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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 124 KB, 322x309, default_mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74502457 No.74502457 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you all so hard on her all the time? Does she really deserve all the hate you give her?

>> No.74502623

The hate is undeserved, but understandable. Sisters lost their doxsite, so they're trying to put on a brave face as their rolling shit-show collapses upon itself.

>> No.74502770

Kind of for being a drunk, a homobeggar and an anti-idol, but i think she fixed being an alcoholic, lowered the number of homo collabs and changed her view on idols.
Most of the people that are mad at her right now are twitter freaks and nijisisters.

>> No.74502788

I cant hate default_mori.png!! Please post a different image so we can have a proper argument!

>> No.74502787

What is the problem/drama?

>> No.74502852

these threads don't even make sense in 2024 everybody begrudgingly or not is fine with mori existing

>> No.74502911

No, never did.

>> No.74502936

lmao sisters still trying to convince people mori isn't the most hated holo, she will never be accepted

>> No.74503007

So true, sis!

>> No.74504775

she's so feminized now

>> No.74504920 [DELETED] 

>traumatized Gura

>> No.74505381
File: 447 KB, 750x742, 1696341706871543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74505540

>Does she really deserve all the hate you give her?
yes, now kys cuckbeat

>> No.74505651

she was really mean to her supposed "best friend" in middle school.

>> No.74505832

>Does she really deserve all the hate you give her?
Yes. Simple as.

>> No.74505896

default_mori.png, my oshi...

>> No.74505897 [DELETED] 

Exactly, Cuckbeats eternally seething at being denied a seat at the proverbial cool kids' table.

>> No.74506937

I used to hate her but now she's my most watched. She's really feminized now.

>> No.74506947

Moar info?

>> No.74506991

Why are you spamming this image as if it's a bad thing? It's endearing.

>> No.74507213

it's from the diary stream
she didn't do anything really, it's just hilarious awkward middle-school mean-girl stuff.
She would flip between calling the girl her best friend, and then say something like "she's one of those bitches who flirts with boys, what a bitch"

>> No.74508955
File: 15 KB, 208x176, dadde60610da6d3012abcd44f995509b0c42f640_s2_n2_y1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74509640

Your father was a horsemongler and your mother smelt of Vshojoberries! Now be gone brappy person before I mock you a second time!

>> No.74509671

It unironically motivates her.

>> No.74509876

Yeah standard teenage girl shit really. Find me a single girl who wasn't a bitch to one of her friends at some point during school. Teenage boys aren't really any better either, they are just more direct.

>> No.74509931

What's her excuse for being a bitch to kiara while being a fully grown woman?

>> No.74510097

I hate her because she's ugly.

>> No.74510125

Ah, you see, her "friends" told her RP was cringe and gay and Kiara was cringe and gay. Mori was but a pawn of those evil manipulators and cannot be held responcible for her actions. Yes.

>> No.74510296

No!! This is just default_mori.png close up!! Its will not work!

>> No.74510322

Oh I see! Just like she told Kronii to collab with the homos and turn on her fans right? So Kronii can't be held accountable for her destroyed career either

>> No.74510665
File: 19 KB, 386x220, really_close__default_mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74511388

You mean when they decided to do a tsundere act but Mori doesn't know how to pull it off?

>> No.74511705


>> No.74511976

Mori good

>> No.74512124

She deserves even more hate

>> No.74512342

Because she's a shitter who applied as a joke and would rather be brapping.
Because she talks to everyone like they're kindergarteners, when she isn't sounding stoned/exhausted.
Because she insists on sucking up to her expat clique no matter how much they impugn her and her colleagues and generally poison her with their faggotry.
Yes. Yes it is.
Fags tried to tell me she improved, but she hasn't.

>> No.74512398

I'm hard because of her all the time

>> No.74512696

they're mostly memes, only few of her antis here are genuine

>> No.74512808

The hell?? Are you the one who posted Mori appreciation thread on r/Hololive?

>> No.74512883

She just finished streaming in the VCR server for a week straight, which I think is worse than just collabing with holostars

>> No.74515545

most people who have to interact with kiara on a daily basis will be a bitch to her if they’re short-tempered

>> No.74515651

How the fuck did this board reach a point where reddit niggers feel comfortable enough to announce they’re reddit niggers because nobody bullies them?

>> No.74515866

In case you haven't noticed, some schizo has been making three of these every day for like, a month, sometimes in parallel. It's fascinating. I think the idea is that by having the OP be slightly positive he can count on a few response shitting on mori since anons are always contrarians. Or at least it gives him a good excuse to samefag those responses, they tend to be pretty samey. I hope he can find the help he needs one day.

>> No.74516291

You retards can’t blame nijisanji for everything

>> No.74518453

You are a big part of the reason as to why she gets so much hate. She'll always think male collabs should be normal and ecelebs are based, she'll never be fully "reformed"

>> No.74519643

People are mentally ill.
People have issues and blame others for it
People project their failures and insecurities unto others.
We can just call it schizos for short.
I just read one twitter account that wished she was an actual pedophile because that way they could feel their misbegotten hate was justified.
Their wish relying on that it would imply that a child could or would be abused was completely irrelevant and didn't occur to them.
"I hate them so much I hope they made the world a worse place so I can justifiably hate them instead of relying on self made delusions"

>> No.74522195

>People are mentally ill.
All people or just some?

>> No.74523104

All, at differing degrees, me included.

>> No.74523339

Just don't like wiggers, simple as.

>> No.74523419

But she's not.

>> No.74523627

You are naive. Likely a coping cuckbeat.
She simply fell in line. Her beliefs never changed. If she could have her way, she would.

>> No.74523796

She's not a wigger, again you people make up shit about her because you find minor things you take issue with.
Literally mountains out a single molehill.
All she did was rap, that was all she did and you dumb racists though she was "trying to be black" because your dumbass thinks only black people rap.
She doesn't think she's black, she doesn't pretend to be 'black', she doesn't try to emulate being 'black'. She never did.
She was always just her nerdy self, she was more insecure at first but she was just herself.
How do you people not see that the problem isn't her but yourselves? All the issues you have are not attributes of hers but delusions to perscribe to her.

>> No.74523950

I don't like it when she starts doing the weird soft voice/baby talk stuff, but otherwise I'm fine with her.

>> No.74524422

after her diary stream, no i don't hate her anymore
she's my favorite femcel

>> No.74524474

>Why are you all so hard on her all the time?
Because she deserves it.
>Does she really deserve all the hate you give her?

>> No.74528772

We're hard on her because he care about her.

>> No.74530800

Mori has almost said "nigga" casually multiple times on stream lol
Top 2 results off a quick search:

She's a fucking wigger, nigga. How do you people not see that the problem IS her?
You know why she talks to chat like they're retarded children? It's because she's filtering herself so she doesn't get too comfortable and say "nigga."

>> No.74531278


>> No.74531377

>he actually reads xitter

>> No.74531439 [DELETED] 


>> No.74532365

Mori is based????

>> No.74532514
File: 997 KB, 1920x1080, mori based bbc enjoyer[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fr0v8n6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the basedest

>> No.74532516

No. She is not. Based would be hard R, pussy is soft A.

>> No.74536493

She only hard r's in bed with me

>> No.74536566


>> No.74537162

>She's a fucking wigger, nigga.
>t. white guy

>> No.74538690
File: 129 KB, 951x728, horse 07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, me.

>> No.74540195

I get a hard on when she shows me her titties.

>> No.74547558


>> No.74549158 [DELETED] 

>t. white guy

Deflection is the only thing you cuckbeats are capable of.

>> No.74550372

People literally only hate on her because her RM appearance is well known and not conventionally attractive. God forbid any of those fucks look in a mirror

>> No.74553079

>not attractive
says you

>> No.74553328

You somehow missed a very important word between the two that you quoted.

>> No.74555072 [DELETED] 

I am spamming it for the tourists calling her feminized.

>> No.74555163

I don't have any strong feelings about the pink woman, I just regurgitate what the other retards say because it's funny

>> No.74555247 [DELETED] 


>> No.74559748

s/pink woman/vtubers and congrats you just described the entirety of /vt/

>> No.74561460

Riiiiiight... Nothing to do with her or her RM's actions. Just her appearence lol faggot

>> No.74561737

I don't hate her by any means, but do hate her twitch friends, so muted her.
Hate is stronger than love.

>> No.74562383

Ok but seriously, what the fuck was her problem with Kiara? I’m glad that Kiara grew some balls and realized she was a bitch because if I recall, when she left Japan, Kiara felt 1000% better about herself, and Calli always spoke about her actions as regret. What the fuck was going through her mind to be a complete bitch to her. Does anyone remember that time on stream when Calli scolded Kiara and told her to shut the fuck up on stream during their first MC collab? When I saw that, I cringed so hard and felt so bad for her that I knew I couldn’t really get myself to like Calli.

>> No.74562658

Correct. Ugly men bully women they view as unattractive to alleviate their own self loathing. Tale as old as time.

>> No.74563577

Speaking from your own experience I see.

>> No.74563723

I've always been fine with her existing since day 1, but I will never forgive her for putting Gura in that situation at the air bnb

>> No.74563737

Her problem was that she's an insecure cunt. People she thought were cool said kayfabe was cringe and she was afraid they'd make fun of her so she took it out on Kiara. Wonderful person, huh?

>> No.74564055

>no u in the year of our lord 2024

>> No.74564690

Yes. If you're too stupid to see sarcasm then you deserve no u's.

>> No.74564796 [DELETED] 

cuz her alt is a typical twitch con girl?

>> No.74566097

All right, I'll say it.
She says proink way too much.

>> No.74566519

Is anyone really, anymore? Mori hate seems like really old news at this point. Fauna hate was the last I saw, but I don't go to /hlgg/ as much as I used to

>> No.74566612

>Why are you all so hard on her all the time?
On the contrary, people are actually extremely forgiving of her. She is like the Kobo of EN in that regard.

>> No.74566692

So they are both cunts who deserve each other, got it.

>> No.74566771

Fuck off, Eggbeat. You and your entire kind deserve the rope.

>> No.74566819

The way you freaks invent new terms is cute.

>> No.74566934

Try to deny it all you want, but I see you. I know what you are.

>> No.74566984

She doesn't. Deadbeats do, however.

>> No.74567000

>Why are you all so hard on her
her tits make me hard

>> No.74567138

>She is like the Kobo of EN in that regard.
Worse than Kobo since noboddy respects Kobo in ID, they treat her like a child, while Mori loves the daisenpai respect she gets and then influnces others to follow her lead.

>> No.74567615

Mopi cute

>> No.74567726

Congratulations on your bottom surgery. Shame you didn't spend that money on your eyes though.

>> No.74569859

She clogged my toilet.

>> No.74570413
File: 3 KB, 242x80, Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 04-44-03 _vt_ - Why are you all so hard on her all the time Does - Virtual YouTubers - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have (You) been in a coma for the last three years or something?

>> No.74571347

Posts tits
Yes, unidollike trash like her should have been filtered simple as

>> No.74575050

yes, it helps her grow
we're just tsunderes

>> No.74575775
File: 271 KB, 1358x2088, e51c889cc7f43588859f282c685f36d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a typo, it should read "why are you so hard for her all the time"

>> No.74575946


>> No.74576616

I watched her comedy special. Pretending to be Death is really holding her back.

>> No.74576706

I know she has actual chops so it frustrates me when she drops shit like Internet Brain Rot

>> No.74579973

holy projection

>> No.74580058

She represents the American music scene and modern American popular trends. We hate those. I would trade her (and Kiara and Ame) for Hololive Korea.

>> No.74580335

she is a white woman who raps that is reason alone for "people" here to hate her

>> No.74581393

it's crazy that i used to hate her but now she's my most watched

>> No.74581610

>hating a spewer of niggernoise
