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File: 45 KB, 680x510, 1711902311854797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75202028 No.75202028 [Reply] [Original]

She fucked up, didn't she?

>> No.75202124

Who’s up?

>> No.75202197

Not much, what's up with you?

>> No.75202198

yes and no
most of her relationship from her notselen phase is all fucked up probably
she gets the pity of the public now is getting used as a good PR to collab with

>> No.75202204


>> No.75202251
File: 146 KB, 1080x219, 1714959591174108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's doing fine considering picrel KEK

>> No.75202263

So true sisters. Niji pride worldwide!

>> No.75202289
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John Up

>> No.75202421
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>> No.75202636

dooki seething right now with niji en not dying despite her damaging attack on the branch kek.

>> No.75202778

>Damaging attack
Honey I'm not sure what you're on about the only damage done to Niji has been them shooting themselves in the foot

>> No.75202802

I am, but I feel like heading back to bed since it's Sunday.

>> No.75203641

Ahhh, yes, cuz being fired and addressing slander shot her way was an attack

>> No.75203924
File: 223 KB, 925x590, image_2024-05-05_221415571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dying

>> No.75203995

Those 173 viewers will outspend the entirety of her branch.
Go get 'em, Scarle!

>> No.75204059

hey at least uki "i hate white" violeta is a 4view, niji thriving.

>> No.75204477

It doesn't matter how many viewers Scarle has.

>> No.75204922
File: 385 KB, 1365x2048, 1711251246017449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She fucked up, didn't she?
This shit will never work, your trying to plant some kind of seed of doubt or something by spamming the same fucking thread EVERY fucking day only makes it obvious you are trying to astroturf public opinion. Thinking about it for like 2 seconds with everything learned since she left, I instantly re-conclude NijiEN is who fucked up because they tried to character-assassinate her afterwards which only roundabout confirmed her accusations of bullying. That hasn't changed at all and I don't think it's going to change.

Selen for her part has simply abandoned all Niji discussion but it's the sisters who won't shut the fuck up malding about her. Why is that? Doki is doing just fine, better than basically every single nijiEN actually, there is objective ironclad proof she DID NOT need them and that her audience has sided with her and not nijiEN's plummeting numbers. They're now strong rivals of.. Phase Connect, they don't even merit being in the same sentence as HoloEN anymore. How the mighty have fallen - and Doki was a large part of the permanent shift in public opinion about them.

>> No.75205424

I can’t help but wonder what exactly went on and that’s the thing that none of us could ever know. At the end of the day it’s just a job. Most of these people aren’t friends sure it can happen but I personally think that she fucked up in somewhere or another Took advantage of the pity party. Women’s love to lie.

>> No.75205610

If Doki's done anything wrong in this, it's gonna take a lot of digging to find it. Her actions before and since the termination have been nothing but spotless and justified as far as PR goes.

Really the biggest yab she ever had was staying in that fucking company for so long and somehow thinking she could change it for the better.

>> No.75205794

nta but literally the only ammo sisters have on her is apparently she did put up that MV before management cleared it - but only because management had ghosted her for several days when she asked first. even so that's an extremely petty reason to fire someone and if selen had put up with management literally doing fucking nothing at all, not even speaking to rubberstamp something real quick, they're not fucking blameless in the slightest either.

not to mention, the supposition that it was a perms thing was also fucking manufactured essentially because they did have the perms all along. so they basically fired her because "I don't like you" which is ridiculous.

>> No.75206037

Uki in shambles.

>> No.75206421

just one noctyx member streaming and having good ccv, the rest are nobodies. not the win you think it is, kek.

>> No.75206452

Ridiculous like you said that’s why I feel like there’s more. As much as I enjoy her I know she’s smarter than she seems when it comes to business and other things. Never take anyone’s word at face value never forget that.

>> No.75206492

>most of her relationship from her notselen phase is all fucked up probably
not much of a loss besides Pomu to be honest.

>> No.75206915
File: 322 KB, 1272x710, Knuk1953VW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For an outsider, sure, but she still dedicated 3 years to those treacherous cunts.
You don't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on assets, videos, events for people you just think of as faceless coworkers.
Her feelings have got to be all fucked over everything, so it's good she's able to bury herself in work to ignore it. Going completely no contact with any niji was probably the hardest thing she's ever done outside of not killing herself.

>> No.75207382

The doki stabs you in the chest of her countless friends and is the one that cry’s put in pain!

>> No.75207562

>She fucked up, didn't she?
>Type a whole ass leddit post
Mate, you are falling for the bait every time. Why do you do this to yourself? They aren't even sisters, just people looking to waste your time.

>> No.75207814

ah my daily sister seethe intake

>> No.75207834

holy fuck, you really gotta learn english

>> No.75208036

Take some English lessons before you attempt to speak it you filthy fucking thirdworlder.

>> No.75208142

yes sister she did

>> No.75208300

why are you out of the mental ward sister?

>> No.75208374

she's a mid to high 4view while everyone else in niji is a 3view

>> No.75208569

luxiem and noctyx are 4views, both gens has largely retained their fanbases.

>> No.75209019

You're right. The latest Doki yab has made me rethink my criticism of Nijisanji's terrible business practices and I am now a total fan.

If only there was a place I could go to post this revelation and get upvotes from fellow doxx enthusiasts to validate my existence.

>> No.75209302

And away!

>> No.75209347

>The latest Doki yab

>> No.75209441

how are you not getting bored of this?

>> No.75209547
File: 480 KB, 1146x826, Millle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this a bait thread but it's always funny to see nijniggers getting mocked every time

>> No.75209715

Well poisoning Nijiniggers. You're in the crucible now this ain't your hug box you slutty woman.

>> No.75210556

SEAhours again huh? Learn to make a forum so you can leave normal human beings alone, actually use an AI to learn like your beggarsis.

>> No.75211498

For being the highest subbed "still active" female in the branch that must surely sting

>> No.75211634

>Anon still doesn’t get thst the sis only whore for the males
Niji itself walk of shamed the woman with a “sales ranking” that was full male, their only future in Niji is onaholes.

>> No.75214465

obsessed, mindbroken schizos

>> No.75215382

those are phase connect numbers.

>> No.75216561

doki? more like donki lmao

>> No.75221987

>She fucked up, didn't she?

>> No.75222052

And Rosemi. Maybe Petra but she did collab with Rosemi frequently.

>> No.75222089

A year ago I was so jelous of them, a big family of goofballs. *sigh*

>> No.75222143

She fucked up by telling people to pirate the MV
Thankfully for her, Nijisanji proceeded to commit a string of even bigger fuckups that continues to this day.

>> No.75222181

is this just some niji seethe thread or did something actually happen recently

>> No.75224906

just a seethe thread

>> No.75225285

Petra chose her side when she continued to collab with Ethyria instead of Obsydia.

>> No.75225440

Okay, sis.

Next bait thread when?

>> No.75225455
File: 1.63 MB, 1309x649, firefox_IOiHjb4gEQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they formed a new unit to replace ethyria and obsydia, complete with matching outfits.
She's far beyond "collab"

>> No.75225475

Who's got the vent post from before the termination by one of the EN members? Also best guess as to which one it was?

>> No.75225693

They're trying too hard.

>> No.75225740

Hmm, are they already anticipating losing Rosemi so are doing this to compensate?

>> No.75225822
File: 451 KB, 1272x479, mysteriousorgan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one? Dunno, maybe Millie, maybe Elira, maybe one of the boys. I don't know nearly enough about the boys to analyze writing style. Hex was a known fucknugget, though and doesn't seem to be ESL, so maybe him.

>> No.75225922

That's the one. i'm guessing uki or hex if it was the boys, they seem like the type to do it.

>> No.75226111

Why are their heads so big?

>> No.75226197

Because they think that with Selen gone they can finally be the queens of the school.

>> No.75226228

Dramafags will deny it but yes, she did.

>> No.75226240

Yeah, but thinking joining a big corp will be good for you is a very understandable fuckup.

>> No.75226388 [DELETED] 

god i want to shoot a 357 through enna and millies head so bad bros

>> No.75226440
File: 405 KB, 2500x2500, @kamameisgogo123[5].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be fine with just a public apology and a concrete, well thought out plan for self improvement, but you do you, bro.

I've had enough oshi on oshi violence for one lifetime...

>> No.75226567

>build your fanbase entirely on drama
>suprised that they stop caring about you after drama stops
Lmao dookie gets what she deserves, drama obsessed whore lost hard

>> No.75226615
File: 348 KB, 1153x580, 1713822174758203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, you fat untalented fujo tranny go find out.
now that no one applies to niji anymore, you surely will make the cut

>> No.75226731

Take your meds sister, you're having hallucinations again

>> No.75226749

Cute indie vtuber

>> No.75226890
File: 75 KB, 801x217, firefox_oN8y2Zro9M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually she's about to hit 700k! She's closing in on slaying the last dragon!
What'll the cope be when Doki's audience outside of Niji becomes greater than she ever had inside of it?

>> No.75226906

she fucked up by not wearing the tomato avatar from the get go

>> No.75227111

Who's on first.

>> No.75227235

Doki is her own boss.

She makes the rules.

She sets the agenda.

She benefits from all of the contacts she's ever made as part of this industry.

There's no draconian organization taking most of the cash (other than YouTube).

There's no high-school ESL kusogaki micromanaging her activities anymore.

She no longer has co-workers harassing her and making her work life intolerable.

There's no black company to have to get permissions from, over and over again, only to have content purged or slow-walked into the void.

She has nearly 700k subs as an independent v-tuber. The sky is the limit.

Meanwhile, her former employer Kurosanji EN is a complete shit-show, its reputation in shambles.

So "now that the dust has settled" - this was 100% Kurosanji's fuck-up.

Kurosanji management allowed the toxic workplace environment to exist at their EN branch. They permitted and encouraged the harassment that resulted in Doki's hospitalization.

They were the team decided to skin-walk her social media accounts while she was in hospital.

And when she lawyered up to ensure she wasn't being mistreated, Kurosanji fired her. In public. Without telling her about the termination beforehand.

The termination letter was a 3-page diatribe, in which Kurosanji admitted that they had a toxic workplace environment and opted to slander her further. Essentially they said "don't bother listening to the BPD psycho bitch, she's crazy."

The letter was followed up by the black-screen video, in which Doki's former co-workers continued their harassment of her.

Ultimately Kurosanji gave the Canadian government a textbook case of labor law violations.

Each party got what it earned from its own actions.

>> No.75228461

>Nijisisters now admitting their corp has 'nobodies'

>> No.75228551

Who are these small indies? They are doing so well!

>> No.75229937


>> No.75230985


>> No.75231027

That is in fact the biggest fuckup doki did and it's such a fucking nothingburger compared to everything else that happened.

>> No.75231363

The biggest fuckup, deciding to go against management once, after being mistreated for so long

>> No.75231384

Why is she so fat?

>> No.75231446

>with niji en not dying
Holy mother of cope

>> No.75232288

stop looking in the mirror, sister

>> No.75232437
File: 641 KB, 900x900, 1713092886326060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niji en not dying
Even if that were true (kek), I don't think she cares. I think she is just happy to be out of that hellhole.

>> No.75232752
File: 91 KB, 842x842, 1715004482433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up bitch

>> No.75232769
File: 229 KB, 500x498, 1714203363202401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm impressed it only took Sisters 2 months to actually come up with a clever insult for Doki. Honestly I find the polemic comparison of her laughter to a donkey to be rather endearing, tho.

>> No.75232834

>>75232769 (Me)
3 months*
Can't give them too much undue credit.

>> No.75232922

She did everything right, which explains the endless sister seethe. She did so well God himself smited their doxxsite

>> No.75233079 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 2894x4093, __dokibird_and_dokibird_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_xanadu_avici__4ea7454a1e85ff4c19f50eb38adf3b6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair audiences could handle this much raw sekkusu for so long.

>> No.75233225 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.82 MB, 1536x1824, 1713993568920388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pushin' for the cushion.

>> No.75234153

anything else that you want to know? pls feel free to ask

>> No.75235211

Dont give me too much credit lmao. This came to me in barely a couple seconds

>> No.75238076


>> No.75238305

Yes and let this be a lesson.
Don't invest in Nijisanji.

>> No.75238426

stop joking, even phase has better numbers than this

>> No.75240400
File: 681 KB, 680x680, This bird kills fascists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is now Day 84 of the 3 day special operation against Dokibird

>> No.75240926

>Doki is her own boss.
Her might have a word on that

>> No.75241220

How many Finana is it?

>> No.75241282

2.4 Finanas

>> No.75243345

What's on second

>> No.75248132 [DELETED] 

Not at all

>> No.75248391

Am i suppose to know her?

>> No.75248493

How do they make it a job?
Is it a donation from some dedicated fans?

>> No.75248529

Just 6 more days and we get a free milkshake nice

>> No.75248598

Does Uki know China's take on non straight people ?

>> No.75248741

Maybe a year ago

>> No.75248997

I don’t know’s on third.

>> No.75254905


>> No.75255089

>not much of a loss besides Pomu
Why does NotPomu hate her, again? I lost track

>> No.75257137

I thought this thread was talking about her channel getting striked. It is not.

>> No.75257389

That can't be her and because I am an otaku I will conveniently forget this picture.

>> No.75258481

if she fucked up then so did mint

>> No.75259208

>Now that the dust has settled...
jump off the nearest building. I can't talk about cooking with fucking shoyu but you can shit in the street with this

>> No.75259609

yeah she fucked up by leaving a black company

>> No.75259855

Fuck off and tell me the pitcher's name already.

>> No.75260367

let them vent

>> No.75260439

okay millle

>> No.75262010
File: 86 KB, 720x395, riku billionaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, she fucked him over

>> No.75265406

How much money did he lost? Does it even affect him when he's a billionaire?

>> No.75267004

such a bad bait

>> No.75271448

Back to retail.

>> No.75274188

Scarle makes triple than any of the other members because of her small but extremely dedicated fanbase.

>> No.75274303

Even someone smart will succumb to the failings of a collapsing mental state, especially if they were being slowly broken over a long amount of time through indirect harassment and sabotage.

>> No.75278416


>> No.75281294

Haha funny
