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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.37 MB, 866x799, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75400102 No.75400102 [Reply] [Original]

wow she is fucking boring by herself

>> No.75400226

Take a break sister, i will call you when your dox site is back.

>> No.75400352

Yeag me, Im boring

>> No.75400394

Is that you, mocochan?

>> No.75400520

Do they actually think they're gonna get 200k subs in a few months? That's kind of honestly depressing

>> No.75400579

>Mococo sickly little finger made this post.
Mococo honestly just asking to be rape by Fuwawa UltraSpikyMech3000AtomicDildo at this point

>> No.75400702

put me in the screen cap parrot, this will age like milk.

>> No.75400707


>> No.75400744
File: 51 KB, 312x312, why-does-fuwawa-always-give-off-that-i-prank-my-sibling-v0-g4a0va630imc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, Mogojyan

>> No.75400846

They will get 1 Million subs you can bet your unused, dried up ovaries on that Sister

>> No.75400932

The numberfagging dogs are playing a game aimed at the wrong audience. If they made this a JOP stream, they’d be a lot higher, but the backlash from their EOPs last week really shook them.

>> No.75400970

Mococo stop shitposting and get back to bed.

>> No.75401079

Can't you see she is trying to suck up to her Oshi which is Senchou? She wants to get in her pants so bad she plays a game she ain't familiar with.

>> No.75401143

JOPs are literally still at work or school

>> No.75401207

They're hag otakus with an ojisan otaku audience. This is a game for us.

>> No.75401229

this but every single female niji not collabing with males.

>> No.75401367

Hi, I'm boring

>> No.75401388

wow how are you gonna afford all those bots?

>> No.75401509
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Maybe not, but they're gonna try!
Do or don't, that's the kind of gusto I want to root for.

>> No.75401767

Unlike your bot ridden "livers" Hololive talents grow their subs naturally. Some take slower than other but they are growing and given time and consistent content all of Hololive talents will reach 1 million one day.

>> No.75401927
File: 54 KB, 405x387, 2024-05-08 21.33.17 www.youtube.com 158e1bfd7820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope sister

>> No.75402003

Nah, it's ennacuck botting again. It's probably that -5 or -10k

>> No.75402536

seriously ive been seeing so much fwmc bait threads since nyfco went down, do sisters have something against them or something

>> No.75403092

how do you know this is anti FWW and not pro MCC?

>> No.75403096 [DELETED] 

They're unicorn friendly. That's literally it.

>> No.75403180 [DELETED] 

Because only sister antis do holo vs holo so it's a moot point

>> No.75403370

It's a mix of EOP unikeks unironically mad about INSERT RETARDED TOPIC HERE and sisters latching onto that and amplifying the issue far beyond what unikeks are capable of. But as an outsider looking in, you should always assume it's 100% sisters trying to cause a stir, because me even implying there's any legitimacy to it gives them another day of shitposting energy.

>> No.75404803

I laffed

>> No.75406364


>> No.75406648

Why do they have a sub count on the stream?

>> No.75406950

They're numberfags

>> No.75407146

What's wrong with the ruffians they already have? Don't they satisfy them? Why do they need more?

>> No.75407166

Not as boring as this thread, again.

>> No.75407181
File: 150 KB, 850x1263, SEIGI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it was mococo who never existed all along.

>> No.75407269

I don't know how to tell you this but Kronii was at 600k for like a year, Fuwamoco is warp speed sub farming by comparison.

>> No.75407292
File: 597 KB, 441x592, firefox_Iv1idwyajL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still think they're 2views.
You know how giant dogs love to lay on your lap as if they're still puppies? Same thing.

>> No.75407355
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>> No.75407357

That guy called Boring that she's fucking? Me

>> No.75407554
File: 1.85 MB, 2550x1814, 1697536091617219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a sad, sad nijisis

>> No.75407957

I stand by the threads, she was boring yesterday and she's boring today.

Actually only the two thread ones are mine, the one in the global was some other dude who made me doubt my sanity by copying my post.

>> No.75408050

you're a sad retard

>> No.75408183

Based retard

>> No.75408273

They muted their mics once when the boys were on screen, so they hate them and want them dead now.

>> No.75408491

Geez, no need to out yourself as gay so blatantly. Give a warning first.

>> No.75408503

Well I don't want them dead, but that whole thing was pretty ridiculously rude and unprofessional. Imagine flesh idols doing that on TV.

>> No.75409417

I thought it was pretty based. I don't give a shit about the homos nor do their fans, so no reason they should. Especially since you fucking starfags use every acknowledgement the girls give these faggots as a club towards their fanbases. Just look at all the shit you fuckers pulled when Shiori gave that homo a single "thank you." You cunts still haven't gotten past that one.

>> No.75409445

nobody cares about that, people shit on them now for abandoning their EN fans to whore themselves to JPs

>> No.75411051

Cover literally was caught botting council when they debuted

>> No.75411383

Proof next thread?

>> No.75412401

They did the same shit for regloss and YouTube found out and bonked them for it. It's public record.

>> No.75412470

It's fine when Hololive does it

>> No.75412491

>It's public record.
Great. That means it's incredibly easy for you to provide proof.

>> No.75413074

Nah, it was the armpiss homos that got botted on debut. The red and the blue faggots from the new gen did so incredibly laughably poor, they just couldn't stand it anymore.

>> No.75413080
File: 229 KB, 915x972, Screenshot 2024-05-08 9.04.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Google regloss sub culling.

>> No.75413198
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>> No.75413356

>Playing on normal
Touhou has been mainstream among weebs for almost 2 decades now and people still haven't moved on from normal mode?

>> No.75413672
File: 23 KB, 383x167, Screenshot 2024-05-08 9.14.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good enough for your oshi.

>> No.75413877
File: 237 KB, 450x444, 1690816067551419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And good enough for you too apparently.

>> No.75414319

Can't help but notice you're ignoring the fact that council and regloss losing massive amounts of bot subs is well known and documented.

>> No.75414526

Soon she will surpass Baelz.
It must hurt for Baelz for being such a failure.

>> No.75414598

Yeah, and there's usually a bunch of them that get sent to twitter jail. Too much shit at once can set off false positives. Doki got hit too I think. I know a few people who were forcibly unsubbed in the first day or so.

>> No.75414885
File: 141 KB, 700x700, 1690071293791434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Culling always happens on fresh channels that grow rapidly since YT mistakes rapid growth for bots. Since your such a redditor, you can find dozens, if not more, comments from people saying they've been forcibly unsubbed from them by YT.

Here. You can use picrel if you want to continue the discussion, they're easier to move.

>> No.75414922

Bae is better at singing.
Bae is better at dancing.
Bae is better at gaming.
Bae is better at comedy.
Bae is better at being an idol.
Bae is better at nihongo.
Bae is better at interacting with her senpai.
Bae is better.

>> No.75415030


>> No.75415052

>holo vs holo
I'd rather bae teach fuwawa how to dance

>> No.75415055

She is an incredibly boring solo streamer.

>> No.75415096

The reason for the culls was people subbing to the channel but with there being not enough content on it and the sheer volume of subs for a new holo gen. That triggers the culls. They learned their mistake for holox and advent but whoever was managing regloss was fucking retarded.
They weren't being botted, just that many people subbed but because they were auto unsubbed and since most subs universally are dead subs who never actually watch what they sub anyway they never resubbed because they don't even notice. People report being repeatedly unsubbed from regloss and having to resub again and again.
Regloss got shafted so unnecessarily because management was retarded.

>> No.75415217
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Do they think it'll happen realistically? No. but they're autistically determined and believe that they SHOULD work towards it no matter how unlikely. you can't begin to comprehend the minds of two autistic childless hags who have tasted failure before and are at the precipice of all of their dreams.

>> No.75415230

proof next thread?

>> No.75415295

If you think they're being botted, the burden of proof is on (you)

>> No.75415327

>do sisters have something against
yes? its nijisisters

>> No.75415356

She did an entire month of unique gimmick streams a few months ago that blew every other Holo's shitty FOTM game streams out of the water

>> No.75415359

She would if she didn't have to stream with M*c*co.

>> No.75415401

They will, even if they have to get a little synthetic help. It would be too embarrassing if they failed the goal and they're the biggest numbermonkeys in EN. Bigger even than Kiara.

>> No.75415409

Google removed their subs because you they think they were bots. We both agree on that. You're the one claiming that you know more than Google about their own platform with no evidence.

>> No.75415410

>people shit on them

>> No.75415442

why has advent not been purged yet then? kill yourself, tranny

>> No.75415458

Sisters who don't watch them

>> No.75415492

then they are not people,no i'm serious

>> No.75415502

Let's see what happens when Fuwamoco hit a mil and then lose 100k the next week.

>> No.75415562

you spell nijiEN wrong there anon

>> No.75415601

Their decrepit hag bones can't take it

>> No.75415640

There's a difference between being a numberfag (Kiara) and a numbernigger (Fuwamoco). Genuinely puts me off wanting to watch them when they do shit like vertical shorts streams for a game about stacking dogs while displaying their live sub count on stream, along with a banner literally begging for subs.

>> No.75415725

Yeah, me. My name Bo R. Ing.

>> No.75415934

It's fine when Hololive does it

>> No.75415940

Is there an established difference in terms? I'll have to lurk more as I always saw it as the same. But yeah, dogs are undeniably way worse about it than Kiara.

>> No.75416873

No, there isn't. And yes, FWMC is twitch tier shitty. I don't understand how ruffians are willing to die for them when FWMC views them as a blip on their sub ticker.

>> No.75417269
File: 99 KB, 675x571, extra fluffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you. They have more than enough love for all of us.
Total World Baumination.

>> No.75417829

Oh wow I didn't realize jp-nikki posted here. こんにちは

>> No.75418019
File: 20 KB, 312x312, 1709031325005642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes to japanese focused board
>complains about japanese

>> No.75418020


>> No.75419136
File: 339 KB, 773x793, 1714800477089907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd bait thread with this title in as many days

So what's going on at Kurosanji? Vivi still crying over how poor she is right now? Uki still a racist?

>> No.75419184

too bad she's a boring whore and no one cares what she does

>> No.75420060

>at the wrong audience
I REALLY liek 2hu, this is my jam

>> No.75422433

It was a comfy stream

>> No.75422495
File: 123 KB, 628x645, scheming fuwawa zoomed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows what she is doing.

>> No.75422527

nope! this time they tried to sell energy drinks and they promoted it by combining it with alcohol and some kids got sent to the hospital

>> No.75422572

How long it's been out doesn't really matter if they haven't played it and put in the time to memorize the spell cards

>> No.75422823

japs really are built like fuckin paper bags, aint they? deathly ill from rain, to the hospital from a vodka cola. it's a miracle they even made it to 2020.

>> No.75423146

sisters are retarded, ugly and probably part of a minority so obviously they hate nice, pure and cute things

>> No.75423891

Fuwawa should give Mococo to me.

>> No.75424093

Can you link some?

>> No.75424113

If they had been less autistic and had streamed instead of moving to Japan right in the first year of their debut without a doubt.

>> No.75424150

I've got bot farms in case they need some extra help, so yeah they will

>> No.75424308 [DELETED] 

Please don't. That'll do the exact opposite effect.
It's better for them to fail than to "achieve it" but have 100k culled at the end, ruining their victory.

>> No.75424847

You really do know how to encourage antis, don't you?

>> No.75424902 [DELETED] 

Well, realistically it wouldn't do much, anyways. There's no way they're oblivious to the bot bullshit right now. They're big, and they're a little dim, but their managers are at least competent enough to keep them alive here.

>> No.75425207

>lower your goals
>dont strife for something bigger
Tell me youre canadian without telling us youre canadian

>> No.75425241

That's not [insert (You)r oshi here]!

>> No.75425819

Why did Mococo change her name to boring?

>> No.75425870

just when they are about to reach a million probably in some endurance karaoke im going to unsub hundreds of my smart fridges from their channel

>> No.75425888

go sleep mogochan

>> No.75426339


>> No.75426412

Wasn't hitman on the schedule? What happened to that?

>> No.75426955

Nah, they were slowing down a lot, even being below fellow Advent in some weeks. Moving to Japan was necessary. They probably didn't expect the process would take two months.

>> No.75429010

So true, sis.

>> No.75429047

nah, it was a great stream. fuwawa is so fucking cute it's unreal

>> No.75430631

Oh nyo

>> No.75432218
File: 464 KB, 1100x1100, 1699821648442464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put me on the screencap!

>> No.75432609

>extreme baby making sex with Fuwawa while she wears a Canadiens Hockey shirt and I wear a Red Wings Hockey shirt
>while Mococo watches in the corner wearing a Maple Leafs shirt
Lawdy this has me feeling a certain way.

>> No.75434917

It's okay she has big tits. I forgive her.

>> No.75435326

i like 2hu tho, but admittedly a lot of nufans are secondaries who just enjoys the fumos and memes.

>> No.75435343

No u

>> No.75435426

I've seen Ruffians bring this up 1000x more than any Stars fan on Twitter, Discord, or even the fucking doxxsite ever have when it happened or since.

I'd get into why I still think they were generally unprofessional that whole stream, not just in that moment, but I have the feeling you'll ignore what I say, even if I've been watching the girls for a longer time than the guys.

>> No.75435828
File: 2.49 MB, 1656x924, Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 08.39.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yes, FWMC is twitch tier shitty.

>> No.75435911

>they were generally unprofessional that whole stream
Silent during homos segment which is at most a minute. Whole stream. Nice try homobeggar. Your fags dont deserve shit.

>> No.75437108

>they were generally unprofessional
>I've been watching the girls for a longer time than the guys
An unironic homobeggar lmao

>> No.75437192

>vertical streaming
>sub begging
Wew lad, didn't even make it to their first anniversary before they fully embraced numberfagging.

>> No.75437367
File: 2 KB, 516x486, 1696648856448765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ofcourse I would. It's obvious you're a seething nyfcosister. You whores stick out like a sore thumb. If you truly cared about profesionalism, you wouldn't care about these faggots at all.
>I've seen
>or even the fucking doxxsite
Just fuck off to your bunker or craft a fucking rope.

>> No.75437408

I wonder why there are so many FWMC bait threads today?
Oh, I see, it's another Niji yab.

>> No.75437450
File: 7 KB, 365x111, 1715135226145671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75437487

Should have said segment versus stream, so fine. Either way I know you're just going to ignore anything I have to say on it, so have a day bro.

>> No.75439230

No one cares about that either, it's just a ln echo chamber of sisters, bvtmfags and schizos. The member stream got less than 40 dislikes on YouTube when the announced gw JP streams. The few people who left anti JP comments got less that 30 likes on YouTube, most deleted their comments after realizing how stupid it was to get mad about that.

>> No.75439807

Homobeggar, kys.

>> No.75441822

my mind's on fire

>> No.75441842

They have to, or no EN4

>> No.75442065

I don't watch her but playing a shmup while trying to stay entertaining is more difficult than you think.

>> No.75442626

What happened to all that JP mindshare she’s suppose to have? It’s almost as non-existent as IRyS’

>> No.75442772

Well yeah, you're supposed to bring someone on for commentary unless you're the lunatic 1cc champ that has done it 27 times blindfolded already.

>> No.75444840

ussually raging at some point is entretaining enough, and for MoF is around strage 4-5 in normal

>> No.75447961

I will agree with everything in this post

>> No.75448411

I summon and forge a bond with a grudgeposter

>> No.75451077

3k subs in one stream... I kneel baubaus.

>> No.75452488

I think Fuwawa is great solo.

>> No.75452643

She got 3k-ish in both of her solo streams. It would be interesting to see if the Hitman one will have the same gains since it's not vertical.

>> No.75452871
File: 36 KB, 399x480, 1703994416630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch stars myself but FwMc have every right not to acknowledge them if they dont want to.
It's really not that big of a deal man, some holos just want to do their own thing and that's perfectly fine.

>> No.75453986

they're still orders of magnitude better than /jp/ secondaries who fundamentally misunderstand what 2hu is and make things worse for everyone
also secondary isn't a real word
t. "primary"
