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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75354510 No.75354510 [Reply] [Original]

Jelly is programming Assembly on stream.
What the fuck is she DOING??


>> No.75354622
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pickme cucknect

>> No.75354645

>stream title: mental illness

there you go, anon

>> No.75354832

No thanks

>> No.75355319
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Jelly thread!

>> No.75355342

id rather my oshi use a razor than assembly when engaging in acts of self harm

>> No.75355371

Assembly is not hard.
C is where the real brain damage happens.

>> No.75355480
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A pickme wouldn't ignore chat and turn silent for 2 hours to focus on writing assembly

>> No.75355505

the real brain damage is from her looking at chat, ever

>> No.75355574

C isnt brain damage tier, its comfy

>> No.75355659

it's brain damage tier specifically because it's the only language I know that allows you to completely fuck yourself over while being extremely silent about it. The simplest of things will drive you mad in C.
In assembly this does not happen. Despite assembly looking harder, it's much easier to reason about.

>> No.75355700
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Try Java

>> No.75355748

Java has the opposite problem. It's literally impossible to shoot yourself in the foot in java because of how verbose it is, unless you are a complete retard. While it is mind numbing, I wouldn't consider it actually brain damage inducing. I leave the brain damage to the languages that are actually evil.

>> No.75355791

I hate Java libaries, nothing wrong with java itself, but fuck the libaries.

>> No.75355862

My top pick for "worst libraries of all time" has got to be python or javascript. pip and npm were a mistake.

>> No.75355919

I forced myself to forget npm's existance... Why is something so shit, so used...

>> No.75355963

I don't understand why people keep making jokes about Arch or how it is funny. I made modifications to my .xintrc in my home directory so that I could launch a kiosk version of Firefox specifically for TV version of YouTube by typing in a single command such as "startx ./.xinitrc ytv". Add to that I use an app on my phone to enter the command and navigate youtube via bt, giving me the closest experience of youtube tv on a linux computer. I don't have to deal with the bloat of a DE, although I do use i3 to wrap the firefox.

>> No.75356031

most people don't read manuals they just ask chatGPT everything
Arch is rtfm central so of course people make fun of it.
Hell most people on this board will make fun of you for this, mostly wintards over here. Ignore them.

>> No.75356056

It was the mega popular "thing" on /g/ for a couple years, got shilled to high ends as the cool new thing, and so a bunch of cringe highschool grads start installing it before they go off to college and that ruined Arch's reputation forever.

>> No.75356064

Rather than Arch itself, the joke is the tech equivalent of "anyway here's wonderwall".

>> No.75356440

clang -Weverything -Werror -fsanitize=undefined

>> No.75356559

You cannot escape, no matter how many flags you enable.
It isn't possible. I have tried, so has everyone.
You WILL have your memory corrupted, one way or the other. It is inevitable.

>> No.75356760

Before switching to Arch, I kept reading about how the community was just a bunch of rtfm assholes. But after I wanted something lightweight, I tried using Arch. Whenever I try to search anything linux related, one of top results is always the wiki or the Arch forums. Some the questions are so mundane and repetitive, but people do help and answer everything or just link the relevant wiki section. There could be a rtfm post reply in there but you could always just ignore it. So I never really understood the hate against the community. Feels like rtfm thing is really overblown because of >>75356056

>> No.75356813

Sounds like a you problem.

>> No.75357470


>> No.75357618

Jelly likes minecraft and puzzles. I was thinking how nice it would be to have a phase server where the talents had to solve puzzles and mysteries to achieve an objective. It could have a theme and lore. They could form clans and duke it out and it will be a limited time server maybe 3-7 days. But I don't know if other phase talents would enjoy that or if such an elaborate modpack exists...

>> No.75357701

It's a widespread problem.

>> No.75358015

Just use standard libraries and don't suck. I've hit compiler bugs more frequently than I've corrupted memory since college.

>> No.75358072

Using Linux isn't programming

>> No.75358743

someone shoot this spamnigger holyfuck

>> No.75359202

Wait until you see C++

>It's literally impossible to shoot yourself in the foot in java because of how verbose it is
There's still some dumb shit you can shoot yourself in the foot with like trying to use `==`. Other than that, the problem with verbosity is that it makes it easy to fuck up in a different way because you'll eventually turn your brain off and start skimming and copypasting shit and that's when mistakes happen

>> No.75359242

What the fuck are you talking about? Assembly is even more silent about it.
C is what everyone was taught like a decade ago, and every programmer would know how to program C.
C, Java, Basic, none of those are hard. They only have either outdated libraries or aren't efficient with current hardware anymore, this is why even stuff like python isn't much different than stuff like Java when it comes to syntax.

People who think Assembly isn't hard are people who only did the equivalent of a sorting algorithm in it and thought that was the extent of it. I want to see you code something that is at least medium difficulty in other languages, like making an actual runnable program with a visual interface that interacts via mouse.

>> No.75359699

Damn...I remember using PenUp and PenDown from Turtle graphics in BASIC when I was a kid in school.

>> No.75359716

>What the fuck are you talking about? Assembly is even more silent about it.
NTA but in assembly what you see is what you get. C is a minefield of undefined behaviors and if you accidentally trigger one, the compiler can do whatever the fuck it wants

>> No.75359778

godbolt exists and so does ubsan

>> No.75359938

Thanks to shitdevs like you. I use C/C++ for game engine development and NEVER hit any memory issues and I have to manually manage memory on GPU too

Every "memory leak" I've seen was just retard who never learned what is heap, and keeps allocating shit inside while loop. All bitching about C family being unsafe is made by college shitters who don't know how to iterate through array, or learned that variables have callable functions

>> No.75360130

it does what you tell it to do, git gud

>> No.75360245

That's why projects worked on by some of the best engineers in the world like Chrome or Windows also have no memory management bugs, right?
You will have memory bugs in your code, you just don't notice because your criteria of good memory management is just not leaking enough to blow up your RAM usage.

>> No.75360246

>what you see is what you get
Same for C. This only wouldn't be the case if you did not know what the command you are using does, and this problem can happen in assembly too.

>> No.75360278
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>some of the best engineers in the world
>Chrome or Windows
ok sanjay

>> No.75360378

memory leaking isn't memory safety

>> No.75360380

Yeah, you could apply and get into the same position any time, you just choose not to. I get it.

>> No.75360523

And you choose to post replies on 4chan with the most Reddit understanding of C.

>> No.75360552

is that the programmastar, or whatever her name was?

>> No.75360589
File: 3.18 MB, 570x680, You_Gonna_Shoot_Me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx1lo87.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Jelly makes Jelly AI into its own vtuber, then has it stream for her.

>> No.75360619

>her major is literally in CPSC
If by pickme you mean trying to become a wagie, then sure.

>> No.75360651

The root cause for both is the memory management model of C. You cannot trust humans to not fuck things up, you have to make it impossible.

>> No.75360658
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>> No.75360667

Your oshi sounds based, anon.

>> No.75360678
File: 424 KB, 540x540, JellyCrime[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs1dhlc.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75360679

Yeah but if you use assembly incorrectly, your program will probably stop working.
If you use C incorrectly and hit UB, your program might still work until you upgrade your compiler one year later and suddenly some new optimization fucks you over. Good luck finding the mistake at that point.

>> No.75360695

Jelly should teach me programming

>> No.75360732
File: 3.85 MB, 800x464, jelly nukes phase world [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgzjze5.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75360736

No, memory safety is enforcable, memory leaks are impossible to avoid

>> No.75361145

>If you use C incorrectly
Cool bro, if you use a hammer incorrectly it will also have bad results.
And if you think that an assembly error is easy to spot, it's because you never actually did anything meaningful in assembly. Try to make a browser in assembly to see if it will "probably stop working if you do stuff incorrectly".

>> No.75361243

>her major is literally in CPSC
women only get into tech for maximum male attention and still only end up fucking the suit chads anyway to work their way up the company, even if they're skilled

>> No.75361363

only WHORES use assembly.

>> No.75361398

Jelly's parents would probably honor kill her if she settled for less than a rich CEO.

>> No.75361471

stfu fizzbuzzers none of you actually have done anything meaningful programming

>> No.75361526

Hey i made a shifting array in C
I'm a master programmer

>> No.75361556

I released a free audio plugin that's used by huge artists and frequently want to kill myself for not selling it.

>> No.75361572

>optimization is..... LE BAD
jeetest jeet to ever jeet

>> No.75361589


>> No.75361916
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saar do not using assembly SAAR

>> No.75362006

no use in arguing over programming paradigms. use the tools best suited for the situation.
and even after that most programs call multiple libraries which you either might have no control over or even if they're oss it takes too much time in real world to wait for them to get fixed, so you can't be in full control of your program either way.
i like to do fine grain optimization whenever possible, and hate the modern webjeet mindset of
>every unused processor cycle and byte of memory is wasted
but sometimes you just have to get shit done

>> No.75362064

i should play it at some point, i liked shenzhen I/O from the same dev.

>> No.75362092

This shit is why I switched to QA

>> No.75362097

true, you're basically standing on the shoulders of retards if you're doing enterprise shit with
hard deadlines
it's only going to get worse

>> No.75362110

This reads like an AI-generated /g/ thread

>> No.75362687

Oh this is the girl that got into this because of her b...rother right?

>> No.75362918

This whore is only friends with males, just look at her twitter account where she posts screenshots of discord dms with them all the time, or the way she bootlicks sakana

>> No.75363207
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>> No.75363392

the racism here is too tame for it to be a /g/ thread

>> No.75363552

That's not Assembly retards, thats a puzzle game called TIS 100

>> No.75363603


>> No.75363662

But why?

>> No.75363679

reps, retard

>> No.75363870

There's no reps to be done anon. I don't see why you feel the need to make up stuff about one of the only chuubas with a clean record.

>> No.75364317

What a retard.
I'll spoonfeed you just for this time.
Look up her moonjelly account, she's constantly bantering with males. As for her behavior towards Sakana, if you don't see it you're fucking blind.

>> No.75364492 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 1571x992, 1697220460179155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again, there's no reps be done.

>> No.75364789

lmao cuck

>> No.75364947

That's rich coming from someone that thinks about cucks all day.

>> No.75365290

NTA but i just checked the account and you're either that guy in the screenshots or you have brain damage

>> No.75365643

I want to go to college for programming, mostly for a good job and to find a new hobby.
What's the best major and/or general things to start with?

>> No.75365801

Please point out where I'm being cucked anon. Half the conversations she post are with women and (besides Turbo) the others are with fags.

>> No.75366113

>it's brain damage tier specifically because it's the only language I know that allows you to completely fuck yourself over while being extremely silent about it.
You haven't had the pleasure of working with python, have you?
You can encounter a syntax error, or any other seemingly static code error, after dozens or hundreds of hours of runtime, because those errors aren't detected until the application actually tries to execute that segment of code during runtime. Or worse, that code segment might only raise the error sometimes, dependent on input because of duck typing.
And it's not uncommon for python applications to suffer from the same bullshit that constantly plagues java, where people catch exceptions and then throw new exceptions instead of re-raising the exception or otherwise maintaining the stack trace.
>In assembly this does not happen. Despite assembly looking harder, it's much easier to reason about.
If you're limited to academics or just making something technically functional, I guess, sure. But when you need to meet a performance target while working within a set of limitations then things can get very tricky, and silently fucking yourself over becomes a lot easier.

>> No.75366563

Phasecuck...this is just embarrassing

>> No.75366798
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Get help.

>> No.75366843

>holobrony trying to stir up shit doesn't know the invaders PLs are public knowledge

>> No.75366849

My favorite part of python was being handed a project that had a virtual environment set up with the proper version of each library but for some reason the python version itself is not part of the virtual environment so even though I had the correct library versions the library versions weren't compatible with my python version and at no point during the venv set up process was this flagged, I just had to diagnose my runtime errors one by one until I realized the problem was I was on python 3.7 and the virtual environment was made for python 3.4.
Which basically meant the entire thing was garbage and I had to resetup the entire project and all its dependencies by hand.
Either that or get stuck in the "which python" hell by not only having both python 2 and 3 installed but also several versions of python 3.
You would think that a language that historically fucked its own ass with poor backwards compatibility would learn its lesson but somehow versions of python 3 themselves aren't even backwards compatible with each other.

>> No.75367818


>> No.75368580

Could you not have just installed python 3.4 and used that to create the virtual environment?

>> No.75368611

Ironically it's easier to have one version of python 2.7.x and one version of python 3.x than it is to have two or more versions of python 3.x on the same system.
