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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75357565 No.75357565 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.75357608

when's the next niji financial report again? I can't wait for the bloodbath

>> No.75357625

June, I think?

>> No.75357643

Cover didn't do as well as expected

>> No.75357695

Nijisanji keeps taking Ls

>> No.75357771

Vtubing has, for the most part, reached its maximum possible audience. Therefore any growth that can still happen will be small. Small growth makes for bad investments, which is why bigger investors switch to more promising markets which are still expecting growth. Although Warren Buffets speech and explanation about investing into cash reserves because he foresees the stock markets to crash might lead to a general downward trend on the exchange, since a lot of investors see him as something akin to the Nostradamus of the investment world.

>> No.75357838

Maximizing shareholder profits is the single most retarded thing ever in business and has never worked, don't know why companies keep doing it.

>> No.75357853

>Vtubing has, for the most part, reached its maximum possible audience.
factually retarded take, stopped reading there

>> No.75357855

Niji -700
Cover +100

Want said something about this SISTER..?

>> No.75357887
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>> No.75357945

No one thinks that. Nearly all investment reports on vtubing predict substantial growth and more popularity. Streams constantly get more views and CCVs. Yahoo has said vtubing has space for significant growth and hasn't had its break out moment into the mainstream yet.
Lowered stock prices are an indication of the Japanese yen collapsing and slowed growth in Japan as a whole.
Hololive also doesn't really care about stock price. They've used no stock manipulation tactics yet whereas niji has some liquidations and other tactics to inflate their stock price all of which have failed.

>> No.75357964

Because shareholders want maximum profits.
The company has to make them happy, it's the reality we live in now.
It's the truth, even in Japan the maximum ccv numbers over all channels /per day stay pretty much consistent for the last year or so.
Sometimes specific chuubas take up more of that market than others, but the overall number of "consumers" doesn't grow much anymore. The whole merch market has to share it's consumers with anime fans, idol fans and general e-celeb merch.

>> No.75357996

don't care for holo, hope nijisanji burns

>> No.75358014
File: 28 KB, 961x354, Nikkei225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lowered stock prices are an indication of the Japanese yen collapsing
This is wrong, the NIkkei index is in general on the rise, vtubing corpos are outliers.

>> No.75358028

Did you expect more than the 23% value increase it experienced?

>> No.75358043

Honestly every chance they can recover by then if the sisters smell fresh blood in the water and move on, maybe if another wave debuts in the next couple of months it can distract things too.

>> No.75358048

The yen is collapsing though.

>> No.75358151

Red bad
Green good
Simple as

>> No.75358154
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nta but picrel

>> No.75358164


>> No.75358260

Honestly i doubt vtubing is going to hit mainstream, even regular streamers are relatively niche.

>> No.75358279

Yes, but the Nikkei is not.

>> No.75358281

didnt the left one do 3 major buy backs, another tazumi uncle from Sony rescue buy, and the thing being able to use their stocks as colateral + freeze their prices whenever their stocks drop too much?

>> No.75358353
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the nikkei index only includes the biggest japanese companies, not all the market
the richest fat fucks may do good, but not everyone else

>> No.75358428

Has permanently crippled its ability to expand in the western market on top of plateauing in Japan. In other words, they cannot grow as much as investors want any more.
Shareholders wanted Yagoo to reduce the Talents' cut. Yagoo told them to fuck off.

>> No.75358495

>biggest japanese companies
and they are mostly if not all multinationals who dont get affected much if only japan is not doing so good

>> No.75358522

I think you overestimate how long peoples memories are

>> No.75358598

Normally I'd agree that its an overestimation but as long as Nijisisters (and Niji's petty management) continue to seethe, people will remember.

>> No.75358665

Doesn't japan have twice the population of g*rmany? I thought g*rmans are poor, how are they #3?

>> No.75358678

Compnies in VTubing are experiencing the end of the “gold rush” in Japan and increased competitiveness in the west, rendering the exploitation of the business gain low. Since there are no dividends, share price depends exclusively on growth and convincing people to buy.
As these factors have utterly failed, Companies gravitate naturally towards their normal share value, which for anyone who can actually read finances is in the P/E ratio of 20.
Cover is too high and doesn’t pander to investors, so it will fall.
Anycolor is there so it will swing up and down constantly, but their situation is worse. Why?
Because Anycolor share volume per sale/buy is greatly below average, meaning people are holding their shares waiting for something to happen.
It could be the end of the sales protection ban that will causs a second major drop, or the company to pay dividends or make a second buy back. All these options mean the talents get fucked again as the company invests into short term profit speculation rather than increasing the P/E trough promoting their source of gain.

I’m expecting this actual answer to get ingnored as usual for your tribalfaggotry. Have fun.

>> No.75358709

>I thought g*rmans are poor
Found the american.

>> No.75358736


>> No.75358918

settle down hanz

>> No.75358970

If you look at CCVs for the top vtubers they're already on the same level as top tier fleshtubers
The only growth avenues left are sponsorship, non-stream events/collaborations, and merchandising

>> No.75359063

All stock posting should be a 3 day ban

>> No.75359117
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>> No.75359136

Shouldn't Cover be doing better since Hololive has a larger international presence than Nijisanji?

>> No.75359250

Yagoo doesn't let the investors have control over the talents and internal workings and he spent more money on the talents' well-being than the company stock value

That's why traders are leaving Cover and dumping it because it's worthless to pump cash into a company that doesn't care about them. And they jump to Anycolor because they know Riku is in need of them more than ever and the Niji stock price is on huge discount ever since the great dump

>> No.75359521

Discuss what? Anycolor is at resistance line (aka price too risky for shorting as any price drop might result in tripping auto-sell/panic cascade). All slow drops were due to everyone shorting Anycolor (short selling restrictions was caused by shortage of stock due to volume of trading).

Unless long positions start bailing out, the price will just bounce up and down until Q4. But if price somehow drops under 2k, then Riku will have to explain to investors why stock triggered the delisting timer

>> No.75359680

>delisting timer
I'm wondering how that actually works. Like there is UUUM who has 4 figures in stock price but now barely 500 yen and yet they are still doing the stocks

And at what point would be Cover's turn since it looks like their stock price hasn't stopped declining yet

>> No.75359821

Cover's is next week

>> No.75359824

vubing has been reacing the maximum possible audience, every year since 2020. And there is more to growth than just the number of subscribers.

>> No.75359866

Well from what the image says Cover gained 23.13% since entering the market and Anycolor lost lost 28.76%

>> No.75359877

Because a handful of individuals at the very top of those companies, who hold lot's of shares, are making a lot of money in this system.

>> No.75360189

Hololive is getting IRL product sponsorships as well as collabs with various TV shows and celebrities. It's been slowly encroaching on the Japanese mainstream for a while now.
A teacher in Japan I talk to just mentioned how some of his 5th graders watch hololive and write down their favorite in their interests.

>> No.75360816

>I'm wondering how that actually works.
has to be a sudden sharp decline

>> No.75361124
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If my oshi was in Cover, I'd be PRAYING for their stock to crash to the point where they are unlisted or they otherwise withdraw from the market.

Publicly traded companies in Japan and the US are evil BY LAW. They can't do anything for their employees that impacts their investor's dividends without risking being sued into liquidation oblivion. They always have to put short term profit over long term investments for the same reason. All of which is horrific for anyone employed at the company.

If Cover gets out of the stock market, it'll be nothing but diamonds for all the talents involved. No longer will they be subject to the whims of faceless investors who do not even know their names, and all that motivation to work against the talent's best interests will evaporate.

...and Cover isn't so invested that the company wouldn't survive it.

AnyColor, on the other hand, is the fifth pump and dump company that Riku has acquired, and thus is entirely invested. If its stock goes under, the company either dies to liquidation, or gets sold to another investor for a fraction of its value. Such a change in ownership doesn't even guarantee the much needed change for the talents, as a disconnected investor is likely to simply rely on the current executives to run a company he knows virtually nothing about, and will put a ton of pressure on them to recoup his investment, meaning the talents will get even less and have their performances interfered with even more, as management comes down on them harder than ever. ...and if the company is instead liquidated, while it would have the benefit of setting them free, none of them will be keeping their IPs, and they'll all be forced to sink or swim, starting over from scratch.

If your oshi is in an unlisted corp, pray they never have an IPO as nothing could possibly be worse for their wellbeing and performance in terms of work environment.

Fuck the stock market.

>> No.75364096

>in b4 niji bigger number, holokeks smaller number nijigods winning thank me miload

>> No.75364213

Anon do you really think sisters even know what bloomberg terminal is?

>> No.75364360

Sisters will spend years doxxing and harassing talents but won’t spend 10 minutes to understand how the stock market works

>> No.75364365

Numberfags outside of their containment should be executed. How about that for a discussion. Your thoughts? Your response?

>> No.75364517


>> No.75365705

more third worlders who will never own stock discuss share prices, lets go!

>> No.75365807
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>> No.75366220

Hololive will be remembered by the kids, Yagoo has won big time.
Meanwhile, the other one will just be forgotten by everyone like the miserable pile of lies and deceptions it is.
