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75369058 No.75369058 [Reply] [Original]

>mix alcohol with the caffeine
What was the anycolor highschool intern thinking?

>> No.75369333

>niji is bringing back 4loko
Actual W if true.

>> No.75369391

I'm sorry what?
>Mix alcohol with Coffee

Is this for real? I know Nijisanji is incompetent but I'm sure no expect them to be this.... bizarre

>> No.75369500

>It was anycolor's idea btw pls don't sue us if you were hospitalized by this

>> No.75369721

The stupidity and incompetence of nijisanji is on another level

>> No.75369748

Yup. See >>75365076

>> No.75369754 [DELETED] 
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This is after they realized they fucked up when an official japan twitter posted a warning for drinking caffeinated alcohol drinks

>> No.75369954

At least they put the blame on the company instead of the 2 organs that shilled the stream

I can't imagine the immense backlash from jap sisters if Anycolor made the organs apologize or worse

>> No.75370394
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>release niji cardiac arrest drink
>called out by a japanese official twitter account
>points finger to nijisanji
I mean couldn't they like double check if this was a good idea especially with who their target audiences are

>> No.75370471

Yep, back to my red bull and vodka

>> No.75370724

Once I was mixing bacardi and pepsi and then had to lay down because I was drunk but also buzzing like crazy on caffeine. I only used decaf after that.

>> No.75371604

>I can't imagine the immense backlash from jap sisters if Anycolor made the organs apologize or worse
...Give them time.

>> No.75371697

Probably thinking "LETS GETS FUCKED UP LETS GOOOOO" or the Japanese equivalent.

>> No.75371951

Are nips this weak? I thought Vodka with Redbull was a pretty common drink. Since when is mixing alcohol + energy drink too "intense"?

>> No.75372775

Looking at how crazy some of the Energy drinks marketed towards gamers are in terms caffeine (2-3 times of what red bull has), who knows what's inside the one they marketed.
Afaik Japan has no restrictions in this regard, so it could be that the drink has a high amount of caffeine.

>> No.75372968

>red bull vodka
>energy drink alcohol
>alcohol and soda
>spiked coffee
That’s not really bad imo, people really are scraping at the bottom of the barrel at this point

>> No.75373230

That high school interim is thinking that Japan is fucking pussified and adults need something to mellow their nerves while also keeping them energetic at work. Is a good thing you faggots are not from the US. You think that's bad? Well we use to sell an energy drink called four lokos one can had the alcohol volume of half of a bottle of whiskey and to add the cherry on top it also had cocaine in it. The only reason it was removed is because retards college students ignored the obvious warning labels on the cans and on the stickers in the fridge and in the can and would consume six or 10 cans a day causing them to die from a heart attack. It was removed then sold without cocaine but then banned due to the high content of alcohol. Now they sell other brands of alcoholic energy drinks but is not worth drinking because it's low on alcohol volume and it's nothing but sugar water.

>> No.75373520

I think you're mixing things up. Four Loko had caffeine, not cocaine.
It was compared to cocaine all the time, though.
I don't drink, but I've seen friends on four loko and it's pretty weird. It was called "blackout in a can" and was forced to remove the caffeine in late 2010

>> No.75374814

There were two versions of 4 lokos the version I remember was from around 2012. The first version had ingredients from the coca leaf then the second was the high caffeinated with high alcohol content. But I might be wrong and might be confusing them.

>> No.75375082

That's not how it went. The drink is dangerous already, but somehow the liver sponsoring it suggested to mix it with alcohol without any warning.
Said liver being one of the top JP ones, meaning a lot of stupid kids followed him and ended in the hospital.

>> No.75375103

yeah that was a different scandal. Googled it since I was curious. Apparently it was some brand called Agwa (de Bolivia) that was caught using coca leaf in their liqueur in 2012.

>> No.75375589

>Nijifags bringing back 4loko
Based japs

>> No.75375822

Most health organizations warn against mixing alcohol and caffeine and several countries have even banned the sale of pre-mixed caffeinated alcohol beverages, while it's not a big deal to do if you want to get wasted with your underage friends it's not the kind of shit you want to be doing in a motherfucking sponsored stream in front of 20k fucking people

>> No.75375857

Amazing how you're in a thread with all the info presented to you and yet you managed to get all the facts on the latest drama wrong.

>> No.75375900

>alcohol and coffee together is deadly
are asians really this weak? have you guys never heard of an irish coffee?

>> No.75376166

>are asians weak
They are to be honest.
Coffee with liquor isn't anything bad because they don't fuck with your heart and blood vessels as long as you drink with moderation in mind. What people really should be aware of are alcohol and coffee with cigarettes. Ciggies with booze or coffee is way worse because you fuck with your heart and blood vessels really badly.

>> No.75376237

Americans think this too and they're extremely sue happy about it apparently. As expected from the country where you can get a payout for a coffee being hot. First worlders are so fucking soft.

>> No.75376269

lol, Are you seriously crying about this? Just yesterday I drank champagne with speed (energizer), and it does nothing.
I love how they make this burger , When in the United States you have lemonade that has so much caffeine that it kills people.
And with calli I learned that there is a drink that is mixed with cough syrup

>> No.75376318

>are asians really this weak?
Even the fucking CDC warns against mixing alcohol.and caffeine beicause caffeine masks the effects of alcohol increasing the risk of overdrinkin or at the very least increases the chances of people doing stupid shit like driving while completely shitfaced because they don't feel as drunk.

>> No.75376321

This is the same Anycolor that harassed and suspended a talent while she was literally on her deathbed. There's no way they won't punish the talents who were in this marketing push, despite the fact that the talents are not at fault in any way.

Hell, they might use this yab as an excuse to close the EN branch, despite the branch being even less at fault than the two JP talents involved.

>> No.75376339

Lots of people drink vodka red bull (good stuff) without any problems.
The problem is promoting it publicly because if someone with heart problems ends up dying, that's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

>> No.75376359

>1st worlders are soft
No, that's just America being retarded. Only in America woman would put cat into microwave, then sue the microwave manufacturers, and win the case in court.

>> No.75376401

I'm asian and I drank two irish coffees a day for an entire summer, but there is a difference in caffeine intake between that and a spiked energy drink. Also, people tend to drink energy drinks like water, less so with coffee.

>> No.75376545
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>> No.75376595

And promoting alcoholic beverages to minors, that's another thing that most governments frown upon.
The drinking age in Japan is 20, and high school students are younger than that.

>> No.75376608
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From the stream.
Weak Japanese livers can't handle it.

>> No.75376704

Yes but cdc also have doctors warning you to stop smoking cigarettes while those doctors are having smoke breaks and also smoke cigarettes. Yes cigarettes are toxic and disgusting. But cdc these days can't be trusted not after covid. And those ceos not taking the jab they were encouraging everyone else to get only for covid to be remembered as a nothing burger flu like virus.

>> No.75376739

OH MAN... That shit was literal poison, how i miss it.

>> No.75376768

>all these anecdotes of mixing liquor with caffeine and they're fine/it did nothing
lmao. Do not explain. This is what nature planned.

>> No.75376793

but 4loko is banned in multiple countries including european ones though?

>> No.75376815

That's not the matter regardless. If their governement says it's dangerous, they have to put a warning with it or they can be sued.

>> No.75376825

A 250 mL can has 50 mg of caffeine; for comparison a 250 mL cup of coffee contains around 100 mg of caffeine. This is a pretty mild energy drink.

>> No.75376948

>As expected from the country where you can get a payout for a coffee being hot
Fun fact: the McDonald's coffee case everyone keeps quoting as "woman sues McDonald's because her coffee was too hot" wasn't about just the coffee being too hot but the fact that it was still boiling when ot was served, which caused the cup to crumble and spill boiling water on the woman giving her 3rd degree burns on her thighs, and she wasn't suing for a gorillion dollars in damages but just wanted McDonald's to.cover her hospital bills, also during the investigation it turned out the manager of that McDonald's knew that the coffee machine was malfunctioning as severalnother customers had complained about similar incidents and didn't do jack shit

>> No.75376983

4lokos are still sold here in PA but ultra nerfed is not the same 4 lokos that was headlining in the news anymore. A can is 4 dollars but is not worth drinking now. Is only 8 percent alcohol and they have a lokos xl that has 10 percent alcohol that taste like monster.

>> No.75377245

>still calling that watered down shit 4lokos

>> No.75377390

Irish coffee is an old classic as well, though it will probably give you heartburn.

>> No.75377445

The coffee was so abnormally hot it scalded her, she had to be treated in a hospital.
If anything, the coffee being hot case is a perfect example of how corporate marketing/misinformation can be very effective at playing down actual legal/health issues.

>> No.75377470

>4loko is banned
No, they are not. You can still buy them across USA and in some Canada's states. After several lawsuits caffeine with taurine got removed and the drink got rebranded from energy drink to alcoholic drink because marketing team was full of retards and board room members are always opportunistic sociopaths. People who did research and read labels knew that it's caffeinated alcohol drink and barely anybody gave a shit about 4loko until teenagers started dropping like dead flies from heart attacks and liver failures. After that FDA started to (((care))) about it and loko manufacturers ended up in trouble for mismanagement and bad advertisement.

>> No.75377499

I just said it's not the same anymore do you have reading comprehension skills or something?

>> No.75377504


>> No.75377563

>mix alcohol with the caffeine
Throw in some whipped cream, and you've got an Irish Coffee. What's wrong with that?

>> No.75377566

Learn to read, retard.

>> No.75377582

perfect drink to kill off nijisisters
even anycolor hate you nijiniggers

>> No.75377626

>Weak Japanese livers
So all of Niji JP is going to die? Good.

>> No.75377636

apparently it made japs drop like flies

>> No.75377644

Part of her vag was so burned they had to perform plastic surgery to fix it.

>> No.75377668

Oh right, I'm retarded and completely missed the shilling alcohol to minors part. That's pretty bad too.

>> No.75377701
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>believing one of the oldest urban legends in earnest

>> No.75377709

I mean have you seen jap medication? These people would get shitfaced drunk if they drank a German beer and slightly buzz after a coors lite.

>> No.75377721

People mix alcohol and caffeine all the time, it reeks of desperation to attack them over this. Even Ina has raved to her audience about how she likes to mix soda and energy drinks with her alcohol. Is she a bad person for encouraging that behavior?

>> No.75377725

Isn't that what they want anyway? Their national hobby is getting shitfaced and sleeping in the streets, at parks, and at the train station.

>> No.75377778

theres a difference between passing out due to being drunk and passing out due to heart arrhythmias anon
one results in a headache and another results in death

>> No.75377810

>they might use this yab as an excuse to close the EN branch, despite the branch being even less at fault than the two JP talents involved
How do you figure?

>> No.75377827

>People mix alcohol and caffeine all the time, it reeks of desperation to attack them over this
the jap gov was the one that attacked them anon

>> No.75377851

If we're counting cola, there's so many mixtures of caffeine and booze, not just Irish coffee. A Cuba Libre is just rum and pepsi. Jack&Coke, as the name indicates, is Jack Daniels and Coca Cola (and a line if you're in the right place). Gin&Coke is fucking fantastic as well.
I don't mind talking shit about kurosanji, but this is one hell of a bullshit grievance.

>> No.75377854

It's called an Irish coffee.

>> No.75377857

Imagine being so retarded that you have to trust (((fact checkers))).

>> No.75377862

The difference is only a complete retard would disregard all the warnings labels and chug like 8 at a time regardless.

>> No.75377863

>Yes but cdc also have doctors warning you to stop smoking cigarettes while those doctors are having smoke breaks and also smoke cigarettes

Most critically thinking anti-vaxxer

>> No.75377923
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>The difference is only a complete retard would disregard all the warnings labels and chug like 8 at a time regardless
You mean like a high school student? which is where nijisanji is currently shilling themselves?

>> No.75378013

I don't need to check Snopes to recognize yet another palpably embellished rendition one of the most oft repeated tall tales.

>> No.75378043

The legitimate issue is not as simple as "don't drink caffeine and alcohol", but is what >>75376318 and >>75376339. That will never stop people from doing it in practice, but at least keeps companies or people who want to be seen as respectable from highlighting it as a good idea.

Speaking of that, the FDA never banned 4Loko, only "warned" the manufacturer and a few others, to respond to public outcry. The manufacturer removed the caffeine willingly, rather than challenge it via an expensive court battle. The FDA didn't even ban selling products that have both caffeine and alcohol. Espresso martinis (and other drinks with coffee) come and go as a trendy drink every 4-5 years. Lately, more brands are releasing "hard iced tea" products with both caffeine and alcohol. The public outcry about 4Loko was because the wrong kind of people were into it, in the wrong ways.
It was a class thing, but Americans are culturally blind to conversations about class.
I'm fine with it, just amused that no one calls it what it is. I'm fine making it ten percent more difficult for the yoots and the hoodlums to buy 20oz of caffeinated alcohol that tastes like a soda.

>> No.75378113

You don't have to be antivaxxer to question the cdc tell me if the covid Shor was so effective then why the pharmaceutical ceos refused to take it? This is like the mayor of flint Michigan saying their contaminated lead water is solved while drinking water from a visible cold container and not opening a faucet and drinking it from the source.

>> No.75378249

Are we faulting retards for being retards on Nijisanji now? It's obviously bad for a minor to take it but that's not niji problem by your logic then you'll have the same attitude about beer ads. Kids watches TV too you know? Shut the fuck up. If parents aren't keeping watch on what their retarded edgy teen is doing then that's fall on the family.

>> No.75378375

>Are we faulting retards for being retards on Nijisanji now?
no we are faulting nijisanji for being retards
kids will always do retarded shit but its generally frowned upon to try and shill retarded shit to them since they will do it despite being retarded

>> No.75378431

>Are we faulting retards for being retards on Nijisanji now?
accordding to both the jap gov and their partner yes its nijisanjis fault for being this retarded

>> No.75378499 [DELETED] 

lmao kek big company big new good big enough to news lmao kek shit kek rinsikekshitmouse is no bit gig but big anycolo kek shit lmao kek shoho big shit lmao kek ironshitlungmousekekshitlongkeknon klmao kek take the l connor ludwig kek shit lmao kek bhojo bad shit lmao kek lmao take the l the good is good bad is bad lmao shit kek lmao kek ironshitlungs lmao kek good big news big company lmao

>> No.75378507

Did they call the drink "The Tokyo Ghoul Special"?

>> No.75378551

If you walk a horse to the river will it drink?

>> No.75378600

Usually yes. It's kind of annoying actually when they stop and you're trying to direct them past a creek.

>> No.75378640

is this ai?

>> No.75378727
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No, AI looks like this

>> No.75379881
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How much are those fat cat big elderly woman lobbyists paying you to run this anti-McDonald's smear campaign? She had a hot plate in her purse to heat up the coffee to the boiling point and switched out the cups

>> No.75381210

I won't be surprise if they start selling lean at this point

>> No.75381512

>check the qrts

>> No.75381678

They won't due to legality. However, lean recipe is already openly available to ANYONE and literally anyone can make it. No reason to sell it when you can mix it yourself.

>> No.75382318

Are you SEA unironically?
Maybe the UK has a drinking problem but people drink vodka and redbull often, and have coffee liquors that contian both alcohol and caffeine, some people also put Baileys or whiskey in their coffee.

I have no idea how healthy it is, but the people who drink that stuff ask for it regularly.

I think energy drinks are worse than someone putting whiskey in coffee. Atleast the latter is something rare, but people drink energy drinks constantly and ingest a ton of caffeine over a prolonged period of time. I actually think it's why zoomers are somehow aging worse than millenials because caffeine elevates cortisol and they end up with high stress constantly from all the energy drinks.
I also loathe how this shit got tied into videogames as "gamer fuel".

>> No.75382719

Isn't the problem the sugar and the alcohol and the caffeine together?

>> No.75384822

>I have no idea how healthy it is
It's not. Alcohol + energy drinks heavily fuck with your heart because former expands your blood vessels and relieves your blood pressure, while latter is stimulant that raises alertness, provides your body with insane amount of sugar, and increases blood pressure. Long term, jagger bombs and vodka+redbull cocktails can fuck up your heart and can leave you with cardiac arrest later.
Putting liquor into coffee isn't same though.
However, there comes Bucky (Scotland's #1 drink of choice) which makes 4loko look like water because it can get you stupidly drunk and energized at the same time fast, so you end up really fucked up. It's 15% alcohol with at least 2 cans of Red Bull mixed in, so you binge on Bucky you're in for time of your life.

>> No.75385848

>It's 15% alcohol with at least 2 cans of Red Bull mixed in, so you binge on Bucky you're in for time of your life.
Do we know the nutritional facts for ASAP? Kanae and Kuzuha were promoting mixing soju with the energy drink and the flavored soju blends have a 16% alcohol content, but you can get soju as high as 45%.

>> No.75385883

What's the problem with mixing caffeine and alcohol?
Caffeine is a stimulant and alcohol is a depressant, so overall the effects cancel out and you're left with 0 ill effects of either.

>> No.75388012

Yeah bro, why don't you try a speedball while you are at it

>> No.75388265

>chug an entire handle of vodka
>drink a few red bulls to counteract it
Genius. Nothing could go wrong.

>> No.75388514

People have been drinking Irish Coffees since before anyone on this board was even born.

>> No.75388865

4Loko is banned. None are illegal but no competent professional org would sponsor something like this

>> No.75388999

I mean the real 4loko not the watered down one.

NTA but what's your point? the new 4loko had to be watered down and is certainly not 1:1 on caffeine to alcohol like what Niji is suggesting

>> No.75389071

Alcohol makes it harder for blood to deliver oxygen to your organs so your heart pumps faster to make up for it. Caffeine makes your heart pump faster. So its basically a 2x multiplier on your heart.

>> No.75389495

"Public health" agencies are full of neurotic liars whose job it is to terrify people with exaggerated claims of dangerousness. I'll consider listening to them when they stop insisting you'll die if you don't overcook eggs and porkchops.

>> No.75389594

So it's basically min-maxing heartbeat rate for maximum efficiency,surely there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.75389862

You only get so many cell regenerations before those bitches start dying permanently. Making your heart beat 20x harder for a few hours means those beats are ‘lost’ conceptually, since your heart can only work so hard for so long. See: women losing eggs and menopause, giant dog breeds like the great dane dying from heart failure on average 7 years of age.

>> No.75390165
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>> No.75390194

This is so retarded and so wrong in so many levels I don't know where to start

>> No.75390306

niji is truly the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.75391595

wasn't the main issue was the very first version of 4loko had like an insane amount of caffeine and alcohol and also was pretty cheap. yeah checking up on it was 240mg of caffeine and 12% alcohol. like the actual original version of 4loko FUCKED people up

>> No.75391969

Kuzuha and Kanae just thinning the herd like they do with organs who cant pull the numbers

>> No.75392180
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Nice try but this got debunked by someone who actually speaks Japanese

>> No.75392318
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The hot coffee case was already decided heavily in favor of the lady, and it's painfully obvious why.
Nigger really so contrarian that he's defending a multimillion dollar corporation screwing over some poor old woman kek.

>> No.75392381

I'm retarded. Why is mixing alcohol and caffeine bad?

>> No.75392436

>retarded mint sister bint

>> No.75392505

Some day I would love to try whatever nijinigs are having to live in such alternate reality

>> No.75392590 [DELETED] 

You might legit have a heart condition if you were "buzzing" from pepsi

>> No.75392593

I didn't know we were so influential we were able to manipulate VODs and the official brand account. Soon we will be omnipotent.

>> No.75392687
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Caffeine masks the effects of alcohol, making you more likely to overdrink and end up with alcohol poisoning

>> No.75392724
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Check their bio for a laugh:

I'm leaning toward the Japanese news source standing by it despite Japan's crazy defamation laws.

>> No.75392752

>The public outcry about 4Loko was because the wrong kind of people were into it, in the wrong ways.
The main issue with 4Loko was that it was branded and labeled as an energy drink, with an ABV notice that was largely hidden in the labelling, to the point where middle schoolers would regularly convince cashiers at gas stations and corner stores to sell it to them.

>> No.75392827

You don't mix uppers and downers.
You can get really fucked up and not know it because you feel normal. So not only are you not having fun but you still get a shitty hangover.

>> No.75392997

>mix alcohol with the caffeine
Ok so what? That's a completely normal thing to do
>redbull with vodka
>whiskey cola
>cuba libre
>irish coffee
>White Russian
Are we seriously virtue signaling about alcohol BAD just because it hurts Niji this time?

>> No.75393268 [DELETED] 

Yea but the controversy was more about how they were marketing it. They had a link printed on the can to their website with a section for people to post their crazy 4loko night stories or something, they were straight up advertising it as "hey kids get blackout drunk and do dumb shit!"

>> No.75393355 [DELETED] 

incelchudbros, I never asked for this power...

>> No.75393441

I like the how left out the part of the translation were it says the confirmed the amount of caffeine and alcohol was not dangerous (but gave a general vague warning anyway)

Also, not that I expect anyone here to have actually done their reps, but the 取り上げていただきました phrasing implies that it was the company that came up with the idea to mix them, not anycolor (but they could just be taking the blaim)

>> No.75393459

A white russian with kahlua contains about 5mg of caffine. A coffee contains about 60mg. A 1.5oz shot of redbull for a jaegerbomb is about 20mg. The japanese energy drink is 200mg. 400mg of caffine is considered the point at which drug-induced insomnia occurs in adults.

>> No.75393606

Shut the fuck up, Bint

>> No.75393994

>I like the how left out the part of the translation were it says the confirmed the amount of caffeine and alcohol was not dangerous (but gave a general vague warning anyway)
Yes anon, that was just not-so-subtle corpospeak for "ASAP and Chamisuru are perfectly safe on their own and we cannot be held liable for anything that may happen from mixing them"

>> No.75394039

Drink too much, get sleepy.
Sleepy boy stop drinky.
Energy drink mean no sleepy and keep drinky.
Drink even more gives the big sleep.

>> No.75395011
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Did Nijisanji accidentally tell people how to make Gonsters?

>> No.75395923

>I'll consider listening to them when they stop insisting you'll die if you don't overcook eggs and porkchops.
Nigger are you fucking retarded?

>> No.75398089

>I can't imagine the immense backlash from jap sisters
>He expect Nijiniggers to not bootlicking anycolor
kek funny stuff anon

>> No.75400502


>> No.75401521

That is gonna have the most battery acid taste and aftertaste ever.

>> No.75402123

They just want to use any excuse to attack Niji. There is nothing wrong with mixing it if the drinker is aware of it.

>> No.75404133
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I mean...

>> No.75404236
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>> No.75404492

>people drink redbull and vodka often
Those are two digit IQ 16 year olds anon, they dont qualify as people. People drink wine, beer or whisky. Anyone that touches tequilla or vodka is usually pretty goddamn stupid because
A) they are underage
B) they drank too much when they were underage and lost 20 IQ points

>> No.75404531
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nijisisters getting poisoned is the funniest thing ever LMao

>> No.75404616

Nijisanji cannot stop taking Ls

>> No.75404778

>mint pfp
>mint account
>millie pinned
Fucking what?

>> No.75405681

Nijisister hiding behind a Mint avatar. They don't even watch her

>> No.75405780

There is a slight difference between random assholes on the internet like you or me talking about jager bombs or Red Bull with vodka; versus a couple of official corporate spokespersons, in an officially sponsored broadcast meant to advertise an energy drink, in their capacity as corporate sponsors, talking about mixing the energy drink with alcohol.
Doubly so when the broadcast is aimed at minors (high school students who are too young to legally drink alcohol)
And even more so when minors end up in the hospital with arrhythmia due to being influenced into underage drinking by influencers.

You or me or any other asshole /here/ telling the other assholes /here/ about booze-caffeine mixes is fine.
Public figures/celebrities/influencers telling minors about booze-caffeine mixes is NOT fine. (unless it's a PSA telling kids not to do it, but that obviously is not the case here)

>> No.75406261
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You guys think Riku's gonna be yelling at that staffer or worse?

>> No.75406291
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Sure like drinking cheap wine out of a bag or pisswater aka beer is so much better than vodka.
I didn't know this board was full with alcohol antis

>> No.75409467

You know how coffee is made, right? You boil water to do it. Do you really need a barista to blow on it until it's lukewarm in case you have an obesity induced stroke and spill it on yourself? God I hate Americans so much it's unreal.

>> No.75410210

Nigger, not only is the ideal coffee brewing bellow the boiling point of water but even if you let it boil because are a retarded american who likes burnt coffee it's should never be still literally boiling *after* serving it.

>> No.75412838


>> No.75413343

It's like that fuwamoco doxxer who ISNT a Nijisister FR on god

>> No.75413485

Well, this is certainly a new angle they're going for.

>> No.75413864
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>> No.75414164 [DELETED] 

Yurozoomer, literally all of the country clowned on this retard back when this happened. It's a recent redditor meme to start defending her as this hapless victim

>> No.75414778

that staffer is most likely fired by now.

>> No.75415061

>jap teens mixing alcohol with caffeine
>legal drinking age in japan is 20

>> No.75415202

>that staffer is most likely fired
nijisanji? yeah no KEK

>> No.75415510

This is closer to the Mori hit the lean and responds to an anti tweet drama than anything
100% nothingburger

>> No.75415521

Doubt it. They would have been public about it, just like how they've been public about the reasons why they fired Sayu and Selen.

>> No.75415589

The "average" cup of coffee is supposed to have 60g, and this isn't that diluted brown water americans call coffee and guzzle from the office heated carafe all day either. 240 is insane.

>> No.75416428

The mori lean tweet didn't necessitate a response from the nip government so no, nijiseethe about it

>> No.75416545

drama-seeking anon, those 2 were livers. the retarded staff person is just that, a retarded staff person.

>> No.75416743

All the more reason to have been public about it. Could have pinned all the blame on them.

>> No.75417192

My problem is the images of the sponsorship. Someone young/stupid is gonna mix one bottle of each and drink it. The images should have clearly stated the proper amount of each drink.

>> No.75417449

Or driving after that because they don’t feel drunk

>> No.75417881

That was incredibly stupid of them but at least it's normal-stupid instead of the more usual completely pants on head retarded shit that niji gets up to. It's kind of refreshing actually.

>> No.75417974

>Nijisanji L I T E R A L L Y killing livers
You cannot make this shit up

>> No.75418058

I get palpitations just from one cup of coffee.

>> No.75418122

>Ciggies with booze or coffee is way worse
Fuck you. That's the breakfast of champions

>> No.75418138

>management being dangerously retarded is normal

>> No.75418213


>> No.75418259

Some rogue staff members doing something dumb shouldn't reflect badly on Nijisanji itself.

>> No.75418304

Well, for niji it is

>> No.75418337

More like exploding hearts
How fucking stupid do you have to be to mix anything in a energy drink

>> No.75418346

Except Kanae and Kuzuha also shilled it without question. It’s not like it was sneaked in and caught them by surprise

>> No.75418369

Mixing energy drinks and alcohol isn't dangerously retarded, it's just not something you tell the general public to try at home. It's not like they told then to make mustard gas or something

>> No.75418475

>1:1 ratio with a 200mg caffeine drink
Yes it is dangerously retarded. Things like this always come with disclaimers for a reason.

>> No.75418528
File: 79 KB, 480x479, smugbrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How fucking stupid do you have to be
Be a nijisanji fan apparently

>> No.75418606

it doesn't need to be boiled so hot that it fuses skin together... unless you enjoy burnt coffee

>> No.75418615

But the trustworthy staff of the trustworthy company nijisanji recommended it and the top nijisanji livers agreed…

>> No.75418646

Kuzuha has no fucking clue about this shit. He's absolved. Kanae knows better, he's a fuckwad that is as brainless as he is talentless.

>> No.75418647

Literally King and his manslut shilled this shit.
When your top two most popular organs do dumb shit it reflects badly on the entire company.

>> No.75418648

>boiled so hot
What do you think they did, boiled it in a fucking pressure cooker? There's only one temperature water boils at, imbecile. Americans are so fucking retarded.

>> No.75418691

>t. retard

>> No.75418736

Meant for >>75418259

>> No.75418745

I'll go back to enjoying my jägerbombs, thank you very much

>> No.75418748

anytime anything goes wrong it's a fucking rogue staff member. YIKES!

>> No.75418830

They're reading a script that was approved by both companies

>> No.75418933

The drink company named and blamed anycolor though lol

>> No.75418967

Wouldn't you?

>> No.75419018

so far we've had
>rogue employees
>script was approved by both companies

More cope pls

>> No.75419028

The company legally can't endorse mixing their products with alcohol, it's literally criminal
Nijisanji obviously wants to plummet their company into the ground

>> No.75419089

>i-it was a rogue employee
>t-the script was approved by both companies
Ah, I sew the NDF woke up

>> No.75419165

How do you think sponsored streams work?
If you were able to read japanese and read the whole tweet, you wouldn't make such retarded posts. It's literally just "we checked with professionals and it's fucking fine, just don't be an idiot and drink too much"

>> No.75419190


>> No.75419222

>we checked with professionals and it's fucking fine, just don't be an idiot and drink too much
Proof next thread?

>> No.75419245
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>> No.75419296

How about you stick to EN you fucking monkey

>> No.75419346

You must be 18 to post here. Go on and apologize to your imam for being a faggot on the internet.

>> No.75419350

>t. EOP

>> No.75419570

>It's literally just "we checked with professionals and it's fucking fine, just don't be an idiot and drink too much"
lolo no, all they said is that the ASAP and Chamusuru are within the safe limits of caffeine and alcohol, they also compared it to an Oolong Highball to which people immediately called bullshit because the caffeine content in the retarded 1:1 mix the Niji intern suggested is way higher than what you would get from an Oolong Hai

>> No.75419764

Americans, for better or worse, are addicted to being productive. First it was cocaine (everyone used it), now it's coffee.

>> No.75419810
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmmm, today i will mix stimulants and depressants
>surely my cardiovascular system will not get mega confused

>> No.75419835

Based Haman-sama poster

>> No.75419868


>> No.75420235

They LITERALLY named anycolor as the one who was responsible for the alcohol mixing bit. The tweet LITERALLY says “anycolor” in it. Cope.

>> No.75420451

>I don't speak for any vtuber or community
>Acts exclusively as a Niji mouthpiece
Who actually falls for this shit lol

>> No.75420550

>b-but the particular verb they used on the tweet could be translated as "suggested" which could be interpreted as ASAP Club being aware of it and therefore approving of it, y-you would know if you weren't a filthy EOP, c-checkmate holobrony!

>> No.75420767

what about mixing with lean?

>> No.75420817

I wish you niji glazers would learn some fucking math holy shit.

>> No.75420983

I used to take five hour energy before I went to house parties, it wasn't that bad.

>> No.75421496

>sponsoring alcohol
the jokes write themselves

>> No.75423161

How the fuck does it keep getting worse? Did Riku insult some holy forest spirit and got cursed?

>> No.75423304

Nijisanji is the pinata that keeps on giving

>> No.75423664

ASAP is an energy drink brand though?

>> No.75423696

Anycolor staff are idiots

>> No.75423834

That were talking about making an alcohol version of their energy drink
Which the livers would also be sponsored by

>> No.75424266

>liver sponsor alcoholic energy drink
>kill two livers with one stone
I'm suddenly in favor of this brand deal

>> No.75424377

everyone did, but they encouraged a 1:1 ratio.. thats the fucked part

>> No.75424822
File: 49 KB, 500x640, 1715248358092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't supposed to mix energy drinks with alcohol? But there are plenty of drinks/cocktails that mix caffeinated drinks with alcoholic beverages. Jagerbombs are still super popular where I live.

>> No.75424905

>they encouraged a 1:1 ratio
They said this out loud? They are retarded retarded

>> No.75424931

In general yes but it's a bit more nuanced. Basically it has to do with the drinker's awareness that caffeinated alcoholic beverages will hut them harder than regular alcohol will. The problem lies in if they're not aware and while used to 4 bottles of piss beer and only feeling buzzed to suddenly switch to caffeinated ones and still chug 4 bottles and end up passing out or dead. The actual problem is in the overall culture associated with drinking but that's not going to change so the next best thing is to not make the drinks anymore lethal than they already are.

>> No.75425212
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doesn't it just cancel out, it's fine

>> No.75426007

See >>75376608

>> No.75426355

Didn't they mix it in 1:1 ratio? That's a kick in the gut even for a sad drunk such as myself.

>> No.75426605


>> No.75426950

rabu u onyon

>> No.75427064

just like how people hit each other with ladders on tv all the time but if you take your dad's stepladder and smack your little brother over the head with it you're going to end up in the hospital. It's a trained professionals sort of thing

>> No.75427384
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It's even lighter than a red bull

>> No.75427602

>drinking a jagerbomb is the same as hitting a kid with a ladder

>> No.75427658

Jagerbomb tastes gross tho, unlike this monstrosity

>> No.75427884

I spike my espressos with vodka and kahlua lmao
But I don't know if there are ingredients present in energy drinks other than caffeine that might be bad when taken together with alcohol or some shit
I've only had a jaeger bomb once and I hated it so I wouldn't know
>vtuber board
What's with nijis getting into PR disasters like this? Are their antis still pestering JP companies/sponsors into doing these things?

>> No.75427937

no, but whenever they yab the ndf goes into overdrive trying to cover it up with of course draws more attention to it

>> No.75428114

Maybe one day they'll finally discover the article about the Streisand effect on Wikipedia...

>> No.75428153

Kids are highly impressionable. You don't want someone in a public viewing platform to promote something that can harm their bodies.
Oh you naive young man. Parents share the woman's Dodge Build towards accountability.

>> No.75428167

I'm reasonbly sure most of them are younger than the wikipedia article

>> No.75428279

Nah it's just a slow day for dramaniggers

>> No.75428319


>> No.75428415

Your liver uses thebdame enzyme base to metabolize alcohol and caffeine. Mixing them places undue stress on your liver and will unpredictably cause increase the effects of one or the other because your liver can't keep up with both.
This is the whole reason they are mixed, to get you really drunk really fast. But it's easy for idiots to overdo it and get alcohol poisoning because the threshold is so much lower, or give themselves a heart attack because of the dangerous amounts of caffeine their body can't process.

>> No.75428503


>> No.75430009

Nigga how can you take seriously an org that says eating eggs with runny yolks is bad
they might as well say sushi is bad too cuz raw lmao

>> No.75433107


>> No.75433233

Taking paracetamol for alcohol headaches is another way to fuck your liver too

>> No.75433547

Is this thread full of underageb&? How have you never heard of Irish cream and coffee?

>> No.75434100

is this a popular drink for livers

>> No.75434523

Learn the context retard

>> No.75435105

>tfw several common drinks do it and the real problem is idiots both drinking booze while underage and drinking in excess
That dumb cunt put a styrofoam cup filled with hot liquid between her legs and squeezed. She created her own problem by being an idiot. Trying to make it mcd's fair with a "gorillion" layers of bullshit doesn't absolve her of gross incompetence.
>tfw GERD but don't get heartburn from a nip of booze in a coffee

>> No.75435273

There's a fatal difference between hot and scalding anon.

>> No.75435752

NTA but you're an idiot that inhales copium to a dangerous degree. Try carbon monoxide instead I heard a Nijistaffer recommending it.

>> No.75437197

>Sisters pretending like the government didn't made a PSA about it

>> No.75437241


>> No.75441368

Kyle color

>> No.75442309

Another day, another yab.

>> No.75444084

An Irish coffee isn't a 1:1 coffee baileys

>> No.75444377
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>Chamisul in general
That's only the flavored variant. Original and Fresh are 20% and 17% and they kind of popularized the green soju bottle look.

>> No.75445937

keep in mind that Japanese people apparently tend to have a lower alcohol tolerance.

>> No.75446202

vodka/redbull as a last round is the only reason i haven't killed myself or others drunk driving yet
this is the most nothing of all burgers

>> No.75448523

It's mostly due to smaller frame. Japanese adult male alcohol tolerance is like female in non-European country.

>> No.75449396

Japanese people love 炎上 don't they? Well I guess people here do too

>> No.75449515

>She created her own problem
If she did this and the coffee wasnt hot enough to fuse her labia she would not have a case, it is insane to serve any liquid that hot. I am an avid tea drinker and enjoy it when its hot enough to shock my tongue and even at that temperature it will not cause 3rd degree burns.

>> No.75450483

It’s just retards not knowing how to mix it properly then blaming Anycolor for it for some reason. Idk if the Japs are just retarded with alcohol

>> No.75451611

>What's the problem with mixing caffeine and alcohol?
Outside of the obvious heart problems (which is true for pretty much anything, nicotine does the same)?

>Caffeine is a stimulant and alcohol is a depressant, so overall the effects cancel out
Those words don't mean what you think they do, it's about their effect on the central nervous system
Depressants reduce arousal, which is why you want to keep drinking more and more
Alcohol causes you to get drunk, the drunker you are the more your body starts to shutdown and ask your brain to stop drinking, however caffeine weakens those messages
It doesn't affect how drunk you are or how easily it is to get drunk (if you want that you can take bloodthinners (pls don't) or do a blood donation) but what it does do is make you unable to judge how drunk you actually are

>> No.75454197

Like Native Americans, most Asians have a genetic deficiency in aldehyde dehydrogenase, one of the enzymes involved in the breakdown of alcohol. That is, on top of, yes, generally being smaller, which makes them more susceptible to the caffeine end of things to boot.

Thus ASAP's pinning the blame on AnyColor, ASAP, and the government putting out PSA's.

>> No.75454377


>> No.75454984

Isn't it in their culture to get drunk casually during the day and then get fuck during nights? How have they not developed a tolerance to it.

>> No.75455347

>Nijisanji gets warned by the government
>Khyo getting finger pointed for slander
>NijiSisters seething and wants to sue Khyo for it

Hey anons, is it okay to sue the person who issued the problem to the government?

>> No.75455540
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don't tell me you guys are such virgins you've never drank jägerbombs or whiskey and coke before?

>> No.75455698

jap genes are weak because of non-stop fucking siblings and 1st cousins.

>> No.75456632

Where does this "japs are weak drinkers" idea come from? All the japs I knew in college (especially the study abroad ones) drank like monsters and could outdrink literally every white guy I knew. When I visited japan I met up with one of the exchange students who took me to a bar his uncle or smething owned and holy shit they drank so much I couldn't even keep up with half of the amount. Koreans are also disgusting when it comes to how much they can drink.

>> No.75457235

Rum and Coke is a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio. They specifically suggested 1:1 ratio. Rum and Coke drinkers have always been the virgins.

>Caffeine masks the effects of alcohol, making you more likely to overdrink and end up with alcohol poisoning
Alcohol is a depressant. It lets your body know when you have had enough. Feeling really sleepy to passing out.
Caffeine is a stimulant. It is allowing to drink past that mark without the warning effects until it's too late.

Even drug users know it's bad to mix uppers and downers.

Of course, if done responsibly, should be fine. Adults have doing mixed drinks fine. But when it's marketed toward the young, they are stupid enough to keep drinking until they end themselves.

>> No.75457329

>americans in charge of determining the final ABV of a drink that consists 1:1 of energy drink and a 12% ABV alcohol versus a 1:2 rum and coke

>> No.75457472

But, some young are going to mix 1:1 with any alcohol.
Still stand by that rum and coke is nothing to brag about.

>> No.75457959

McDonald’s was operating the machines at temperatures well above what they were supposed to be operated at, that’s why she won the case. If the machines were being operated at the recommend safe temperatures, then she would not have been injured nearly as badly, if at all, and there would have been no way for her to even bring the case before a court without it being laughed out of the courtroom. After all, people spill coffee on themselves every day, but it very rarely results in third-degree burns.

>> No.75458337 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 524x373, mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That dumb cunt put a styrofoam cup filled with hot liquid between her legs and squeezed. She created her own problem by being an idiot. Trying to make it mcd's fair with a "gorillion" layers of bullshit doesn't absolve her of gross incompetence.
Actual picture of the burns she received.
More boggling is that McDonald's tried to fight it.

>> No.75458662

That's what happens when you pour hot water on yourself and then sit in the puddle, retard.

>> No.75459327

What's more mind boggling is that if I recall correctly, she only asked for the medical to be covered at first. McDonalds said no, so it went to court.

>> No.75459458

No way they did this holy shit
>but I drink this and worse all the time!
That's not even the point here, niji faggots are a different breed of stupid

>> No.75459480

Uh no? Day-drinking in nipland is as frowned upon, if not more, as in burgerland.
You're thinking Eurofag, anon.

>> No.75459570

No one's gonna binge drink Jaegerbomb, unlike what happened with 4loko which is apt analogy to this case

>> No.75461777

How is this any different from a jagerbomb?

>> No.75462470

not going to read that long ass text

how can this?
>jap genes are weak
be different than this?
>japs are weak drinkers

>i can drink genes
>therefore i am weak
>completely different from weak drinking

were you dropped as a baby?
were you voluntarily get a lobotomy?
is your iq low enough for government benefits?
is your reading comprehension on par with 4th grader?
