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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7537501 [Reply] [Original]

Formerly magnet

Channel: youtube.com/channel/UCLGaPXIpe67JWtwlrXZwTvw

3K milestone reached!
Monetization & ad revenue coming soon (likely about to be enabled)

>> No.7539132


>> No.7539797
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Yes brothet

>> No.7540092
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Is... Is it actually her?

>> No.7543538

it's 900% her

>> No.7543578

Why are you guys supporting her? Monoe is a contract-breaking criminal.

>> No.7543618

because we're contract-breaking criminals too
fuck contracts

>> No.7543649

That just makes even cooler, anon.

>> No.7544019

Have you seen what happened to Voms? Leaving was the right choice rather than be twisted into some bizarre mutant.

>> No.7544468

she probably would have asked to be given jellyfish attributes anyway

>> No.7544882

It's so nice to hear that voice again. Love it

>> No.7546826
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I thought she fucking died, any rrats on that?

>> No.7546892

Is this why Voms were so hasty to cover up the magnet thing? Because she got another contract?

>> No.7546919

Well she's clearly alive, anon

>> No.7546984

We didn't know, we just knew that she was thrown out the door so hastily that she didn't even get a graduation stream. Just "We're no longer working with her", all of her videos deleted, and this dark cloud over the other talents to not even mention her name to the point where one of them broke down on their next stream and started crying over "sniff.. nothing..".
Thus, rrats abound. What in Japan causes this kind of treatment? Death? Going to jail? violating some taboo? The initial thoughts were that maybe she died but later it was that maybe she instead had some kind of drug-related offense. Which also doesn't make sense now because she would still be in jail if that were the case in Japan.
Which leaves one other option, the company she left was a black company ran by insane control freaks who immediately went ballistic when they found out that she wrote up another contract/broke the contract she had with them. In which case fuck them, they deserve the self-destruction that happened afterwards.

>> No.7546997
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she was only terminated from voms because of a contract breach, what exactly that entails is not public
and from what i've seen the most accepted rrat was that she worked in public service and public servants cant have another job in japan
no, she probably took a while off and if the accepted rrat is true probably quit that public service job so she could pursue streaming again.

>> No.7547058

I thought we wrote off the public servant rrat because it still doesn't explain the sudden blackout on even mentioning her.

>> No.7547279

Could be, but last I even looked into it that was pretty much it. I haven't seen any other believable rrats going arround about about it.
I thought the other voms just didn't want to linger on her or the reasons for her termination.
Pika specifically said she still thought of her as a friend and encouraged viewers to support her if she ever popped up again.
I wouldn't be surprised though, if Gyari basically blacklisted her from being mentioned in any capacity.
Plus the fact that they went and made a whole new Minecraft server for the anniversary.
But nonetheless, I hope she's doing well now and doesn't feel too bad about what happened.

>> No.7547291
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The only two rrats that made any sense was public servant and being a minor. Since she went back to streaming, most japs believe that she is a minor.

>> No.7547763

take this as another pure rrat, but i assume that if someone leaves on bad terms like a contract breach, it's ill-advised to mention said member up again.
I only base this rrat off how tsunderia memory holed Ria but are still on good terms with Kana

>> No.7547939

Ria was only there for like a month or so?
Was still active on her original channel that was also a vtuber
left and went back to there and also graduated that channel and starts another new one i think?

I'd memory hole her too

>> No.7548012

On the new recruitment stream, Gyari talked a bit about her case and said he would NEVER mention it again, probably that's when he told the girls to not say anything related to her again. But the girls still have her channel linked on her youtube. Gyari also said on that stream that some people were talking things that weren't true and also bothering him a lot.

>> No.7549169
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Drawing from one of her mods.

>> No.7549274
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>rrat thread
This is why you don't mention things that shouldn't be mentioned in the OP

>> No.7549485

So she's a pngtuber now? That's just lame.

>> No.7549547

Who cares abput rrats? She's alive and streaming!

>> No.7549759

She likely can't afford the avatar yet.
Wait a bit after she gets monetized.

>> No.7550597

she fucked pikamee in valentines and birdman fired her out of jealousy

>> No.7552412
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We need to invite the hardworking archivist from voms general in here. Zoomers and coom newbies ruined it completely by now.

>> No.7552457

Im going to give Ebosi one cent for every subscriber she had in February

>> No.7554011

>Because she got another contract?
ebosi is an amateur streamer, what "other contract"

>Which leaves one other option, the company she left was a black company ran by insane control freaks
You are extremely paranoid

I really doubt there was any forced "blackout" about mentioning her amongst the remaining VOMS members. They all just wanted to put the incident behind them since Monoe's VOMS career didn't end on a happy note, that's all. And that's wise. The more they talked about Monoe the more drama would have been caused by fans, antis, and rubberneckers. The new minecraft server was sad but understandable, it would be hard not to talk about Monoe with all her handiwork lying around on the old server.

>most japs believe that she is a minor.
You mean just that one jap whose blog post keeps getting linked in the /vt/ VOMS thread, right? I don't think there's any consensus among JP Monoe fans as to what the contract breach was, and for the most part they seem hesitant to speculate, which I guess is the polite way to approach it.

>> No.7554161

Bring her back.

>> No.7554316

Hey GYARI, could you at least let her use a model that is similar to her old one?

>> No.7555128
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One rrat about Monoe that I haven't seen brought up here or anywhere else is that the contract breach was because of her semi-secret Amazon wishlist that she opened briefly around Christmas 2020 so fans could send her Christmas presents. It could have been against the monetary terms of her contract with GYARI, i.e. the contract may have forbidden her from making money off the Monoe character in ways other than streaming.

From what GYARI, Pikamee etc. have said, we know that the contract lets the streamer keep all youtube revenue whiile GYARI gets to keep the revenue from merch. Since merch is a more vague category and GYARI is the original owner of the character, I could totally see the contract being written as "streaming revenue goes to the streamer, GYARI reserves all other monetization rights for the character".

So putting up an Amazon wishlist for Monoe, to which people sent probably thousands of dollars worth of gifts, including multi-hundred dollar cart-blanche Amazon gift cards, could clearly be interpreted as profiting off the Monoe character outside of the streaming context, which would be a contract violation.

Employment contracts usually have clauses in them describing how to remedy contract breaches (or "cure" them, in legalese), which usually involves paying back whatever damages were caused. But a lot of the stuff Monoe received on her Amazon wishlist was probably not possible to resell, and she'd probably already used all the gift cards by February when GYARI eventually learned about this. Maybe she mentioned it to him because of tax season coming up or whatever - I don't think she ever posted the link on her twitter or anywhere, just in the youtube description of her Christmas stream, or maybe even just in the chat comments of that stream.

As ebosi, on her twitcast she's mentioned that she's pretty broke because she's almost two years behind on her Japan pension system payments which she's trying to catch up on (basically like social security payroll tax in the US), due to being a NEET for a little while a few years ago. So she probably wouldn't have been able to pay back any damages directly in cash.

TMSK mentioned on her announcement video right afterwards that the four of them had discussed "other possible options" but that in the end even Monoe decided that ending the contract would be the best option. I can see that being the case if lack of money forced her hand, e.g. if she didn't want to borrow money from any of the others to pay the damages etc.

>> No.7555312

BTW to disprove this rrat, try to find evidence in this stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ccJbpfvwxk

For example, if there's a GYARI comment in chat, that means he already knew about the Amazon wishlist back then. Or Monoe could have said something during the stream that disproves the rrat, idk.

>> No.7555343
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>> No.7555447

I'll ogey this rrat

>> No.7563222
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>> No.7568350

Stop with the rrats. It doesn't matter anymore

>> No.7572363
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Can't wait to see her getting a new one

>> No.7572412

VOMS isnt a company

>> No.7575988

Does that not count as doxx?

>> No.7576231

>Does that not count as doxx?

>a murdered vtuber reincarnates as a new vtuber
>"support her if she ever pops up again" -Pikamee

no, it doesn't, you fucking soulless retard

>> No.7579284

How new?

>> No.7580983

Din't pika said that she almost quit vtubing because of this incident, and she only din't quit because tmsk talked to her?

>> No.7581061

I think so, I don't remember if it was her or if it was the other way around though.

>> No.7582351
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I liked the design of that new vtuber which was done by that magnetfag. But her rigging seems a bit off and looks like she is using some voice changer and her voice seems weird.

>> No.7583346

One of the ones I saw was that she may have licensed an appearance in a Japanese crowd funded project without going through GYARI/VOMS and that closed just days before she was fired.

>> No.7585442


>> No.7587781
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Wholesome jellyfish is replying to her fanarts on twitter. Go and see her comments

>> No.7588331

The only crowd funding project she might have been involved in AFAIK was Katashiro Rebuild. That was held from Dec 5 2020 to Jan 31 2021. https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/355481

But I don't think there was ever any talk of her being directly involved in the crowd funding project, other than the fact that she was involved in the initial creation of Katashiro and was an enthusiastic supporter of the project. She did mention on Simadoriru's planning room stream that she hoped she could guest star as Ayumu in some of the showings of Katashiro Rebuild, but I don't see how that's really any different from the various other collabs she did, which she probably didn't need to get permission from GYARI for... Plus, it was never even confirmed - the cast of Katashiro Rebuild was only announced months after Monoe was gone.
