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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 897 KB, 2972x1217, 1706765176830319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75153466 No.75153466 [Reply] [Original]

I love how honest all the Niji livers are
They love their fans

>> No.75153558


>> No.75155043


>> No.75155164

wasn't she known or suspected to use chatgpt for a long time now?

>> No.75155198

She studied the power semicolon

>> No.75155316

ESL speak like Millie tend to be tagged as AI generated because of the bias towards the data fed through it, this proves nothing and is just a pathetic straw grasping attempt to slander because the dookie drama is growing colder and colder and you're running out of nothingburgers to blow up.

>> No.75155458

You would know that since you use it so much Millle

>> No.75155850

Except this series of tweets is much more proper English than Millie has ever tweeted before. It looks AI generated because it's not ESL enough.

>> No.75155910

...Is Millie even ESL? I thought she was canadian raised.

>> No.75155997

watch streams nigga
She talked about being in the PH until like middle school or something

>> No.75156000

Born in Flipland, moved to Canada. So she's definitely ESL, especially with her fluency in flip.

>> No.75156061

>Your smiles and shouts filled me with indescribable joy.
>It was an absolute pleasure and a tremendous honor to share the stage with my genmates during our 3D debuts.
>we were fortunate to receive invaluable assistance from a dedicated team of livers and staff.
Yeah, sure, false positive.
Anyone who thinks this is a false positive is proving they are ESL themselves. Nobody and I mean nobody writes like that outside of insanely proper posh settings. Most importantly millie herself has never once shown an ability to be this verbose and superfluous with her lexicon.
The biggest giveaway that this is AI however is the fact that it reads like a generic speech from a fancy award ceremony or sporting event. Right down to the sorts of words used and sentence structure.

>> No.75156072

>m-muh false positives
What kind of ESL uses semicolons?

>> No.75156123

Gen Z English speakers are that bad at English, anon.

>> No.75156140 [DELETED] 

except ESL actually get drilled down hard with proper punctuation and obscure rules so it makes sense for me to use them and sound "posh" you retard

>> No.75156342

>We all had planned to support each other by attending one another's debuts, and it was an incredibly fun experience

No one writes like this.

>> No.75156408


>> No.75156485
File: 198 KB, 654x460, Manager Millie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao even

>> No.75156558
File: 451 KB, 1272x479, peepthedate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still possible (if only barely) that it wasn't written by AI, but if it wasn't, it was likely ghostwritten by whichever organ wrote this fucking post on the doxxsite a day after the coffee vid.

>> No.75156616

>More deflection
The more you deny it the worse it looks for you Millie

>> No.75156618

>Nijisanji created NijiGPT branch and created true VTubers
holokeks could never

>> No.75156779

flip ESL here, would this be less suspicious as AI if it were written this way?
>I want to thank everyone for being there for our 3D debuts. Enna, Reimu and I worked really hard and poured everything into the preparation for this event.
>Seeing everyone happy and cheer for us makes me want to push myself and work harder.
>This is our first 3D and I wanted to thank our dedicated livers and staff-san who made all of this possible with their unwavering support and guidance
>I will never forget this once-in-a-lifetime experience and I'm glad to have been there with everyone.
>Lastly, I want to take a moment to appreciate my viewers, I see you in chat and in our comments sections, know that I appreciate you regulars and you are an invaluable member of the famillie
>here's to more exciting developments with everyone, please continue supporting all of us and we hope to be with you for more adventures in the future!

>> No.75156977

Hi millie! They love you!

>> No.75156989



>> No.75157047

Without fail, every night they come crawling out of the woodwork to attack Millie.

Every. Fucking. Night.

>> No.75157191

>Except this series of tweets is much more proper English than Millie has ever tweeted before. It looks AI generated because it's not ESL enough.
"much more proper English" sounds extremely ESL of you anon, but the sentiment rings true. These tweets don't read like something Millie would write herself.

>> No.75157346
File: 619 B, 200x200, A message from nijisanji EN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to attack millie
...by seething to ourselves on a vietnamese noodle tasting bulletin board?
Do you know what an attack looks like? It looks like this.

>> No.75157392

>>>>>>>>>>>using grammarly
what a cope. i guess the ai threads are biting in the ass huh?

>> No.75157560

Yeah you obsessed psycho, I do.

>> No.75157621

Pointing out she used AI to be disengenious to her fans is considered an attack?
While Nijisanji >>75157346 is allowed to slander and attack a person's livelyhood?

>> No.75157683

I'm sorry wtf? This image is new to me this is real?

>> No.75157709
File: 56 KB, 597x608, firefox_lCjzbgdSKE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also looks like this.

>> No.75157731

Selens manager

>> No.75157747

Yeah, go search the archives for copies. Apparently the organs would regularly go to nyfco to vent anonymously. Hence shit like this and them talking about Zaion's termination in detail over an hour before it was publicly released

>> No.75157790

Not a fucking chance a 7 dollar an hour ESL high schooler wrote that post.

>> No.75157803

>momentous occasion
>indescribable joy
>absolute pleasure
>tremendous honor

The shitload of adjective usage here is one of the main giveaways for AI because these words all have high probabilistic likelihood of being used in conjunction to emphasize something when viewed as individual units, but no human would ever pile them on top of each other like this because it utterly destroys the emotional impact of the statement.

>> No.75157875

That's just standard marketing talk for twitter. The model wouldn't be able to tell if it's the thing it emulates or if it's an emulation produced by the model itself.

>> No.75158187


Millie I know you're /here/ please hire me as your ghost writer

>> No.75158211
File: 61 KB, 1080x271, 1714894102894982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she responded

>> No.75158299

>They won't really private something special like this

>> No.75158569

this fucking bitch seriously trying to beat the deadhorse on public
shit like this should be DM on discord, both of them works under the same company

>> No.75158641


>> No.75158853


Not even 1 min between tw posts

>> No.75159069

She really has learned nothing from the trainwreck of a "secret group chat" stream.
Wish these dumb bitches would learn why you're not supposed to break containment and also why you're not supposed to feed trolls.

>> No.75159200

that's a lie

>> No.75159410

certified kurosanji moment

>> No.75159506

what exactly am I missing here?

>> No.75159903

Pagpag brain is a huge detriment to her decision making skills
She's also friends with Enna, who is arguably even more retarded and 100% worse at not being able to shut up

>> No.75159970

>we were fortunate to receive invaluable assistance from a dedicated team of livers and staff
Why does she always feel the need to say this?
Classic bootlicker millie, just remember that she said this when she tries spinning how bullied and unsupported she was in niji when she eventually graduates

>> No.75160303
File: 386 KB, 2129x1303, WB8BF0b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESL here. I'm a bit skeptical about how these AI detectors work but this one is giving me consistent results from what I've been testing. I've tried to fool it but I haven't been successful.

>> No.75160566

>Millie is STILL here
>Millie is RESPONDING to bait threads
lmao they just can't fucking learn

>> No.75160737


>> No.75160851

she lacks genuine human emotions so she has to use ai's help to impersonate them, pls andastand

>> No.75160904
File: 227 KB, 772x525, 1642694151131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75161271

Millie can barely string a coherent sentence together, let alone multiple paragraphs with sentences consisting of multiple clauses divided by semicolons.

>> No.75161352

Millie only responds when she knows that she fucked up and feels called out. So, Millie, thanks for confirming that you fucking used chatGPT to do this shit.

Fucking retard.

>> No.75161597

>Using AI is... LE BAD
Meanwhile 99% of this board used AI to fix their coding project or to fix their grammar for their reports.

>> No.75161628

>want to thank your fans personally
>uses fucking AI
this is actual dogshit behavior. A personal, heartfelt message should be personal and written from your own feelings.
This is the exact same reason we were outraged that Luca had the fucking gall to not make his own content or even sign his own fucking merch.

>> No.75161658

>"heartfelt message" written by AI
Yes, very heartfelt, I can taste the gratitude she has for her fans. Unironically, if she wrote this with her ESL showing, it would have been less of a yab

>> No.75161669

>Writes heartfelt letter
>Embarassed of how ESL she is
>Tells chatgpt to fix her grammar in the letter
>Somehow this is no longer "from your own feelings"
What's next anon. Are you going to tell me right-clicking the words with the red and blue squiggly in microsoft word to fix them isn't a heartfelt letter anymore?

>> No.75161719

Sister, have you ever interacted with a real, human, person? Like seriously.
I can't imagine ANYBODY being this dense or emotionless unless you were actually Millie herself desperately trying to cover her ass.

>> No.75161751

>Tells chatgpt to fix her grammar in the letter
Come on now, chatgpt did a lot more than just fixing a couple of grammar errors here and there. You just have to read the whole thing to see that Millie has never talked in that way before.

>> No.75161760

nta but that's interesting, I haven't really read up on this yet but now that you mention it, the wording does seem kind of overly flowery and verbose there, beyond what someone would talk like.

I can actually see a specific tone that would be really-really thick on such language and that's a mocking tone. because of course it would be with millie. if you put on a really fucking sarcastic condescending-sounding voice and read millie's statement, suddenly it sounds written entirely as a giant fuck you to the audience. like, management asked her to say something about how great a time she had and how much she appreciates her fans and she went "well oookay then, I'll do that, but you didn't say how I have to do it." like 50-50 odds that's what/how this all happeend IMO.

>> No.75161819

Fixing grammar and spelling mistakes does not equal an AI re-writing your entire letter for you.

>> No.75161876

>Sisters are actually trying to defend Millie for writing a letter to her fans using fucking chatgpt
I'm not surprised, they didn't see a problem either with Luca's girlfriend signing for him.

>> No.75161964

honestly i dont care much about using chatgpt to write shit like this, unless millie herself was vehemently anti-ai or something. using ai to write stuffy speeches is its best use right now and i'd rather esl people use ai to write pretty speeches rather than broken english it.
but i aint a pasty mayo

>> No.75162004

you don't get 100% AI certainty from anything written by a person that's more than a couple lines long. the stuff she posted came straight out of a language model and they didn't even bother changing ANYTHING in it.

>> No.75162048

You don't need the checker to tell this reads like generated slop.

>> No.75162711

People hunting for things to throw at Niji is nothing new. But it does raise eyebrows even from the onlookers because

1. How difficult is it to sit down for a few minutes to write something nice and have it checked by a fluent speaker?
2. Niji tried to push a “artists are awesome” movement a few weeks past the Selen termination and AI-generated anything is typically seen as a no-no to the people who care enough to be appeased by that movement.
3. There are ways to make your message feel more from-the-heart than a series of Tweets. Even a voice tweet would’ve gone better. Typing out a thank you is actually bare-minimum.

It baffles me how these are the people still in Nijisanji EN meanwhile Selen was giving gifts to her community every 50k or 100k subs. She’s still the only Niji EN member to this day to have ever made a shimeji. Guess it’s hard to support your community with projects when you’re spending it all on the luxury apartment, huh?

>> No.75162957


>> No.75163028

Sister I'm going to let you in on a little secret. When someone has written up a speech and is using phrases like
>tremendous honor
>absolute pleasure
>immense joy
they are the farthest from speaking to the heart you can get. It is the sort of phrasing you see in corporate speech.
We may mock ESL but the reality is that is sincere and from the heart. I don't like millie but I know that if my oshi who is also a little on the esl side were to write what millie wrote I'd feel genuinely disappointed in them.
Because it is not, in fact, from the heart.
At best she wrote a base script and then had an AI go through it and rip the "heart" you speak of from it. At worst she had it write the whole thing.

>> No.75163118
File: 164 KB, 316x327, raredokirage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know they are but it's still disgusting to see someone even pretending to be okay with Millie's actions here. It's a complete slap in the face, especially after one of them hilariously tried to claim how much Millie "loves" her fanbase a bit ago by blowing them kisses in ASMR or some trash like that.

>> No.75163253

whatever you say pakichan.

>> No.75163266

>watch streams nigga
how about no? lol

>> No.75163377

The only other time you'd really use it is when you're trying to meet the word/character requirement in an assigned paper or essay that you're close to finishing.

>> No.75163527

lol faggot
what happened to that charity money btw
I've read she will keep it to herself in the end

>> No.75163575

>watch streams nigga
how about no lmfao

>> No.75163739

well to be fair,
1. 'checked by a fluent speaker', can't ask her family, and certainly can't ask management either lol.
2. is true but i wouldnt say that a talent's views are necessarily the same as the company's, but i also don't give a shit about people using ai. (fuck artists), so im biased
3. yeah i agree that simpler message thats straight from the heart, maybe a more stream of consciousness-type thing seems more heartfelt than a speech that you spent either hours deliberating over or using ai to write. but maybe millie thought that people wouldnt like a broken english esl speech that that might make niji look even worse than it does now.

granted im a little biased to her because my heart still cant accept that lyrica is this evil

>> No.75163907

Yeah, I thought so too, until I saw the fucking "OH NO WHAT HAPPENED D:" tweet, and Enna's little plushie attack video.
These people are evil and clearly feel nothing when attacking or harassing people, just like their fans.

>> No.75163950

I don't think she is evil, but she is a massive retard who has drank way too much kool-aid. She is the very definition of a cult victim who has gone too deep into the sunk cost fallacy.

>> No.75165175

>Enna's little plushie attack video

>> No.75165213


>> No.75166467

>100% match
Ok Nijisis, are you trying to say the program has a 50+% margin of error as an argument and expect us to not kek are you?
Also all phrases sounds extremely unpersonals, not calling fannames, not adding subjects, it feels like a stardard produced speech even if real, which nowadays means 100% AI generated.

>> No.75166822

Educated one? It's not like semicolons are unique to English.

>> No.75167376


>bias towards the data fed through it

What the fuck does that even mean, sister?

>> No.75167580

Enna sexual assaulted a plushie (me) with her greasy cunt and posted a picture on twitter. Im fine, but now she ghosts me. I want her back. I can fix her.

>> No.75167868

Im just a bystander in all of this so idk if theyre actually (here) but its cute that they come here to defend themselves.

>> No.75168001

anon if you dont know how heavy accent she in her native tongue you just have to listen one line in her tag only streams

>> No.75168051


>> No.75168060


>> No.75168201

I can see the argument for the 2nd line not being AI
1st and 3rd are inexcusable.

>> No.75168471
File: 289 KB, 2325x1044, zero-gpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a challenge for you:
go to that website gptzero.me and write the shortest paragraph of text that it allows (250 characters) in order to get "100% AI"
(took me a few tries and i really forced it but i managed to do it somehow lol)

now do what Millie did and write a 1500 character essay that still gives you 100%.

>> No.75168602

Millie, you're an awful person. Remember that the next time you look in the mirror.

>> No.75169768

She is very obviously ESL.

>> No.75170539

wouldn't her being ESL be even more motivation to just write tweets with AI? because she's not fluent enough to actually write something that complex

>> No.75170606

>These three debuts hold a special place in my heart and will undoubtedly be cherished as lifelong memories.

That part right here is the single biggest giveaway that she didn't write this. What do you mean undoubtedly? Do you need permission from yourself to cherish your memories?

>> No.75171315

..what the fuck

>> No.75171741

everything Millie does is to bait /here/ because this place lives rent free in her head. And anons keep biting...

>> No.75171865

I don't really care about people using chatgpt to write their speeches for them. Even if they didn't use an AI they'd just use their managers or coworkers because most people are shit at writing speeches. It's all just PR anyway. But I don't engage with the parasocial element of streamers so maybe that's just a blind spot on my part.
Now Millie denying it and responding to accusations /here/ is funny as sht.

>> No.75172845

And how exactly is that a good thing? She also started this eternal war with 4chan cause of that video she made, seething at random anons

>> No.75172953

I never said it is a good thing but these threads are exactly what she wants.

>> No.75175744

It's funny to think that she posts /here/ to get herself some press since otherwise she wouldn't get any, whether it's good or bad.
Also, dramatubers also obviously check /here/ as well for news, and anything that lowers Nijisanji's reputation makes up for being a dramatuber
