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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75021832 No.75021832 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else get turned off on Mint the exact second she decided to become a vshitshow orbiter when she didn't need them to stay relevant?

>> No.75021853


>> No.75021858


>> No.75021932

Face reveal soon at this rate, based!

>> No.75021971

Don't forget the collabs with flesh tubers and streams with Froot.

>> No.75021976

nice try sisters

>> No.75022014

ty anon, I didn't know about this collab. Imma watch it later

>> No.75022028
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I don't have the words to express exactly how goddamn dumb you are if you didn't see this coming

>> No.75022071

Being a twitchtuber is the best way for her to find a husband, her eggs are 90% gone.

>> No.75022165
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No, stop shitting up the board and go back to nyfco

>> No.75022181

She's getting it out of her system before EN4.

>> No.75022183

The second she started interacting with matara i knew it was over

>> No.75022224

she's doing this to get information to reveal the bad vshojo to the world because dhe's the good and nshojo is bad and she's tood and the good will win and she's the good so the good will win and she's good ok you understand she's good and vshojo is bad and the good anwalsyw wwin ath the bad take the l kekronshitmouselungs lmao kekeke she's going to reveal the bad ironlouse kek connor ludwig kek ironkek the bad is not going to lkast the good mint my wife is good she's going to win and make vshojo lose and the good will win not the bad that will lose bacahse she's good and nshojo is bas lmao kek take the l kekronshitlunsouse lmao kek

>> No.75022238

Why wouldn't she hang out with her coworkers?

>> No.75022246


>> No.75022407
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It only took a month for sisters to turn on Mint, eh? Honestly I was expecting much quicker.

>> No.75022428

no, now fuck off nijisister

>> No.75022451

is this a new copypasta?

>> No.75022868

Vshojo is the cancer of the EN VTubing sphere.

>> No.75022906

I mean, she chose not to join, didn't she?

But yeah...

>> No.75022925

Sisters mad that Elira and Millie have been replaced

>> No.75022955
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>yesterday she said shee's gonna download a bunch of mods
Can't wait, it's gonna be kino. Meanwhile nijitroons keep seething about how Mint is mogging their entire black corpo.

>> No.75023129

Bro you're in every Vshojo thread posting stream of consciousness word soup and you desperately need to TAKE YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICATION

>> No.75023147

lmao, she would never be a Holo.

>> No.75023265

Until she becomes one, then it's "she was always meant to be here"

>> No.75023375

She literally came back on Matara's stream before her own

It's a little late to be mad about it.

>> No.75023393

It's clear that Matara has her on a leash so I've been turned off much earlier.
>Has model rerigged and merch collab with Matara planned
>"Guys I was totallyyyy not gonna be a vtuber again and work retail"

>> No.75023495

Thanks for telling me there's an L4D2 collab OP. I love that game, it reminds me of countless hours I've spent with my bros playing it during my highschool/college years. Gonna watch it for sure.

>> No.75023559

Matara bought the new rig for her
Mint got convinced to do this limited-time podcast "instead" of coming back for good, it was all a ploy to get her over her imposter syndrome and return to streaming

>> No.75023583

>It's clear that Matara has her on a leash

>> No.75023609

>Matara has her on a leash

>> No.75023674

>Matara has her on a leash

>> No.75023681

It's almost as if plans in people's lives can change

>> No.75024029
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No, I love her interactions with Vshojo members, the fact it makes you seethe is just a bonus.

>> No.75024044

I will now watch the ghost.

>> No.75024073
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>> No.75024101

No, but I don't watch collabs so it's hard to tell the difference numberswise.

>> No.75024712

no because i am a human and not a tribal monkey

>> No.75025356

I’m thankful, now she’s streaming instead of bagging groceries. Crazy how all grads of a certain company are piss poor or broke

>> No.75025923

Pet play with Matara... Yesterday she was talking about the pros and cons of getting a male as a pet too...

>> No.75026261


>> No.75027782

yes but also I never cared about pomu anyway, mintfags have fun with your male fleshy collabs

>> No.75027860

But she's joining Hololive, so why bother?

>> No.75027990

We need to start running a pot on how long it'd take for sisters to turn on future ex-livers. Maybe even toss the benefit that just like Mint they won't shittalk Niji.

>> No.75027999
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>also she's joining hololive, seethe vshocucks

>> No.75028318

Because she would continue to collab with them even in the unlikely event that she joined Hololive?

>> No.75028321
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It feels like none of these dramafaggots ever watched her and are triggered that she does something they didnt expect.
Anyone who has watched a second of her stream saw this coming, you niggers really are a stain on this hobby

>> No.75028414

My brother in 3 Heavens and 7 Hells, nothing in the discourse over the past 4 months has indicated dramafags have ever watched a stream of the people they're discussing.

>> No.75028792


i don't get it? aren't sisters happy that she is actually collabing with vShowhores since Matara is still good friends with Millie,Enna and Reimu? Mint has even namedropped Nova and Lyrica,Mint is avoiding Doki, so what gives?

>> No.75028838

That's the problem though, these dramafaggots end up invading the fandoms and get pissy at every little thing they see.
Same thing happened to Sayus fanbase, now she's completely different from pre niji vs now

>> No.75028851

ESL doxxsite nijidoxxmonkey.

>> No.75028855

What did niji do this time?

>> No.75028967

She is not going to hololive you holobeggar.

>> No.75028997
File: 160 KB, 390x381, 1712486078956604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly I was expecting much quicker
They turned on her before her return, you just decided you didn't want to see this.

>> No.75029002

Wow matara is a good friend

>> No.75029284

Doki fags are seething because Mint won't acknowledge their fat depressed chink oshi unless they spam her chat. I have a feeling she was not bullied in Nijisanji what happened was everyone became tired of her shit. The fact Mint who everyone first speculated left Nijisanji because of doki drama when it turns out she left because of Nijisanji blowing her Konami deal does not want anything to do with her. The fact she is friends with elira millie enna and matara and not DOKI says a lot. Selen was more like an asshole Hollywood celebrity backstage.

>> No.75029486

>...you just decided you didn't want to see this.
I do try to ignore the sisters where and when I can.

>> No.75029634

why do you think mint quit. 100% going to join vshitshow as soon as her non-compete is up.

>> No.75029707
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That's a big burg.

>> No.75029765

didn't biden just cancel all of those like 3 days ago

>> No.75029789


>> No.75029817

Pomu isn't an American or living in the US where this counts.

>> No.75029880
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Holy shit in a thread made by a retard somehow your post takes the retard crown

>> No.75029908

Pomu isn't in the US afaik, but FTC Chair Lina Khan signed off on a ruling that yes, invalidates most noncompetes in the United States, because she's a fucking proggie commie. Not quire Biden himself doing it, but he likely knew and if he had objected she would not have done so.

>> No.75029980

fair point.

>> No.75030068

>Wisp is slowly starting to realize what type of people he's sharing a thread with
Sad to see

>> No.75030165
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>the Pomu/Mint is a japanese princess funposts actually worked

>> No.75030291

Okay faggot seethe more

>> No.75030364

The only one seething here is (You) because you just shown you don't know shit about Mint/Pomu lmao

>> No.75030446
File: 164 KB, 900x720, Mint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh no this vtuber i most likely don't even like collabed with some other people i don't like REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?

I'm glad mint got togather with some friends and played something

>> No.75030449

>invalidates most noncompetes in the United States, because she's a fucking proggie commie
Not from the US, but why would invalidating non competes be a proggie commie thing?
Seems pretty libertarian to me, why would my ex-employer have any rights over my life when he's no longer paying me?
His rights over me should end the second he stops paying me money for my time and skills. Also if another employer thinks I'm worth more and wants to pay me more for my skills then I should be free to take that offer. If my current employer doesn't like that he should be free to match the offer, not limit my freedom with a bullshit clause in a contract.

>> No.75030656


sisters dont look

>> No.75030729

No I just don't spend my time reading doxx about talents like you obviously do faggot.

>> No.75030822

What doxx? Mint mentioned multiple times that she lives in US, like in the latest podcast episode and her own streams. You just don't watch her and never did retardo-chama. Same for twitter, she tweeted a bunch of times that she's american and lives in USA.

>> No.75031011


>> No.75031057

You don't have to announce your departure, I promise I don't care

>> No.75031066

>no argument
I accept your concession 3rd world cuck

>> No.75033514

>ex niji orbiting ex niji
I mean, yeah?

>> No.75037472

No. Next question.

>> No.75037677

Lets face it anon, you probably didn't give a fuck about Pikamee when she joined Vshoujo thanks to K-son.

>> No.75038314

america has a lot of pro-corporate propaganda and way too many believe it

>> No.75038699

I have a serious question? Why so many people think Mint is joining hololive? She hasn't given any indication that she is going re-audition again when being indie with a rep like hers seems more of a lucrative venture.

>> No.75038786

Because it spurs drama and gets (You)s

>> No.75038863

That burger is gonna spill everything

>> No.75038964

Because there are a bunch of shit laws that arent getting overturned and the reason this particular shit law is being overturned now is because the chinese were getting in trouble for headhunting from american corps and universities.

>> No.75039074

Not really. One of them is her friend and the other one is someone she looked up to. Her normal solo streams are doing well enough without vshoujo. I don't know sister, your organs numbers aren't looking so good either.

>> No.75039263

California banning non-competes is literally held up as one of the biggest reasons why sillicon valley took off
I swear you neo-right retards can’t even do capitalism right

>> No.75039468

Weird way to say MSM.

>> No.75039477

>literally held up as one of the biggest reasons why sillicon valley took off
Im pretty sure it was the fact that cali had the only active rare earth mines between 1950 and 1990 and computers were largely produced exclusively in california until the very end of the 20th century.

>> No.75039624

>a fellow ex-Niji worker she got on with and two people she collabed with before she became Pomu, one of whom is her oshi
Seems pretty fucking natural to me.

>> No.75039740

"Mobility, Skills, and the Michigan Non-Compete Experiment" by Matt Marx, Deborah Strumsky, and Lee Fleming (2009)

“Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128" by Anna Lee Saxenian (1994)

"The Legal Infrastructure of High Technology Industrial Districts: Silicon Valley, Route 128, and Covenants Not to Compete" by Ronald J. Gilson (1999)

>> No.75039888

It's sisters and you know it.

>> No.75039986

They don't give a shit. The last time they left this board to start their on niji general it fell apart when they all turned on each other and then they came back. Without a common enemy they just start arguing with themselves

>> No.75040095

>I'm from the Atl hoe!
>Who gives a fuck where you from!

>> No.75040424
File: 119 KB, 1023x1024, IMG_2306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over boys mint belongs to vshojo

>> No.75041477

NTA, but if I read only one of these, which one shoud it be?

>> No.75041552

the second one is a book and probably less dry reading than the other two

>> No.75042742

Thaks anon

>> No.75043030

lmao kek vshojo will lese they're bad and the bad is bad and the good is good so the goos will win and the bad will lose vshojo is bad and ironkekshitlungironludwigkekconnormousekekshit will not be the hereo she's bad and terrible and terrible bad and bad and the bad is bad and the good is good and the bad is bad and the good is good so the good will prevail and the bad will lose the good mint will expose them it's just a matter iof time kek lmao kekeke lmao kek lmao ludwig connor ludwig reaction channels ironkek matara is bad and the bad is bad and asmongold is bad and ironkekgoldass will lose and the good will prevail and not the bad and the good will win because mint is good

>> No.75043143

Lurk a thousand more years, faggot.

>> No.75046652

I don't know if you're drunk, having a stroke, or both. Either way, seem professional help.

>> No.75050756


>> No.75051990

Fitting she plays a guns-a-blazing game like the MGS grifter she is. When's her next COD collab?

>> No.75052041

i wanna watch mint eat like 3 burgers

>> No.75052824

No. I just watch her solo content and ignore her collabs. Not hard since her timeslot is very competitive.

>> No.75052832
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>> No.75052975

you know what botan’s cod zombies collab was kino I wish mint would play that game too

>> No.75053018

seethe that kojambles likes blue dorito bunny over her
