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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74799800 No.74799800 [Reply] [Original]

Official Suisei competition

>> No.74800042

More like chinks wants hololive

>> No.74800467

Well you gotta admit, Bibidiba is the next Loli god requiem right now and the chinks would be stupid to not jump on this trend

I even bet this song is currently circling on Tiktok like crazy

>> No.74802118

top kek

>> No.74802669

I'd rather Chinese over chuds

>> No.74802775

Kek, wasn't suisei really vocal about supporting coco back then?

>> No.74802950

She doesn't host that, faggot

>> No.74802997

Then maybe they should have dragged the ones harassing Coco out into the street and let them get hit by cars and trucks that purposely aim for people.

>> No.74803132

I think you misunderstood me.
Whai i meant was; despite suisei's support toward coco, chinks still came back crawling to her popularity.
If i'm not mistaken, chinks also raided her chat during the whole chinkfest.

>> No.74803279

It never happened because they acted like those "Free Palestine" twittards. All talk and no bite, and some even support the antis because they genuinely believed Coco is their anti-Christ

>> No.74803395

Suisei might just be the safest one to try to test the waters. Assuming this contest is official of course.
During the whole china shit several of the girls' "official" fan groups self-destructed and betrayed their oshis. Suisei's CN group didn't do that and simply went into hiding until things died down. Until now that same group is still posting and translating Suisei content.

>> No.74803439

overrated, overpromoted bitch who will never surpass Ado
plenty of holos don't have to compete with Ado due to their voices and styles being so different from Ado's, meanwhile Suisei, it's "beat Ado or go home" for her

>> No.74803529

Nope call it what it is yagoo wants that chink money since Japan economy is down the shitters. Can't really fault him is his job as the president and ceo of the company to make money

>> No.74803576

iirc that was the whole "anyone who's been membered for a year gets to be a mod and ban the chat spamming chinks" arc of suisei

>> No.74803590

Inb4 "because males".

>> No.74803614 [DELETED] 

Nailed it
This is purely economical. Newfags just simply don't know how businesses operate when operating in the red all year

>> No.74803671 [DELETED] 

Cope Hoshicuck no one likes your used goods whore. She will never be on Rissa's level.

>> No.74803673

Do not bring my wife to your retarded bait chink sister

>> No.74803726

In case you haven't noticed, we need to shit talk Nerissa now

>> No.74803759

>all hololive related bilibili accounts resumed posting stuff since last August
Huh what happened last August

>> No.74803763

Brace for the Genshin arc

>> No.74803764

>traditional chinese
its Taiwan

>> No.74803806

>Bibidiba is the next Loli god requiem
least delusional hoshiyomi

>> No.74803824

Kson bros... Our mom is dead...

>> No.74803838

bullshit. any proof?

>> No.74803866

Not even a translation OP? I cant read chink language

>> No.74804106
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Just check the official bilibili account, picked a few as examples

>> No.74804167

BilliBilli stock numbers and member numbers crashed.

>> No.74804317

> All Hololive accounts are active, that means they kneeled down to ccp
> Just reposting Hologra with #hololive

You are genuinely messed up in the head if you believe this is their comeback

>> No.74804635

But I didn't say any of that, just genuinely curious why would they resume posting stuff in bilibili, but yeah for now looks like they're just reposting hologra and also uploading their original songs with MV

>> No.74804692

Is this true or just chinkrevisionism?

>> No.74804816

More like numberchudthink

>> No.74804952

> Suisei chink fans hide themselves because they chose not to follow CCP /pol/tards and instead waiting for heat to die down and simp for their oshi again
> "Guys this is definitely sign of Cover using Suisei to test the Chinese market"

Are you sure you are not projecting sister ?

>> No.74805106

No this is what numberfags actually believe.

>> No.74805108

Should have just bring in their big gun, goomba. Even without any official presence she one of the most popular chuuba over at zhangland. Her merchandising potential alone is enormous

>> No.74805251

Why did the chinese freak out over taiwan being mentioned? They wanted everyone dead over that instead of an apology.

>> No.74805462

Taiwan is their constant reminder that the great communist China failed to take over a tiny island of capitalist China when they had the chance

Now Taiwan is untouchable thanks to the West and they literally can't raid them without starting another Russia-Ukraine

>> No.74805476

>Lost war against an small island
>New government establishment
>Get still mad from said island
>Make specific law for being salty on that island

>Lost to long legged birds
>Not being salty
>Make that bird in your money
>doesn't explain
>Loves the bird

Why can't mainland do the same with that island?

>> No.74805619

bug want hug suisei after they attack suisei when she still weak...
fuck sub human bug from west taiwan...

>> No.74805644

whatever happens, its impossible that japanese holomems stream on the chink platform due to the ccp regulation. at most some songs and animations might be released there and it isnt worth attention

>> No.74805799

Middle man issue. The CCP is insecure AF about taiwan (despide if they grew a proper dick they would just let it go and grab easy to get benefit, their economy is very depending of taiwan micropuces and reconising their independance would be a monster chips to have preferencial treatement) so retard patriotic believe that it help their country to freak out at taiwan name. Probably prevent the CCP to actually go the road i mentioned before, futher stopping the economical victory of china kek. What a braindead country really.

>> No.74805818

How many times is this going to be made and how many times will you be called a retard before you fuck off?

>> No.74805890

my god, its the sisters that spamming these thread to flood the catalog isn't it?
go fucking watch vox on B2, he desperately need your views

>> No.74805965

Wow, sisters are still convincing themselves that Cover run those accounts

>> No.74806109

The Chinese already decided that Cover had sided with Taiwan because a neutral stance, not mentioning anything divisive, was seen as going against China. The Chinese only have themselves to blame for missing out.
Cover decided to actually start doing business on the island, meetups, themed cafes, launches for even with Mori or Gura, and the fans have been very welcoming.

>> No.74806358

Some anon's theory is that bilibili was losing monetary support from government and use hololive's popularity to gain more tractions.

>> No.74806372

I remember when Coco announced her graduation and a news channel actually crazy enough to use her graduation thumbnail as a blurry background

The relationship between Hololive and Taiwan is more than just friendly business partners at one point

>> No.74806699

Another Century of Humiliation can't come soon enough.

>> No.74806739

I'm assuming the t in t.bilibili stands for taiwan
Is there any other video hosting site for taiwan? Or is b2 just that big?

>> No.74806897

Bilibili is literally Chinese Youtube and having more than a billion native users is apparently enough to become a decent platform for advertisers

Taiwan and China can use b2, but the difference is that b2 is China's only choice while Taiwan still has Youtube

>> No.74806985

Yeah... cuz Chinese economy is booming right now faster than the Universe is expanding, right? XD Dude, is not 2021 anymore Japan is going trough a recession from a mere 0.49 contractions - meanwhile, China is going through deflation, a housing market crash, a debt bubble burst, foreign companies exodus, unemployment among the youth so bad that the Government stopped reporting it - basically a total economic meltdown, worse than what Japan went trough in the 90's. Is basically over for them. It's only going down from now on.

>> No.74807029
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If you mean what's the issue with Taiwan in general, read the wikipedia article on Taiwan vs. China, it's too complicated for any mouthbreather on this retarded monkey forum to explain to you.

If you are wondering about Hololive and China specifically, Taiwan and Tibet and other sensitive issues for chinamen got mentioned like 5 times, and ever time Cover said "sorry we will teach our talents about sensitive china issues so they won't do that anymore" and then it would happen again like a month later. This slowly built tensions.

In addition to that, Cover had a horde of volunteer chinamen (around 40 or so at least) doing a shitload of work translating stuff in an official capacity. Hololive's entire China operation was based around having official clip channels for every single talent essentially, run almost entirely by random fans. Cover was making money from this but the translators weren't getting shit, but they didn't really mind because they were supporting their oshis. But this was still building resentment in the background.

Another issue was a lack of Chinese exclusive content, as in Bilibili exclusive streams. A couple of the talents actually maintained regular Bilibili streaming schedules and they were beloved. But most Holos only streamed once every few months at best. Some didn't stream there at all. Some would promise a stream soon and then never deliver. Many chinamen felt that Holos treated Bilibili streams and therefore their Chinese fans as an afterthought. One example they seethed about was a stream Miko did. She went a long period of time without doing a Bili exclusive stream, and then broke her streak on a whim by doing a Bili stream because Youtube's streaming service was down one evening. Chinafans thought "if it's that easy to stream here... why can't you do it at least once a month?". This was also building tension in the background.

And then the Haato/Coco thing happened. Haato randomly mentioned Taiwan on stream, after many promises that Holos wouldn't do that anymore. And then the next morning Coco did it as well. In reality this was just a coincidence, but the chinamen constructed a narrative that Coco deliberately brought up Taiwan just to make the chinamen mad. Chinese videos and articles about this then went viral, explaining to people that Cover went from not caring about chinamen and their issues to being outright malicious. This event was the spark that ignited the powder keg that had been built from the issues I explained above.

And that is why the chinamen had such an insane response. /vt/fags usually reduce it to "they got mad because Taiwan" but it was a more complicated issue that they both should have seen coming and could have prevented with better management.

>> No.74807069

I want it to happen if only for the seething it would cause here.

No way, it doesn't have that much traction. Its already slowing down.

>> No.74807144

The Coco fiasco unironically strengthened Hololive's dominance in TW.
There is nothing that unites the taiwanese more than their collective fight against the mainland bugs.

>> No.74807207

this was probably the first and last time I saw holomember take initiative to solve a problem.
amazing what dozen highly motivated people can do compared to corporate middlemanagers, that chat was sparkling clean

>> No.74807221

It goes against the People's Party's dogma that communism is inherently beneficial to China, so they need to pretend that Taiwan is under Beijing control otherwise people will realise that capitalism could work in China.

>> No.74807319

They won't. They learned their lesson, plus China is going trough an economic collapse now, there isn't much value in doing so. Is just that a lot of content, especially 3D PPV concerts are streamed there illegally because there is no other alternative. So is better for Cover to distribute content themselves there. But you won't see them back in the way they where before, with talents streaming on there and shit.

>> No.74807430

>both should have seen coming and could have prevented with better management.
Anon, there is no saving the goblins who would VPN to Taiwan to watch youtube streams and also be mad that Holos see and mention Taiwan on the analytics.

>> No.74807443

That is way out of the scope if this thread. The short of it the communist were beating the opposition, opposition made a dash to Taiwan to escape the commies and regroup, instead of fighting tho both groups just kind of keep postponing their attacks because they didn't really wanna fight anymore (neither side was exactly in a position for more long term warfare at the time anyway). As years passed relations cooled and the war never ended on paper but in reality no one was fighting anymore, and what you have now is that weird standoff of today where China claims to own Taiwan and Taiwan claims to own China.

>> No.74807493

The CN branch also went rogue, with a few exceptions. Managers promising the talents things that Cover never even suggested: "The branch will be fine", "you will keep your models and names if it does dissolve", altering the official JP statements to include things about how Cover respects a One-China policy, talents (Artia) on personal accounts encouraging the online movement to voice support for China/CN girls while those same posters were directly going after Coco.

Cover also botched things by suspending Haachama and Coco. In their minds, it was to protect them and keep them away from any flak. It actually isolated them, especially Coco during a very tough time. And sadly that isolation was maintained in some degree until she finally said she was graduating, by which point someone allowed the restrictions to be lifted so Coco could at least have one last good month. The whole thing was badly handled and could have been a big blow to Cover.

>> No.74807545

Nice summary, missed most of the early-CN parts because I was a Mythfag

>> No.74807593

That's another false rumor. All of those Taiwan/Tibet issues I mentioned were livestreamed on Bilibili. Most Hololive streams back then were simulcasted to both Youtube and Bili. Hololive did also do some Youtube exclusive content that would be considered NG in China and nobody really cared. The fact that it was broadcasted on a Chinese website was the major point of contention.

>> No.74807633

Someone with more power than bilibili pretty much force bili to kneel to cover. Said company brought b2 executive to cover hq to aplogize for not handling the taiwan yab properly. They also took down the viral hololive is dead video as an apology. Said company also pretty much handles all of the jp vtubers that have an account on b2 as a 3rd party management. OP pics announcement is also handled by them too.

.t mainland chink

>> No.74807868

damn, I remember when the Chinks made Mr. Koro her Love Trial MV, wonder if they'll come crawling back since its been a long time now since the coco fiasco

>> No.74807874

>Taiwan and Tibet and other sensitive issues for chinamen got mentioned like 5 times
I remember someone said Choco made this mistake

>Some would promise a stream soon and then never deliver
Any examples? All I remember hearing was the promises weren't actually made by the talents, but by the clippers.

Do you have any thought towards the bilibili + Nijisanji conspiracy theory? Driving out holo so their Niji investment does better?

Also, any thoughts/reads on that "Hololive is dead" video?

>> No.74808521

>Cover was making money from this but the translators weren't getting shit
No wonder why that "Hololive moment" faggot was so full of himself when he thought his voice matters by saying "either support the clippers or support Coco", and he got massive reality check and fucked off for good. From then, the respect for clippers went down to the drain and no one dared to pull that "My voice matters" again knowing they will lose the fight no matter how big they are

>> No.74808658

suzy is so goddamn gigastacy
gets my dick diamond hard

>> No.74808872

>Any examples?
I can't really remember any specifics. The one that people on /vt/ probably know about was a Pekora translator who promised a stream which created some drama but there were others I remember reading in a grievances doc that I don't have in my history anymore since it was years ago.
>Do you have any thought towards the bilibili + Nijisanji conspiracy theory? Driving out holo so their Niji investment does better?
I don't think there is any conspiracy. Cover just voluntarily withdrew after it became apparent that 99% of their engagement on Chinese social media would be antis, before it escalated further. Ironically before Coco graduated people on 4chan were spreading these conspiracies that Bili was anti-Holo or pro-Niji, and at the same time on the Chinese side they were calling the owner of Bili a race traitor because they thought he was in bed with Cover. Was very weird.
>any thoughts/reads on that "Hololive is dead" video?
I basically stopped going to the Chinese internet after Coco graduated so I don't know what they're saying about it over there. It's not at all unusual for videos on the Chinese net to get deleted with no explanation though. The CCP has a lot of wide reaching rules for what they consider to be acceptable behavior online and the rules change pretty often.

>> No.74809216

>Was very weird
Not very weird considering the average mainland retard. Just look at their mobage communities' inability to coexist.
At the peak of their mobage tribal warfare on their social media, the Arknightsfags reported Azur Lane to the CCP for being lewd. Mind you, both Arknights and Azur Lane are Yostar titles.

>> No.74809220

I used to believe it got deleted because b2 decided to blacklist Hololive content and it made anyone, including antis, impossible to make a Holo video

But now that Hologra was reuploaded there without any issue, I tend to believe maybe they had a change in heart, or else we would be seeing "Chinese seething in b2 Hologra comment" threads right now

>> No.74809573

How many times are they gonna try to make Cover apologies over they hypocrisy???
Its quite clear that Cover will never gonna back to china, they have Taiwan as Proxy/Gateway for the chinese market

>> No.74809677

B2 is dying so theyre trying to persuade holo to comeback to them

>> No.74809720

Kill yourself, faggot

>> No.74809863

>and last time
Not really, the final Mario Party collab on Mori's channel, Mori got spammed by the bots, and then she turned on the then new "You can only comment after subscribing for at least 24 hours" thing.
Spams : Gone
Subs : Get

>> No.74810440

Hololive never got blacklisted on Bili, there have been clippers and reuploaders active throughout the whole ordeal and still to this day.

>> No.74810584

You can't profit from the chinese market as a foreign company.

>> No.74810682

On your own you can't but you can if you partner with a Chinese company.

>> No.74810840

Eyy finally someone who knows
If it's something ayame has always a scheduled stream back then every week at b2, I think Noel was one of those that didn't deliver streams at B2 there was some news on her back then

>> No.74811120

That's the trap, retard.

>> No.74811591

It was never going to work. Stream too little on B2 and the zhangs will say that Cover is neglecting them because they hate China or whatever. Stream actively on B2 and the zhangs become entitled and get pissy anyway because they want Cover to put them before the JP fans.

>> No.74811689

Ah yes hololive moments it was fun seeing the og clippers back then shitting on HM, a very nice day

>> No.74812267

Other way around. China is entering into its own lost decade and Bilibili has to let go of old grudges to survive. That’s why they’re selling Kson merch on their official store too.

>> No.74812295

I don't agree, it could have been fine if most of them did monthly or bi-monthly streams over there. Chinese fans never had any expectation of being put ahead of JP given that JP Holos don't speak Mandarin. Like EOPs never attacked Korone for not doing enough English streams, because duh of course she doesn't, she barely speaks English.

>> No.74812460

Advent debut and Jap taking over HoloEN

>> No.74812507

Part of it was timing and the specific people involved. They saw HoloEN’s success and worried about Cover abandoning them for the west, so they took it out on the girl going to high school in Australia and the American expat.

>> No.74812765

>In addition to that, Cover had a horde of volunteer chinamen (around 40 or so at least) doing a shitload of work translating stuff in an official capacity. Hololive's entire China operation was based around having official clip channels for every single talent essentially, run almost entirely by random fans. Cover was making money from this but the translators weren't getting shit, but they didn't really mind because they were supporting their oshis. But this was still building resentment in the background.
where the fuck is this coming form motherfucker? also "cover was making money"? china barely made them any money lol
btw your whole post is full of suspicious shit but I'm too lazy to call your ass out on every last one

>> No.74812908

>Chinese fans never had any expectation of being put ahead of JP given that JP Holos don't speak Mandarin.
It's ingrained into the chinks that self-entitlement is a given right and being the loudest fucker will get you further in life. They believe that whining and ranting about any perceived issues will allow them to jump the queue to get it resolved because the authority just wants them to shut up.

>> No.74812960

You apparently have no idea what you're talking about so feel free to try to call me out, I could use a laugh.

>> No.74813126
File: 309 KB, 512x499, ai meme2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one thing that was grossly ignored (suspectedly an intentional one) in these summary is that Peko was sent pictures of dead rabbits by chinks because she refuses to do bilibili streams. if this is the kind of thing you'll recieve in return, not to mention walking on eggshells so no feelings would get hurt, i can see why holos are reluctant to stream on bilibili. imagine fuwamoco being spammed shoveldog.gif in their DM's because they do JP streams more frequently than EN streams. that's the kind of shit they have to put up.

>> No.74813542

Why are you deflecting then?
Surely it should be simple enough for you to elaborate about the horde of volunteer chinamen
Are you yourself from china? or taiwan? hm?

>> No.74813611

Yea basically. In China he was essentially an official translator in communications with Cover staff and a community leader whose word carried a lot of weight. But on the English internet he was just a random clipper acting all high and mighty which made him a laughingstock. He definitely wasn't expecting that response and hopefully he cried because that dude's a psycho asshole. The funnier part is despite all his patriotism he was living in America at the time.
That was an unusual event related to clipper drama. Lack of streams was usually met with annoyed silence rather than gore spam. Coco never did a single Bili stream and they didn't really mind (until the Taiwan thing).

>> No.74813813

Link any Holo's Bilibili account from gen 4 or earlier.

>> No.74814317

why the fuck would I ever go to bilibili LMAO
you are self reporting
the problem with your shit that I've witnessed the taiwan shit happening live but obviously not from chiense perspective like you did.
But how you are talking about this things is just fucking suspicious.
You "know" all kinds of details about "hololive china operation" but reduce what actually happened to coco and haachama to "randomly mentioned taiwan on stream". Also calling haachama "haato" who the fuck does that? You ignored all the other problems caused by china (like dead rabbits mentioned above) and painted them as if it was hololive's fault with again reducing it to "Taiwan and Tibet and other sensitive issues for chinamen got mentioned like 5 times"
So like... what the fuck? Who the fuck are you and what's your fucking source for your every fucking "theory" about how cover operated on bilibili and in china?

>> No.74814439

There is currently a second cold war between the US and China since... well it depends on who you ask but lets say 2020, China wants reunification with the island and calling it Taiwan instead of Taipei undermines that goal, it didn't help that the ones that mentioned Taiwan knew how to speak English as they got paranoid and believed they were CIA agents sent to subvert hololive. Sounds schizo but I remember some of them complaining about that reason.

>> No.74815267

thread needs some pesticide

>> No.74815313

There were rumors (from chiense side obviously) about "talks" between bilibili and hololive
I personally think that this, hologra translation and fes streams on bilibili are the maximum what hololive agreed to (if talks actually took place)
No real return is happening. And most girls (pretty much all of them) were not interested.
China didn't fucking kneel enough for it to happen. Bilibili at least should give hololive and talents (especially coco) and official apology for all the shit and officially condemn harassment and all the misinfo that was being spread.

>> No.74816924


>> No.74817642
File: 328 KB, 587x341, coco are you ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the fuck would I ever go to bilibili LMAO
Sorry, I assumed if you were so knowledgeable about Cover's Bilibilil operations you would have at least looked at that website at least once. I was going to use the channel you gave me as an example but I'll provide you with some if you don't know any.
>the problem with your shit that I've witnessed the taiwan shit happening live
I don't believe that you did. The biggest story about the Chinese happenings that made it to /vt/ is about how Fubuki's translator group was freaking out because they wanted to delete all the videos they made and a Cover manager didn't let them for a few weeks. Those translators were the volunteers I mentioned. There's no way you didn't hear about that if you have been here for more than a few months. I see an image summarizing it posted at least every month or two and I don't go to the catalog much. Similarly there's no way you wouldn't know about how all the translators were volunteers if you didn't hear that story as they are integral to it. So I think you are lying. You probably read something an idiot made up in a thread here and are acting all defensive and tribal because it goes against whatever that narrative is.
>but reduce what actually happened to coco and haachama to "randomly mentioned taiwan on stream"
That's a reading comprehension issue on your end. The Anon I replied to was asking for the reason behind the harassment, not for people to describe the harassment itself. They most likely already know about that based on what they were asking for.
>Also calling haachama "haato" who the fuck does that?
>You ignored all the other problems caused by china (like dead rabbits mentioned above)
That's not a China issue, it's a singular schizo issue. Japan has sent plenty of pictures of dead animals to Holos too. Should Hololive leave Japan? Japanese people still send dead cats to former talent Rushia.
>and painted them as if it was hololive's fault
It quite literally was Hololive's fault, and Yagoo admitted as much. If Cover's management was incapable of teaching their talent how to be safe on the Chinese net then they shouldn't have had them streaming there.
>Who the fuck are you and what's your fucking source
Anonymous, and my source is spending 8 months researching the people who were attacking my oshi on their discussion forums. I also even went to Bilibili a couple of times back when they still liked Hololive! There was some good fan content there that couldn't be put on Youtube due to copyright.

But anyway back to your point about the volunteer translators. Every single official Holo channel on Bili was run by fan translators (except the main channel). Cover basically just slapped their sticker of approval on some clippers and let them do their thing with minor managerial oversight. There were some "officially" translated videos and uploads made by professional translators who worked for Cover but the vast majority were just these random dudes like the Hololive Moments guy. For example Aqua's channel has almost 500 videos as her translator group supported her until Cover kicked them out:
All of those clips have the translators/typesetters/editors/proofreaders listed in the video description. Search those names on Bili and you can find most of their accounts. Contrast that with Fubuki's channel:
She was the most subscribed Holo and now there are only 42 videos shown because her translators deleted all their work. The remaining videos are a couple of those official uploads I mentioned like her orisong and the rest are all multi-channel videos, either Hologra episodes or clips on other channels that didn't get wiped.

>> No.74817764

Fans getting pissy because Japanese talents didn't stream on a shitty Chinese site regularly enough is some next level entitlement.

>> No.74819236

you are so fucking full of shit
>That's a reading comprehension issue on your end. The Anon I replied to was asking for the reason behind the harassment, not for people to describe the harassment itself. They most likely already know about that based on what they were asking for.
that's not the fucking problem
the problem is that you are lying pos and no coco didn't "mention taiwan on stream" fucker
>That's not a China issue, it's a singular schizo issue. Japan has sent plenty of pictures of dead animals to Holos too. Should Hololive leave Japan? Japanese people still send dead cats to former talent Rushia.
Again, dishonest. Rabbits is only one instance.
>It quite literally was Hololive's fault, and Yagoo admitted as much. If Cover's management was incapable of teaching their talent how to be safe on the Chinese net then they shouldn't have had them streaming there.
Again lying. Again full of fucking shit.
Hololive is streaming on YOUTUBE. Platform that is banned in china and basically hostile to it. All things like "mention taiwan or tibet" were not said on "chinese net" and were not streamed on "chinese net"
Asacoco was not officially streamed on bilibli.
>If Cover's management was incapable of teaching their talent
chinese hands typed that
You fucking spinning and spinning this shit. You post didn't even mention fucking CN branch despite whining about "chiense exclusive content" or how said branch was unironically antagonizing coco and hololive. You fucking somehow UNIRONICALLY blame hololive for "rising tensions" when all this shit came from lowlife retarded and fucking crazy nationalist chinese fanbase.
I guess you can blame cover for not reacting fast enough when hachama got clapped on bilibili and not immediately alerting all talents. But even then it's still originated from retarded chinese shit and normal people shouldn't even try to bother with that.
It's all fucking bullshit history revisionism and chinese propaganda unironically. "uugh ahctually china is a good guy this issues are very important to them y-yeah" shut the fuck up
>But anyway back to your point about the volunteer translators
That's not my point dumbass. My point is that you are spinning shit around, lying or using half truths while pretending as if you are some objective 3rd party.
>Anonymous, and my source is spending 8 months researching the people who were attacking my oshi on their discussion forums. I also even went to Bilibili a couple of times back when they still liked Hololive! There was some good fan content there that couldn't be put on Youtube due to copyright.
I literally don't believe you. So what are you some retarded ex-fan turned anti? So fucking stupid
Actually it's even worse if you are not lying lmao. Clown shit...
>Every single official Holo channel on Bili was run by fan translators (except the main channel). Cover basically just slapped their sticker of approval on some clippers and let them do their thing with minor managerial oversight. There were some "officially" translated videos and uploads made by professional translators who worked for Cover but the vast majority were just these random dudes like the Hololive Moments guy. For example Aqua's channel has almost 500 videos as her translator group supported her until Cover kicked them out:
So who was making money out of it? Cover? Or bilibili? Hmm? Who's operation was it really? Cover's or bilibili's? And what fucking money ANYWAY

>> No.74820159

It's true, as far as I know.
Hololive always had a lot of Chinese antis, not Suisei. They always had her on a pedestal, they sent flowers every time she had a concert.

>> No.74820860

>Coco WON the argument

>> No.74821483

Another timeloop

>> No.74822229

do people really think they'll just ignore china forever because of one bitch that left and joined the competition almost 4 years ago

>> No.74822812

>It quite literally was Hololive's fault, and Yagoo admitted as much. If Cover's management was incapable of teaching their talent how to be safe on the Chinese net then they shouldn't have had them streaming there.
This sounds like chink apologist speak

>> No.74822936

Because it is

>> No.74823580

>china begging hololive to return
hmmmmm dont think so

>> No.74823779
File: 55 KB, 510x512, _chungus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coco didn't "mention taiwan on stream" fucker
Yes she did. On Asacoco September 25. I was watching.
>Again, dishonest. Rabbits is only one instance.
Name the other numerous incidents then.
>Hololive is streaming on YOUTUBE. Platform that is banned in china and basically hostile to it. All things like "mention taiwan or tibet" were not said on "chinese net" and were not streamed on "chinese net"
You have been misinformed. Most Hololive streams were simulcast back then. Every single one of those incidents I mentioned was streamed live on Bilibili and resulted in streaming bans on the channels in question. Haato was still banned when Coco did that Asacoco episode which the chinamen used as a motive for their narrative that Coco did it purposefully to lash out. And yes Asacoco was streamed there as well.

There were far more than the 5 Taiwan incidents I mentioned on Youtube but the chinamen didn't care about those. It's out of sight and out of mind. They only cared about things that happened on Bilibili.
>You fucking spinning and spinning this shit.
I'm just stating the facts. You're the one deflecting blame to anyone but the management of your favorite corporation. Imagine you get a job at a zoo. Your boss hands you a raw steak and says "go in that cage and feed the animals". You go into the gorilla cage, hold out the steak and wave it around saying "here gorillas!" then a gorilla charges at you and breaks your arm. Do you get mad at the gorilla for acting like a gorilla, or do you get mad at your boss for not teaching you gorilla safety? It's your bosses responsibility to give you a safe working environment.
>You post didn't even mention fucking CN branch
It's irrelevant. The chinamen wanted JP content.
>or how said branch was unironically antagonizing coco and hololive
The evidence for this is circumstantial at best. Some Artia fans talked about spamming Coco in her discord but there is no evidence the talents themselves were involved.
>I guess you can blame cover for not reacting fast enough when hachama got clapped on bilibili and not immediately alerting all talents.
Oh look, you're suddenly Chinese now too.
>But even then it's still originated from retarded chinese shit and normal people shouldn't even try to bother with that.
Perhaps Cover should not have made them stream to retards who aren't normal.
>"uugh ahctually china is a good guy
I have never said nor implied this. China is an evil dictatorship and their people are brainwashed psychos. I know this. You know this. Cover knows this. But still they put their talent in danger. That was wrong of them and deep down you know it.
>So what are you some retarded ex-fan turned anti?
I'm a former Coco fan turned Kson fan.
>So who was making money out of it? Cover? Or bilibili?
Both of them.
>Who's operation was it really? Cover's or bilibili's?
Bili organized sponsorships and some other things with Chinese companies but they weren't involved in running the channels. That was all fan translators and a couple Cover managers.

>> No.74823927

>Yes she did. On Asacoco September 25. I was watching.
Sure you were
So what did she say about taiwan?

>> No.74824010

People there simp for her.

>> No.74824259

She said those exact words? "People in taiwan are simping for me"?

>> No.74824288


>> No.74824338

Of course not
So what did she ACTUALLY say?

>> No.74824516

Because there's over a billion Chinamen and even a minor kerfuffle can seem like a shitstorm when %1 of your population is 10 million+ people.

>> No.74824675

>coco didn't "mention taiwan on stream" fucker
First Youtube search result for "coco mentions taiwan":

>> No.74824804

I can't produce a transcript from memory. It was a skit based around a question a foreign fan asked which was "why do Japanese people simp so much". She showed a segment of her channel analytics showing how people from all around the world support her and Taiwan was one of the places listed. Google's analytics page at the time listed all the regions as "countries" which is what made the Chinese mad.

>> No.74828145

This was 3 years ago

>> No.74830690

I'll add onto this. Here's one of the accounts that used to keep track of some of the things they were up to back then for anyone bored or that wasn't around back then and wants bit more insight on their spergout.
