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File: 495 KB, 1918x986, xenophobia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75414980 No.75414980 [Reply] [Original]


What if she had said instead "uh, we just don't want baka gaijins here!!"?

>> No.75415133
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 1613811357666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if

>> No.75415135

She probably wants someone from outside holojp

>> No.75415625

Suisei hates Hololive

>> No.75415791

Are you mentally retarded? She was jokingly implying "She's totally gonna make the rest of us look bad."

>> No.75415840

how come when it comes to asians it's always "xenophobic", but when it comes to white people it's always about racism

whats the deal with that, only white people can be racist?

>> No.75415846

yeah lets forget that she sucks off an american tumblr girl every time she can

>> No.75415913

If you're an americunt, maybe. Us yuros get called xenophobic constantly.

>> No.75415974

She has foreign fans and she hates all of her fans who like Hololive.

>> No.75416048

Completely mask off moment for her. I know we like to pretend she's some nice person but with a little tug you will get racism, antisemitism, or out right misandry with her.

>> No.75416213

Bae also wasn't living in Japan full time yet last year so that would've made it harder for her to participate.

>> No.75416256

>but when it comes to white people
you have delulu, that's why

>> No.75416330

>hypothetically speaking, there is a chance i dreamt that the gods revealed to me that
>now pass me the crack pipe

>> No.75416425

>Don't believe your lying eyes, white people. Nobody is discriminating against you.
>Now attend your mandatory DEI meetings to learn how you're all evil oppressors.

>> No.75416485

We hate niggers and jews here sir

>> No.75416539

>Send superchat
>"Hehehe suityan flat..."
>*Reads superchat*
>I swear you disgusting jew nigger always repeating the same disgusting humor. Get a origin joke already, oh wait. You cant because all of you are bunch of chink retard that doesnt know how to make something original. I swear. Ever since this weak yen shit happen, you foreigner retard invade this country like a cockroach shitting everywhere and pushing your stupid sand nigger religion all over the place. Im getting tired of this shit. I cant even discuss about gacha games without some gook mentioning their retarded blue archive and nikke retard shit game. I cant even play breath of the wild peacefully because chink retard genshin player keep shoving their deformed sea cock all over the place like a disgusting faggot they are. Im fucking tired of this shit. I swear i will make Holojp IP locked if i have to. Im tired ok. Im fucking tired....
>*Read superchat*
>"Suityan flat xddd"
>*Livestream cuts off*

>> No.75416619

here we go again...
so what happened at companyA this time?

>> No.75416625


>> No.75417175

I'm a hololive fan. Koyori is my favorite. I just notice how mean Suisei is sometimes.

>> No.75417279
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x720, hi tourist[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5frfcl.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75417461

Honestly, I viewed this as a japanese stating their preference. Japs are pretty nice, but when they have the choice, they will assertively say what they like/dislike. Outsiders are not entitled to enter inside groups

>> No.75417736

Their star liver suggested mixing energy drinks and alcohol. Japan, being a country of beer chugging yahoos but have weak constitution, saw their youth going to hospitals.
Cue NDF deflection mode.

>> No.75418425

let me say this as a person who could easily stay up 48+ hours with a cup of plain ol' coffee...


>> No.75418509
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>Suischizo thread
kill yourself already

>> No.75418577

Is Bae even really a gaijin? She wants to be JP so badly she's probably injecting pocky into her veins.

>> No.75418864

Because it's about culture/nationality, not race. An ethnically Japanese person that was born and grew up abroad would be treated the same as any other foreigner.

>> No.75418934
File: 3.08 MB, 3840x2160, 1674244166070132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she won

>> No.75419278


>> No.75420041

What? a failing career?

>> No.75423122

You are not considered truly Japanese unless you are 100% Japanese by blood.

>> No.75423159

They don't see themselves as the same race as other asians.

>> No.75423213

if her career is failing then I'm a fucking oak tree

>> No.75425069

Westernized japs are, should and will get bullied in Japan, and that's a good thing.

>> No.75425324

>What if

>> No.75426286

It's more likely she just doesn't like Bae.

>> No.75427385

Because intersectional faggots think only whites can be racist.

>> No.75428119

It's the same thing. The issue is that racism is part of Japanese culture, and acknowledging that is uncomfortable for Americans.

>> No.75428457

But she was also implying that Bae isn't going to get an invitation, and that was jus ta joke about why.

>> No.75428674

What the fuck are you talking about?
All racism is part of some culture.
Do you think babies are born with an innate fear and distrust of babies that look a little different?

>> No.75430170

because only in america do people predominantly think in terms of race, instead of ethnicity.
If the concept of race isn't at the forefront of your mind, you wouldn't call discrimmination of foreign people racist.

In a japanese context, dividing people into the american concept of race, is incredibly unhelpful. If a japanese woman discrimminates against chinese, koreans, indonesians or any other surrounding ethnic group, then saying she's racist makes not much sense, since they're all "asian". Saying she's racist would either imply she's racist against all asians which wouldn't be true since then she'd have to discrimminate agains japanese too, which wouldn't be the case.

>> No.75430617

>Do you think babies are born with an innate fear and distrust of babies that look a little different?
If you think that isn't the case you ought to just think about it for 5 seconds.
Fear of the unknown is extremely widespread in all animals because in general its a very good survival tactic.
Better be safe than sorry.
If you encounter a person that is different in a way from every other person in your day to day life, then its a natural instinct to be caucious.
Not saying this instinct is good or bad, but it is innate.

You can even look this up. As soon as babies have the cognitive capacity to distinguish between different kinds of people, they prefer those that are most like them, i.e. that are the same race as them.

>> No.75433165


>> No.75433202

kill yourself necrobumping faggot

>> No.75435835

Everything is the unknown to a fucking baby.
>If you encounter a person that is different in a way from every other person in your day to day life
And that is the culture part I was talking about.

>> No.75437162

Bae has asian blood, but she wasn't born in japan.
Thus it can't be racism, because Suisei is also asian, because it is not racial based.

It is only racism when it is a white doing anything against nigas.

>> No.75437225

Did uki make this post?

>> No.75437708

She's not Japanese. There's only Japanese and foreigner.

>> No.75438227


>> No.75439016

>*Throws Red ARS*

>> No.75439080

no not it translates to "whito piggu go home"

>> No.75439083

A baby will have seen its parents before, and most likely, people that look like its parents.
The parents (or the culture at large) don't need to teach the baby anything racist (wittingly or unwittlingy) for the baby to have a natural fear and distrust of people that aren't like its parents.
Even when you're not a baby and are aware that other kinds of people exist, even when you have seen them in media, you might still have an innate fear and distrust of other people if you barely any experience with that kind of person, just because of the lack of familarity.
That's not culture. That's just logistics and lizard brain instincts.

>> No.75439454

it was opposite, bae was pro dancer

>> No.75439627

You have never seen a baby in person before.
It has no fear of anything. It is a fucking dumbass.
You need to have many years of it only seeing one race for it to then become cautious, not fearful, of a sudden new race it has never seen before.
And that would last hours or days before it got used to it.

Everything else is learned.

>> No.75439704

How was it the opposite? She clearly says that Bae would obviously "like to join" but wont be joining.
The whole dance thing is then a joke about why she wont, which is a joke, i.e. not the real reason.

>> No.75439774

What if she had said "uhh, op is a fag!!"

>> No.75439862

Why the fuck she need a person who couldn't stay in JP to practice dance? Bae didn't move to JP at 2023 November and December, so she didn't get picked. Hoshimatic project was one of part countdown live, she need to pick a member that was free at that time, so all member ware JP. You can just fucking search and know, But you choose to post this idiotic post

>> No.75441156

>trying to understand schizos

>> No.75441577

"Breaking news: Suisei is openly homophobic" or something like that

>> No.75441662

stop bumping your thread, freak

>> No.75441972
File: 743 KB, 664x969, 1708201296791045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh, this npc is breaking his conditioning.

>> No.75442151
File: 656 KB, 751x660, 1709562186180832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does drinking Suipiss give one such shitposting powers?

>> No.75442307

>Nijisisters exposes herself
>confuses failing corpo with the enemy's status

>> No.75444392
File: 24 KB, 569x428, 1296265549731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short version because America for most of it's relatively short time as a nation has in fact been racist. We had slavery, which even when that was abolished still had Jim Crow laws that segregated people, and even after that we still had degrees of apprehension which led to the self destructive gangland culture. We killed tens of thousands of Native Americans. We interned thousands of Japanese during WW2. There's probably a big anti Hispanic thing I too but I can't think of any off the top of my head, Spanish American war maybe. And America is majority white.
Now it's gotten a LOT better over the years but only recently has it been turned into the mess it is because marxist are trying to supplant commie ideology into the youth by bringing these facts up along with general Right v Left politics where any criticism of the Left is seen as racism (among other isms).
Tl'dr, White people had a history of it and currently because Marism is making anything right of 'Replace White People with minorities' as Alt Right extremism.
Hope that helps.
Oh and as for your first bit that's because the three major Asian nations have fought each other and themselves more times than people can count.
