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74519528 No.74519528 [Reply] [Original]

So, she’s back after a month. Thoughts?

>> No.74519663

>a thread died for this
literally fucking who?

>> No.74519737

Buy an ad, merchant scum

>> No.74519746

$10 donothon

>> No.74519775

a stream announcement does not deserve a thread

>> No.74519838

I unsubbed from her even though I just watched her for her fun zatsus and actually disliked the gfe stuff. I don't support traitors.

>> No.74519913

Time to farm 5 dollars and go back to her break

>> No.74520048

cowards, too scared to post in /jidf/?

>> No.74520063

I didn't even /k/now she wasn't streaming, I dropped her after the shit she pulled.

>> No.74520104


>> No.74520295

Same. I can’t stand that shit. I was a vid watcher and casual viewer and after I learned about the shit she pulled Ieft. I will still defend the ex boo bros from the shit they had to deal with though.

>> No.74520344
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>> No.74520365

calm your tits yuko, no one wants more threadshitting

>> No.74520752

Will she explain why she ghosted her fans again?

>> No.74521107

She’s been gone for a month I think it does.

>> No.74521402

Maybe she's trying to see if the Gura method of rare streams will work in her favor?

>> No.74521505

Yeah but gura has tons of merch that gets bought whether she streams or not. I don’t think idol merch is working out too well though lol.

>> No.74521633

Oy vey give me your 10 shekels

>> No.74521709

How long until she go back to being a piss whore?

>> No.74521951

It doesn't help that Idol's merch situation barely worked out until they partnered up with Brave. Its hard to tell what she wants outside of appealing to the groomers on her PL.

>> No.74522040

work ethic so poor she became a background character in her own career

>> No.74522342

Yeah who knows? She was getting so stressed out about streaming. I don’t know what she’s thinking. She’s never gonna make a living by not streaming. She will have to find another source of income unless she actually streams and tries to repair things

>> No.74522364
File: 57 KB, 564x564, t-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No schedule?

>> No.74522462

No looks like the the guerilla she said she was gonna do last week

>> No.74528031

A Matcha Latte please

>> No.74529218

I'm glad she can feel comfortable coming back to stream now the gross GFE scum are gone.

>> No.74529673

it Idol, I really cannot tell them apart, I onow Rin amd the prsotitute one, but the rest idk. Is she the one who peed in a cup for money?

>> No.74529952

She must have lost some shifts

>> No.74530159

why do these shitpost threads never have the talent name in the op? its like they are purposely made to be hard to find.

>> No.74530198
File: 1.20 MB, 792x1192, pomu_rainpuff_lighter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll watch her when she drinks her piss again.

>> No.74530214
File: 158 KB, 570x437, 1676315711915451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you blind motherfucker? her name is in the image.

>> No.74530247

>name is literally in OP pic related
you're a special kind of retarded aren't you?

>> No.74530261

type Yuko in the catalog search and see what come up

>> No.74530346


>> No.74530484

>Chillaslop for the big comeback

>> No.74531703

I got turned off by the gfe shit too. She had potential to be a sweet and surprisingly talented powerhouse of a streamer. She had all the goodwill of her audience and leaned just enough into the cunny piss bit to snare some coomers. I didn't think she'd make that her main content in members. I don't feel bad for boobros losing out on gfe as it is cancer on the industry. Hell i probably would have joined in on the mockery if i hadn't stopped giving fuck about her about a month prior

>> No.74532033

Just curious about you anti GFE bros. Why do you hate it so much? I was always pretty indifferent to it so I don't understand the pure hatred of it or its fans. I don't like a lot of content some chuubas do but I don't bug other people about it.

>> No.74532130

Nta but it’s so manipulative. Jerk off before watching any female vtuber.

>> No.74532339

Gura didn't reject parasocial fucks

>> No.74532436

jerking off doesn't fill the void

>> No.74533028

Most of the "GFE scum" left when she told them to fuck off. The rest did when she blamed them for stopping because "they didn't support her other content."

>> No.74533147

People ought to give her a superchat that is simply a Starbucks order, only that would require the difficult nonsensical decision of giving her money. Maybe just put Starbucks orders in the chat.

>> No.74534048

Can i get the rundown on Yuko again?

>> No.74534181

pulled a Finana

>> No.74534184

Is it true that she was accepted into Phase Connect as Panko but couldn't stand the team building exercises and waiting to debut?

>> No.74534267

yeah pretty much i never said anything about what content I prefer. I like all the shit she put out. It pissed me off when she put the blanket blame on all her fans,

>> No.74534509

Will she piss on stream again? If not, I won't be watching.

>> No.74534609

She got the ick from viewers who got too much into it.
She is never going back to that content.

>> No.74534738

Unfortunately in the vtuber world, or honestly the streaming world as a whole, if you piss once for the stream, you will always be "that piss streamer" and people will never let you live it down and always ask and complain for it. She underestimated how passionate some fetishists can be.

>> No.74534800

Fucking whaaaat?? She actually said that? This bitch! She had no qualms going into the degenerate coombrain gfe content, why the fuck did she go so hard into it if she didn't want that to be what her channel is known for? Such a damn woman moment ffs

>> No.74534976

She was Shiori but had to bail on it because she was too broke to wait a year and a half for all the homos to debut before Advent.

>> No.74535203

>he extracted from his ass

>> No.74535207

this, this is the way.
and the SC for the real value of the order

>> No.74535343

she l had emotes for it. she encouraged it kek. She really gaslit hard

>> No.74535617

she's cute but has mishandled her fanbase

>> No.74535905

Is Yuko finally back to doing asmr porn?

>> No.74536207

huh i just realized someone is gone from her usual simps. guess he gave up

>> No.74536476

she just copies gura at everything, even on her intermittent streaming

>> No.74537296

I'm not anti-gfe because it's funny when things go horribly wrong, but the anons who are deep into the "my internet gf I share with 200 other guys in her chat" should probably (unironically) walk around outside after a stream, let the air clear your head and come back to reality.

>> No.74538309

it's okay when it's for blue vtubers >>74532399

>> No.74538469

I enjoy it. I have a job, I'm healthy, I go outside, I've been in relationships, I've got an apartment and a brand-new car. It's just nice to have someone tell you that they care about you when you're having a bad day. It actually really helped me through some shit i had to deal with at work.

>> No.74538638

what do you mean? she was streaming to, playing games with and making twitter posts to the only fans she cares about (not boo bros)

>> No.74540207

She is, in fact, a ghost. She's just being faithful to her kayfabe.

>> No.74540575

Not even a Finana, Yuko was worst. Finana at least did her shit to defend Reimu and she was already a known whore, Yuko did it because of her groomers/boyfriend were getting mad at her. The only thing they share is that they are easy targets for discord groomers

>> No.74541348


>> No.74541437

Without checking I'm going to say JasonDreams because he was the only one left and he stopped sending money after the announcement.

>> No.74541677

Jason. I think he got fed-up. He's gone from the idol discord too. He really tried to hold out. Hopefully he can find another oshi.

>> No.74541795

Just checked, its true. Than the jidf rrat is false. Some Anon over there posted 1 or 2 weeks ago, that he still interacts with her PL on twitter

>> No.74541948
File: 71 KB, 375x441, 1000005985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unpopular opinion but I would have liked her alot better if she kept the tactical shooter kayfabe and brought it to idol. Cunny+edgy /k/ is alot more entertaining than the repetitive horni cunny

>> No.74541996

Hes still there, but with a different name. The profile pic and description are different though

>> No.74542506

Is he back in the discord? Last time I checked his name started with an A and he wasn’t in the list anymore. His name also turned white on previous messages.

>> No.74542557

She's so fucking cute!

>> No.74542689

Yeah, i mean the Name with a and a drawn cat. For me it shows that we still have one shared discord Server, but on the other hand I didnt check the side list

>> No.74542699

In previous threads, people tried to claim that exboobros moved on, yet here they are watching the stream, looking for names in chat.

>> No.74542707

I don’t think she cares about that stuff very much anymore. She kept that she wanted to rebrand on her PL. she seems to want to emulate gura these days.

>> No.74542753

he only stopped when the recent idol alert thing happened and yukos schedule was listed as TBA and "Yuko will be doing guerillas until... uhhhhh...yeah"
which is when he left the discord. but apparently he came back the instant she came back. classic cuck behavior.

>> No.74542884

fucking lmao, he is so pathetic is amazing

>> No.74542902

What are some good starbucks drinks

>> No.74543020

95% of them have. In fact if you try to bring her up with them they’ll probably get pissed. I am the 5%. I was never hardcore into her but there’s nothing I hate more than two faced cunts. I’ve known a few in my life and they make life miserable for everyone.

>> No.74543072

>caring about what random paypigs do
>calling people pathetic
How do you fail to see the irony in this

>> No.74543073

When Kai said the thing with the guerillas I felt physical pain. But I hope hes back, If he sticks around its more likely yuko Sticks around aswell

>> No.74543132

None of them that I've interacted with have

>> No.74543220

I think my favorite part was how he posted some screenshot of her three tweets where she said she'd post a schedule tomorrow, disappeared for a week and just said 'sup gamers', and then claimed guerilla streams last week and never did any and said something like '"funny isnt it?"
Then left. The rejoined the discord just to delete that message, and left again. You know, just in case he felt like coming back like he did today. Did that shit before with tweets and shit too, criticizing her and then going back to sucking on her teats.

>> No.74543278

>>a thread died for this
You say this like there's "quality" splits to begin with

>> No.74543424

Well yeah they aren’t /here/ anymore because they use discord so much. so you’re only gonna see the ones who haven’t moved on

>> No.74543644

But honestly, he was a nice chatter. Not like kurt

>> No.74543642

yea he made a bunch of tweets seething about what she did and like a day later deleted them all and cried that people cared about him and were reaching out to him if he needed to talk
like imagine being that much of a fag that you get mad that people care about you.

>> No.74543766

>Well yeah they aren’t /here/ anymore because they use discord so much.
That's who I'm talking about, they absolutely have not moved on.

>> No.74544320

It always baffling to me how a guy can presumably work hard, get high enough status and wealth to be able to become a paypig, then actually become a paypig for an individual who has literally zero loyalty whatsoever to them.

Or is it that most paypigs are just rich kids spending daddy’s money?

>> No.74544567

How do you know? Are you asking them or something? There’s no way you tell if they’re posting here. I’ve been called about every name in the discord and it’s never been correct.

>> No.74544642

actually... her lore is that she's a ghostbuster. the wisp mascot that's the Boo Bro mascot is the ghost

>> No.74545934

>anon laughs at a cuck
>somehow this puts him on the same level as someone who dedicates himself to a GFE grifter
Is there something you want to tell us?

>> No.74547716

so did she explain why she ghosted or what

>> No.74548759

No she was just sick for a month LMFAO
