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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75505909 No.75505909 [Reply] [Original]

>every single one of her friends redebuted corpo (Phase, Hololive, Idol, Nijisanji, Brave Group)
>refuse to do so herself and stagnate

>> No.75505979

She is bigger than the entire corpo that tries to attach to her as a leech combined

>> No.75506047

>300 ccv average
no she is not

>> No.75506125
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Perms autism
She can't handle it
And she has plenty of paypigs
She's content with what she has

>> No.75506193

>shorts and ironic weeb bait

>> No.75506250


>> No.75506383


>> No.75506489

She already declined both Idol and Phase invitation and most likely burnt bridges with Fishman because one of her demands to join was basically having an higher cut than anyone else in the company so he told her to fuck off, possibly did something similar with Aviel.
So her only options are Hololive or Nijisanji but she is too much of a petty bitch for Hololive so she will fit extremely well in Nijisanji and since she is already close friend to Elira she would be part of the Clique too.

>> No.75506783
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Who knows

>> No.75506790

hardcore gfe vtuber cant join corpo ok, thats why she stay as an indie after short spells at myholotv and tsunderia.

>> No.75506813

Miori wouldn't be able to handle being in a corpo. She'd get terminated the seventeenth time she got caught lashing out at someone on social media.

>> No.75506890

Love her roleplay streams.

>> No.75507012

Thats perfect for Nijisanji

>> No.75507118

There are some corpo GFE vtubers though
That said, Miori is way too big to justify a corpo since most corpo GFE chuubas are smaller than her anyways, and the ones who aren't are roughly around her level

>> No.75507157

Nijisanji is shit though. Too bad so sad she's doing fine on her own.

>> No.75507196

lol lmao even
Shondo pulls 3 times her numbers
Every single V4Mirai GFE pulls more
Phase GFE pulls more

>> No.75507371
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>> No.75507390

Well yeah, but she isn't a corpo. There's others too like Oli but again, indie.
>Every single V4Mirai GFE pulls more
Do they? I don't have the exact numbers but I saw both Alias and Miori recently for a bit and they were both pulling in the ballpark of ~500. Could have been outliers though I suppose.
>Phase GFE

>> No.75507401


>> No.75507435

Wemi is RDE (Retarded Daughter Experience)

>> No.75507491

Could just do the Pomu strat
>Join corpo
>become popular
>graduate on good terms
>return indie and keep everything from the corpo time

>> No.75507494


>> No.75507545

>every single V4Mirai GFE pulls more
Like money or CCV? They don't.

>> No.75507689

>debut in a corpo
>get zero CCV boost
>give up 50% of her donos
>less merch so less money
>have to give up 50% of that merch profit anyway
>some paypigs would leave her
>being in a corpo means constant coworker interaction which means worse GFE which means less donos
What a deal!!!

>> No.75507763

Too good for corpos.

>> No.75507768

>>get zero CCV boost
Debuting in Phase already would net her stable 4view status
Even Idol would get her 4view
Right now she average 1 Finana

>> No.75507913

She had a 4view stream today.

>> No.75508062

>coomer ASMR in public

>> No.75508323

>moving the goalpost

>> No.75508463

She does fine on her own, none of the small corpos would give her enough ccv to make the revenue split worth it.

>> No.75508769

Mio got over 4k dollars in donos in a single regular stream once, how many small corpos have that potential?
Yeah she refunded everything, but still

>> No.75508882

she got most of that back diluted through the streams that followed

>> No.75509037

The paypigs gave it all back and more over the streams after that

>> No.75509075

Loyalty test. You're supposed to re-donate after she refunds you. She won't refund you then and you get moved up on the spreadsheet.

>> No.75509185

Stay in your containment shithole

>> No.75509198

>Listing Ph*se before Holo
Buy a goddamn ad, your shillpost isn’t stealthy

>> No.75509216

>Yeah she refunded everything

>> No.75509259

She was expecting to call it quits and go back to medical school I thought?

>> No.75509277

EXTREME menhera, or >>75509075

>> No.75509381

Super menhera she has been doing it a bit lately but everyone donates it back. She said she didn't feel like she did enough for how much she was getting.
She doesn't stalk viewers anymore

>> No.75509405

Menhera meltdown
Thought the stream went to shit, started crying, couldn't keep going and do the stuff she promised so she went full retard and refunded the entire of $4000 USD she racked that day

>> No.75509459


>> No.75509539

>4 people in Hololive
>4 people in Phase
>2 in V4Mirai
>4 people in Nijisanji (3 if not counting Mint)
>3 people in Idol
V4Mirai has the least networking points for a poach

>> No.75510173

who are her friends in Nijishit?

>> No.75510354

>most likely
So in your head.

>> No.75510649

Elira Finana Claude Couldjustaskmark and Pomu for ex niji.
Elira Claude and Pomu are from before they even debuted Niji

>> No.75510849

She has some crazy dedicated paypigs. She is doing perfectly fine for herself. She also does a bunch of music stuff for Holo as a side gig.

>> No.75511220

>Elira Claude before they even debuted Niji
Holy mother of red flags

>> No.75511390

Wanna know something funny? Bae also met Claude pre niji

>> No.75511446

>She doesn't stalk viewers anymore

>> No.75511650

Is she still teaching FUWAMOCO how to sing?

>> No.75511910

irc her parents know how much she earns from vtubing. She can't take risk with small corpos, and bigger corpos are lottery-based (seeing how Nerissa got in)

>> No.75511951

>So her only options are Hololive or Nijisanji but she is too much of a petty bitch for Hololive
it's so dumb when people talk like Hololive is just an option that people can choose to take, kek
there are like 5 slots a year if even that many and competition is fierce as hell, even for someone somewhat well connected like Miori the chances of getting in are very, very low

>> No.75513716


>> No.75516462

I love this Korean chubster like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.75516584

She's there to fullfill the Big Corpo/Small Corpo/Indie trinity.
When she was in a small corpo, Jelly was indie. Now that Jelly in a small corpo, she MUST stay indie. It's a balance that must be preserved.

>> No.75516672

She sucked my dick dry last night

>> No.75517125

She panders to the worst audience possible in a mutually toxic relationship

>> No.75520120

Her chat and how she acts shows someone that knows she has a loyal amount of piggies and don’t need to change anything major

>> No.75520204

But they were in a small corp together too

>> No.75520428

>Le GFE is problematic
Kill yourself tranny

>> No.75520437

That was before the concord duh. Ever since they left they were in three separate paths, forever.

>> No.75520784

Didn't know NTR are GFE are the same thing, but you do you queen.

>> No.75523650

>cuckbrained seanigger
