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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74491668 No.74491668 [Reply] [Original]

You just need to shut the fuck up after you massively fuck up and everyone will stop hunting you when you come back and pretend nothing happened. No apologies needed either
She didn't have much to begin with

>> No.74492423

No shit. NijiEN's PR team must be full of diversity hires if they couldn't figure this out from the get go.

>> No.74493036

>She didn't have much to begin with
And even so she lost most of them. Her career is ruined, her reputation in shambles and no one outside niji wants to do anything with her.

But, hey, I guess she can keep streaming JRPGs to the few remaining fans she has if she keeps heavily moderating the chat, so good for her?

>> No.74494055
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Nothing is over, she keeps bleeding subs and her growth perspectives are non-existent. Picrel is going to be an achievement lost for good and a permanent reminder of her fuckup. If she cares at all about her future she needs to address the black stream issue.

>> No.74494179
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No shit. That's all you had to do from the start, moron. That shithole NijiEN might have even recovered eventually if they didn't put out that god awful smear video to ruin Neopets.

Or they could've just shut the fuck up and terminated her quietly like she wanted.

>> No.74494192

The numbers aspect is the lesson that she shouldn’t have spoken up in the first place.

>> No.74494269
File: 551 KB, 1072x338, shame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74494398

That is only true up to a certain point anon.
If you burned all your bridges before deciding to shut up then those bridges will remain burned upon your return whether you choose to address the situation or not.
Elira finds herself in that precise situation.

>> No.74494532

>elira is so boring that even dramafags don't give a fuck about her
Remember this when people tell you they love their 'comfy' tuber.

>> No.74494581

Elira should have sex to cope with all the stress

>> No.74495316

>The purple dragon stole the fairy princess from her evil sister and ran
>They now live happy and free while the evil sister rots in her empty cave

>> No.74497808


>> No.74498673

Comfy always just meant “I want to fuck the model but she has nothing else to compliment her on”
I have no idea what level of retardation you need to have to be halo effect-ed by a fucking anime avatar but nothing surprises me about men on the internet anymore

>> No.74500083

You expect a bunch of terrified of being black marked high-school kids to know that?

>> No.74500260

Elira didn't have titty go boingboing till her last costume. When she learned that being lewd gets you horny subs. Thanks to selen and scarle
