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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 75 KB, 728x725, 2024-05-03 10_22_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75008844 No.75008844 [Reply] [Original]

she apologized for hating on lolis and lolicons


>> No.75009096

It's nice to see someone apologize and change their perspective for once
Usually people just double down and get more retarded over time

>> No.75009182

Even if they are fake tears, it is something and much better than those hypocrites who virtue signal but get found out liking them or something similar.

>> No.75009533


>> No.75009547

cool, now I can watch vedal again

>> No.75009648

I have no idea who this is

>> No.75009731

Why would someone that doesn't know jackshit about otakus choose to be a fucking vtuber?, what a retard.

>> No.75009945

Will Nyanners apologize too?

>> No.75010144

As the threads show, you just have to say what people want to hear and they stop thinking critically.

>> No.75010173
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>why does a woman blindliy fling herself into easy money and attention
Hmmm, I wonder.
Still, genuine or not, good on her for acknowledging her wrongs and serving as a life example that people can change. More of that and we'll be slowly inching our way towards having actual discourse.

>> No.75010183

A lot of chuubas just rebrand from other content. It's full of smaller streamers, ASMRtists and utaites with their own discords and circles.

>> No.75010239

Lolicons really are the furries of the anime world

>> No.75010297

Ok? Who?

>> No.75010693

Combine them and we get 2030

>> No.75010755

Camila was a vrchat streamer from Roflgators lobby before rebranding as a vtuber.

>> No.75010801

She needs to offer apology anal to her antis.

>> No.75010803

this post reeks of american

>> No.75011328

she would like you to forget that she posted a video of herself flipping her middle fingers off the haters and asking them to fuck off before deleting her post after further backlash, then came her apology
she learned nothing and only did it because of the backlash

>> No.75011389
File: 1.08 MB, 356x200, 27F3877D-16DB-4593-9172-8F69F1F55688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolicons are sick in the head. Tired of pretending otherwise.

>> No.75011403

Sorry Eurotrash but America's one of the only western countries where lolicon is currently safe

>> No.75011899

>lolis and lolicons
What does using a young version of your design for an MV have to do with people who want to fuck anime children?

>> No.75011955

because it wasn't just "a younger design for an MV", theres more context in

>> No.75012015

Enlighten me. The song itself is a jab at pedophiles.

>> No.75012043

Please dont tell me you actually believe this coalburning roast beef whore.

>> No.75012116

The first amendment is extremely based

>> No.75012150

I'm so tired of this retarded shit. Loli was cringe and terrible before the zeitgeist of ui-mama's trendy video, and then it's okay.
The same antagonistic hatred of "thong" and then pretending you were always liked "thing" once "thing" gets popular is so endemic to women. DnD, video games, anime... it's all so tiresome.

>> No.75012200

can you get out of vtubing and go back to idk sewing or whatever you women do

>> No.75012201

The song is about God killing the pedophiles. Somehow, the pedophiles think it's their anthem.

>> No.75012212


>> No.75012332

God bless the USA.

>> No.75012387

is everyone forgetting the post she told everyone to fuck off prior?

so much for "changed"
to her supporters which would seethe at the slightest inconvenience to them, would you believe her apology knowing she told people to fuck off, and that you were on the receiving end of hate which left you jobless and unable to provide to your family for a long time, and ALSO seeing the apology is now public and forces you to acknowledge it instead of rejecting it as that would blacklist you?

FUCK NO, all of that was fake as shit and all of you have to take off your rose tinted glasses and see that behind that model is a girl who followed a fat bald retard to get where she is today, and discarded them when inconvenient

>> No.75012456

Why do you think everyone you disagree with is a woman? Is that just an incel thing?

>> No.75012491

>Loli was cringe
Stop reading right there

>> No.75012526

You clearly don't know anything about Ui or her fanbase. It was really ingenious for her to go this plausible deniability route to get paid from midwits like you.

>> No.75012550

go learn japanese

>> No.75012565

Do you not know any of the context it was made in it's unironically a pedophile anthem

>> No.75012580

>he doesn't know

>> No.75012586

NTA. Loli is fine. The sexualizing of it is weird as fuck.

>> No.75012595

Reminder that camila surprisingly already showed a big change in attitude a few months ago :


>> No.75012611

If you all watched one stream of hers before blindly accepting a fake apology, you would know that she is a known asslicker and social climber. She latches onto anyone with irrelevancy to help her grow and drops them after she got her use out of them. Fakest of the fake and deserves to be deplatformed

>> No.75012646

Give me a single pro-pedophile line in the song. Because there's a lot of anti-pedophile lines.

>> No.75012663

so many normans

>> No.75012671

No its because you think the songs a jab at pedos. But now i know you're a woman because you use incel

>> No.75012676

she probably escaped roflgators vr chat cult and says whatever she wants now

>> No.75012680

>>75012611 (Me)

>> No.75012707

>Loli was cringe
It still is

>> No.75012711
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Fuck off niggerfaggot
Stop making this garbage thread over and over
It's spam at this point
Talk about something interesting, not some boring garbage on twatter
Might as well screencap reddit garbage while you're at it fucking retard

>> No.75012722


>> No.75012723

You think a guy can't recognize incels? Are you retarded?

>> No.75012781

I reject your framing of it but will point you to the lolicons in the song saying "thank you" when they get degraded repeatedly.

>> No.75012812

>2 years ago I didn't like loli
>now I like loli, and I apologize for being shitty 2 years ago

So, what's the problem again?

>> No.75012858

The problem wasnt that she didnt like loli

>> No.75012871

Isn't that more indicative of them being disgusting and morally corrupt? I don't see how that's pro-pedo.

>> No.75012893
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because you're part of the zoomer mass
lolicons will like loli stuff regardless if there's something popular going on or not
the mass will just follow and change opnions depending on what is trending
if you're part of that group it *will* become tiring to change opnions every year to follow the trend
but if you're inside of niche groups, nothing changes to you

>> No.75012892

Stop projecting and kill yourself groomer.

>> No.75012907

do her supporters know that she has been seen creating gofundme for cosmetic surgery then when it gets rejected she starts a subathon and pity baits to get money for her own family?

You're probably one of the chumps who fell for it and donated to any of these

All of this is relevant to what is happening now to show its all a fucking show and game to her. Her apology is for herself and to not get further ostracized from other communities of vtubers, which she already is

also she deleted the post prior telling everyone to go fuck themselves so thay definitely shows she means it

her supporters are even fucking dumber than she is

>> No.75012926

Jesus if you were a guy, using incel is worse then chopping your balls off, just stick with the women accusation

>> No.75012940

The only reason Camila is apologizing is because her friend Bao decided to jump on a loli trend and she saw how much exposure she got from it. So now she is trying to copy and do the same exact thing. If you've seen the shady subtweets and she posts on her main and alt before deleting them, you would know genuine is the last thing that she is.

>> No.75012942

None of that is pro or anti anything, you're retarded and should hang yourself

>> No.75012987

always the loudest ones

>> No.75013012

>defending pedophilia
>uses groomer as an insult
kek retard

>> No.75013021

lmao she knows she can't win so she's trying to rake them in.

>> No.75013056

Your media literacy is seriously lacking. The song is a shitpost, not a vindication

>> No.75013062

Stop projecting and kill yourself groomer/child abuser.
You're not welcome here.

>> No.75013110

Now Camila's trying to get the oilers from the loli community before she posts another pitybait where she cries about her dad and begs for money again.

>> No.75013134

>when I first started vtubing, I did not understand the culture in the slightest
It's almost like normie twitchthot whores invading an otaku hobby was the worst thing to happen to vtubing

>> No.75013152

>Jesus if you were a guy, using incel is worse then chopping your balls off
How? It's the correct word for virgins who hate women.

>> No.75013176

>loli content gets popular
>look guys, I love lolis, please watch me

>> No.75013181

Why would you ever want to fuck an Arab chick in the ass? And don’t respond with “it’s the bomb”, that backshot aroma probably smells like camel shit and incest between two male cousins

>> No.75013195

anons... your media literacy...

>> No.75013234

No one cares nigger, stop replying

>> No.75013257

sure buddy

>> No.75013279

What shit are you reading that makes you think the song is an endorsement of pedophilia?

>> No.75013309

lady, you dont belong here

>> No.75013343

>clearly engagement bait and not genuine
>told people to fuck off in deleted post
>now can affect her bottoming

yeah you probably believed all that shit about her family too

>> No.75013376
File: 379 KB, 491x643, 1608078950360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was a good apology, she grew as a person.

>> No.75013401

There isn't. Bunch of groomers here projecting trying to claim anime when everybody rejects them. The discussion only pertains 3DPD therefore anything related to it pro or anti is groomer talk, and anybody pushing for anything relating 3DPD should be killed on sight.

>> No.75013423

You can't even fathom another guy calling you on your bullshit. It's hilarious. Stay broke and bitchless.

>> No.75013512

The uncomfortable truth is that Brittany Venti was right about Gura and always was. And after Gura resorted to namecalling by mocking Venti and comparing her to a hammerhead shark, Gura was exposed for who she really is, a petty Stacy who hides her cruelty behind the veil of autistic gremlin energy

>> No.75013521

>Same day yelling people to fuck off
>less than 6 months ago was seen trying to get a nose job gofundme then subathon when rejected
>pity baits family now
>friends cashing out with loli content

the only thing that grew was her bank account from idiots like you and her desire to cash in more, all fake shit and she has a track record of only caring about money and clout, which she further confirmed in her "response"

>> No.75013611

That projecting octoroon child groomer groomed a 14 year old boy and deleted her posts after she was outed and backpedalled hard. Stop mentioning niggerfaggot dramatards who should be thrown in the woodchipper here.

>> No.75013672

Are there lolicons who don't want to fuck anime children? Or is that considered a normal thing for people to fetishize here?

>> No.75013683
File: 60 KB, 710x235, 1709643206561057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say this with absolute utmost honestly.
That was, IMO at least, the best apology I've read.
Feels genuine, doesn't sound like she just typed it out because 'she had to', she acknowledges that she was very unlikable during that phase (and I was chief when it came to disliking her), she gives a believable reason as to why she held those beliefs and let's not forget, she's posting that she isn't against loli now ON TWITTER of all places.
I can't see it being a grift, the leftist woke mob wouldn't allow anything like that.

The parts in pic related just sound too fucking genuine to me.
I know that people will call me naive but I don't believe I am, I've heard so many half-assed apologies over the years and I just don't get those vibes from this. Dunno what else to tell you.

>> No.75013689

The funny thing is, she provided "proof" of "giving the money to her dad" and the proof is just a muffled sound recording of him saying thank you. Meanwhile she is planning a redebut with new model and rigger. Her community consists of retards if they beleive anything she says

>> No.75013715

Beat women into submission

>> No.75013764

Are there any groomers like you who wouldn't stop talking about 3DPD? Or should all of you be hunted to death by vigilantes?

You should kill yourself.

>> No.75013803

There's no point in enlightening these twitter trannies and fat ugly femcels

>> No.75013836

nobody said it endorses pedophilia you nutjob. the MV was made for fun based on Ui-sensei's viewerbase and inside jokes. its all anime shit and memes, stop taking it so seriously and maybe try looking up who made it? her main vtuber character is supposed to be 16 years and she also has a 9yo version she uses occasionally. also shes japanese and draws manga, you think Ui-sensei shares any view points about anime lolis as fucking dipshits like you? get out

>> No.75013865

and how is that related to her hating on lolicons?
she knew she was wrong about that and went on to apologize, that's respectful

you truly sounds like a schizo anon

>> No.75013880

>vrchat streamer from Roflgators lobby
jesus fucking christ did half of the western vtubing scene originate from that guy's RP group or what?

>> No.75013898

money. it's a similar situation to furry artists

>> No.75013909

See >>75013521
Yes, you are naive to believe the chatgpt apology and not see the flagrant signs and actions she has done in the last 6 months to support the claim where all she does is farm money from donations from people like you

Also the streamable link on other threads which was last September, so much for "reformed"

>> No.75013924

How does saying it's weird make me a groomer but you wanting to fuck them not make you a pedophile?

>> No.75014000

NTA but I feel like she apologized because Neuro is a defacto loli and it's a constant thorn in her side since she's Vedals side whore. I'm willing to accept it though.

>> No.75014002

That wasn't the first time Camilla was attacking loli vtubers, specifically shondo. She did it multiple times last year, not even a year ago. So her apology about "2 years ago" isn't even talking about Shondo or she is just straight up lying

>> No.75014011

>how does me projecting my 3DPD-
Anything you say is invalidated the moment you involve 3DPD garbage. Kill yourself.

>> No.75014012

classical playing shooting games makes you killer

>> No.75014037

>how is that related
>post shows signs of apology being not genuine for her apology of said loli content
>shows reasons why her loli content apology is moot and retarded

I knew her supporters were retarded to believe her and donate but jesus

>> No.75014082

Straight up lying now. Dramafags truly pathetic

>> No.75014096

But I never called anyone a molester or rapist. That would be jumping the gun, like in your example.

>> No.75014118

People that protest too much over irrelevant shit are usually projecting.

>> No.75014128

it's funny that these supposed "progressive" faggots literally have the same mindset as conservative boomers

>> No.75014171

I read that as "she got cunny brainswashed"

>> No.75014194
File: 266 KB, 1173x692, ewwwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are free to correct me with any point you have

>> No.75014225

Vtubers are just finally noticing that you get better views being pro Loli than anti Loli, I don't believe her a single bit these Veibae clones always have some manipulative side but still a good way to move on from all that situation

>> No.75014249

>1 year ago

her apology stays true then

>> No.75014256

It's hentai with children. How is relating it to porn with children so incomprehensible?

>> No.75014275

>claims multiple times
>still that one same instance
Yeah, still lying. Try not lying next post.

>> No.75014293

>when i first started vtubing, i did not understand the culture
this is the core issue, and a systemic issue looking at mori or kronii for example
whores coming into the fanbase expecting to get fame or cash and then seething when things don't turn their way
except Gatekeeping has failed and we should expect even more like her

>> No.75014309

This is what happens when she is really good friends with Tectone that bitch thrives on drama farming
so she's just following his footsteps

>> No.75014324

Her apology is talking about someone from 2 years ago, also this https://streamable.com/fph9z6 is from september months after that
Again, you are very welcome to provide any points how this apology is genuine in any way

>> No.75014326

whether or not you think she is real or the apology is good, everyone here should know never to donate to her or support her financially in any way, unless you want to support her nosejob and further dono incentives which are going to be even more lies

she is always pity baiting for money

>> No.75014330

>b-but still look, I'm still projecting my 3DPD-
Anything you say is invalidated the moment you involve 3DPD garbage. Stop projecting and kill yourself groomer faggot.

>> No.75014340

She also said it on stream where she was "going to start drama". Do your reps before acting retarded. Or do you want to continue to be spoonfed?

>> No.75014383

>claims multiple times
>still that one same instance
Yeah, still lying. Try not lying next post.

>> No.75014409

Dude, it would be less embarrassing to just not reply. You have given up on the argument and are just trying to strawman to save face - while anonymous.

>> No.75014429

Majority of people who vocally dislike lolis are actual pedophiles

>> No.75014433

Camila is the biggest grifting beggar on twitch. Really letting her Arab roots shine

>> No.75014483

You're the only one embarrassed here. Aren't you ashamed of being a projecting groomer faggot? How about killing yourself? Seems fit for you.

>> No.75014504

If you polled the entire population of earth, the majority would be against loli hentai. Is everyone an actual pedophile?

>> No.75014569

>anon1: i love loli hentai
>anon2: cute and funny uohhhh

>> No.75014578

He said vocally. Poll is not vocally. Who knew groomer faggots like you fail at reading comprehension. Kill yourself.

>> No.75014652

political spectrum is loop

>> No.75014660

idk, never heard of literally anybody else, as far as i know, who are the others?

>> No.75014661

OTK token vtuber what did you expect

>> No.75014667

If you polled the entire population of earth, the majority wouldn't even know what loli is because anime is for faggot losers who don't touch grass.

>> No.75014680

Do you think normal people even know what it is? There's a reason why lolicons distance themselves from pedophiles.

>> No.75014704

The vrchat to vtuber pipeline is pretty long.

>> No.75014720


>> No.75014741

she wishes she was a part of any group, but they know better to have some massive grifter with no real content join

>> No.75014772

Pick any lolicon to explain it to them. There's no way to sugarcoat it into being normal.

>> No.75014775
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>but what about the real child porn
I dunno, you tell me anon. How many gigs do you have currently downloaded?
lolicons are actually against real child porn, unlike (you)

>> No.75014786

Guess he has nothing. Why are shills so embarrassing?

>> No.75014787

>tries to literally destroy the livelihood of a mentally ill girl and her family for clout
>half-assed "apology" years later and only when her hypocrisy is called out
what is wrong with this board? i hope your slampig oshi dies in her sleep

>> No.75014814

>western + twitch vtubers
lol lmao

>> No.75014825

Dotty, Luca kaneshiro, a bunch of smaller vtubers who are still golden gator affiliated, kyokeru, etc the list is fucking long, I mean filian got her big debut off being a part of the dating show

>> No.75014823

Actually there's this Japanese youtuber who speaks English who says that Anime is literature and he sees it very surprising that westerners don't feel the same.

NTA but that's because 3dpd minors are actually disgusting like monkeys. And to lolicons it's like trying to gaslight people to fuck monkeys.

>> No.75014843

literally me
most people wouldn't even care because they know it's just cartoon, unlike you sensitive faggot with no media literacy and cannot set apart fiction and reality

>> No.75014862

ah, i can see its that time of the month maam, i think you should get off the computer and rest

>> No.75014904

Why does everyone keep resorting to the "no, you"? Do you legitimately think every single person who thinks the fetish is creepy is a closeted pedophile?

>> No.75014922

her donators are here so it makes sense they believe anything they read since they're retarded enough to give her money

>> No.75015002

they let tectone in

>> No.75015024

Everyone vocal against it is, and without fail has been outed as a projecting child groomer and should be killed on sight since they're a danger to society.

>> No.75015043
File: 68 KB, 644x583, 1428521271196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone who voices it, most likely wants to rape a real child, has attempted to rape a real child or has child porn on their PC right now. Which one are you anon?

>> No.75015055

Just the ones who keep bringing it up

>> No.75015064

99% of ENtubers are lying grifter whores

>> No.75015069

I don't watch her and I will continue to not watch her.

>> No.75015151

because it's always true. The most outspoken loli haters are always genuine pedophiles trying to save face for their own crimes. The rational reaction is to just avoid it entirely. Not actively seek it out to try and virtue signal.

>> No.75015163

Okay. It's not worth arguing with you if you're this mentally deficient. It's shocking that so many adults lack basic understanding of populations and statistics.

>> No.75015172

I like guro, loli, incest, bestiality (specifically ft. dog on girl), spidergirls, futa/traps and a whole slew of other 'degenerate' fetishes while in drawn form.
Yep despite being a massive incest fan, the thought of doing anything sexual with my mother or sister disgusts me.
I've had multiple dogs throughout my life, wouldn't involve them in any sexual deviancy either despite loving drawn bestiality.
I also hate spiders IRL with an absolute passion, yet I love spider girls.
I like traps/futa, yet I cannot stand trannies and faggots.

Yet somehow, people think that liking loli means you like actual kids. Such utter bullshit.
There's a good reason why we have, on record, seen sooooo many cases of the vocal ANTI-LOLI crew always getting busted for liking the real thing and engaging in that shit for real.
They have something to hide and they never fail to out themselves by being so vehemently anti-loli.

I like things in drawn form that I don't even consider IRL whatsoever.

>> No.75015233

Let's all be real Vtubers don't "CHANGE" they just learn to stfu or use the thing they hate for their personal gain
>Don't like thing = stfu
>I want to change X culture but it didn't worked well time to stfu about it
>I hate X but X gives good money time to stfu about how much I hate it and just do it
Vtubers are defined by their 3 maybe 5 months after debut everything that comes after is just the same, even when they say "I'm a better person now" eventually they do something bad again that resembles their bad behaviour

>> No.75015237

I accept your concession, now stop projecting and kill yourself projecting groomer faggot. You don't belong here, nor anywhere else and you should be hunted for sport.

>> No.75015253

Like Vaush?

>> No.75015349

She doesn't dislike lolis, otherwise she would've never collabed with Vedal, she just doesn't like seeing them being sexualized. But honestly it's her fault for getting in this situation by beefing publicly with someone else about lolis in a field full of lolicons.

>> No.75015360

Normal people worry about how they're going to make their next rent payment. They don't spend hours seething about cartoons they find distasteful

>> No.75015375

people can't separate drawnings from reality, particularly leftists

>> No.75015407

Don't take projecting groomers seriously. treat them as a lowly subhuman whose opinions shouldn't be listened to. Keep enjoying anime and beat them predator antis to death if you see one.

>> No.75015475

also right

>> No.75015479

So the issue is that I make too much money? That's probably a fair assessment.

>> No.75015622

Anon, I can understand that you, as an individual, are able to separate reality from fiction. However, that's obviously not true for everyone. Especially when you get down to the abundance of mental illness.

>> No.75015628
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Lol you're a fucking retard if you even think so, especially without doing your research. She literally has a diaper toddler fetish, that's why it makes no sense for her to anti anybody without being a hypocrite. Apologising is the right move and I'm proud of her.

>> No.75015710

This is my fetish... urgh

>> No.75015805
File: 391 KB, 1536x2048, 1694741118072019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's this little one you've probably heard about

>> No.75015865

She doesn't, it's because her chat kept making fun of her model's leotard for looking like a diaper so she rolled with it.
She does have a piss fetish though.

>> No.75015884

It sounds like she just wanted twitter brownie points only to realize she made more enemies than friends going that direction and pulled a 180. At least she apologized but always remember "go woke, go broke"

>> No.75016016

Attacking someone for brownie points will always be a mistake and have always been. Every single one who did so, got their just desserts karma, whether it's antis being outed as predators like Britanny Venti or someone like Vaush or those several clout chasing twitter pages like Niggapokemon outed to have accidentally liked loli hentai.

>> No.75016113

>"go woke, go broke"
This statement doesn't work anymore after BG3.

>> No.75016116

But you're treating lolicon as a protected class. It's the same thing as going woke but for anime child hentai enjoyers.

>> No.75016121

Retard negro thinks anime is real.

>> No.75016170

Stop projecting and kill yourself groomer faggot.

>> No.75016200

>hate loli
did she hate children...?

>> No.75016222

Not at all. They're completely different. Anime can try to represent parts of reality, but it's a far cry from reality itself.

>> No.75016252

Camila if you read this please kys whore

>> No.75016335


they don't need media literacy, they have their feelings™ telling them whats right and wrong, who needs to actually understand the source material of a song in another language from another culture with nuance? that's some gay shit anon, media literacy is a trap by (((them))) don'tcha know?

Yes I get all my news from Twitter's trending, how could you tell?

>> No.75016363

where do all these newfags come from

>> No.75016372

I now understand why our ancestors did everything in their power to keep women busy by impregnating them.

>> No.75016390

>this post was brought to you by feelings™

>> No.75016626

Sounds more like she just realized loli is way more popular than she thought and lolicons have lots of money to throw around.

Am I really supposed to know who your 2view oshi is.

>> No.75016711
File: 3.32 MB, 2160x2160, 1701132487541525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fucking filian you dingus

>> No.75016793

She said that she changed her mind since attacking shondo 2 years ago.

She is apologizing on twitter TODAY, because she got called out for it.
She's not sorry, she's sorry she got caught. She started this shit on stream she should've done a public apology on stream. Fucking coward.

>> No.75016883

But then if she did that, it would've been completely memoryholed, just like Chibidoki's apology. That's why it's best to say it in a place where it will stay forever.

>> No.75016894

In his defense, she literally doesn't even own her own (custom) model. So it technically could have been anyone.

>> No.75016896
File: 1.43 MB, 498x281, 1696667333653903.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you literally won't find the "loli" body type anywhere but an elementary school but uohhhhhfags are coping that it's totally normal in Japan, that the average Japanese woman looks like a cute loli, that FBK saying "ooh loli kawaii" means the rest of the population is cool with your fetish
,and that two or three anti-loli troons getting caught with CP means anyone else who thinks you're obnoxious are actual pedos too

Congrats lol you're just as annoying with your fetish as fartfags, a real acoomplishment if I do say so myself

>> No.75016911

This is unironically a really good apology, and you'd have to really nitpick to find something to criticise about it.

>> No.75016936

>She is apologizing on twitter TODAY, because she got called out for it.
She asked a mutual friend to pass on an apology months ago

>> No.75017104

do both then. Fuck, make more of an effort to try to undo the harm of two years of your fans thinking it's okay to shit on people like that.
It was a very well written apology but the timing of it is a dead giveaway that she's responding to the backlash more than anything.

Yeah, because that way she can save face by appearing to be sorry in private while acting like nothing happened in public. That's not being sorry, that's a PR move to cover her tracks.
Fucking. Coward.

>> No.75017203

Copium from an aloupeep is hilarious
You're the reason why nijisanji is dying

>> No.75017218

>Yeah, because that way she can save face by appearing to be sorry in private while acting like nothing happened in public. That's not being sorry, that's a PR move to cover her tracks.
If you apologize in private you're unwilling to take responsibility publicly, if you do it in public you're just doing in performatively without actually addressing the hurt you did, and if you do both you're also somehow evil?

>> No.75017250

exactly, she is sorry she got caught. More pity baiting, apology is so not genuine only her idiot content creator friends believe it
lets see them go without pay and then see people in the scene go "SLAAAY QUEEN" when the person who deprived you and your family "apologizes"

i unfollowed and will never watch anyone who commented on that post positively

>> No.75017262

>one of twitch's biggest chuuba
>using a $40 model from booth
Fucking cheapskate. She could have at least commissioned the author of the original model for brand new one.

>> No.75017295


>> No.75017329

when she commissioned the loli animation, so she knew where this was headed

do you not think she had the "this may make me look like a hypocrite" when she had the idea over 2 months ago?

all to save her own fucking ass

>> No.75017435

She didn't apologize back then because she wasn't sorry back then.
You do know that throughout life you grow and in doing so things you've done in the past can begin to haunt you now that you've had a change of heart, right?
Throughout life you will undoubtably do things that you regret.

I know vtubing is a grifting business by nature, but not everything is a grift and not every apology is crocodile tears.

Believe me, if Camila fucks up and goes back on this I will be the first to say never to trust her again, regardless of what damage control she tries to give.

>> No.75017506

>I'm right because I feel so
>They're wrong because I feel so
>They feel they're right and I'm wrong

no I'm not a hypocrite, and even if I was, I don't do crit builds anyways

>> No.75017509

If you apologize in private for telling your audience to go shit on another streamer and anyone like them, you're unwilling to take responsibility publicly.

If she did it in public when she had a change of heart, I would applaud her for taking responsibility and trying to make things right. But she didn't, she is only apologizing publicly now because she got called out and a cringe attempt to clap back at haters failed.

She should've done both, she should've apologized to the person she attacked in private while publicly making a statement denouncing her past actions.
She did not do that, she tried to smooth things over behind the scenes in a way that keeps the whole ordeal quiet.

Don't pretend this is a "you'll hate her anyway" thing, there was a right way to do this and she didn't do that. Honestly? I was fine with her before, if she's just a hater and hates lolis then whatever. What I'm disgusted by is the actual cowardice to reverse your opinion but not own up to your past actions until you're forced to, and then try to spin it as some noble humbling thing. Bitch, I've fucking done that shit. I've been a bitch-ass coward before, and I know one when I see one.

>> No.75017667

>Start out the stream acting like she's going to beef with Shondo again
>"She is a pedo, right chat? Type 1 in chat if you agree"
>Perma ban everyone who typed 1
>Starts the apology stream for real
Now that would be cool apology

>> No.75017678

Also this.
People say she is only apologizing now because she got caught out on that animation.
I vehemently disagree.
I think she wanted to apologize and show that she's had a change of heart regarding loli, but it would come across as fucking awkward to just randomly announce on twitter "uhh, I know I've been a loli anti for years but I actually take that back and I love it now".

Seems much more logical to go through with the loli animation, upload it expecting backlash and then you get to make your post addressing it while giving an apology to someone you demonized years ago.

I'm just as surprised as anybody, it's fucking camila ffs, I didn't anticipate a world in which I would be sat here defending her after initially hating her for the things she had to say against Shondo.

>> No.75017744

Also in regards to this*

Sorry, brain is tired.

>> No.75017751

meh I don't think this is her pivoting on loli, normies think loli god requiem is an indictment of lolicon
she's just apologizing she jumped the gun on shondo without knowing anything about her
which is fine and good, you don't have to tolerate loli just don't be a presumptuous asshole and join twitter dogpiles

>> No.75017784

>I was fine with her before
im not, if any harbors people who are noxious to my oshi, my friends or the creators i look up to, then i will do everything in my power to make their life miserable
i used to be negative about her before, but now i'm happy, if you can't accept that then that's your own problem

>> No.75017799

So anny lied about them making up years ago

>> No.75017848

I was saying that she knew the backlash would happen, and I am not defending her because that discord screenshot as "proof" was 100% after she commissioned that video

it was completely fake and so is her apology, she could see this coming, wanted to handle it privately due to her animation and her other bigger friends supporting loli content farming, and then posted this when she poasted her finished animation

thinking any of this was for anything other than money and saving her own ass and not a genuine sorry for shondo is bullshit

>> No.75017873

I think zoomers are particularly psychotic in their lack of separation between reality and fiction mostly because they have grown on the internet.

Not the internet when everything is a joke or a hobby and you were told many times to never upload your personal information, and to keep IRL and online identities separate, but in the modern hellhole where you are encouraged to get datamined and upload all your personal information, pics, can get or lose jobs, friends, anything through the internet.
The internet has real consequences now, so for people who have grown in social media garbage they suffer this kind of psychosis, this inability to differentiate reality from fiction.

>> No.75017929

Oh I didn't recognize her, doesn't help that they drew her so off model isn't she almost flat?

>> No.75017935

>it would come across as fucking awkward to just randomly announce on twitter "uhh, I know I've been a loli anti for years but I actually take that back and I love it now".
Better late than never. She didn't even have to go that far, just say "I personally do not like loli content but it was wrong of me to attack Shondo and say she should be deplatformed".
A real apology comes from the heart, if you're thinking about how "awkward" it is and planning to synergize it with a promotion post that is NOT a fucking apology, that's just PR bullshit.

>> No.75017984

>you don't have to tolerate
I disagree, either you do, or you fuck off from this hobby. Plain and simple. It's a simple litmus test to get the tourists to fuck off.

>> No.75018025

But what are the implications of her apology on the fact that holoniggers are tonguing each others anuses?

>> No.75018069

Starting to remind me of the recent Kenji bullshit. Old beef resurfacing, instigator writing an essay apology, henchmen claiming it was "blown over more than 1 year ago" when in this case that contradicts the message of the apology.
It all reeks of saving face, only difference is Shondo isn't here to give her side (and that's probably for the best, ultimately nobody wins with twitter drama).

>> No.75018085

Are you gatekeeping the entire hobby with your fetish? That's gross.

>> No.75018100

retard, I agree with you, but I think
>you don't have to tolerate loli
really meant
>you don't have to look at or enjoy loli, just don't bully people who do for no reason other than loli
unless I'm wrong, in which case yeah you need to fuck off

>> No.75018119

Not even my fetish nigger. Hang yourself.s

>> No.75018146

Gatekeeping is unironically a good thing and i'm sick of every hobby getting ruined by normies. Stay in your fucking lane.

>> No.75018205

you probably believed her "i NeEd MoNEy fOr mY fAmily" horseshit too

she then tells her she has a new rigger, new model debut, and a bunch of other things in the works that costs upwards of 10k

yeah right

>> No.75018214

honestly after the shit with kenji and the mandingo boys or whatever, we should probably be gatekeeping more. keep those actually toxic bullies out of the community.

>> No.75018216

Based, not all gatekeeping is wrong

>> No.75018222

A wise man once said, "Anyone against gatekeeping are the ones who should be gatekept". Don't like it? gtfo then.

>> No.75018251

>i did something because someone else told me farming drama is good
nice try, but next time, lets not mention that part. Because its irrelevant to reality if "someone else tells you killing people is funny" if you end up doing it.

>> No.75018267

she never said that, just that the drama is old and that camila changed

>> No.75018332

>you don't have to look at or enjoy loli, just don't bully people who do for no reason other than loli
basically this yes
I don't care if people find loli objectionable if they don't call me a pedo for it

>> No.75018397

I wish she stayed hating lolis, I hate people who can't stick to their morals

>> No.75018428

exactly, I don't care if people hate me for liking it, as long as they stop bothering me and leave it lay

hate me, sure, whatever
start getting laws passed to police the internet for loli to "pRotECt ThE ChILdReN?" fuck off with your authoritarian bullshit tourism faggots

>> No.75018466

No. Fuck off dramafag troll. Anyone who wishes this should be burned alive.

>> No.75018493

>I hate people who can't stick to their morals

you mean principles you fucking negro

morally, it's correct to change your opinions to match... morality

principals are the things you stick to in the face of logic, you fucking dipshit

how are the shadows on the cave wall?

>> No.75018548

Its literally a free model anyone can grab in VRchat
Why lie?

>> No.75018560

Haters just invite the projecting groomer crowd, and we all hate that crowd. There is zero tolerance from this point onwards.

>> No.75018569

I don't believe any of that shit because I don't watch her, don't follow her and haven't been interested in her whatsoever outside of these threads on this topic.
My first impression of her was the clip of her shitting on Shondo, which quite frankly made me immediately hate her.
After that the only time I watched anything of hers was if she was collabing with someone I do actually like watching.

And besides, I'm not even saying to go sub to her and give her money, I won't be either because I don't even know what her fucking content is like on account of not watching her, I'm just saying that the apology sounds legit and people can and do change.

>> No.75018603

First part implies they she they sorted it out 'behind the scene" and "already discussed" which contradict with Camila statement

>> No.75018617

that's why I'm saying she's not really changed she's just chilled out about it and realized it wasn't worth attacking her peers for
I don't think referencing loli kami requiem is her swapping sides because normies were all over that shit

>> No.75018631

"You have 0 idea about what's going on behind the scene" implies it was resolved and they are good now.
What it apparently means, knowing camilas apology, is that people who are friends with camila thinks it was fine to try and deplatform?

>> No.75018654

She still does. She's just aware that you have to tolerate them in order to make it in this industry.

>> No.75018749

Are you serious this retarded? Yes, people steal things all the time.

>> No.75018755

No she doesn't. Stop lying.

>> No.75018824

Burden of proof is on you buddy and we have plenty that Camilla attacks vtubers she doesn't like and tries to deplatform them

>> No.75018848

I recognize your posts, you're just a drama stirrer
Unironically kill yourself

>> No.75018847

Imagine still being upset about cartoons. They don't exist. Never will exist.

>> No.75018897

Except nobody is invading the hobby, and that framing has always been delusional. Unless you admit that you invaded hobbies you're interested in. The fact is that you and her are birds of a feather, not for invading hobbies, but for being drama whores.

>> No.75018915

>non-proof and from a single instance over a year ago
Get over it lol, you aren't milking anything here with lies

>> No.75018942


>> No.75019028

on one hand, this apology looks sketchy as fuck
on the other, i'll applaud for her for not doubling down on her stupidity

>> No.75019090

Reading comprehension reps, none of that implied Camila apologized "a year ago"
But I wouldn't be surprised if Shondo never had beef against her to begin with unlike some of the people here.

>> No.75019136

Well she has an humiliation fetish so maybe she did this on purpose.

>> No.75019150

I'm going to let you take a guess which month last year this account got banned

>> No.75019200

Yeah even if reeks of corpo speak at least is some form amend for calling shondo a pedo

>> No.75019249

Can you resent someone while not having a beef with them? That's what happened. Camila wanted to apologise earlier but she couldn't get in touch with Shondo because all of her contacts with her are blocked. It's literally in her follow-up post that's why she had to ask a friend.

>> No.75019283 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 1726x2951, 1707292444077686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros listen i know this thread is about camila and i know that women are fucking retarded but i want pin anny down and mate with her until she conceives our offspring.
i know im fucking retarded but i literally can't defy my dick on this one, every piece of my dna is screaming at me to impregnate this stupid bitch

>> No.75019300

She apologized for attacking her and getting fallenshadow banned
Get the fuck over it incel
So what if she did? Fallenshadow was attacking people too but I never see you going after her

>> No.75019301

People claim that this era couldn't be any worse for prosperity but I think the fact that so many people can get riled up online about the rights of fictional doodles, mere lines on a piece of paper, is proof that this era is not only prosperous, but so prosperous that people have to make up problems to get upset about because they aren't enough real problems to focus on.

>> No.75019330

Wrong thread

>> No.75019333

So calling someone a pedo and say they should be de platformed isn't enough proof?

>> No.75019393

>Fallenshadow was attacking
Attacking nobody lol
Making generalised statements about women or whatever does not constitute a targeted attack against someone, retard.

>> No.75019406
File: 20 KB, 573x101, who the fuck is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75019442

I swear you xitter retards use Nazi and incel so much without knowing the meaning of it

>> No.75019450

She was attacking transgender kids

>> No.75019457

You know what, that's fair enough. Good on her for apologizing. I'm never going to watch her, and I'll be sure to stay away from people who associate closely with her. The damage is already done. I just hope I never hear from her again.

>> No.75019456

I never understood this argument. They're obviously drawings of human children. Does that mean they're actual children? No. But does two things not being the exact same mean that they're entirely unrelated?

>> No.75019460

>single instance
>over a year ago
Point proven dumbass. There's nothing for you to milk so stop lying.s

>> No.75019565

I accept her apology

>> No.75019621

ok well all of that was context, instead of your view of the apology on it's own

the context shows it isn't real and is much more likely to be for herself and saving her own ass, like she has done time and time again

>> No.75019647

>Saying a bunch of pronoun flag kids was attacking her
>while a bunch of pronouns kids was indeed attacking her

>> No.75019659

nta but trans and kids being in the same sentence makes me wanna vomit
who tf allowed them to be groomed like that
still he's right, it's not specific to someone

>> No.75019711

>who tf allowed them to be groomed like that
The same people that are telling you that loli is bad.
Not even joking btw.

>> No.75019758

>transgender kids
she should've attacked the parents for letting this happen

>> No.75019777

You sound like a cultist over kiddy hentai.

>> No.75019784

holy fuck, and then funnily enough those same people are OUTED as fucking child predators who were projecting

>> No.75019854

Stop projecting and kill yourself groomer faggot.

>> No.75019861

Drawings don't have feelings and don't need to be protected no matter how hard you kvetch, faggot.
I can do what I will with them, just like I do what I will with every thought in my mind.

>> No.75019962

So it was a proof then

>> No.75020001

Your kind is never welcome here, and you should be hunted for sport.

>> No.75020006
File: 37 KB, 659x437, Screenshot_51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are grifters like this allowed in the community?
She deleted the post btw if you wanna look for it

>> No.75020014

virtue signaling faggots like you will never be liked.
>think of the drawing!
no, i don't think i will actually.

>> No.75020060

Shondo wasn't the only one Camilla went after. She also attacked miyu, fillian, anny, and she also had some drama with neuro, numi and coqui
Bitch is a genuine dramawhore why would anyone believe this apology from a infamous grifter (do your archive reps on the Neuro thing)

>> No.75020083

>I do what I will with every thought in my mind
Enjoy it while it lasts. We're getting dangerously close to legalizing thought crimes thanks to Neuralink.

>> No.75020092

Do you actually think I'm trying to protect fictional characters? Who cares about the fictional character? It's just weird that there's 32 year old dudes cranking their hogs to drawings of children. And I'm supposed to trust that he doesn't actually like children, just drawings?

>> No.75020102 [DELETED] 

Would be nice if someone could find out where predator/groomers like these live, and throw rocks at their car/house or set it on fire

>> No.75020114

fucking wild how the people who "accept" her apology must be the most gullible, piggybanks for any content creators

people can change, but do her actions show that she has? here are some that the people who believe her apology refuse to see

>hates on shondo cause a bigger content creator told her so for money
>deplatforms shondo
>gofundme for nosejob goes under
>starts subathon shortly after
>begs for money for her DAD and gets 15k(probably 10k with taxes)
>proof was dad saying ty on voice
>reveals new model upcoming with new rigger, around 10k
>commissioned loli video
>realized this is hypocritcal so reaches out to shondo to save own ass
>few days ago told everyone to fuck off with her now deleted twitter post
>realizes that hurt her income so now apology baiting

fucking all this is right in front of all of her friend's faces too but they kneel since she is a decent size content creator

>> No.75020149 [DELETED] 

>Overtly calling for violence against people who don't like kiddy hentai

>> No.75020165
File: 130 KB, 1200x1200, Pippa Smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reads the bible ... omg it's full of pedo's i guess god missed this just saying if your going to bring your fairy king into this you should actually read some of the stories in the bible

>> No.75020225

grimmi no...

>> No.75020245 [DELETED] 

>b-but still look, I'm still projecting my 3DPD-
Anything you say is invalidated the moment you involve 3DPD garbage. Stop projecting and kill yourself groomer faggot.

>> No.75020293

Just report and ignore the leftist faggot that cannot detach reality from fiction, he's derailing the thread.

>> No.75020357 [DELETED] 

You called them a groomer because they don't like kiddy hentai. And then you said someone should find where they live so people could burn down their house.

>> No.75020400

The don't care about the apology itself. They just think it's "based" that someone actually took the time to say they made a mistake. Never mind the fact that she only brought it up because she knew she would get clowned on for the loli animation after spending years being anti-loli.

>> No.75020414

pretty sure only mohammed was banging prepubescent children back then

>> No.75020430

Why doesn't anyone post the deleted "fuck off" post? That's pretty important context I'm missing.

>> No.75020433 [DELETED] 

>b-but still look, I'm still projecting my 3DPD-
Anything you say is invalidated the moment you involve 3DPD garbage. Stop projecting, stop abusing children and kill yourself groomer faggot.

>> No.75020471

Wow, what a nice apology. All is forgiven now, right? It's not like her actions contribute to any long term damage haha-

>> No.75020502 [DELETED] 

You are just a twittoid who likes kiddy hentai. It's same exact tactic as the wizard game troons.

>> No.75020520

what she responding to?

>> No.75020530 [DELETED] 

>b-but still look, I'm still projecting my 3DPD-
Anything you say is invalidated the moment you involve 3DPD garbage. Stop projecting, stop abusing children and kill yourself groomer faggot.

>> No.75020534

Shondo said she had a history of this even pre-vtubing

>> No.75020537

oh it was a video of her model flipping everyone off, like 20-30 seconds of it, no words but some of her cimpography in the background

>> No.75020628

I was going to argue it's not 'chatgpt' but it uses the word 'delve' twice, which is a chatgpt shibboleth

>> No.75020647

External factors can contribute to the deterioration of a person's mental condition. Shit like that can cause her a lot of stress, even if she doesn't show it.

>> No.75020664 [DELETED] 

nobody conflates hentai with real people like minors but predators, and if you do and you are one, do everybody a service and jump off a cliff

>> No.75020691

i like how the vast majority of actual, normal people are utterly repulsed by loli shit, real or not, but they're apparently all "actual pedos projecting"

>> No.75020777

every single vocal anti are almost always a child predator in hiding
off yourself subhuman

>> No.75020784

Shondo had bad mental problems way before she even became a streamer. She had to quit school early because of them.

>> No.75020823 [DELETED] 

>nobody conflates hentai with real people
JAV studios do live adaptations of hentai and cosplay porn exists. Also, hentai is drawn to be somewhat anatomically correct, which is directly related to people.

>> No.75020868


>> No.75020872

>"Fallenshadow is a pedophile"
She didn't know what she was saying
>"Her fans are freaks"
She really is sorry
>Attacks her
She changed
>Multiple times over the year
It was other people telling her what to do
>Convinces Neuro to drop the collab with shadow
She tried to apologize
>Gets her account banned
It wasn't her fault
>Grifts into her community
Please give her money

>> No.75020937

The best they have is anecdotes, but they've convinced themselves that it's a rigorous proof.

>> No.75020959 [DELETED] 

JAV looks nowhere close to hentai.

>clout chasers on twitter and many more

>> No.75020965 [DELETED] 

cunnyfags are seriously out here acting like lolis have alien anatomy that is completely different from human children and coping that the girls they jerk off to with no hips and zero breast growth are all "ackshually petite"

>> No.75020972


>> No.75021137

Thanks for the proof

>> No.75021381

If niggers steal your shit at a particular area and it keeps happening every time, it's not rocket science that that area is a crime hotspot. If antis keep getting outed as child predators, it's not rocket science that they are a predator cult, all based on repeated and countless of evidence, not just a single anecdote.

>> No.75021490

"I've changed as a person" just means "I found out I said something that doesn't benefits me at this moment so I'll apology for now and change opinions later when it's convinient"

>> No.75021518

i'm only going to accept her apology if she goes without pay and gives that money to shondo, oh wait she would never directly do something against her income

which is why the "apology" exists in the first place

do any of the creators fucking know camila deprived of another creator from their pay for many months and couldnt help her family? yeah they are all idiots and a chatgpt sorry wont change that, sorry grimmi

>> No.75021569

pretty much. Make the apology long enough and they'll think it's "genuine"

>> No.75021653

Your reasoning is retarded.
You subscribe to the "an eye for an eye" philosophy.
Apologizing for doing something wrong does not mean you go through the same shit you put someone else through to make amends.

You're being spiteful, not forgiving.

>> No.75021705

so many people donate to causes that they have spoken against before, like BLM or whatever, pick your poison. This isn't any different

Oh would you forgive someone who took your pay and made your family struggle to pay bills?

>oowwieee im sowwy forgive me shondo?

no, you're retarded

>> No.75021708

Consequences is what these twitter freaks deserve to go through. They drive people to suicide and get away with it scot free while doing the exact same thing after apologizing

>> No.75021711

>steal your shit at a particular area and it keeps happening every time, it's not rocket science that that area is a crime hotspot
Do you think every person in a crime hotspot is a criminal? You do realize that there's a huge difference in the requisite amount of proof between claiming "some people here are criminals" and "everyone here is a criminal", right?

>> No.75021739

I wonder how is she doing nowadays.

>> No.75021742

>do any of the creators fucking know camila deprived of another creator from their pay for many months and couldnt help her family?
She didnt

>> No.75021752

I'm tired of tourists like you thinking you have any right to talk about the culture here.

>> No.75021762

Nigga apology is literally just meant to be words. Japs apologise all the time it's the least they could do to make things right after crossing somebody, even if it's not their fault. Why the fuck is it so hard for westerners to apologise it's so fucking cringe. What a trash culture.

>> No.75021831

what?? apology in my life is shown by actions, not by fluffy words, have you have dated a woman anon?

>> No.75021835

Can you point to a single other leftist who was outspoken against loli, then had a change of heart then reverted their position?
I'm sure you can if it's so common.

>> No.75021857

It's amazing how often women reverse their moral high horses when money comes into the picture

>> No.75021874

I'm gonna keep it real she only wrote this essay because people called her out on her shit
If no one had said anything she would have kept her mouth shut

>> No.75021892


kenji and sayu jesus you live under a rock

>> No.75021921

Kenji went back on his apology?

>> No.75021960

>took youtube video down in apology to sayu
>put it back up after doxxing shit and went after her throat
>started bashing her and shota/loli culture in general again

>> No.75021961

If you meet people in the crime hotspot and over 50% of them tries to rob you, then expect the same shit to happen to you again doing the same thing. If you meet antis and majority of them (vaush, venti, etc.) were all outed as child predators, then expect the next batch of antis being one as well. So far that has always been true every single time.

>> No.75021973

an apology doesn't justify what she did. If I harrassed you for years then posted some lazy chatGPT message that I was "totally sowwy :'(" does that make it any better? fuck no. An apology is just an excuse to be an asshole now than pretend that you're not one after.

>> No.75022021

It was supposed to be an easy question. It's not even possible for everyone in a crime spot to be a criminal.

>> No.75022077

Exactly, but evidence suggests that if it's happened lots before and nothing's changed, it will happen again. That's basic logic and if you don't get that you're fucking retarded.

>> No.75022079

Is it just a coincidence that every single dramatranny is a nigger?

>> No.75022111

Can't find anything like that in the archives nor on his twitter.
Last thing seems to be him saying she's alright, can't see anything indicating that he went back on that.

>> No.75022146

So she attacked Shondo? Nope, I'm not forgiving her, ever. Screw the bitch.

>> No.75022147

see >>75021960
kenji did eventually make up with sayu but i mean sayu was not really deplatformed like shondo, more like just hurt, so he did go back on it almost twice

>> No.75022170

I don't doubt that it will happen again. The issue is when you claim that it will happen in every marginal case. There's no law of averages when talking about the entire population.

>> No.75022217

brother, now he is fine with sayu, but he went back on it during the drama, so yes he went back on his word, on stream talking about putting his vid with 500k views back up to bash her once she spoke out against the doxxing shit

so yes he went back on his word. He also stated on stream he took it down initially because he felt bad then went back on his word from the momentum of the doxxing people on his side

>> No.75022383

>I don't doubt that it will happen again.
Glad we're on the same page. All antis should be brutally killed off just to be sure it doesn't happen again. There's way more evidence of them being predators than any other obvious group of people out there. If a certain place is a terrorist hotspot, then soldiers should be deployed and eliminate all the terrorists. Same treatment for all antis and anyone involved with them. They're a terror to children.

>> No.75022449

>All antis should be brutally killed off just to be sure it doesn't happen again.
This is the same as saying all lolicons should be killed to prevent pedophilia. It's stupid.

>> No.75022613

No it isn't, because there aren't evidence of lolicons grooming anybody as much as antis do. In fact antis do so at least 100x even more. Lolicon is comparable to the average household in terms of activity, meanwhile antis are like the Middle East of child grooming. Even research papers states lolicons are safe, meanwhile the same couldn't be said with antis, and the evidence is stacked against them. Would you let a terrorist kill you before you kill them? Of course not, preemptive action must be taken, same deal with antis, they all need to be killed off.

>> No.75022682

Antis are the ones that claim to be the good guys yet have more actual pedos than the group they're trying to fight against.

You don't find that suspect at all? a group claiming to be good yet doing much worse than the supposed bad guys?

>> No.75022771

>No it isn't, because there aren't evidence of lolicons grooming anybody as much as antis do. In fact antis do so at least 100x even more.
This is nonsensical. You're arguing that the absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Do I expect a pro-loli group to collect data that undermines their cause? No. That's dumb.

>> No.75022861

>buys house
>sets up 12k dono goal on kofi to "help" move
>gets 2k in donos to start
yeah... wonder why they always pop up

>> No.75022983

Do we expect an anti-group to collect data that undermines their cause? Yes. But they haven't found anything because there is nothing. If there is nothing, then any claims other than nothing are invalid. Research papers support lolicons, meanwhile no research paper out there saying antis are safe, plus there are tons of evidence of antis grooming. All signs point to antis equating terrorists and therefore should be killed right off.

>> No.75023118

Lolicon is a combination of Lolita and complex. Lolita is a book about pedophilia. It's not that hard to link the two.

>> No.75023138

I used to have a link that showed an absolutely astronomical amount of evidence that loli-anti's getting arrested for real c p related crimes.
Can't seem to locate it unfortunately.
It used to get posted on /vt/ all the time though.

Shame I can't find it because the list is enormous.

>> No.75023245

Not an argument. Antis equate terrorists when it comes to grooming, and all of them should be killed off before they harm anybody.

>> No.75023373

It's a statement of fact. I would like to see the evidence that people who identify with that label (a Lolita complex) have nothing to do with pedophilia.

>> No.75023457

Not an argument. Doesn't refute the fact that antis equate to terrorists when it comes to grooming, and all of them should be killed off before they harm anybody.

>> No.75023523

>Doesn't refute the fact that antis equate to terrorists when it comes to grooming, and all of them should be killed off before they harm anybody.
My bad. I thought it was hyperbole. Which part was serious?

>> No.75023586

Everything involving death of antis is serious. They deserve to all drop dead or painfully killed.

>> No.75023617

Okay, Stalin.

>> No.75023801

have you ever heard of the word reparations?

i swear the people who defend her are retarded

>> No.75023845

Are lolicons asking for money now? This is getting silly.

>> No.75023902

>do something shitty that affects the lives of others
>do nothing to actually help out those you affected
>but hey, at least you said sorry
This is why I fucking hate twitterfags.

>> No.75023979

Nice projection, I don't use twitter outside of following links posted on 4chan.

>> No.75023981

>im so sowwy, das enuff rite? owo xdx ty friends

>> No.75023985

Unlike Stalin, I'm humane and I do believe people can stop being terrorists if someone can lead them to a new life. Same with antis. They are just misguided, that's why they're dangerous and should be killed. If they stop being an anti/terrorist, then there's no reason to point the gun at them. But any evidence of them going back to their old ways, then they're killed off.

>> No.75023998

When is pink cat's turn?

>> No.75024026

You're doing the exact thing you hate. It's selectively deciding that someone's apology isn't sincere enough arbitrarily. You have no way of knowing whether the person who was apologized to shares your sentiment.

>> No.75024077

The cunt you're currently defending is a twitterfag. She literally said it herself. She didn't even apologize correctly either. All she said was blame her own lack of experience with anime and vtubing on why she acted like an asshole.

>> No.75024079

well it isn't arbitrary, there is a proven track record of her being a grifter and now shondo has no choice but to comply, did you see the other content creators yas queening her?

not much of a choice to someone who was deplatformed so no it isn't arbitrary to the anon who wrote that

>> No.75024134

>Unlike Stalin, I'm humane and I do believe people can stop being terrorists if someone can lead them to a new life. Same with antis.
You're calling for a mass purge of your supposed dissenters. It's straight out Stalin's biography. Might as well be plagiarism.

>> No.75024170

>looking back at it, i wasn’t even trying to criticize. i was just straight up bullying her and trying to de-platform her when i didn’t even know who she truly is as a person.
>i didn’t know you and yet i attacked you without even educating myself with who you truly are. my behavior was unacceptable. i will continue to learn how to be a better person.
>not the same person who i was two years ago. i hate her too.

Why are you lying, bro?

>> No.75024199

>You have no way of knowing whether the person who was apologized to shares your sentiment.
Yeah i'm sure Shondo totally forgives the fat arab cunt that tried to tank her entire career her over a fucking joke.

>> No.75024234

Looks familiar?

>> No.75024293

Oh fuck yes, thank you anon.
Saving that link all over again to post to retarded loli-anti's, it's the ultimate tool to blow them the fuck out.

>> No.75024296

What would being spiteful about it accomplish? Do you just seethe constantly about every setback you've ever faced?

>> No.75024386

But it's not. It just reinforces the common sense that some people who claim to be against something are false flagging. There's no logical connection to saying everyone is a false flagger.

>> No.75024431

I think it's pretty justified to be spiteful towards someone who made it their mission to try and deplatform you and got away with it too. Reminder that her Shadowchama account got suspended because of her. It's like someone killing your pet. It doesn't matter if you got a new one, you're not going shake that fuckers hand and pretend it didn't happen.

>> No.75024432

Show me your document showing all of the loli lovers who have met with a similar fate.
I'm sure you have one, right?

>> No.75024490

Kys twittertroons

>> No.75024526

Are there pedophiles who dislike loli?

>> No.75024553



>> No.75024570

Yes, right here >>75024234
The overwhelming majority of anti loli posts are by actual pedos.

>> No.75024595

like >>75023801
doing massive damage to someone's career isn't just resolved by a silly little sorry

for example, I apologized for missing a call to my gf when she got in an accident, my sorry didnt cut it, me being there next time she needed me was how i earned her forgiveness

any fucking relationship anons would know saying "sowwy" is not enough, especially when her sorry resembled a pity bait and chatgpt written AND when she told everyone to fuck off 2 days ago with her twitter model flipping everyone off

>> No.75024599

Then every pedophile familiar with loli not on this list is evidence?

>> No.75024711

But they're not in a relationship. I don't know why you're using that as an example.

>> No.75024753

that is a weak point
point is forgiveness is earned not just given, done this with friends, family, and more this has held true

>> No.75024793

They're practically strangers. It would be like someone /here/ paying a vtuber reparations for their shit post.

>> No.75024924

>public eye

also your example is shit as no one here makes a career off shitposting
I absolutely have apologized to people i knew less for misunderstandings

and this is all a strawman btw to detract from the fact she told everyone to fuck off not even 3 days ago

>> No.75024947

I just wanna ask one thing

...How do we know it's Shondo specifically that she's apologizing to?

>> No.75024961
File: 45 KB, 467x542, 1701817408137462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how this woman also put out things like this.

>> No.75024969

Because lolicons watch Shondo.

>> No.75025042

Uhh, what the fuck? based?

>> No.75025077

Probably because she's the most famous lolituber she harassed and the apology only came up to address her hypocrisy towards loli content.

Also she knows that Shondo is going through some rough shit right now so she's not going to put her on the spot and say it's her. It's a "if you know, you know" kind of thing.

>> No.75025086

>the fact she told everyone to fuck off not even 3 days ago
Isn't she getting harassed? Or are people not allowed to complain about it when you think they deserve it?

>> No.75025131
File: 44 KB, 51x59, 1686484552176298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like every non-White woman, Camila is just mad that those cute White boys got kicked out of her country, leaving her with no option to be a White Man's whore.

>> No.75025192

This is what happens when you cater yourself to schizophrenic lolicons.

>> No.75025221

only because she realized twitter likes don't pay the bills

>> No.75025263

i actually do not see her getting harassed outside of the containment cell that is 4chan

>> No.75025317

There's people here calling for actual violence and doxxing. Do you think they care about containment?

>> No.75025360

Lets ask Camilla that who pointed her audience to report shondo both to the police twitch and twitter

>> No.75025372

i dont believe her apology nor do i think it is genuine and it is mainly selfish for her moving forward and her opportunities

but anyone doing the violence shit and doxxing can go burn in hell
id like to think they are just brainless kids asking for it and dont take them seriously, but that's just me
