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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74745853 No.74745853 [Reply] [Original]

Does it count

>> No.74746994

>Does it count
As an actual asmr enjoyer that was nothing and shouldn't be treated as something. Lemme know when they do a 30 min trial run with actual triggers and roleplay involved.

>> No.74747832

I refuse to watch his clips. I'm surprised they didn't BREAK Nodoka and make chat go speed. He also does clipbait. Unsub and block or you encourage that behavior.

>> No.74747898

No, they just read some lines they were given while whispering into a mic, like a batsu game stream.

>> No.74747993

Not surprised a clipper doesn't actually watch streams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jp2f8iIZrdY

>> No.74748071

>I'm a virgin and my girlfriend isn't, but it's okay because she said her first time was with "just some random guy she met at a party". Yeah, she had sex with him after we started dating, but she said it was REALLY awkward and she was so nervous for him so does that really count?
Same energy.

>> No.74748098

>First ASMR is from a Japanese stream
Can't say I'm surprised, but that's pretty grim. Chin up, Ruffkeks.

>> No.74748112

That's a soft lullaby stream not an ASMR stream

>> No.74748162

Fuwamoco said it doesn't count so the clipper is wrong

>> No.74748185


>> No.74748189

Apparently anything with a soft voice in the mic is ASMR to you and OP

>> No.74748280

>she said her first time was painful, awkward, and she did it for money. There wasn't any love there so it doesn't count.

>> No.74748448

Difference is one is an ASMR and one is not. If it was an ASMR, it would have ASMR in the title.

>> No.74748501

>Guys guys guys. Mococo said it doesn't count.
>It was a batsu, not ASMR.
>Nodoka: "So this'll be your first time doing ASMR?" We get to have your first time!"
>Giant "ASMR" in giant letters across the screen for the entire paywalled portion of the stream.

>> No.74748514

No I think anything labeled ASMR is an ASMR. Batsu or not this was advertised as them doing ASMR.

>> No.74748565

i really fucking wish Nodoka did not word it like that

>> No.74749199
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After we EN ruffians asked for ASMR since they debuted and they kept saying "we're not ready" or "we want it to be special".

>> No.74749705

>"we're moving to japan!"
>"thank you so much. You've given us everything."
>"nothing will change"
>"see you soon, but we won't say when."

>moving takes nearly two months with almost no streams
>"we're back!"
>announces they're going to stream less, but of the streams they do from now on, some of them will be at JST hours for their JP fans instead.
>Mococo, clearly sick with a raspy voice, but strains herself so she can do karaoke with Koyori and JP fans
>cancels EN streams to recover, but only after making fans ask them to
>Gives their first ASMR stream to JP fans. Nodoka says they took their first time.

>> No.74750229

Was it really two months?

>> No.74750578

No. Their longest gap was less than 2 weeks between streams. They streamed more often during their move than NijiEN did since Feb 5.
Days from the last stream to their moved in stream was about 47, during which they streamed 12 times on their channel.

>> No.74751020

the only thing i learned from this is that I'm the retard for even thinking i should believe these nothingburgers.
thx anon.

>> No.74755181

Clickbait hate

>> No.74755306

>EN seethe
opinion discarded, seamonkey

>> No.74756097

No. It will count when they do Okayu level of ASMR, or at least somewhat close to it.

>> No.74758053

You just need to kys and nothingelse sis

>> No.74761443


>> No.74762090

As an EOP, I hate these seething catty EOPs.

>> No.74765825


>> No.74765915

it's just the tip

>> No.74767035

It just keeps getting worse. Why does it keep getting worse? Why are they so dumb?

>> No.74768131

They're still mad at losing their doxxsite. Once NijiEN folds, they'll all fade away eventually.

>> No.74772801


>> No.74773421

Motherfuckers when you separate the left and right channels

>> No.74775267
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>> No.74776228

How is that the same you fucking retard
Keep your cuck fantasy to yourself

>> No.74776458
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>> No.74776960

>sister never listened to a twitter space

>> No.74778429

it's exactly the same. asmr is just sex for your ears.

>> No.74778480
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>ruffians will try to convince you this wasn't an asmr

>> No.74778579
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>> No.74778741
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>5 likes, first time superchat on a burner account
yeah be less obvious, sister.
This is what an actual ruffian superchat looks like, complete with ruffian approval.

>> No.74778774

And women having sex with women doesn't count, in fact it is a bonus
Seethe more homobeggars

>> No.74779076

because it was taken the moment it was sent, you fucking retard

>> No.74779230

Nodoka is cute so I don't mind her being the recipient.

>> No.74779309
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Ruffians, if you found Nodoka in this vulnerable state, what would you do to her for stealing your oshi’s first ASMR from you?

>> No.74779372

Cope. Ruffians know the sisters are full of shit.

>> No.74779651

Smash every bone in her face.

>> No.74779733

>women having sex with women doesn't count
only to cucks, dyke yuri garbage is just baby's first cuckoldry

>> No.74779841

that's what you're doing

>> No.74779953

good job outing yourself sister, men find lesbos hot

>> No.74779969
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Nah, we're celebrating the road to 1 million and even more collabs with JPs.
Total world Baumination.
ALL smiles will be protected, even yours. Resistance is futile.

>> No.74780002

Lol they're coping hard man

>> No.74780233

cringe larp

>> No.74780241
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>babe it didn't count, it was just the tip

>> No.74780457

unfortunately I think there's a decent chance that's a male pagpag, they tend to unironically seethe at yuri for some reason

>> No.74780511

If it makes someone seethe, it counts.

>> No.74780527

>it was just butt stuff and i was drunk. it wasn't special like it will be with you

>> No.74781466

smells like brown phasecuck in here

>> No.74782440

What compels somebody to do this

>> No.74782601

An actual appreciation of the medium and its performers.

>> No.74782653

>I know we meant to spend the first time together.
>well... I just had it with someone else.
>it was just a quickie though, in a real shitty environment and I wasn't very comfortable.
>totally didn't enjoy it, in fact that Nodoka girl totally talked me into it.
>actually, I was even thinking about you the whole time!
>so it doesn't count, right?

>> No.74782660

It's been a really tough month for Ruffians.

>> No.74782719
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why are phasecucks obsessed with trying to make everyone else into being cucks like they are?

>> No.74782793
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It's only tough for sisters these last months

>> No.74782828

You actively support them when they spit in your face. It's 100% all on you guys and maybe in 6 months you guys will get an English ASMR stream after Japs have 8

>> No.74782945

They're just being true to themselves. They'll come back when they get bored.

>> No.74783033

Holy shit nigger go fucking dilate or something lmao

>> No.74783125

>Message in English
They don't love you

>> No.74783152
File: 255 KB, 1500x1000, FuwaMoco Aggressive Smile Protection[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv5zu0g.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, two more weeks and I'm sure they'll finally betray the ruffians like you've been screeching all these months.
They've been perfect angels and extremely hard workers. Get fucked.

>> No.74783178

Imagine claiming to love them but not being willing to do your reps. I guess your love was that shallow.

>> No.74783260

They can have a full JP schedule and you will still cry and scream that they won't change. You'll see it sooner or later

>> No.74783406

No wonder she has her own split

>> No.74783477

Let's not distract from the fact that Niji offered to pay Mika's taxes which they deduct from her pay every month. So she coasts by two years with this arrangement glad that she's not paying taxes out of her own wallet, until the local government slapped her with a notice on why she had not paid her taxes. When she contacted Niji about this, they replied that they weren't paying her taxes, they were paying their own taxes.

As a result, she had to liquidate a lot of things including her insurance, leaving her at one point with just $300 in her pocket, just so she could pay of her debt. She was so poor in fact that for 6 months even avoided going to her doctor when she got sick, and didn't even go to therapy, because in her own words, "I cannot afford to get sick", despite all of her known health issues.

>> No.74783561
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Two more weeks, I'm sure.

>> No.74787443


>> No.74787564

Thats why ruffians should stop giving free membership so sisters and homobeggars wont be able to enter the paywalled content

>> No.74787602

phase cucks really are something ellse

>> No.74787730
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So why does Phasefags have a hateboner for Holos and their fans anyway? What do they stand to gain from doing this? (You)s?

>> No.74787747

I'm the rratslayer.
Here is everything you need to know:

It seems ASMR DX mengen isn't what they had planned in mind at the start.
First, they only mentioned ASMR briefly in the description here
Nothing on the title, nothing on the thumbnail.
And then even in the stream, the suggestion that got picked is actually an innocent one that just ask them for BAU BAU ASMR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PYjJ94tyoI&t=3105s
And Nodoka did say that they gonna continue the ASMR parts in the mengen, but that's at the very, very end of the stream and without any fanfare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PYjJ94tyoI&t=3620s
And then we got the DX itself. No mention of ASMR at all
> 【DXプラン限定】FUWAMOCOと春先のどかの生アフタートーク! 【#ホロの休日_仮】
>FuwaMoco & Harusaki Nodoka Aftershow
>Aftershow exclusive for DX member!
>Please send your thought and what you'd like to see in comments!
Also no mention of ASMR in the thumbnail, which is pic related, it said
>How are we today?
And this static pic persist for the first 53s of the DX mengen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA4BEeD8AiY&t=53s
After that, they suddenly changed the text into ASMR中

All these is weird at best or a fucking weakass advertising at best.
If they want to rope Ruffians into buying mengen, you'd think they'd plaster ASMR fucking everywhere. But instead, this is the kind where you'd blink and miss it.
If you didn't pay attention to what Nodoka-san said at the very, very end after all the advertisement you'd miss what the DX even about, and they fucking advertised HoloPlus AND Nodoka next stream too beforehand.

Also, to further add that this is a last-minute addition, it was live, and FuwaMoco did just "waste" the first 5 minutes just doing another BAU BAU ASMR. It seems original plan was just literally continue the BAU BAU ASMR + light after talk.
It was Nodoka that suddenly said to accept request after that. Even then, they still do funny suggestion like Pon-de-ring menu + Introduction.

Also, contrast it with Okayu's (main channel) ASMR here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3kQIkXoPxA
ASMR in thumbnail, ASMR in title, so everyone know what they're getting into.
Also the TL of the japanese ASMR(It really wasn't that crazy, and Mococo refused to do ear blowing in this stream, she wants to do it to the ruffians on their own channel):

TL;DR: They didn't say anything crazy in the ASMR and they were basically forced to do it in the last minute by management.

>> No.74787917

add me to the sreenshot when it was revealed this is another phase cuck falseflagging

>> No.74787974

what the fuck is up with these nothing burger threads? Why are you retards always acting like it's a big yab

>> No.74787996

Sisters are trying to say Pippa and Doki have beef because she made a literal who joke in 2021 when pippa was a literal who

...They have a collab in 2 days.

>> No.74789073

>6+ month member

>> No.74789552
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you can sit in a car and say "this is a helicopter", but it's still a car. words have meaning

>> No.74789595

Thats new member badge you fucking moron

>> No.74789653


>> No.74789980
File: 8 KB, 251x44, firefox_GB6KXGg2Eu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a new member's badge, retard.

>> No.74790125

wait, why are phase shitters attacking fuwamoco?

>> No.74790229

>What compels somebody to do this
Having as oshi someone who accepts the Discord call of the guy she goes to offpakos with to shit on her own fans for 30 minutes on stream.

>> No.74790390

* 30 minutes at the end of a donothon where she raised thousands of dollars.

>> No.74790578

>ruffians, we know we said we'd only stream in japanese during golden week, but...
>you know, those jp ruffians, they did so much hard work getting us to 1 million, and it would be wrong to just abandon them like this
>we have to protect their smiles, too!
>so, we're going to start doing some extra regular streams in japanese as well
>dont worry, ruffians. this doesnt mean you'll be getting less streams. we promise that at least one stream each week will be in english,
>and we would never break a promose ruffians!

>> No.74790651
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>fuwamoco isn't going to stream while moving
>fuwamoco streams while moving
>Fuwamoco abandoned the EN and is going to change times
>Fuwamoco keeps the same times
>Fuwamoco is going to have no english streams in golden week
>Fuwamoco has their normal amount of english streams in golden week

Still waiting for them to betray the ruffians. Any day now, right?

>> No.74790732

honestly I dont believe any of this i only occasionally watch fwmc, I just enjoy cuckposting and this thread looked appealing

>> No.74790850

you should give them a try, but maybe wait a week. They're a bit depressed right now since they weren't able to participate in golden week properly due to mococo's allergies flaring up. https://files.catbox.moe/htnha8.mp4

>> No.74792710

close enough

>> No.74793125

Kek. Ironic

>> No.74794039

>We want it to be special
for the japanese Ruffians, that is.
