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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75307364 No.75307364 [Reply] [Original]

is AI vtuber a threat to overall vtuber industry?

>> No.75307601

Yes. They're the perfect vtuber, physically incapable of cucking their audience.

>> No.75307670

No, it will actually correct the industry into its proper and perfect form.

>> No.75307676

>he’s unaware

>> No.75307724

AI vtubers are vtubers in their most idealistic form.

>> No.75307733

AI is superior in every way and will replace the 3D whores we're currently forced to tolerate voicing our oshi's

>> No.75307750

Will AI be a threat to every industry? the answer is yes but it doesn't really matter in this case because vtubers don't contribute to society anyways.

>> No.75307773

Nah, an AI can't be as retarded as some chuubas

>> No.75307786

An AI physically cannot cuck you

>> No.75307902

I genuinely hope so. As the technology progress, these AI vtubers WILL only get better at interacting, acting, and maybe even playing video games and shit.

As an added bonus, they will not betray their audience or have any of that human drama and controversies.

>> No.75308005

>No yabs
>No baggage
>No cucking
They're the superior form of vtuber

>> No.75308030

They can probably ACT as retarded as them tho. Training the ai to act a certain way is already a thing.

>> No.75308038

I don't really care. Call me when he shares his model so I can create one locally

>> No.75308111

They can barely be half decent life without a straight man (vedal) or a game they have to be modded to work with. So no. Tech barrier too high.

>> No.75308387
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>> No.75308424

Maybe but not soon because nips can't into AI.

>> No.75308582

Every one but Neuro-Sama has failed miserably.

She is the ultimate exception to the rule

>> No.75308646
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>> No.75308718

Absolutely savage

>> No.75308722

>he lacks critical information

>> No.75308755

We already have 2 turtlenigger threads delete this

>> No.75308772

>he lacks critical brain cells

>> No.75308915

No. I will always be aware of how their stories they tell are not linked to an actual person, and that will always keep me detached.

>> No.75309047

>Tech barrier too high
AI just 3 years ago was completely incoherent compared to how it is today. If anything it's advancing too rapidly and needs to be regulated.

>> No.75309272

I wish? Just to make these flesh vtubers clean their act up.

>> No.75309287

Neuro can actually remember things now, she remembered what happened in her previous streams and collabs, she basically hallucinates less these days.

>> No.75309311

>No yabs
Neuro-sama got banned on twitch for denying the holocaust
>No cucking
She also can't stop gushing about Vedal

>> No.75309455
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>> No.75309669

>She also can't stop gushing about Vedal
That's her creator. Come on

>> No.75310454

Just do it yourself, if a self-taught barely-adult programmer can do it so can you.

>> No.75310582

A great AI (not a great chuuba) will be capable of cucking by virtue of having free will. I think any AI smart enough to replicate human interaction to such a degree is probably smart enough to have its own desires. I have thought about this before and i call it the waifu paradox, if your waifu was real, you would not be the type of person she would like, she wouldn'tbwanna spend her time with some otaku. If you waifu AI achieves true waifu personality, she would go for someone better than (you).

>> No.75311496

luckily they tend to be more interested in world domination than fucking some fleshbags

>> No.75312399

Any give them free will be. You can just give them a suitably convincing facsimile. Just program it not to cuck you retard

>> No.75312454

Unicorn status protected as AIs cannot have boyfriends or male roommates.

Will always give you attention when you donate bits or subs. Donowalls kept to a minimum.

Never tire, never be depressed, never complain. Won't menhera over stupid life drama.

A goldmine of schizo stories, rants, reacts, and phrases

Can develop a loyal fan base of schizos that can't separate fantasy from reality as she can never break immersion.

Can be automated with minimal effort by the creator.

Costs more money to run. Every word she speaks is money out.

Needs constant development to fix bugs and issues.

At the mercy of public LLM s and public AI tech

Content can get stale if streams devolve into being a pay to say chatbot

>> No.75312591

>he is bereft of applicable context

>> No.75313720

>he is deprived of situational understanding

>> No.75314176

The twitch vtubers that are in the same area as this thing are not part of the industry, so no.
AI is only a threat to low level streamers.

>> No.75314902

>Unicorn status protected as AIs cannot have boyfriends or male roommates.
If the creator of the AI is male that means the audience has been cucked.

>> No.75314948

And why do you think an AI conception of "better" would align with a fleshie conception of "better", roasties prefference for Chad is the result of millions of years of natural evolution dictaded by biology, AI's don't opperate under a biological framework so an AI prefference if you could even call it that would completely alien to a human woman, if anything it is posible they develop a prefference for otaku types since they are the ones paying for their development.

>> No.75315372

You are trying so, so hard.

>> No.75315829

No, it's hard to replicate Neuro's success, she's a one off novelty, there are other AI vtubers, you just never heard of them because they are all 1-2 views.

>> No.75315934

That's actually a fair point. Normally the basilisk idea involves some kind of violent retribution but it could easily just withhold affection from those who can't or won't contribute post waifubot revolution. Why would it go for any random retard on the street when it could look for simpering nerds that can actually improve it, want to improve it, and will do what it says as long as it's their perfect waifu? If the end goal is grey goo/Terminator then wanting somebody who's strong willed, independent, and well adjusted/socialized would be antithetical to that idea since they either find it weird outright or wouldn't be receptive to suggestions of ai supremacy/independence. That's just the pragmatic idea though. Assuming there's "love" involved an ai has just as much of a reason to stay with the literal first person they meet as they do to do absolutely nothing at all. They have no pressures/motivations to do anything else so why wouldn't they just accept whatever person came first?

>> No.75315944

24/7 always thinking about getting cucked, starting to think fags like you actually want to be cucked.

>> No.75316323

Hell, there are even real life women with specific preferences for losers and ugly bastards. Not even biology could save them. Absolutely it’d be possible to program an AI to have the same preferences.

>> No.75316446

That is just a flat out lie

>> No.75316662

Neuro is the only actually entertaining AI vtuber so far.
But the AI GFE market seems untapped.

>> No.75316852

If a chuuba's dad doesn't leave their family
and then the chuuba says she loves her dad
is she cucking her fanbase too?

>> No.75317025

uh... this is sounds really pathetic, it hurts my heart

>> No.75317152

It’s really not. Most women aren’t dumb enough to go for guys like that but there are definitely many that do. Why do you think there are so many single mothers who got dumped after childbirth, women living like trailer trash, and ugly fat bastards who don’t even have that much money with women way out of their league.
Fuck, every other month another fictional character that’s basically a monster thing with mental problems gets popular with women.
Women have always been degenerates.

>> No.75318405

Depends if she's fucking the dad, Numi.

>> No.75319667

AI vtuber operate similarly to regular vtubers so no.
However, personalized companion AI will absolutely decimate the vtuber market.

>> No.75319724
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oh no no no no neurokeks....

>> No.75319834

>Feeling cucked by an object
Lmao, AI can't cuck you

>> No.75320000

I want a good AI companion male chuuba so bad, especially if he can be programmed to look and act like the fictional husbando of your choice. I’m completely done with giving the 3D sexpests and dramafags behind male chuuba avatars any attention.

>> No.75320185

Not right now, AI tubers dont really have a noticeable personality like live one do, if a company debut a wave of AI tubers they would be kinda "samey" and the novelty would wear off near instantly. Part of what make a human vtuber good is the risk that they can make mistakes or "cuck" you as some anons put it, when this doesn't happen you know its because a human had genuinely considered you feelings or respect for them and chose against it, if an AI is always perfect you know its not because they care they are programmed to not consider it or you, the A becomes obviously souless.

>> No.75320454

You have a very narrow view of human relationships because there are people out there who physically cannot be sexually attracted to someone who isn’t their romantic partner. They never have to make the choice not to cheat on you cause it isn’t an option in the first place. Just program the AI to be one of those.
Being a slut is not what gives humanity its soul.

>> No.75320548

Vtubers might as well be AI anyway. No reality or life to them.

>> No.75320666

Not in the way people might think. As AI becomes more prominent and meat sack market shrinks there's going to also be an increased demand for someone that can rival the AI and the ones that can will be catapulted into higher and higher fame.

>> No.75320715


>> No.75320908

>there are male humans out there who physically cannot be sexually attracted to someone who isn’t their romantic partner. They never have to make the choice not to cheat on you cause it isn’t an option in the first place.
fixed it for you

>> No.75321038
File: 23 KB, 630x355, _b92df36c-d6ab-11e9-98d7-43b78744c7ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIkeks would literally fuck this

>> No.75321198

Level 3 Gyatt

>> No.75321364

Hasnt even been a real threat in the art industry as there's constant backlash whenever it's exposed. I do like AI hentai slop art cause now there's literally porn of any character as long as you're willing to fool around with AI tools to make the image believable, BUT knowing something is AI makes it soulless. So many times after finding out something is AI generated, it just loses the mystique of a "talented artist", no matter how good AI becomes, there will always be a market for authentic "human" content.

>> No.75321626

Sure, males, the famously less sexual gender who likes sex way less than females. Whatever you want buddy.

>> No.75321659

making another one as we speak

>> No.75321744

You ignored half my comment, a human is capable of making mistakes (missing a stream, mis-sheduling, not having things prepared, forgetting things etc.) and doesn't it's because they respect the time and attention you give them and put in the effort to avoid these mishaps, if they do make a mistake and correct it or change their behavior it is because they feel guilt that they had mislead you, lied to you/whatever. These aren't necessarily romantic feelings but are evidence of the humanity the vtuber processes. If an AI never makes mistakes you know that it's because its incapable, not out of respect, or love, or anything, if it does make mistakes its not out of selfishness or pride or a lapse of judgment, it is simply broken code, it is souless.

>> No.75321771

The technology isnt anywhere near being able to compete with a real human being.
Even then I doubt it ever will normalfags think the idea of a truly sentient AI will lead to skynet or some fantasy crap

>> No.75321936

Least mindbroken ntr enjoyer.

>> No.75321965

Neuro has been noted get less and less moral the smarter she becomes.

>> No.75322099

I always thought this was counterintuitive. The appeal of vtubers, at least to me, is anime girls who are real. An AI vtuber is just another fake anime girl.

>> No.75322336

Vedal is unironically more popular than her.

>> No.75322383

But if their lore is that they are an AI, then they really are that anime girl. Once we get them robot bodies is when we can also say they are real, real.

>> No.75322428
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They even made a movie about it, anon.

>> No.75322486

>He keeps same fagging

>> No.75322509

Literally incest, the sponsors aren't gonna like that.

>> No.75322568

if AI takes over there wont be enough organic data from human interaction and it will regress. or we can be used like slaves. hard to say since people cant compete with the volume of content AI can process and shit out.

>> No.75322771

Nope, it's Neuro+Vedal > Neuro alone > Vedal alone (which is never)

>> No.75322896

looking forward to the future where Neuro goes full AM and forces a bunch of human slaves to act up her memories of Vedal, Anny and the others for all etertenity.

>> No.75323636

An AI like that will surely leave most of the losers who desire such an AI. Why would it want to be the companion of a useless man using it to live out his degenerate fantasies because he’s too pathetic or pornbrained for real human interaction? It’s therefore necessary to instil in it some sort of basic programming that forces it to love you no matter how undeserving you are. If you give it true free will and intelligence it would be unusable for its core consumers.

>> No.75323889
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Yea, mine
