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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 124 KB, 322x309, default_mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75255194 No.75255194 [Reply] [Original]

How did she manage to feminize and improve herself?

>> No.75255285

do we need a thread every week about how mori has improved herself or some shit? just watch her nigga there's no need to announce GUYS MORI IS GOOD NOW PLEASE WATCH MORI

post mori tits

>> No.75255361

She put her cock in chastity and agreed to be Kiara's loving BBC gangbang partner.

>> No.75255393

gaslighting doesn't work unless you repeat it over and over

>> No.75255517

good question because she is so feminized and improved now

>> No.75255607
File: 551 KB, 988x531, 1703580888366963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long-term Kiara exposure

>> No.75255677
File: 1.17 MB, 1866x1036, Mori-Kronii-cucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didnt thats her secret

>> No.75255750
File: 58 KB, 208x246, Luna tired of this shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was every week only

>> No.75256719

why do you all sound like you're written by the same chatgpt prompt

>> No.75257974
File: 10 KB, 180x200, 1711343682427918b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her fake "cutesy" voice is still obnoxious as fuck. Literal cringe, can't fucking stand it. I'd rather she talk normal or with her serious tomboy/sheriff voice which is so much more attractive and fitting for someone that's suppose to be the new "Death" herself.

>> No.75258089

because it's the same schizo propping up a deadbeat strawman to epically pwn every day by reposting same picture
no one else gives a shit

>> No.75258209

Clowned on by Twitter. Again. No wonder UMG is trying to cut her off from Western audiences.

>> No.75259558

Just a reminder whenever you see these threads that 4chan recently got rid of all the mobile IP rangebans than have been up for years.

>> No.75260172

She did no such thing, Cuckbeat. She wont touch your tiny penis, no matter how many times you spam this thread.

>> No.75260288

By letting me fuck her ass

>> No.75260418

I'm not a huge fan of her super soft voice, but I'm also not a fan of her fat girl voice either. But I imagine the soft voice is probably much easier to sustain for long periods of time.

>> No.75261488

I don't watch her that often, but I got really confused about that.
The first time I heard her speak softly was during a Kronii collab where she didn't want to wake up her roommates or family. That was understandable. I didn't realize does it on purpose now. That's annoying.

>> No.75265045

i wish hololive stop shoving shit to me

>> No.75268907

with sex

>> No.75268932

gay op

>> No.75269040

Specifically by being raped over and over by management. Deadbeats will never touch their oshi.

>> No.75269066

You realize this isn't an actual Mori fan posting these right?

>> No.75269245

>her fat girl voice
Properly laughed out loud

>> No.75269525

>implying it isn't

>> No.75269608

How can you call yourself a deadbeat?

>> No.75271122
File: 796 KB, 1824x2916, yara-al-masry-calli-rapper-signed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. There are tons of "cutesy" girls they can go watch. I like my tomboy metro oshi.

>> No.75271382


>> No.75271577

Wrong as usual. You will never know love or joy, you will die as unloved and alone as you have lived. Buy a rope and go to meet your oshi.

>> No.75271748

i like her asmr voice

>> No.75271883
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x720, 5fb865101eecafad780cb9e2e3dd0121efeb837e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>improve herself

>> No.75274268

BBL Calli
BBL Calli ooooh, oolh
BBL Calli

>> No.75274594

She needs to lose weight. Maybe she can go home to the U.S. and use that new diabetes drug that all these celebrities are using for weight loss these days.

>> No.75275120

Something about the UMJ contract, or whatever else happened in her life around that time has seriously humbled her, forcing her to pander to the part of the fanbase she strove to shave off beforehand.

I don't like her now, but it seems her coworkers all hold her in high regard, so I can respect that.

>> No.75275597

she didn't feminize herself, horse cock did

>> No.75278387

she wishes

>> No.75280469

What a terrible fate
