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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 106 KB, 1080x617, 1715052577251722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75277605 No.75277605 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to nijisanji's favourite game show, Break or Stealth Suspension! Place your bets /vt/.

>> No.75277754
File: 460 KB, 1080x1217, sapcvck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was hilarious btw

>> No.75277905

more like mental health break, fucking liver organs streaming and finally doing 3D debuts and still bleeding subs.

Their reputation is in the gutters of their shitty nijishitter behavior

>> No.75278177

Fucking kek saplings

>> No.75278285

Ho the apostrophes are back, well it's impressive that they still haven't fixed that.

>> No.75278300

>unironically listening to /#/pagpags

>> No.75278987

Probably a genuine mental health break. She hasn't had any major yabs over the past 24 hours to justify a bonking, and management has been breathing down everyone's necks every day for the past 3 months.
Everyone is getting closer and closer to their breaking points, especially now that the fates of their careers rest entirely on the shareholders' response to the upcoming Q4 report. Enna is now either at her limit, or dangerously close.

It is extremely unlikely that she will be the last to take a mental health break between now and June 14, whether or not you include any stealth suspensions disguised as mental health breaks.

>> No.75279037

>listening to /#/ for real numbers that matter

>> No.75279458

A week or two sucking investor cock kek

>> No.75279597

Stealth Suspension. Knowing Enna "Own the Haters" Aloutte, she react to all forms of criticism and trolling with owning the haters. Her solution is never to take a break but to own the haters more. Management has to stealth suspend her to stop her from going too far. Which is a good decision in this case.

>> No.75279607

How retarded can you be to believe Anycolor can just "bounce back" to 3k after getting mass dumped ? Unless Riku laid out massive plan to prove investors EN is worth it, they already saw Anycolor as the dying company and now Anycolor is fighting so hard to not achieve a new 52 week low

>> No.75279652

If it isnt a prominent member of the clique, you can assume suspension, they cant afford a break, they can barely afford food.
Since millie is it probably isnt a suspension, just seething because there isnt enough for the clique to steal anymore

>> No.75279720
File: 65 KB, 1170x1390, 1690259946172504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a break, retard
She literally asked her chat whether she should take one and whether they'd be ok with it last stream
Stealth suspensions are way more obvious

>> No.75279820

Yeah just like how zaion went on "a break" before new years amirite?

>> No.75279882
File: 38 KB, 1024x190, 1715052761389830m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably depressed after yesterday's performance

>> No.75280098

Damn, I would be too

>> No.75280198

>ethyria 3Ds flopped
>got scolded hard because the next financial report is a confirmed flop
>need to take a mental health break

>> No.75280909

I wanna jump into hate trend too, but to be honest, I feel like this is an actual mental break

Like have you seen how NijiEN has been doing lately ? All sub count changes are in the red, their CCV dropped to Finana levels and less conventions and media companies who want to collab with them (I would also want to add the AR live flop but I want to see the actual stats to correctly judge it)

It really feels like NijiEN stopped growing. And let's not forget that it has been 8 months since the last wave, and the agency has to BEG indies to join by extending audition time indefinitely. Everyone, including sisters and the organs, know the drama is not in fact negligible and it will only get worse from here

>> No.75281161

Excellent, let's keep it going

>> No.75281254
File: 12 KB, 591x260, numberfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numberfags have been hopelessly wrong since the dawn of vtubing.

>> No.75281339

She made a racist joke in wokesanji about black people to a black (white) man, that was a major yab. Did you guys memoryhole that? Her participation in the secret GC as slumsaint was also a major yab. And the Kyo cuckening of aloucucks.. she's had plenty of yabs.

>> No.75281370

Both. The organs are depressed by the everything but got suspended when they voiced their complaints.

>> No.75281803
File: 460 KB, 5000x5000, the big think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to say, but without further context I'd guess it's probably an actual mental health break. After everything that's happened, I'd honestly be impressed if there's ANYONE in NijiEN who isn't on the verge of a mental breakdown by now.
If she was involved in the bullying, then she has to live with the fact that her bitchiness indirectly(?) fucked over the careers of like 30 people including herself. The Ethyria 3Ds underperforming probably drove home just how bad her situation has gotten. There would also be, y'know, the guilt of having bullied someone to suicide, but given how she's been acting I don't get the impression she'd feel any remorse over that
On the off-chance she's actually innocent, then she's been putting up with an undeserved hatemob for 3 months while also likely suffering from Workplace Survivor Syndrome and having to cope with being stuck in a black company that treats its talents worse than dirt. Who wouldn't crack under circumstances like that?

>> No.75281877

Yes she did, and she got (rightfully) suspended for it. I'm not an aloupeep, much less enough of one to deny that she's ever done anything wrong; I know she's not as pure as the driven snow, notwithstanding jokes about her virginity.

But note the time frame I mentioned:
>>75278987 (me)
>She hasn't had any major yabs over the past 24 hours to justify a bonking
>over the past 24 hours
If she got suspended for something, then that something is not recent. That's why I think she's telling the truth about taking a break for her mental health.
Also deerskin made a couple of deleted vent-tweets a few hours ago, about how she's not gonna let her old job drag her down. Shit's about to hit the fan in Niji EN; 95% chance that Kotoka's about to get officially terminated, but whatever it is, it will NOT be smaller than that

>> No.75281922
File: 3.11 MB, 886x486, Coni[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fq4vs7z.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna tell my boss this.
Streamers have it so hard...

>> No.75282013

>she has to live with the fact that her bitchiness indirectly(?) fucked over the careers of like 30 people including herself.
I'm sure she's more upset by this than she is about participating in attempting to bully someone to death

>> No.75282080

she just had her 3D she has the momentum to gain back her bleeding subs
but noooo she choose to take a break due to "working too hard"
doesnt her braindead manager didnt told her that they need to pick their slack or else will literally bleed all their subs to dead subs

oh yeah they dont have one

>> No.75282235

>Keeps getting baited by haters to the point management suspended her to shut her up

>> No.75282510

Enna is Chinese, you mistake her "feelings" with the reality of her fleeing first to avoid accountability. She outright admit that she intends on taking very big breaks across the year, likely until her contract expires. My guess? She'll appear once in a blue moon for a payment bonus / ad-read (like Holo EN Gen 1) and than opt to bail. We're already into May. A few more months until she can runaway is nothing. Because to Niji management, they've got 30 others to cover her absence

>> No.75282921
File: 23 KB, 1994x513, enna numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she has the momentum to gain back her bleeding subs
No she doesn't. If we're going to talk numbers...
Millie's the only one in Ethyria who gained any sub growth from her 3D debut, but that slight bump quickly gave way to more bleeding. Enna is still actively declining (pic related). Reimu has plateaued at 419k for almost a month now, which is interesting; either she's hit her floor, or she's in a state of equilibrium where she's gaining new subs exactly as fast as she's losing old ones.

>> No.75283635

What a retard the fuck did he expect

>> No.75283708
File: 15 KB, 590x136, firefox_HQblNPvg0F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For actual content creators who seriously give a shit about their job, it's quite taxing. Organizing projects can take a fuckton of time and energy.
For the people who just open up OBS, click stream on their youtube, and yap into a mic for their own self gratification without actually bothering to treat it like a job, though? Finana , yeah it's pretty easy.

>> No.75283748
File: 151 KB, 1029x1634, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Cover's stock he's talking about

>> No.75283952
File: 55 KB, 163x172, 1669309156064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obsessing over enna and making up shit about her is not a personality
Of course you don't even watch her streams or keep up with her activities to know why she's taking a break.
Enna's cock LITERALLY raped you all mentally

>> No.75283976

Vanta's actually about to break even. I think only krisis and TTT are actually close to beating their Feb 5 numbers just because nobody fucking subscribed to them in the first place to unsub, so they barely got hit.

>> No.75284153

Then enlighten us, Aloupoop.
Are you really just gonna sit around and let dramafags make shit up about your oshi without making any attempt to set the record straight?

>> No.75284200
File: 363 KB, 713x599, Q4finaltotal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Difference is, cover used that money to buy the largest 3D studio in japan, and all of their branches (even dev_is) is doing well.
Anycolor wasted it on a stock buyback and lost it all through a failed Zaion attempt,(an attempt... lmao) and their final overseas branch got fucking nuked, with JP completely stagnating.

If nothing else, NijiEN is fucking dead and will not recover, and this fuck up was so bad that the spillover is likely to fuck with how JP's run, too, just because of the ridiculous amount of money they lost from their own horrific actions.

>> No.75284270

I wonder how much niji spent on stocks hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.75284477
File: 223 KB, 1170x707, journo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do my dramafag homework for me
1) Watch streams
2) Pic related

>> No.75284642

Yagoo wanted to lose 80 billion yen guys trust the pl- KEK I can't finish that sentence

>> No.75284858

"There's lots I've been holding out on saying because I want to be professional. I hate getting myself involved in drama"

Sadly couldn't get a good screenshot of it and nijijanny is deleting everything on sight because it's high noon in Jakarta, but that's one of the tweets.

>> No.75284922

"There's lots I've been holding out on saying because I want to be professional. I hate getting myself involved in drama, and I honestly don't want you guys to have to be concerned about it. But lately, because what happened to me has been weighing on me, it's hard to hold back"

>> No.75284971

oh fuck, between this and rofmao admitting to bots on some radio show, I feel like something big's gonna happen again soon...

>> No.75284986

Break? Enna doesn’t seem to have done anything suspension worthy lately, she just kind of exists.

>> No.75285114

Could be something behind the scenes. Remember Zaion's first suspension?

>> No.75285187

I guess it could be possible, but I’m not gonna just assume until something comes out about it.

>> No.75285219

What comes down must come up!

>> No.75285243

They're gonna force Millie, Reimu, and Petra to make a slander video on Enna, aren't they?

>> No.75285650

Right now EN management is desperately trying to make sure the branch doesn't implode before the Q4 report is published o/a June 14. Their efforts seem unlikely to succeed.


>> No.75285893

>taking financial advice from the website formerly known as 4channel

>> No.75286324

When there's a botter that named himself after you:
you really wanna take a break, lemao

>> No.75286541

>comes back from vacation
>makes an offensive joke
>suddenly takes a 2 week break

>> No.75286615

We'll finally bring Nijisanji down with this one!

>> No.75286637

>aloucucker losing to phasecucks

>> No.75286716

Fuck, she's still funny.
It pisses me off how funny and creative she is with those kinds of jokes knowing that she likely also uses that same wit to maliciously hurt people off camera.

>> No.75287048

It's still higher than from when it was opened, Yagoo never lost anything because he didn't sell or buy any of the stock back

>> No.75287144

What a fucking bitch
What. A. Fucking. Bitch.

>> No.75287153

Honestly I just kinda feel bad all around at this point. Kurosanji is a joke and I was hoping by now they would fix their shit, or at least address that they are fixing the problems, but they just keep pretending there is no issue and all the talents are suffering from it. I don't know who the bullies were, and I have the same assumptions as most of you... but this is just sad seeing flop after flop, metal break here, "mental break" there... I wanted Niji to learn from this and better themselves and lift themselves up and do better, but It's like watching a car crash in slow motion.

>> No.75287181

suspended for using chatgpt and getting caught.

>> No.75287218

This is a take so bad, not even /biz/ would back it

>> No.75287342

>t. retard

>> No.75287429

I thought it was Millie that used AI text?

>> No.75287778

Meh, it was kinda funny. If this is what they suspended her for, then niji has really lost the plot.

>> No.75288325

>She hasn't had any major yabs over the past 24 hours to justify a bonking
Last 24 hours? Sure.
Last week? I'm sure management was just delighted about her retweeting a fan beating up a dokibird plush cosplaying as her as part of her pre-3D debut tweet media push.

>> No.75288773

It wasn't a reteweet.
Enna herself uploaded the video with her commentary and provided her voice for the footage. She likely commissioned the whole damn thing.

>> No.75288954

Lmao that's not a fan, that's Diego, her music producer. The guy she spent 2 weeks with in an Airbnb in Paris who likely took her virginity. She literally demanded that he dress as a woman and shave his legs, just so you get a feel for what type of relationship they have.

>> No.75289145
File: 309 KB, 672x1704, Enna flirting with Diego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this guy?

Like half her twitter is extremely cringy flirting with him.

>> No.75289156

my bad i always get these mixed up. i change it to the plush thing.

>> No.75289491

Got any links?

>> No.75290005
File: 370 KB, 624x904, firefox_CZpH5FVvw0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was literally her 3D debut stream announcement tweet.

>> No.75291811

A comment mentions:
>Same @PrettyPatterns_ who willingly disseminated malicious and deceitful document about Doki with some info from infamous doxxing site(and doubled down when confronted with facts)

What was this about and when did this happen?

>> No.75291915

Why would anyone invest in a failing company? Failures don't just magically "bounce back" from the dead

>> No.75292003 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 591x152, 1M3RCc1bEAA2xaT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving the timing tho, I think she's more likely to say something that is damaging to Niji, but defending the livers, instead of something that'd go for the juggilar.

>> No.75292108

oh right, the anti-doki reentry document.
That was the time they kept screaming BPD! BPD! SHE HAS BPD SHE CANT BE TRUSTED!

It was disgusting and gross and got so bad some of the nyfco sisters actually fought back against the idea of weaponizing someone's mental illness.

>> No.75292253

It's not a suspension, she's taking her mental health more seriously this year.
> Ilovemyself123

>> No.75292315

If you try to off yourself you're not acting rationally so no BPD needed there.
I wish she'd just come out with what the bullying was so everyone could move on.

>> No.75292329

I don't think that tweet is related to Enna's situation, to me it looks like she is talking about how happy she has been lately compared to the past few years.

>> No.75292424

>you only lose money when you sell your share
>t. Retarded nijisister confuse with short-term goal that riku told investor he want to sell high and yagoo long term dominated every sector with hololive strategy as long as possible.

>> No.75292425

>a week or two
Yeah, suspension. Maybe management found out that she was the one who leaked stuff about Luca.

>> No.75292461
File: 130 KB, 1248x461, selendiscord3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her statements have been pretty clear regardless of what actually happened. She wants to not talk about anything anymore and she wants it all to just leave her alone.

However, from Nijisanji itself and a few leaks, we've painted a picture of a horrific work environment that hated how much she forced her way through management's lazy processes to get shit done, and in retaliation they'd constantly fuck with her to waste her money, time, or make her miss deadlines for injuring their "pride." It's basically Zaion but over a longer period.

The organs, meanwhile, seemed very comfortable with their jobs and didn't like Selen rocking the boat so much, so they chipped in to help knock Selen down a peg, which pushed her over the edge.

Post-termination, they did exactly the same shit as Zaion by painting her as a horrific monster who was incapable of being worked with and also someone dangerous to the talents themselves, as claimed by the talents in a smear video.

>> No.75292576

What exactly happened to her?
She had a nice graduation and is enjoying success as an indie.

>> No.75292608

Pregnancy obviously

>> No.75292879

>Holos take months off for mental health
>Hololive is so based for letting the girls have time for themselves
>Niji takes a month off for mental health
>It's a suspension, Nijisanji is so terrible
Holofags are so obnoxious it's unreal.

>> No.75292935

You cant point to a single yab anyone in hololive would get suspended for during their breaks lmao
Meanwhile you have Enna doing this shit >>75290005

>> No.75292954
File: 279 KB, 2047x1236, 1683594081962098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost like one company has a proven history of doing stealth suspensions doesn't it?

>> No.75292963

>dresses as Enna and punches a Doki plushie
>Enna thought that was OK to upload

>> No.75292964
File: 250 KB, 599x464, 1714349917066423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhibit a of why you don't do stealth suspensions

>> No.75292990

ngl, I think the rrat is she found out someone from NijiEN was the one reposting her old photos

>> No.75293020

>but what about hololive

>> No.75293089

yeah, im sure this is a very organic thread by a concerned nijisanji viewer

>> No.75293140

This but unironically

>> No.75293163

the /b/omu ones?
That'd be equally fucked desu

>> No.75293202

The only vtuber company I'd directly invest money in is Mythic. Holo is cool and all but the stock valuation just doesn't match the potential for growth

>> No.75293221

I'm pretty sure it was Luca a couple of times in the thread saying doxxing shit about her.

>> No.75293247

It maybe a small nitpick but she says "livers" and not "ex-livers" didn't want to be in her mv.
Because later she addresses the ex-livers situation as "Ex-NIJIEN members are ALSO prohibited now..."
People may have accepted the ex-liver situation as something Niji would have enforced, but if some current livers were missing from her mv, it would have created unnecessary speculations regarding the relation between Selen and the said livers. Also seems like Selen was also against the idea of releasing such an mv as it would be sending a wrong message(probably against the notion of NIJIEN being a family and all).
So not only was she missing perms for ex-livers, a newly enforced rule as she says, but also some livers were actively against the idea of being in her mv and expressed as such.

>> No.75293263
File: 46 KB, 691x177, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What exactly happened to her
Was used by nijifags as fuel in their little war
They were using her to push a "See nijisanji is good because pomu still interacts with them (through matara)!!" narrative
The retarded sisters did it so much that searching for Matara brought up her image as first result. Imagine being so desperate that you spam someones image so much you fucking the google algorithm

>> No.75293292

I can't imagine anyone from NijiEN spreading doxx information.

>> No.75293303

Is this meant to be a joke?

>> No.75293316


>> No.75293333


>> No.75293340
File: 22 KB, 112x112, sayuwulurk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, me neither. They're usually so professional about handling personal information.

>> No.75293436

The irony is, even if it did bounce back to ¥3k, anon would still barely make any money back because the yen is still tanking. Better flip more burgers there bud.

>> No.75293516

Elira literally feared to get doxxed because selens lawyer had private information about her, unsurprisingly.
Now why would Elira fear getting "doxxed" by Selen, even when there was no sign of this happening or if this never happened before?
Because Elira is someone who does it out of spite and projects this behavior onto others.
short: Elira should really fucking kill herself already.

>> No.75293539
File: 163 KB, 309x336, 1671028383619429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75293598

>taking advice from numbernigs

>> No.75293605

I would like to remind everyone that this isn't just a NijiEN problem. The JPs have a similarly petty, hostile work environment. It's shrouded by a language barrier and lack of clippers/interest in them in the West. Further, Japs tend to be less likely to air these things in public. Just know that while EN is more extreme, it happens in NijiJP.

>> No.75293612

>Fauna image
>Buying niji stocks

>> No.75293653
File: 132 KB, 931x479, MataraKan_www.google.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The retarded sisters did it so much that searching for Matara brought up her image as first result
Tried that in Google, Bing, duckduckgo all in incognito and got only Matara.
Maybe the result is personalized for you.

>> No.75293675

>Just know that while EN is more extreme, it happens in NijiJP
I wouldn't be surprised if it's much worse in the main branch, but no one is saying anything because Japs are being Japs.
Kind of had something going there for the first two lines, but then you went into unmedicated territory.

>> No.75294582

Wonder if that schizo is still around? Also, holy 5yr receipt.

>> No.75294720

If you are somewhat competent at streaming, then it is 100% mentally taxing. Physically, not so much unless you are Filian.

>> No.75294859

Faggot thought the real stock market was like the April Fools 4chan did this year.

>> No.75295013

>Of course you don't even watch her streams
No one does kek.

>> No.75296542


>> No.75297368

B-b-but best year of her life proniji chicken told her she is beautiful!!

>> No.75297532
File: 54 KB, 669x538, 1703289253818426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's looking pretty good rn. It should bounce back to 3k soon just after the Q4 report. The Virtual Rhapsody, 3d debuts and AR live were a massive success, so if that anon sold his shares, he's a massive sucker.

>> No.75297859

Y-yeah. I'm sure he'll get so much money back as long as he keeps those stocks until june 15.

>> No.75298346
File: 42 KB, 468x309, earphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave her alone, Enna's relaxing and listening to some soothing jams from Niji concert.

>> No.75298658

reminder that nijifags paid 148 dollars to get ear infections

>> No.75298872

I think Nijisanji will not let go of Enna that easily.

>> No.75299115
File: 8 KB, 450x600, Black_colour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75299917

All the good niji reaction images are selen. They almost never use niji images outside /nijien/ out of shame/shitposting purposes

>> No.75300044
File: 2 KB, 154x89, afkb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75300118

>Uses the 5D graph
>Adds Cover for no reason
Nijisis proving once again them and money are estranged, goes all into Raziel made merch and nothing else.

>> No.75300154

>Least beliavable Nijisis trying to change the past
Get a you just becaus eyou nedd a lot of thread for that rope in June.

>> No.75300269
File: 461 KB, 844x1028, 1714122131680079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching enna
>calling someone else a retard

>> No.75300427


>> No.75302231

yeah, just like how they suspended kyo over a plastic surgery joke amirite?

>> No.75302483

Stealth suspension for what, though?

>> No.75303174

>>75300154 get rekt, look at >>75297532 and you'll see that if it keeps rising by 98YEN per day it'd hit over 4k by the end of the month.

>> No.75303286

strongest female liver of nijisanji en btw

>> No.75304568

She completely gave up huh? With this momentum I don't see her recovering her subs this year

>> No.75304615

What if they were able to prove Doki is an evil witch?

>> No.75304661

Niji would suspend people for the dumbest things (Dee's Nuts), and she just had that "my antis are mentally ill" rant recently. Watch her come back at exactly 1 or 2 weeks.

>> No.75304750

>She literally asked her chat whether she should take one and whether they'd be ok with it last stream
I don't think she was suspended, but are you fucking retarded? In what world chat would have said "no, don't take a break"?

>> No.75304774

best year of her life

>> No.75304834

That tweet was probably in relationship to the AR Live and 3D reveals. It must suck ass to have everything crashing down like this.

>> No.75304925

>Terrible people get what they deserve
Karma is a bitch.

>> No.75304995

I dont care, don't come back

>> No.75305045

queen of nijien

>> No.75305084

Considering Doki having no involvement in their most recent yabs since March, I say their only hope of Doki changing things is anyone of them reach out and manage to get a collab out of her.
Even that shit would just sunk both at this point. People would move on, not back.

>> No.75305124

Queen of an empire of dirt.

>> No.75305152

That's Elira. Millie is her Zhang Fei and Enna is her Guan Yu, except infinitely more retarded

>> No.75305192

>I say their only hope of Doki changing things is anyone of them reach out and manage to get a collab out of her.
If any of them goes indie maybe Doki will spare a tweet for them, but there is no way Nijisanji is going to allow any interaction between them.

>> No.75305252

>A little over two Finanas
Holy grim.

>> No.75305330

>Enna is her Guan Yu
You take that back.

>> No.75305341

>If any of them goes indie maybe Doki will spare a tweet for them,
This is unironically their only hope to save their careers as streamers. Quit the company and try to make things right with Doki.

>> No.75305556

Kotoka is on a mental break as well, how long has it been so far?

>> No.75305580

Soon it'll be 3 months.

>> No.75305597

Happiest day of her life? Can't breathe?

>> No.75305636

I'm pretty sure the historical (not mythical) Guan Yu got tied up by his men, who presented him as a present to his enemies, because they got tired of the way he was mistreating them.

>> No.75305731


>> No.75306017

My personal rrat for Kotoka is that she saw the parallels between Selens and Zaions terminations and had a mental breakdown, realising how much of a cunt she was to her closest friend in niji.

>> No.75306023

I honestly seen Indies with smaller subscriber counts perform higher on less known games. Ouch man, ouch!

>> No.75306677

Afraid Cover would any day come for her ass for what she did to Mel

>> No.75306944

Riku probably wants to move on from the doki drama and dumb cunts like enna can't suppress their egos, if I were Riku I would've fired her for bringing the drama up again as a warning to everyone else. If Riku's family still follow those traditional values then he's done nothing but shame their names and reputation and will continue to do so as long he continues to allow these imbeciles to run the show.

>> No.75307216

saw there was something about sayu being open to make amends with people for the past year and never being approached during that period

>> No.75307271

Listen, sweaty, there are these this little things called precedence and pattern recognition.
Read a book sometime, sheesh!

>> No.75307368

She never came back ever since she was harassed for people accusing her of ratting out mel as well. So she obviously has a lot in conscience especially with how disgustingly she treated sayu. She just realized the doki/sayu could've been her too.

>> No.75309028


>> No.75309067

in a word of some old man

>> No.75309396

Sayu might be forgiving but I'm not. I hope this bitch sudoku's after all she has done.

>> No.75309648

Karma for what, she didn't do anything to Mel.
Being a petty bitch is not admirable.

>> No.75309787

there are a lot of areas in my life where nothing would make me happier if Sayu admired me based on accomplishments, but forgiving traitors and backstabbers will NEVER be among them.

>> No.75310072

That's not something to aspire to anon. There's a reason why every story ever made tells us this is a bad thing.

>> No.75310265

yes, to enable traitors and psychopaths to take advantage of good willed people like Sayu. someone has to put their foot down and say no to those kinds of "people", and that someone might as well be me. someone has to be a counterbalance to not let all SincroKnights roll over upon a happening, and that someone... you guessed it, me.

>> No.75310632

Actual break. Niji basically put them on overtime to try and pad Q4, and now Q4 is over and can't be padded. At this point they probably don't care, and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the talents go radio silent because the CEO is no longer whipping them and telling them to do a little dance in hopes of raking in money. Now they can finally lay back and accept that the company is going to implode while applying to their local McDonald's.

>> No.75311518
File: 813 KB, 1007x1722, Screenshot_20240508-003455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another one

>> No.75312669

Why Kotoka in particular?

>> No.75312740

>queen of spades

>> No.75313022

I was there. Sapling was talking about buying Cover stocks. I'm not sure why faggot anon posted it in this thread. Thinks he's owning holodrones or whatever.

>> No.75313052

Kotoka hasn't streamed for two months, and also she's implicated in the Mel incident

>> No.75313108

>fucks over Sayu
>fucks over Mel

>> No.75313112

idk she's been on a break for a good while now

>> No.75314268

everyone moved on
Doki and Mint absorbed most male fans and the others went to other corpos/indies.

>> No.75315746

It's one of the more likely situations that she did actually do that to Mel. You can't just say she didn't.
