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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, Nade Schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7416972 No.7416972 [Reply] [Original]

This week's schedule:
YT channel:

>> No.7417073

I'm kinda curious about what she has planed for her "failed" ASMR. Also how long does she plan to do her endurance stream for it to be listed on 2 days.

>> No.7417435

Reclaiming Constantinople with Nade!

>> No.7417635

I hope its soft whisper reading of "Lamys transformation vol1" by Nadeshiko, read from under the bedcovers.

>> No.7417764
File: 864 KB, 874x698, Nadeciety.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in a society

>> No.7418201

Will she upload her doodles or do we have to fetch them all?

>> No.7419080

Fetch. She said upload them at warashiko hashtag if you want

>> No.7419795
File: 30 KB, 316x521, Life is disappointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be called a nigger by nadeshiko for using hard counters against her
why even live?

>> No.7421183

Subscribers are currently at 550

>> No.7421276

Damn, could have sworn she mentioned she'd only pass on uploading the armpits page. Guess I have to cut things carefully.

>> No.7423361
File: 57 KB, 332x332, 1627393769995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think she got that soap and shampoo she was promised?

>> No.7423478

Does she plan on getting an animated avatar or will she be a pngtuber forever?

>> No.7423632

Pretty sure it's on the way, but she's on the tight JC working part-time budget and refuses to take donations yet.

>> No.7423678

>Humanities under 90

>> No.7423923

She's planning it, and I think she may even have a Live2D rigger in mind, but she doesn't have the money and she's too much of a sweetheart to want to open up donos immediately. Chat is tempting her though.

>> No.7423950

Didn't she say that the one who did her avatar will also do the L2D?

>> No.7424020

I thought i heard that too. How expensive can it get?

>cursed asmr turns out to be bath audio stream

>> No.7425044

>tfw you recommended she put her phone in one of those bath bags to bring with her so she's not bored/scared in the tub
>she takes it too far and brings her whole macbook

>> No.7427027

That’s what I used to do before I got an ipad. Of course I keep it on a chair outside the tub, not balancing between life and death.

I did however dip my iPad 1/3rd in to the water after I tipped the small tub I was balancing it on. Thankfully it survived. Now I balance it on a bathtub corner instead.

>> No.7427191

I will miss Nade HEREing... ganbatte

>> No.7430200

Nade lust!

>> No.7431657

>Early thread
Really? OP, do you forget things once they leave your field of vision?

>> No.7436688


>> No.7436809

Can't a model be finished with a month's time? Call me cynical, but there are far too many chuubas I see who are going to debut soon and months later, no model.

>> No.7436843


>> No.7437557

Depends. From what i learned from a guy who ordered for a model to be made when the whole vtuber hype was still recent (It took him months to finally get a model btw and when he finally got it the vtubing scene already became saturated). The process of model making can be hard af. You need to find an artist that knows how to rigged said model (which is the longest part of the process from what he said). And after that you still need to rigged it yourself. And thats not counting the equipment needed for the shit to work (like a webcam which i highly doubt Nade has cause she's using a mac book). You can hasten said process up if you requested a model from someone already experienced on making such things but that depends if they'll accept said request or if you can afford it.

>> No.7438617

She's already debuted and streaming, that disqualifies her from being a Vtweeter. From what I understand, the main issue is that she doesn't have money to buy the model itself. Think she has any oil balons to help her along, once she opens donos?

>> No.7442512

Im pretty stingy, but im willing to part ways with some lunch money amount of currency for Nade. But it would take quite a few stingy people out of the regular 25 to pool something substantial.

Is there free live2d rigging/motion capture software thats popular? She could probably learn it herself by the time she'd get the funds. But thats time not streaming.

>> No.7442934

Not wrong. Is there anything she can do to pull in the balon crowd? What do they usually like?
Live2D itself is free, but as someone who tried it out for a lark, it's hard as fuck to make everything look right.

>> No.7443848

I was planning on taking a stab at live2d myself just out of artistic curiosity, so i might give it a shot just to see how it works.

Not sure about big spenders, other than me being cynical and thinking they like attention. I dont think i can blame them much for it, i have skills that can make people happy, and its a good feeling, so i imagine throwing copious amounts of money and feeling like you've impacted someones life or something gives a similar kind of a dopamine hit.

Or perhaps theres really no need to rush at all. Some people have been grinding for a year or more with not much audience capture. They may lack charisma or blessing of the algorythms of exposure or clippers, but they do have resolve to stick with it. Nade has been doing videos for 2 months, and a week of streaming, so maybe a bit of grinding isn't anything to worry about for now.

>> No.7447425


>> No.7447763

>Despite making up only 26% of the english speaking population, Americans are shite.
How can Nade do this to us, Ameribros ?

>> No.7448499

whos the biggest nade groomer?

>> No.7448541


>> No.7448602


>> No.7448618


>> No.7448793

I doubt she'll have trouble getting donations, even if she doesn't net a baron right out the gate.
If money is an issue, maybe she can do the rigging herself? Beatani had a membership stream teaching how to rig or something recently

>> No.7449304

Get in, fuckers!

>> No.7449308

didnt she say shes gonna have a dono link

>> No.7449361


>> No.7449454

Underage delinquent Nade working part time in a black company UUUUUUUOOOOOOHHHHHhhh

>> No.7449457

I'm having unclean thoughts I'll leave the stream

>> No.7449539

Where is she originally from? I can't place her accent

>> No.7449577
File: 214 KB, 283x892, Full power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nade when she reaches 1,000 subscribers

>> No.7449579

japanese but raised in singapore

>> No.7449637

hearing her laugh makes me smile like a stupid older brother... my heart is becoming warm thanks to nadechama

>> No.7449757

hard to believe it's already been over 2 months

>> No.7449784


>> No.7449786

Kiki BTFO!

>> No.7449807

hafu with taiwanese too right??

>> No.7449821

yeah I think she confirmed it before.

>> No.7449833

i thought kiki good what happened to kiki?

>> No.7449847

Who is Kiki?

>> No.7449854
File: 1.41 MB, 1262x709, Stonks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nadecoin is the next pump and dump shitcoin!

>> No.7449855

Nade said she hates leeching
a leech

>> No.7449864

Nothing, she is simply too /here/

>> No.7449901
File: 657 KB, 633x699, Leech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leeches are cute tho.

>> No.7449988


>> No.7450523


>> No.7450918

Rate stream

>> No.7450924

Post alternate Nade outfits

>> No.7450931


>> No.7450939


>> No.7451106


>> No.7451514

Nade showing her boomer wisdom as always/10

>> No.7451794

Nadechama just need someome to give her a shout out to push her to 1k subs. Then we can finally give her money.

>> No.7452104

I missed the stream because I forgot to set alarms Nade forgive me...

>> No.7452124

Wise boomer Nade


With time. I think clipping and editing stuff gets alot of traction, if those get caught by the algorythm. But nades steve jobs machine can only let Nade do so many things, so clipable moments are dificult. At the very least shes a very capable conversationalist.
That BasedBug fellow made a debut clip on his twitter, that was pretty cool.

>> No.7452475
File: 92 KB, 828x707, IMG_20210803_141304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bunny Kaida is gonna make me freak out.
>Reminder Kaida has confirmed he's worn a skirt before.

>> No.7452498

Wrong thread?

>> No.7452609

Ah...P A I N

>> No.7452637

At least you posted some cute art so thanks for that

>> No.7452663

>Chuuni Nade (eyepatch, fingerless gloves, etc.)
>Idol Nade (with twintails)
>Miko Nade (the fancy ceremonial version with an overcoat or crown)
>Kitchen Nade (apron, sleeves tied back, etc.)
>Martial arts Nade (with determined headband)

>> No.7454467

Kiki is fine (although busy with university), Nadeshiko hates the retards that call her friend a leech.
Nadeshiko's proto chuba friend.

>> No.7454721

Don't speak for Nadeshiko, retard.

>> No.7456780


>> No.7456983

So is Nade proud pettan, or one day powers will give her boing boing?

Which one is it Nade??

>> No.7460067


>> No.7461129

I hope Nade collabs with the bunny just to piss off the one schizo who seethes about her all the time.

>> No.7461205

>Future live2d Nade can inflate her boings at will

bunny fans, please dont come here to shit up our thread, thank you

>> No.7461357

>bunny fans, please dont come here to shit up our thread, thank you
If he shits up her next thread again, Nade General will be held responsible for it. Call it collective punishment if you want.

>> No.7463359

Literally who cares when janny doesn't allow for the thread to live long enough

>> No.7464415

What is Wife Wednesdays

>> No.7464598

Nade role plays as our wife.
Or she rates her waifus.

>> No.7464674

Nade will talk about an anthropomorphised day of the week, who dresses in a swimsuit and eyepatch and is accompanied by two ravens.

>> No.7466978

Nade herself has said that she doesn't like people who shit on Kiki, like, a month ago.

>> No.7473957

>Wednesday Waifu
>Not having Friday as you waifu

>> No.7478994

by bunny are people talking about Kiki? they haven't even collabed yet lol. i wanna watch them both

>> No.7481297

If Nade's design wasn't a JPfag youkai, what would she be? Does anything else fit her personality and content style more?

>> No.7481553

Nade not coming here makes me a bit sad, but I'm happy for her pursuing her dream!

>> No.7481746

does she not? if not, i'm happy she stays away from these threads full of schizos kek

>> No.7481758

Check back /here/ after her stream tonight for something nice, then. She's not gone, just doing her reps.

>> No.7482065

Faggot, I will collectively punish your asshole if you'll keep trying to start a war between fanbases

>> No.7484268


>> No.7487154

I mean, she hardly checks a lot of social media, so checking here probably isn't high on her priorities. It's nice that she's keeping it to what's important for a streamer - the chat.

>> No.7488046

She still lurks probably since most of her audience is from here but it's for the best if she cuts back on selfposting. Being /here/ too much is a magnet for schizos and leads to dramas/ruined threads.

>> No.7488396

Agreed. I think saying thank you like she did prior is perfect. No need to interact exessively outside of stream, if she doesnt want to that is. I think its a good indication she has great priorities.

>> No.7490429

Nade's a special one. I hope she never loses her beautiful mind.

>> No.7490551


>> No.7492117


>> No.7492443

>upskirts but rgb pantsu blinds you
>mystery preference that she stopped herself on
That stream gave some info.

>> No.7492607

She likes lolis too.

>> No.7492913

I miss Nade posting here... she doesn't even post that much on twitter either...

>> No.7492997

Nade has expressed that she doesnt like to yap her mouth just for the sake of it if she hasnt anything worth saying. She said so in yesterdays zatsudan.

Shes a based loli baba boomer dabbing on zoomers.

>> No.7493810

The endgame was leaving this place to avoid yab all along. I miss her posting, but that's for the better.

>> No.7494080

In the end, she followed our advice to not associate much with us, since we are not a good place. I'm sure she still thinks of us and appreciates us, but it can only be through subtle nods now. Bless you Nade.

>> No.7494661

Starting NOW

>> No.7494938

So who have art of big tits Nade

>> No.7494948

Literally in this thread

>> No.7494976


>> No.7495096
File: 162 KB, 1000x1000, 4534123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7495119

>Nade is a 60-year-old man with grandkids

>> No.7495207
File: 630 KB, 1120x1120, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7495210

>Nade uses 'atashi' in Japanese

>> No.7496170


>> No.7496508

i miss the 20min videos, specially the week reviews

>> No.7496663

She walked into that one UOOOH
Reminder that she doesn't like a chest like this, but definitely approves of a butt like >>7495207
I miss the videos sometimes too but when she comes into a stream with a topic in mind she is essentially doing the same thing but with our participation and a few more distractions. Maybe the duration is a thing to be missed though.

>> No.7496834

When Nade says "Haaaaai" or "mhm"my soul goes to heaven

>> No.7496891

So more art of Nade should have a big butt

>> No.7497228
File: 431 KB, 1500x3151, Towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Nade like Towa's newer outfit?

>> No.7497560


>> No.7497615


>> No.7497658

Cute, funny, the degenerates were teased.

>> No.7497664

Nade blessed my day again/10

>> No.7497668

I had a goot time/10

>> No.7497761

Hello, anons! Thank you for coming to the stream! Sorry that this one and the last one was a bit short orz

>> No.7497812

I'm sorry for missing half of the recent streams nadechama... life is hard and work has to be done.
I wondered this for a while, but how do you feel about people watching the archive and commenting on it later? do you like it or just don't care?

>> No.7497861

>how do you feel about people watching the archive and commenting on it later?

that looks so irrelevant that ive never thought about it

>> No.7497876

don't worry too much about the length!
they're still fun streams and a far cry from the short videos, I even still have some archive reps to do due to missing some hours of stream due to work

>> No.7498034

Ah, do not worry about it! I hope your work goes well! I think it is nice when people watch and comment, even if it is from older videos too!
Yes, I am happy that I can talk to you all directly and for a long time! Enjoy the archive ^O^

>> No.7498117

Aw, thanks for stopping by here again Nade. Don't feel pressured to say something if we're whining about you abandoning us. Besides it lets us UOOH about armpit-licking with less chance of being scolded.

>> No.7498167

the short ones are alright, there a warm up for the 48 hr one.

>> No.7498225

I would say 2 hour streams are optimal. Good stream!

>> No.7498300

What do you think of this?

>> No.7498333

You are a blessing nadechama, keep up the good vibes!

>> No.7498635

Being cuddled to sleep by Nade, then waking up in the middle of the night, rolling your small badger body over her and then mercilessly licking her pits as she rests

>> No.7498755

The matter is that I do not check SNS, DM and social sites often, as I think it takes too much time away lol
Powering up!!
Uoooooh?! Even though it's not flat, it still has a cute feeling?!
Thank you! I will o7

>> No.7498906

So what do you think of big butt Nade

>> No.7499010

I'm glad I only use twitter on my pc, which is itself a piece of crap so doing something like browsing twitter too long lags me so I try not to do it often. You mentioned last stream that you get a sort of feeling when you go on social media sites and I get that same feeling. I hate logging on discord, I tolerate Twitter for vtuber things and I haven't been on anything else in ages. Seeing the cherrypicked forced news for my country on the side and it keeps recommending random topics I don't care about.

>> No.7499489
File: 243 KB, 1000x1037, Restream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever looked at https://restream.io ?
There was some talk about it as a way of avoiding problems with Susan, and letting people participate in chat without a Youtube account.

>> No.7499695
File: 201 KB, 276x875, Outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this to your tastes?

>> No.7499747


>> No.7499757

Multiplatform streaming AWAY!

>> No.7499823
File: 56 KB, 112x112, 1621225281713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7500196

Good stream today, unfortunately i can't participate in chat due to the stream being in the middle of yuro work hours, but i tune in to listen to. Todays time was better for me personally than yesterdays since it was post-lunch and a good winding down time with good vibes as the work day ends.

>> No.7502063

When will you post the card

>> No.7502577

He said something about not wanting us to see nadechama naked.

>> No.7502625

I was tempted to make one myself after that statement, but i can't be assed to download koikatsu just for that

>> No.7502699

I redownloaded koi because of this, but I bought the steam ver before finding the repack...40 fucking dollars wasted....

>> No.7502911

Can you not ask for a refund? $40 to lewd Nade wouldve been better spent on Nade.

>> No.7503081
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, 1586368599277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steam is reatarded with there refunds. in order to refund:
>it has to be within the first two weeks
>you have to have less than 2 hours on the game
when I found the repack, it was within the first week of play, but I already spent more than two hours playing it. However, even if I got a refund, the money goes to the steam wallet. this isn't even my fist time dealing with steam bullshit like this.
fuck you steam and fuck you gabe

>> No.7503295

*at most
to clarify a bit, I bought koi well before nade advertised here, and I had it on my old hard drive before the update.

>> No.7503444

Make it count then. Maybe make it tastefully lewd if youre gonna post it here instead of the /horny/ thread, to conform to the vengeful spirits wishes.

>> No.7503537

or just throw it in https://catbox.moe

>> No.7503765

oh, dont you worry, I WILL make my own nade card, and nade's cute and funny will NEVER be the same....

>> No.7505458

I'm interested to see what Nade's Failed ASMR stream is like. Sent her a bunch of various videos on asmr to give her a better idea of it after her first sleep aid. Wonder what type of thing she'll do.

>> No.7506887


>> No.7510378

If that's anon I'm thinking about, you'll have to wait for a while. He posted the same promise a couple of theads ago.

>> No.7511103

Should we make "Badger, badger, badger" a theme song for Nade threads?

>> No.7513142

Yes so who want to make it the next /vt/ sing

>> No.7517768


>> No.7519725

When Nade opens donations, how many of (you) will actually pay up?

>> No.7519797

ill drop 5 or 10 if i feel like it maybe

>> No.7525162

Red super

>> No.7529152

When she was talking about turning us into badgers I thought of the “tale of the altered beast” by the king gizzard, where a man gets turned into a beast. But badger badger badger fits more with the theme and being old boomer meme.

>> No.7531711

I'll probably give her a little. I'm more into goods though.

>> No.7534979


>> No.7535212


So rare seeing Nade posting on twitter at this hour. She must want to try socmed more. Good on her.

>> No.7535438

Social media is a mistake but I guess you have to post once in a while to keep followers attached.

>> No.7535498

Unfortunate reality, quantity over quality in social media. You conatantly keep people aware that you exist by assaulting them with your presence.

Anyway. I cant wait for todays Nade "cheating on you" stream.

>> No.7535602

Although i take some of it back. Twitter is specifically made for thought streams, so its inherently supposed to be used this way. Either way i wouldnt mind hearing more snippets of Nades thoughts on twitter.

>> No.7535632

>"cheating on you"
Damn it anon don't joke like that. Nade is precious.

>> No.7535763

Hello, anons! Making a Discord account just for talk with artist and Vtuber is okay, isn't it? I know that it has bad reputation, but I was told that it is more convenient to organise things there, so as long as I close DM to people who are not partners, it should be fine?

>> No.7535828

That's a non-issue tbqh, setting up collabs and the like through discord is the accepted standard. Sounds like it's business only so go for it.

>> No.7535975

The main problems with Discord arise from official/fan servers being made which splits the fanbase. Injokes from the server or other places do not make sense when said somewhere else, etc. As a communication tool for arranging things with others, it's fine. Just watch out for the groomtubers

>> No.7536099

Basically what the previous anons said, using it for collabs and whatnot is fine the fan communities are the problem usually. Just keep everyone at an arms length like you do already, both vtubers and nonvtubers alike.

>> No.7536117

It's fine, yeah, as long as it's kept for personal communication. Just remember that your YT channel is your main tool for communicating with your audience.
>just for talk with Vtuber
Kiki, ffs

>> No.7536161

Can Pyonfags please stop shitting up the thread? She didn't even mention Kiki ffs what is your issue

>> No.7536237

I think the problem is not discord we an application, or having em account. It's the concept of having was dedicated discord server that's the major redflag. As long as the people you decide you should contact are sensible enough to not divulge your account in public, is probably fine.

>> No.7536902

>Making a Discord account just for talk with artist and Vtuber is okay, isn't it?
There's nothing inherently wrong with having a Discord account, but you should ask yourself what problem is having an account trying to solve?

>but I was told that it is more convenient to organise things there
There's two parts to discord, the friends list and servers.
The friends list is just one on one communication, so it doesn't really offer anything more than Twitter DMs do.
Now for servers, they caan range anywhere from public to private, and can be filled with all kinds of ppl. If it is a server, I'm curious to know what makes it different to the Sinoalice server you backed out of.

I personally think it's a good idea to consider who is asking you to get on discord, and why they want you to join.

>> No.7537007

She mentioned
>artist and Vtuber
so the main candidates would be:
1. Kiki because she's made posts in the past worrying about being separated from Nade.
2. Drawgroomer, which should be self-explanatory.

>> No.7537029

It's proprietary non-free garbage that glows hard.

>> No.7537068

Why is Kiki so obsessed with Nade? With her discordlike and /b/ tier twitter postage it rubs me the wrong way. Her videos are fine, but on twitter she acts like zoomer containment breach cancer. Some sort of corruption fetish?

>> No.7537200

can confirm it's neither of those, she wants to talk with her model (png?) siblings and mama. they have a group setup, it's pretty cozy and they mostly talk about games and stream plans there. nothing to worry about i'd say

>> No.7537215

>2. Drawgroomer
Kek, i don't think so. More likely her mama is the artist
Agree, if not for her behaviour i'd be fine with it

>> No.7537264

ho do you know this?

>> No.7537511

I'm gonna be honest Nade. I'm feeling disappointed. You want a group chat with your siblings and mama? If that's it, that should be fine. Servers with other vtubers? Fanservers? Chatting with other people you don't know? Please don't do it. You can just use twitter. Discord servers breeds jealousy. I don't want to be forced to abandon you Nade. Please

>> No.7537617

You absolute overreacting nigger, where did you even get that idea?

>> No.7537836

We got a textbook groomer here. Is this a new one or our resident drawgroomer, i wonder?

>> No.7537853

This but unironically.

>> No.7537871

I was her first anti. I'm not now but I really don't like that we are going in this direction.

>> No.7538026

Schizo "anti" turned groomer. Amazing

>> No.7538130

The channel is locked only for my mama and siblings! Please do not worry, I do not intend to go around DM and chat to random people or join random server lol

>> No.7538186

Whois this drawgroomer? Is this pre-debut? Cause i draw but dont groom so dont want to be associated via the hobby.

>> No.7538200
File: 737 KB, 2349x2186, Badger Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy

>> No.7538223

Dont worry Nade, discord is pretty good for fast communication and is easier than talking details via twitter dms. Youre smart enough not to click random links and get baited for feet picks. I trust in your wisdom!

>> No.7538231

I'll trust you this time Nade.

>> No.7538267

Ah ok then. I feel at ease now. Im drawing something for Nade, dont want to come off as expecting something from her when its done.

>> No.7538327

No worries, he earned his reputation trough many posts, even namefagged until he got called out

>> No.7538467

That seems fine. I guess the vagueness just made some ppl worry.

>> No.7538560

I'd make some Nade45 if we knew her age.

>> No.7538615

Roommate age? Character age? Which one?

>> No.7538644

Roommate age of course. Doesn't matter how many zeroes she puts behind her youkai age.

>> No.7538695

Just make it the tasteful lewd without being explicitly NSFW.

>> No.7538705


>> No.7538722
File: 43 KB, 450x539, 1624123925995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm regretting some of the comments I've left.

>> No.7538985
File: 119 KB, 1024x1007, battery chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak. You should say what's on your mind and never go back on it. for example:

>> No.7539202


I like to funpost myself, and i certainly dont consider it malicious or dangerous, and certainly not done to disrespect the subject of the post. Just harmless tomfoolery.

>> No.7539283

Nade's said she can use this site. You don't want anything to happen do you?

>> No.7540824

Nade lewd asmr when

>> No.7540984


>> No.7541405


>> No.7541558

Nade's "haaaaaiii"s give me life

>> No.7541596

I personally value her rare "man"s

>> No.7541689


>> No.7541708


>> No.7541721

She's adorable

>> No.7541737
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>> No.7541750

She's so innocent lol. Too cute

>> No.7541769
File: 9 KB, 410x50, MY DAD DIED NADE LETS GOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7541846
File: 110 KB, 1200x675, 1620143125642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, listening to Nade

>> No.7541872

I dont think hes joking, because he said in few streams ago his dad pased away from covid. Which ia sad. But probably shouldnt keep bringing it up.

>> No.7541888

How new?

>> No.7541929

Be it true or not thats not something to say in a small slow chat

>> No.7541986

nade is cute, i like her giggles /thread

>> No.7542115

I feel like she is encouraging me to dm her. What should I do (after linking myself, obviously)

>> No.7542145

What a way to misspell killing lol, fucking autocorrect

>> No.7542163

Don't, unless it's business related. You have the thread and stream chat for interactions.

>> No.7542254

>Cheering (you) up
>regular zatsudan

>> No.7542275

I guess you were expecting a video? This has been her style so far, zatsudans with a general theme.

>> No.7542279

People should realise that seeking a personal relationship (be it a friendship or anything else) with a streamer or any kind of person with an sudience, is not only frowned upon because it's a groomer-ish behavior, but because is bad for you to establish emotional dependence on a person that can not and should not be giving individuals from the audience preferential treatment. You're just setting yourself up for failure and frustration

>> No.7542302

don't do it, maintain the streamer-listener relationship. if you want to talk to her just talk in her chat or twitter comments

>> No.7542324

it's a thematic zatsudan, and she's trying to stay on topic. Chat ends up derailing everytime

>> No.7542343

this is a very therapeutic stream though, im enjoying it a lot

>> No.7542344

Video, thematic roleplaying stream, something like that. It's 100% "me" problem, I know. But I was hoping for something bigger

>> No.7542345
File: 38 KB, 398x500, 1464568171877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DM her. she'll be happy to hear what you have to say.

>> No.7542426

>But I was hoping for something bigger
What were you expecting from a high schooler who is still starting out streaminng?

>> No.7542456

NTA, but I was expecting her to turn on her webcam and spread her ass

>> No.7542485
File: 41 KB, 920x584, PEPE_THE_FROG_1000-920x584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's your little sister what's wrong with you

>> No.7542488

>Ano ssa


>> No.7542513

Nade us cute! CUTE!


>> No.7542521

don't worry, we aren't blood related

>> No.7542573

Nademama must be doing this on purpose at this point.

>> No.7542768

That whispering was super cute

>> No.7542892

this stream is too much fun kek

>> No.7543135

How is this girl real? I've been following since the first threads but even now I'm still shocked at how this girl, or all girls, stumbled upon /vt/.

>> No.7543209

she is vtuber otaku and a fbk gosling

>> No.7543232

I'm just as clueless. She doesn't use social media a lot and is way too smart to be here, but somehow took a liking to /vt/ and appears to really appreciate our company. One-in-a-million, she is

>> No.7543255

it's not hard to imagine an ESL person with otaku interests end up stumbling on 4chan. That's more or less the same that happens to every esl here.

>> No.7543425

I can't even remember how i discovered 4chan

>> No.7543431

yknow i thought about using online platforms to improve my japanese and my first thought was going to 2channel. maybe it's the same for them?

>> No.7543499

I remember stumbling on that van exploding video on youtube and being a good boy got curious what will happen if i enter the address of this notorious hacker website into my browser. 10 years later im still here.

>> No.7543534

Collab with Connor when?

>> No.7543605
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>> No.7543621

oh look, a leech found it's way onto the stream

>> No.7543664

Looking at the channel, it seems to be full of LGBT ASMR roleplay

>> No.7543816

a literal, unironic discord tranny lmao

>> No.7543822

i cant believe i spent hours talking to this youkai, i need to stop procrastinating kek

>> No.7543825

The ENvtuber world is fucking hilarious.

>> No.7543851

I was right calling them a groomer
remember that gatekeeping is good

>> No.7543878

keep the chat seiso frens

>> No.7543901

>discord groomer leaves after getting denied her discord

>> No.7543999

i feel like people were a bit hostile about the discord thing in chat, even nade was a bit surprised

>> No.7544030

Concernfags are incredibly protective, you shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.7544054

It's so cute when she becomes all embarrassed and starts giggling to hide it.
He literally sounded like a groomer and a big pile of problems. People like him should fuck off at the speed of light

>> No.7544064

i dont want nade getting grossed out over her own chat kek, concernfags just need to keep it seiso

>> No.7544113

regardless, people in the chat shouldn't be speaking for nade

>> No.7544144

>t. no selfawareness concernfag

>> No.7544153

> people in the chat shouldn't be speaking for nade
she said multiple times that there will be no fan discord. doubt she'll change tone now.

>> No.7544189

Did you miss what she said in this thread?

>> No.7544241

i wasn't referring to that but i don't think it's important now

>> No.7544268
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>> No.7544273

I don't think donations should be tied to rewards, but nade should be able to get simple art comissions if she have time to do so

>> No.7544306

That backpedaling was insane, she didn't anticipate her schizos to get THAT mad lmao
She's being groomed by the anons in these threads and she doesn't know.

>> No.7544316

For some reason she doesn't think streaming itself is reason enough for ppl to donate to her.

>> No.7544371

she's just doing streams for fun at this point kek

>> No.7544377

Nah she definitely was thinking of that discord thing as a joke, it's the schizos who went nuts. Probably dads who also get triggered by discord talk.

>> No.7544382

drawgroomer, chill out on the fucking chat

>> No.7544491
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>japanese people eat beef with cheese
do they really... ?

>> No.7544525

yeah, imagine putting beef and cheese on a bun for example.. oh wait

>> No.7544573

That's why it's considered food for "incels".

>> No.7544610


>> No.7544636


>> No.7544647

Feeling motivated/10

>> No.7544663

I really love her comfy rambling streams/10

>> No.7544683

They keep getting better and better
I want Nade to berate me

>> No.7544684

Cute encouragement, lots of things I like to try and do for my own family/friends. Not too much derailment, but she obviously had encouragement requests planned I think, which really got nice with some of the requests, and even some of the admonishments. Nade, please consider donations or even commissions, we want to help you out. Just be careful with commissions as you might find yourself drowning in requests.

>> No.7544878

Thank you for coming to the stream! I will seriously think about opening donations, maybe with a friend to help, because I am not sure if I can open account alone, as it might need some "linking information"? Also, I want to earn more of my own money too, so that I do not feel bad for buying little nice things like Skeb requests once in a while, as it is the money which I got through hard work!

>> No.7544929

I have an idea Nade. What if you opened donations on drawing streams, and then upload the drawings to your twitter afterwards? That way you could feel as though you're doing something "worth paying for" even though you're already doing that in my opinion. Also make sure it's a trusted friend, or even a family member, since it's money.

>> No.7545039
File: 112 KB, 666x500, 1627401219779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for a great stream! What sort of artistic pieces are you planning on getting if it's not a secret, is it art in general, or utility stuff, like "technical difficulties" screen with Nademama or a specific background for a specific stream theme or something, or an asset of some kind, like a wip to keep the badgers in check?

>> No.7545143

Finally. Think more about it. People want to give you money. Take advantage of these stupid simps. Get gachikoi. Remember to invest the money in crypto and get returns up to 10%.

>> No.7545341

Your streams are hardwork. Don't underestimate what you are already doing. Also, consider that we are a relatively small community, so it probably won't amount to a lot of money even if you open donations. It will be just a way to show support.

>> No.7545584

you can avoid giving out "linking information" by creating a business related account. I'm sure you can find how to do this if you research. I also think that instead of donations you could reduce the guilt you feel from receiving money by doing art commissions-your drawings are very good! Although you shouldn't feel ashamed to receive money at this stage anymore I don't think since we've seen enough streams and genuinely want to help you purchase better equipment. Just be cautious of freaky guys who could feel entitled to special treatment due to giving money..

>> No.7547591

Yeah I often treat vtubers as like a busker, throw them a buck or two.

>> No.7549118

>How is this girl real? I've been following since the first threads but even now I'm still shocked at how this girl, or all girls, stumbled upon /vt/.
Please understand. Youkai are by definition bizarre and impossible. Animals who can turn into humans are straightforward enough, so they still get enough belief to survive, but for something as implausible as "EN-fluent shitposting JK chuuni lolicon miko" it's a struggle just to survive.

>> No.7549161

>How is this girl real? I've been following since the first threads but even now I'm still shocked at how this girl, or all girls, stumbled upon /vt/.
Please understand. Youkai are by definition bizarre and impossible. Animals who can turn into humans are reasonable enough, so they still get enough belief to stay active, but for something as implausible as "EN-fluent shitposting JK chuuni lolicon miko" it's a struggle just to survive.

>> No.7550015

Do I request a nsfw art of nade? what should it be?

>> No.7550634

Naked cuddling while she says "はああああい~"

>> No.7550806
File: 130 KB, 500x730, MajiGirePanda-EE3-JP-C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angry Nade flipping a table while an aproned Fubuki and their kids sob in the background. Fubuki was foolish enough to serve her husband hamburgers for dinner.

>> No.7551186

Nade and Ibarahime surrounded by lilies, holding hands

>> No.7551743

Nade doing erotic pose in sukumizu onegai

>> No.7552475

>Chat becoming too fast as viewers grow
There are userscripts and browser extensions specifically designed for watching VTubers. They filter out spam comments, and if anyone is doing live translations (starting their comments with "[EN]") then their comments are displayed as subtitles on the video.

>> No.7555403


>> No.7559768


>> No.7564387


>> No.7567262

Asmr part of the last stream, with the increased volume worked better than i expected, so im excited for the cursed asmr.

Maybe one day she could afford binaural full combo, currently its missing some bass.

>> No.7569093

I think that's a little lower on her list but still there.
>nice dinner for parents
>good pc to play games with us
>live2d model
>skeb pics
>binaural mic
I think that's her priority.

>> No.7569753

I remember in one of the threads someone mentioned some hyper x binoraul mic that was around 130 bucks or so which is pretty affordable considering the prices for pro lvl stuf.

>> No.7570290
File: 434 KB, 616x486, bottom nade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom text
I'm nearly done, just got to fix the nose and bulb head

>> No.7570301

>not RGB

>> No.7570318

no idea how to get that please understand

>> No.7570320

Im UOOHing respectfully right now!

>> No.7570377

Fair enough.
That small detail aside, good job!

>> No.7570408

>nade's model will cost up to 800
I think she'll be a shrine maiden for a long time if she's wanting to pay for it herself.
