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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75371376 No.75371376 [Reply] [Original]

>/corpo/ resources:

>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
PRISM: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/

Previous thread: >>75234755

>> No.75371732 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.75372122

Cryptic Yume+ post? Is this finally a group cover?

>> No.75372212

I came

>> No.75372257
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I'm eepy

>> No.75372326
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OshiLink's Generation 1 Vtuber group
"CELANIS" Self Introductons

Lauren Radios

Audica Sevens

Ba'al Arland

Rina Astera

L'arc Delta

Debuts are on the 10th and 11th of May


>> No.75372414

She looks very cute.

>> No.75372585

fuck this is becoming my fetish, i hope his penis is cute

>> No.75372625
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Looking for a partial archive of Menace's vods: Sept 15 - Nov 7 2022. I know it’s a longshot, but I'm putting it out there just in case someone has them. Unfortunately these vods aren't on her YouTube channel. I'm not posting in /jidf/ because it'd be off topic.

>> No.75372694

Luna but en español
Love her expressions

>> No.75372709

Man, there sure are tons of microcorpos debuting mixed gens nowadays. Trying to bank on that nijiEN downfall as much as possible.

>> No.75372908

another cute boy (female) for my collection?

>> No.75372963

if they really want to bank, they'd make it male only like FSP

>> No.75373053 [DELETED] 

Besides niji and vshojo (doesn't really count desu), I don't think I've seen a single successful mixed gen corpo.

>> No.75373293 [DELETED] 

Thread 404'd before I got a chance to say my piece, but Kawaii definitely still has an axe to grind with Gen 3 based on what the leaker mentioned.

And what the other anon (>>75368158) said is also true, they tried to cover their asses by using moral panic against them. Thank goodness Kawaii isn't very big or else the VDere girls would have been harassed probably until today.

>> No.75373311

Spectra playing Stardew (and formulating a cheeky plan for the next British Stardew collab)

>> No.75373334

Well if your opinion of successful is
>as big as hololive nijisanji and vshojo
Then there are currently 3 successful vtuber corpos in the entire industry and you just named them. Unless like 774 or VSPO or something are more successful than I realize

>> No.75373602 [DELETED] 

Hololive doesn't have mixed gens. Nijisanji has lost a ton of influence, and the mixed fanbase is partly to blame. Both Holo and Niji are propped up due to their large Japanese audiences. Vshojo doesn't count because they're not a traditional corpo, they bring in really popular talents one by one and it's just one big bundle.

I'd loved to be proved wrong, but so far, no small corpos on the EN side with mixed gens have ever achieved success on their own.

>> No.75373715

vshojo is withing top 3 of corpos in the west only. but vspo is the 3rd biggesr overall (excluding china, i dont know anything about them)

>> No.75373814

opinions on Arial Yuriko?

>> No.75373825
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>> No.75374175

I like her accent but I'll never watch Valorant

>> No.75374318

less numbers/goals more pure emotion

>> No.75374627

Bro don't do this, if it's not her we might actually see suicides in /vrex/

>> No.75375060

My unpopular /corpo/ opinion is that I never found Erika to be very interesting

>> No.75375264

What chuubas do you watch

>> No.75375488

A booog

>> No.75375585

That's ok, we each have our own tastes.

>> No.75375692 [DELETED] 

I agree, but that's just my own personal opinion, I can definitely see how she's entertaining for a lot of people and that she's a very hard worker. Any corpo who has her is lucky to have her.

>> No.75376199
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Project Verses YouTube Channels




>> No.75376969

Mimosa and Raein collab today, they're really trying to carry Raein huh

>> No.75376984

Sexo Menace model... one day...

>> No.75377019
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idk much about him, but this must be a bit soul-crushing so soon after debut. not that i think he is one, but i don't know why any guy would try and be a vtuber unless he was a sexpest seeking to get a vtuber gf.

>> No.75377138

The globie boys are very respectful of boundaries. It sucks to be a brotuber.

>> No.75377177 [DELETED] 

Not enough sisters for everyone, sadly

>> No.75377290

Your mind has been broken

>> No.75377846

Raeins a good streamer, interesting too when she isnt trying to say 'this would be super clippable haha hint hint' her times are pretty rough too but the weekend morning streams are perfect for me

>> No.75377987

>Catalog thirdworlders seethe 24/7 about males because they're scared that they'll pipe their oshi
>Scream that they're all sexpests
>Continue screaming for so long that retards start to believe it
Have you ever considered that there are guys who like anime and also want to stream. It's almost as if the majority of vtuber fans are males and if you like something sometimes you want to try it out.

>> No.75378115
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>> No.75378234

>they're all sexpests
This part is accurate though.

>> No.75378424

>The globie boys are very respectful of boundaries.
They should stop appearing on my oshi's chat. Fuck those guys

>> No.75378465

This, i actually pity women. I made a burner imgur account to catfish a friend, and i had indians sending me dms about how they would flush my pooper with their dick curry shortly after i posted a frog meme about periods. pajeets are alright sometimes

>> No.75378526

They should be blackballed as much as Zoey but most have stayed neutral.

>> No.75378892
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>> No.75379102
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Ayla Yew

>> No.75379138

sadly those are globie numbers in general, Kiri and Bonnie are doing well (I don't know about rabbit) but rest is struggling.

>> No.75379317

I want to believe you but my first impression of a globie male was him getting a wrench and proceeding to spam my 2 view oshis chat like he was trying to score a collab

>> No.75379324

>the rest are struggling
Pippa routinely gets like 50-70 when she streams at fucking 5am est and when she streams at a good time she can regularly hit over 100

>> No.75379433

Moral panic? The Enchantasia girls broke the terms of their contract. That's all that stream was about and it was handled in an appropriate professional manner. Just put it behind and enjoy the chuubas you like

>> No.75379463
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3 more weeks... I've been fapping to her each day to hold me over a little.

>> No.75379599

Speaking of globie males, Kohaku has more watching him than Miel and Pippa combined. He seems to be the only globie male with a chance to grow though.

>> No.75379759

Adding on, they have 8 globie streams happening right now. It's crazy that they have essentially ceded the late night Euro / prime time NA east coast slot to Bonnie alone.

>> No.75379780
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Im gonna edge on the days leading up so when i ink myself on mummehs debut, my undies would be wet enough to drown a kitten in

>> No.75379792
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Pretending to own the color orange and threatening girls after they've already left your company over debuting with the same color palette isn't professional
Sorry orange boy but everyone knows you're full of shit lmao

>> No.75379860

That's on your oshi

>> No.75379892

Own the color orange? Where do you retards even come from?

>> No.75379944
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>Jesse Llum
oh it's a Brazilian collab


https://youtu.be/g2lfOqGw5q0 Migi
https://youtu.be/iVkOG0Gd58c Nova(e)

>> No.75379961

I was gonna try to do it for the whole month, but failed. I'll probs try to do it again for the last 4 days too.

>> No.75379990

Are you actually schizo or just pretending to be one?

>> No.75380044

You can just call it a Portuguese-speakers collab.

>> No.75380046

she's from Portugal, so makes sense.

>> No.75380057

It's the same language anon...

>> No.75380059

Nova is portugese

>> No.75380068

One of your kawaii managers sent Mozzu an email after her design reveal trying to tell her she can't be orange
Vdere lives rent free in kawaii managements head. You're corpo is a joke

>> No.75380095

No one told me she's Portuguese

>> No.75380141

also this makes the first time I've seen a Portuguese chuuba then

>> No.75380205


>> No.75380278

>he doesn't know

>> No.75380305


>> No.75380347

Oh yes, it definitely isn't some made up bullshit from a schizo anti for sure. Did Airi receive an email saying she couldn't be green? How about Elia?

>> No.75380475
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Holy hell Jesse

>> No.75380606

This is a very strange foursome

>> No.75380715

>hot sister
>crazy nerdy sister
>chuuni little sister
>their maid

>> No.75381170

It's a lusophone collab

>> No.75381236

No idea but if they sent it to one it's more likely they sent to the others than specifically trying to single out Mozzu. Nice professionalism faggot kek

>> No.75381529

>if they sent it to one
Anon, you just stated that you arent even sure that they sent it Mozzu. God why are kawaii antis so fucking stupid?

>> No.75381578

Are you esl?

>> No.75381867

>SEA pretends to know english

>> No.75382126

No. I would use start the clause I quoted with "since" or "because" rather than "if. Using "if" casts doubt on what you are attempting to be true in your assertion. Your welcome for the speech 101 lesson, retard.

>> No.75382209

Anyone care to bake /vdere/ for the first time in months to sto this circlejerk from shitting up /corpo/?

>> No.75382230 [DELETED] 

>broke the terms of their contract
You're trying to create moral panic as well. Stop being disingenuous.
They exited the contract prematurely and paid whatever consequences stipulated in said contract. They did nothing wrong. If the corpo couldn't convince them to stay, then that is an internal issue that is irrelevant to who is wrong or right, contrary to what Kawaii and /pkg/ likes to pretend with them being completely in the wrong.

>That's all that stream was about
Yes, that's why Nene, Reina, and Nami all had things to say as well, right? It's almost 1 to 1 what niji did.

It's even more embarrassing when you guys get personal with the VDere girls, I almost think you're management yourselves with how much you seethe at them and shit up the thread as you're doing right now. Like I said, it's a good thing Kawaii is tiny or else the VDere girls would have gotten Sayu'd.

>> No.75382264

>I'm not esl
>Why are people not talking like my textbook?

>> No.75382308

Well if you claim you aren't esl, I guess it must be true.

>> No.75382406

>wet enough to drown a kitten in
Why... Why are you like this? Like, why do you utter such words? Can you please never speak again?

>> No.75382513


>> No.75382555

Be the change you want in this world anon

>> No.75382568

Kawaii is worse than nijisanji with the color thing
What they tried to pull would be the equivalent of Nijisanji trying to tell doki her fanbase can't be dragoons only Nijisanji is competent enough to understand IP law and not attempt that

>> No.75382567

This is just sad

>> No.75382633

/corp/ feels so weird and off, like going to your old school after graduating over 20 years ago.

So many of the old small corps are dead and gone, only phase and kawaii are left.
Even myholo tv is basicly dead.

All of the new small corps are strange with new zoomer lingo without the history or memes.
27 talents in 1 gen, what is this crap.
I dont know 90% of the chubas you fags are talking about.

This familar place feels strange and distant to me.
I dont know what to feel but old.
I will try to stick around but ...

>> No.75382657

>it is almost 1 to 1 to what niji did
Incorrect, it is almost 1 to 1 to what hololive did. To be like niji they would have had to have a laundry list of things that Enchantasia did. There was no such thing as anyone who watches that short video will easily see. There's no reason to make such a blatant and easily contradicted lie... unless you are trying to make kawaii look good by acting like a retarded schizo, I guess?

>> No.75382816

Only time I've ever managed a whole month also coincided with having seasonal depression lol. The people that can do it for several are inhuman.
Green woman love.

>> No.75382850 [DELETED] 

If the "laundry list" document is the only comparison you can make, then you're wrong. I'm making a comparison to how they were treated then and how they're treated now. As I said, the leaker has made it known management is still upset, and from your response, so is the fanbase. They can't let bygones be bygones. This is why /pkg/ and Kawaii itself has such a bad reputation.

>> No.75382880

Sure anon. We all remember that time Sana decided to leave hololive and the top holoEN Gura decided to shit talk her endlessly and say things like "she took the money and ran" for you kawaii children this is what is commonly referred to by normal people as being paid for employment

>> No.75382957

This is me being pg, this site should not coddle the weak from the sumptuous words of a degenerate

>> No.75383038

You know, i say fuck both sides.
I choose team Oceana.
Vdere and Kawaii are equally gay and deserves each other.

>> No.75383066

>the leaker
The schizos have it so rough that they have to entertain fairy tales from other schizos to keep them satisfied. Yikes, that's rough.

>> No.75383123

Just hatefuck each other already you wankers

>> No.75383134

You are up way past your bedtime oSEAshell

>> No.75383253

Damn that feels like 4 tropes you'll see from a h anime

>> No.75383259 [DELETED] 

The leaker correctly identified and gave proof for Gen 5, and gave their own reason for dropping out of the audition process. There's no reason to try to dismiss it as a "fairy tale" when it's freely available for everyone to see in the archive.

>> No.75383562

Feel free to link it then anon!

>> No.75383637 [DELETED] 

>please spoonfeed it to me
No, I don't think I will. If you really are in /pkg/, you can ask there.

>> No.75383673

People here care more about the Gen 3 stuff than the people involved do. Let pkg be their usual schizo selves and move on, you'll be healthier for it.

>> No.75384031

Besides, Mozzu is streaming so more talk about that than anything from the last 25 posts or whatever

>> No.75384079

Speaking of kawaii gen 5 and living in the present instead of the past, I like them a lot.
It's almost exhausting to keep up with them because of how frequent the collabs have been and the streams run long even if they start late.
I hope they can maintain that energy. Kohaku is going on a long break. She deserves a rest after nearly tying Shee's maniac streaming hours but naturally there is a bit of worry about how that loss of momentum will effect her.

>> No.75384136 [DELETED] 

We do let ex-corpos get posted here, so you can post Mew's new cunt if you want. But that's part of the small corpo world, talents come and go, and the best grow out of the thread (like Beryl).

>> No.75384256
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Iva Zatsu

>> No.75384861

i recommend the vrev girls for you.

>> No.75385048

>Vdere and kawaii are gay.
I knew we in V-Dere have some overlap with VReverie, but I never looked at /pkg/ this way. Which kawaii girl has the hottest femboys?

>> No.75385215


>> No.75385421
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You're following the guide right?

>> No.75386010
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I was the one who posted it in /eien/ back then, i still have the pills and i think ill start now

>> No.75386345

So how do small corpos pay their talents? I've been wondering this for a while now. Are they just paid a portion of what they make or do they get some sort of salary or hourly rate?

>> No.75386388

White fox looks pretty good. I'm pretty sure I played a hentai with those girls before.

>> No.75386566

the only corpo that we know for sure gives a salary to their talents is hololive. the rest, talents receive their share from all money revenue: superchats, streamlabs, sponsors, merch, etc. they cuts vary from corpo to corpo, and a few make their percentages public

>> No.75386662

lala in da catalog

>> No.75386832

/pxl/ you mean

>> No.75386834

VAllure gen 1 gets an 80% cut which rises to 90% after a year. Mummeh is so generous...

>> No.75386940

Seems like she's delaying due to sickness/laziness. Almost two hours late and no Tweet, though she mentioned it might be "delayed" after already delaying it a couple hours.

>> No.75387001

the more important question is do corpos pay their talents in cash or are they being taxman's little bitches

>> No.75387146

Sexiest 'tarded rabbit Bri on Doki's Twitch Rivals Party Animals team:

>> No.75387177

corpos should pay out in crypto

>> No.75387240

Given which small corpos have died and which have survived, what seems to be the bare minimum size for a small corpo to be profitable/survive?

>> No.75387325

If number goes up, it goes up. Vreverie was down to one chuuba at a point and they're sort of alive now with a new gen. Silly question.

>> No.75387550

Airi talking about OffKai:

>> No.75387561


>> No.75387767

Each girl will have two 30 minutes slots with free tickets.

>> No.75388354

Mozu skipping out on her own stream to pop into Airi's.

>> No.75388465

Sure, as long as a corpo is growing its audience consistently it should theoretically be able to continue even when not yet profitable, however I'm more curious as to what size a corpo needs to be such that even if it weren't growing it would still stay afloat.

>> No.75389169

I'd narrow it down to game collabs like phasmo, plate up etc which is most of them unfortunately. 2 people non-game collabs have a decent chance of being good, this is probably my favorite Lottie collab despite not caring about Nami and watching Raki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Stysby9vDUk

>> No.75389487

According to the CEO Phase is now self-sustaining (it's not just burning through investment money) and they can debut new vtubers, so that is the upper bound on what is a minimum viable corpo.
I wouldn't take VReverie as a data-point - it looks like they funded the new gen using misappropriated donations from previous ones.

>> No.75389555
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oshilink watchalongs so far

>> No.75389998

You will be able to play games with them (and other M&Gers) at VeXpo.

>> No.75390300

Good to know, so basically it's a race for a corpo to reach Phase's size before running out of investment money.

>> No.75390446
File: 177 KB, 1920x1080, GNEreO-bIAA4mER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimosa x Raein 【Drawing Stream】2 girls 1 canvas

>> No.75390554

For people occasionally bringing up her voice being no different, Airi just did a demonstration of her old voice at around 1:04:00.

>> No.75390850

I wonder who VAllure will get for their watchalongs. Hopefully being the first EN AVtuber corpo isn't too off-putting.

>> No.75390866

she's interesting in some ways. at the same time, she just doesnt seem like she's actually meant to be a vtuber, let alone in a corpo. indie content creator suits her better if anything, especially since she mentions fashion quite a lot.

she's also being overpowered by the personalities of the other three. the humor is there, dont get me wrong, but she's dim compared to the others especially in a bigger group setting

>> No.75390938

Mummeh has a lot of friends.

>> No.75391130

Ewiwa already locked in for the promo after she failed to get in

>> No.75391265

She's burned a lot of bridges too, and I'm talking about before the last year

>> No.75391370

Sure, but most of them don't stream

>> No.75391391

Mims likes ugly bastards and cute girls

>> No.75391420

I hope Skitty comes back

>> No.75391459

Really? I have never heard a bad word

>> No.75391526

Not that anon, but are we thinking of the same Skitty?

>> No.75391586


>> No.75391616

Mims is revealing Dombra's face

>> No.75391645

All together: Mozzu hates her fans

>> No.75391651

Holy shit that's literally fucking Skitty.

>> No.75391943

Calm your horses. With 99.99% certainty I can say she is not a talent. Gen 2 maybe. Maybe.

>> No.75391952

if you're keeping track this is the second time her sister's been gone and she did nothing with it. people thinking living with coni is going to be some new age for her better start coping now.

>> No.75392223
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>> No.75392566

I hope she'll do the watchalong

>> No.75392597

Ah. She must be waiting to see if it flops or not before getting onboard.

>> No.75392673

Fuck the lotl

>> No.75392746

Wise move.

>> No.75393075


This doesn't seem like a group cover. Maybe another talent?

>> No.75393167

Theyre too tiny to add a new talent though, Raein is hardly catching up

>> No.75393283

I wouldn't even say Raein is catching up. Maybe they just had a fifth talent all along, but it was delayed even further like Mero.

Is there even a song that could fit the theme?

>> No.75393298
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Tem time - /fit/ edition

>> No.75393352

Mero debuted like a month late and she's performing much better than the girls. A new talent might do just fine.

>> No.75393625

Mero was popular before she even debuted, this talent doesn't have that benefit. Can Yume+ even afford to support another?

I hope the talent does well, but Yume+ seems to be making more and more bad decisions.

>> No.75393742

If she's more entertaining than the other girls right now, it's a welcome change to me. Two out of the four didnt seem right for corpo anyways

>> No.75393850

Which ones do you think are not made for corpo?

>> No.75394576
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Yeah right. What would a new talent do without those 100 subs everyone but Mero had during debut. That's obviously better than Mimosa and Rhea trying to redirect their 1.1K subs to a new talent

>> No.75394871
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Rhea live

>> No.75394939
File: 401 KB, 637x1087, Screenshot from 2024-05-09 01-30-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yume+ seems to be making more and more bad decisions
Yeah, they've apparently decapitated on of their talents

>> No.75394962

They all have the same 20-30 viewers. They should redirect those viewers to Raein and Mero before another girl.

Can Yume+ even afford to make her a debut promotional video? They are agency talents and two of their talents don't even have 1k subscribers. They obviously took on more than they can handle. She will probably be the reason they fail.

>> No.75395233

Mero needs to catch up in subs but she has the most ccv. It's rare for Raein and Mimosa to retain viewers, Rhea is pretty much just stable.

If Yume's putting out a new talent then obviously they can afford it. It's not like they're going to tease a talent they haven't paid shit for yet. Use your brains. I'm personally curious to see how it goes anyways and some of the girls they have right now have been great additions, people just need to give em a shot before they shit on them.

>> No.75395379

rhea is so good at yapping idk why she bother with games

>> No.75395539

eternal zatsu streamer. though the things she talks about are seriously fucking questionable

>> No.75395709
File: 717 KB, 853x919, jfk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what could possibly make you think that?

>> No.75396350

that's what makes her so good

>> No.75396998
File: 585 KB, 4096x2048, 1694732143609018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea first time mining

Boomi weekly mining

>> No.75397112

Mimosa is very outgoing and she's got personality, but her humor is very in-your-face in a not safe for corpo kind of way. She's even got that twin towers joke short on her youtube, which most people will call based but it's not a great look for a corpo. Raein on the other hand is an okay entertainer, but another anon put it in better words than I could - she's easily overshadowed by the other girls. Just watch their collabs, she gets easily lost in the mix. And there must be a good reason she's still got the lowest subs and ccv despite having debuted the same time as the other three

>> No.75397248

reserved girls get the low end of the stick always

>> No.75397675

>She's even got that twin towers joke short on her youtube, which most people will call based but it's not a great look for a corpo.
It's like you have never seen Phase Connect.
>Just watch their collabs, she gets easily lost in the mix.
I was watching today's collab and Raein is very reactive, she rarely initiates conversation or jokes. Her follow ups to whatever Mims said were very funny though

>> No.75399393
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You guys see this? I don't see it on my phone

>> No.75400354

It's a new feature that is being slowly rolled out.

>> No.75400667

It's easier in 2 girl collabs. I'm guessing it's more on the 4 girl collabs, especially with a potential new talent coming.

>> No.75401031

>onsen stream
you have my attention

>> No.75401280
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>> No.75401293

staring disrespectfully as well

>> No.75401871


>> No.75401984

I saw this on one or two streams and never again after that
wonder if this could turn into autogenerated timestamps in the future

>> No.75402066

>towel in onsen

>> No.75403217

this is true, especially when youre in a gen that has a lot of outgoing girls. otherwise its a slow crawl for numbers.

>> No.75404095

Pls understand shes a good christian girl with so much porn

>> No.75405936
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Sera Stardew Valley

>> No.75406107

Athy karaoke

>> No.75406504

Stella ER

>> No.75406752


>> No.75407899

Been watching corpo advice videos and I realize my audition videos were all garbage feels illuminating but also bad man

>> No.75408175

just make use of the advice and do the best you can. i believe in you, anon.

>> No.75408195

i believe in you, femanon. you'll improve and get int

>> No.75408657

let me guess you were too self-deprecating and lacking in confidence, furthermore you spent way too much time lore-dumping instead of entertaining and showing what you can do.

>> No.75409062

God I wish she'd stop vertical streaming

>> No.75409231

Thank you so much, I'll do my best to prove you right!

Self-deprecating yes, lore dumping no! I learned about them not giving a hoot about lore pretty early, thankfully.

>> No.75409329

good luck on your next audition. i'm happy to coach you if you ever want any pointers. :)

>> No.75409717

Really? Like this anon said, >>75391459, I've never heard of anyone talk bad about her.

>> No.75410343
File: 200 KB, 1920x1017, GICncQmaoAArbjA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megu is back

>> No.75410484


>> No.75410725

Mummeh is a good person.

>> No.75412171
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>> No.75413332

/corpo/ slacking, Mono had to raid to let me know Miu was doing more Megaman X.

>> No.75413688

>clara reina collab
what does it mean

>> No.75413962

Scarlett is in Vrev. She does not need to be debuffing herself any further. Shame, I love knight characters and thought her model was sex

>> No.75414087

They are getting married

Too me

>> No.75415093

It means that everything bad you've heard from schizo antis (and 'leakers', what a joke) about kawaii is wrong.

>> No.75415092

oh fuck I missed this

>> No.75415256

gz on the learning experience

>> No.75415760
File: 811 KB, 2480x3508, 20240509_110516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuno love!

>> No.75416000

we already know they interact in tweets and the likes, Reina is a good egg

>> No.75416043

This but pretty much also any other company out there

>> No.75416594

Guerilla mozzu members

>> No.75417575
File: 161 KB, 1170x1379, sexo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best idol design tbqh

>> No.75418680

[20240509] unarchived soft guitar stream (NJtITyfTJ3Y)

>> No.75420001 [DELETED] 

Clara isn't a spiteful person regarding how she was treated and actually likes Reina.

>> No.75420153 [DELETED] 

>she's not really back
Dammit... I wanted her to be back...
I love you too Megu! We'll be waiting!

>> No.75420195

Someone translate what Spica says in this clip

>> No.75420435

It's in 2 hours BTW

>> No.75420720
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>> No.75420880

holy shit the yumeschizos were working overtime... not that i disagree

>> No.75421055

I fell asleep and missed Stella's stream...

>> No.75421200

Many such cases. My condolences anon.

>> No.75421252

Shameful display

>> No.75421493

Baiji is live doing karaoke at this hour for some reason baji

>> No.75421740

Baji is one of the Idol invaders

>> No.75421758


>> No.75421797

Is V-Dere dead? There isn't even a thread anymore.

>> No.75422166

Doesn't need a general
Wait for gen 2

>> No.75422514

is it confirmed? saw /jidf/ also theorizing as such

their activity mostly relied on mozzu's streams, and died pretty quickly otherwise. so they gather here now instead

>> No.75422768

I don't think anything can possibly be confirmed until the 11th. All we can do is guess based on who is acting suspicious.

>> No.75423584
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Reiya Sumire Debut Stream in less than two days

>> No.75423618
File: 46 KB, 812x455, GM9TOrjXoAAmgaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debut Week Schedule

>> No.75423634

Is she gonna stream vertical like Sera and Cyanne

>> No.75423661

Most likely.

>> No.75423676

Why aren't people watching Yumi

>> No.75423837
File: 33 KB, 400x400, Nb3qdRGb_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next bond EN girl on Pre-Debut



>> No.75424097
File: 433 KB, 2048x1152, GNHgEXtX0AEOIFx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oshi Link Gen 1 Celanis Debut Playlist

>> No.75424183
File: 97 KB, 586x559, r xc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are ya watchan, son?

>> No.75424348
File: 195 KB, 1350x1080, GM5wxHEWcAEAeD-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VyVid Debuts

Eva Avanova



>> No.75424475
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>> No.75424821

Lorelai live

>> No.75425764

Clara and Reina

>> No.75426052

Kenbishi is japanese who's fluent in english, potentially useful in a microcorp.
Riyu plays league so that's already a go next

>> No.75426331 [DELETED] 

Megu's stream was nice... I missed her... I'm glad she's doing better...

>> No.75426716
File: 1.13 MB, 3840x2160, nious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[HighTideSha] Nious Heiramond RE8 in ~90mins:

>> No.75426961

this got posted in /jidf/ yesterday, who knows if its nothing or means something

>> No.75426983

wait megu streamed??? fuck I missed it. If she's doing better then I'm happy for her

>> No.75427026
File: 4 KB, 309x43, dasc_1756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spica watching that one indie before her stream

>> No.75427146

Isn't this just her hinting she'll get a model to use in vr chat? I dont see how that's idol related honestly. I mean dont get me wrong I'd be really happy for Baji and getting the chance to maybe hear her sing with Roca would be great I just dont see how this hints at that. Do all the idol girls have like vr chat models? I mean I know they have chibis right? I remember when they did that thing with v4mirai and they used the chibis

>> No.75427341

Yeah it doesn't really strike me as an explicit confirmation, more like the timing and the fact she's a singer lines up. And this is probably as specific as they'd be allowed to get. It could be her but it also could not.

>> No.75427387

Like I said, who knows, its a new type of debut for Idol, a music focused branch of Invaders, so there might be new things that come with it. Maybe they have models ready for a concert type event since it is a music themed generation. Personally I'm not convinced she's in, but now I wouldn't be shocked if she turned out to be one of them

>> No.75427415 [DELETED] 

Yeah but it's one of those one-off streams... >>75410343

>> No.75427603

I like her, I just want her to buy a better microphone. Jewcorp, what happened to supporting the talent?

>> No.75427865
File: 239 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault - 2024-05-09T200438.754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spica, Airi, Lida and Migi Content Warning collab

>> No.75428164

I forgot just how loud Airi can scream

>> No.75428306

Thanks for answering. I was thinking that was how it worked but wasn't completely sure.

>> No.75428801
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, vtScreen--YouTube-CONTENTWARNINGCollabwithMikiLidaAiri-29’37”.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first person I see solving the captchas in one try

>> No.75429146
File: 632 KB, 2894x2047, 20240505_172126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did yuno that our souls are connected by fate

>> No.75430310

I want to like Lua but I apsolutely hate Gachashit.

>> No.75430578

Yumi raided Spica
Aussie gang

>> No.75431326

and it ends before they get to the 2 hour mark
never reached the second quota, 35k/39k the best they got
I blame the game

>> No.75431581

don't think Spica managed to raid anyone on Youtube but raided Pia on Twitch

>> No.75432907
File: 1.38 MB, 1253x547, Screenshot 2024-05-09 103602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slate rn

>> No.75433840

whats everyone up to

>> No.75434622
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault - 2024-05-09T231524.722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roro collabing with who I think was Mikazuki Mai?

>> No.75434840

Io's kouhai model reveal

>> No.75435013


>> No.75435399

I hope she can remove the monocle

>> No.75435462

tuned into an salmon's asmr vod and it's her whisper re-enacting an argument between her parents

>> No.75436187
File: 380 KB, 335x550, KisekiMiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck... another sex KT daughter... Why...

>> No.75436252

I was cleaning up subs today and got to Erika's channel and I just can't bring myself to unsub. Listening to her dumb song and missing her, is she ever coming back?

>> No.75436328

pixel link gen 2 trust

>> No.75436401
File: 76 KB, 809x221, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to hold on to it as memorabilia

>> No.75436734

do we call her Kiseki since there's already a Miya?

>> No.75436880

We can call her Pigeon Lady.

>> No.75438256

so when are the next idol invaders being revealed

>> No.75438461

Probably better to wait for gen 2

>> No.75440567
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>> No.75441553

another day, another mozzu stream cancelled.

>> No.75441911

Spica will be in Japan soon so it'll be up to Airi to hold the vdere fort till Elia gets back from America I guess.

>> No.75442511
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, 1685719692208535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayla drawing stream

>> No.75442515

She doesn't even mention anything either. I've long dropped my membership since she basically doesn't do anything at this point that is worthwhile there other than have a "chat" open for people. She was all pissy sounding yesterday too in Airi's stream. For someone barely streaming, especially during times she supposedly has free reign to stream, she sure likes to cancel out.

>> No.75442678

She is going to be awesome when she becomes a hag and in her second incarnation after mozzu. Right now though its way too much trouble

>> No.75442701

Have you tried to read pins or listening to what she said in the stream you supposedly watched?

>> No.75443149

Ayla maid
Ayla maid
Ayla maid
Ayla maid

>> No.75443371
File: 1000 KB, 1079x2208, Screenshot_20240509_142608_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75443397

This one is cute, I'll watch her.

>> No.75444928

>She doesn't even mention anything either.
As someone that occasionally watches her this pisses me off the most. I have to take time out of my day to watch her but she can't be bothered to make a "sorry" post.
Guess it's easier to pretend you're not fucking up when you never have to admit to it.

>> No.75445049

>Have you tried to read pins
I didn't watch Airi's stream but the pin yesterday was about her feeling sick and the stream being delayed. She never cancelled the stream officially and today she privated the WR without a word.

>> No.75445101
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>> No.75445193

I'm hitting the upper limit of amount of vtubers I can keep up with watching but I don't want to stop getting into new ones...

>> No.75445239

Subscribe to them all, let kamisama sort it out.

>> No.75445240

qrd on metorial? wondering the odds of r18 content because her model is hot as fuck

>> No.75445380

i already dropped v4mirai (except for serina and mariya). they grew enough to be self-sustaining and i cant keep up with on-going content.
you will gradually notice oyurself not opening specific chuuba streams anymore

>> No.75445424

shouldn't we have more from vallure by now?

>> No.75445501

The eye reveal was less than 5 days ago

>> No.75445517

green woman will make a stream on the 17/18, so maybe that's when vallure will start going all in on marketing

>> No.75445688

I will forgive green woman but only if she sticks her tongue so far inside my ear that my medulla feels it

>> No.75445692

I haven't really picked up anyone new since the end of last year because I'm waiting for Vallure. I want to support Mummeh and the girls as much as possible.

>> No.75445769

She really nice streamer. Totally not r18 content creator.
As MEW she usually plays in horror games.

Her old content:

She worth to invest MetorialCoins into her.

>> No.75445817

all we know is that something happens on the 18th, and also that the voice in my head "ditches" on the 17th
personally I think a twitter account will go dormant and six others will start posting

>> No.75445878

Forgive me if this has already been asked but is mummeh going for a Scottish or American accent this time?

>> No.75446600

South African actually

>> No.75447677


>> No.75447694

Ragi just gave the kidnappers the last detail needed to do so...

>> No.75449038
File: 969 KB, 1000x1000, GKh5kHxacAA-6YS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /oji/ of NEXAS, Kenzo Kozima is LIVE

>> No.75449485
File: 16 KB, 843x116, So let's pretend a little longer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scots because her throat hort. She can't keep being a fake American for prolonged periods any more.
Every night, I can feel the watchalongs we lost, the childhood stories and games. Meeting her da. We're going to make them give back our past.

>> No.75450392


>> No.75450478
File: 234 KB, 1634x1634, 1713751842218903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star meme react & Minecraft

>> No.75451072

Man the vallure general is going to be quite a sight

>> No.75451107

It's going to be glorious

>> No.75451281

>tfw early /eien/ will live again

>> No.75451833
File: 3.31 MB, 1920x1080, 20240509172326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a pastier vtuber?

>> No.75452352

Most white chuubas are this pale

>> No.75452769


>> No.75452838
File: 386 KB, 586x577, 1699168722145684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this girl?

>> No.75452924

No thoughts

>> No.75453059

doesn't stream

>> No.75453376

she's streaming in less than 5 minutes though!?

>> No.75453393

I'm ready to feel alive again

>> No.75453658

we'll see...

>> No.75453690
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>> No.75454152



>> No.75454208
File: 241 KB, 1000x1000, GKdCASOaIAAiBsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The French Faerie Faelie Fallwood is being restreamed

>> No.75454231
File: 1.20 MB, 1029x574, 1709740149710021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nova Yugioh

>> No.75454245
File: 409 KB, 1025x570, 1687854854817753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lina Art stream

>> No.75454417
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, 1695348697909602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raein live

>> No.75454892

are vtubers to streamers what vocaloid is to music?

>> No.75455002

I jwu someone else is gonna have to bake don't forget to add /brg/ btw
