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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75333241 No.75333241 [Reply] [Original]

city university of new york

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>75299408

>> No.75333370

I like how shoggas think they'd get anywhere physically with her when she considers her forehead too lewd for (you) to see.

>> No.75333488

She's going to die isn't she? That bp and heart rate is absurdly dangerous

>> No.75333504
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Copying a wise philosopher from /lig/:
we should just keep having threads like normal but if someone is being annoying or ruining the thread we should kill them

>> No.75333619

i like how you think i wouldnt get anywhere physically with her when her forehead is extremely cute for (me) to see

>> No.75333628 [SPOILER] 
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i doubt she took those measurements correctly.
but pic rel if they're real

>> No.75333704

If I could I would be physically dragger her ass to the hospital with those readings

>> No.75333722
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i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE fallenshadow!!!!!!!!!!!! and i miss her very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i wish she would take better care of herself!!!!! i would never let her starve or feel bad!!!!!!!!!!! i would protect her smile forever and ever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! feel better shondo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.75333777

I want to kill her (lovingly)

>> No.75334220

if a hospital saw those numbers they'd keep her there for a few days to keep an eye on her. i'll just hope she measured wrong

>> No.75334254

The numbers are weird but not an emergency (as long as she can function), especially considering she's skin and bones and the machine probably works poorly because of it.
Obviously they are not what you'd expect from a normal healthy person, but she's far from that that.

>> No.75334302
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>it's another wife's blood pressure is astronomically low because she refuses to eat episode

>> No.75334376

also not eating at all when you weigh 39kg is fucking insanity. can't help but wonder what the other adults in that house are doing?

>> No.75334442

If FT streams again im sorry but im going to break containment and ask him to take care of his sister

>> No.75334602

>claims to have a healthy diet
>literally lives off of rice crackers
what the FUCK did she mean by this

>> No.75334635

>low calorie = healthy
the mind of a woman

>> No.75334676

all of this would be fixed with a carnivore diet

>> No.75334730

she meant "stop sperging out every time I mention food (even though I'm anorexic and feel strangely compelled to talk about it)"

>> No.75334791

>why doesnt she eat
eating disorder, self esteem problems, stubbornness, depression, body dysmorphia
she is pretty typical of the thinspo girls that learn a basic level of nutritional health in order to try to live an extremely unhealthy life as healthily as possible and fail because you cant beat entropy

>> No.75334903


>> No.75335051

This would be fixed if she posted pictures of her body without baggy clothes on and allowed us to be honest

>> No.75335100
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i wont stop sperging out whenever she mentions that she didnt eat all day, however i will only sperg out here impotently incase she reads my post just to ignore it because i am afraid of her shadowbanning me in hear head for having actual concern for her
i worry about her so much and yet i am so selfish i will not risk my neck to try and reach out to her because history has shown that it is simply not worth it and would cause her even more stress
ironically she creates the same envrionment as her groomers where in order to help her you have to hurt her

>> No.75335177

yes i made a minor typo you can now ignore my post and kill me shondo

>> No.75335212

lol exaggerate much?

>> No.75335224

I'm sorry to tell you, but most of us are shadowbanned in her head. She can only see the kings

>> No.75335258


>> No.75335321

How new? Be honest

>> No.75335356

>durr do reps
thanks for conceding that you're just talking out your ass

>> No.75335408


>> No.75335435

Odds she will be recovered enough and willing to do a watchalong for >>>/vt/vag/ debuts in June?
They go back

>> No.75335476

god she was actually streaming buckass naked during the subathon

>> No.75335519


>> No.75335529

>allowed us to be honest
You seem to think that the mind of a person with an eating disorder would believe what anyone else has to say.

>> No.75335558

I dont have to imagine, I was there for the panty snap

>> No.75335683

she isn't stupid, she knows that she is living unhealthily she simply doesn't care

>> No.75335694

seemingly ignoring her, a constant thought in my head is that she sleeps in the same room as two other people and she's under the same roof as a raisin, her mother and also her brother
none of whom seem to care about her in any meaningful way, certainly not enough to help her
but then there's the fact that her brother is also not eating enough either so the whole family is a write off

>> No.75335747

I wonder if the readings she gave us and "im going back to bed" are just an excuse so she can have "ft" tweet out that shes hospitalized, and eventually died

>> No.75335765

do it on main or not at all

>> No.75335771

There's a Dude, she's Lewd and now a Vtuber corpo founder and talent

>> No.75335776

I still return to this just to gain some strength whenever I feel weak

>> No.75335882

Bullying always works with shondo

>> No.75335896

ah, got it ty

>> No.75336027

Pinis you here tonight? You need to send me specifically more belly and ass pictures.. please.

>> No.75336047

fumos never ever

>> No.75336069

What the actual fuck are those measurements, why isn't her family doing something? Is it a britbong thing?

>> No.75336074

>he didn't get his

>> No.75336117

I have to believe shes fibbing for some reason or just said the wrong numbers

>> No.75336152

the situation is probably not that bad but she gets off by making us worry and giving us no reassurance

>> No.75336160

It's specific to her amazing family

>> No.75336191

what do you expect them to do, force feed her? drag her off kicking and screaming to a hospital?(nobody drives) get her institutionalised?

>> No.75336196

She probably fucked the numbers up. I still doubt it's any good but she'd be in coma with those numbers.

>> No.75336232

No, I wasn't part of the subathon chads

>> No.75336270


>> No.75336322

>get her institutionalised?
If it saves her life yes

>> No.75336382

I'm normally on the same "grin and bear it" strategy, but I will say this time that your body acts all kinds of fucked up when it doesn't have enough food, and depression can be a natural result (hiding in a cave and not doing anything is an ok survival strategy when there isn't enough food).
I feel like she should be on a strict caloric surplus during times like this to just cross it off the list of things that could be wrong.
But yeah, I won't say that publicly.

>> No.75336435

shondo would probably hate being in a real relationship with someone not because of touch aversion or because she was gay but because she would get upset at them trying to help her take care of herself.

>> No.75336487

>The first thing to do is to check your pulse. If your pulse is over 90 your heart may be compensating for the low blood pressure.
Oh so she'll be fine. She's literally like Mr. Burns with 1000 diseases that all prevent the others from doing anything bad.

>> No.75336509

And most people would hate being with her for all of those reasons

>> No.75336698
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>> No.75336747
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her terrible diet is the cause of a large portion of her issues, she isn't going to eat the schizo away but eating properly and doing some light exercise each day (just a 15-30min walk and lifting some light dumbbells) to put on some weight and muscle would be super beneficial in getting rid of her chronic exhaustion, lethargy and depression
ultimately she is the only one that can change this so nothing will alter since she is her own worst anti
she isnt gay

>> No.75336817

I was an athlete when I was young, and mine was routinely waaay lower than that. It's fine as long as your brain has enough blood, basically.

>> No.75336841

better call them and get them to do something about it then. it was past midnight when she sent those tweets they probably have no idea.

>> No.75336862

>lifting some light dumbbells
slow down there, chief. she should start off just my raising her arms up and down until failure (20reps)

>> No.75336969

The difference is that Shondo is an opposite of an athlete and clearly lacks iron in her blood, which you can easily notice from her heart rate and cold extremities.

>> No.75337058

>Proper diet

>> No.75337076

yeah, so she needs to eat and drink and not be an idiot, but it doesn't necessarily mean she needs to be carted off to the hospital.

>> No.75337088

she should start off by getting out of bed

>> No.75337165

you've never been depressed

>> No.75337235

I love these posts unironically
They make me laugh out loud.

>> No.75337285

i'm glad, shogga =^)

>> No.75337296

Once again her family doesn't give a shit.

>> No.75337351

hi shondo, feel better soon!

>> No.75337450

correct, so i guess i should just say nothing instead? "nadenade shondo!!! feel better soon!!!"

>> No.75337517

>he didn't syadouHappyNod
unironic anti

>> No.75337671

i happynodded on twitter, i dont have to happynod here. if i said what i say here on twitter, offline chat or the discord you stupid faggots would start shitting on me and she would probably just mute me silently

>> No.75337815

>laughing out loud
youve never been depressed

>> No.75337844
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Shondo please take your own advice, in one of these you talk about how important it is to eat something delicious when you're depressed like chocolates or cake. At least eat some comfort food.

>> No.75337925

Muting is what you deserve for being a two-faced snake.

>> No.75337936

Oh wow, actual anti
Nice fucking doxx you retarded fag

>> No.75337970

lmao, actually laughed thats really funny

>> No.75337988

lmao who said that shoggas can't be funny

>> No.75338036

shondo sowing :D
shondo reaping D:
this is the envrionment that she has formulated

>> No.75338047

som, chill out, bro

>> No.75338109

Pray for her, shoggas. Pray for her sanity to prevail. Are we a cult or not?
Would have been funny in a less dire situation.

>> No.75338176

Our only priest overdosed on gamer juice

>> No.75338344

what is funny about doxxing her name? we had to deal with that poetfag just a few weeks ago over the same issue. she hates her name being used, but apparently that's a-okay to you shoggers.
why post that video if you're not an actual anti?

>> No.75338421

hey shondo if you aren't going to eat you could atleast drink your calories? buy a smoothie maker and get a big one in whenever you wake up.
also when i had covid and i couldnt eat anything i was drinking whole milk with complan

>> No.75338475

Anyone not retarded can find her name in a day of casual lurking.

>> No.75338550

doesn't mean you have to spoonfeed it
and whether or not it's easy to find doesn't make it not a doxx. how new are you?

>> No.75338583

its her own channel you fucking retard, if she is so concerned about doxxing her own nickname maybe she should edit the description so that 300k people don't see it

>> No.75338600

I'm being bated. Can't you pick another time for this?

>> No.75338640

What do you think shondos take on the drake kendrick beef would be?

>> No.75338695

post it in the discord and see what happens then, retard

>> No.75338757

she would google it and then be amazed that people gave a shit and then be like "wow, america moment" and laugh when she saw that some security guard at drakes place got shot

>> No.75338768

Believe it or not but he actually means what he's saying. I can't understand it either.

>> No.75338804

Didn't someone post it or mention it in discord a few days back?

>> No.75338827

5 results for the video with her nickname in the description when you search it in her discord
quick! go tell the mods! get those antis banned!!!!!

>> No.75338904

messaging bapy right now
those antis are toast

>> No.75338915

which one of is fucking dacrin, you shithead? still jelly you had to delete your shitty dox poem? stop acting so fucking fake in the discord

>> No.75338923

i dont even listen to rap but ive been fascinated by it the last week

>> No.75338932

if you're referring to her actual name then a newfag wrote a poem and posted it to the art tag which contained numerous instances of it (not the nickname in question right now)
if youre talking about the incident a couple of months ago it was some retard who posted a deleted video which has her RTX in it, which is completely different

>> No.75339005

shogga, one of the ones who posted it IS bapy...
its so over.

>> No.75339010

>(not the nickname in question right now)
doesn't matter. it's still a shitty thing to do to her especially with her barely recovering rn

>> No.75339074

Fallenshadow the vtuber is different from Fallenshadow the ASMR youtuber

>> No.75339105

no... say it aint so....

>> No.75339152
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remember shoggas no matter how dark it gets, there's always a reason to not give up

>> No.75339344

N..nickacado Avacado...Scared

>> No.75339391

Okay shogga, you seem to be genuine. I'm not the anon who posted the youtube links, but I'll accept your objections this once.

>> No.75339489

you're responding to 2 different people, i dont care that you posted the asmr here and the guy crying about it is retarded

>> No.75339708

>I'll accept your objections this once.
LOL shoggas will shy away from doing anything intimate with their """"wife"""". can't even post one of her own videos without pussies backing down

>> No.75339795

>You wont argue with me online about something that doesnt matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NTA but who the fuck cares nigga

>> No.75339894

Still trying to have fun? Hold in there, Shondo will make it, we will make it.

>> No.75339909

Those same shoggas that act like they're fighting for the right to simply post their wifes videos will attack you and try and get you removed behind the scenes if you posted those videos
This place is evil

>> No.75340034

Posting her own videos that are still on her channel is fine. You are being baited
What isnt fine is making a poem that says "Youre name is *, I know you are *, I love you only as *"

>> No.75340057

theyre just retards who think they will get you in trouble for posting one of her currently available and most viewed videos in her community discord

>> No.75340320

who the fuck are you talking to schizo?

which wasn't what that poem said. but how is posting a video where she says "i'm *" in the first 15 seconds any different from saying "Youre name is *, I know you are *"?

>> No.75340446

>who the fuck are you talking to schizo?
Trying too hard now.

>> No.75340450

She should at least do what Gura did and drink some damn meal replacement shakes.

>> No.75340465

go take it up with the mods about people posting it in their discord, also make sure you send her an email/twitter @ that she needs to delete the video and change the description.
you can also message the people posting the videos (multiple) where the name is in the description and asking them to delete the post. start with bapy

>> No.75340534

dacrin just move on

>> No.75340576

>i'm not okay with people calling me *
oh ok, here's a video where you're called *. nothing wrong with that right?

>> No.75340690
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Its a simple rule that, if youve never heard her or anyone else use that name during streams or in the community
Its probably not a good idea to address her with it

>> No.75340815

Someone needs to ban this fallenshadow guy for doxxing shondos name. This anti behavior is getting out of hand and you guys don't even care

>> No.75340870

bought a saya fumo, will give it to her some day

>> No.75340959

>uuuuuu my shitty poem got deleted
>uuuuuu shondo knows im an anti newfag
take an advil~

>> No.75341043


>> No.75341616

not sure who’s side i should be on so i’ll just luv me wife
simpl as

>> No.75342445

If she doesn't post anything tomorrow I'm going to assume she's dead

>> No.75342489

she won't die anytime soon

>> No.75342548

shes not going to die until another 45 years have passed and she will go surrounded by all of her wonderful children and grandchildren (im the father/grandfather)

>> No.75343307

take your meds

>> No.75343388

2 steps forward, 1.998 steps back

>> No.75343472
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>> No.75343489

Does she want to be my imouto or does she want to be my wife?

>> No.75344470

bros my wife is dying and I don't know what to do

>> No.75344531

first time?

>> No.75344943
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>> No.75344990

stop screaming I'm trying to sleep here

>> No.75347113
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>> No.75348668
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please take better care of yourself shondo
eat more food and drink a lot of water, stop relying on caffeine so much
if you dont do this i will be forced to bonk you and you will hate me and ban me as a result, and i really dont want that

>> No.75349075

I've decided that I'm going to give myself an enema for every tweet Shondo makes, per day. Must be in succession. I've been told that boofing alcohol is no fucking joke and I'm curious to experiment so I'll be using this as an opportunity to finally try it, beginning with some very low alcohol % and gradually increasing it based on how things go.
I think it'll be fun if I had some extra challenge on this, something based on what she says in her tweet, and if she does say it, then I have to double my enema total requirement for that day.
But I can't think of something interesting and RNG enough for myself, so I'm asking you shoggers. Throw me a word to use as a Daily Doubler, based on if it's in a tweet she makes or not

>> No.75349176

add Gamer Supps to it. a lot.

>> No.75349194

Just let the thread die you stupid fag

>> No.75349342

>muh environment
If you have opinions about someone that you can't share then that person doesn't want you around, they're just too polite to say fuck off. Take the hint Baru.

>> No.75349444

ffs you can't even say it /here/ without taking a vacation so why are you being such an autist about it Dacrin? kys

>> No.75349506
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I wonder if she can still beat sans undertale?

>> No.75349534

>rrat she never beat that game

>> No.75349604

>whether or not jannies are okay with something /here/ is the final say of what’s ok
lol lmao even

>> No.75349609 [DELETED] 

im not a purityfag you stupid nigger

>> No.75349773
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Baru was both a purityfag and a member of the concernfag squad that made wifey not want to tell us anything about her health for months. Thank God she went back on that.

>> No.75349886

>uuuuuu wifey don’t sip dat lean
>uuuuuuuu shonshon honey don’t chug that purple drank
why do those pussies care? next they’ll cry that smoked weed. fags cant let her do what she wants or live her own life

>> No.75349918

>Thank God she went back on that
it would be better if she hadn't, whats the point in sharing how you are if you can't handle peoples reaction or advice on it

>> No.75349983

Why are you even arguing with a homosexual who saves screenshots of what other men say on twitter?
If she starts tweeting about how she was getting muntered at da klub while doing heroin are you gonna sing the same tune?

>> No.75350065

>or live her own life
To be fair I also don't want to let her live her own life, she's too irresponsible not to be treated like a baby.
It's an update, it's not that deep lil bro. She could've done it on discord where you fags can't reply with your cornball nade nade shit but I guess she doesn't mind it, she does mind you backseating her health tho.

>> No.75350125

a tad extreme but no i wouldn’t like tgat cause needles are scawy

>> No.75350135

>she does mind you backseating her health tho

>> No.75350218

>she shouldn't say anything
and neither should you people but you still get upset when someone tells you that

>> No.75350227

Accept the fact that although she sees herself streaming in 10 years, she'll be dead in the next 3 years. Just accept it.

>> No.75350239

>too irresponsible to not be treated as a baby
>don't backseat her health concernfags grrrr she won't tell us about it
most consistent shogger
what would be the point in having her share information about her health when you think people shouldn't share their concerns about it when there are obviously issues and you dont even think she should be left to her own devices

>> No.75350295
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Nah, I'll save her.

>> No.75350297
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anti general

>> No.75350362

Fuck off you low IQ turd, you can't baby her health through the internet. If I lived under the same roof as her you can bet your ass I'd make sure she eats 1500 calories of real food daily but what can I do through the internet?
>mutes me at best or treats me like Fleece 2.0 at worst and even ignores my donos
It's pointless.

>> No.75350373

it's not that people shouldn't share their concerns it's that most of your solutions and concerns are stupid or only hurt her her to read

>> No.75350457

>what can I do through the internet
tell her to fix her health, give her options on how to do it, and then tell her that you won't watch or give her money until she does something about it
had a good laugh writing that one out actually since we all know that nobody here would be willing to throw themselves on their sword like that, even collectively

>> No.75350502

How is it stupid to tell someone who clearly doesn't eat enough and suffers endlessly from the effects of malnutrition to eat more?

>> No.75350542

>tell her to fix her health
tweet to @goodgirlshadow with your real account right now you stupid nigger, tell her to fix her health, give her options on how to do it, and then tell her that you won't watch or give her money until she does something about it
>had a good laugh writing that one out actually since we all know that nobody here would be willing to throw themselves on their sword like that
especially not you

>> No.75350549

>mutes me at best or treats me like Fleece 2.0 at worst and even ignores my donos

>> No.75350580

did she actually ignore his donation messages
fucked up if true
cant even find anything fleece did wrong unless it got deleted

>> No.75350593

because she knows all of this already, half of it is her eating disorder and her depression makes it basically impossible, constantly pestering her about it and telling a severely depressed person to do better is neutral at best and feeding into it at worst

>> No.75350664

>especially not you
yeah not me and not anyone. people all profess their love for her but nobody is willing to do what would be good for her because it wouldnt be good for them
other than being part of the voices that helped her justify sabotaging a possible career in voice acting he was just a general menhera nigger and people love to derek
the shogger that sticks their head up is the shogger who gets hammered down, by either shondo or other shoggers

>> No.75350684

Telling an anorexic person to eat more rarely works well

>> No.75350745

Collectively agreeing to ignore it doesn't really work well either, but here we are having a pointless argument over it.
Unironically the only way that people can actually say these things to her is to argue in this thread and pray that she happens to read it while ego searching.

>> No.75350757

I'd give shondo her favorite chocolates, or whatever else she would be willing to eat. I'd love to see enjoying food while I eat her shunny.

>> No.75350808

Yeah, you have to eat with them and in extreme cases literally spend hours spoonfeeding them a bowl of something.
>groomer tactics
Keep that shit to the offline chat Dewd.

>> No.75350809

chewing food and feeding shondo like a bird feeding its baby

>> No.75350820

there are plenty of shoggas telling her to eat more, don't rewrite history, fleece wasn't bonked for pointing out she should eat more, he was bonked for sperging out and resenting her and antiing her

>> No.75350853

nobody said that

>> No.75350907

i liked to think i would speak up but my opinion holds no sway on her. i may be way too new but shoggas like dewd, abcs, grackle, bapy, etc. all should be taking a firmer stance if they actually loved her imo
reminds me of the parents who just let their grown daughter literally couch rot during covid until she died and by then she sat in a cesspool that would’ve made papa nurgle proud
not for the weak-stomach’d perhaps:

>> No.75350940

read the replies again, i was one of them, i just didn't say it in a way that blamed her for it like the people /here/ seem to think will "help"

>> No.75350946

Before he was bonked she was purposely ignoring his bits and acted like twitch fucked up.

>> No.75350993

>other shoggas should do the thing that'll get them muted
lol good one newfag, you'll make a find groomer one day

>> No.75351038


>> No.75351063

she obviously knows she should be eating more, which is why she went ahead and added that tweet about how she’ll have a ‘big girl meal’

>> No.75351076

he was anti posting, sent her an email and that confession probably, and that doesn't justify what he said anyway

>> No.75351120

I believe that she'll eat 400-500 calories worth of grated cheese and maybe two carrots

>> No.75351125

a big girl meal for her is probably a cheese on toast and a glass of milk
better than a rice cracker atleast
anyway shadowmama should be forcing meal replacement shakes and chiggen soup down her throat

>> No.75351229

she would never mute king D

>> No.75351273

prince D is one fuckup away from a permaban
king abcs is untouchable atm

>> No.75351287

no one in that house is competent enough to deal with her when she's feeling good (i wouldn't expect most normal people to tbf) they definitely can't do it when her body would rather die than walk to the kitchen
she needs me. or a social worker or something

>> No.75351301

Why meal replacement shakes? She needs more calories, not less.

>> No.75351336

>or a social worker
This. Is it possible to call a wellness check on Shondo? It would be for the best if the government took her away from her incompetent caretakers.

>> No.75351341

You wish
King D is top

>> No.75351388

anything is better than 0 and its psychologically easier to drink calories instead of eating them

>> No.75351414

They can't just take her away, she is legally an adult and not suffering from severe dementia.

>> No.75351431

yeah get her institutionalized, she will love that
better yet, try to get her institutionalized and fail and watch her flip her shit epic style and then not get institutionalized because they think its just another meme

>> No.75351471

In a zatsu she said that she could be institutionalized against her will and that it's "fucked up" that doctors have that kind of power in the UK. I don't think it is.

>> No.75351498

they can and absolutely do take adults into mental health institutions against their will, timmy byrne got sent up into the madhouse after he uploaded pics of himself naked and jerking off onto twitter
if you're known to be mentally unwell and they assess that you're a danger to yourself (not even specifically related to self harm) they have the power to section you

>> No.75351501

she's a coherent adult, i meant a social worker that visits her house or something. but she would never do that unfortunately if not from severe anxiety then from her conditions

>> No.75351593

>she will love that
I don't care if she hates it, she should hate her family for letting her starve to death. No one in that house gives a single fuck about her, they just say they do without taking action. If I knew where she lived I'd at least try to call the authorities, that's the least I could do.

>> No.75351605
File: 3.74 MB, 242x279, IMG_4846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found out she’s a waif

>> No.75351623

bet you wont say it on main though
(i wouldn't either)

>> No.75351626

then do it and stop talking about it, fag

>> No.75351655


>> No.75351658

I don't have the exact location of the forest.

>> No.75351705

you have the city at least right? ngmi if not

>> No.75351725

No, sadly I'm not a doxnigger.

>> No.75351758

he sits upon a glass throne and his enormous gait threatens to shatter it at a single wrong move
lord ABCs and duke orange sit upon chairs of iron and look down upon the rest of shonciety, secure in their position

>> No.75351788

lol irl

>> No.75351800

please don't turn up in a fucking corpo

>> No.75351861

>secure in their position
yeah cause theyre too pussyfooted to speak up even if it were for her own good

cities have forests retard

>> No.75351868

this could be us shondo

>> No.75351887

>tee hee Shondough quit streaming but I'm fine!!!!
How mad would you be?

>> No.75351920 [DELETED] 

yeah you're right she lives in a city which is why she complains about rural bullshit and how it would take her forever to go shopping in person on the bus and her internet is complete dogshit
definitely doesn't live in a small town

>> No.75352016

well she considers the city near her to be “her city” so you’re just niggling at this point

>> No.75352059

england is my city

>> No.75352128

i don’t like being a doxknower cause its like having a cool trick that you can’t show anybody
i’m the guy in the corner at the party

>> No.75352143

someone already did
no one gives a shit

>> No.75352193

need another plane or storm to get it right myself

>> No.75352214

>too pussyfooted to speak up
Speak up about what? She knows what she has to do and you're too much of a newfag to realize just how little husbands matter, including the kings. You're not even on a first name basis with your wife, calling her E will get you banned from Shondo's discord server. The best you can do is sneakily send her paid one-sided DMs through streamlabs and then watch as jelous newfags get the dono stats and bitch and call you a groomer who wants her dead.

>> No.75352271

thanks for the guide! now i’m the fast-track to getting crowned King

>> No.75352289

have you considered that they didn't do that out of jealousy or will that mind break you?

>> No.75352302

what even is this line of reasoning? because you see an anti behave a certain way, that makes the behavior okay? what the fuck are you talking about shogger?

>> No.75352328

>its not okay to post fallenshadows asmr videos in fallenshadows community discord server
tell it to the mods

>> No.75352361

There is a large difference between just posting the video, and pointing out the name in the description of the video.

>> No.75352408

>have you considered that they didn't do that out of jealousy
I have and quickly discarded that silly notion because their actions didn't match their words.
You won't make it to the end of February.

>> No.75352438

i dont know if you bothered to read the post thread that you replied to but the entire argument is not about specifically calling her by her nickname but a retard that said you shouldnt post her ASMR video anywhere because it has her nickname in it because that would be doxxing
not sure why im even replying since it was a troll but im bored

>> No.75352481

>rants about how he has no power to groom shondo the way he wants
>implies he isn't a groomer
i've finally figured it out. you must not even realize how manipulative you are, it just comes naturally. i will sleep a little better at night now
well go on then, explain, don't make me beg

>> No.75352508

i will make it to march 2074 and pass away while looking at my family and wife (the actress who portrays fallenshadow) and theres nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.75352534

all of you are fucking retarded

>> No.75352556

namedoxxing is not and never has been ok in the vtubing community. the fact that retarded autists that should be gatekept does it anyway does not make it okay. newfaggot hours

>> No.75352573
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>> No.75352610

ok, better tell the mods that they should delete those links in the discord and that they should tell shondo to delete the video with 300k+ views or change the description

>> No.75352637

>defending posting rtx since she did it herself 5 years ago
yep, you're one of the autists for sure

>> No.75352705

the funny part is that if you weren't a doxxfag yourself you wouldn't even know that her referring to herself with that nickname was partial doxxing and not just part of the RP of the video. you might make an assumption but shondo could just say "nah that isn't my name" and the only counteraguments you could make would be because you knew otherwise thanks to doxxing
>a video in which she refers to herself by a nickname is comparable to RTX posting
oh you're just arguing in bad faith ok

>> No.75352737

Doesn't even matter they were talking about the Borderlands character, that was clearly deliberate on Deotic's part. What the fuck are her mods doing? Do they not want her to have an environment she wants to come back to?

>> No.75352745

And you're fat and gay

>> No.75352763

keep coping, doxxfag. incredible that you can't simply admit to being wrong lol.

>> No.75352770

>shogga ignores the fact that he despises the person he's talking to when in public
if you think that is funny you're going to shit yourself laughing when you realize the nature of this community

>> No.75352782

Explain what? The TL;DR is that she had a meltdown about DMs after Digi and a few other people still DMd her in 2023, then a bunch of newfags like Veschewei, FF, Bratty..etc said shit like total DMer death in the chat and acted hard. Afterwards no one talked about groomers for about 8 months until Shondo called out Dewd publicly for still doing it and simultaneously forgave him, at which point Somnium lost his goddamned mind and started hammering "groomers" for months. Still does it to this day.

If person A wrongs person B, and person B forgives person A, you don't get to play vigilante unless you have ulterior motives. In Somnium's case it's pure jealousy.

>> No.75352799

she will never 'come back' to discord

>> No.75352805

she doesn't pay the mods enough for them to care, the only way to get something done is to bully them on dms

>> No.75352811

if you're so right you will tell her mods to remove the posts that bapy and others made of that video (and others) in her discord, and ask them to let shondo know she needs to take the video down or edit the description + cut the audio
you won't though because you're just being stupid to bait (you)s here and i'm too bored to ignore it

>> No.75352845

except she literally says in the first minute “that’s my name. i’m not here as a character or a persona”

>> No.75352856

good post, had a good laugh

>> No.75352873

here is your doxx, faggots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrUZQBUysL0
im not sure what this actually is, lol? discord vc recording?
btw is the male trying to join in the middle, just to get ignored by drunk shon, p*ro?

>> No.75352883

why is it somehow my fault or my problem that her mods are worthless? again, your arguments make literally no sense.
keep defending doxxfaggotry though, that's a good hill to die on i'm sure

>> No.75352894

she could simply say "yeah i said that because it made the ASMR feel more personal which is important for the topic and intent"
also it isn't even her name lol, love my fibber wife

>> No.75352926

she was literally there a few days ago, tho hmmmmmm

>> No.75352927

>no one talked about groomers
false, I still called them out very frequently, the groomer behavior was obvious even before the confirmation about dm abusing still happening

>> No.75352960

>you don't get to play vigilante
no but i do get to reach my own conclusions about the character of that person, shondo forgiving someone for wronging her doesn't mean they're immune from all criticism or are actually sorry or were innocent
if you see your friend getting abused you're not going to ignore it just because they would get mad at you

>> No.75352963

check her discord message history from 2022
we will never get that back

>> No.75353007

dewd was called out by shondo twice despite him complaining publicly about how DMfaggots were "ruining everything" etc. complete two-faced fucking snake. you're leaving out a lot of nuance for some reason. very interesting.

>> No.75353089

yeah well by that logic she can say she did the “husband larp” to feel more personal and loving for us, but it was how she really felt…oh wait…i think im starting to understand her now

>> No.75353127

*wasnt how she really felt
important distinction

>> No.75353133

if its such a desperate imperative and something that should never happen in the vtuber scene, you would actually try to do something about it. multiple people have posted that video and over 300 thousand people have seen it and will continue to do so on her channel which gets hundreds of thousands of views every month (multiple videos on the channel refer to her with that nickname)
she doesn't care, her mods don't care, posting fallenshadow ASMR content that is hosted on her channel in the fallenshadow community discords ASMR channel is perfectly fine and the only person who seems to have an issue with her referring to herself by something that isn't even actually her real name is you

>> No.75353166

>be named johnathan
>get called john your whole life
>introduce yourself to someone as john
>you are now a pathological liar
you guys are so autistic (non derogatory) about her every move no wonder she feels suffocated
>inb4 erm actually i wasn't calling her a pathological liar!!

>> No.75353167

And you're also leaving out how that the first time wasn't a call out for anyone specific. Something something nuance.

>> No.75353197

>not her real name
where does this rrat come from? i mean sure its a nickname but even if its short for fallenshadow, shondo is still her real name wouldnt you say?

>> No.75353222

What if she never publicly forgave someone, does that mean I can still attack them? If so I'll leave the ever expanding one alone and just attack marvin the grooming android instead

>> No.75353258

>Bratty..etc said shit like total DMer death in the chat
lol what? i don't remember saying that but if i did i agree with past me. Smile

>> No.75353265

i called her a fibber

>> No.75353266

i'm dying
kek'd and checked

>> No.75353295

which is still autistic (non derogatory) to point out because of that unless you're being ironic

>> No.75353336

>unless you're being ironic
anon you might be the autistic one here if you cant tell that i was merely making a little jape

>> No.75353375

that would be true if i never saw people melt about less every day

>> No.75353409
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>> No.75353412
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>> No.75353427

hi thread reading shondo. go the fuck to sleep

>> No.75353441

this is the worst thread in a long time. i guess we're now unironically defending doxxfaggotry. interesting turn of events i guess.

>> No.75353450

cute doggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.75353479

>family for letting her starve to death
>call the authorities
gtfo the board fucking kid

>> No.75353483

i'm bored of that argument, start a different one if you want more (you)s
also xive just posted in the sissycord, you can bring it up with him right now!

>> No.75353504

ive thought about making it worse but im just too tired tonight. too worried about my wife

>> No.75353533

bring up what? that doxxing her shouldn't be allowed? are you fucking hearing yourself?

>> No.75353565

DM a mod, theyll help take down the offending material!!!!!

>> No.75353593

>is the male trying to join in the middle, just to get ignored by drunk shon, p*ro?
still cant believe she lies about them fucking cause paypiggies will rage and leave her. i love my gold digging whore of a wife

>> No.75353604

Deotic absolutely deserves a warning and Somnium perpetuating it is up to the mods how much they're willing to let that cancer fester in the community.

>> No.75353636

>the mods suck
>mods! help me!
pick one

>> No.75353667

Not about helping shoggers, they're helping shondo by doing their job.

>> No.75353668

The government cares more about Shondo than Shadowmama and Forest Elder. That's a fact.

>> No.75353673

>implying these are mutually exclusive
low IQ self report or are you trying to groom the shoggas

>> No.75353675

erm question
i’ve heard the iceberg stream brought up a few times and figured it would be good for reps. at a glance it just seems random memes and nothing that’s actually worth “learning” about.
is that a correct assessment or is it actually useful

>> No.75353687

oh, is that what she meant by 'my local cafe nero'?

>> No.75353708

>mods, help suck me!
now we’re cooking w/ gas

>> No.75353732

That's one of the few ways a newfag would learn that she had an ex but yeah, for the most part it's worthless.

>> No.75353745

tier 1 all true

>> No.75353758

watch streams
>few ways
literally one of the first things you find if you start doing reps

>> No.75353796

that’s a shame. surprised E didn’t appear on it

what are you actually fucking talking about, esl-kun?

>> No.75353818

based King
He knows he's an invincible Gigachad
Mods kneel to the Kings

>> No.75353853


>> No.75353855

Did you mean to reply to me? STFU dumbass, she didn't bring up her ex in a zatsu in like a year, excluding one shadowchama stream.
>you find if you start doing reps
And how do you do reps, pray tell? Come /here/? A newfag who isn't /here/ would google "fallenshadow wiki" and read everything there. Those are the reps.

>> No.75353904

everyone who gives a shit about vtubers is /here/

>> No.75353913

i do remember it being a huge letdown after she was all
>“if you’re not ready for the real shit, don’t watch this. if you want to commit to me, you should be ready to know everything about me”
in the beginning of the stream.
also the sjw phase is funny cause she’s still in it.

>> No.75353947

what did you expect lol

>> No.75353977

hoping for something and expecting something are two different things

>> No.75354004

I'm beginning to think that this 'Fallenshadow' person might be a little less sane than previously thought.

>> No.75354077

i expected it would actually be real shit people could get filtered over. doesnt make any sense for her to say she was hyping herself up and wouldnt chicken out of it only for it to be “shondo is male”, “shondo is not english”. she was acting like she would be dicussing the diddling, at least thats what it seemed to me
>inb4 why would she discuss the diddling on stream
she discussed in on arkh and’s stream. but maybe it’s impossible to find that vod cause she asked for it to be scrubbed idk

>> No.75354127

That got scrubbed because it was defamatory.

>> No.75354616

Also scrubbed because a health "professional" shouldn't be exploiting young women by getting them to openly talk about their abuse live on the internet. That is the most obvious predatory groomer shit you could pull.

>> No.75354846

the fact that fucking spomge eating wasnt in the first few tiers should clue any shogga in that the whole stream was basically clickbait
that or shondo genuinely doesnt know what an iceberg chart is supposed to be

>> No.75355003

she can eat my sponge

>> No.75355016

>shoggers ITT still not understanding the shonberg
You pitiful retards will clue in one day. Or maybe never! Perhaps it's for the best that you don't.

>> No.75355050

will she ever address the discrepancy

>> No.75355113


>> No.75355199

jesse x3

>> No.75355208

>paypiggies will rage and leave her
I wouldn't rage and leave Shondo if she admitted to fucking her ex cuz I also have some experience, however I'd probably anti her a little for lying about it previously.

>> No.75355255
File: 395 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally my appointment with shondo is coming up, she flies in on friday, the break was worth it desu. best $15,000 i'll ever spend on a prostitute. it would be nice if she ends up picking me and sticking around too of course but the other rich shoggas in the circle have more to offer so i don't mind settling

>> No.75355292


>> No.75355309

>cuz I also have some experience
damn, both of you fucked pyro?! what are the odds

>> No.75355316

if she lied that long about something that important, it would be years before she had my full trust again.
but i know shondo doesnt give a fuck about how much i trust her or what i think of her. as long as that T3 money keeps rolling in, she couldnt care less.

>> No.75355354

>lied that long about something that important
Technically if she lied she only lied once during the subathon and kinda avoided the topic ever since which is for the best, only /here/cucks want to hear about another man.

>> No.75355382
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if you ignore maros etc sure
also stop being home of sexuals

>> No.75355386

a lie by omission is still a lie, which she’s said as much. also she mentioned being a virgin multiple times in multiple places

>> No.75355402

this is all consistent with the blowjob rrat

>> No.75355407

what’s the context of this?
also were maros archived outside of the ones she responded to on twitter?

>> No.75355429

literally 0% chance

>> No.75355437
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Holy fucking new. Just leave god damn.

>> No.75355456


>> No.75355494


>> No.75355521

>getting this angry over a shitpost
maybe he was on to something, do those shoggas know something we don't?

>> No.75355535

she also joked "i give you cooties! you can't escape, cooties is not so bad, it could be worse, I could... give you......... an STD"

>> No.75355570

The post wasn't her.

>> No.75355580

I don't want it to be true but I'd think less of her if she didn't at least suck that poor guy's dick after not allowing him to touch her.

>> No.75355593

>she doesn't realize most shoggas would love to get an STD from her
she's so innocent bros...

>> No.75355611

real american hours

>> No.75355628

it's 1 am

>> No.75355693
File: 68 KB, 960x733, 1714857558526821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you shondo!!!!!!! please eat a real big girl meal every day and stay hydrated!!!! feel better!!!!!! i worry so much its unreal... i wish i could be there for you and prepare your meals and hug you and kiss you and give you a massage to feel better and keep you warm and watch cute animal videos together or doomscroll twitter or sexpest vtubers, but we aren't there yet..

>> No.75355705

kind of grossed out by her reply to that question desu. wanting to get an understanding of her history is an obvious part for any long-term relationship, yet she's turning it around on the person asking to humiliate him. don't worry though, she's the emotionally mature one here and everyone else is an autistic child

>> No.75355723

you're alright for a concernfag, shogga

>> No.75355737

literally nobody thinks she’s mature
i doubt even she thinks that when she’s lucid and not being as stubborn

>> No.75355754

ironically she is more emotionally mature than many shoggers

>> No.75355768

you are a grown man posting on the fourth channel in the thread about other grown men in a polygamous relationship with a girl crippled by mental illness
at best you're equally mature

>> No.75355771

>wanting to get an understanding of her history is an obvious part for any long-term relationship
Hi new, she talked about it for 30+ minutes once and answered questions related to him on both rrk and now syadouchama maros. WTF more do you want? Some of you shoggers are very insecure.

>> No.75355788

bro, she wouldnt want to do any of that with you not evwn aftwr a million years of “therapy” or gettin guse to it or whateve you want tk xall it

>> No.75355877

Nta but half of that is what she wanted to do with her ex and I don't see why you need to be so pessimistic about everything else. You paint a very grim picture for her and I don't agree with your assessment that she is incapable of evolving.

>> No.75355879
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>WTF more do you want?
i want her to give me pyro’s number so i can give him the lovin’ she never could

>> No.75355894

Honestly I don’t browse this board much but why care about something like that? I mean I like her content and all but you know you’re like not actually dating her. Why not try meeting girls online or irl and just treating all of this stuff as something you just casually watch and enjoy as a fan?

>> No.75355939

SEA tourist, leave!

no she wanted to do it with a girl but this isnt an ideal world

>> No.75355958

you guys sure do like to yap in here

>> No.75355981

This. The truth is that Shondo's too mentally ill to be in a relationship with a woman now that she's no longer a little girl that might appeal to female pedos, she can only date guys but she isn't attracted to men hence this online rebound thing.

>> No.75355983
File: 762 KB, 870x796, W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife groomed me to be this way, not that i'm complaining

>> No.75356008

sex. sex with……someone who genuinely loves me? sex.

>> No.75356042

You guys are really stupid/nasty sometimes.

>> No.75356047

fuck didnt know she was Aware. gayass name for a girl(male) though. must be a britbong thing?

>> No.75356062

why are you like this

>> No.75356080

>she answered in her now nuked sekrit club
how does that help me or anyone else who weren't there to see it?

>> No.75356086

>pining over Shondo's used goods
You can do better Lurk-san.

>> No.75356101

Really. I could understand it if you were talking about Ryona but if it's yapping I think it's more accurate to say that you were groomed by 4chan no? It's not like she likes drama or yapping. She discourages it whenever she can

>> No.75356115

what did i do wrong =(

you really think anyone /here/ wants to help newfriends? they want as few husbands as possible to be knowers so it makes their odds better.

>> No.75356119
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sex. sex with...... fallen shadow and the actress who portrays her? sex.

>> No.75356142

>you really think anyone /here/ wants to help newfriends? they want as few husbands as possible to be knowers so it makes their odds better.
i didn't ask anyone to help me, i'm just saying it's unreasonable of her to expect everyone to have seen that. of course people are gonna fucking ask

>> No.75356143

I mean I agree but we're not wrong. Being right and inconsiderate/disgusting is a man thing.

>> No.75356146

why repeat my post here >>75356008?

>> No.75356189

>we're not wrong

>> No.75356200

cause she doesn’t care about you or ehat you know or thing. she cares about (you) and (you) are made up of a thousand, easily replacable shoggas.

>> No.75356217

>check /shon/ for the first time in a month
>scroll down
>last post is the usual "she's not your wife"
Wow. Whole time?
I'm leaving again, see you shoggas in a few days or weeks.

>> No.75356240

you made me think about her and that made me horny

>> No.75356244

americans and ESL morons
lucky the thread will be off the board soon

>> No.75356252

>how does that help me or anyone else who weren't there to see it?
You're not the main character little bro, the point was that she had an ex and talked about him more than enough. If you weren't there tough shit, she's sick of talking about him and most of us oldfags are rick of hearing about that guy. What don't you understand? They allegedly didn't fuck or even kiss on the lips. If you believe her you believe her, if not oh well.

>> No.75356268

you're so fucking gay

>> No.75356283

>durr americans are posting between 1:30-4:30 in the morning

>> No.75356295


>> No.75356306

so americans are fakeNEETs is what you're saying?

>> No.75356327

>most of us oldfags are rick

>> No.75356331

>euro neets asleep
>euro normies at work
amerineets, jeets and jungle monkeys shitting up the thread for sure

>> No.75356359 [DELETED] 
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i cant narrow it further down
pls shonshon just one more hint!

>> No.75356375


>> No.75356394

bro if you dont have it to a 7 mile radius, youre ngmi
i was told all the oldfags had that kinda info btw

>> No.75356410

Anon... where is her cabin? In a forest. That's your clue.

>> No.75356414


>> No.75356415


>> No.75356441

They don't, they're bluffing hard. Only 4-5 groomers have that info currently.

>> No.75356447

from the river to the sea
the forest shall be free

>> No.75356461

the groomers are way too pathetic for this bait to be believable

>> No.75356482

>Being right and inconsiderate/disgusting is a man thing.
this is fundamentally why shondo's community is so shit compared to any other vtuber and why it will never be fixed. people who think they're being masculine because they have a warped sense of it that shondo enables, when really they're just being assholes on the internet. it's an ideal so deeply rooted that no amount of pleading or bargaining or consequence will change it. yet the fact that it's not tolerated anywhere else should clue you in that you're mistaken, because shondo doesn't have the monopoly on masculine men.

>> No.75356493

if true, cool. i’m in the 99th percentile

>> No.75356494

i mean if you've been around long enough to check out lightningmaps as well as flightradar24 and overlapping them you already have her loc. there's a lot of autists in her community

>> No.75356515
File: 166 KB, 851x668, 1715157204257088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx for the hint

>> No.75356535

not even on the screenshot btw

>> No.75356555

>ribbon bow

>> No.75356561

>rrat she moved to the US
id laugh so fucking hard if the reason the merch took so long was because she has to ship it to her uncle in UK and then he ships it to the rest of us

>> No.75356575

husbands are very effeminate and they aren't even right about most of their common shitty arguments about her anyway
shondos community is extremely female coded which makes it very funny when they peacock so much

>> No.75356578

getting warm ;)

>> No.75356596


>> No.75356601

Yeah she moved to America with her entire family

>> No.75356610


>> No.75356669
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bro great britain is in fookin ingerland? no way, learn something new everyday

>> No.75356751

there is
much more to this rabbit
hole than i originally suspected

>> No.75356758

>her entire family
only her and the oldest critter who has an American father, they live with her father

>> No.75356782

follow the electric outlet

>> No.75356795

she does call me daddy but that's still not quite right ;)

>> No.75356824

we know ft
stop rubbing it in like you rub it in and out of her

>> No.75356923

If you didn't find the twitter alt by week 2 of the hiatus just give up.

>> No.75356929

driving around and posting on twitter about different towns until i post the one that she lives in and i get banned from the channel

>> No.75356933

her body is basically that of a young adolescent boy, so i find it ironic when her or shoggas start crying about others acting gay. your wife has no tits, no curves, and no eggs. you’re in a homo relationship in all but name.

>> No.75356938


>> No.75356973

she has a curvy ass

>> No.75356974

hot. is the audio AI?

>> No.75356983

seems like everyone gave up since if there was one and people found it they would never have been able to keep it secret
>no tits
based but she will have very tiny perky tits when eating properly and pregnant
>no curves
>no eggs
mega wrong
also he has a vagina(biological) which is axiomatically not gay

>> No.75356997

godfather watchalong

>> No.75357007

>i get banned from the channel
If you get banned it's because none of the nu mods have that info so they'll get rid of you preemptively, meanwhile if she reads you mentioning her down she'll play dumb like with the studio otter incident. It's a good strategy to take the heat off.

>> No.75357022

females (shondo, my beloved) have different fat distribution and skeletons and she's still going to have some breasts, weird fantasy shoomfie but she's divinely feminine and beautiful and perfect and she's mine

>> No.75357034

she has an ass flatter than a fuckin cliff

Da Nile isnt just a river in egypt, but you’re sure in it

>> No.75357038

minor quoting failure

>> No.75357061

>being attracted to natural vagina havers somehow makes you gay
4chan was a mistake

>> No.75357066

>Being attracted to a biological female is gay
shoggers aren't sending their best

>> No.75357086

can someone be honest (you wont) for a second? was studio otter actually anything or just a made up red herring of a joke rrat
literally havent found anything about it in the archives or early streams

>> No.75357101

She is quite attractive actually, she should be more confident in herself.

>> No.75357134

she literally explained studio
otherwise, follow the otter

>> No.75357137

>being attracted to a boy-coded individual is straight
you are a gay, shogga

>> No.75357161

WHATJ THE FUCK IKS SEALPOSTING??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.75357192

studio is cause some rando posted ‘studio’ on her asmr channel
otter is a joke cause the squiggly or whatever emote is a seal but its called an otter but she calls it a dog cause she has autism and called every aminal a dog as a child

>> No.75357207

but i found a city(?) there that matches 90% of the hints

>> No.75357224

see >>75357192

>> No.75357225

it's called shondosexual and i'm a raging one

>> No.75357275

and you believed her’hints’? she literally created a whole fake family on Facebook just to throw groomers off.

>> No.75357333

the only hint that didn't match is the nearby motorway
but if she lies all the time it makes sense ther are inconsistencies

>> No.75357384

why do you need so many steam accounts tuffnar, and what game did you get banned on?

>> No.75357461

is that really something you could just ask him? did it really need to be said anonymously?

>> No.75357480

why do you care

>> No.75357512

wtf is wrong with her knee

>> No.75357549

her knee is gay

>> No.75357553
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_6393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’d love to itch my wife all over for her. i love the cute tweets she gives us.
also is this pic relatable shondo haha

>> No.75357583

its a pokemon

>> No.75357592

why dont you

>> No.75357639

enough with the rabbit

>> No.75357668

at this point I just want her to not die

>> No.75357702


>> No.75357748

i do care, i'm him, i'm wondering why you do. i could see curiosity but coming /here/ to announce it seems like a different motive when you could dm on an alt like the other schizos.
but what do you think i'm trying to hide?
yes i'm aware enough to make alts if i want to do something devious but i don't see the point in being so schizo about me as opposed to anyone else

>> No.75357747


>> No.75357810


gonna be tough blud ngl

>> No.75357813

he cares because you respond and he likes pointless drama to pass the time

>> No.75357833

he cheated in a videogame so he probably cheats on shondo

>> No.75357869

me too
i have reason to think otherwise though
i've cheated in videogames, but that vac ban was from account sharing, unironically

>> No.75357886

just realized why she likes “chocolate” so much
owlbyte really is gonna win huh?
anyone else picture twomad when they think of owlbyte?

>> No.75357911
File: 397 KB, 1628x2048, the lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

begone dewd
you have no power here
gaze upon the otis of minority removal and tremble

>> No.75357943

such a regal son despite having gross gunk on his forehead

>> No.75358029

why did i get hard reading that

>> No.75358123

literally us one day

>> No.75358150

Today in /shon/
Shoggers try to get shondo to kill herself and gaslight husbands into pretending caring for her is anti behavior

>> No.75358177


>> No.75358198

hmm yes i will shame the depressed person that is what she needs
what do you mean i'm not helping? do you want her to die? she needs to know!!!

>> No.75358212

jesse what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.75358222

he never said that

>> No.75358241

thanks snopes

>> No.75358257

anytime, it's an honor to combat misinformation in my wife's thread

>> No.75358271
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