would be so fucking ugly for Niji

>> No.75559274

THere is NO PASSION, There is NO VISION, There is NO AGGRESSION in nijisanji fanclub. What the HELL is there in nijisanji fanclub

>> No.75559302

They're not showing up because they're passionate, they're showing up because they're afraid their chosen tribe (nijisanji) is dying and that's their identity.

>> No.75559306

But they did tho?!?!?! Are you high on copium???

>> No.75559309

AAAIIIIeeeeeE the entire show is just a PRESHOW A FUCKING PRESHOWWW

>> No.75559317

wtf man you gotta spoiler this kinda shit

>> No.75559327

The girls was the preshow
The boys had an additional row

>> No.75559352

Ike. Shits too offensive for the average nijinigger

>> No.75559417

Hey I recognize this reference

>> No.75559466

Fucking tired of Holofags spinning narratives by using photos they didn't took and videos they didn't record themselves to circlejerk with yourfuckingselves, go believe what you want to believe then!! I'm just happy knowing you all can be this easily misguided by faggots.

>> No.75559518

>using photos they didn't took

>> No.75559540

ty for playing the part of a nijinigger anon, good effort

>> No.75559543

i love you nijisister, as a holobro we can make cute babies

>> No.75559554
File: 7 KB, 453x114, firefox_h2b1PSr0iG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was you wasn't it?

>> No.75559556

This is definitely a baiter theres no way someone can be this retarded

>> No.75559607

you should already knew Nijisisters are so fucking retard, they keep making evertything worse for Niji

>> No.75559626

>still no prove
So you lost all argument here?????

>> No.75559641

the preshow is NG too actually

>> No.75559648

Heard this karaoke was expensive? Was it good? How long was it?

>> No.75559670

based retard

>> No.75559671

What part of "Believe what you want to believe" you did not understand?

>> No.75559687

These events are cringe, the attendees are hideous, and the bits sound like rejected soap opera scripts.
I'm still wondering why the fuck anyone 'would' go when you can have a better, cheaper experience just staying home and watching their vods.

>> No.75559697

I believe there was no one there.

>> No.75559702

>Still no prove
you lost

>> No.75559782

At what point would you take Rikus cock out of your mouth sister?

>> No.75559797
File: 55 KB, 354x531, PSYCHOjita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bejita won that fight btw

>> No.75559812

seethe poorfag
you will never be able to afford tickets and hololive will never visit your shithole country

>> No.75559836

I believe I did understand it

>> No.75559853

It's the event environment anon. Also they go to cheer for their oshis.

>> No.75559866

"Believe what you want to believe" is applicable to you sister, not to us. HAHAHAHAHA
Believing that your VR "concert" is a success, LEMAO

>> No.75559902

>I'm just happy knowing
If you were happy you would be on your doxxsite instead of seething here sister.

>> No.75559934

sister, just say you are poor as fuck, lmao
they're paying for experience and meeting people with same likes
you dont like that, cause your a basement-dweller retard.

>> No.75560000

>they would be on their doxxsite
That’s the thing, they can’t because it has been nuked out of existence KEK

>> No.75560018

>event environment
>7000 autistic virgin men with swamp-ass mumbling, looking at the floor, and leching onto everything femaleesque in between bouts of shrieking to awful corposcripted skits in a collapsing warehouse built out of asbestos
Again: Why?

>> No.75560041

you sound insecure

>> No.75560175

The stench of a landwhale too fat to hang itself, lmao

>> No.75560203

This isn't the dokibird general anon.

>> No.75560220
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1709915171425088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sisters are probably getting off to you guys humiliating them, you know.

>> No.75560317

Butthurt that even metal line snaps? Try bleaching yourself in a landfill

>> No.75560419

I hear she tried that too, but apparently she was back to streaming a month later so it can't be very effective.

>> No.75560433

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.75560446

>make a thread
>got obliterated so hard he cant even answer properly
Fucking KEK

>> No.75560482

God, I hope so.

>> No.75560529

Then do your part

>> No.75560534

Don't worry, bleach has disinfecting properties. It will work great on you

>> No.75560662

>nijiniggers getting BTFO in their own bait thread #3435

>> No.75560789

>crowd only reacts to the boys
Can't make this shit up.

>> No.75560831
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>> No.75560928

>redditor attempts to be witty
You really are a perfect match for nyfcosisters.

>> No.75560944

Clearly Goku wouldn't fight Vegeta here.

>> No.75560973

Much to Vegetas chagrin

>> No.75560984

The concert hall can accommodate 5000 people. minus the top part, there are approx 4500 attendees

>> No.75560999

Sister, even faggots have standards

>> No.75561513


>> No.75561770

No talk about the karaoke since they aren't allowed to take pics? Well, seems Kobo did well and she sung a lot of Chinese songs it seems.

>> No.75563501

Holy shit im only seen 2 of those vid

>> No.75564925

it's not fair to compare a karaoke with a concert. obviously a concert will have a bigger audience ...oh wait

>> No.75565004

I hope someday I will be popular enough to fill half the seating in a concert venue.

>> No.75565304

LOL wtf. wait did people pay for this? my bad of course they didn't.

>> No.75565374


Finally an alive crowd that chants for their Oshis. Unlike the dead ass sister crowd that can barely move a glow stick.

>> No.75565375

You should fix your contrast. See >>75558375 for reference.

>> No.75565403


>> No.75565446

That is one of the Holospies disguising as a Nijisister. Let us praise their sacrifice for degrading themselves to the level of Nijisisters for the sake of exposing their blatant lies.

>> No.75565504

Best we can do is a 60s meet and greet with dirty ear buds everyone has to share.

>> No.75565610

I believe you lost.

>> No.75565694

Energy is infectious when there's a lot of hype people.
Nijisisters cant hype themselves up since they're just < 20 inside. so even raising light sticks felt awkward, lmao

>> No.75565775

>Sisters will say this is AI or those people are "bots"

>> No.75565859
File: 1.40 MB, 722x963, GNTMqJ9b0AAD4UQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use their 2D models

>> No.75565943

actually, due to technical issues, some of them didn't even get the full 60 seconds, that Sonny, I think, had to apologize to the visitor

>> No.75565960

Holy fuck, imagine how long IRyS snatch looks from down there.

>> No.75565974

And it was cheaper than the Niji "concert."

>> No.75566013

Lost? If anything this is what being insecure looks like :
Nijisanji doesn't need anybody breaking rules to prove that we're way above the competition, but of course you guys gonna believe what you want to believe.

>> No.75566037

>Be famous in a PL for tf2
>Fake death
> Become niji
>Have to apologize to a sweaty fujoshi and act happy to be there
Man, I wonder what that feels like.

>> No.75566053
File: 560 KB, 2048x1536, GNTW9AbbUAEaMrj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That seems like a lot of messages.

>> No.75566058

Stop humiliating the sisters, now there's gonna be catalog baits and doxxfags all the day

>> No.75566085

Nice larp.

>> No.75566144

It reads like h, loli, e, and Me from a distance

>> No.75566225

Fuwawa looks very cute and important here

>> No.75566237
File: 29 KB, 478x479, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel the SEETHE in your replies sister, LEMAO

>> No.75566280

>breaking rules
the audience screenshots were taken before the karaoke started and the 3D screenshot was posted by IRyS herself https://twitter.com/irys_en/status/1789279983632007620

>> No.75566286

What seethe? Nijis literally mogging Holos as we speak >>75565453

>> No.75566313

If the competition is number of talents, sure, you're way above the competition. No other company can boast they have 177 talents.

>> No.75566320

How do you know the Earth is round if you're not even the one who took the photo from space?

>> No.75566376
File: 30 KB, 1899x664, 1715434744324490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The what? the botted one?
niji botters are so stupid, cant even hide it

>> No.75566388

>comparing botted 3D Live to regular gaming streams
pure deflection

>> No.75566423

BTFO is already past tense. You always make this mistake, Chang.

>> No.75566434

Jesus told me in a dream that the science was settled

>> No.75566466

Yeah I'll give you that, the others are still being taken by rulebreakers
Botted? Like Advent streams? Please, we're not that desperate to stay relevant, Holofags.

>> No.75566513

>H loli e-Meet
So that was the underlying message...

>> No.75566539

Name the rollercoaster.

>> No.75566554
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 2jwb08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh but you are tho

>> No.75566699

You guys are the one desperate to stay relevant, LMAO
Please screenshot me NijiEN performance please

>> No.75566700

Oof, hits a little too close to home with that Advent botting stuff eh?

>> No.75566776

You might want to coordinate better, is this why you guys cannibalized yourselves when you left 4chan? >>75561047

>> No.75566914

Looks almost full for 3rd floor if this is taken just after they start to leave. Maybe 60~70%?


>> No.75566975
File: 453 KB, 1088x685, 1691499460385202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the portugal mountains™

>> No.75566995
File: 3.21 MB, 1536x2048, GMKnVvJbQAAzmvj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just preshow btw

>> No.75567088

lol what kind of a karaoke party fills 3 FLOORS jesus christ the energy

>> No.75567194
File: 149 KB, 1688x947, mogged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your screenshot is SO GRIM, please pick a better one, LEMAO

>> No.75567199
File: 130 KB, 1002x753, luxiemwho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep crying sister im sure it will save your dead branch, imagine getting mogged by phase reading a visual novel

>> No.75567284
File: 2.13 MB, 2826x1528, 1697579430560025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of botting, nipple teasing man had adverts for botting services when playing geo guesser.

>> No.75567308

the thing is the karaoke is actually in 3D aside from the 2 NTR dogs

>> No.75567574

Mogged by Tenma karaoke... ogey sisters

>> No.75567739

Can someone explain the price? Isn't that a lot for karaoke or am I missing something?

>> No.75567931
File: 603 KB, 714x1242, 1707154056076478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luxiem Collab
>Slopdivers 2 boosted
>First stream after getting perms
>Can't beat one girl who can barely speak English sing

>> No.75568075

no, its worth it. its a concert, it lasted 3 hours! every performer had many songs.. gura had 10 songs!
now compare that to virtual rhapsody, SAME PRICE, spinning 2D, i dont know how many songs they did, lmao

>> No.75568091

>dead branch
Smells like Holostars NGL. Please mind your own dying sub-branch before minding other company's business.

>> No.75568151
File: 119 KB, 1941x1064, 2o2qjfobsmc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit here it comes

>> No.75568201

Actually, VR SG was divided into 2 parts, one for the girls and one for the boys. Each part costs the same as the Hololive concert, and that's before the meet and greet tickets btw

>> No.75568202

>comparing a sub-unit versus entire nijiEN

>> No.75568248
File: 85 KB, 789x592, GJ9JgzyW4AE0S1y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Holo EN deserves basement venue they can't fill huge ones like their jp counterparts

>> No.75568279

then its much fuckin worse, a literal scam.. paying $100 to meet 4 performer spinning in 2D..
good thing male paypigs just focused on meet&greet

>> No.75568307


>> No.75568389

It'a nice to know he took fuwa's advice of botting, what a wholesome niji family

>> No.75568424

I said larp, faggot. Do you not know what larp is? Lurk a thousand more years.

>> No.75568506

>Still more people than luxiem's "concert"
Just take the holo pill already, sister. You can't win

>> No.75568635

atleast there were fucking seats becuase niji couldnt afford it

>> No.75568702

you guys have seats?

>> No.75569095

>I hope someday I will be popular enough to fill half the seating in a concert venue.
Keep up your current diet and you'll fill the whole place.

>> No.75569115

That means I'm not fucking talking to you, I just want you to read my reply, kid!

>> No.75569229

>I'm not fucking talking to you
>I just want you to read my reply

>> No.75569651
File: 133 KB, 1080x592, Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be nice to Niji's first victim
>gets seen as a nice guy who stands with the weak
>be nice to Niji's second victim
>first in line for the Doki-clout-train
Was it that easy?

>> No.75569794

Aren't ads targeted based on your search history?

>> No.75569944

Holostars is getting more CCV than the "golden wave" of nijien...

>> No.75570130

Is this what the kids call "seethe"?

>> No.75570402

PSA: nijitrannies new strategy is the "no u" response, if you notice the usual nijitranny behavior like seething at mere mention of doki,sayu,hololive or anyone outside of nijishitter feel free to call them a nijinigger tranny and if they reply back with:"no u tranny" type of response then you know for sure you have found a nijitranny in the wild, in this case you can make fun of them until they desist and go back to twatter to ask for digital hugs and forgiveness for using the word tranny, since the nyfco doxx website is gone they have breached containment but hopefully now you know how to deal with them, pass this along to any other threads that have nijitranny activity, anon out.

>> No.75570552

kek, good let the nijisisters and homofags fight each other. two birds with one stone, Holochads win in the end.

>> No.75570622

Yes. It's not even a rrat anymore that Niji uses bots, since the livers themselves basically confirm it.

Question from a teenager who is worried not having many followers on her social media would make people think she doesn't have many friends.

For context, ROF-MAO members talk first about making friends by playing games, or spending more time face-to-face, etc. and then the conversation follows as below.

Kaida Haru: "I'm going to say something very convincing, I have 700k followers (on twitter) but I have very few friends, so the number of followers is not related."

Fuwa Minato: "Or think in the contrary, if the number of followers can increase your friends, you can just buy followers and get impressive (fake) numbers and then mentally..."

Radio Host: "That's the most dangerous part"

Kagami Hayato: "That's not the advise you should be giving teenagers."

Kenmochi Toya: "We're giving advice so they don't become like that-"

Kagami Hayato: "We want to stop that from happening"

Fuwa Minato: "Then forget it."

**He didn't use the exact word for "forget" but more like he takes it back.

>> No.75572545

Why though?

>> No.75572801

showing factual evidence isn't spinning anything lol. it's just the truth. why don't you go speak to a manager about it or something. oh wait, they're all high school kids.

>> No.75574946

The Taipei super karaoke party was hugely popular so I guess that is why they have been making so many bait threads using pictures that were taken during the preshow.

>> No.75575545

The sisters are too busy deflecting on /vt/ to support da gorlz

>> No.75575829

>every performer had many songs.. gura had 10 songs!
That sounds awesome. If you went, I hope you had a good time!

>> No.75577476

Show was sold out.
>paying customers
>don't want to see Bae
This checks out.

>> No.75578108

>preshow preshow
>believe what you want to believe
Nijisisters this is extremely embarrassing.

>> No.75578827

But enough about Enna

>> No.75579583

keep seething KFP

>> No.75579744
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>> No.75579939

Swung on a miss.

>> No.75581452
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>> No.75582046
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, 1710507149481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an eyesore, nijisistrash. GTFO.

>> No.75582310

Too much FWMC (meh) too little Gura.

>> No.75585403
File: 327 KB, 370x454, ratidol.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75587607

Oh nyo

>> No.75591662


>> No.75592337
File: 94 KB, 706x1024, 1714230130694216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will save this thread as folder for my enjoy

>> No.75595622


>> No.75596157

Holo deflection. Advent streams are confirmed botted while you're still speculating based on seething and coping

>> No.75599514

rent freeee lmao
