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File: 709 KB, 748x681, 1692149852841883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75433911 No.75433911 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji truly is the punching bag of the industry

>> No.75434158

>telling people not to kill themselves = punching bag
Someone has to clean up nijisanjis turds

>> No.75434292

A yaeger bomb isn't going to kill anyone.

>> No.75434329

Buy an ad.

>> No.75434414

Japanese people are different, much weaker than the average mutt. Now consider the fact that this niji sponsor is targeted towards Japanese teenagers, they're more likely to do something dumb and get hospitalized.

>> No.75434510


>> No.75434556

>this niji sponsor is targeted towards Japanese teenagers

>> No.75434597

Good thing both the energy drink and the alcohol in the cocktail are far weaker than both red bull and jagermeister

>> No.75434790

Guess what ROF-MAO main demographic is retard-chama

>> No.75434864

niji is a black company but larping as a massive pussy who will literally die from drinking something weaker than a four loko is pathetic and embarrassing.

>> No.75434883
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Japanese are afflicted with the same alcoholism shared by all of the west's vassal countries, they know plenty about drinking.

>the average mutt
There's no such thing, you even implied as such by using the word mutt. If you want a western problem to make fun of naval gazing at your own individuality to the point of ruin would actually be the ticket. I wish I was a "mutt" because then I would have multiple cultures to draw ideas and support from, instead I'm an utterly atomized person who's uniracial family has a sub-10% fertility rate, just like people like you want. Man, I hope I live to see anti-natalists like you shot on sight as the enemies of humanity. Just the word "mutt" so instantly marks you as a propagandist the reply should be metallic.

>> No.75434922

>A yaeger bomb isn't going to kill anyone.
It's jot going to kill you but every government health organization warns you against mixing alcohol and energy drinks because it's the easiest way to get absolutely shitfaced without realizing it.

It's just the kind of stuff you don't do in a fucking sponsored stream

>> No.75434955

vodka redbull is one of the most popular drinks in clubs
idk what this whole thing is about but it seems pretty retarded

>> No.75434967

Strong Zero has less alcohol content than Jaegerbomb anon, guess which one is more dangerous

>> No.75435007

>can't even get the unit right

>> No.75435137

Oh sorry, would you prefer me using abv like some kind of burgerturd?

>> No.75435142

It's got basically nothing to do with the drinks, but everything to do with it being a sponsored stream telling you to do something that companies cannot legally advise you to do.

>> No.75435220

As usual it's a Nijisanji's dogshit PR thing.

>> No.75435222
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holofags after drinking a rum and coke

>> No.75435286

hey the nip governemnt is the one who decided to put out an advisory on this issue, go ask them

>> No.75435346
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holy fuck I can't believe Hololive is marketing alcohol to children, there are literal toddlers watching Pekora

>> No.75435368

Lmao kurosanji faggots lost

>> No.75435420

>b-but hololive
Like fucking clockwork

>> No.75435445

It's also not a 1:1 mix.

>> No.75435455

every government is against drinking alcohol in general. it's bad for you.

>> No.75435481

I know niji is fucking garbage but who is this lol.

>> No.75435562

>every government is against drinking alcohol in general
This has to be one of the most retarded takes I think I've ever heard in my entire life. Even America, the country that iirc had an entire fucking war over banning alcohol, still had a government that wants you to drink alcohol. That shit's taxed to hell and back, your F-35's are probably built entirely on the money from a Texas liquor store.

>> No.75435579
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>> No.75435615

Actually it will kill you of you down an entire bottle in 2 minutes. But only a retard would do that.

>> No.75435654

no actually they are built entirely from euros and nips buying it from us

>> No.75435666
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ohnononono nijikeks ohonononono

>> No.75435680


>> No.75435687

nice take brainiac. cigarettes are taxed too. also there was no war over booze you foreign clown.
lamy is a pussy
no it won't lmao

>> No.75435727

Is pekora going on sponsored collabs telling the host she mix her product with energy drinks? No? Stfu

>> No.75435785
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>what about this completely unrelated thing
lmao, how about this completely related thing? >>75435579

>> No.75435786

The problem isn't the mixing itself. It's the fact the retarded organs said you should do a 1:1 mix.

>> No.75435831

>It's the fact the retarded organs said you should do a 1:1 mix.
there's no fucking way anyone is THAT retarded

>> No.75435839

>sneak a sucker punch
what a horrible whore
guess a woman always be cunning shit

>> No.75435844

>no is not
Will you kindly demonstrate then.

>> No.75435852

no the problem is the mixing itself, it's like if a couple of WWE wrestlers decided to tell their audience to go pick up a folding chair and whack a neighbourhood kid with it

>> No.75435883
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yeah, bout that...

>> No.75435904

the product they advertised was 13% alcohol. a 1:1 mix with another drink would delute it to 7.5% which is less than most beers. i know you guys are underage muslims who are scared of alcohol but you're being MASSIVE pussies. come the fuck on.

>> No.75435912
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all niji need to do is tweet an apology for their staff carelessness and thats it, but they refuse to acknowledge it when even their sponsors spoke out

>> No.75435955
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>it wasn't that bad
Ok, let's get this out of the way.

>> No.75435992
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we made a nijisanji version precisely because they keep doing it

>> No.75436020

Anon, they suggested 1:1 ratio with energy drinks. That's gonna kill livers....OH, I suddently got why the senior staff suggested that.

>> No.75436028

holofags are known to be scrawny pansies so its understandable they're upset

>> No.75436043

a sucker punch from 3 years ago... can you Nijisisters open up a school or something. Why are you all so fucking dumb?

>> No.75436079
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>half a can of red bull will destroy your organs

>> No.75436084
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>> No.75436087

if they weren't dumb they wouldn't be nijisisters

>> No.75436104

Nijinigs still arguing about caffeine contents and muh jägerbombs and redbull vodka when the matter of fact is that the japanese Ministry of Agriculture tweeted a PSA about the risks associated with mixing energy drinks and alcohol as soon an the stream ended and the sponsor had to do a adamage control "we confirmed our drink is within the medically safe limits of caffeine" tweet all because some fratboy mentality retard in Nijisani's management decided it would be a smart idea to pull this shit off in a sponsored stream

>> No.75436109

Japanese audience retard. We'll wait an see if the Japanese drink market starts black listing Niji for this fuck up.

>> No.75436132

>Look, i'm making fun of niji right now

>> No.75436145


>> No.75436158

I love the smell of nijiseethe

>> No.75436161
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1697150441922280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget that the energy drink company had to directly call out Nijisanji for doing that shit without their knowledge.

>> No.75436163

tell that to the nip government

>> No.75436192 [DELETED] 

It's actually your heart, not your liver.
Alcohol will raise your blood pressure and widen your arteries while the caffeine will ALSO raise your bloodpressure but addiotanlly highten your puls, which in combination can send your heart into palpitations and arrythmia.

>> No.75436194
File: 26 KB, 864x422, 1612190397174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ok to be a pussy if it's government sponsored

>> No.75436200

It's honestly all about this. Sisters want to say anyone can do it which is right. Except you don't fucking announce it while sponsoring your energy drink product you absolute buffoons.

>> No.75436217
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don't forget the company they're collabing with just threw them under the bus and said, uh, no, holy shit it wasn't us, we're not that retarded

>> No.75436236
File: 302 KB, 1051x1096, 1714747981405826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she thinks holobronies are scared of alcohol and not because they're shitting on Nijisanji for being the jersey shore of vtubing.
New Nijisanji bgm leaked sister. Flash your titties

>> No.75436241
File: 237 KB, 921x2048, 1697942115756733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as soon as stream ended
it was a day later and hours after a viral tweet of another thing that wasn't niji.

>> No.75436254

if the nip government comes down on nijisanji then ys

>> No.75436272

13% Alcohol mixed with an energy drink that has 52 mg caffeine, barely more than a can cola. Literal babies could probably drink this shit.

>> No.75436273

Be Niji
lose sponsorship
>but it's cool ya know
Damn you must have 39 iq or something

>> No.75436317

is this why nijiniggers don't see anything wrong with giving babies alcohol poisoning?

>> No.75436345

i just drank 2 cans of mountain dew which have 55mg caffeine. i had better start writing my will.

>> No.75436360
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, 1710322320425095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its simply amazing how sisters smoke bombed the whole drama by spamming muh jagerbomb when that was just part of the problem

>> No.75436363

Proof of this?

>> No.75436364

Well you have to be less developed than a baby to enjoy Nijisanji so it check out.

>> No.75436397


>> No.75436426

Proof that the japanese government didn't do the announcement because of the stream? Because the energy company tweet suggests otherwise.

>> No.75436443
File: 69 KB, 900x750, rum and coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holobros get down!

>> No.75436474
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yeah so that's why asap specifically named anycolor in thier tweet amirite?

>> No.75436521

are you just acting retarded?
ASAP was the sponsor for the stream.

>> No.75436525

No Johnnie walker
No moonshine

>> No.75436613

And they made that tweet for no reason then I suppose?

>> No.75436641

Are... are you having a stroke?

>> No.75436748

mixing good stuff with coke kinda ruins the point of having good booze. the best coke mixer is that shitty fireball cinnamon stuff.

>> No.75436998

They probably made this tweet because they were getting bombarded by chronoir fans concernfagging over it. Actually it’s pretty funny that’s where this all started and it got blown out of proportion by EOPs. The government tweet is still most likely about the unrelated viral tweet some nip dude made about mixing Monster and Suntory

>> No.75437072

>suddenly everyone is pretending that alcohol + coffee is some forbidden concotion instead of a common party drink
Nijisanji's fall is doing more damage than Nijisanji ever did.

>> No.75437110

tell that to the nip government lol

>> No.75437124

NDF and self-sabotage, name a better duo

>> No.75437166

this is your wakeup call that all the people you see tribalfagging on the catalog all day are literally underage indonesians who have never drank.

>> No.75437180

Are you really calling random schizos in nipland “NDF”?

>> No.75437231

Lamy can out-drink you.

>> No.75437263
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>> No.75437377

>woman who cried about how kahlua will kill her viewers can outdrink me

>> No.75437458

Aren't piledrivers banned there because a kid accidentally killed his sister with one? I want them back but I understand they have to keep optics when they have such a wide audience

>> No.75437501 [DELETED] 

the problem isn't*

>> No.75437574

What about that case with a nigger kid killing his even younger kid neighbor? I think it was also with a piledriver?

>> No.75437669

Piledrivers were banned because stone cold had his neck broken by Owen Hart and also the D'LO brown incident it wasn't a a piledriver but dlo botched a power bomb I think and ended Droz career by turning him into a quadriplegic because he was dropped on his head and that broke his spine and loss motor function of his limbs.

>> No.75437727

>chronoir fans
>not NDF
maybe only some of them aren't

>> No.75437830

>it's the easiest way to get absolutely shitfaced without realizing it.
so no downsides?

>> No.75437896

>so no downsides?
Anon, if you don't realize it then you are going to keep drinking beyond your limit.

>> No.75437922

If you are going to go out raping you might not be able to run away. Please don't tell me you don't have any raping experience.

>> No.75437948

standard jeagerbombs you get at a bar are like 4% abv btw

>> No.75437978

I like how the rest of the tweet says "we checked with everyone and it's fine, just don't drink too much"
Antis really aren't bringing their best

>> No.75438025

The funniest thing is them projecting hard, every other thread is
>stupid muslim doesn't know how to drink
Like out of all the groups I'd think of that's known for not holding their liquor even remotely, I'd probably put muslim at the bottom of the top 10 at best. Like who chooses that over calling someone a white girl when white girl wasted is a well known term?

>> No.75438046

What I like is how they call out Nijisanji's staff, and then how the company had to check afterwards if that was a safe thing to do.

>> No.75438055

Dude trampled over millions of people and you're saying his fart wouldn't kill anyone?

>> No.75438109
File: 54 KB, 597x529, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO i never checked the whole tweet. no wonder they're spamming that cropped version. top kek.

>> No.75438113

>Teenager DIED, then she got better and started campaigning

>> No.75438181

>neither of those tweet have a single mention of alcohol or energy drinks

>> No.75438200

There's two types of white girls. A southern white women can hold her liquor among men then there's the wasted like a white girl isn't an exclusive term for a white woman retard that's a term for women in general who can't handle their liquor Valley girls for example.

>> No.75438221

>LMAO i never checked the whole tweet.
No wonder sisters can't argue for shit, they always omit all the fucking context. And it's funny how even after reading the tweet you are still missing the point of this drama.

>> No.75438293

They forgetting that this was damage control a day after due to being under scrutiny by jap locals lol

>> No.75438316

the real issue is that she drank 5 cans of red bull. that's 555 mg of caffeine. more than enough for an OD. that dude that died from that lemonade at panera bread a few months ago had like 350mg from what i remember.

>> No.75438321

Its actually two cans of red bull chased by between four and five shots of jaeger.

>> No.75438353
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>We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong. Btw it was Nijisanji's idea.
Top kek, indeed. I love sisters so much.

>> No.75438364

I should've been dead a long time ago then I've drank more than 15 cans in one day. Two at a time

>> No.75438371

You can be clinically dead and resuscitated you absolute moron. If you're heart stops beating you are by all definitions dead. You however are special, your heart is managing to beat but there's no fucking brain to send signals to your heart.

>> No.75438412


>> No.75438530

you can build tolerance to caffeine by having a lot of it often which i assume you did if you had that much red bull around your house.

>> No.75438561

Over the course of a whole day or in a single sitting?

>> No.75438589

It's not even that "we found out it was safe", it's "it's not worse than these drinks known for getting you drunk fast".
I guess younger people have never heard of the Four Loko fiasco before.

>> No.75438616

in america we use the term white girl wasted because there aren't any muslims here. i have literally never seen a muslim in real life.

>> No.75438635

>lamy is a pussy
What the fuck did you call me

>> No.75438702

I started drinking coffee around 8 years old you're probably right about the caffeine tolerance part and since the redbull in the US is nothing but sugar I basically probably gave myself diabetes that day. I had to since I was studying a day before my final exams.

>> No.75438752

>in america
>never seen a muslim in real life
Just go to Michigan lol, there is literally a Muslim city there, run by a Muslim mayor.

>> No.75438759

Whole day while studying for finals exams.

>> No.75438809

Then that's pussy shit my guy. We are talking about downing all that shit one after another in one sitting.

>> No.75438913

That's something a retard would probably do. Lol who would down 6 cans of red bull in one sitting?

>> No.75438943

I read that as an impression of nijisister.

>> No.75438961

i am old enough to have drank og four loko which is why i'm here making fun of holokeks. the ban was basically another satanic panic. i've gotten way more drunk from classic drinks.

>> No.75439034

>sisters unironically think that them going "our drink doesn't contain dangerous levels of caffeine and the mix is no worse than other caffeinated cocktails" is them saying "it's alright, champ, go ahead and drink to you heart's content" and no thrm.just washing them legally washing their hands from the whole mess
And this isnwhy no one takes you seriously

>> No.75439101

>it's not unsafe but it's still bad! because i said so! it's just bad, okay?!?
who's the woman here again? lol

>> No.75439106

It's literally an even weaker version of a standard cocktail, what the fuck is the problem here?

>> No.75439113

>who would down 6 cans of red bull in one sitting?
Dumb teenagers. That has been all the examples in this thread. And you have to admit it's funny.

>> No.75439254

Tell that to the japanese government

>> No.75439340

the bar had them on sale for ~$1.50 each
>muh government
they're pussies too.

>> No.75439342
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>Lol who would down 6 cans of red bull in one sitting?


>> No.75439410

the same government says a joint is as dangerous as heroin btw

>> No.75439478


>> No.75439528
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>It's not a big deal

>> No.75439645
File: 31 KB, 303x425, Jagerbomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get down fuwawa you can literally die by looking at the drinks in this thread

>> No.75439727


>> No.75439740

TLDR zoomers are retarded and cant make jaegerbombs properly

>> No.75439762

The energy drink company’s tweet doesn’t suggest that at all though?

>> No.75439810

Random no names are not part of the industry.

>> No.75439814

>four loko
>satanic panic
Anon, there isn't mysticism around it. A single can of four loko is the equivalent of drinking 4 cans of beer.
A lot of people were unaware because they didn't feel like they just downed 4 cans of beer, so they would down 2 two more cans and either get completely shtfaced or sent to the hospital because their BAC just shot up above his body could handle.

>> No.75439958
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>Called out Nijisanji to clarify that they were the ones who encouraged doing that shit
>Had to check afterwards with their experts just to confirm it was a safe thing to do
>Ask everyone to please be careful

>> No.75440051

There is mysticism around it. The issue isnt the raw ABV, its the deceptive labelling that hid the ABV, and the primary concern for lawmakers was that kids were buying it from gas stations and corner stores. The fallout is that 4loko had its label changed and also everyone gets carded for everything now.

>> No.75440141

>muh guvamint
The quote comes from an independent survey asking people who drink jagerbombs how many shots they drink in a night and comparing it with people who drink stright alcohol and doesn't draw any other conclusions that "the amount of people who mix alcohol and energy drinks and drinks 6+ shots in a single sitting is 4 times bigger than the people who just drink alcohol and drink 6+ shots in a single sitting"

And the original question of "who would down 6 cans of red bull in a single sitting" and the answer is precisely the retards who mix red bull with alcohol

>> No.75440229

>a tweet targeted towards vtubers fans clarifying that mixing their drinks is completely safe as long as it’s done in moderation because it has less alcohol and caffein percentage than an average bar drink
>a viral tweet with a bunch of people dunking on it (one with 90k likes) about mixing suntory and monster
Which one do you think the government cares about

>> No.75440284

>And the original question of "who would down 6 cans of red bull in a single sitting" and the answer is precisely the retards who mix red bull with alcohol
6 jaegerbombs is one can of redbull poured into shotglasses.

>> No.75440391

Lamy foresaw niji fuckup 3 year ago. How do you like that.

>> No.75440564

>A tweet clarifying out of the blue that Nijisanji were the ones who had the idea of mixing the drinks ("it wasn't us")
>Explaining that they had to check afterwards if it was safe to do ("it should be safe anyway...?")
>And asking everyone to please be careful ("but don't sue us if something happens, because it wasn't us who encouraged that shit")
Sister, ASAP wouldn't have made a tweet like that calling out Nijisanji just for the heck of it, they must have felt pressured to do it.

>> No.75440565

Anon, the effects of the combination of alcohol with stimulants are well known and not mysticism at all. It's like saying that aspirin is mysticism.
It was your regular college students getting absolutely shitfaced and sent to the hospital because of peer pressure + "I feel like I can shotgun another one" that caused it to be banned.
Also, four loko that sells on stores now have 0 caffeine or other stimulants, they completely reformulated the drink post-ban.

>> No.75440622

>A single can of four loko is the equivalent of drinking 4 cans of beer.
>A lot of people were unaware because they didn't feel like they just downed 4 cans of beer
no they just drank fuckloads because it advertised itself as a party drink so retarded kids bought cases of them and drank too much. the alcohol flavor in those was strong and there was no mistake that you were drinking a lot when you had one.
i have no idea what bar scammed you but the standard is a shot of jaeger in a half can of red bull.

>> No.75440714

Yes, by concernfagging chronoir fans, not the Japanese government…

>> No.75440880

I'm just laughing at you for tripping again nijikek. You just can't win on any pr, i can't wait for tomorrow headline "nijisister are harassing and doxxing vtuber for talking about alcohol+energy drink". Kek

>> No.75440961
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you're crying so hard you can't even write coherently. have a drink and chill out.

>> No.75441120

at what point do people have personal responsibilities for their actions. or have we completely done away with that concept

>> No.75441130

Yes, you just got fooled because of the listed ABV on the can.
>alcohol flavor was strong
Anon, people didn't get shitfaced because they didn't know they were drinking alcohol, it was because the combination of stimulants and alcohol makes you feel less drunk than you actually are.
If you are aware of this, there shouldn't be a problem, but having to rely on college parties to be full of responsible people that wouldn't try to go above their own limits is beyond retarded.
Also, Strong Zero has almost no alcohol flavor, this is one of the main reasons why women like it so much, and why it's been famous for knocking out people.

>> No.75441375
File: 3.79 MB, 4000x4000, 1696947212446775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters, I'll help you out this time, because you are too fucking retarded and this is just getting boring. Nijisanji fucked up, you can't argue against that because ASAP called them out. Now, that doesn't mean that the government's PSA is related to it. ASAP could just be reacting to the PSA and trying to cover their own asses, just in case. That's a normal thing to do.

Nijisanji hasn't taken down the stream or made any kind of comments regarding the drama, so it's safe to assume that ASAP isn't too concerned about it. That's your angle, right there. Nijisanji fucked up, but it wasn't that big of a deal, so who cares? Take it, move on and shut the fuck up, because posts like these >>75439645 >>75440961 are just embarrassing to see, and it only shows that none of you know how to argue or even shitpost properly.

Or just keep seething and acting like retards if you can't even admit that Nijinsaji did a very stupid thing (again). I'm out of this thread.

>> No.75441392

>it was because the combination of stimulants and alcohol makes you feel less drunk than you actually are.
no it really doesn't. try drinking one.
>Also, Strong Zero has almost no alcohol flavor, this is one of the main reasons why women like it so much, and why it's been famous for knocking out people.
a problem that four loko didn't have. that shit was nasty.

>> No.75441460

Four lokos was nasty but if you were drinking it with women you'll be getting laid guaranteed.

>> No.75441501
File: 401 KB, 1080x801, lololo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me a drink while im watching this sis :D

>> No.75441540

I literally drank red bull and vodka throughout my 20s as my preferred drink and I never got sick or was hospitalized and the mixed drink they are talking about has less caffeine and less alcohol.

>> No.75441548

>everything points to this being a complete non issue but uhh niji fucked up and you lost just because okay bye
You’re really intelligent huh

>> No.75441556

recommending a tasty mixed drink is the only good thing niji ever did. you are a pussy. if you want to call people sisters then you better be a man first you dumb bitch.

>> No.75441673

>an actual dramafag viewer
any kind of poison would be good.

>> No.75441679

There's no ndf here either, just alcohol enthusiasts

>> No.75441756

I'd prefer if a tsunami washed your brown nigger ass out to sea.

>> No.75441788

>play stupid games
>gain stupid rewards

>> No.75441914
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Oh i thought this is a dramathread since op post a dramatuber, sry i hurt your feeling sis, here have a drink and chill out :D

>> No.75442031

kudos for actually making a decent joke. i'm a margarita or long island ice tea man though but thanks.

>> No.75442039

Holobronies pretending to be Twitter liberals in order to shit on Nijisanji. Absolutely shameless

>> No.75442099

Fake ass story. Only a coroner has the authority to pronounce you dead.

I'm supposed to believe that multiple medic showed up and had an mma style karate vs kungfu match with eachother, all while some drunk witnesses declared her dead because she was eepy? And then Lord Raiden fired lightning into her and suddenly she's NOT dead anymore?
At least try to make it believable.

>> No.75442184
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>The company had to go out of their way to call out Nijisanji just to explain that it was their idea and not ASAP's
And this is why everyone is constantly making fun of you, sisters. You can't argue for shit because you can't accept that Nijisanji could ever do something wrong. Anyway, have fun being retarded.

>> No.75442220

>sisters can't even admit when Anycolor does something objectively bad
>something the sponsor, medical professionals AND the Japanese government publicly recognize as a bad idea
Now THIS is bootlicking

>> No.75442320

>Only a coroner has the authority to pronounce you dead.
Doctors pronounce their patients dead all the time.
If you're seeing a coroner it's because you're already fucking dead

>> No.75442331

>objectively bad
>when they recommended the most popular cocktail in america
third world moment

>> No.75442555

So you acknowledge that the drink is completely safe to consume and has the same if not lower dosage of a regular bar drink sold in Japan, yet you keep falling back to the very tweet that stated it was safe as your only gotcha?

>> No.75442575

>1:1 mix
You just roll in from stupid town?

>> No.75442628
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They have achieved a pariah status.

>> No.75442629

>he thinks alcoholic beverages are all everclear
third world moment once again

>> No.75442667
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At this point, I'm all but convinced that the sisters act dumb on purpose to get us to bully them because they get off to the humiliation.

>> No.75442720

The US literally banned caffeinated alcohol drinks 14 years ago because people kept getting alcohol poisoning from it

>> No.75442759

>don't mix energy drinks and alcohol
Literally any fucking teenager with a normal social interaction that go to hangout with friend do that. If anything this just show how niji livers are the most social capable Vtubers

>> No.75442785

Bleach should be your drink of choice.

>> No.75442797

Holy ESL

>> No.75442999


>> No.75443007
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>i estimate that THIRTY ONE PERCENT OF 12 YEAR OLDS are getting wasted on four loko
>aiiiie my kids! ban it!
i know you aren't american but surely you can tell that entire controversy was bullshit

>> No.75443151

I know which SEA loves using this word

>> No.75443156

They still sell caffeinated alcoholic drinks though retard

>> No.75443158

>34 percent of 18- to 24-year olds
Try reading next time

I was in high school when Four Loko hit the scene and yeah, people went crazy for it and yeah, it was fucking bad for you.

>> No.75443182

alcohol is depressant, reducing arousal which in turn cases you to drink more and more
Your body however starts to shut down and your brain starts sending signals to stop you from drinking more once you reach a certain point
Caffeine suppresses that signal causing you to drink more than you think

Mixing the 2 is great when getting drunk, it's only bad when you're already pissed and continue to drink without realizing what's going on

>> No.75443237

>ad hominem, ad hominem everywhere
nigger he was giving you an out so you don't look even more retarded, no wonder no one likes you

>> No.75443300

What are you guys keep repeating this nonsense. No one takes any government seriously. Because no one in government knows their ass from their face.

>> No.75443320
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>try reading
you first.

>> No.75443355

Yeah, keep reading past that part you botched lobotomy

>> No.75443380

You don’t know what ad hominem means

>> No.75443384

his post was clearly addressing sisters and i'm not a pussy. i think it was for you.

>> No.75443412

The cdc which also hid the side effects of the poison clot shots so as not to dissuade people from poisoning themselves? That cdc?

>> No.75443437

ESL retard...

>> No.75443478

i don't understand what you're doing. are you actually arguing that a third of all kids were getting trashed constantly? i emphasized that because it was clearly bullshit.

>> No.75443520

>it was clearly bullshit
And your evidence is?

>> No.75443552

>it was because the combination of stimulants and alcohol makes you feel less drunk than you actually are.
>no it really doesn't. try drinking one.
It doesn't make you feel "less drunk" but it does causes you to not feel the usual "i should stop drinking now" feeling

Arizona ice teas are still a thing, close to 20% alc and you can't taste it
They are kinda trash desu but women like them, just ask your bartender to make it without the tequila since it really doesn't fit the drink

>> No.75443568

>no it really doesn't
Dude, you are talking about your own personal experience against actual data.
Sure, you might be more resistant to stimulants, leading to actually feeling the effects of the alcohol, and more resistant to this combination as result, but this isn't true for most people.
>shit was nasty
That was never the point of the discussion, as >>75441460 said, you were guaranteed to get laid because the girl wouldn't feel like she is getting drunk until it was too late.

>> No.75443693

>31% of 12~17 year olds
>this must mean 31% of 12 year olds were drinking
Don't skip school kids.

>> No.75443701

Nijisanji was dumb to suggest this, especially with kids watching and while sponsored. However, you pussies got the OG 4 loko taken off the market which fucking sucks

>> No.75443725 [DELETED] 

I'm not defending niji
I'm defending alcohol
Island sea nigger brown shitskinned muslums jerk their little twerk at holodogs, they are afraid of alcohol because their magical moolah clerics tell them it's le bad while drinking barrels of vodka themselves

If you are against alcohol, you are a terrorist and enemy of real humans

>> No.75443739

You do understand that he was telling you to read the next fucking sentence which had what he cited right?

>> No.75443769

Anon, this is not fucking rocket science or has anything to do with the government, caffeine masks the effects of alcohol and makes you feel less drunk than what you actually are, this is a well studied phenomenon and that's why people advise against mixing them or tell you to be extra careful, specially if you are a teenager who doesn't know to drink

>> No.75443852

i am an american who was in highschool once and i'm not mentally handicapped. most people didn't drink at all until college.
i don't care about the second sentence. i emphasized the one that made the soccer moms freak out which led to the ban.

>> No.75443859

French raspberry liquor, triple sec and 151 if you want something that is easy to drink with the highest possible alcohol percentage
You can get slightly higher by mixing in everclear in some cocktails that only have vodka from experimentation but that extra 5% isn't worth it desu

The real trick is to look up with the British officers drank in their colonies
They had no real job so they spend the day trying to get as drunk as possible as efficiently as they could, some of the stuff they invented is legit insane

>> No.75443920

And you can buy the components to make a bomb at home. They didn't ban it because they think that the combination is evil, they want to reduce the amount of people sending themselves to the hospital, and it works, you can't easily buy a pack of readily mixed caffeine and alcohol, just the fact that you need to make it yourself, or pay extra for someone to make you one helps prevent retards getting too shitfaced for their own good.

>> No.75443926

>caffeine makes you feel less tired

>> No.75443951

>caffeine masks the effects of alcohol and makes you feel less drunk than what you actually are
see: >>75443182

>> No.75443965
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>> No.75444065

>non sequitur
I accept your concession

>> No.75444085

do not drink that within 24 hour of consuming a can of pepsi though or you'll fucking die according to the japanese government

>> No.75444152

>concession posting
I accept yours, brainlet. Now go get me a drink.

>> No.75444195

>most people didn't drink at all until college.
Yeah, 31% is a minority percentage.
>made the soccer moms freak out which led to the ban
The primary concern was its prevalence on college campuses.

>> No.75444266

2 people died of Four Loko
one because she was fucking stupid and took blood thinners, one died from drunk driving after drinking them
The ban was a joke, reminder six people died PER DAY as the result of alcohol in 2023

>> No.75444342

You know the problem is not specifically people dying, right

>> No.75444351

exactly. it was a pearl clutching morality ban with no basis on science. and holofags are now emulating it to own the nijis. sad state of affairs.

>> No.75444419

>six people died PER DAY as the result of alcohol in 2023
Don't let anyone tell you different.

>> No.75444475

omg i hekkin love science xister! whats your pronouns?

>> No.75444494

The campaign against it was the result of a moral panic
It did deserve it though, mainly because of it's marketing and pretending to be just a regular highballer can

I fucking hate the moral crusade against alcohol, now i have to import 151 because those cocksuckers kept suing Bacardi

>> No.75444516

You shouldn't talk about drinking in general, don't you know that consuming lots of alcohol is directly linked to various forms of cancer and binge drinking puts you at risk of alcohol poisoning and fatal accidents? Think of the children!

>> No.75445961

nice projection

you don't drink

>> No.75446102

sorry i don't speak nijisanji

>> No.75446126

You jest but it won't be long before the internet is entirely sanitized and infantilized, it's already begun

>> No.75450174

>dramafags never had a drinking party with friends

>> No.75452100

If your heart stops you're "clinically dead". Which is kinda like the Princess Bride's "mostly dead".

>> No.75454400


>> No.75456618

Skill issue

>> No.75457868

I suppose you're the one asking for the ghost of Christmas past to come show you selen's attempted suicide?

>> No.75457928

I can't wait for the sisters to start moving 1:1 drinks to downplay the situation and die.

>> No.75459880

Ah I love the smell of nijiseethe in the morning

>> No.75460684

>discussion dies after late night SEA hours are over
>no new threads during burger hours
>crying about cocktails and sissyposting immediately resumes at 9am on the number islands
what a surprise

>> No.75460757

Holy shit Nijisisters are now translating their rants to JP fans on Twitter lmao the desperation

>> No.75460838

that's almost as pathetic as crying about rum and cokes

>> No.75461714

Saw that thread and she literally translated Livers to '肝臓'
You cannot make shit up lmao

>> No.75462043

There are multiple sisters doing these threads

>> No.75464119

Is that Pekora's long lost big sister?

>> No.75467199

