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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 329 KB, 858x720, qwdwdqwdwdwdqwd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74573318 No.74573318 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION (May 12): https://firststage-pro.com/en/audition/
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>74531338

>> No.74575385

Please tell me someone kept the VOD for Vita’s stream.

>> No.74576611

Sorry I dropped it and it's under the couch now. I can't reach it anymore

>> No.74576748

it's true i was the couch

>> No.74577856

i miss her bros

>> No.74578564

>2view streamer outside of /asp/ connected with me a while ago
>They were really polite and into my stuff
>Couldn't collab because other side of planet time zones
>Saw they were live right now (I just woke up)
>I do not enjoy their stream style at all
Oh well

>> No.74579627

It happens.

>> No.74581495

Does anyone have a list of people's birthdays?

>> No.74582686

who should i contact to stream with asp on daiyalogue or mahjong monday without posting here or is it asp only

>> No.74582999

> daiyalogue

>mahjong mondays

I think it's asp only but it doesnt hurt to ask if they're already familiar with you.

>> No.74584445

Is there still any demand for Let's Play content on popular games? How do you research if there is a market for it?

>> No.74585875

Video game livestreams ARE Let's Play content, they're just the live version of it. Are you talking about uploading pre-recorded videos to YT? If so, here's ChatGPT's answer:

>Is there still any demand for Let's Play content on popular games? How do you research if there is a market for it?
Yes, Let's Play content is still in demand, especially for popular games. To research if there's a market for it, you can follow these steps:

Check Platforms: Look at platforms like YouTube and Twitch to see if there's a significant audience for Let's Play videos. Check the view counts, likes, and comments on existing videos to gauge interest.
Analyze Trends: Use tools like Google Trends, social media analytics, and gaming forums to see what games are trending and if there's a corresponding interest in Let's Play content for those games.
Audience Engagement: Engage with gaming communities on social media, forums, and Reddit to understand what kind of content they're looking for and if Let's Play videos are popular among them.
Competitor Analysis: Research other creators who make Let's Play content and see how well their videos are performing. Look at their subscriber counts, views, and engagement metrics to assess the market demand.
Keyword Research: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to identify relevant keywords related to Let's Play content and see if there's search volume and competition around those keywords.
Survey or Poll: Conduct a survey or poll among your target audience to directly ask them about their interest in Let's Play content and which games they would like to see covered.
By combining these methods, you can get a comprehensive understanding of the demand for Let's Play content and make informed decisions about creating content in this niche.

>> No.74586697

the more i do this the more i wonder how suited for it i am. i think ive hit one of the lowest slumps in a while yet i dont think a single person realizes. my ccv is high for an asp but i am too menhera to be consistent to make it.

>> No.74587962

Is that rrat about Kuromaru being a really good manager true

>> No.74589007

i miss you

>> No.74589550

homelessness day 2 review: purchased a planet fitness membership. I will probably still use the water massagers more than the shower or exercise equipment. went to NYC. this is a great place to smoke weed. you can just do it anywhere outside its crazy. on cape cod you need to go find a quiet bush or beach to hide from the cops in because it's only allowed in your own yard (they will probably not consider my car to my yard)

I am looking forward to doing live streams from my hobo mobile as my mental health deteriorates. eventually I will sound indistinguishable from rebelearthsky and every sentence will be word salad. but this is only day 2

>> No.74589855


>> No.74590260

my greatest regret is I'll never be able to finish my ai rock opera now. the people will be left in suspense. tragic

>> No.74590951

do you really not have anyone to stay with?

>> No.74591001

I haven't seen that rrat. Please repost or elaborate

>> No.74591174
File: 47 KB, 300x300, KUROMARU_HAPPY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where we're going, we don't need a plan - Zatsudan

>> No.74592041

Say the n word

>> No.74593427

Name him!

>> No.74593975

most of my friends moved out of state a while ago, that's why I'm in ny right now. could stay with my dad in NH but NH sucks ass. I like trees as much as the next guy, but that's about all that state has to offer, especially up north where my dad lives. would rather live in a mini Cooper than the oppressive wilderness.

>> No.74595484


>> No.74597102

bumping this thread so we can use it when the other one dies

>> No.74599580

i would say make a throne or something and id throw food/money your way, but i dont even know how it works with people who live out in a car. are you able to find work? new york has opportunities everywhere. good luck man. keep us posted

>> No.74601940

Turn this into a story for twitter, make efforts to make it become big and obtain a fanbase willing to monetarily support you, the shania character has already a lot of well designed sides to it, now you just neednto turn it into the medium to the an story capable of moving others into helping or at least staying engaged, as its happening here.

>> No.74602675
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>> No.74603913
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we need more girls in glasses

>> No.74604775
File: 1.74 MB, 2894x4093, Ruadh28Gaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live now! Little bit of chat & some reading before collab later tonight!

>> No.74604837

So Uwo only goes to complete NGMI's aspies?

>> No.74604936

try speaking english next time

>> No.74605033

does uwoslab only go to the streams of /asp/ies that are complete losers and not gonna make it?

>> No.74605278

I haven't seen him or been raided by him yet.

>> No.74605310

He literally endorsed LCOLONQ and made him famous. He is gonna do the same to Lavandel when she returns.

>> No.74605326

I'm bored and this seems like a good place to ask, give me a script to vocaroo as a male

>> No.74605402
File: 1.32 MB, 1140x849, Accent Tier List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74605462

no accent, you mean american accent?

>> No.74605488

Put me on this tierlist or I'll kill myself

>> No.74605531

>no accent
I can tell those people apart without even being american

>> No.74605572
File: 62 KB, 990x850, 1692901681388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is the difference between "no accent" and "native english speaker accent"

>> No.74605599

Start streaming first, Chrii

>> No.74605628

if you can't understand the potato, do your reps. fool.

>> No.74605644

No accent means its mostly neutral, so yes American.
There's too many people in the tier list now I cant give two fucks to include everyone, and mostly everyone I didn't include would go in "No Accent".

>> No.74605757

no accent = there's no fucking accent (americans)
native english speaker accent = very strong accent from a country that speaks english as a first language, so British, Canadian and Australian.

>> No.74605801

QB is playing HoloParade

>> No.74605832
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see why uwo shilled him.

>> No.74605882

americans always acting like they are the center of the world is annoying af everyone has an accent including them

>> No.74605971

Explain the american accent through text.
People can do it for other accents like how british people say wa'ah instead of water.

>> No.74606011

Though at first I felt horrible for Cheen given the Lava situation, I've come to think that the guy deserves all of the awful things that happen to him after seeing how he's acting toward Toto and Fwofie. Putting up with his sexpesting justfor him to go on to someone else, poor Lava.

>> No.74606095

gib voice prompts please

>> No.74606126

>In accent and hard to understand tier

I feel like I'm being trolled here

>> No.74606158

*moans* Yes just moan please

>> No.74606167

Lava lost one of her biggest supporters, and honestly her best artist supporter (no offense Hanabi).
But she still has UWO so she'll be fine.

>> No.74606231

there is literally no such thing as sex pesting
none of you even have any remote idea what a sex pest actually is

>> No.74606229
File: 33 KB, 170x190, hanabi_hang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no offense Hanab

>> No.74606239

says been as bin
says tomato as tomayto
says Mary as merry
says dawn as don
says caught as cot

>> No.74606259

I don't think I'm drunk enough to moan

>> No.74606272

Tell me who you are and I'll be honest.

>> No.74606293

ok cheen

>> No.74606297

hanabi is by no stretch of the imagination a good artist

>> No.74606336

I record this later for you

>> No.74606369

Bro we all saw Renata exhibit sexpesting behaviour in Charley's stream the other day.
Charley, did you talk to her? Please tell me you told her to calm down cause I'm gonna start avoiding your stream if I see her in chat now.

>> No.74606496

Cheen is nothing more than a pool of negativity and she is better off without him pulling her down desu

>> No.74606635

Then can you please whisper, 'You're such a good girl. I've been waiting for you all day to come back from work. ' I have a treat just for you..." .
But surprise me in the end as to what the " treat" is, something normal like a hard dick? Perhaps something else and more humorous, like a cake slap on the face.

>> No.74606675

American all talk like this

>> No.74606749

so, are people interested in gameplay with yapping over it? I feel like a lot of people prefer the zatsu content. I dont really have a chat to interact with so i cant ask them...

>> No.74606754

hmm. seems from your link that it's a "baltimore" accent. try perhaps talking to someone not from baltimore?

>> No.74606773

At least he found someone else to support. Fwofie is a safe pick.

>> No.74606887

is this the guy you want to endorse?

>> No.74606906

untill fwofie sends the first nudes like Lava did and cheen sees a dick bigger then his it will destroy him mentally and he will finally kill himself

>> No.74606978

still have my job, if I can survive homeless for a month I can probably afford a place with my next paycheck. cape cod is just expensive as hell to live because rich people bought all the houses to turn into summer rentals

>> No.74607063

Oh hey, its another USTZ full of dramafags recycling the same posts they were spamming all week.

>> No.74607080

hmm. well. im probably not the intended audience but here's my review.
1) hes annoying
2) he's retarded
3) hes a fag
4) he's really really fucking annoying

>> No.74607090

shut up mel you are so full of shit

>> No.74607167

Hey Ineda I hope you hang yourself for not playing sonic riders.

You don't need people to sabotage your stream because you are an immature baby with no concept of shame

>> No.74607173

Is Baltimore not American? Well if that doesn't count, for whatever reason, here's a "true" American accent for you. Nothing more American than the south

>> No.74607235

You just described uwo and he is huge. Guess the real way to grow is be a retarded unfunny guy

>> No.74607331

stop calling me Mel my name is Cameron

>> No.74607339

I can't believe the southern American accent is actually literally the same way as new Yorker accent. Literally the same!!!

>> No.74607357

you sound tremendously bitter
may i suggest sticking a few fingers up your ass until you find your prostate?

>> No.74607377

Cameron Clarke?

>> No.74607430

Uwo don't be a dick...

>> No.74607435

yes hello

>> No.74607460

lol faggot

>> No.74607462


>> No.74607597


>> No.74607617

I’m so depressed

>> No.74607791
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NYC does have several strong regional accents though, even identifiable per-neighborhood.

but the broader point here is that the average American has what's colloquially called a TV accent which is a little difficult to describe. it's not "phonetic" pronunciation since English isn't a phonetic language in the first place, but the things that make it stand out are like... the absence of things that are used as identifiers for other accents. for instance, Americans and Canadians have rhotic terminal Rs whereas English and Australians don't. but most people just think of the rhotic R as the "correct" way of pronouncing words now (thanks to American cultural dominance) so it comes off as a bit strange to say that pronouncing the R in "war" means you have an accent

>> No.74607837
File: 17 KB, 456x102, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expanding my content range a bit

>> No.74607921

I want to die

>> No.74607954

wtf rude

>> No.74607972

>Shania stopped shitting on the thread because he's homeless

Hope he finds a place to live and to stop shitting on the thread forever.

>> No.74608047


>> No.74608073

American accents are broadly categorized by which sounds they drop or which ones they draw out. Texans draw out their As, Californians have more vocal fry per capita than France has fried potatos. PNW will drop Gs off the end of gerrunds like they were never supposed to have one in the first place.

Sometimes its just regional ways of describing things. For instance, do you say "I take I-32 to work." or "I take the I-32 to work"?

>> No.74608340


>> No.74609066

Did he actually stream?

>> No.74609168

>poor lava
She probably wanted him to fuck off, why feel bad for her?

>> No.74609174
File: 78 KB, 316x325, 1713320288497573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rua's stream is very comfy
he did.

>> No.74609347

allow me to introduce you to the concept of "inside joke"

>> No.74609382

>it's ok to sexually harass people as long as i think it's funny

>> No.74609397

Oh fuck I missed his first stream

>> No.74609552 [SPOILER] 
File: 109 KB, 1600x900, GMM6vkAWAAAL1BR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74609557

Half the people in this thread and a majority of people on this site are okay with racism, rape jokes and transphobia because it’s “funny”
Get over it. Quit crying about some dumb fujo

>> No.74609600
File: 761 KB, 640x640, INEDA YES YES YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot to edit out the part where he calls you out for being an asshole in chat
ineda is a cool guy justb weird af but that's what makes him great

>> No.74609622

>if anyone ever does any bad thing you cannot say it is bad because other bad things happen

>> No.74609632

Charley is an adult, and has the power to mute/ban if he objected to it

>> No.74609712

No? Only a small amount of loser vtuber watchers are. If people really wanted yappers today lets plays wouldnt have died.

>> No.74609763

It is extremely hard for sexual assault victims to speak up, especially male victims.

>> No.74609816

She is not assaulting anyone

>> No.74609819

If you’re fat and/or hate women just say that. You don’t have to pretend to care about one chatter in someone else’s chat

>> No.74609892


>> No.74610318


>> No.74610370

oji love

>> No.74610428

Man, theres several streams I wouldn't mind watching but I'm about to go live myself.

>> No.74610444
File: 829 KB, 1280x720, CNkgpY-VEAAb3N5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe cute anime boys will be gay for each other in live broadcasts on twitch.tv

it's such a beautiful cyberpunk future in which we live

>> No.74610487
File: 34 KB, 339x280, frankypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets paint some Warhammer Minis !

>> No.74610493

Between her and the coomer hag being away for some weeks, this is an opportunity for /asp/ to heal

>> No.74610574
File: 2.21 MB, 384x498, marin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

channel pls

>> No.74610736

I only exist to watch cute anime boys, we need more cute anime boys debuting

>> No.74610920

>Cute boys exist
>I want to kiss them
Why am I like this?

>> No.74611013

Because you are gay simple as, now enjoy your life

>> No.74611077

I wish I had a cute anime boy to be gay with

>> No.74611096

i have a cool design idea but i have to do research to make sure im not ripping someone elses design off unintentionally

>> No.74611140

why do people think I make way more posts than I really do lol

>> No.74611572

Feels good to be put in the "No Accent" tier as an ESL, thank you anon! I def have an accent though

>> No.74611817

>asking where to find it when the post says exactly where to find it
Your only hint is that it was in the previous drawthread, not the current one.

>> No.74612107

Im going live tonight and if I still get 0 ccv after 4 months I'm going to kill myself in the bathtub.

>> No.74612304

>No accent
I'm surprised, I definitely have an ESL accent but it's probably just hard to pinpoint.

>> No.74612558

There is only one piece of goblin art and its not her. I think you need your eyes checked...

>> No.74612598

>smoking weed still a priority
Sometimes they really do deserve it

>> No.74612708
File: 317 KB, 500x500, EmotesShock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize my accent was noticeable...

>> No.74612898

wait wtf happened?
lava swerved cheen and thats why he was having that meltdown a couple weeks ago?

>> No.74613076

Every drawfag that shows their love gets rejected and they still never learn

>> No.74613134

You seem nice, I need to connect with you sometime in May or June!

>> No.74613186
File: 10 KB, 389x130, twitchcult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is twitch like this? this feels very cult like lmao

>> No.74613187

give me another vocaroo prompt and I might tell you

>> No.74613201


>> No.74613286
File: 16 KB, 112x112, EmotesJam3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's be great! I'd like to say I'm approachable at least!

>> No.74613398


>> No.74613414
File: 258 KB, 1280x720, GMNFxg4X0AElWdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ace, Ruadh, and Patchey are back for more Otome adventures in Amnesia, Memories!

>> No.74613426



>> No.74613459

I want to have sex with my viewers. I'm in America. Please. I don't care who it is. I'm horny.

>> No.74613522

>tfw you will never get to fuck a chuuba
it hurts man ;_________;

>> No.74613533

She is a woman, big difference there

>> No.74613580

I am not a guy anon.....

>> No.74613581
File: 1.57 MB, 2349x3495, GMNESJZWsAAoNFI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute anime boys will be gay for each other in live broadcasts on twitch.tv
picture very much related

>> No.74613623

sorry i cant debut as a cute boy

>> No.74613750

this post proves it was wip telling me each time to kill myself for speaking the truth. you are still a man and will never be a woman

>> No.74613784

I've never been kissed in my life.

>> No.74613843


>> No.74613886

high as fuck thank you

>> No.74613892

you didn't miss much, my first stream was scuffed in every sense, I wanted to make it an art stream but the only place where I could place my mic was my tablet so I couldn't even draw
also I struggled to speak for the first few minutes since I'm not used to speak in english
at least the microphone sounded alright mostly because it was my phone but I need to make it less sensitive since I could hear my own breath while I was listening to my stream even though I wasn't close to the mic

>> No.74613943

I’ve been sexpested by the two chuubas in that pic lol

>> No.74613955

also I don't sound young, I just don't have the voice of someone dead inside

>> No.74613978

Hi pafu

>> No.74614018

Stinky gorilla man!
Catch me and teach me a lesson!

>> No.74614065

Your voice is actually very cute, please be my bf :3

>> No.74614092

And you still should kill yourself

>> No.74614141


>> No.74614150

Someday you'll get the reply you're searching for, keep believing!

>> No.74614199
File: 17 KB, 136x87, Screenshot 2024-04-27 155018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess I should stop drawing mond

>> No.74614276

sorry I'm a pacifist but I could teach you about mahjong

>> No.74614280


>> No.74614316


Unfortunately though posting anonymously isn't it

>> No.74614352


>> No.74614362

Its not fucking fair. I drew you fanart. I'm literally courting you. I waited to find someone I truly care about like my mom told me. And thats you. I give you gifts and fan art and support you. And you just throw me away when I confess. Its not fair. Why am I just a sad old virgin man even though I did everything right? Why am I so unlovable?

>> No.74614439

Fine, here >>74477400

>> No.74614445


>> No.74614488


>> No.74614491

>sad old
I dont wanna say it, but...

>> No.74614498

just because you like someone it doesn't mean they will ever like you back
you should consume less fictional media and notice how relationships in the real world work

>> No.74614500
File: 52 KB, 343x301, 16465646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only know of one with this hat and earring

>> No.74614569


>> No.74614571

Why would anyone want to be inspired by the depressing unfulfilled world of the average real adult relationship.

>> No.74614643

I think Haru and Vita would've been cute together.

>> No.74614667

fanart is not a marriage certificate, virgy.
if it was, then i'd soon be getting married to three muscular men...

>> No.74614670

Welp, this is how far we go before falling for the horny trend. Was a good run this year, see you when you all stop being so fucking horny companions.

>> No.74614737

Its not about horny. Its about love. I hate this online habit of equating all these things to sex. Zero nuance. That's not how I work. I hate you gross adults trying to distil human relationships to that

>> No.74614749

Stop replying to bait that came out of another bait post

>> No.74614775

There is no jorny, only pain.

>> No.74614798

is he really that negative i don't get that impression

>> No.74614810

Impossible this is now /aspsoc/

>> No.74614823

It was there when I looked wtf

>> No.74614857

Do it

>> No.74614862

Sometimes, people just wants to badmouth others

>> No.74614915


>> No.74614956

i want rua to sexpest me :s

>> No.74615015

Ace.... used as onahole....

>> No.74615033
File: 1.39 MB, 800x1190, Dojin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't have the real version

>> No.74615042

You are asking to get raped with that attitude

>> No.74615065

Drop a hint as to who you are so that I may know not to sexpest you any more if you don't want me to

>> No.74615115


>> No.74615130

Yellow hair

>> No.74615154

Is there demand for a kuudere male vtuber?

>> No.74615155

I got like 4 ounces of weed for the 4/20 sale at my dispensary. do you want me to just not smoke it

>> No.74615166


>> No.74615194

Sell it.

>> No.74615227

Why do none of you like me I just want to be a part of this

>> No.74615255

I would pay to know which reaction grace had when she saw this lol

>> No.74615278

Ah okay I think I know who. I'm sorry I creeped you out, I won't sexpest you any further

>> No.74615283

Double it and give it to the next person

>> No.74615336

Whr is d link, sis? R u 'ded?

>> No.74615397

I'm already covering that niche, you're late

>> No.74615399

I've never seen lava be friends with other girls so I assume whatever happens was her fault because those girls are always crazy as fuck

>> No.74615418

Is this Sun?
Plz don’t sexpest me either.

>> No.74615430
File: 79 KB, 270x270, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guaranteed she basedjak'd at it and then made this face

>> No.74615441

“What I wanted was to die among strangers, untroubled, beneath a cloudless sky. And yet my desire differed from the sentiments of that ancient Greek who wanted to die under the brilliant sun. What I wanted was some natural, spontaneous suicide. I wanted a death like that of a fox, not yet well versed in cunning, that walks carelessly along a mountain path and is shot by a hunter because of its own stupidity…”

>> No.74615519

this is a parody right?
you can't be serious

>> No.74615534

sexpesting shouldn't be an opt-out feature... it should be an opt-in

>> No.74615566
File: 40 KB, 474x484, th-1765647069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who you are

>> No.74615578


>> No.74615654
File: 37 KB, 555x527, 83162ed3392cf74df8affadcb6559b0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please read books to me

>> No.74615677

such as?

>> No.74615732

Please sexpest me Sun i love your feet

>> No.74615772

I was supposed to be that, I'm not kuudere enough.

At least nobody calls me a femboy

>> No.74615792

I want to hold sins hand!

>> No.74615830

I am

>> No.74615910

I fucking wish. I want to hear him whimper in my ear.

>> No.74616063

I'm not vita

>> No.74616156

I want to nibble on his rat ears

>> No.74616185

Cheen will be fine. At least she take advantage of him

>> No.74616190

actually I did read the whole of sun tzu's the art of war and the book of five rings on stream once now that I think about it

>> No.74616219
File: 2.44 MB, 1140x1284, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is purely personal preference

>> No.74616227

Please. Just please talk to me. I'm going to drown myself

>> No.74616253

Fuck, I guess its over for Cheen

>> No.74616319

Whats the point in ranking all aspies when there's no fucking way you watched all of these enough to even construct an opinion on them? Its just not possible to do so with these numbers. You have people on there who have not streamed in months

>> No.74616325


>> No.74616347

I would kill for some tupo porn, to see those big luscious lips and hypnotizing eyes in action...

>> No.74616355

fufi with all the /asp/ies she mentioned DO IT NOW

>> No.74616365

Meat getting scolded by his religious schizos lmao

>> No.74616378

I am hearing disabled.

>> No.74616439


>> No.74616471

>porn of vtubers who aren't even humanoid or are just shitty doodles

>> No.74616542

Whats happening now? Why are you crabbing

>> No.74616558

I can grant your wish. but you might have to pay me

>> No.74616566

you're cute when you're like this

>> No.74616616

yo chaki x garfield porn?
someone get on that one

>> No.74616658

I will talk to anyone rn

Tupo is surprisingly dom

>> No.74616659

She can't handle the barbs

>> No.74616692

>chibii in need porn of them

>> No.74616698


>> No.74616704

i think you're right, odie would be better

>> No.74616732


>> No.74616740

No one can handle the barbz, respect Nicki Minaj.

>> No.74616874

I just want someone to talk to me. I want someone to like me. I feel so alone. I'm just curled up on the floor hugging myself. I just can't do this anymore. Someone please like me. Someone please touch me. A stranger accidentally brushed against me and my entire body shivered in happiness. I just need help. I just want a nice life. I feel so unloved. I'm unlikable.

>> No.74616923

you will continue to grow as a person because of this. Learn from it and keep going. relationships are difficult and work on feel. you cant just do transactional nice things, and you cant hover over a girl like a loitering munition looking for the right time to pronounce your love.
whatever, cry if you must. I learned this shit by trial and error. Fuck up, find out, and evolve out of this phase.

>> No.74616930

I have porn but no one uses my nsfw tag when they draw stuff of me

>> No.74616956

God I wish I could be this pathetic

>> No.74616992

I'm too old to be happy or find love.

>> No.74616996

I got 2 pieces of Nsfw art, one i paid renata to do because i still had to commission her

>> No.74617078

I'm turning 34 soon. Do you wanna to arm wrestle about it?

>> No.74617145

I am so concerned about how high I am on this...

>> No.74617148

So much for healing. This place is going to get worse and everyone's gonna run to the succubus next for comfort. Most have already done so

>> No.74617164

I'd just lose

>> No.74617176

get some nice earplugs. go to a metal show. go into the mosh pit.

free touches. legal roughhousing. a crystalline shard of tribal human ancestry refracted through the lens of the modern world

>> No.74617207

The closest I have to porn was being drawn in a tub with a femchuuba once

>> No.74617234


>> No.74617259

Implying implications and baka my head

>> No.74617337

why does that get corrected to baka lmao

>> No.74617350

I have 1 NSFW yuri art

>> No.74617536

>NEED porn of them
Can you please elaborate on each person as to why?

>> No.74617550


>> No.74617561

I've no clue which one's that, and it's probably for the best I don't

>> No.74617622

>Basil in Don't Want tier

>> No.74617710
File: 65 KB, 750x1000, yes, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74617781

The last time I was posting regularly was 2012. suck me cok

>> No.74617784

for any other tierlist i would agree but this one is literally just "do you want porn of this anime character" which takes 3 seconds of looking at their model to know

>> No.74617851

>>74617536 >>74616219

yes please elaborate

>> No.74617876

I am going to take out a loan and go to art school and maybe then I will make art good enough to impress
I love you so much
Seriously I do.
You are why my heart beats.
I finally found someone for me and I'm never going to give up.
I can't give up this preciousness.

>> No.74618035

I don't want porn of basil because I want him all for myself, I want be his big bro teaching him lewd stuff and I won't allow anyone from taking this joy away from me!

>> No.74618067

who do you want to impress anon ?

>> No.74618147

Say who and I'll elaborate

>> No.74618325


>> No.74618387

Do you think that people with good models have better numbers?
I'm thinking about getting a cuter model and I'm currently at 29ccv.

>> No.74618418


>> No.74618441


>> No.74618443


>> No.74618478


>> No.74618520

>of Brickman
So what, he's bolting on The Rumbler 500 XL and using someone like an ogre uses defeated female warriors in hentai, or something?

>> No.74618525

All selfposts

>> No.74618610
File: 26 KB, 600x602, 0k5g41o3s78b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74618618

>heh, this anonymous forum? im sure this person is X and that's Y ;)

>> No.74618623

brickman getting riveted???

>> No.74618653

regulus might be seiso, but he should be lewded, aggressively

>> No.74618657

yes and?

>> No.74618690

that's 80% of the fun of posting here

>> No.74618787

I want a big ass pizza man

>> No.74618810

I confess, I selfposted, I want to know what porn people would make of me. No I won't tell you who >:)

>> No.74618819

Finbar, Beryl, Sh'vah, Gclef

>> No.74618846

ok imagine this [giant] [crushing] [foot]
its zoomed in on his super detailed foot about to step on a mixed crowd of aspies

>> No.74618855

Oh no they don't want porn of me?
Time to make a coomer model

>> No.74618882

I just REALLY want to cuddle with her. She's nice and her model is pretty sex.
Big sensitive man that would be gentle with you.
He got me into feet. I want to lick his
I want to sexually bully this rat. You have no idea the things I'd do.
Brickman is special. I want to see how it would work and what it would look like. Piston powered penis? Rock hard rock slab? I want to know.

>> No.74618899

I want to be a slime vtuber where the slime is white and I only play souls games and dragon quest

>> No.74618928
File: 240 KB, 601x503, happybunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, there will never be porn of me and I'm happy about it.

>> No.74618971

A placement born of sheer curiosity? I respect it.

>> No.74619005

I guess I will delete what I'm working on

>> No.74619039

Or just change it to someone else.

>> No.74619080

give me a vocaroo to say while super drunk

>> No.74619097

okay never mind based. we are two of soul

>> No.74619107

The bunny ears are an integral part and I don't want to force my cock into a ghost rabbit

>> No.74619109

The missile is very tired. He is eepy. The missile has had a very long day of splashing bandits and wants to take just a smol sleeb. He eeby and neebies to sleeby. Mibsile sleepy and need bed-bye time. The missile is currently experiencing critical levels of being a sleevjy little guy and needs to go to bedb. He is ver tired and needs to slep. Just a little sleejing time as a treat. Midsilylele needs to slek, ver twired boyo, just a lil guy. Mibsipillibille needs his beaty sleeb. Look at him go! He yawn big cause he skeejy, needs to falafel asleep. Nini time! Goodnight, mister the missile.

>> No.74619127

>click on Khubie's stream playing the new Hololive game
>good thing there's no Holostars
>I dont watch male vtubers

>> No.74619149


>> No.74619183

lmao, she watches multiple male asp and has chatted in many of them

>> No.74619246

For Brickman do you think it would be a golem version of Rance’s Hyper Lance or would it be a magically infused penis graft?

>> No.74619249

fells like I lost braincells https://voca.ro/16WSzWkO020Q

>> No.74619340

>Big sensitive man that would be gentle with you.
Guess you read me well

>> No.74619390

I wonder if girls like that hate themselves for being this fake just to appeal to their mentally ill audience of unicorns

>> No.74619463

Its not mentally ill. Enough of that

>> No.74619519

How is it not?

>> No.74619520

>but i sure hope males give me money, tee hee!

>> No.74619521

I'm a bicorn. I only appear for the most depaved vtubers. I leave at any hint of seiso.

>> No.74619531

She wasn't even a thread darling, but everyone loves her. What am I doing wrong? What did she do that made you guys like her so much, I don't get it. She even has people drawing fanart of ber every week

>> No.74619546
File: 115 KB, 598x512, Screenshot 2024-04-27 171422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna draw and stuff, idk. come complain at me if you want


>> No.74619634

Had a good laugh, thanks for that

>> No.74619642

She was friendly to everyone who gave her a chance, having her next to Vita fits really well since both have been nothing but supportive towards everyone here.

>> No.74619655

she is a nice person. that's about it really.

>> No.74619720

that's not how human attraction works it's not rational you can't do anything they just like her more

>> No.74619965

why do you want porn of scissors wtf

>> No.74620012


>> No.74620032

I want to lubricate scissors with my cum

>> No.74620101

Slushy is reacting to NEXAS debuts again

>> No.74620197

bummer, guess you gotta finish the nikola version

>> No.74620327
File: 365 KB, 733x539, 6MoreDays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here again to say I'll be debuting on Friday.. hope to see some of you there~

here's my pomf link where I'll be streaming

>> No.74620365

You sure about him?

>> No.74620366

i just need some really fucking good porn and then you won't feel as indifferent

>> No.74620404

I can't even post correctly..


>> No.74621511

I will kill all pedophiles

>> No.74621588

Why pomf?

>> No.74621630

what did they ever do to you

>> No.74621662

Thank fucking god there's one of you with some semblance of sense.
There's already a skeleton inside all of you you greedy fucks.

>> No.74621796

They annoy me and I hate this "child gf" thing on twitter, if you are one of them name yourself so I can block you

>> No.74621798

they're a detriment to the circle of life, killing them is arguably justifiable as they will never correct their harmful behavior.
I'm NTA but I completely understand the sentiment, even if it may be for different reasons than them.

>> No.74621804

They raped my child

>> No.74621896

I bet they deserved it

>> No.74621931

nice im actually on pomf right now

>> No.74622062
File: 4 KB, 500x500, INEDAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and bro stop being an asshole in chat, armor core is already a dead game fuck off

>> No.74622067


1) I plan on doing lots of lewd things and encouraging chat to do the same

2) I don't want to have to filter myself for twitch


nice, I'll see you there when I debut on Friday ;)

>> No.74622134

Rananta, you belong in the fujo cage

>> No.74622196

you really should help him grow as a person rather than encourage this hyperactive self-destructive path he's on.
It's harmless now but the moment it stops being harmless you're going to stab him in the back to grandstand and gain some "social credibility"

Call it crabbing if you want but you know I'm right.

>> No.74622263

I fell in love irl. We adore each other. But she doesn't know I'm a BFE vtuber... I'm about to tell her. I'll quit if she wants me to... Would you be upset if you find out you were dating someone that did (not sexually explicit) BFE/GFE vtubing as a mid 2-view? On the one hand I'm playing a character, but I'm also not...

>> No.74622336

pls make new thread

>> No.74622379

who dis? same person?

>> No.74622397

it was Pafu that made /wasp/ as a joke saying she’d post her tits

>> No.74622476

giving little brother a dirty magazine when we're alone... watching him blush and get an erection visible through his shorts ... asking him if he's ever had an orgasm before.... telling him I could show him what it feels like... uohhhhhh ToT

>> No.74622510

First no one here is part of your audience but if I was I would be upset for a few days and go back to normal as long as you don't keep making bfe while in a relationship

>> No.74622582

Yes, that's what the image says

>> No.74622659

give me vocaroos to bait the fujos

>> No.74622758

do they look like the same individual?

>> No.74622820

spaghettiexplosions what's your malfunction?
you pretend to be supportive of Ineda but only post clips to shit on him and try to force him into a corner as if he was some social piraya.
as if talking about sonic, or any fictional character for that matter, in a sexual matter is something to be worried about within the streaming and vtuber community
just fuck right off, Ineda is an upcoming star. from zero to hero and here you are crabbing him for absolutely no reason other than to judge
>is this the guy you want to endorse?
>You sure about him?
you can fuck right off and leave him alone
