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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.20 MB, 1168x598, Camilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74999720 No.74999720 [Reply] [Original]

Is she reformed?

>> No.74999758


>> No.74999923

Literal fucking who? I know who is she and that makes her even more WHO

>> No.75000182

That's for Shondo to decide, she was the one who was wronged.

>> No.75000196

What did she ever do wrong? She's been based from the beginning

>> No.75000235

not until she gives 6 months of her own pay to shondo for trying to deplatform her, leading her to financial problems

Also shondo has no choice to "forgive" her after that public showing, pretty terrible. Anny or whoever thinking shondo shouldn't hold a grudge are so fucking out of touch to people smaller than them

why don't ant of these content creators go without half a year of income while bills come in and come back to us to see of they don't feel mad

>> No.75000264

I don't think about female Mr. Burns at all

>> No.75000321

sorry tranny but you might wanna check her latest tweet. only NOW is she based

>> No.75000327

>I am reformed
>I am sorry
>I am different
>no need to support ME

fucking self centered apology, not once did she even mention shondo

>> No.75000356

Actually acknowledged that she was fucking with Shondos livelihood for no real reason other than clout farming, appears to have realised that is an exceedingly shitty thing to do.
That's a good enough apology for me to personally stop calling her a fat whore whenever I see her but I wouldn't blame Shondo if she still wanted nothing to do with her.

The timing is also sus, invites people to be cynical about how much she actually means what she said but I will give her the benefit of the doubt I guess. The only way to know for sure is if we don't see her jumping on some other drama bandwagon in the future.

>> No.75000368

Is this the white man's whore?

>> No.75000414

QRD? What'd she do to Shondo?

>> No.75000439

You one of them shondo fags? Your oshi's a fucking slug and needs to win first prize at a tidepod eating competition. So do you

>> No.75000459

When that twitter spergout over loli was ongoing Shondo made a tweet about her DFC that got a LOT of negative attention.
She mentioned that a lot of the people sending her death threats were 12 year olds with trans flags in their bio or some shit.
Camilla proceeded to shit talk Shondo on stream calling her disgusting and saying she shouldn't have a platform and nobody should support her.

>> No.75000489

>Camilla proceeded to shit talk Shondo on stream calling her disgusting and saying she shouldn't have a platform and nobody should support her.
Holy shit she's based as FUCK

>> No.75000491

Isn't she still fat?

>> No.75000496

t. seething troon

>> No.75000520

>twitch slut
Reformed into a slut maybe.

>> No.75000525

Did she apologize for attacking Shondo? No? She should kill herself then.

>> No.75000542


>> No.75000551

Yeah, nah. Pedoshits all need to have a get together with a noose

Shondo's about as interesting and valuable as a mountain of used adult diapers and if you like her you unironically need to kill yourself or at the very least should be put on a government list for extermination

>> No.75000572

Hang yourself projecting faggot
Projecting groomers like you should be doxxed and killed on sight. FUCK OFF AND DIE

>> No.75000580

Honestly this desu

>> No.75000604

Wait so this slam pig "apologized" just so that she could hop on a trend half a year ago? lol

>> No.75000603

I'll do it right after you do. Post vid

>> No.75000622

No, you kill yourself first. Kill yourself groomer faggot. Scapegoating on anime characters is not an excuse, you should be executed.

>> No.75000637

t. seething troon

>> No.75000658

buy an ad you useless whore

>> No.75000662

fatass muslim

>> No.75000698

Stop blaming others and anime characters for what you do to minors and hang yourself IRL. You're the problem and projecting faggots like you are better off dead.

>> No.75000756

>Stop blaming others and anime characters for what you do to minors and hang yourself IRL
What the fuck is this lmao
You've gotten so redfaced and angry you've forgotten which vtuber you're even rooting for

Shitdo is the pedophile here, Camila is based as fuck

But making posts like yours tells me you should be killed regardless of who you support

>> No.75000760

that and Vedal + Anny her two cash cows are also making cute and funny post so she has to say she is pro loli to keep getting their money like a proper whore

>> No.75000812

Hey if this whore is honest about everything she does is to make money and not some fake moralfag bullshit, I can't be mad at her for that. It's funny though.

>> No.75000816

Stop projecting and kill yourself groomer faggot. You should be skinned alive and doused in alcohol before being dropped in a woodchipper. fuck off and drop dead projecting faggot
There is zero tolerance for you here.

>> No.75000839
File: 447 KB, 1408x1080, 170359845198546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a meltdown

>> No.75000865

Kill yourself.

>> No.75000867

Nah, fuck her. Oh and good plan doing this while the person you harassed is in the middle of a mental breakdown. Fucking cunt.

>> No.75000872

Aren't you embarrassed of saying shit like this? You're barely coherent anymore, just throwing around buzzwords.

Actually that's a stereotypical shitdo fan lmao

>> No.75000899

>middle of a mental breakdown.
HAH! Hopefully she kills herself.

>> No.75000909

Nothing to be embarrassed about hunting projecting groomer faggots like you for sport and putting a bullet in your head. Kill yourself.

>> No.75000923
File: 197 KB, 500x276, 1000007717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter and all the vtuber clippers forgave her guys so we should too!

>> No.75000945

God I can only imagine how ashamed your parents are

>> No.75000951

>Camila is based as fuck
Still calling her based as fuck after backtracking completely on her anti loli stance, releasing a pandering MV and liking lewd loli art on xitter. Considering how much you apparently hate cunny and lolichuubas why would you still call her based.

I think you are just a Shondo anti who doesn't give a fuck about the loli shit but is absolutely SEETHING at the 12 year old trans flag in bio stuff she said. I am pretty certain of this.

>> No.75000955

So people that don't watch streams and aren't invested in the community.

>> No.75000989

Not as much as yours when they find out you're a projecting groomer faggot who should've been put in a meat grinder as a baby. Hang yourself groomer.

>> No.75000997

All of you people (and this even includes the retard vtubers involved in this) act so melodramatic about everything, it's fucking hilarious.
People are actually sperging out, moralfagging, seething and oh so seriously apologizing about the super serious ethics and totally important culture of grown women playing pretend as anime girls for a living; it's peak comedy really.
I love this wacky world and all the insane fuckers in it.

>> No.75001011

Shondo's antis are literal child groomers, she had a beef with them before and she told them to fuck off forever. Till this day those same groomers are seething.

>> No.75001022

>rubbernecking on /vt/
You are part of the zoo too just for electing to spend your time doing this

>> No.75001028

Camila's a great person and the ability to retract and modify a viewpoint whilst publicly admitting how she was wrong is a sign of strong character. She's based as fuck.

Meanwhile Shitdo is a trash-tier chuuba which is probably why her fanbase is filled with flies like >>75000989

>> No.75001030

fuck off tourist

>> No.75001052

>Pedos seething
>Troons seething
>Holochads winning
All is right in the world it seems

>> No.75001057

you don't do 180s like that when it comes to values and principles in such a short amount of time. she's clearly grifting lol

>> No.75001060

So it ISN'T about the loli simply Shondo, thanks for confirming. Troon it is then.

>> No.75001061

She admitted to being a tourist and only doing this job for the grift. Doesn't sound based at all

>> No.75001078

>if you're against people who abuse minors, you're flies
Of course no surprise coming from the shon anti who vehemently defends groomers
He's right and groomers like you don't deserve to be alive :)

>> No.75001119

Hang yourself projecting groomer faggot. There is zero tolerance for you here. Go self immolate.

>> No.75001126

showing your true face already eh anny?

>> No.75001130

Here's your (you)

Nah that's based as fuck, exposing yourself to new experiences takes time and effort, and is something a lot of people refuse to do which limits their personal perspectives

>> No.75001175

>She admitted to being a tourist and only doing this job for the grift
Anon that's like 95% of female streamers

>> No.75001184
File: 2.08 MB, 1315x1246, 1688142003759334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice deflection, but that's hardly anny since she is a lolicon herself

>> No.75001196

Reminder Anny that without Vedal you would have nothing. He could have used her stick model forever and rake in the cash He made you. Never forget that

>> No.75001201

Including shondo

>> No.75001266

Kek, showing your true colors now especially that you've been BTFO'd by Shondo for being a disgusting groomer. She will always HATE you and there is nothing you can do about it ;)

>> No.75001316
File: 812 KB, 1510x974, 1708164320011739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like loli Anny kissies

>> No.75001343

Reading posts like this is actual cringe, knowing that these are the kinds of fans that regularly watch Shondo. Dude get a grip
And better insults whilst you're at it lol

>> No.75001382

Cope, failed groomer

>> No.75001419

Just drink bleach and die please, you'll be doing everyone in society a favour INCLUDING Shitdo

>> No.75001450

>struck a nerve
How about you go do that, failed groomer ;)
You deserve it more than anybody else

>> No.75001521

>You are part of the zoo too
you say this like I'm not completely aware of this and fully embrace it
I'm not a tourist, I'm just self-aware and can enjoy all the madness for what it is
you can enjoy the chaos for its own sake alongside content you like unironically - most people seem too bought in and like zealots to be able to do this though
it makes me laugh that people get genuinely upset or negatively emotionally affected by the goings on in this bizarre hobby, it's not like there's even anything truly at stake with most of it, fags here and the retard chuubas can just disconnect at any time they want in reality and their lives will be unaffected but most of you are too bought in to realize this truth

>> No.75001527

It must frustrate you knowing Camila is infinitely better than your talentless child fucker oshi

>> No.75001562
File: 10 KB, 299x168, 1714724896349071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread reeks of envy and open wounds please plug it up

>> No.75001570

Cry more failed groomer ;)
Maybe hang yourself while you're at it
Nobody likes you, especially Shondo

>> No.75001574

reading this thread I believe it should 41% itself

>> No.75001624
File: 1.28 MB, 1065x1418, nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trannies vs pedos


>> No.75001641

I'd say Shondo and her lobotomite fanbase disliking you is something to be proud of

>> No.75001656

Stop projecting and hang yourself groomerfaggot. Don't you have some minors to groom to try and "impress" shondo, who already hates your guts? Just hang yourself, your life is worthless.

>> No.75001697

That's a whole bunch of projection in one post. Bet you had a week-long bitchfit when Omegle got shut down

>> No.75001709

Do it. Fucking do it you all-talk puss. Get up from behind your monitor and do it. Do ANYTHING or shut the fuck up.

>> No.75001752

Nothing compared to your disappointment when you got BTFO'd by Shondo herself for being an insufferable groomer :)

>> No.75001877

You're as boring as your oshi. Come up with some new insults or take a hike off the nearest cliff please

>> No.75001970
File: 34 KB, 991x138, 1699592446096097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like 90% of Twitch vtubers

>> No.75001969

crazy how you can tell someone is a "women" by the way they look, sound, smell, and how they type

>> No.75001977
File: 374 KB, 800x1000, kuroe1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 'muh anti-loli people are actually le real groomer pedos, we're actually the real noble crusaders and desperately need to not look like pedos' moralfaggotry is honestly gay as fuck tbdesu
back in my day lolicons were based as fuck and simply didn't give a fuck what anyone thought, didn't waste time worrying about gay things like morals or optics and tried to filter people as much as possible on purpose

instead of seething about muh troons and muh groomers (why the fuck are gen z faggots so obsessed with this anyway?) Shondofags should instead just fully embrace and lean it into it like the chad lolicons of old used to

>> No.75002034

>admits to trying to ruin someone's life by lying and spreading horrible, vile misinformation
>"teehee, i didn't know"
>it's okay kween, everyone makes mistakes
the fuck? she should be in jail

>> No.75002040

I still remember people saying it was a bad thing to Gatekeep people like this

>> No.75002092
File: 684 KB, 562x585, 1700186301281722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically thinking Shondo is my oshi
Hardly do I watch her, unlike you who hate watches her every single day regretting every day of your life for being a failed groomer :)
I don't watch anyone not baused enough my guy

>> No.75002111

who the fuck said this lol people have always been saying to gatekeep people like that away since day 1

>> No.75002115

invaders will always tell you gatekeeping is bad

>> No.75002145

For saying some nasty things about someone else on the internet? Take a bath you fucking loser

>> No.75002155

stop replying to yourself larping retard

>> No.75002192

I accept your concession

>> No.75002246


You've got literal brain damage.

>> No.75002317

Stop talking about yourself failed groomer :)
Aww fee fees hurt noww? Want Shondo to wub and pat you? Oh that's right, she won't. She HATES you ;)

>> No.75002441

while that apology is obviously fake as fuck and this Camila person is obviously a vapid grifter, there is a real irony to the fact that shondofags (correctly) intuitively dismiss her apology and behavior as obviously fake while at the same time uncritically believeing everything Shondo says about herself and not questioning her behavior at all
Shondo's """"schizophrenia"""" and her tragic backstory and endless woes are as fake as this Camila bitch's apology, she's playing the content game just as much as the rest of them are

>> No.75002464

>fugly obese fleshie
>boring coomerbaiting gigaleech
>fucked tectone for clout
>now trying to replace fridgelian as otk's cumdumpster
Nah, also neck yourself

>> No.75002495

LMAO seethe more failed groomer

>> No.75002557

theres no such thing as a "reformed" woke twitterfag. You can't just completely change your morals at the drop of a hat. She said it herself. When she got into vtubing she had no idea how the culture was because she's a twitterfag. Now she's just trying to course correct from fucking up earlier. So no, she's not reformed but at least she's a bit more perceptive now. Saying you're sorry doesn't change what you already did. All you can do is hope you don't do it again.

>> No.75002767
File: 99 KB, 850x1200, Iwanttofuckthishark-fileno05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey don't insult me like that, I'll have you know I never failed at grooming

>> No.75002819

I don't know wtf a fridgelian or a tectone is but it sounds like you need to go back just for knowing what these words mean

>> No.75002956

it's all skibidi no cap low q senpai.

>> No.75005450

i don't know why she would need to be reformed but sure, she's funny and her streams are entertaining, i like camimi, all good

>> No.75008304

>t. Hasn’t watched Shondo before

>> No.75008614

>infinitely better
>only just chatting and incapable of gaming
>just chatting is react and her doing whore noises
>"BIG ANOUNCEMENT" is a fucking added sub alert or some garbage

Yeah nah

>> No.75008785

"All good! Thanks oshi! You can do no wrong! Now go back to moaning please and saying hiii for engagement bait!"

Yeah you would probably be ok with someone taking someone else's career away but not yours, not really shining a good light on her already shitty fans

>> No.75008932

Probably not but it is kinda rare to get someone to actually apologize and walk back something they said these days so I'll respect that at least.

>> No.75009136

These responses show that none of her supporters actually try and see how an apology doesn't mean jack shit when you had to live off EBT for 6 months because a girl ripped on you

Yeah if I was shondo I wouldn't give a fuck she would say now, especially when it was prompted from her video

>> No.75009260

The women are all menheras so they get effected by everything which means the men watching do too, in a way it isn't too crazy once you clear that revelation.

>> No.75009522

Going after a bigger creator is just a strategy for engagement that she immediately dropped after better avenues opened for her. And now that she got a little push back for doing something with one of the more popular vtuber songs, she apologized and turned a moral loss into a moral win, potentially only upsetting people that don't watch or donate to her.
I've got to admit, it's nothing new and just the strategies of the narcissistic sociopaths that came before her, but the porker knows how to play the game.

>> No.75009702

I'm not her supporter, I don't watch Twitch thots. I just said I'll respect the fact that she actually did an apology rather than ignoring it. Granted it was probably only done because she got pushback for it. Also yeah, I would totally understand if shondo doesn't care to accept this because the damage is done, but I'm not shondo.

>> No.75010225

"Public" apology, which I don't feel is really one at all.
She could've just addressed on stream that she was speaking privately about it already instead of making a locked twitter post about it for engagement.

Obviously that was going to be an echo chamber of
>yasss queen own it
>you are SO right for this

Instead of waiting and apologizing to shondo. Yes she didn't respond but she didn't even wait half of the time shondo was fucked for. She did it entirely because of her video, which she put money into, and engagement bait

>> No.75010421


>> No.75010606

>Shes a pedophile and should be in jail and be labeled as a sex offender unable to get a job, she should also be banned from twitch and twitter
>Teehee no harm done I just said nasty things on the internet ;) btw deplatform her

>> No.75011029


>> No.75011167

no, i meant "i don't know why she would need to be reformed" part literally
sure, she's funny, but i don't go out of my way to watch every camimi stream, i'm not a really big fan of her, she's just funny and i occasionally tune in to her streams when my oshi isn't live, i have literally no idea what's going on here

>> No.75011187

I know nothing about this vtuber other than the monster cover with neuro and the piss fetish

>> No.75011282

>anny mentioned out of nowhere
Go back to /wasp/, cunt.

>> No.75011538

>don't know why she would need to be reformed
>entire post has various reasons

See >>75010421

She is a gifted, who followed clout chasing that a fat bald man suggested, and made an innocent person lose their income. Ironic she is doing the same since it affects her now. She, quite literally, cannot and wouldn't ever want to be in the position she put shondo

>whore noises and yells and slams shitty desk

I watch her to hate her more efficiently, no I disagree on that but that's opinion

>> No.75011595


>> No.75011603

Based camimi, defending her stable of prime 12 year old femme boymeat.

>> No.75011745

>shitdo is the pedophile
>camilla is based
You know camilla bent the knee to lolichads right?

>> No.75011775

Learn English before posting here.

>> No.75011816

>say inflammatory thing over social media
>gets attention and viewer boost
>write apology essay
>gets attention and become a hot topic of the week with threads and a possibly the attention of popular react streamers

Love her or hate her, it doesn't matter so long as you are paying attention to her. Right now is the most popular she has ever been and will, once again, probably get another growth spurt from this. Plenty of new drama to farm from this, baby!

>> No.75011838

This un-ironically

>> No.75011948

It was conventional wisdom to not like and distrust pedophiles
But yeah, public figures and their need for attention, publicity. Go figure.

>> No.75012029

yes and short

>> No.75012236

>Creates a GoFundMe for a nose job which didn't get funded
>Instead cries about her dad and starts a subathon, makes $75k (if not more)
>Cries again, makes pity baiting cringe videos of her model crying on twitter, starts a 48 hour stream to raise $15k for "her dad" just 3 months after she made 6 figures
Yeah fuck this fake landwhale. Camila is the biggest social climbing grifter on Twitch. The only reason she is apologizing is because she just wants to grift and leech from another community. She doesn't deserve a platform

>> No.75013417

this thread is basically what happens when an unstoppable force (schizo husband) meets an immovable object (twitch tranny)

>> No.75013581

Suddenly she has commissioned a BRAND NEW model and BRAND NEW rigger (costing minimum $10k) which would mean she will be redebuting (+another 5k give or take). Camila scammed her entire community by crying and begging for money for "her dad" when she really is using it to fund a redebut instead. Shameless trash.

>> No.75013671

Now that she milked her paypigs dry she is looking for new people to go

>> No.75013986

So from what i've gather so far ITT is:
Shondo = Nyanners
Camila = Literally every single man on 4chan 10 years ago
1 person panders to actual unironic child fuckers, gets called out for it by 2nd party
Everybody was ok with nyanners being doxxed and the absolute shit that resulted from that, but somehow it's cruel if another gets called out for it, literally the same
somebody pls explain how this makes even remotely sense, make up your mind retards

>> No.75014099

>Shondo = Nyanners
You are way too retarded so I'm not going to bother

>> No.75014141

she tried destroying shondo's livelihood, an income source used to keep 7 people afloat. she tried destroying her friendships. if you don't know anything about shondo, then maybe you should follow your retarded fat oshi's advice and shut the fuck up, you dumb fucking cunt?

>> No.75014169

If she was really sorry then she should have said all of this on her next stream instead of hiding behind a fake ass “uwu I'm sowwy” tweet with lock comments

>> No.75014212

All i've gathered is that you're retarded and didn't read the thread at all.

>> No.75015462

what the fuck is this post

>> No.75015922
File: 478 KB, 498x354, henyathegenius - 1784881209560166592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I've ever seen from this bitch is when her boyfriend grabbed her by the throat and she moaned and said "I am a white man's whore" while on live, before slapping her and pinching her cheeks. It was one of the most uncomfortable clips I've seen in vtubing, I would feel bad for her simps, but seeing as they're probably repressed cuckolds they likely enjoyed the show. 0/10, kill yourselves.

>> No.75016223

I did see a clip of her saying "I'm a white man's whore" but not with the other stuff you're describing, can you post it?

>> No.75016303

I miss shondo

>> No.75016331

What is this negative IQ shit
You should neck yourself retard

>> No.75016625

I was like halfway down this thread before I realized this was some rando vtuber and not just another Ironmouse outfit, I was confused thinking I don't remember Ironmouse shitting on Shondo

>> No.75017229

Right. Just like here.

>> No.75017892

fucking what I need to see this

>> No.75018021

>'m a white man's whore
I can see why he says the slapping and pinching thing. It does come off that way.

>> No.75018255

She’s fat

>> No.75018533

Yeah this clip. Fucking embarrassing and anyone with half a brain can figure out what's going on. She's apologizing because she was supposed to keep quiet but the degenerates couldn't help themselves.

>> No.75019264

This. She clearly only made the "apology" because she found out how many large vtubers either like or don't care about loli and as such it potentially impacts her collab potential. She also publicly attacked shondo on stream yet "apologises" in an off stream tweet and only when people bring it up again when it's impossible for her to ignore..

>> No.75019391

what this guy said. I dont even know the details or anyone involved, but cancellation attempts are for trannies and cunts, neither of whom should be given any leeway.

>> No.75021618

she didn't even mention Shondo by name for her apology so outsiders don't even know who she attacked in the first place

>> No.75023781


>> No.75024695
File: 106 KB, 680x548, 1705118974807430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that's hot

>> No.75025797

Then Shondo should take her to court. End of story. There's no Twitter judge who is going to determine what the losses are.

>> No.75025842

honestly could have been a direction for shondo, but sad she is broke as hell

>> No.75025924

I would imagine every party involved is broke. I don't understand why someone would have 6-months pay just chilling unless they're making bank.

>> No.75025925
File: 63 KB, 474x563, Camila.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Join a random mob
>Attack a person she doesn't know
>Her friends are actually friends with the person she attacked
>Only felt bad when she realized HER FRIENDS like the person she attacked
>Can't be the only one in the group to not like the person so she "apologizes"
Trying to fit into whatever crowd she can find is hilarious. I wonder if there is a word for people like this?

>> No.75025963

They're just called people.

>> No.75025990

camila pity baits her viewers often, lately for 15k which she claimed was for her dad, then shortly after revealed a new model probably upwards of 10k so not all parties

>> No.75026038

>for 15k which she claimed was for her dad, then shortly after revealed a new model
Don't models take months to make?

>> No.75026205
File: 662 KB, 1080x863, 1701053325119150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She officially loves cunny now (ToT) so she's fine by me.

>> No.75026299

Are cunnyfags celibate or do they also like real women?

>> No.75026343

They aren’t people though

>> No.75026403

>he says when the op chuuba is even more plain and boring

>> No.75026422

But the description was just basic human group dynamics. It's nothing that hasn't been going on for millennia.

>> No.75026466


>> No.75026515

So cunnyfags have normal 3D fetishes, but also like 2D lolis?

>> No.75026549

>I wonder if there is a word for people like this?

>> No.75026585

Fellas, forgive this dude I think he's cooked

>> No.75026674

That word has no concrete meaning here. So can you expand on what you mean?

>> No.75026693

This shit is what's bothering me. She seemingly only apologized because she noticed she attacked someone the rest of her friend group liked, not because she genuinely regrets what she did. Also that she started vtubing without even liking anime

>> No.75026706

Go back to twitter un-ironically

>> No.75026732

Consult a dictionary.

>> No.75026786

do no open this

>> No.75026893

I did. It just gave me some bugs and a guy with pointy mask and a stick.

>> No.75026922
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literally these
just typical grifter trifling western hoe shit, like who even writes an "apology" and then talks about themself for 80% of it? good fucking LORD there is no self awareness here
some faggots also saying shit like "better late than never" nah lol, this shit is like when school bullies go seek out their victims and apologize years later. it's not about "making things right", it's about making themselves feel better. just more escaping from accepting they're pieces of shit, "I righted my wrongs, now I'm not a scumbag anymore I don't hate myself I don't I don't I don't"

>> No.75026941

>The timing is also sus
She provided evidence of her trying to reach out in private to apologize almost three months ago

>> No.75027087

>made an innocent person lose their income
Can someone explain this?
Somehow Camila caused Shondo to go 6 months without making money?

Did Shondo's fanbase just fucking vanish for half a year?
Like how

>> No.75027145

she ate them

>> No.75027154

No, she's reTARDed.
Big difference.

>> No.75027158


>> No.75027177

They're called normies. Normies are conformist and are always willing to betray or lie about their beliefs if it conflicts with the majority. Thing is dumbasses will lap it up "So you're saying people can't change or improve hmmmm?" they say. In reality when you only "change" when you realise everyone else has a different belief the sincerity of your alledged change of heart will obviously be doubted and rightfully so. She also deflects blame to her friend despite the fact she's a fully grown adult who can make decisions for herself and last but not least she sweeps under the rug the severity of what she actually said. If she repeated or quoted her past self she'd be getting less sympathy for sure.

>> No.75027219

Women only get worse, they never improve.

>> No.75027233

>t. pedophile

>> No.75027273

I can't speak for everyone else but most people have wide variety of tastes. I guess the irl overlap with loli would be dudes being into small cute girls or maybe just cute girls in general regardless of whether they're young or a hag.

>> No.75027293

Yeah this is pretty I’m skeptical about then genuineness of her apology. I want to believe her, but I can’t really because she had so many opportunities to do so yet she only does now that she is being called out. It’s up to Shondo to forgive her but personally I’m gonna stay away from content involving her. You don’t dick around with people’s livelihood like that. Good on her for taking the steps to at least admit what she did was shitty. I’m not sure what she could do to make it up to Shondo? Maybe shill her content? Actually mention her name in the apology? At least try to repair the damage she tried cause Shondo?

>> No.75027344

What the fuck is strange about this, you retards

She attacked a complete stranger, but as it turns out the people she knew also knew that person, and through them she learned more about that person and realized she treated them wrong.

I know this is 4chan but for fuck's sake, do none of you have ANY social experience?

>> No.75027427

that's not vtubers...

>> No.75027456

>I guess the irl overlap with loli would be dudes being into small cute girls or maybe just cute girls in general regardless of whether they're young or a hag.
Any other IRL overlap would be problematic.

>> No.75027472

>I’m not sure what she could do to make it up to Shondo?
I guess it depends on how serious shondo took it. If someone tried to deplatform me and take away my income which I use to support my family the best thing they could ever do is just stay the fuck away from me.

>> No.75027493

Think aboit those tag streams chuubas did and realize how one tag is a drop in their bucket of horny

>> No.75027525

That's obviously not enough to appease the masses. Please be more considerate of the feelings of the outrage mob.

>> No.75027582

wait why would >we be mad about this? Don't tell me some of you posting here aren't white

>> No.75027586

Fucking disgusting. I can understand not liking people you don't know, but to go one step further and start advocating against them or talking about how shit they are without knowing anything is just fucked up.

>> No.75027599

There's people with a variety of tastes, but there's also people who eat the same thing everyday. It's probably better to assume that the latter is less common.

>> No.75027635

>Rules for thee but not for me.

>> No.75027673

>what is strange about attacking people you don't know and doubling down on it and then only feeling bad after literally everyone around you doesn't mind or is even friends with said person
>muh 4chan mang sheeit
least sociopathic zoomer tourist sister
kinda crazy this even needs to be said but bullying someone especially to the point where it affects them financially is basically not ever seen as normal, go back and enjoy the company of your fellow mentally ill losers on twitter nigga

>> No.75027682
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you mean a shoddy screenshot that doesn't show who she is talking to who can collaborate her story? All I know is that image was photoshopped without anyone to back her up. stop being gullible

>> No.75027695
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>she had so many opportunities to do so yet she only does now that she is being called out
If you read the full post, she mentions having previously reached out in private
Then she replied with a screencap of her doing that

>> No.75027779

>All I know is that image was photoshopped without anyone to back her up.
Talk about being head empty. All this man know is that some shit he saw was photoshopped. And he doesn't even have proof.

>> No.75027878

Ok anon does she here
have anyone to corroborate her story? What's that, no one? She is fucking trying to save her ass.

>> No.75027881

Ah I didn’t see the time stamp. The fact that she tried to apologize in private and keep it hidden is kind of weird though.

>> No.75027895

I thought the point was to make it up to shondo not the mob. The mob should just not associate with camilla at all considering her apparent insincerity and the mobs distain for her. This isn't like froot who deserves the hate she gets for being a scummy person. That being said making sure newfags know what she did will be good service so they make an informed choice whether or not to watch her.
>private apology for a public callout
This further goes to show her snakeness. She wants the benefit of publicly calling out shondo with the benefits of trying to privately settle the matter. She knows if did a proper on stream apology that people would know exactly what she did and exactly what she said about shondo. her current "apology" already obfuscates how badly she treated shondo and this whole "private reachout" reminds me of the time all the vwhorejo snakes backstabbed nux and then "everyone" privately made amends instead of a public apology for the public callouts.

>> No.75027899

It's spoken English. . .
(She's a) literal fucking who? The Pronoun and article were assumed, ESL-chan.

>> No.75027904

What are you talking about retard? Are you implying I don't know anything about the vtuber this thread is about?
All the evidence that forms be basis of my post is literally on her own twitter.

>> No.75027907

Yeah a normal, well adjusted person would just at most ask to not bring up the person and just ignore them, you have to be truly demented to go out of your way to socially condemn someone you have cursory knowledge of.
>uwu but please excuse my bloodthirstiness earlier I didn't know better uguuuuu I love anime now and I'm way more knowledgeable daddy uguuuuuuuuuuu
fuck off, honestly

>> No.75027981
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All this thread has done is convince me that twitchwhores are as cancer as always, and that Fallen Shadow fans get triggered at the drop of a hat.
You niggers really getting this emotional over some of the most bogstandard bait? Really?
4chan teally went down the shitter once zoomers learned how to use a computer

>> No.75028030

Yes. What is wrong with that?
I mean, did you read her post? She openly admits to being unfamiliar with the scene or culture, and that by interacting with it further she had her perspective challenged and eventually changed.

This shit happens. It's called growing as a person.
It doesn't happen endemically by some magic morality shift. It happens by being exposed to new people and environments.

She's being courteous by not naming names so as not to reignite two-year old drama.
There's no GOOD reason for her to tell (You) who the mutual friend was.

Explain to me why it would be a good idea to dig up two-year old drama that nobody was talking about anymore, bring it back into the spotlight (now that she's much bigger than she was back then), just to apologize when she could, instead, reach out privately and keep the dramafags out of it.

>> No.75028037

If someone apologizes, admits they were wrong and expresses remorse, you should just accept it instead of being a gigantic faggot about how it wasn't good enough.

>> No.75028056

Anon, there is nothing good to come out of her leaking the person. At best, people will ask why that person didn't talk to Shondo.

>> No.75028104

Better yet, leave it be because it's not your apology to accept in the first place.

The only person this apology is for is Shondo.
Nobody else fucking matters.

>> No.75028115

Yeah I feel the same about it being a private apology. It just seems like she feels guilty and wants to minimize the damage to herself. She could at least name Shondo in the apology

>> No.75028171

>Fucking disgusting. I can understand not liking people you don't know, but to go one step further and start advocating against them or talking about how shit they are without knowing anything is just fucked up.
You are advocating against someone you don't know. It's blatant hypocrisy. And don't try to pretend that watching a vtuber is the same as knowing them.

>> No.75028194

Ok, let me kill your dog.

I'll say i'm sorry afterwards.

>> No.75028250

That's a strawman. There's no indication that anything here was premeditated and planned.

>> No.75028266

>shittalking another vtuber is equivalent to killing someone's pets
Bend over, I'm going to fuck your ass.

>> No.75028316

>Literally every single man on 4chan 10 years ago
You obviously weren't here 10 years ago, this has always been a pro-loli imageboard.

>> No.75028349

>There's no indication that anything here was premeditated and planned.
>literally says she joined a random mob with the intention of attacking a random vtuber and now feels guilty for it

>> No.75028358

Massive grifter whore, I don't trust her one bit

>> No.75028384

A posteriori is not a priori.

>> No.75028386

>She could at least name Shondo in the apology
Why? What good would that do?

The people who know, already know who she's talking about.
The people who don't know, don't need to know. All that'll do is bring more people into this topic and shit everything up all over again.
Just look at this thread.

>> No.75028395

Has shondo even given any indication that this drama is what caused her haitus?
Cause from what I've seen it was more for off stream personal problem reasons

>> No.75028404

the only reason she made it is because she got shit for posting a loli kami requiem video
she doesn't even care about Shondo, she just wants you to see that she definitely grew up and is now a based loli supporter just like (You)

>> No.75028453

Because public apologising for something terrible you've done even when it's died down shows genuine growth instead of trying to get the best of both worlds.
>bring it back into the spotlight (now that she's much bigger than she was back then)
This is part of the point. She's hiding her true nature from her new fans.
>just to apologize
It's not just to apologise it's also to show she's truly changed and self reflected. In reality she didn't change and she *knows* how bad this looks for her. It's pretty clear that it's all about optics for her.
>keep the dramafags out of it
She can't erase history so if she suddenly posted loli or was seemingly buddy buddy with shondo or a known lolicon people would obviously point back to her behavior. Publicly apologising for a specific thing means people can't bring it up from the past and it won't look like you're hiding it because, let's face it, you are.

>> No.75028457
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>she doesn't even care about Shondo
>made an effort to apologize privately, unprompted, three months ago
Make it make sense nigga

>> No.75028477

>trying to get them deplatformed on every site so they become homeless because streaming is all they have is "shittalking"
just a prank bro, a little fib. Not trying to destroy someone's life or anything. Just banter.

>> No.75028525

No that one's completely unrelated, she moved on from the twitter drama a year ago.

>> No.75028550

People deserve to know so they can make their own judgement on whether they want to watch you or not. It's like saying criminal records shouldn't exist and only those involved in the crime need to know of your past.

>> No.75028581

>trying to get them deplatformed on every site so they become homeless
Do you have evidence of this?

>> No.75028589

>my excuse is that i'm retarded and didn't know bullying people was bad
This Camilla chick sounds real bright

>> No.75028668

>People deserve to know
No. They don't. Why would the appeasement of the outrage mob outweigh the parties actually involved?

>> No.75028708

Point out where I say that she should be deplatformed, arrested, unpersoned, etc? Go ahead, I'm waiting. I'm not advocating against her.
What I am doing is making a comment on behaviour she, by her own admission, exhibited. I'm very clearly commenting on the action itself which doesn't even require knowing her. It's right there, evidence is black and white. You need to calm down and use your noodle, words have meaning.

>> No.75028748

>She's hiding her true nature from her new fans
But... she explained exactly what she did?
How does naming Shondo make things meaningfully clearer?

Shondo's going through enough right now as it is.
I'm assuming YOU care about her, so you SHOULD know that she does NOT need any more bullshit to deal with.
Camila is socially aware enough to figure that out. You should be, too.

But maybe you don't care, and you just want to see more carnage on Twitter.

>Publicly apologising for a specific thing means people can't bring it up from the past
You know as well as I do that that won't stop people from doing that.

She explained what she did. She doesn't need to name names for you to know what she did.

>> No.75028749

>She openly admits to being unfamiliar with the scene or culture
And this is part of the problem. She's coming in as a total newfag to a hobby and is trying to get other people in that hobby deplatformed. I understand that she's changed her views on that now but it's fucking disgusting behavior. And it was one year ago, not two years.

She got called out and realized that when she didn't have the same public support anymore she had to apologize after she already farmed all the clout she could

>> No.75028754

Do you have an example of the bullying? It's hard to make a fair assessment without anything to go from.

>> No.75028809

It would have prevented this current misunderstanding.

>> No.75028832

>I understand that she's changed her views on that now but it's fucking disgusting behavior.
Hence the apology

>> No.75028834
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>> No.75028836

90% of vtubers period. Including the Japanese.
Most of them are cringey Twitter and Twitcast zoomers. (and yes, that also includes some in Hololive and Nijisanji)

>> No.75028841

I never claimed you were doing any of those things. I simply said that you are advocating against her, which is quite obvious. There's no reason to shift the goalpost and pin it on me.

>> No.75028898

No it wouldn't. When has an outrage mob ever decided to not outrage?

>> No.75028904

It's not anger, I laughed my ass off at how bizarre it is. Randomly engaging in kink play in front of an audience of thousands is fucking weird dude. A white man worth his salt would have nothing to do with a whore of that low standard, I guarantee you the dude is a discord mod.

>> No.75028983

But there would be no reason for there to be outrage? You're not making sense.

>> No.75029013

In hindsight, she seems to have realized what she did was bullying. We're both in agreement there. I'm asking what it amounted to. It's hard to judge any level of severity without knowing anything that was said.

>> No.75029040
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>> No.75029063


>> No.75029076

>But there would be no reason for there to be outrage?
Has this actually stopped people in the past? The catalog seems to be immune.

>> No.75029081

Stop evading you daft slime. You're accusing me of something, so you better back up the accusation with some kind of evidence. Advocating, the word, means showing support to some cause. Advocating against her would by definition be to support some action against her. You better have something to show. I can't read your fucking mind.

>> No.75029091

Why do problems still exist in this world when apologizing is enough to solve everything and absolve everyone? Everything that happened to the person that got attacked? It's all ok because there was an apology. Do you not know how much strength and courage it takes to apologize? Nothing comes close to that. You should be praising the bully for being so brave.

>> No.75029111
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>what is wrong with being a bloodlust jackass out for blood
You'll never know for as long as you live, sociopath zoomzoom
>abloobloobloo she admits to being ignorant
Who cares?
Again, well adjusted people don't behave this way, holding your tongue to not make yourself look like a retarded asshole is the normal thing to do. Being out for blood over something you have ZERO knowledge over marks you as mentally ill and dangerous.
>muh growing as a person
Nah it's self affirming selfish bullshit, simple as. Like I said earlier, reeks of bullies seeking out their past victims "to make amends" so they can pat themselves on the back. Even mentioning the private DM shit too is just so blatant "see now you have to forgive me" bait it's pathetic.
Even more so after not explicitly mentioning who, now everyone's going to go put pressure onto Shondo pestering her about this shit. Seems even when "seeking forgiveness" bullies can't seem to stop making this shit about themselves and not considering how their victims feel.
Zero consideration whatsoever where it actually matters. "Growth as a person" my ass.

>> No.75029123

But there would be nothing to start the outrage

>> No.75029160

Finana is the same and look how much shit she got for being a retard jumping on opinions she never even really held herself just because she wanted to fit in with some crowd.
I'll talk to any cunt as long as they are interesting. I've talked to people online that would otherwise kill me IRL. I don't try to fit in to some group or follow their opinions, that shit is retarded as fuck.
If people don't like my opinions, they can jump in to their nearest industrial microwave, close friends and family included.
You don't need to agree with every single thing ever, you're allowed to have your own opinions, people.
Offended? Good, nobody gives a fuck, be offended, it doesn't change anything. I talk to people that grossly offend me purely because we have similar interests elsewhere.
Zoomers and snowflakes need to grow a spine.

>> No.75029204

You already know what it amounted to. Her trying to deplatform Shondo over a joke. Yeah she feels sorry for it but that doesn't excuse her actions. The fact she waited so long to say it too makes the apology feel less authentic as well. Like if she never posted that loli video she would've just stayed quiet because she'd have no reason to bring up the potential hypocrisy of being suddenly pro-loli in spite of having an anti-loli history.

>> No.75029225

Do you happen to have the clip she's referring to?

>> No.75029227

Names are less important than the specific details of what she said and tried to do i.e. call her a pedo, deplatform, send hate mob on stream etc. She made it sound way less serious than it actually was. You're also making it sound like shondo can't handle... a sincere public apology? If you actually follow her you know she actually has the capacity to ignore drama or just laugh about it.

>> No.75029254
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>nooooooo you can't change or improve because I hate you for that thing you did and I don't want to have to recognize that you're better now noooooooo
At this point I'm confident that there is absolutely nothing Camila could do that you would say qualifies as a genuine apology or proof of growth

You just want to keep seething

>> No.75029317

She didn't even try "bullying" and "deplatforming" beyond expressing her opinion in that year old react stream and in a few chats.
Meanwhile the dramafag mob digs that corpse up to actually try deplatforming her with a full-on character assassination attempt, in the same relentless manner that Shondo herself got cancelled by.
Sweet irony, you twitterbrained morons are the real hypocrites that keep Shondo up at night.

>> No.75029326

I've personally not seen any vtuber publically apologise for their old behavior without it being impossible for them ignore. As the other anon said this sort of apology would seem way more sincere than the current one and as such it'd get way less hate.

>> No.75029361

Are you aware that Shondo is currently on hiatus because her mental has spiraled out of control?

Can you explain to me how she would benefit in any way from Camila naming her in this apology?
It's not like she wouldn't already know what's being referred to.

>> No.75029370

Camila started her streaming career around the worst people ever, groomer gator. Hanging out at the gator club she got all the bad advice like drama=growth, tear down others, try to take moral high grounds despite not standing on any bill.

Trying to jump on the "loli = pedo" bandwagon didn't do her any favors. Especially now days that people with functioning brains can separate the loli content from actual pedophiles.

Kinda lame that this bullshit drama all came up over a loli requiem post. Camila did a major L going after Shondo for no stupid reason at all and glad she apologized for it but shondo doesn't need to accept it.

Shondo had and has every right to tell Camila to fuck off and let this be a lesson for all creators not to create stupid drama.

>> No.75029419

After reviewing the clip, it seems like she called out Shondo for being pedobait. But months later, she realized that the pedophiles are the ones with the money.

>> No.75029440

I think seeing someone publicly apologise to you for their wrong doing of their own accord would be a nice thing yes. Now explain how it's somehow a bad thing that would obliterate her mental health instead of improve it a little or just be neutral.

>> No.75029632
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>seeing someone publicly apologise to you
She did that. Did you read the full post? There's an entire paragraph meant specifically for her.

She doesn't need to name Shondo, because if Shondo reads it, she knows it's for her. There's no reason to put her name on this post.

>> No.75029740

IF Shondo sees it. For all we know, Shondo could of blocked everything and everyone Camila related and be in her right to do so.

>> No.75029803

Uhh idk why you're so hyperfixated on the name thing. I was mainly talking about her attempting to *privately* apologise and the fact the public apology didn't really mention how extreme her harassment was making it easier for her audience to digest if they don't watch the original clip.

>> No.75029830

I couldn't find it on her channel so you'll have to bear with this cl*pper

>> No.75029912

>She doesn't need to name Shondo
plus it's already really obvious with how she worded it
>i hope u feel better with what ur dealing with atm. it sounds rough, so pls take all the time u need to heal.
Gee, who could it be? whose someone connected to Camilla's past that is currently having an extremely rough time.

>> No.75030009

This just makes it look like Shondo was shitposting and decided it was a smart idea to call them troons in this weird pitybait clip where it's hard to tell if she's laughing or fake crying.

>> No.75030328

If this was all she saw, I think her reaction was somewhat warranted. The clip is pretty abrasive. I don't even think she would stand by what she said in the clip.

>> No.75030343

Because she is throwing vague hints while completely ignoring the person she should be apologizing the most for, and she definitely didnt do that for the past 2 fucking years

>> No.75030391

Yeah? And that's why she asked a mutual friend to relay the message for her privately

>the fact the public apology didn't really mention how extreme her harassment was making it easier for her audience to digest
Why does that matter? The apology isn't for them.

>> No.75030455

She says in her own clip that she's on her cancellation arc before proceeding to say some offensive shit. I think she knew what she was doing. https://youtu.be/_RqHaX0r-zA

>> No.75030510

You dont even know english its pointless to try to reply anything to you

>> No.75030519

Her post was an obvious joke that twitterfags took seriously. So she's baffled by the reaction. She just points out most of them were troons because quite a few of them were but that's twitter in a nutshell. Everyone has pronouns in bio.
>pitybait clip
She's not Shondopilled, that's another guy who makes clips on a different channel whose guilty of making clickbaity clips of her. She didn't make the edit, she's only the one talking.

If you're telling me that fucking Saali/Shondopilled is the reason Camilla hated Shondo for so long than that's a new layer of retarded. Imagine hating a vtuber over a random clipper.

>> No.75030566

>Imagine hating a vtuber over a random clipper.
This is like 99% of the catalog.

>> No.75030623

I'm the second guy you quoted. I already stated that the audience deserves to know how fucking terribly she treated her. New fans deserve to know so they can decide on whether they will support her or not. Hiding the severity of what she did serves no purpose other than to obfuscate her past so new fans won't avoid or leave her. The only reason you do this is to milk money out of people who might otherwise have avoided you had they have known your past. It's completely self serving and hiding this doesn't benefit shondo in any way.

>> No.75030680

It's pretty retarded to be anti loli in a field with chibi and loli models. Sending hate Shondo's way over a small booba joke while getting harassed by Twitter fag is dumb. You don't even have to like loli art or models just be indifferent to other people's taste. Not to mention they're not real plus they're voiced acted by grown ass women all the time who cares?

>> No.75030757

>It was a joke.
I agree, but the butt of the joke was the Hogwarts Legacy troons. She knew what she was doing.

>> No.75030766
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>Camilla only hated shondo because of that cl- ACK!!
Meanwhile months before the "controversy"

>> No.75030808

>anon screencapped a gif

>> No.75030843

no you don't get it she was young early 20s and in her woke twitterfag phase so the hate was justified!

>> No.75030897

Is it only jealous women posting "ewww" on 4chan? I see it a lot in certain generals

>> No.75030917

If someone asks for hate, is it still wrong to hate them?

>> No.75030962

Anyone who wants to know more can easily find out. She doesn't need to re-open old wounds just so the general public can sniff the fumes again.

>> No.75031047

is telling your viewers you got xitter cancelled for a shitpost asking for hate?

>> No.75031092

Is that a bad thing though? I mean even the Hogwarts Legacy troons have backpedaled hard on how retarded they acted and pretend it never happened when everyone saw them acting so crazy. She was making a topical joke.

>> No.75031107

>It's pretty retarded to be anti loli in a field with chibi and loli models.
To be fair it seems like she was intending to capture the normalfag audience with her strong anti-loli stance. Twitch vtubers definitely have more normies in their audience so I guess she thought it'd have better audience capture than niche loli shit. That plus her hating lolis is probably how she genuinely feels about loli.
Only women or faggots say "ewww" but I guess some tards might be trying to be ironic
She would already be "opening old wounds" by mentioning it in the first place. I think you highly overestimate how shondo would react to a sincere fully bare apology. Also if repeating what she said is enough to hurt shondo even two years later maybe it's a good reminder that Camila doesn't deserve to be forgiven.

>> No.75031147

>Camila doesn't deserve to be forgiven
That's not your call to make

>> No.75031206

Reread my post retard I never implied nor claimed it was my call

>> No.75031263

I think being derogatory towards a group because of their sexuality is a low blow. I don't agree with the cancellation thing, but she seems to have been expecting it from what she said in the clip. She doubled and tripled down. I'm not sure how much doubt there is to give her the benefit.

>> No.75031277

the image that destroys the shills narrative
she always hated shondo

>> No.75031329
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>noooo this person is better now they deserve forgiveness even though they never afforded any good will until it was inconvenient for them not to and past bad behavior can't ever be criticized GRRRRRRRRR
Nah I just want people to realize bullies seeking out victims "to make amends" is an inherently selfish thing and still puts pressure on said victims and also makes them uncomfortable, especially in these instances where it has literal thousands of eyes on it and retarded voices. Like I said, this basically GUARANTEES that Shondo HAS to forgive her publicly or else everyone will turn on her. It is literally by design to the sole benefit of the bully when they make these selfish displays in public.
You know what would've been actually respectable and indicative of REAL growth? Not ever fucking bringing this shit into the public eye, at all. But of course, influencer whores gotta do shit for that clout.

>> No.75031345

It's a screen cap of a gif. The contents of that gif are the most important piece there, and it's just a png.

>> No.75031352

>I think being derogatory towards a group because of their sexuality is a low blow
No one made troons look worse than those Hogwarts Legacy faggots. That was straight up poison for the community. Even other trans people wanted to divert themselves from that mob because it was a horrible look.

>> No.75031394

The "gif" is the shondo image on discord you fucking retard
Stop posting

>> No.75031421

You're making a big stink about HOW she's apologizing and/or what would be a "good enough" apology but at the end of the day, it's not an apology to you, so your opinion on it doesn't matter.

>this basically GUARANTEES that Shondo HAS to forgive her publicly
No, it doesn't
>i hope u can give present me a chance. if not, that’s okay too. have nice day.

>> No.75031433

So you're saying the entire gif was the same frame?

>> No.75031543

She had to throw the mob a bone otherwise Rev, Kuri and other dramatubers would have made videos about her right now, adding fuel to the fire.

>> No.75031639

>no it doesn't
Bullshit faggot, and you know it's true. Like I said every little dipshit now is going to be spamming Shondo with this until she addresses it in some fashion.
>b-but muh shit she said to look humble
What even was the point of making this display then? Writing out this entire wall of text if she doesn't care about being forgiven or not?
Like I said, sociopath zoomer 'tards like yourself are unable to notice shit like this because you're all just used to constantly living in this subhuman mindset.
And they're all sucking her off now as if this """""apology""""" even meant anything, grifters just love swarming together I guess.

>> No.75031689

>every little dipshit now is going to be spamming Shondo with this
And this is why Camila didn't name her

>> No.75031788

>this basically GUARANTEES that Shondo HAS to forgive her publicly or else everyone will turn on her
Camilla admitted she was in the wrong. Shondo doesn't have to accept the apology. It would be a nice conclusion if she did but sometimes people can do things that go too far where sorry just doesn't cut it.

Anyone who thinks Shondo's the asshole for not accepting an apology from someone who openly admits they bullied her is an asshole themselves. You're not indebted to forgiveness just because you say you're sorry. It's for the victim to decide.

>> No.75031810

>do something stupid years ago
>realize it was fucked up
>publicly apologize
>retards swarm all over you because you showed weakness
"Never apologize" chads remain undefeated.

>> No.75032001

>b-but didn't name
You can't be THIS fucking stupid, right? There's countless namedrops in the responses. As if ever explicitly mentioning someone's name ever mattered in drama, especially internet drama.
>nah bro she can totally just not forgive her
Maybe personally, but publicly this basically guarantees she has to make a statement about it or else everyone will turn on her. I'm sorry you're to naive/stupid to remember countless other instances of this being the case with like celebrity beefs and shit where "fans" turn on them for being "bitter and holding grudges" and the like.
>You're not indebted to forgiveness just because you say you're sorry. It's for the victim to decide.
Again, making a whole show about it like this was a bad move and obviously motivated by personal gain, there's literally no arguing that. Shondo never factored into the equation in camila's mind, it was all about tying up loose ends for her that could bite her in the ass even harder in the future instead of truly making things right.

>> No.75032003

>apologize by clearly and directly stating that she, with full and conscious malice and intent to harm, harassed Shondo with the knowledge that Shondo suffers from severe mental illness
>immediately and unceremoniously graduate, close all accounts, and delete all archives
>donate an amount equal to all earnings made from entire streaming career to organizations dedicated to mental health
>never again stream in any capacity
>go on a diet
I will accept nothing less

>> No.75032046

Good job that nobody fucking cares if you accept it!

>> No.75032069
File: 17 KB, 194x137, 1683724103105058.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this screenshot is from Neurocord after Vedal announced a collab with Shondo and Neuro
the Camila drama bait was thing had already happened

>> No.75032078

some of you retards are conveniently forgetting the only reason she made this apology in the first place is because she got called out for the Loli God Requiem video

>> No.75032121

didn't read all that and don't give a fucking shit

>> No.75032156

How can she harass shondo with the knowledge that shondo suffers from severe mental illness if she didn't know who shondo even was

>> No.75032159

>do something fucked up years ago
>realize it was fucked up
>"apologize" because you realize it will very shortly start impacting your professional life if you want to grow bigger
>people that remember you were an absolute unrepentant menace until right this minute call you out on your bullshit
better recounting of what actually happened

>> No.75032180

Not what happened
If you read this thread you will never find this thing she did 2 years ago she is lying

>> No.75032188

Does every fuckup you ever do live in the front of your mind every second of your life?

>> No.75032222

I'm talking about the apology being good enough *for the people* mainly. If the apology isn't good enough for the people they reserve every right to hate or just avoid her entirely. Her apology was not good enough for some people to accept it as sincere for all of the reasons I have listed. It's a self serving apology and it's pretty plain for everyone to see that she's minmaxing here. If having people accept the apology didn't matter then why would she be responding to people publicly calling her out? Why would she obfuscate how serious her harassment was if not to hide the details from other vtubers she might collab with and newer/uninformed fans? Can you provide any good reasons for this or are you just going to imply that somehow the publics opinion doesn't matter despite being an online figure whose income depends on their popularity and ability to network.

>> No.75032229


>> No.75032244

Sorry I don't believe your griftertuber little bro

>> No.75032288

>literal who
>weird ass western coomerbait twitch model
evidently not

>> No.75032292

>being good enough *for the people*
Who cares?

>> No.75032312

Its hard to believe a well known grifter
Also if she didn't get called out then she wouldn't have done that chatgpt apology

>> No.75032332

>everyone will turn on her
Who will turn on her? Shondo's fans? because I can tell you right now they certainty don't like Camilla as it is due to how she treated her. Camilla's fans? I doubt many of them that even like Shondo to begin with. You're greatly overestimated how many people with "turn" on Shondo for not bothering to respond.

>> No.75032335

camilla never considered it a "fuck up" until just recently where people pointed out her hypocrisy retard
newsflash dipshit, people that are so openly hostile and out for blood against people they don't know a thing about (and who doubled down on it no less) don't even consider they were "behaving badly" to begin with, especially if they mistakenly think it's out of some moral obligation

>> No.75032414

>she *has to* make a statement
>she has to forgive her
Says who? If anyone dislikes shondo for not accepting the apology even though she's a victim she's better off without them in her community

>> No.75032460

Do you think she remembers everything she's ever done on stream? It's pretty normal to see something you said in the past and recognize that it was dumb.

>> No.75032481

She did. She just never brought it public until ""people"" decided to screech about it on twitter.

>> No.75032544

She was trying to apologize for the past 2 years? Got any proof of that?

>> No.75032601

Well Camila does evidentally otherwise she wouldn't have publicly apologised to public outcry. Any online figure *should* care about people's public perception of their apology if they're going to make one because if everyone correctly identifies the insincerity of it they will still avoid you like the plague and spread the actual details of what you did.

>> No.75032704

>didn't even acknowledge her attempt at stonewalling Shondo's collab with Vedal
Fat cunt can hang.

>> No.75032712

Stick a finger up his ass and try and dig it out maybe you'll find it

>> No.75032727

All she owes to the public is to acknowledge and own up to her past transgressions. And that's what she did.
She doesn't owe the public an apology, because she didn't do anything wrong to the public.

>> No.75032738

>keep apology private
get flamed
>tell people you apologized
get flamed kek
these drama sissies will only accept a video of her committing seppuku
pretty sure they don't even care about how shondo feels because she wanted to just ignore and move on when this first started

>> No.75032776

obviously the latter?
>ummm my favorite e-celeb apologized to you and you won't accept the apology? you just want to stay bitter you grudge holding bitch!
like please, you are beyond dishonest if you think this isn't going to happen in at least some capacity, especially in the chuuba space where parasocialism is even worse than with regular streamers
again, if she didn't care about being forgiven why make this display about it? she could have kept everything completely hidden from the public eye to make amends and instead she chose this, and only AFTER the LGR video and getting called out by several people mind you
>b-but contacted months ago
a mutual, not her. "muh dms closed" is not an excuse, especially when it took her THIS long to do so. she had 2 years of "feeling guilty" to reach out and plenty of time before Shondo took a break

>> No.75032785
File: 5 KB, 679x60, ZARVYDNtnZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I hate is that it is normalized in 2024 that people are complete assholes first then learn to become better people after "making mistakes". What happened to being a good person by default? All those replies are fucking praising her for "realizing she was an asswipe" when it should be the fucking opposite.

>> No.75032829

Yes in an ideal world everyone would just be good people but unfortunately, we don't live in that world

>> No.75032858

No I'm saying it's in her best interest that people's perception of her change by genuinely believing that she's changed for the better. The apology is to shondo but if it seems insincere (which it does) it's not really going to change people's minds and as such people who are in the know will likely still hold that grudge against her resulting in telling newfags what she did and also avoiding content with her in it.

>> No.75032902

Considering she doubled down on it, yeah? Especially since by her own admission "it kept eating away at me all this time".
Try again.
>Until people called me an opportunistic hypocrite
you mean
Nah bro according to the mentally ill zoomers here defending this cunt being bloodthirsty and seeking out social ruination against someone you don't even know or understand is """""normal""""".

>> No.75033029

In an ideal world parasites like camilla would've been gatekept out of the vtuber community the very instant she started attacking someone innocent to elevate herself with mistaken moral superiority.
Really any medium honestly, but now instead bad actors are allowed to fester shitty communities that reinforce their hostile beliefs for years and then they get to "be better" years later after the damage was already done.

>> No.75033036

>reee why is she trying to apologize in private? she's a coward!
>reee why is she trying to apologize publicly? she's doing it for brownie points!

>> No.75033049

and why is that Shondo's problem again? Shondo doesn't have to bend over to someone who admitted they fucked up. Would it be a storybook happy ending? sure, but Camilla's simps wanting to cause trouble isn't a bad look for Shondo, it's a bad look for Camilla who can't control her fans.

>> No.75033051

>made up scenario
>should have walked to her house two months ago to apologize even though she is having a schizo episode

>> No.75033060


But that's going to happen anyway, and was already happening before the apology.

Some people just can't let things go no matter what changes. Just look at Nyanners, people still hate her over a decade later for things that most people can't even remember clearly.

>> No.75033118

>hurr durr I'm incapable of knowing the difference between a sincere public apology and an insincere public apology durrrrr

>> No.75033141

your reddit spacing reeks
go back

>> No.75033180

And again, what happens at that point? More harassment that'll be addressed after the damage is done. Amazing.
Again, this entire situation is self serving and you have to be autistic to not realize it.
Epic "sister", truly epic.

>> No.75033238

>sincere public apology
Apology from someone I like.
>insincere public apology
Apology from someone I don't like.

>> No.75033242

>can't even remember clearly
Nah I'm pretty sure most people here remember her feminist hysteria and shunning of anime/Japanese culture pretty clearly nigga. Go off with the gaslighting though, slay kween

>> No.75033369

no one called her a coward for apologizing in private
>reee why is she trying to apologize publicly? she's doing it for brownie points!
it quite literally is especially after it happens the very instant someone called her a hypocrite, sorry you're too stupid to realize this
public apologies are never sincere, the only thing that should ever be stated to the public is that amends were already made in private
all this is done to save face, simple as

>> No.75033415

>this entire situation is self serving
You mean masterbatory. It's PR fluff. She didn't care until she was forced to and now she's trying to force Shondo to apologize under the guise of her fans attacking her if she decides to ignore it? doesn't really sound like an apology anymore does it? more like a threat. "Say you're sorry or i'll unleash my simps on you!"

>> No.75033420

Well yeah obviously some people will never forgive even if the apology is perfect but it would have greatly increased the number of people who consider the apology to be sincere which is important.
>admitting to being this retarded.
I have outlined exactly why this apology seems so insincere in this thread already. Read my previous posts and stop pretending to be retarded.

>> No.75033484

>shunning of anime/Japanese culture
Just say lolicons you fucking nerd

>> No.75033492

No you wrote fanfic. Just admit there's nothing she could possibly say that would make you believe she's sincere.

>> No.75033560

So you're admitted to being retarded because you have no counter point? I have already stated what would have made her apology more sincere. Read nigga read.

>> No.75033565
File: 13 KB, 512x398, 105880414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camila "got better"' by ceasing the drama stuff after that, focusing instead on building goodwill with other vtubers.
She was actually smaller than Shondo when it happened and has more than doubled her viewership since.
Her apology was reminding people she's already changed rather than saying she will change for the better

>> No.75033830

If she did the things you said you would simply come up with new things. There is nothing she can say you can't nitpick into oblivion.

>> No.75033970

Sincerity or not, forgiveness or not, I hope this will help sanitize the discourse surrounding lolis and fictional characters in general, and maybe even discourage some antis from acting retarded.

>> No.75033985

Nice fanfiction. I already stated what would have made it sincere if you just assume everything is a lie then there's no point in talking to you.

>> No.75034115

wasn't just loli she had a melty over but okay sister

>> No.75034169

>Camila "got better"' by ceasing the drama stuff after that, focusing instead on building goodwill with other vtubers.
What you just described is a leech. Someone who latches onto the success of others to build their own. That doesn't make a good person, it makes her a good businesswoman.
>Her apology was reminding people she's already changed rather than saying she will change for the better
and yet she waited until Shondo was on a mental break to finally "bury the hatchet". Could've done it way before but decided when she was gone to finally do it. Yep, totally sounds like a good person and not a PR whore trying to suck up as much good publicity as possible.

>> No.75034201

>ceasing drama after and building good will
only after realizing she was singled out, and taking years to try and "right her wrongs", which she didn't even actually directly do even
>she was smaller
>Her apology was reminding people she's already changed rather than saying she will change for the better
she hasn't changed though and this was just a PR stunt you're too naive/blind to accept

>> No.75034203

I will only accept her apology if she commissions nude loli art and posts it on her xitter

>> No.75034226

>you just assume everything is a lie
Nah that's what you do.

>> No.75034321

>no u
Nice one retard. You already know *exactly* what I would have accepted as sincere and yet here you are denying it.

>> No.75034343

>I'll assume you're just out for blood because it's expedient for me to paint anyone who doesn't agree with how she handled this as evil
And that's exactly how she wants this to be received, congrats dipshit.

>> No.75035141

>she tried destroying shondo's livelihood, an income source used to keep 7 people afloat. she tried destroying her friendships.
Boo hoo, she said some nasty words on the internet. You and your oshi need to stop being dramatic cunts and grow some thicker skin. Or preferably kill yourselves.

>> No.75035159

>only points this out after people call her a hypocrite
you can't escape this, sisters

>> No.75035872

you are one miserable and lonely person. enjoy dying with not a single person around to mourn for you or even remember you. lol irl.

>> No.75036313

Funny, I could say the exact same thing to you. The only difference is that for someone terminally online like you, it's actually probably going to happen.
