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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.74719625

So this is the power of hololive

>> No.74719725

I mean, it's the country known to have literal bug numbers.

>> No.74719797

wait, so hololive meet, does that mean people can watch it in VRchat again or no?

>> No.74719815

Shark is making banks in Taiwan

>> No.74719876

Cool. I’m starting to wonder if Hololive actually is the new religion of Taiwan, though...

>> No.74719891

wrong side of Taiwan

>> No.74719932

Does hololive have a scalping problem? I remember back in DotA 2's heyday this same shit would happen for Majors and the TI, only for some of the tickets to be on ebay or local CL

>> No.74719990
File: 276 KB, 500x500, 1689812273894308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel already confirmed they always prepare less tickets/merch than there is demand for, because they try to market themselves as a company that "always sells out."

>> No.74720056

Sister cope. I knew most of you femcel morons had jumped ship to holostars.

>> No.74720098
File: 101 KB, 1920x1080, 1681782909417473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing holomems to homos

>> No.74720108

Good thing I don’t listen to fags.

>> No.74720197

He only is privy to stars shit, but yes its obvious always undershirts so they don't have any merch or tickets unsold. Leaving money on the table but maintaining face. No Holo stuff in the discount bin

>> No.74720221

The main island is packed like a roach house too you know

>> No.74720224

sold out is way better than empty seats

>> No.74720234

>salty twink boys deriding the girls
No matter the corpo, the name carries the same energy

>> No.74720242

i need a webm version of this

>> No.74720278
File: 57 KB, 214x314, skill_issue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rarity factor in marketing isn't rare, it's the same as "limited time" offer which are everywhere
beats me why anycolor hasn't figured out such basic marketing tricks.

>> No.74720570 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 1109x622, 1710403361615833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rarity factor in marketing isn't rare, it's the same as "limited time" offer which are everywhere
beats me why anycolor hasn't figured out such basic marketing tricks.
What do you mean? All of their streamers are "limited time"

>> No.74720623
File: 224 KB, 1109x622, 1710403361615833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rarity factor in marketing isn't rare, it's the same as "limited time" offer which are everywhere
>beats me why anycolor hasn't figured out such basic marketing tricks.
What do you mean? All of their streamers are "limited time"

>> No.74720625
File: 183 KB, 2048x1603, 1709573219261015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of their streamers are "limited time"

>> No.74720644


>> No.74720787

fauna no!

>> No.74721034

That's only for the homos because it's a waste of resources to make so much merch or tickets for a decision that is like flipping a coin. For the girls the only thing like that limited is some merch for birthdays and anniversaries. Imagine limiting tickets for events like Connect the World that literally was sold out in 5 mins

>> No.74721927

Company selling less than demand is a normal practice because it's impossible to predict the exact size of the demand. Hololive may be big, but can you look at me in the eye and confidently say that this merch will be sold out after this certain number ?

It's ALWAYS better to meet the threshold early before deadline instead of over-selling and failing to meet it in the first place. And once it reached the threshold, Cover will have a good reason to rise it bit by bit

Astel here is right. At this current Stars status, you would be fucking retarded to believe producing as many merch as Hololive's will be sold out for them. "Better safe than sorry", "Better be in the green instead of the red"

>> No.74722547
File: 2.76 MB, 1100x1836, image_2024-04-29_171241635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it was a solo Karaoke by Gura it would've been sold out immediately due to how popular she is in taiwan


>> No.74722657

>hunger marketing
This is the Hololive way.
Anyone can understand how they do it, given why they can make seats so quickly.

>> No.74722724

So you mean they actually have some smart people then? Because selling out creates hype. Niji can't understand this simple idea.

>> No.74723755

The homo is right, got to gaslight people into thinking their branch aren't failures and an waste of space. Not a issue at all for the Holos though.

>> No.74723923

so niji only sell 20 tickets initially and didn't even sold out?

>> No.74724191

Purchasing the ticket is limited to 1 per person requires valid ID and boatload of chink CAPTCHAs, at this point scalpers would be negligible

>> No.74724262

Man, you are really pretty fuckin stupid to compare Holos to Girls. I don't know if you chose to be blind, or just pretty fuckin retarded.

kys sister

>> No.74724328
File: 217 KB, 483x443, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Anon? Is there something you're not telling us about the holos?

>> No.74724426

wow, just an obvious typo to homos, and still didn't get the gist of it? are you retarded too?

>> No.74724565
File: 199 KB, 907x643, 1710981942788016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't take this one back, sister. Fess up. How big are their cocks?

>> No.74724664


>> No.74724740

Sause? Can't reverse search a cap like that.

>> No.74724801


>> No.74725299


Floor and 2nd level already sold-out
They opened the 3rd level due to demand.

>> No.74725573


>> No.74725591

4th level opening soon

>> No.74725906

You mean how popular her design is, there was someone interviewing people for the Gura sushi thing and most people responses to the interviewer was they really only liked her designed and many didn’t even know what Hololive was or Gura was a streamer

>> No.74726133

That's the point tho.. gura is aiming to be micky mouse/hatsune miko kinda type of thing.. Its not about enticing people to watch her streaming, she's not even streaming anymore, lmao.

>> No.74726206

Does anyone know how a meet super karaoke party works? Is there a separate meet segment or is everyone in one room with all the girls singing at once? Gura, Irys and Kobo don't ever work together so how will they coordinate?

>> No.74726222

So what exactly is this? Some kind of meet and greet at the event or does it use VRchat?

>> No.74726253

Sure pajeet sister, no one in Taiwan knows what Hololive or Gura is but they know Miload's cock circumference off hand it's in single digit centimeters btw

>> No.74726475
File: 16 KB, 449x169, fanmeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a 2D fan meeting.
I think it's like a convention fan-meet but much longer with performances. I'm guessing there would be Interview/Q&A too.

>> No.74726497

Ah, I wonder if there's a free portion or something that'll be streamed.

>> No.74726580

clip or timestamp

>> No.74726747
File: 533 KB, 1278x796, 1688215882712618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use to hate v-tubers and then saw Gura play Resident Evil Village. I stuck around and watched because the commentary was entertaining on a game I liked and I forgot she was a v-tuber while watching. I didn't start watching v-tubers or watching Gura stuff after but Gura created enough doubt in my mind that I would give v-tubers a try later down the line.

It wasn't the design as I saw those as part of why I hated v-tubers. It was the personalities that changed my mind and the real parts of the actor playing the character coming through.

>> No.74726781


>> No.74726821

Ok anon lol.

>> No.74727055

Anon please git gud at searching boorus. Even danbooru with its limited search term allotment still gives you what you need with hakos_baelz nanashi_mumei and rating:e (for explicit).

>> No.74727811

You'd have to go through 50 gorillion pages with only 2 allowed prompts. Easier to ask here.

>> No.74728044
File: 228 KB, 619x1061, ilovemumei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly there isn't actually that many mumei bae pictures. I found it in seconds on pixiv and then traced that to the twitter.

>> No.74728229

Hey, thank you for agreeing.

>> No.74728606

Not exactly. Is more of a Japanese thing - always be conservative and never take risks. They would rather not satisfy demand, than take a loss. So is not because they want to present themselves as a company that sells out, is just that the management doesn't want to risk creating losses for the company and looking bad, mixed with lower expectations... I think that out of everyone, Cover is the most surprised at their own success.

>> No.74731318

The content rating tag is a free tag, you can add it to any pair of search terms to filter suggestive, explicit or general pics. Made that search easy since it filtered all the safe mubae.

>> No.74733285


>> No.74734547

Well yeah, that's correct move. Better to "we are so popular, we run additional ticket runs" or "we get rid of some non-essential equipment so we can sell more seats" rather than hearing "hey you guys, you can now buy FOUR tickets per order instead of just TWO. Tickets are still available! Order now!"

>> No.74735912

Sure, pajeet. Whatever helps you cope

>> No.74738537
File: 5 KB, 56x56, 1700627929495054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74738541

buy an ad
