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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75111238 No.75111238 [Reply] [Original]

Why did none of this help the boys?

>> No.75111343

Because the issue isn't marketing or lack of knowledge. It's that the greater Holo fanbase just has zero fucking interest in them.

>> No.75111896

In general women prefer male K-pop stars and men prefer female vtubers, I think

>> No.75111960


>> No.75112149

pretty much this

>> No.75112223

basically. or boy bands like one direction

>> No.75112320

one direction hasn't been relevant for almost a decade anon

>> No.75112632

Don't japs love the french or something? Maybe they should make a gen of french boys

>> No.75112808

but they're brotubers and share the same interest as the average guy....

>> No.75113923

They have a lot of adversity, resulting from the tribal wars. Lots of schizo's in Hololive hate them for existing. Nijifans hate them because they hate Hololive. The core audience of Holostars is either in Niji, or groups like Crazy Raccon. So Holostar is stuck in a position where it needs to be a disruptor in an established industry. Or for that, you need at least that one exceptional talent that drag everyone in the fanbase, someone like Coco. Or Holostars doesn't have that. Because Niji is the place where male vtubers can make it big, just like Hololive is the dream place for vtubers, Cover simply can't attract the male talent pool that Niji does.

>> No.75113993

Not exactly. If it was the case, Niji would have not been this big. Plus, have you seen any pictures from the Crazy Raccon convention? The amount of young girls there is crazy.

>> No.75114029

It's marketing issue
Cover are marketing them at wrong people

>> No.75114174
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>one exceptional talent that drag everyone in the fanbase
They had their chance and they blew it.

>> No.75114519

sorry, I’m not up to date one what 14 year old girls listen to

>> No.75114653

>Why did none of this help the boys?
It clearly did

>> No.75114828
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>Niji is the place where male vtubers can make it big
>making it big:

>> No.75115973

I like Hakka and Axel whenever i catch them, but if one of the girls are streaming that i like, there is no way in hell i'd choose the guys over them..

>> No.75116424

I know it's sarcasm, but if you don't say it some poeple will misunderstand. Brotuber don't exist, and wearing make up isn't what the average guy interested in.

>> No.75116511

yeah but those literal who vtubers on xitter said that all male vtubers are basically just sexpests who reach out to female vtubers to hook up

>> No.75116522

>the average guy
That's the problem. The Holo fanbase doesn't have average guys in it. There's only feminazis and feminized men that like feeling like "one of the girls." Of course they wouldn't like brotubers.

>> No.75119016

real bros don't threaten you with fucking your wife

>> No.75119108

the one that did that quit

>> No.75119564

But that never happened

>> No.75119611
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It actually did help the JP boys as Roberu and Aruran are solid viewers. The EN lads however are fucked because the western vtuber space simply does not care about guys being guys. They want the gays and males who'll treat them like shit with a deep voice.
>Yeah but Machina and Shinr-
Machina isn't gay and Shinri is way too fucking chill to be a sexpest, dude just wants to play his horror games while drinking a nice cup of coffee.

>> No.75120148

That's some bullshit. Roberu got most of his growth from attaching himself to that Mea chick and for a while that one 774inc group. And what Aruran has now is from VCR. Management did nothing for this.

>> No.75121104

Can, not will. Learn to read.

>> No.75121358

Roberu also had the winning son memes which came years before Mea.

>> No.75122004

They need to create their own box instead of trying to attract the audience from the existing hololive box.
Because the hololive box either don't care about holostars, hates their guts, or have no time to watch holostars unless their oshi are not streaming.

>> No.75122220

So when's the next wave that'll "make it big"?
They've been trying for a second one since Luxiem. It's also looking pretty grim given Niji's reputation.

>> No.75122367

It's fine.
They don't whore themselves out to the mentally-ill fujo and leftover women Niji fanbase

>> No.75122490

The actual problem - although VT will squeal like a dying pig about this - is a lack of internal support from programming. A lot of this advertising is effectively wrap-around PR and half of it won't even be seen by your audience because you're running it in the wrong country.

If you want people to watch the boys, you need to have them collab with the EN females and integrate them with your existing product and crosspromote. From a PR perspective there isn't another way out of this. Your audience is online and most engaged by your existing platforms (other streamers), so you have to leverage this.

If you were spotlighting new acting talent in an agency or a new band on your label, you'd get them support slots with bigger stars or have them do label promos or w/e with better known existing talent. Cover's inability or unwillingness to do this is proof they aren't business geniuses.

>> No.75122519

Why has no EN male chuuba been able to replicate kuzuha‘s success? Is there just not enough female otaku?

>> No.75122541

This, they are trying real real hard to sell beef steaks to vegans here. Holo love's fame was over 99% built on the girls. The fans are there for the girls. Why Cover doesn't get it, why some of the EN girls (aka Ame, Mori etc) didn't get it etc is a mystery.

>> No.75122648

An unironic homobeggar, wow

>> No.75122814

Magni blew it himself

>> No.75122913

Fans of female vtubers aren't interested in watching fake anime fuckbois and the overall pool of sisters is limited as women tend to be more into more mainstream media.

>> No.75124267

I feel like holo banner kneecapped them hard fr fr. Majority of your audience hated you for existing under their banner, and outsider hated you for carrying that banner. But if the current situation is profitable for them then there should be no problem at all.

>> No.75129798

the flesh streamers I'm told are brotubers don't spend the whole stream flirting with the girls they invited

>> No.75130039

If I wanted homo content I'd watch wwe or ufc

>> No.75130642

Thank god holostars don't do that either

>> No.75131519
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>> No.75132854
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>> No.75132993
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I don't know why Cover continues to force Holostars onto Hololive fans after picrel, even with LITERALLY no other option Hololive fans still won't watch the Stars

>> No.75134561

>attract the male talent pool that Niji does
Luxiem literally killed NijiEN.
I am glad Cover don't attract them.

>> No.75134984

One more starsEN gen and they'll have their big breakthrough I promise just one more collab with the girls if only the HololiveEN twitter account would shill them and their streams honestly the boys just need a little bit of support from management and they'll make it big trust me yagoo hire more boys and let them fuck the girls on stream

>> No.75136103

>If you want people to watch the boys, you need to have them collab with the EN females
I'd say this was a shitpost but unfortunately I know you're fully serious

>> No.75136258

men arent interested in watching fags
women arent interested in anything but themselves

>> No.75136343

It has worked, obviously.
They now utterly mog their main competitor, Niji EN's faggots.

>> No.75140847

Because their fanbase isnt as enthusiastic as the girls fanbase

>> No.75141264

the face of a beta buxx

>> No.75141592

Exactly. Hell, between holostars or some random 2 view female vtuber that doesn't speak a lick of english, the average hololive fan would choose to watch her instead lol

>> No.75141594

That's largely true, even some of the new homos had grooming scandals

>> No.75142286

but I already have the egg for that

>> No.75145514

Cgdct is just too powerful

>> No.75146260

If I wanted to watch a brotuber I would watch a fleshtuber like PewDiePie or dantdm not some faggot who wears skirts and shits about muh LGBTQ rights.

>> No.75146432

There faliure can be boiled down to several reasons.
>Homos with holo branding will never work
>Cover is not fated to create successful homos
>Most talents they have are just shit
>Most people they attract are subhuman LGBTQ and forced progressive freaks who think virtue signalling is more important

>> No.75146499
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Take all the fujos
Subtract the amount that are lesbians for anime women
Subtract the amount that don't consider vtubers 2D
Subtract the femunicorns that don't want mixed collabs because we all know 90% of male vtubers do this job in hopes of getting laid
That is your available audience pool
Now subtract the amount of fujos that won't spend
This isn't profitable

>> No.75146621
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Nice non-faggy bro, anon

>> No.75146665

Even the current homos in stars are all holofans, I can guarantee you most of them joined with the dream of interacting with holos.
If you go to the flip generals here there are several subhumans trying to get in to hook up with holos, these faggots never cared about the "stars" branding.
The only semi-successful homo that is Robaru only achieved it by distancing himself from the branch.

>> No.75146862

Most people can forgive women for being stupid, but it's much harder for a male streamer to be successful with wrong opinions without being favored by the people that make the algorithms, and an avidly Shintoist company like hololive will never be favored. If stars could have found a populist like a male Pippa, then they might have had a shot, but they'd never do it.

>> No.75147089

You faggots need to accept that no amount of shilling will make homos successful, both by the girls or cover. Holos have literally ZERO insentive to give them the time of their day. JP holos are better off interacting with fleshtubers or nijimales if they want to "expand their audiance" or some shit.

>> No.75147300

I am not a faggot like you so ain't gonna download a photo of his but this is the truth beggar chan. If you actually want homos to progress you need to get rid of this "DA BOIZ ARE BEING OPRESSED" mentality.

>> No.75147487

Because none of them are very talented. They're just kind of there. There's still never been a male Gawr Gura.

>> No.75147834

When will you homobeggers get it through your heads that collabs wont do shit. Hololive fans know they exist they just don't want to watch.

I think they know more about their analytics than some random anon and realized that collabing with the girls does more harm than good to their growth, that's why they don't do it anymore.

>> No.75147953

They're just projecting.

>> No.75148583

>If I wanted to watch a brotuber I would watch a fleshtuber like PewDiePie or dantdm not some faggot who wears skirts
>W-well it's okay that pewdiepie dressed like a woman and has said he enjoyed kissing a guy
Homoanon I'm only calling you a hypocrite and a retard. I never said anything about the boys being oppressed. Why does this make you so angry?

>> No.75148877

Male Gawr Gura's are smart enough to not be vtubers
Everyone knows they exist. No one cares
If you want straight otaku men your BOIS are now competing with every EVERY female vtuber streaming in that timeslot plus their vods
That is a battle your bois will lose

>> No.75149056

damn Lui's betrayal must've really mindbroke the troonicorns kek

>> No.75149175

>all current homos are all holofans
>flip generals

Just say you only know Jurard, flip trash.

>> No.75149503

They need more help desu
this is not enough, time to include them on Hololive game sponsorship, like the current EDF line up, adding the boys will be good

>> No.75149518

The shitskins are seething because they know Cover will never accept their audition roru

>> No.75151896
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bro really set his projector to IMAX

>> No.75152475

Market for male Vtubers was always a niche one simply because there's so much less single female nerds out there or they're already invested in kpop.

"Brotuber" was never the goal here, Cover doesn't want homos to compete with hololive for the same audience.

>> No.75152562

>If you want people to watch the boys, you need to have them collab with the EN females and integrate them with your existing product and crosspromote.
Or... They could remove the whole male idol identity and see what happens. And I don't mean pandering to actual faggots and trannies I'm talking about actually pandering to a niche that's befitting of guys laughing with other guys.

>> No.75152692

What are you a journalist. What kind of ridiculous cherry picking is that.

>> No.75152845
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i swear to god if i hear this word again im finna snap

>> No.75152856

>pandering to a niche that's befitting of guys laughing with other guys

I see this a lot, but explain what this means. Like 90% of any collab the guys do is just them all being idiots together and laughing their asses off at their stupid shit.

>> No.75152922

wasnt that pewdiepie picture from 12 years ago? you sisters really are a lost cause

>> No.75153012

They are all literally stagnating because they don't improvise with big brain ideas like not-Magni and not-Vesper. Being a male idol isn't the right play here because they don't have enough exposure and probably never will

>> No.75153073

>male idol identity
They never got any "male idol identity" to begin with. Just because some of them might have called themselves "idols" doesn't make them idols

>> No.75153129

You ever seen streamers like Tomato Gaming or Bucklington? I'm kind of talking about those types of people one that uses roleplaying bits for shits and giggles

>> No.75153253

It doesn't change the fact that they're being advertised as male idols because they have to and it's not really popular overseas but rather in Japan

>> No.75153271

Vtuber game grumps probably

>> No.75153455

They had one but they dipped. You already know who I'm talking about

>> No.75153570

Kuzuha succeeded because anime is popular enough in Japan to seem normal so it doesn't feel weird for nips to see anime dudes
Anime everywhere else is largely a personal affair where you control what your exposure to anime looks like instead of walking past countless anime art ads on billboards and across the walls of high rises in all the busiest intersections
Because men can curate their consumption they curate what they have had exposure to and thus also curate what they don't get exposure to
Of course men would end up selecting for anime girls, so of course men would be more receptive to women as anime girls, and less receptive to men as anime boys
So of course men outside of Japan would be far less likely to have an interest in anime boys in general. They simply aren't a familiar thing. That makes them off-putting.

>> No.75153603

Who wants male idols in the first place? Even in Japan (and Korea. Especially Korea.) girls already have actual singing dancing dorks to moisten themselves over, and gays who might actually be autistic enough to care about a virtual male idol would still have better things to do than watch lame content.

They're trying to sell a product that nobody wants. If they want something like Holostars to be successful, they need to identify what people might actually want to see, then cater to that, not try to force a bad idea down everyone's throats when they're clearly not interested. They've got the order reversed. And that's a lesson they need to take to heart in general.

>> No.75153819

>If you want people to watch the boys, you need to have them collab with the EN females and integrate them with your existing product and crosspromote.
If they released a mixed gen in Hololive that would help Holostars get more attention but would also burn out much of their unicorn fan base. Yagoo keeps trying incremental changes because he wants to slowly change the CGDCT formula to get fans used to Holostars.

>> No.75154118


>> No.75154321

>They want the gays and males who'll treat them like shit with a deep voice.
Vox really did do incalculable damage to the EN vtubing sphere, didn't he

>> No.75154458

> Because men can curate their consumption they curate what they have had exposure to and thus also curate what they don't get exposure to
This is also why male vtubers are so bad at maintaining female audiences. They have no desire to know what the girls like and therefore they flop. They don’t know shoujo or booktok or whatever. Girls are much more flexible in their interests and make an effort to meet their male fans halfway, or they actually have the same interests to begin with. Bad side of that is all the e-thot anime tourists but that’s another conversation.

>> No.75154491

No, Homo had total hololive fanbasee attention, that why they get so much hate actually, because hololive fanbase don't care, don't watch, and if you force it to watch, then fuck you.
That the reality homotrannies don't want to accept.
Hololive fanbase is just not interested.

>> No.75154589

> still fail in japan too.
that likely not the problem anon.

>> No.75154707

I really like ruze and I hope he continues to flourish, I am very happy for him

>> No.75154800

They should release a mixed gen of you with a rope and noose, will be very popular.

>> No.75155310

Roberu grew on his own. He barely interacted with holo girls. Same can be said for the clown who loves doing his own thing.

>> No.75155467
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If I wanted a bro I can open steam and immediately interact and play with one. There is such an absurd surplus of bros with the same interests as me.
There is simply no reason for male vtubers to be a thing.

>> No.75155595

What fucking big brain ideas did the 2 quitters have in their last 6 months in Holo? The only creative things that Magni did in 2023 were his Alchemists Prologue thing and the 1.5 lore reveal. Vesper legitimately did nothing for all of 2023.

People's perception of those 2 is strictly from their debut up until Vesper's suspension. That's it.

>> No.75155845

Ironic that Cover put in so much effort to advertise the guys publicly, but apparently didn't bother informing their own talents about them. Haachama, who normally loves everything EN related, only found out about Holostars English 6 months after debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFUhFVvr1hQ

>> No.75156359

Anime is mainstream and completely normie in America

>> No.75157633

>too chill to be a sexpest

Dude has a very well hidden nsfw account lol he capitalizes on the sister loneliness too, he isnt any different

>> No.75157941

yeah i love "cute guys doing cute things" too

>> No.75158147

>If you want people to watch the boys, you need to have them collab with the EN females and integrate them with your existing product and crosspromote.
That's how you get people to stop watching both. You just permanently crippled the company, good job.

>> No.75159096

but constant exposure to anime without any personal curation of the content is not. Notice how I was speaking strictly about ads in Tokyo and major urban centers. Most Japanese people are there. Most Japanese people get blasted with ads, more than most people are. A large portion, if not an outright majority, of those ads are going to use an anime art style. The ads themselves will not cater to the tastes of the individual observer. Japanese see anime dudes and anime girls every day, in a broad range of contexts. The majority of weebs are not going to have that kind of exposure. They curate their exposure and fine tune it to their tastes exactly. That means more girls less boys. And the inverse for female fans.

>> No.75160885

It absolutely was the goal early on with StarsEN and they arguably achieved it with Vesper and Magni. They're gone now, as is any attempt to appeal to a male audience. You can get guys that aren't insufferable for men to watch like Bettel and Ruze, but that's in spite of them being part of Stars, not because of it.

>> No.75160996

A regular Tomato Gaming collaber is literally in Holostars.

>> No.75161056

Is not only the holo fanbase, practically all of the vtuber community is not interested in them. Doesn't matter how many times they are shilled and rubbed on the face of everyone, no one gives a fuck about them. You can see that especially on the JP side, supposedly more stronger because vtubing is more accepted in japan. The JP branch was active for around 5 years and still, they never incline permanently, in fact is shrinking more than ever. Those JP members join tournaments and servers like VCR that are outside of hololive and doesn't matter how many times they join, these guys never gain more viewers. Everyone knows about them, but nobody is willing to watch or support them. Usually, JP and EN are 3 views except for roberu and bettel.

>> No.75161222

>bro just try to cross sell gigolo’s to your heterosexual Johns

>> No.75161802

I'd watch a fag of they found another kira

>> No.75161959

Aren’t the EN boys are doing much better than 90% of JP? Even the runts? They’re getting a lot of convention appearances recently as well.

I do wonder why their songs get so much less reach than that other corpo though.

>> No.75162098
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homobeggars are fucking delusional holy shit
they DID collab with the EN girls, they DID try to integrate them with the HoloPro bullshit so they could call themselves Hololive, they made song covers together, in that very image there are tons of examples of it
the result? a lot of people showed up for the collabs, especially when they were a novelty, but did not grow the boys audience AT ALL

what you're suggesting is fundamentally altering the Hololive product by making Hololive and Holostars entirely indistinguishable, making it essentially compulsory for any girl to collab with some of the boys, even those who are obviously uncomfortable with it and did not sign up for that shit when they got hired by Hololive
maybe this strategy would attract a new audience for the old one would be almost completely gone in just a few months

>> No.75162253

Yeah, EN blows JP away in basically every metric on average with the only real success story being Roberu. StarsJP might actually be in danger of dissolving at some point while the same can't be said for StarsEN.

>> No.75162423

You can always count on Holo fans ability for self sabotage

>> No.75162431

The NYE stream last that was watched by 160k people during the homo segment did absolutely nothing, the hololive audience are all aware of them, they have been exposed to them and you would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn't know about them.
The simple conclusion to all of this is that they have been promoted and the ones who were exposed to them simply said "no".

>> No.75162492

I'm interested in video games and I hate idolshit and FOTM slop.
They don't play good Vidya like most holos and they do too much idolshit. I will never support idolshit streams and events. Merch is as far as I'll go, but fuck music with a hot iron rod.

>> No.75162605

I have plenty of other content creators outside of vtubing that fits that criteria much better.

>> No.75162666
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>> No.75162683

>The fans self sabotage
We know
I'll never forget their """EN3""" begging arc which led to them constantly complaining about """EN3""" when they finally came out.

>> No.75162849
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> Yagoo keeps trying incremental changes because he wants to slowly change the CGDCT formula to get fans used to Holostars.
Nice try homobeggar

>> No.75162915

They've tried and tried and tried some more to advertise them to hololive fans and people still won't watch them. Hololive fans should not be their target audience.

>> No.75163255

I did sub to Axel and Vesper to show some support but Vesper quickly collabed with Kronii ruining the "bro" integrity of his initial image and Axel was only good at Apex, and that game fucking sucks cock. If he took an interest in other difficult competitive games I may still be subbed today.
None of the other Stars ever caught my attention and some actively pushed me away (Altare with his tranny pandering).

It's been said if they simply stopped with the male idol shit the Stars would incline and I agree 100%. No one really cares about men singing and dancing in a company full of girls who do it better and cuter. The guys should be gamers and comedians.

>> No.75163286

I don’t care about their streams but I try to give most songs a listen. Some of their covers are pretty good desu but I don’t think any of them got over 500k. Even the guys that can actually sing like Hakka and Octavio.
Meanwhile Uki’s ori song with genuinely some of the worst lyrics I’ve ever heard is near 6 million.
It could be an algorithm thing but I blame sisters k-pop replaymaxxing even when the song is trash

>> No.75163379

It's a niche that fulfils its purpose.

>> No.75163534

Wow you really made them mad.

>> No.75163703
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Dont lump us with you "Onion skinned faggot"

You can keep defending Homos on /vt/ but you can never prevent the inevitable "H2Pro"/spoiler]
I cant wait to see you FAGS cry more than when yo ucry about the dumb and dumber

>> No.75163810

Oh there are other options and that's the problem. If no holomem are live, I'll watch an archive I'm interested in, play a game, watch random youtube videos, I'm truly spoilt for choice with entertainment. It's an exceptionally long list and watching male vtubers is so far down that list it isn't even worth considering. I assume it's the same way for most holofans.

>> No.75163991

I would put at least 3 of the homos at discord groomer tier and another 2 of them in leech/I want to be hololive too tier.
Some of them are better than others but hololive fans were never going to be comfortable bankrolling a bunch of dudes to be friends with their oshis, it was always going to create friction with the audience holo built.
Now you have the worst of the worst like dino flip and flayon and I think everyone is thankful they are mostly quarantined.

Sorry to the somewhat decent ones that have been doing their own thing since they got in but I will always see homoEN as a mistake, I don't care if they have finally surpassed the ruins of luxiem, that's hardly an achievement when the nijimales audience had already abandoned them. All the "growth" the homos have managed pales in comparison to the damage management did to holo trying to force the products together and letting the girls branch wither for years whilst they were forcing more males out the door.

>> No.75163995

esl-chan what are you even trying to say

>> No.75164043

All part of the plan. Keep the dead ones alive to show that Cover is more moral and caring than the competition. Even if other companies try the same tactic, they'll burn out before Cover.

>> No.75164048

Yes, I'm sure it holofags fault Gura doesn't stream.

>> No.75164074

I only like Aruran and can enjoy his streams and interactions. Did he grow recently?

>> No.75164109

It probably did help them. To get from 100 viewers to like 800. They would be worse off without all the marketing.

>> No.75164112

By not embracing faggots?

>> No.75164124

I'd literally rather watch an old gura vod than another hololive girl livestreaming. what makes these retards think that I'd even consider watching a homostar stream instead of that then? like you said it's so far down the priority list, it doesn't even register there

>> No.75164222

Why do homobeggars refuse to watch streams of the people they homobeg for?

Why can this simple question never be answered?

>> No.75164305

>convention appearances
all down to the ambassador thing where cover basically bundles the girls with the boys in one package so conventions don't get to just select 2-3 girls and instead have to eat the veggies too
>EN boys are doing much better than 90% of JP
Eh, outside of the truly hopeless in jpstars it's a bit neck and neck. Their average is a bit higher but they also don't have a roberu

>> No.75164334

They dont really care about the homos, all they want is to "Le-own the incels" and "Self-insert" themselves to homos so they can fantasies raping the girls and cucking their fans

>> No.75164383
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>> No.75164393

>Why do homobeggars refuse to watch streams of the people they homobeg for?
Because the homostars are fundamentally shit talents that no one wants to watch not even them
That's why they try convincing other people to watch them, because it's virtuous ("It'd own the unicorns"), but they don't want to be bored to death
>Why can this simple question never be answered?
Because it blows up their entire argument, they are literally telling people that are enjoying something that they should instead watch something they have no interest in, that is a shit quality product that no one wants, just because someone else thinks that's the right thing to do (??? no one is entitled attention retards)

>> No.75164802

There's only two routes to success as a male streamer
1. Pandering hard to rich fujos/yumes that are willing to support them, which is the route that niji EN took
2. Being a really good or unique streamer, like the so-called "brotuber"
Stars EN tried (initially at least) the 2nd approach and actually had some success for a while, before the novelty wore off and they were relegated to essentially being accessories for the holos they occasionally collabed with
The fundamental problem with this approach is that vtubing doesn't operate in a vacuum - they're also competing against fleshtuber/streamers that are far more popular and established than them
Unlike for the girls, the anime avatar for male streamers is actually a hindrance here rather than synergistic
At best, these avatars far far less expressive than what fleshstreamers are capable of
At worst, it's cringe to the majority of potential audience which includes non-weebs, and can attract horny femcels (from approach 1) which are just incompatible with the rest of the fanbase (just think how cringe it would be to see pregnant emotes being spammed in a "brotuber" chat)
Basically there's no benefit to being a male vtuber unless you're trying to attract a female audience

>> No.75164834

These types of recommendations that boil down to
>keep forcing the homos down everybody’s throat it’ll work out eventually I promise
are how I know for a fact homobeggars are just antis in disguise. You are physically incapable of understanding the idea that men just aren’t going to do as well as women in a profession that is female dominated.

>> No.75164840
File: 429 KB, 1080x1050, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta but he said you a faggot that won't even watch your bois despite larping for virtue points. Post your membership homofaggot.

>> No.75165820

>Open thread
>Beggars offering suggestions
>It's shit Cover had already tried
Beggars can never help illustrating how little they know about them

>> No.75165895

And the thing about the Appeal to Virtue strategy is that it's become so obnoxious that it's starting to turn otherwise neutral fans against the homos too. Even the official subreddit and the general vtuber subreddit knows that homobeggars are the real problem, not the unicorns. It's only the dedicated homobeggar subreddits that even pretend to like them.

>> No.75165902

There’s still events where it’s just the girls. There’s likely a priority for who gets invited but I doubt it’s a mandatory bundle thing because if that was the case their meet and greet tickets wouldn’t be selling out in under 5 minutes. And at least for one convention the organizer was a genuine en fan. He was happy to have them there.

>> No.75166549
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When there is no one live in EN the guys will still be 3view. Hololive fans know they exist and aren't interested. I gave them a try until I was forcing myself for "unity" and realized I was better off watching what I actually enjoy. Girls are also way more appealing as idols. Homos have a very annoying fanbase that gets mad about the girls and the fans, acting like they are entitled to collabs and the same popularity and viewership. Claiming the girls are bad people if they don't share it with them. Stop trying to guilt trip people into support your favorite streamer, it only makes them more hated.

>> No.75167726

>welcome to our digital geisha house
>we have the finest girls
>would you like to try out some of the guys?
>huh why not? why the fuck not unicorn?
it's literally this simple

>> No.75168964


>> No.75171038

It is a mystery

>> No.75172450

>a simple picture
Is this really Pakistan's best?
