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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75375138 No.75375138 [Reply] [Original]

Towa Thread
Previous >>75294810

Please listen to her newest covers!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bkICbOt1ck 「Unknown Mother Goose」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p54QSYd7-c 「Ghost Rule」

Upcoming shows/events:
>(05/12) 16 JST 4th Crazy Raccoon Cup Street Fighter 6
>(05/25) hololive Gamers fes. Day 1
>(06/22) 14:30/18 JST hololive × Joypolis Fancy Party

Previous shows/events:
>hololive production x DreamHack Melbourne 2024: Down Under
>League of Legends The k4sen
>Tokyo Online Party 2024 Spring 3on3
>Latest Hologra
>Game Shop Maruyama

Channels and socials:
Official 3D Model:

Radio program/Twitcasting/Spaces/Videos/Manga archive: https://pastebin.com/9tt48x5E
Mail/Gifting FAQ: https://en.hololive.tv/contactv

>> No.75375149
File: 1.08 MB, 1674x691, GM3C_fQagAAtByW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music: https://pastebin.com/AkBD5Ztv
>Latest EPs
>Latest Solo/Group Originals and Covers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bkICbOt1ck Unknown Mother Goose (with Hoshimatic Project)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p54QSYd7-c Ghost Rule (with Shiranui Flare)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K3F4QCb96A Inokori Sensei (with Tsunomaki Watame)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvQwQFA1Adg ANIMA (with Momosuzu Nene)

>「Soreyuke!! Makai Gakkou」 by Moro-yan (JP)
>「Underworld Academy Overload!!」 by Moro-yan (EN/ID)

Merch: https://pastebin.com/yk5HHRSr
>hololive × fanding
>Tokoyami Towa 1st Sololive "Break your ×××" Blu-ray
>Tokoyami Towa 1st Single "S.T.Y."
>Hoshimatic Project Supporter Merchandise
>"Lisani! Vol.55 hololive Music Encyclopedia" Limited Edition
>hololive Closet
>hololive friends with u Vol. 6
>hololive Starting Voice

Interviews/Articles: https://pastebin.com/vAeipX4B

>> No.75375219

I hate this fucking bitch so much...

>> No.75375237

thank you tachikawa for tricking towa into streaming another hour!

>> No.75375753

Inaccurate picture, Coco was ridiculously tall.

>> No.75375803

other men making towa laugh...

>> No.75375820

haha classic tachi

>> No.75376072

I actually don't really understand why nips like this guy, allegedly

>> No.75376106

don't you see how funny he is

>> No.75376137

I hate towa the mostest!!!

>> No.75376178

>3 months of collabs with this sex offender.
I can't take it anymore

>> No.75376202

tachi enjou xDDD *fire emoji*

>> No.75376347

I love Towa

>> No.75376351

Can't she at least stream with a guy who isn't annoying...

>> No.75376392

what do you mean, this guy is funny and entertaining

>> No.75376449

but enough about towa...

>> No.75376535

Alright then instead of asking why the nips love this guy, I'm asking why you menhera hate this guy? (i haven't watched a single stream with him in it)

>> No.75376613

His intentions are blatantly obvious.

>> No.75376661

hours of his flirting and doing everything he can to be with towa more

>> No.75376674

it shouldve been me...

>> No.75376710

he has bad vibes...

>> No.75376749

I just don't find him entertaining
He also feels an actual leech, even H even though he gets tiring to listen to actually still tries make the stream better

>> No.75376775

is this supposed to be your way of making up for this

>> No.75376804

>only SF6 streams

>> No.75376830

SF6 end of service when...

>> No.75376896

Why the fuck is she advertising his channel...

>> No.75376913

i miss towa...

>> No.75376921

so nice of towa to stream her date...

>> No.75376926

because she's going to spend the next 2 hours watching and typing in his chat...

>> No.75376932

they got a joint bank account when they got married...

>> No.75377008

towa’s my sugar mommy…

>> No.75377029

i don't get why she can't thank every superchat every stream if she can do it today

>> No.75377125

The problem with H is any stream with him in it became his stream because he talked so much, however I feel he was just friendly, he had good intentions.

>> No.75377133

if this post ends in an odd number towa hates kenzies…

>> No.75377162

if she joins another tournament in two months, I'll go schizo

>> No.75377178

>two months

>> No.75377180

Towa hates kenzies SO much...

>> No.75377213

H was just a loud guy who never shuts up. Not a creep like M and current guy.

>> No.75377215

tournaments aren't the problem
the lack of solo streams are

>> No.75377263

that's true....

>> No.75377268

the lack of towa playing games that are remotely interesting is the problem DESU

god at this point id take her jumping into monster hunter world late

>> No.75377308

Towa hades' arc...

>> No.75377311

I miss towa...

>> No.75377326

isn't it weird how towa can always stream for several hours for multiple days in a row when there's a tournament but she gets tired or hungry after a 2 hour solo stream and can't read superchats or she's busy and can't stream...

>> No.75377356

Remember when towa loved kenzies and kenzies loved towa...

>> No.75377376

Everything changed after the sololive...

>> No.75377392

maybe she'd love us again if we were japanese twitch streamers...

>> No.75377410

at least we have a 1.5 hour solo stream after the tournament...

>> No.75377439

It was bad before that...

>> No.75377505

So is he actually flirting or just being really friendly, I am a bad judge when it comes to these things...

>> No.75377555

He's literally a known sex pest

>> No.75377565

the motherfucker literally doesn't shut up about her even when he's alone

>> No.75377580

Karubi doesn't want to talk to him...
I've also read somewhere that ren kun doesn't like him...

>> No.75377677

but enough about towa...

>> No.75377761

if this post ends in an even number or 0 Bibi loves kenzies…

>> No.75377780

even bibi has abandoned us...

>> No.75377820


>> No.75377822

anon 0 is an even number...even means that there's no remainder when divided by 2...

>> No.75377848

zero isn't a number... it's a concept...

>> No.75377869

uh oh pointing out obvious common knowledge like water is wet is forbidden by the jannies!

>> No.75377925

and yet for some reason maths works despite using zero as a number...

>> No.75377964

your definition is true but zero is neither even nor odd…

>> No.75377992
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oof that's pretty bad then...
so why the fuck do the japs like him, it can't be just because he is "funny", right?

>> No.75378038

the inevitable yab when he goes too far and towas manager tells him to fuck off...

>> No.75378057

it's because a) he's a pro b) he's towa's coach and c) he is nice

>> No.75378103

coaching is so stupid...its a video game...theyre not difficult or complex...

>> No.75378191

Towa should hire me to coach her...in bed...

>> No.75378450

he can't be that nice if he's known as a sex pest...

>> No.75378529

dont worry kenzies...he isnt into boys...

>> No.75378562

all he does is praise towa for doing the most basic things, and then all the kenzies in chat go たち優しい人やね

>> No.75378631

i feel like mainy wasn't even that bad onstream, he was just awkward and it was mostly his offstream retardation that riled people
tachi is actively flirting with her on stream and she is reciprocating

>> No.75378946

Same thing happened with M really and that was offstream even

>> No.75379062

if mittii is still allowed to interact with holos it's safe to say this isn't a thing

>> No.75379424

omg towa...you anti aired my jump in...omg ur so good...

>> No.75379534

>and she is reciprocating
dang that's a big claim

>> No.75379564

towa didn't get any male attention while she was going through puberty so now she's taking all she can get...

>> No.75379581

anon barely understands japanese

>> No.75379733

>she is reciprocating
She's not only a vtuber, but a Hololive vtuber. She's contractually obligated to not cause drama. If he's being an overbearing faggot just smile and get through the stream, then afterwards tell your manager to cut ties with him. Gotta be professional, anon.

>> No.75379855

Except that's obviously not what's happening since she keeps collabing with him...

>> No.75380020

If you believe number of collaborations is barometer of closeness between individuals, and you’re watching Towa of all people, you might be retarded.

>> No.75380040

Maybe she's autistic and doesn't realise when someone's being flirty.

>> No.75380064

she's obviously not going to stop playing with him, he's really good at what she wants to be good at and he praises her every 2 seconds and he's easy to understand according to her

>> No.75380072

more likely than you think

>> No.75380361
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Is there any chance to fix this woman?

>> No.75380363

This will likely be the last SF 6 tournament for a while so I'd be really surprised if she keeps playing after its over.

>> No.75380415

kenzie, I…

>> No.75380469

this is what I feel too
she just like me fr fr...

>> No.75380654

Speaking from being a formerly good SF player, there really isn't that much someone else can teach you. Sure you can be told about concepts like option selecting or plinking (if that's still a thing) or frame data or whatever, but in the end it comes down to just committing some really basic stuff to muscle memory:

>Know your character's optimal range and poke
>Be able to perform a solid punish combo with 100% consistency
>Anti air EVERY jump in
>Don't be predictable
>Try and make your opponent think you ARE predictable

And that's it, SF in a nutshell. You're now a really high rank player. But a teacher can't really do these things for you, except maybe point out your best harass tool or a nice easy combo.

>> No.75380779

okay but the main thing towa wants out of a coach is someone who will sit and tell her she's doing a good job and everything is okay every 2 seconds because she has the world's most fragile mental

>> No.75380793

towa has never played a fighting game before so there's a lot she doesn't know, and a coach can definitely help her with matchup knowledge that she is never going to lab out without someone telling her the answer. it doesn't matter if you or i think she doesn't need a coach because she thinks she needs a coach and she is clearly getting some benefit from it

>> No.75380961

i guess towa really is a woman after all...

>> No.75381023

She should've played any SF2 game (but not the turbo ones, oh god) first to get a grasp of things.

>> No.75381055

>hey towa, i know you already have a coach for this game and everything, but actually you don't need him because you can just learn everything yourself by practicing a lot instead of being told what to do
see how dumb that sounds

>> No.75381096

Any good-looking woman that STILL craves constant attention are big yabs in the making.

>> No.75381123

shes safe...

>> No.75381179

oh thank god towas fine no one would want a woman with that voice

>> No.75381283

Towa is actually beautiful inost standards.
I said good-looking (regardless of whatever voice that meat-puppet have)

>> No.75381328

except Tachikawa isn't even her coach

>> No.75381357
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I think Towa should just... play League instead.

>> No.75381387
File: 25 KB, 354x241, 1713060725690071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this mean then

>> No.75381484

no one actually finds towa attractive

>> No.75381560

What do you call this thread's denizen's most fapped Hologirl then?

>> No.75381609

Hoshimachi Suisei.

>> No.75381687

W-who's the second most then...?!

>> No.75381711

Minato Aqua

>> No.75381726


>> No.75381788


>> No.75381825

This is why Towa hates us...

>> No.75381843


>> No.75381876

it's thread culture to be horny for other girls...

>> No.75381911

There are no sexy kenzie.
They don't exist.

>> No.75381934

what about femzies…

>> No.75381954

towa would rather i be horny for other girls instead of her...

>> No.75381989

I dunno if Rikotan counts, so...maybe?

>> No.75382040

towa wouldnt be so sexy if she didnt want me to masturbate to her…

>> No.75382073

Mumi and bae are sexy...

>> No.75382174
File: 64 KB, 573x1024, 1713541166656171m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fap to Towa and let her know it.
Easy fix.

>> No.75382532

Towa isn't that fat...

>> No.75382537

Last time I did that she asked me to please tell down...

>> No.75382675

i will...

>> No.75382698

i just...

>> No.75382723

A coach can definitely help you by imparting matchup knowledge and this is for fighting games in general.

>> No.75382740

Matchup knowledge is highly overvalued by people who are bad at the game.

>> No.75382778

And yet is what higher level matches in every fighting game boil down to, because when the opponent can't knowledge check someone they finally have to play against the person and not the character

>> No.75382803

My pp shrivels when I look at her...

>> No.75382804

try telling that to towa when she gets killed by blanka ball

>> No.75382831

you should get that fixed...

>> No.75382858

getting towa fixed...

>> No.75382871

time took care of that...

>> No.75382908

Towa’s (speaking) voice is what made me fall in love with her… its the only part of her that gives me a kenzie boner…

>> No.75382912

Sexy girls fixes it in no time...

>> No.75382938

towa is officially the sexiest girl...

>> No.75382945

Towa using her hololive money to get a girly voice...

>> No.75382972

Using extreme examples doesn't make you smart.

>> No.75382994

>there really isn't that much someone else can teach you
I'm curious about what coaches tell players between sets in tournament at this point

>> No.75383013
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Completely wrong...

>> No.75383065

what are those things growing out of her chest...

>> No.75383082

i'm just saying that she's going to stress about matchups and look for help anyway

>> No.75383093

towa literally won the official hololive sexy competition... you're the weird one...

>> No.75383099

malignant tumours...

>> No.75383113

oh wait also her nails… i wish i had towa nails…

>> No.75383127

>Pretend I'm useful or everyone will know what a creep you are
I honestly don't get what esport coaches even do. Players know better what works than someone who can't even play the game. Real life coaches used to be pros so they actually know they're doing.

>> No.75383150

That was the holostars competition...

>> No.75383162


>> No.75383166

no it wasn't... dumbass...

>> No.75383293

Choco's model tries too hard to be sexy.

>> No.75383313

Something Towa wishes she had...

>> No.75383350

a bottle of wine...

>> No.75383503

A better cat?

>> No.75383574

She had big tiddy cat who only used her while leaving Towa blue waffled...

>> No.75383615

Subaru is a rebound girl...

>> No.75383739
File: 153 KB, 1080x1405, xw2p0zowrdo81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenzies, do we actually hate Towa..?

>> No.75383824

i love towa the mostest

>> No.75383918
File: 106 KB, 1098x1006, lacreatura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate towa... but love this thing...

>> No.75383928


>> No.75383935

kenzie you wouldn't actually...

>> No.75383947

A little bit...

>> No.75383979

i would...

>> No.75384118

I fucking hate kenzies...

>> No.75384119
File: 183 KB, 1120x2048, 1685081724276737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Towa loving kenzies are found here

>> No.75384163

I don't hate her or anything, just disappointed.

>> No.75384168

i love fucking kenzies... especially ones with painted nails...

>> No.75384226

Doesn't this girl look a bit more mature than a fucking grade-schooler?

>> No.75384228

omg me...

>> No.75384491

post nails... do it for towa...

>> No.75384616

im sorry anon i lied...im a guy...my nails are normal...i cut them recently...

>> No.75384640

I love towa and her femzies that show nails...

>> No.75384676

kenzies should post nails to prove their love for towa... femzies are also acceptable...

>> No.75384961
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>> No.75385341

Wow... Those look fluffy...

>> No.75385778
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>> No.75385806

the 3 faggoteers...

>> No.75385951

Me on the bottom right.

>> No.75386149

i wish towa would stream this week...

>> No.75386316

i love towa but sometimes i still shitpost about her when she does bad things

>> No.75387636

fuck u towa

>> No.75387787

Towa has been desperately trying to recreate her Apex glory days using other esports but she sucks too much at all of them...

>> No.75387860

she wasn't that good at apex either...

>> No.75387861

competitive fingering

>> No.75387896

towa's had too firm of a grip on that competition she got bored of it...

>> No.75388523

2024 towa sucks… kenzies lied to me…

>> No.75388816

2nd half of 2024 towa will be the best...

>> No.75389110

even numbered year towas are known to be the worst... 2025 towa will be good for sure...

>> No.75389127

towa will be naked… in 2024…

>> No.75389146

Towa doesn't even own any clothes...

>> No.75389206

there's no way that's true...

>> No.75389416

Good night Towa and menheras!

>> No.75389640


>> No.75389709

prove it…

>> No.75389876

how can towa be real if our eyes arent real...

>> No.75389895
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>> No.75390293

towa doesnt need to own any clothes because she owns my heart...

>> No.75390522

kenzie hearts are too small and decrepit to cover anything...

>> No.75390835



>> No.75391003

I've been pumping my heart with monsters and drugs for years now, it's stronger than anything towa can handle...

>> No.75392757
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>> No.75393322


>> No.75393509

I too wish Towa was male

>> No.75393599

imagine all the gay sex that we could do...

>> No.75393655

Uh kenzie...?

>> No.75393677

i want to have female gay sex with towa...

>> No.75393685
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>> No.75393928
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>> No.75394820

Eating little caesars with towa...

>> No.75394985

Towa hates poor people...

>> No.75394989
File: 536 KB, 1536x2048, 20240508_035002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75395997

i used to work at a little caesars, i could've given towa free pizza if she dated me...

>> No.75396090

giving towa the pizza that we fucked up at opening when i come home from work...

>> No.75396252

fucking towa in the freezer on top of all the pizza dough and toppings...

>> No.75396366

Asking Towa to fetch something from the freezer for me and locking her inside...

>> No.75397660

kicking Towa out into the rain after she eats one of my Crazy Puffs (TM), only $3.99 for 4 in your choice of pepperoni or italian herb!...

>> No.75398164

i think towa should put a stupid tiktok dance in her next MV...

>> No.75399353

towa doesn't like kenzies enough to make another fully animated mv...

>> No.75399438

Towa should do an NPC stream...

>> No.75399935

towa should do a glizzy overdrive stream...

>> No.75402120


>> No.75402261

They're extinct..

>> No.75402530

kenzies don't miss towa anymore...

>> No.75402835

i miss when towa was good...

>> No.75404693

but my aim is getting better...

>> No.75405024

Dropped my ice cream cone... how do i link this to towa...

>> No.75406447

Destroying the SF6 server rooms...

>> No.75407989

Destroying Towas back walls...

>> No.75409727

Destroying Towa's PC since she hates streaming for Kenzies...

>> No.75411211
File: 1.81 MB, 1800x2400, 20240508_163352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75411528

Destroying towas top so I can see her boobies...

>> No.75411643
File: 3.47 MB, 1368x2048, 1712054696915815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight towa... i love u...

>> No.75412230

I would spread rumors about JK Towa being an easy slut...

>> No.75412635

towa will like or reply to me any second now...

>> No.75413316

i'm going to pleasure towa...

>> No.75413657

I want that stupid towa glass...

>> No.75414991
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>> No.75415028


>> No.75416175


>> No.75416573

god i wish towa was male…

>> No.75417424

What would Towa do if I beat her up...

>> No.75417747
File: 1.04 MB, 1191x1684, Twa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75417899

my pov

>> No.75419495
File: 125 KB, 900x675, GNGuMXPbkAAd8cJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75419652

my POV in a mirror…

>> No.75420542

>These Tachikawa Towa kirinuki's
about to throw up.
This is where the leeching begins.

>> No.75420612

I love u...

>> No.75420663

I'm going to punch your teeth out...

>> No.75420852

That's a stupid thing to bring up.

>> No.75421075

and he's going to spend 6 hours on his next stream numberfagging and talking about Towa the whole time

>> No.75421281

>I skipped the whole SF arc so far
>random clip from today's stream appears

>> No.75421340

might be over.

>> No.75421533

Radio silence...

>> No.75421647

Towa is good-looking... if she closes her mouth...

>> No.75421719

You know what the stream will be anyway....

>> No.75421871

It's better for that bitch to stay quiet...

>> No.75422829
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>> No.75423021

So is the coach tachikawa or is she just too lazy to change descriptions?

>> No.75423175

It will be 4hr scrims then 2hr personal coaching session...

>> No.75423257

I want a full week of solo streams to make up for this
Holomen only collabs will suffice too.

>> No.75423261

Good morning Towa and menheras!

>> No.75423357


>> No.75423374

Only Towantis here

>> No.75423411

I miss the first Towanti...

>> No.75423690

She better keep that rapist the FUCK away from Karubi.

>> No.75423700

classic tachi flirting with towa on stream haha

>> No.75423705

this is fine, others can harass twi while i watch nose...!

>> No.75423746
File: 1.33 MB, 2313x1444, 1704230191688724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Nose!

>> No.75423796

No one can stop Towa getting close to Karubi...

>> No.75423997

>hahah tachi is so creepy it's too funny hahah wwwwwwwww
>eh kenzoku? Seriously kimoi, Please stop it *blocks you*

>> No.75424126

Should have been eceleb before replying, kenzie-kun...

>> No.75424412

Just like that HR meme...

>> No.75424581

In what timeline would T be considered good looking...?

>> No.75424686

Coming from another community where we also hate love our streamer/wife this place warms my heart.

>> No.75424891


>> No.75425057

Towa is very pretty on the outside

>> No.75425553

Towa will announce her new outfit in an utawaku after this SF6 CR cup is over.

>> No.75425741

I wonder when she's going to announce stuff about the song contest...

>> No.75426005

Of course she has no problem starting early when it's a collab...

>> No.75426085

more evidence that she hates kenzies...

>> No.75426318

It's more that the it's a "classic" jp streamer thing. He flirts, the girl calls them gross, making inflammatory comments is a very jp streamer thing. Astel even mentioned in one of the rust events that he was doing it to try and get more viewers, because it's kind of the norm for a lot of streamers.

>> No.75426437

Rape akutan

>> No.75426555


>> No.75426569

wow 40 minutes early......

>> No.75426602

Kicking towa's ass...

>> No.75426676


>> No.75426687

Is that also the reason why she cries out his name during solo streams...

>> No.75426698

>begging for mental care from her coach
>ignores 100% of positive comments from kenzoku and picks out the absolute bottom of the barrel trash messages to read every stream

>> No.75426826

sumire love...

>> No.75426906

What's next for the towathread...

>> No.75426969

i don't think things can get any worse...

>> No.75427023

i only praise towa in members...

>> No.75427042

towa should have had pururu as her coach instead of a sex offender that can't even join the channel because karubi has a restraining order against him...

>> No.75427108
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1162, 1701592423152726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75427124

This is what happened because kenzies are yes men....

>> No.75427144

>restraining order
Wait, it's THAT bad?

>> No.75427165

You can’t spell supersumitan without ntr

>> No.75427206

towa blocks anyone who says no so the only options are to just deal with it or find someone better...

>> No.75427470

Tachikawa raped Karubi and he will rape Towa too

>> No.75427542

loud = funny

>> No.75427564

Tachi will be fucking disappointed when he sees a naked Towa...

>> No.75427585

If I tell tower I want to kiss her on the lips and hold her hand but also shake and smack her around a little will she block me

>> No.75427607

He will only care about bragging rights

>> No.75427638

are you an esports pro?

>> No.75427699

Do you have pretty nails?

>> No.75427697

No. I'm probably worse at FPS than her.

>> No.75427745

that's a block sorry

>> No.75427753

They're average male nails but I wash and cut them

>> No.75427880

Yeah I bet you also put polish on them and wear a bracelet...

>> No.75427886

Towa's about to go menhera...

>> No.75427972

I like this rrat

>> No.75427994

She's literally just button mashing...

>> No.75428079

good, good, keep complaining and leaving...
soon i'll be the last kenzoku and i will make her use the deep sexy voice all the time...

>> No.75428149

The last kenzoku will be blocked...

>> No.75428165

more larping as unicorns in the towa thread
more tourists larping as kenzokus larping as unicorns in the towa thread

>> No.75428230

Suityan’s lactating twis…

>> No.75428303

>less than an hour in and already has to mute because crying

>> No.75428336

>Deep voice
She is going to get surgery for that...

>> No.75428433

Training room HATE...

>> No.75428494

Now she will be healed...

>> No.75428517

The knight in shining armor...

>> No.75428551

> 相手のことを下げるような書き方はやめてね~!

>> No.75428619

>joins a tournament
>starts lashing out at kenzies
the usual....

>> No.75428665

>the usual....
What a bitch... Maybe it's time to leave Towa and this thread forever since her attitude doesn't change...

>> No.75428784

Sorry I'm late, what did I miss? Judging by the thread nothing good...

>> No.75428810

Mostly Towa stressing out about her performance so the usual

>> No.75428897

It has been years since kenzies loved Towa

>> No.75428941

I love watching the Towa Tachikawa couple channel

>> No.75429022

you mean it has been years since towa loved kenzies
i am trying my best to love her but she does her best to make me hate her...

>> No.75429058

its been 9 days since she loved us... maybe less i wasn't paying attention on sf6 streams...

>> No.75429078

At least akwa loves me...

>> No.75429099

Towa doesn't love us folks..
Maybe it's time to leave her and this thread forever...

>> No.75429171

towa should retire and play minecraft with hags
or monhun with nose

>> No.75429216

Kenzies are so needy, just like their oshi...

>> No.75429232

holy shit what the hell have i woken up to in this thread this is dogshit of an another level

>> No.75429320

Towa flirting on stream with a known sex offender, I mean what are you expecting?
Should we praise her for being a slut?

>> No.75429329

Towa cried...people died...

>> No.75429346

>sf6 tournament
Come on, you should've seen that one coming

>> No.75429381

holy shit why is she so stressed

>> No.75429392

I'm really curious if you actually have a clip or anything because I don't watch karubi and it seems kinda exaggerated

>> No.75429438

i figured it’d be bad but it’s genuinely catalog tier garbage even for kenzie shitposting standards

>> No.75429537


>> No.75429641

hope she understands now...

>> No.75429712

I've seen this thread mentioned in other regulars, something like "looool the kenzie thread is mad about a male collab look at it" so the shitposting genuinely comes from catalog shitters.

>> No.75429958

>Actually understanding something

>> No.75430066

That's a goofy looking Blanka...
