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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74722886 No.74722886 [Reply] [Original]

vtubing is healing

>> No.74722905

Clippers are what gets attention on vtubing.

>> No.74722928
File: 524 KB, 1097x1071, Oh Nyoo![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzxbwif.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the clipper community is dying
oh nyoo

>> No.74722973

The clipper community? No, people who want to make money by leeching off vtubers.

Nobody is stopping anyone from clipping their oshi as a hobby.

>> No.74723013

Too little, too late.

>> No.74723043

>small corpos are going to have to actually appeal to males otakus instead of releasing milquetoast products by trying to appeal to everyone, and hoping for clippers to save them

>> No.74723086


>> No.74723133

I don't know man, some clips are kino and are viral free publicity.

>> No.74723261

Yeah, all the wrong kinds of attention

>> No.74723297

companies should have never allowed clippers to profit off of clips unless they were actually hired by the corpo or the vtuber themselves

>> No.74723390

is this the clip thread?

>> No.74723456

Reminder that Miko clips made VTubing relevant and most likely helped the industry grow to have room for (you)r oshi

>> No.74723503

Good. Clip to support your oshi, not to support your own (grifting) pockets.

>> No.74723512

This is not the clippers from back then that are complaining

>> No.74723520

JP clippers who put EN subs are pretty poggers methinks

>> No.74723529

Oh no! How will I get my misleading 1 minute clip with a cropped porn thumbnail now! This is an outrage!

>> No.74723558

Clips are pretty much what made the whole industry. I just hope it doesn't strike the channels I like. Most of the ones I enjoy don't use a lot of fancy editing and are primarily just for archiving.

>> No.74723559

They only made Hololive relevant.

>> No.74723577
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I want to read Ninja Shark's community post about him having to quit making garbage ass clips with the same exact 5 sound effects every upload
I will jizz over the printout of his retirement post

>> No.74723578

Well yeah, because Nijisanji did DMCA takedowns to stop anyone from clipping them.

>> No.74723590

Kawhi is hurt but PG and Harden have stepped up, I think the Clippers still have a chance

>> No.74723641

Nijisanji was relevant without clips, and so were most other vtuber agencies. Only Hololive needed clips to become relevant.

>> No.74723668

In Japan? Sure
In the west? Nobody had any fucking clue who Niji was or how bad it would get because of the complete lack of public awareness.

>> No.74723718

>Clipper is CAUGHT OFF GUARD and CANT STOP SEETHING after YouTube demonetised his channel and it absolutely BROKE him and his SOUL isn’t JDON and /vt/ went SPEED

>> No.74723825
File: 157 KB, 873x527, 1698099821222295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget to donate to your favourite clipper too

>> No.74723867

which clipper or dramatuber was the one that sold doxx info behind donations/patreon?

>> No.74723871

The West ruined vtubing.

>> No.74723894

nousagi el depresso

>> No.74723895

Now you know where most of the mentally ill come from

>> No.74723897

Okay, kensama, it’s time for your meds.

>> No.74723913

Depressed Nousagi
KFP seethe about it to this day
I hope he included the Asuka cosplay video in his patreon post

>> No.74723947

We need the dramafag commuity to die too.

>> No.74723965

hes not wrong lmao

>> No.74724268

>I hope he included the Asuka cosplay video in his patreon post
you mean the asuka cosplay wrestling one? why? that shit's on youtube for free, why would you want to pay for that?

>> No.74724591

What has the West done for vtubing aside from making Hololive popular in Japan?
>Fleshies and twitch whores turning to vtubing for hopes of easy money
>No kayfabe. A vtuber isn't a character anymore. Nobody understands the spirit of vtubing
>Making everything into a shitty meme that's run to the ground within minutes, yet repeated for years to no end
>Constant low effort clipbaiting and dramabaiting

>> No.74724611

Kek. Clippers are faggots and many, if not most of the ones complaining are those trying to make a job out of reposting clips of streams. 99% of them are low effort garbage that doesn’t deserve a cent. If these parasites can’t find it in them to clip their “oshi” or “favorite vtubers” as a hobby then they can fuck off.

>> No.74724646

They're killing Nijisanji.
That one good outweighs any possible price.
Fuck Niji. Total Niji Death.

>> No.74724645

Good, hopefully all these fucking companies die soon too.

>> No.74724708

Clips are fine.
Fucking clout chaser or poorfags trying to make it their source of income are not. If you 'love vtubers and want their content to reach more people' like you claim, do it for free you lazy fuck.

>> No.74724817

>terrified clippers ITT on full damage control
I LOVE to see it

>> No.74724888

finally with the death of clippers I can enjoy Vtubing community with fags who actually watch chuuba streams

>> No.74724954

that clip is over 4 months old...

>> No.74724962
File: 79 KB, 795x643, F18Q8iBaYAEzy8K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wait I just actually found and watched the video. All they're doing is demonetizing it? Oh nevermind then. I thought they were doing copyright strikes. nvm this is fine kek.

>> No.74725006

most of them purposefully bait clips for exposure.

>> No.74725186

They're only killing NijiEN, and rightly so, but they can't to shit against NijiJP.

>> No.74725343
File: 205 KB, 480x480, 1694975842587964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually thinks JP is safe from this
oh you sweet summer child

>> No.74725538

Are you dumb? What do you think the corpos got their exposure from in the first place? These third worlder takes are really something else.

>> No.74725559

Save Rosemi, Vanta, Victoria, Maria, Aia and Scarle

>> No.74725575

Were the ones bringing attention. These days all clippers do is post clickbait.

>> No.74725608

>oh you sweet summer child

>> No.74725656

>These third worlder takes

>> No.74725823

I've been using that phrase longer than you've known English.

>> No.74726023

Like fucking Seasons 1, Episode 1 of GoT you unironic child

>> No.74726039

NijiJP is literal who tier in the West. Nobody other than tribalfags would care if something happened to them. Clipniggers ruining HoloJP's reputation is more likely because they have a massive overseas audience.
That said, vtubing would be much better off with both of them gone.

>> No.74726092

>Nobody other than tribalfags would care if something happened to them
Must have missed the 2+ weeks of everyone on /vt/ going chimp over Gundou's "resignation"

>> No.74726267


>> No.74726320

Companies ruined vtubing and it will be better when they're all gone.

>> No.74726348

Must have missed
>nobody other than tribalfags

>> No.74726420

Clippers are good when they do it for the love of vtubers, but most clippers are now posting low-effort clickbait for the sake of making money.

>> No.74726460

Tribalfags had a lot of fun with that one, but can you tell me how that affected NijiJP? Gundou was one of the most hated vtubers not just in Nijisanji but in all of Japan and most were happy to see her gone. Tribalfags tried turning her into a victim but that did absolutely nothing.

>> No.74726570

You guys are scum kek
Man, at least you're doing a good job making me feel better about the company dying. I was actually starting to feel bad there for a few minutes after that horrible flop of a "concert"

>> No.74727029

It's funny how hard /vt/ is supporting Gundou when she had been shitting on Hololive and their fanbase for years.

>> No.74727088
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Alliances change when you have a common enemy.

>> No.74727454

That's why I want Elira, Enna, etc. to get fired. Just to see how fast /vt/ would change their tone.

>> No.74727466

Mori's virgin pussy.

>> No.74727813


>> No.74727863

pipe down ligger

>> No.74728037

>clipping '''community'''
jesus christ, these people aren't even pretending to be translating or providing anything of value anymore
all these post-2020 clip channels deserve the rope
every day I thank the Lord for the like 2-3 proper fansubbers that still exist

>> No.74728305


>> No.74728348

>you have to be japanese to acknowledge objective facts

>> No.74728569
File: 667 KB, 1044x664, firefox_weLXToFEsU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again!
I follow Doki. Fuck Nijisanji.

>> No.74728729

i genuinely have no clue who this bitch is i only know she exists because of that one video of some loser kid watching her doing a new year countdown or some shit

>> No.74728787

I've never watched a full stream. I get my content from low effort clips right here on YouTube.com.

>> No.74728978

Yo Oboretai, how's your shit writing career going?

>> No.74729392

Watch streams.

>> No.74730903
File: 286 KB, 1000x1080, 1693185293690962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Fleshies and twitch whores turning to vtubing for hopes of easy money
This happens in JP too.
>>No kayfabe. A vtuber isn't a character anymore. Nobody understands the spirit of vtubing
This happens in JP too.
>>Making everything into a shitty meme that's run to the ground within minutes, yet repeated for years to no end
This happens in JP too.
>>Constant low effort clipbaiting and dramabaiting
This happens in JP too.

>> No.74730957

And /vt/ posts these days is dramabait.

>> No.74731040

Exactly. Trash that attracts trash.

>> No.74731120

not an argument because you're not White
now kys

>> No.74731223

All because vtubing blew up in the West. Or can you find an significant examples of any of that shit from before 2020?

>> No.74731433

>Or can you find an significant examples of any of that shit from before 2020?

>> No.74731729

What does yt like? Cause it may not like clippers but it doesn't seem to like vtubers that much either.

>> No.74731803


>> No.74731901

>t. american with 60% latam blood

>> No.74731903

this but unironically

>> No.74732413

projection considering only an amerimutt (you) would cope about Japan being superior (it is)

>> No.74732606

The first step to fix clipping is to demonetize all of it. That will filter out most of the bad clippers.

>> No.74733793

1st point: A whole host of holos meatstreamed on NND long before vtubing took off, only to switch to vtubing when it took off.
2nd point: 99% of Nijisanji's roster before 2020 didn't kayfabe shit.
3rd point: Rushia pettan, Psychopath Suisei, Elite Miko.
4th point: Narukami Sabaki, Korekore, Toya and his loli speeches, Inuyama Tamaki's entire career can be summed up as clip baiting.

>> No.74733867

Nijisanji was only popular in Japan.
"Other vtuber agencies" like what? your delusion?
Only Kizuna and the big originals were popular before that.

>> No.74734002
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>> No.74734897

>Stop the people that made you
great idea

>> No.74736942


>> No.74737218

Trouble with clipping is that if nothing worthwhile happens in a stream they'll just take a complete nothingburger and blow it out of proportion into the most clickbait shit ever. I block clip channels on sight because it's always garbage.

>> No.74737259

fuck clippers I hope they rot

>> No.74737870

>1st point: A whole host of holos meatstreamed on NND long before vtubing took off, only to switch to vtubing when it took off.
And all of them tried to be virtual because that was the norm. They keep their fleshbag channels separate, or even privated/deleted them altogether. Now everybody is showing off their body left and right and are making no effort in separating fleshtubing from vtubing.
>2nd point: 99% of Nijisanji's roster before 2020 didn't kayfabe shit.
Most of their characters were normal. There was no autistic lore dumps and most vtubers weren't gods or mythical beings. Maybe they didn't lean on the kayfabe that heavily, but they weren't actively breaking it either.
>3rd point: Rushia pettan, Psychopath Suisei, Elite Miko.
All "jokes" were run to the ground by brain dead EOPs.
>4th point: Narukami Sabaki, Korekore, Toya and his loli speeches, Inuyama Tamaki's entire career can be summed up as clip baiting.
This point was aimed towards clippers and twittards and not towards any particular person, but anyway
>Narukami and Korekore
They deliver what they promise. It may be shitty drama, but there's usually no bait.
How is this bait?
Is this about Norio? As far as I know, Tamaki was mainly a collab host and I can't think of any baiting he has done.

>> No.74737875


>> No.74737913
File: 177 KB, 404x339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder clippers are why western vtubing is in a mess because they only clipped vshitshow and their orbiters.

>> No.74738062

This thread here is it, the reason why I love to keep coming back to /vt/
You got 2 sides fighting because of some of the worst, most obvious bait, and they're all shitting and pissing themselves while completely losing it and going full retard while doing so
Why go and leave the house to visit a zoo to look and laugh at the monkeys if you can get the same experience thanks to actual unironic subhumans /here/
wonderful, never change /vt/

>> No.74738138
File: 272 KB, 408x577, 1711756203193019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74738237

nice pasta

>> No.74738310

>income in clipping (if any) is so bad that only 3rd worlders have any hope of benefitting, it is what it is
>with that said, clippers shouldn't clickbait just to get pennies out of it
>they should also clean up the spelling mistakes and the grammar

>> No.74738811

thanks, i just cooked it
you want some?

>> No.74738980

>These third worlder takes are really something else.
90% of clippers are SEA and the ad revenue feeds their whole family

>> No.74739447

They are based.

>> No.74739738

let me guess, now this crybabies will all ORGANICALLY start clipping phase...
less obvious tactic ever btw

>> No.74741683


>> No.74742060

This. When it became a job they had to clip from every stream they watched to get more clicks. If you spend 4 hours working you'd want to get paid.

>> No.74742882

not right now, but i might want a plate later

>> No.74742984
File: 681 KB, 658x608, 1700332757677271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes fun of the circus
>joins the circus

>> No.74743236

Good, some clippers are just annoying as fuck with bait thumbnails and clips out of context and worst is most of them have been doing this just to make a quick buck not because they want to share the love specially those uploading 5 second clips or the ones that ignore the rules and post them while the stream is still running and gets the actual stream hit with strikes.

>> No.74744165

I think there's a minimum length to monetize a clip.

>> No.74746597

NSC died 3 months ago anon

>> No.74746618

Never forget that one faggot (who's name I ironically enough forget) that hired some random bitch to keep up his shtick of being a girl to try and grift money.

>> No.74747174

Trying to profit off clips should not be something to strive for.
Do you like the VTubers or the money that comes from clipping them?

>> No.74747247

That phrase is unironically beyond Reddit.

>> No.74747309

>JP is safe
rumao, fragmentation is already happening. Just slower and less flashy than the expresso train to ruin that NijiEN turned into.

>> No.74747333

I don't like it either way. The only people I've ever heard say it are old women.

>> No.74747357

Good. Now the commentary channels need to go away next. Talking about Hero Hei, Rev Says Desu, and their ilk.

>> No.74747419

Every ironmouse clip with connor

>> No.74747434

That's because it is their way of doing
>He doesn't know
It can be used for the same context IRL or to avoid looking like a containment breaker by accident.

>> No.74747493

You know that was an old saying from /here/ that got directly stolen by reddit, right?

>> No.74747640

There's no thing that site doesn't steal, and we are the ones who openly have "that one board". You know which one.

Man, I forgot Hero Hei exists, at least I know Rev is half a vtuber, half a commentarist.

>> No.74748708

>40 posts off
would have been neat

>> No.74751053

The problem with clippers is they make a job out of it, so they are not fans and just do what gets the most views. For instance there are clips of someone saying a vtuber swore when she didn't.

The money incentive makes them do more damage than good, they should all be demonized.

>> No.74756129

They also made Kizuna AI popular

>> No.74756683

this, I don't even watch chuubas anymore, but occasionally click on someone like Yura, because I know I'm gonna have a good time watching Ui's clipRAPE

>> No.74760042

What's that homo doing there?

>> No.74762572

This is true
This is also true. People should set out rules for clippers and pursue people fucking with rules for clipping because there's just so many fucking shitty clips out there that clickbait untrue shit.

>> No.74763367

The only relevant homo and all of his success is thanks to one clip. In fact, the whole homo branch might not exist if it wasn't for that clip.

>> No.74765451


>> No.74765724

Nijisanji actually tried to do this at one point and it killed off any exposure they had on the western side of the internet. It's why you rarely see any niji clippers these days
