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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 44 KB, 593x339, vtoopsie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74994774 No.74994774 [Reply] [Original]

Are all vtubers stupid and tech illiterate?

>> No.74994806

Holy shit

>> No.74994842


>> No.74994847

Yes. It's kind of remarkable

>> No.74994858

They're women so

>> No.74994896

How do you even do this? There's so many things that have to line up for this to happen

>> No.74994900

Well that sucks.

Usually file journal software can get that back, if basic system recover can't.

>> No.74994930

A vast majority are tech illiterate. They barely know how to use obs, they can't be asked to learn how to keep themselves safe on the internet, if anything on their computer runs slow they would smack the monitor. Part of the problem is because they are mostly women, part of the problem is that they are most likely young, and part of the reason js that they likely don't care enough to learn.

>> No.74994987

Delete, yes. Files too large for recycle bin, yes. That's about it.

Skip part two if you're used to using shift+delete, though I figure if she was that tech savvy she'd know there's ways to recover it as well.

>> No.74995048

Was probably cleaning folders and accidentally selected her vtubing folder too. I also always shift+delete so I never use the recycle bin. Apparently she never made backups on a google drive or something either
This is why you archive everything on your onedrive folks

>> No.74995052

Do people know that cloud storage is like 5 to 10 bucks a month
Or a terra byte external hardrive is like 25 bucks

>> No.74995072

Happened to Suisex as well.
You'd think they'd have their livelihood backed up like 7 times.
In a USB, in two external drives, in two cloud services, in the emails from the artists, and on Discord.

>> No.74995121

In a more understandable version of this, I had years worth of data wiped clean by an incompetent IT department that "updated" my machine by installing a new operating system onto the wrong drive.

Of course, I was able to recover a significant amount of older data with recovery software (the exact kind this chuuba would likely be able to get a majority of her assets back with) but not all of it, especially recent files.

>> No.74995133

Mails? Discord? External SSDs? Even if you're allergic to shit like onedrive you have plenty of options.

>> No.74995178

Never trust cloud storage, get an external and keep shit you care about on it.

>> No.74995202

Do they even know how computer file system works?

>> No.74995213

It's dirt cheap. If you work with any of the Microsoft stuff you get onedrive with MS360.
Google Drive is also very cheap, Dropbox is a bit more expensive but if you work with many people it's worth it.
There's no excuse.

>> No.74995222

this, but two of them so you can store one at some other place in case your house burns down

>> No.74995249

I'd rather trust cloud storage since programs and shit dont allow you to use them (fucking obviously) meaning you MUST have 2 of those folders, 1 on your pc and 1 archived to avoid shit like OP

>> No.74995330

most USBs today have a shitton of storage space and are inexpensive and easy to keep safe.

>> No.74995342
File: 201 KB, 463x453, 1198456198415974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. And she even did a crash course or a tweet chain or whatever on how to be a content creator. Number one rule: back your shit up.
Anyway Hexa is probably here. Maybe there's some way to retrieve your shit even after you deleted it.

>> No.74995406

I don't how tech illiterate I should feel about the fact that I just learned of Shift+Delete with this post.

>> No.74995455

Should've backed it up like most people do with their important things they use for work.

Hey, there was that one Nijisanji guy who erase all their work in Minecraft that one time.

>> No.74995483

wonder if her rigger still has a copy of the model

>> No.74995544

should have ask google. I remember deleting my porn collection when I had postnut clarity, but I managed to recover them using those free software online

>> No.74995588

fat and retarded wow

>> No.74995592

>Maybe there's some way to retrieve your shit even after you deleted it.
There always is, as long as you do it quickly. Just because data isn't sitting in your Recycle Bin doesn't mean it isn't still sitting on the drive waiting to be overwritten.

>> No.74995621

She already overwrote it

>> No.74995619

She tried and said 90% of them got overwritten

>> No.74995628
File: 58 KB, 582x580, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...she kept everything on the fucking desktop.

>> No.74995636

He bombed it to stop people from noticing his milf gf was building on his account.

>> No.74995694
File: 4 KB, 135x88, 1360122427141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gonna need some recovery soft, decade ago, they can only run at boot level and cost money, alternative would be to send hard drive to a data recovery service and pay a couple of hundred dollars.

>> No.74995705

What a fucking retard

>> No.74995708

Final destination but instead of people dying it's files getting deleted

>> No.74995732

Keeping your entire livelihood on the desktop without any backups... why...

>> No.74995738

>kept everything essential to her career on the desktop
>deletes it all before checking it's been backed up
>just click-drags everything out of her recycle bin in panic without even looking for the specific folder in question
>response is to say that anybody mentioning recovery options is "bitching" or "being mean"

Guys, I don't know about this one...

>> No.74995741

> please stop being mean
calling a tech illiterate 'tech iliterate' is not being mean. It is what it is. Let this be a lesson for her and everyone to have fucking backups in the cloud and external drives.

>> No.74995769

Were they really or just trying to offer help in her replies?
>kept it all on the desktop
holy fuck, is she a zoomer who can't into file explorer or something?

>> No.74995795


>Tried every recovery program under the sun

No she didn't

>> No.74995807

On the upside, I had never head of this girl befor,e This incident got her more popularity than all of her streams together.

>> No.74995825

Sounds like she just doesn't want to stream anymore.

>> No.74995885
File: 82 KB, 890x791, F5TSj__X0AAo0Pu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this rate, in 50 years computers will be viewed by the masses as literal magic and the few who know how to use them will be seen as wizards

>> No.74995892

Kek what a fucking retard
That's what she gets for being a bitch

>> No.74995895

backups, system images, cloud storage, hello??????????????

>> No.74995898

I guess she did it for immediacy of use, but always make sure to double check if the backups exist before deleting shit.

>> No.74995910
File: 261 KB, 571x465, 1116549864651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RUmao. Call your artists then.

>> No.74995918
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Most zoomers don't.


>> No.74995940

She was giving her PC to her sister and formated the drive before backing up. Having that kind of stuff on an USB is probably bad, they will just lose it. In Suiseis case it's also corpo work related and she probably isn't allowed to copy it.

>> No.74995998

she needs an IT bf

>> No.74996021

Just redownload from emails/Discord DMs? The models and assets got sent to somewhere. This is getting fishy. Your shit gets backed up for you nowadays in some way without you even being conscious of it.

>> No.74996027

how the fuck

>> No.74996036

File folders are supposedly one of the things people under 30 don't understand since smartphones don't use them much.

>> No.74996065
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>> No.74996125

i accidentally deleted my 5TB hentai collection when i was sleepily downloading a new one, basically a popup asked if i was sure to delete everything to make room for the new file.

>> No.74996130
File: 110 KB, 444x440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of zoomers

>> No.74996132

School started using Google PCs instead of Windows based ones, not like Windows isn't trying to get on the app train.

>> No.74996202

Since its relevant might as well post this
Google drive, objectively best for archiving. Google isnt going away ever and theres 0 chance of you ever losing any files. 15gb free storage and can pay for more
Mega.nz ,very good and reliable. 50gb free storage and can pay for more but you can also just make a 2nd account and get more that way. Can be shut down at any time so use it long term. BUT has a 5gb download daily cap forcing you to pay for premium if you want to download bigger files.
OneDrive, is basically already installed on every PC. 5gb free storage good for small files like your reaction or shitposting images

>> No.74996205

This and Chromebooks, which tons of schools are giving to kids these days. All of the "idiot-proofing" for these kinds of systems just produces, you know, idiots.

>> No.74996251


>> No.74996265

Yeah but I'm not sure I would want to watch someone so retarded she might kill herself at any time

>> No.74996282

there's not really anything wrong with the desktop part, it's just another folder. The real problem is seeing a message warning about permanent deletion and just "thinking" you have a backup instead of specifically verifying it right there before pressing ok

>> No.74996295

>I'd rather trust cloud storage
Didn't Google somehow manage to accidentally delete some people's G-drives?

>> No.74996325


>> No.74996350
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 1668274239808645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She coped her entire desktop into a folder to sort it, then deleted everything on her actual desktop? Seriously?

>> No.74996368

kek https://twitter.com/HexaVT/status/1786290069021556772

>> No.74996377

>gigantic retard
It's like pottery

>> No.74996406

Something is fishy here...

Windows System Restore regularly backs up the Desktop and all the folders under it. She should not only be able to restore it, but choose from several different versions.

...and no file recovery software that I know of is going to have trouble recovering recently deleted files like that.

>> No.74996408

It's already this bad. OpenGL and Windows API is an eldritch realm to like 70% of programmers, and if you're doing non-Arduino microcontrollers then you're pretty much an alien to everyone

>> No.74996414

> Schools would rather teach gender theory than how your PC file system works.
The absoulte state of the american education system

>> No.74996422

she should stop fucking thinking

>> No.74996449

is this true? I cant imagine how they organize their shit

>> No.74996452

>also i did not have windows file recovery turned on! IT IS NOW TURNED ON

>> No.74996485

It's on by default. She would have had to turn it off.

>> No.74996519

You know what? This retard deserves what she got.

>> No.74996524

she probably managed to at some point
she is terminally retarded after all

>> No.74996525

Desktop folder is part of your OS folder structure. You do NOT want to keep irreplaceable things on the same PARTITION as your OS leave alone same folder because if something goes fucky with OS your stuff is that much more likely to go with it, than if it was on a separate partition (or ideally, separate drive).

>> No.74996568

sometimes i wonder if smartphones were a mistake

>> No.74996616

I accidentally the whole desktop

>> No.74996626

I hate how there are people that have a clusterfuck in their desktops, they are the first ones to complain when something gets deleted and the like

>> No.74996683

>Google drive, objectively best for archiving. Google isnt going away ever and theres 0 chance of you ever losing any files. 15gb free storage and can pay for more

Google will delete your account if you don't use it for 2 years.
Google is notorious for closing your account the moment their algorithm flags it for "suspicious activity", you get no recourse or warning.
Google has completely nonexistent support, they do not care about you and your business and will never help you get your account or data back.
They are an absolutely awful choice to use for any sort of backup and I can't count how many people I work with got burnt by their accounts being closed with no real reasons being cited and them losing access to their business emails.

I have no stories about Mega and OneDrive but I can't imagine they are all that great for archiving important data either.
You really. REALLY. should back your stuff up in a multitude of ways. Use a Google Drive, use Mega, use a OneDrive, have a section of your NAS for backups, burn some DVDs, etc, etc.
Do NOT rely on any one service to hold your entire career hostage in a case of emergency.

>> No.74996686

Well, that, and occasionally Windows updates like to delete everything in the Windows managed folders, such as the Desktop and My Documents.

Though it really should have saved her in this case, as System Restore should be archiving that shit, if she hadn't apparently disabled it for some reason. (Guess I've seen people do that to save space on their OS drive when it's a small SSD.)

Dunno what sort of half assed file recovery software she's using that would fail to recover recently simply deleted files like that though. Kinda wondering if she's really tried or is just determined to fail here.

>> No.74996716
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Nyo, picrel is a rhythm gamer. Maybe new generation who rely on mobile as they grew up are

>> No.74996727

>Google will delete your account if you don't use it for 2 years.
She is a vtuber... there is exactly 0 chance she will go on a 2year hiatus from vtubing

>> No.74996792
File: 2.04 MB, 2418x3216, __tokoyami_towa_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_minus_zero69__d22944d62353faf152238fad41b3e82e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be funny if Europe never abandoned paganism and we entered some sort of neo-primitive age where you would worship guys like Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman as actual gods. Economists would go to the temple of Adam Smith, the God of Economics, to perform rituals and pray for guidance etc.

>> No.74996849

This is one of the stupidest things I have ever read on this board, congratulations.

>> No.74996853

Everything she would have had commissioned (model art, rigged model, stream assets) would've been delivered to her with a file attachment or download link.

Unless she evaporated all her DMs and emails too, this shouldn't be the end of the world even if she didn't have backups.
And even if she DID do that, she can just get in contact with those people again, who are probably smart enough to back up their work.

>> No.74996858

That is just modern idolatry, already happens

>> No.74996902

>also no i can't just "reach out to my artist and rigger" i currently use a premade model from booth that i spent hours and hours customizing the everliving shit out of

>> No.74996936

This would have never happened if she was having sex with me

>> No.74996950

>larping as a vtuber with a $5 booth model
oh nyo

>> No.74996961

She still would've vomited

>> No.74996970

This is all just one big ploy of her to start fleshtubing btw
If she's not successful she will magically "recover" all her assets in a few weeks

>> No.74996978

Doesn't Fillian use a super cheap off the shelf model?

>> No.74997008

Mental gymnastics explaining how the this situation where the dog ate her homework would be possible. What's the angle here?

>> No.74997015

That's a given as its my fetish

>> No.74997027

Its not cheap, its literally a free, default VR avatar that you yourself can grab in 1 minute after installing the game
She isnt a vtuber

>> No.74997051

>she kept everything on the fucking desktop
What's the issue with this? The things on my desktop are in different folders, and ive got them copied to my SSD. If its a cluttering issue then she can just hide everything.

>> No.74997052

crisis mitigated

>> No.74997058

Fuck's sake

>> No.74997071

She does, but she also had them take it down from the store when she bought the rights to it.
Was one of the very first things Mythic told her she really needs to do.

>> No.74997109

>a single copy on a single drive
good lord

>> No.74997165

Nice engagement farm grift.

>> No.74997171

iirc Mega is even worse, they'll delete it after 3 months

>> No.74997176
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>would rather buyout exclusive rights to a free VRC avatar than make her own unique character
Guess that tracks, not like she has the creativity for anything original

>> No.74997190
File: 136 KB, 900x900, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who? cuz I know it ain't this bitch

>> No.74997194

indeed, she got a boost of followers and some simps to buy shit from her Throne
8/10 grift

>> No.74997199

Don't care about your post. I just want to say that this Towa should have my babies. She is meant for breeding.

>> No.74997210

Blatant grift. Nothing was deleted.

>> No.74997233

I keep most of my work in a hidden folder on my desktop and I don't know why

>> No.74997243

this vampire slut https://twitter.com/AruruRosario

>> No.74997247
File: 3.91 MB, 1436x804, mesugaki [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fncndfq.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute vampire cunny

>> No.74997275

I'm pretty sure I've gone several months without using my Mega account and nothing happened

>> No.74997287



>> No.74997367

Every fan should be required to tell their oshi about Backblaze or some similar service.
Just pay 7 bucks a month and let them backup your shit for you.
Brain dead simple.

>> No.74997368

The only way for this to happen is extreme retardation AND extreme menhera which is a dangerous combo

>> No.74997388

very common in vtubers

>> No.74997442

For corpos this is likely not an option

>> No.74997446

>Brain dead simple.
so they'll still find a way to fuck it up

>> No.74997486

Bruh, working for a Vtuber corpo ≠ working for an enterprise.
They're not that strict

>> No.74997525

She sounds tech literate enough to cause problems. She probably turned it off as a security measure at some point.

>> No.74997527

See: >>74996525 and >>74996686

>> No.74997556

Dropbox or Mega or whatever is still too complicated for tech-illiterate people.
I just paid + installed BB on my parents' PCs and stopped worrying about it.

>> No.74997623

I went for IDrive, but yeah, practically the same idea.

>> No.74997848

if she hasn't overwritten the empty space the data was on she could maybe recover it.

>> No.74998082


>> No.74998190

Why didn't she organize and throw her important Files on an external drive or SSD? It's easy to just copy and move files. Also why do you /g/uys keep using the word tech illiterate= not a programmer? Organization isn't exclusive to tech, that's a basic skill you use in anything, like in a kitchen or job floor. Sounds like she's so lazy she went Ctrl a and drag to recycling bin.

>> No.74998320

Either Stupid bitch or very smart because this way can farm pity donations

>> No.74998321

Aruru cant stop being the best girl

>> No.74998352

You people keep repeating this BS because of that 1 article then blame smartphones, which also use files and folders. I don't understand exaggerating this much.

>> No.74998392

>Ctrl a and drag to recycling bin
Ctrl+a would select the recycling bin too.

>> No.74998394

You can set your desktop folder to be anywhere on another drive

>> No.74998402

Go ask a phone toddler to find you %appdata%, or /user/anything

>> No.74998435

Don’t be, shift delete is stupid. If you are so bothered by the extra step of emptying you bin to risk select the wrong file, you are a jackass.
An external drive to dump your stuff there regularly is always strongly suggested, that’s the lesson.

>> No.74998472

Wrong: phone users are never required to select a folder.
She wouldn't know how to do that.

>> No.74998515

I need external drives to backup my external drives...

>> No.74998574

>The folder is on the desktop. Not a link to the folder, the actial folder.
Are you sure this is the person who said to always have backup? This is as bad as a guy I met once that kept everything in the download folder not knowing cleaning programs consider it a “trash” fdsr and have “clean it” by default on.

>> No.74998647

whats wrong with having the folder on the desktop?

>> No.74998649

If you're working for a corpo then they should have your model on file, at the very least.
Corpos also should instruct their talents to make sure they can handle basic shit like this, but I guess most of them just don't.

>> No.74998658

Phones have selection modes and select all modes. They have it for messages and other files, what makes you think the don’t have it cor folders?

>> No.74998670
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Hexa? Sexa.

>> No.74998714

lmao no, never use cloud services. Just get an external drive, hell even a cheap usb stick would be enough for the important files

>> No.74998739

>This is as bad as a guy I met once that kept everything in the download folder not knowing cleaning programs consider it a “trash” fdsr and have “clean it” by default on.
Weird, I keep everything in Downloads and it's never been an issue for decades. I don't use shady ass "cleaning" tools though.

>> No.74998753

Try to fix shit on your PC using the dogshit guides in google and Microsoft sites and this will happen a lot of the times if you're not careful. She must've tried to do some sort of reset and accidentally deleted all of her files. This is why backups are important.

>> No.74998761

Students would rather learn gender theory and how to be a sigma male, schools are simply catering to customers demands.

>> No.74998766

Thread. The desktop is for immediate to use files and you clean/organize it constantly. I’ve had so many cases of “accidental delete” of stuff on the desktop or losing a file because you accidentally move it in a folder you delete later.
It’s lime playing minefield when your computer has nice and cozyier ways to store files an a function to create a link to desktop with a click, there is a reason that exist.

>> No.74998794

if OS dies you won't be able to recover it

>> No.74998801

Its fucking stupid as you've seen being demonstrated by the retard in the OP
If you really want to have it on your desktop then just have a shortcut to where you keep those files not actually have it there

>> No.74998844

Don’t. Your PC considers it a temp/dump folder. Just make another folder, stiff everything there and put it in a safer place.
It takes 30 min at worse and your PC will start caring about your files. Btw even disk cleaner of WINDOWS considers that a dump folder so you do you.

>> No.74998857

>always shift+delete
Same, I can't fucking unlearn it even though I really want to

>> No.74998901
File: 25 KB, 358x168, winderpz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's not checked by default.
That's dumb though.

>> No.74998906

the worst way to go out
most retards just click ok and never read the prompt when copying or deleting files
had this happened to me with a pirated video game

>> No.74998914

Techbros, we didn't gatekeep computers enough...

>> No.74998929

No one uses disk cleaner tools retard, it literally doesn't matter. Stop being a nerd

>> No.74998979

Smh just download more ram stupid

>> No.74999008

final destination, no backups, desktop only

>> No.74999036

Ideally you use both; a physical backup and a cloud backup. I personally dislike cloud shit so I just keep an external backup drive in a fireproof safe and hope I don't get robbed.

>> No.74999039

>theres 0 chance of you ever losing any files.

>> No.74999045

nta but I used to use ccleaner a lot back when I used windows. It's pretty handy to just wipe all the temp windows folders and all my browser junk files at once. Though the newer versions of that software are probably all spyware these days.

>> No.74999084

It's smartphones that should have been gatekept. Force people to learn computers out of necessity because there isn't anything simpler.

>> No.74999095

>Wrong: phone users are never required to select a folder
When dealing with APKs you have to go find it in the folder it's in. I remember the first time as a kid having to install Minecraft mods on my kid brother's phone I had go follow some instructions (which mentioned finding a folder). Same applies to moving pictures and screenshots around.

>> No.74999098

i am already seen as a wizard by my family because i know how to reset the router from my pc

>> No.74999116

Ccleaner was notorious for deleting shit it shouldn't have even back in the day.

>> No.74999131

So many tech illiterate retards in this thread going HAHA while at the same time shilling cloud storage as the solution. The irony.

>> No.74999208

>Want to change your model
>Can't afford a new model

I give it a week tops before she has a new rig, paid for in full by others

>> No.74999226

Well anon, go tell me a backup solution following the 321 rule which does not feature a cloud server somewhere in there.

>> No.74999259

Pro-tip, don’t use it to clean, use it to analyze. So many times you don’t realize the shit you are letting accumulate on your pc and instead go delete stuff you would still use to make space.
Imagine my surprise when I saw my screenshot folder being the size of a videogame cuz I wasn’t cleaning it properly.

>> No.74999264

GNOME was right in removing the ability to put anything on your desktop

>> No.74999284

>What's your use case for having a desktop, chud?

>> No.74999294

Brb, time to back up my files again.

>> No.74999330

they're probably retarded shills who think you should always update windows

>> No.74999350

>pro tip
>Use some spyware "cleaning" tool to analyze the files instead of using a dedicated analysis tool which does a better job at it
Are you perhaps retarded?

>> No.74999354

I'm way too used to ctrl alt del everything instead of sending it to the recycling bin, I need to stop this

>> No.74999366
File: 31 KB, 574x350, desktop folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she saved all of her files on her desktop

>> No.74999369

>ctrl alt del everything
what did he mean by this

>> No.74999382

don't make backups
don't exercise OPsec
get it twisted
it's all in the cloud, you're beyond human folly

>> No.74999400

I mean unironically though, what's the use case? Apps you can just put it on your dock. Files and directories you can keep in your home dir.

>> No.74999436

I don't know either
*shift del

>> No.74999474

tech bros are the most tech illiterate retards out there, they're like nerds who feel superior for saying sodium chloride instead of salt

>> No.74999498

Didn't you know? Windows 7 is a huge security risk. You will get a virus from the youtubes and the hackerman will get you as soon as you connect to the internet.

>> No.74999538


>> No.74999572

I geuinely dont get why /vt/ praised this retard so much

>> No.74999583

If you're using NTFS to store anything important at all, you're retarded.

>> No.74999597

I don't even know who the fuck this is

>> No.74999629

>Windows 7 is a huge security risk
this but unironically

>> No.74999636

you act like susie needs to be able to program her own kernels to get a dopamine hit from tiktok

>> No.74999650

>I keep everything in Downloads
imagine being this retarded and proud of it

>> No.74999683

this but unironically

>> No.74999732

For the sake of your sanity keep it that way anon.
Just another woman LARPing as a femcel for views

>> No.74999733

Thank you for this sirs, please do the needful and use Windows 11 and cloud services. Please kindly stop using your desktop and downloads folder sirs, it's dangerous

>> No.74999748

>a femcel
Okay, I will continue to ignore this retarded bitch. Thank you.

>> No.74999780

Go back to your autist/tranny capital of 4chan

>> No.74999784

How the fuck is he supposed to know its bad. Lazy? Yes, its like unpacking books you ordered and leaving them at the door instead of taking them upstairs and putting them in a shelf.

>> No.74999812

just another le based here grifter

>> No.74999857

It is temporarily for now if you are actually up to date and using the extended support updates. Almost no one who claims to do that has ESU updates enabled and those updates stopped last year. If you didn't have ESU, you were at risk to some pretty nasty vulnerabilities like the Bluetooth code in Windows 7 being bugged enough to be exploited to let hackers run whatever code they wanted on it.

>> No.74999863

It's funny how stealth /g/ threads across boards always end up being mind numbingly stupid

>> No.74999878

wow im gonna donate my paycheque to her so she can get a new model

>> No.74999892

Not him, but make a folder where then? I never thought much of using Downloads for some stuff and it never got in the way before but I would rather assume I know literally nothing if Windows is going to be this silly. Otherwise I'll just stuff it in Documents but that sounds weird this shit isn't documents.

>> No.74999932
File: 11 KB, 112x112, 1709575277642377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believes using a OS which doesn't even get security updates is a good thing

>> No.74999981

NAS is a cloud storage and raids are too expensive to set up

>> No.75000010

>muh security
is a literal meme, just like defender or any anti-virus software. Your PC will be safe as long as you don't visit obvious scam sites

>> No.75000017

>it's been overwritten
methinks she rage quit her career in a menhera moment, an accidental delete won't overwrite the data on the hardware.

>> No.75000094

>Dropbox or mega is still too complicated
>installed BB
??? You can't "install" backblaze, you interact with them through API. I know this because I use BB (CTO dropped S3 for BB) at my work

>> No.75000199

I was suspecting something like that when she claimed she couldn't recover simply deleted files and claimed that System Restore wasn't on, when it's on by default, but she got help yonder >>74997052, so...

Strange state of affairs when someone who claims to be smart enough to fuck with their model's rigging isn't smart enough to recover deleted files, put them someplace other than the desktop, or keep backups. Musta burned all the braincells on Live2D.

>> No.75000242

>security is a meme
My boss at the DevOps team thought so too, before the entire confluence server and its data are hacked and encrypted. The vulnerabilities were known all over the world (even hackernews) yet he didn't do anything.

>> No.75000323

This whole Windows 7 worship bewilders me since I remember it being the brand new bad evil system that will steal your data and sell your soul

>> No.75000374

That's B2, their corpo/datahoarder solution.
Personal backup is their main product. Pay 6-7 bucks/month, and they backup (almost) everything in your PC.
No need to move your data into another folder like Dropbox.

>> No.75000383

If any real chuubas are reading this thread or just people that work with large and important files.

Look into setting up a local NAS.
There are branded options for tech illiterates like Synology that will keep your shit safe even if one of your drives fails.
Cloud storage is convenient, but it's not 100% reliable.

>> No.75000406

Microsoft kept patching XP until 2019, 5 years after its end of life, for critical vulnerabilities and the worship shit finally only died out this decade and it's now actually a retro OS. Expect Windows 7 to have longer legs if we're seeing a similar support period from Microsoft after ESU, will probably be like 2027-8 and die out only in the 2030s.

>> No.75000410

The real answer is both. You need more than 1 backup solution.
The actual IRL answer is, when you're doing it for tech-illiterate people, keep it as simple as you can.

>> No.75000412

you relies on corpo and cant even backup 1 game since. Get the fuck out here with your shitty advice.
A better solution and standard for archiving is external hd.

>> No.75000555

Normal women don't become vtubers that's why most vtubers are either autists or retards

>> No.75000650

I wonder if people will worship 8 or 8.1 next.

>> No.75000699

No, it was highly disliked. I actually expect something like Windows 10 Enterprise or LTSC to be.

>> No.75001584

ITT: retards calling her a retard

She wanted to stop streaming you fucking retards. This is a quick and easy way out. Women are shit with tech but they can't possibly be this bad, especially if it's their literal career. Women know about backups.

>> No.75001588

>get an external and keep shit you care about on it
An external by itself isnt enough, it can fail at any moment.

>> No.75001713


>> No.75001748

now begins the backpedal

>> No.75001841


>> No.75001927

i almost refuse to believe this is real. it can't be possible to be this fucking dumb

>> No.75001937

Use recuva, recover files quick.

>> No.75001973

Keep a copy on your PC too. Personally I have 3 copies of all my files.

>> No.75001979

>they likely don't care enough to learn
Every time

>> No.75002016

It was a PR stunt. Now she makes more money.

>> No.75002020

Yeah, the accepted standard for important stuff is
>At least 3 copies of any data (including the original) on at least two different storage types

>> No.75002054

Imagine trusting the "cloud" aka a hard drive in pajeetistan or some other lowcost shithole instead of just having a nas or das + a safety spare in your bank's safety deposit box.

>> No.75002209

You forgot
>At least one copy off-site.

>> No.75002425

Retarded baby. Have fun being locked out of your files if (((they))) find something they dislike about you.
Onedrive is garbage. You back up on separate physical drives. Google the 3 2 1 rule too.

>> No.75002635

Speaking of which it kind of surprises me that no major cybersec incident has happened yet to a vtuber, unless i don't know about it, as in ransomware, rat or something
I know there was this one dude who tried sending phishing emails to try and get info or whatever

>> No.75002695

Always good to have both. External storage in case your cloud goes down, cloud in case your house burns down.

>> No.75002712

Gen Z has difficulty using and comprehending file systems and making backups. I would say gen x and gen y were also like this in their 20s, but that would be a lie because computer-using gen xers and gen yers typically mastered usage of file systems by the time they were 12. Zoomers are not as bad as actual boomers, but zoomers do lack a lot of basic skills.

>> No.75003293

She makes more than enough money to one or two solid state external drives, backing up 1TB takes a few hours but you can leave it on while you go do something else. Plus she said she lost her model and assets she made herself, and most of the stuff she worked outside hololive. She really should have had back ups.
But it's understandable that these are women that really don't know much about PCs, Subaru felt like a hacker when she opened the command prompt, something that everyone had to use daily when using computers in the DOS era.

>> No.75003345

Someone this retarded would not know how to override default system restore points. This is easily recoverable

>> No.75003393

Really does no one fucking help them with this shit? When you go into any fucking business, nobody expects you to be a tech wizard, they help you set shit up and they take care of backups and everything. Why is this not the case here?
This kind of shit, and worse, will happen to anyone. Cyber maturity ain't just there yet for vtubers and their corpos. It just takes an incident i guess.

>> No.75003482

>storing shit in a flash drive
never give an advice ever again

>> No.75003799

There's no way this is real.

>> No.75003836

Keep your backup drive(s) in a fireproof container.

>> No.75003843

Social hacking always happens here. The testosterone inept are retarded and react emotionally so they’re easy targets for scams.

>> No.75003877

What if your house is levelled by a natural disaster?

>> No.75003927

Just dig it out of the rubble.

>> No.75004221

Also a lot of people talking about not having files on desktop or download folder or whatever.
What if you drive dies? or your power supply decides it's time to go and takes with it the HDD/SSD, video card, etc with it to hell? Which I've seen it happen twice
I use external DVD burner, and also keep some files on pendrives and most on external HDDs/SSD and it's just emulation stuff, I can't imagine not seriously backing up (outside your pc) data that's literally your livelihood.

>> No.75004300

Just do a system restore, windows have build in tools for retards like this.

>> No.75005748

I can't even imagine what she's feeling. That must suck.
Backups and version control should be mandatory education before any computer-adjacent career.

>> No.75006150
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, 1683997540782307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not earning enough money
>too boring to grow
>pretend to have deleted everything on twitter
>people are fucking retarded and believe it
>get huge amount of exposure
>i-it's fine guys, I f-found it again!
>continue as she was

Do small ENs fucking really?

>> No.75006424

What you expected? they are born in a world where their first "pc" is a goddamn phone, they never had to understand the basics of copy-pasting, moving folders, garbage bin and shit.
every apps create it's own hidden folders and shit "just works", which is that's why these idiots are always complaining about "my phone doesn't have enough space"

>> No.75006774

Don't be like those fools that live in tornado alley, or the 3rd world retards that keep rebuilding their houses at the foot of a volcano.
As for anything else? If it happens to such a scale your hdd's will be the least of your problems.
Reminder that google and microshit scan emails for cloud storage file passwords so that they can unencrypt whatever you've stored on their services, if for example youwere dumb enough to say send the password in plaintext or even "playfully coded" (they use ai to figure it out) to a family member or something so that they'd have access to a photo album or whatever.
Even if you're not that dumb they train their crypto engines on your protected storage. Reminder that these services are manned by a legion of pajeets. Would you want to risk poos having access to whatever it is you put in their computers?

>> No.75006806

Holo doesn't give them work laptops?

>> No.75006810

Ina and Ame are tech experts

>> No.75007119

>She wears size XXL clothing
Rumao people actually simp for this bitch?

>> No.75007204

>buzzwords central
Go read about encryption you retarded monkey so maybe you stop typing like a braindead moron

>> No.75007461

can't they use Git?

>> No.75007496


>> No.75007638

another win for 2 views

>> No.75007654

Git is not the best solution for this.
The easiest solution to set up would just be rsync through cygwin and have another server somewhere else. Having a script that automatically rsyncs every day would basically fix this problem.
You could also robocopy to a network drive if you don't wanna mess with cygwin.
You could also simply use WORM storage for this. Might seem archaic to still use a cd but it works as an absolute last resort storage.

>> No.75007818

System restore

>> No.75007931

>I also always shift+delete so I never use the recycle bin
The entire purpose of the recycling bin is so that you can avoid mistakes like these.

>> No.75008033

Especially fucking Onedrive LMAO.

Get fucking two USB sticks and back everything super important there. With 3 places it's impossible for everything to disappear at once. One of my USB sticks is 12+ years old and still works.

>> No.75008168

My zoomer coworkers don't even understand how physical file systems work. I had to explain to a bunch of 20 year olds what alphabetical order is.

>> No.75008175

This might be it. I remember a friend of mine "accidentally" deleted a whole minecraft server. I think it was pretty fucking obvious that he just didn't want to play with us anymore and continue the projects we had began, but since he was a fucking coward who couldn't just tell us he had to create an excuse.

>> No.75008215

You absolute dumb motherfucker
like are you fucking retarded or what
You guys are absolute fucking morons. This is usually the case when it comes to tech, but I hate it when it's for something like this.
Cloud storage is okay and if you are that paranoid you can just encrypt everything you upload.
If you insist on using local storage as a solution (which is not bad per say), use an external drive, and a file system that makes sense for backups, like zfs or btrfs. You don't fucking use exFAT/FAT32 as a backup solution you fucking retards. Don't cry when your shit gets corrupted when you realize it just takes a bad day for your USB drive to corrupt everything it's storing.

>> No.75008297
File: 304 KB, 828x756, nothingburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking retard. still, at least she still has most of her shit. she's lucky

>> No.75008366

It's crazy to me that millennials are fated to be a generational blip in widespread computer know-how. I really thought every generation would get into it more than the last.

>> No.75008371

woman using computers are almost as bad as woman driving

>> No.75008438
File: 141 KB, 300x346, 1701988645096726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is unfortunate but this retard does it to herself, so it's pretty funny.
>Storing your livelihood
>On C:\ drive
>On the fucking Desktop
>Burried along with countless other garbage she put in there

>> No.75008456

>18 MB
That was it? She could have had 5000 copies of the files on different devices. I thought it was going to be like several gigs at least.

>> No.75008482

But they did help Suisei with this. They recovered her old model, she thought she only had one copy but they had a backup in the office and used it for one of her 3D live.

>> No.75008656

Yeah, this is something I see actual baby boomers do at work.
>entire desktop filled up with random garbage, including zip files and the extracted content
>always try to open email attachments directly, no matter who it's from

>> No.75008965

>just click-drags everything out of her recycle bin in panic without even looking for the specific folder in question
Windows doesn't allow you to see folder contents inside Recycle Bin. If she had something like "hexa" > "Important Files" > "assets" she could not open the hexa directory to check if the other assets were inside.

Since Windows deleted big files because they were "too big" it means she might've recovered the correct directories and still lost the data.

Fucking NTFS man.
It's just a regular directory. At least on real operating systems it is.
There's been multiple instances of GDrive missing files or corrupting images in the past.

>> No.75009515
File: 226 KB, 1191x1079, 1706843168904282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I cursed this girl somehow...
I have been watching various vtubers for years now, on and off, yet I have never memembered to a single one, have never received a gift sub for a single one, nothing.
Yet somehow, someway, I have a Hexa membership.
I saw it the other day when I was checking my email, there was a message saying I got gifted a membership.
I don't even know how I have it, I don't think I've ever watched her live. I have watched a single VOD of her with Marimari_en where the two where discussing sonic, but obviously you can't get gift subs from VODs.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe while I was asleep youtube autoplay joined me into one of her streams and I got gifted a sub....I guess...?

Either way, that's the first membership I've ever had and I only noticed I had it like 3 days ago.
Now the next time I hear about her this happens.

It's all my fucking fault.

>> No.75009814

>Everyone is tech illiterate ITT.

It doesn't matter if you deleted a file.
It doesn't matter if you shift-deleted or emptied your recycle bin.
Deleted data does not evaporate, you can still retrieve it. You would have to Wipe the data with bleachbit or similar software to actually lose it forever, and even that might take a couple of passes to get rid of everything.
The retard in the OP can simply spend like a hundred bucks and have their data recovered. It's a NOTHINGBURGER

I hate you zoomer mongrels, you are worse than 90-year-old boomers when it comes to actual tech literacy that doesn't involve your niggerphone.

>> No.75009914

Tell me what happens when you delete a file on your PC you retarded fuck then say the same shit again.
Go ahead and impress me.

>> No.75010174

Read nigger, read. She moved directories around and the OS overwrote most of the files.
They are not shown to the user anymore. The OS flags those blocks as writable and begins to overwrite them as soon as a file needs to be written.

>> No.75010180
File: 177 KB, 2038x1404, 1684605518762610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the data was still there, how is it not eating up hard drive space?
I've deleted multiple TB's worth of data. Are you saying that somehow those TBs of data are still somewhere on my computer?

Wow, bros, today I learned how to hack the system and have infinite HD space.

>> No.75010270

A lot of them are still there as long as you didn't write to disk the same amount of data. At the very least you could recover the filenames from them.

>> No.75010282

Deleting just flags the data as overwritable. If you're fast you can use external tools to recover the files. If you keep using your PC it'll eventually overwrite the old data.

>> No.75010306

The really irritating thing is they often laugh it off with an "it is what it is" or "too lazy tehepero" or "we're here for a good time not a long time" and then when they lose something it's PANIK mode.

>> No.75010325

I see.
Interesting, I wasn't aware that's how it worked.
Thanks for educating me.

>> No.75010327

In Windows, the file's metadata is updated to indicate that the space it occupies is now available, but the actual data remains on the disk until it's overwritten. This allows for recovery until the space is reused by new data. Even if new data is stored, chances are it won't overwrite a fucking Vtuber hexa, because it's TINY. You would have to fill up your entire drive to genuinely lose your "deleted" data, based on the law of large numbers alone.

tl;dr, she is a charcoal gorilla nigger RETARD, it's extremely (EXTREMELY) unlikely she lost the data, even if she's stored new data in the meantime.

>> No.75010379

Congrats for being a faggot who can’t read, she saud the data is corrupted.
The moron probably cleaned files to install some shit and the graveyard data got rewritten.
That is also if she doesn’t have one of those modern antiviruses who privacy protect tyou by 0ing your trash or defrags took place.

>> No.75010405

She said she moved directories around, that's enough to overwrite at least a small portion of the files. If that happens, the files become corrupted and unusable.

>> No.75010419

Is that even possible if she has an SSD and the files are physically overwritten?

>> No.75010497

>begins to overwrite them as soon as a file needs to be written
Correct. Good answer for the dumb anon you responded to.
No recovery software will help you with this. At best they will go through the disk and realize there might be files there, but they will be all corrupted garbage.
Retard, do you even know what an operating system does?
You would have to basically freeze your PC fucking instantly to avoid any damage. You have no idea what your PC is doing, especially fucking windows. They will use the space available to do all sorts of shit. OS optimization is all about reusing that dead storage space and optimizing the shit out of it.
You will lose your data, especially if it's small. If you have a very large deleted set of stuff, there's a chance you recover some of it. In this state, given the relatively small size of this stuff, it just takes one bad write and it's all gone.
You wouldn't even need to do anything. Leaving your PC on will do this alone, because an OS just does its work in the background.

>> No.75010514


>> No.75010687

>Crisis averted
Be honest, was this a grift to farm viewers or legit?

>> No.75010697

Overwriting with blank data whenever you delete things would be slower and make your storage not last as long. It's rare that you actually need things deleted properly anyways.

>> No.75010763

i mean if it aint deleted from recycle bin
it should be easy.

>> No.75010824

Google will never delete an account that has created a YouTube channel. Unless you're some freak who has never logged in to watch vtubers, nobody on this board will ever have their account deleted for inactivity.

>> No.75011019

>Unless you're some freak who has never logged in to watch vtubers
I have never logged in to youtube, why the fuck would I need a login to watch vtubers

>> No.75011099

ok she actually seems pretty cute

>> No.75011204

Clearly you don't have an account and their inactive account policy shouldn't apply to you, so why respond?

>> No.75011230
File: 394 KB, 2560x1440, 1693019181611384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is

>> No.75011407

I used to do data recovery as part of my job, and no, this is simply not the case. Granted, it was mostly FAT32 back then, as I'm an old fag, but modern file journals are even more redundant about keeping data around on your hard drive long after you've deleted it. If you've simply deleted files, they're recoverable for a good long time, especially if they're small. The system doesn't actually physically delete the data, it just flags the file as overwritable.

Now there is the mitigating factor that, if it's not an SSD, modern Windows is constantly defragging the hard drive so long as the computer is idle, which complicates things, but any recovery software worth it's salt can chase file integrity contiguously across sectors. It's probably a small SSD as otherwise I can't think of why in the hell she would turn System Restore off.

I've had several accounts deleted for inactivity, and have been locked out of maybe a dozen more for no discernable reason with no recourse. Google is the shittiest cloud solution there is, though I suppose still better than nothing. Physical backups are much simpler and more secure, but if it's something critical to your livelihood, you should really have both a physical backup and a cloud (other than Google), cuz shit happens.

>> No.75011571

Ignoring the fact that Windows is always writing to disk (logs, updates, background services) the web browser is ALWAYS writing to disk. Not only cache and web storage, but even things like YouTube are notorious to rape SSDs.

If someone deletes data accidentally, panics and opens a web browser to search for solution, watches videos and downloads installers then there is a chance the OS will overwrite data partially.

>> No.75011607

>I've had several accounts deleted for inactivity
Should have subscribed to someone on YouTube. It's that simple. You have nobody to blame but yourself.

>> No.75011678

Modern file systems always favor empty sectors first. Unless the hard drive is completely full, you can thrash caches all you want, it'll be months of regular use, if not years, before the previously occupied file space is used.

>> No.75011688

cry more poojeet
I will not redeem

>> No.75011802

Not only ones with subscriptions, but ones with days of actual Youtube videos on them. Google is a lot more prone to locking out accounts for inactivity than they let on, or for any number of other mysterious reasons.

>> No.75012083

idk what kind of recovery job you had, but from what I know it's mostly a gamble, and it works best if the drive in question was frozen or extracted from the system and not in use.

>> No.75012120

People suggest the external hd all the time, but for a professional setting I think a 2 bay NAS would be a cost effective option. They run <$200 these days and would allow you to automate your backups, preventing the situation where you become lax about it.

>> No.75012207

NAS + zfs is the way to go, really. It requires someone in the team that's not a complete moron, but it does the job 99% of the time.

>> No.75012229

1. Woman
2. Zoomers are becoming less tech literate than millennials

>> No.75012306

Trust me, there's shit on your drive from years ago that's easily recoverable, without the need for a low level scan. You gotta do some seriously weird shit before you're going to lose files you deleted the same day.

>> No.75012369

Gen Alpha and Z never stood a chance; as children these two gens were specifically catered to by app developers to make everything as easy as possible with the least amount of steps. Take those apps away and these kids have no clue what to do. Those two gens grew up with apps that were forced on them by parents, corpos, and society. Weep.

>> No.75012376

you mean Gen X, most millenials can't even get around a CLI, Gen X had to use that shit on the daily

>> No.75012408

Seems like the best solution if you really REALLY absolutely cannot lose these files or you're royally fucked is to have multiple backups i.e. cloud backup + another physical backup

>> No.75012415

Oh man, when a NAS does fails though, doesn't seem to matter what sort of raid it is, it's a royal pain to recover. I mean the data's there, but it takes goddamned forever. Took a solid week to recover one of those once.

>> No.75012499

Ironically it's the fault of devs (i.e. millenials) trying to make shit idiot proof for their parents that resulted in this dilemma

>> No.75012517

I've never delved deep into data recovery but that's mostly because I've taken good habits from the get go so I only have the word of other people I know.
Was fortunate never to experience such a thing. I guess I'm lucky. I had some drive failures but correct RAID setups saved my ass.

>> No.75012995

Had a serious hardware fail 5 years ago, taught me all the lessons I needed. Sometimes that's the way you learn.

>> No.75013268

I was blessed by the hardware gods I guess. The software gods hate me though. I've met my fair share of pain with Unix systems. That's where I learned all my lessons.

>> No.75013373

Aruru is a brazilian vampire loli and also my daughter wife

>> No.75013738

Might sound extremely boomerish but it's already's happening. Gen alpha can't even spell words correctly because they're used to the autocorrect doing their bidding

>> No.75014019

Maybe the younger ones, but those millenials born still in 80s very much still caught "figuring out tech" phase, and depending on the country might have had to deal with CLI.

>> No.75014134

What an idiot, I have duplicates of much less important shit than that.

>> No.75014333

I can't believe we live in a universe where Aruru is the smart one...

>> No.75015028
File: 294 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20240503_082404_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I currently have a Gmail account slotted for deletion

>> No.75015038

>ywn help your oshi create a restic schedule with routine checks
Why even live?

>> No.75015301

I still have use my Google account from 15 years ago, how the fuck those people get theirs deleted?

>> No.75015313

Correct. 3-2-1 principle.
>at least THREE copies (including live)
>at least TWO different mediums (your choice of cloud, hdd, sdd, tape, disc, greek tablets, qr codes)
>at least ONE off-site from the others

>> No.75015353

It's so over...

>> No.75016618

>git for backups
Anon. By implementation it stores redundant copies of everything forever. Sounds nice, until you have big files and a lot of them.

>> No.75017249

>Google is notorious for closing your account the moment their algorithm flags it for "suspicious activity", you get no recourse or warning.
This couldn't be spread enough. Google wouldn't necessarily close your account, but they can flag it as suspicious for whatever fucking reason and prevent access for an indefinite period. I had one regular account randomly designated as such despite never logging in from anywhere but my desktop. Gave my recovery email as requested, nothing. And fuck giving them my phone number. So just like that, my account of 8 years was locked. I kept trying to log in over the course of a year to no avail after which I gave up. About 1.5 years later, I tried again and, lo and behold, it worked without the stupid "more information" prompt. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy I got my account back, but fuck keeping anything remotely important there after that experience.

>> No.75017652

Vtubers can't act smart. It makes their audience feel inferior and they start sperging out. If your character as vtuber is smarter than a toddler, you will never be popular.

>> No.75018318

haha, she's such a silly goose

Recuva, or any number of disk recovery tools might be able to get stuff back. I've done it before nad it worked for me.

>> No.75018465
File: 12 KB, 587x95, recuva_u_basterd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait nevermind
rip in pepperoni i guess

>> No.75018536

I've been watching her for a bit and honestly? I think she's actually cursed. She seems like a magnet for bad luck at times so I'm gonna go with real.
