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75061741 No.75061741 [Reply] [Original]

>The name is Kotoka, but you can call me Kotoka the Vampire slayer. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?

>> No.75062079

where the fuck is Kotoka anyway? She hasn't been around for months

>> No.75062799

graduation imminent

>> No.75063065
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Found her!

>> No.75063142

Shame she was fun

>> No.75063154


>> No.75063198

luca tossed her away so a menhera spiral happened

>> No.75067848

or termination
either way, when she finally is given the boot, the only surprising thing will be that it hadn't happened sooner - unless they're worried that formally sacking her would anger the investors, which is probably the only reason she isn't gone yet

>> No.75067975

Some JP Nijiorgans have been 'taking a break' for years already. You tell me. Riku doesn't want those retention numbers to go down.

>> No.75068289

Her hiatus makes her more guilty about Mel's termination

>> No.75071511

gone, reduced to atoms

>> No.75071809

got karma'ed
throw her gen mate underbus then killed one of the less drama magnet innocent holomem

>> No.75073976

Pink and blonde is a nice combo

>> No.75074263
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It pains me to say it but I like her and XSOLEIL overall alot out of the whole niji shitfest. Yes including Zaion, if niji wasnt such a shit corpo and canned her she'd probably be tied with kotoka as my favorite in a gen I already liked alot
Thing is all these rrats against her dont really hold much weight, people just assume shes some terrible person based on little to no evidence.
The closest thing to proof was the whole mel situation since she felt the need to respond, but even then that's not conrete.

>> No.75074876
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>Thing is all these rrats against her dont really hold much weight
The mel situation is whatever, but the fact that she acted as nijisanji's corporate mouthpiece to shift the discussion around zaion from a labor dispute between her and nijisanji to an interpersonal dispute between Zaion and the genmates which she disappointed is not up for debate.

>> No.75075381

People keep pushing this, but it really just seems like a forced PR move compared to what other cunts like finana said. Kotoka hasn't even mentioned her since.
Also as a Sayu viewer, she has never said anything that confirms that Kotoka was a true backstabbing bitch, and this is the same woman who went as far as to address finana and someone elses offhand slander comments in her document.
IDK it all just seems very flimsy.

>> No.75075449

She's still at nijisanji, so "forced PR move" doesn't buy her any points. If she quits, becomes and indie, and starts revealing all the shit nijisanji force her through, then you can come back with the forced pr move thing and maybe it might buy her some points, until then it's the niji equivalent of just following orders.

>> No.75075520

Duct taped to a folding chair in an abandoned warehouse getting waterboarded by Mel and yagoo

>> No.75075657

Yea no, the timing of it all plus the fact that she's -still- MIA is pretty damning

>> No.75075751

eh? She went on and on about how much xsoleil would always be 6 in her potion crafting stream, roughly a month before sayu went off on her "it hurt so much to be backstabbed by them" breakdown. I'm pretty sure they were not on friendly enough terms for Kotoka to try pretending as if they were still besties. With hindsight, it seems more like she was twisting the knife again, if anything.

>> No.75075790

rrats say that she's out for the count because she gloated about something Mel told her to someone else, word got out, it spiraled into Mel getting terminated. Guilt from carelessness is eating her from the inside out. Turned into a menhera spiral and now she's one less Niji for the count (again).

>> No.75075823

>being in a corpo automatically means yoy agree with the actions of everyone in it
Yeah you're just being a retard now.
Selen and Pomu were mouse quiet during the entire ordeal, are they suddenly evil villians out to ruin sayus life too?
Grow the fuck up man, until Sayu says for a fact it's true I'm taking her word over yours.
This on the other hand Is a rrat I can believe
No one would make a random tweet defending themselves u prompted unless they were involved.

>> No.75075844

>"Also as a Sayu viewer"
>Doesn't even know the fanbase name
>Never said anything that confirms that Kotoka was a true backstabbing bitch
>You know I don't even care at this point, man, you know
>Were they allowed to? Yeah, they were allowed to at least not shit talk
>You know Kotoka said she couldn't wish her well? She couldn't wish Zaion well. Like on stream is what she said.
>I saw her in PERSON and became friends with her in private BEFORE we had anything to do with each other
>I went out of my way to meet up and teach her secrets and tell her things before, y'know, before the debut
>That just really sucked
>I really loved her
>I loved her a lot
>I saw her as one of my best friends

>> No.75075849

>being in a corpo automatically means yoy agree with the actions of everyone in it
no, but coming out with a video supporting the corpo statement does. She's not some innocent bystander, she actively participated. Notice how nobody is going after Doppio or even Maria for this?

>> No.75075924

Kotoka the Protector of Hololive

>> No.75075941

The most generous rrat I can come up with is that she got forced to make that video, ESL'd the fuck out of her statement, and then the guilt kept her from ever contacting sayu directly to apologize.
But that really doesn't make much sense since Sayu likely would have tried to contact her as well. So she'd have to completely shit the bed and avoid Sayu like the plague while somehow still feeling guilty... but she still thinks she's okay to make all buddy buddy comments about her out of nowhere despite seeing the damage she took from everything? This is the most generous possible interpretation of events I can imagine, at least, and even then it doesn't do much for her case.

>> No.75076075
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Ah fuck this is pretty damning, Idk how I've never seen this before.
Thanks for the wakeup call, still don't think she's as bad as some of the other niji's who dogpiled on her and much worse like Kyo but I'll admit I was wrong.
I want to believe this as someone who enjoys both but yeah that's probably wishful thinking on my part.

>> No.75076094

Holy shit this is sad. Sayingot the shaft but the knife in the back is worse. I know she's crazy but that is awful.

>> No.75076120
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Don't shitpost with my oshi.

>> No.75076362
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>> No.75076552

For what it's worth, the Sayu that joined Nijisanji is absolutely not the same Sayu that came out, especially after all that harassment from the "fanbase." As late as I think february she mentioned casually that people were still trying to dox her again, but I think they missed somehow.

>> No.75076605

What an actual cunt. At least have the balls to stab her in the stomach instead of the back. Sounding off when there's no threat to your safety is a bitch made move reeking of pure pettiness.

>> No.75076736

Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way but linked chuuba here just comes off as an overdramatic woman. idk much about the whole context though

>> No.75076778

t. kotoka

>> No.75077012

Graduation when?

>> No.75077020

the context is that if you here for Selen, they basically did the same thing to Zaion/Sayu, except worse. On top of the disgusting, trumped up termination notice, they had all her genmates make videos to hit her again(to varying degrees for each, though Kotoka's was the worst), and on top of that they ended up leaking her fucking address, legal name, photo, and her goddamn passport which got spread all over twitter for a week, usually as a reply to whatever she was tweeting. This, combined with Nijisanji's rabid fanbase and the extra comments from her former "friends" like kotoka and Finana, emboldened them to harass her constantly, both online and offline. She eventually released a legal document leaking some of the shit that went down in Niji and countering all the shit in the termination notice against her, but the harassment only got worse. That clip was taken during a breakdown she had during a subathon a few months after the fact (though she was still receiving constant harassment).

>> No.75078313

Sorry Kotoka, you don't get to run away from your crimes.

>> No.75080372

mel is gone because of this whore

>> No.75080529

Scissoring Rica while laying low after being accused for Mel's termination

>> No.75080992
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>idk much about the whole context though
This video does a good job of explaining Zaions termination, and why she was so hated when Doki was so loved after their respective terminations.

>> No.75083935

> You can also call me the Judas of Niji EN by the way how I fuck over Zaion's career, cool huh?

>> No.75084012

They're probably more worried she'll go around running her mouth and exposing them. Probably just indefinite hiatus.

>> No.75084113

>A backstabber is gone

>> No.75085708

Staying Indie or joining VShojo?

>> No.75087237


>> No.75087525

That was hard to watch. Poor Sayu...

>> No.75090572

Why are nijiniggers like this?

>> No.75090853

There's a reason why Sincroknights are as protective as they are. What Niji, her genmates, and the fanbase put her through is absolutely abhorrent.

>> No.75090965


>> No.75093190
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They're chinese

>> No.75093336

>The mel situation is whatever
Dumb eop

>> No.75097108


>> No.75101051


>> No.75101258
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>> No.75102351

Can anyone tell me what kyo did?

>> No.75104059

what happened?

>> No.75105559

Phase Conneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeect JP !

>> No.75106268

Signaled his support for the doxxing and harassment campaign against his coworker on his PL twitter account

>> No.75110288

nice find

>> No.75110711

lmao no way, even fishman wouldnt touch her with a 10 feet pole

>> No.75111509


>> No.75112202

This bitch still active on her PL? I don't know it so I have no idea if she killed herself or not
Especially now with that armchair video calling her out even more I wonder how she's feeling kek

>> No.75114935

Jesus Sayufags are embarrassing
