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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74429756 No.74429756 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback? (embed)
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION (May 12): https://firststage-pro.com/en/audition/
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>74403461

>> No.74430277

Why the fuck did I think Dropsy was a good pick?

- only has 1k followers on Twitch
- grating audio and visuals
- obtuse gameplay
- not horror enough for the horror audience, but still generally off putting for a normal audience
- constantly had to refer to guides
- the ending glitched out and I had to literally resort to using a YouTube video to show the last 2 mins of the game

>> No.74430383

Viewers who want shiny new assets like overlays and model upgrades yet have never donated a single cent astonish me

>> No.74430490

Just find a game you like and record the background from it
All of my overlays are from Battlefield 1

>> No.74431143

How did cheen get so good at drawing

>> No.74431186

Just play what you want, niga.
I wouldn't try to metagame it at the expense of enjoyment

>> No.74431351

This is me but I actually love doing this lmao uu

>> No.74431561


It didn’t end up being fun for me either. I am now second guessing a lot of the choices I’ve made regarding games to stream, because I’m worried they’re either going to be boring to watch or hard to yap during. Fuck.


How is this you?

>> No.74431645


>> No.74432066
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Ave fatfuck!

>> No.74432680

I never really understood the need for overlays
It makes sense if the game doesn't fit the whole screen but apart from that, why bother? Is it for the sense of professionalism that viewers are now accustomed to? Is it to set the mood and have some sort of kayfabe? Or is it vanity and the streamer themselves want to show off the flashy set up?

>> No.74432820


It looks better and makes the stream more readable.

>> No.74432855

For me it's just so that the chat is a bit more visible on screen.

>> No.74432956

So the model doesn't cover up the game too much

>> No.74433037

Mama you complaining about playing a shitty game sounds like someone complaining about Subway. "You made the fucking sandwich, why are you saying it's bad?"

Don't blindly play games for the first time on stream. Test them before hand OFF STREAM! Or at the bare minimum, watch some gameplay of it first.
And dont be stupid thinking that the amount of followers a game has on Twitch counts for anything worth playing or even watching, because if that were true EVERYONE HERE WOULD BE PLAYING GACHA SLOP LIKE GENSHIN AND HONKAI! And obviously that's not the case.
If one of your complaints was grating audio and visuals, how did you even find this game and why did you pick it? You couldn't have just blindly pick the first random thing off of steam and thought it was good right?
And with one quick glance on the store page, one of the tags is point and click. Those type of games almost always need a guide unless you already know what you're doing.
Please do your due diligence and at least watch some gameplay of any game you're interested in BEFORE BUYING!
Love ya Mama

>> No.74434039

I watched a YouTube scene several times because I couldn't be bothered to get the good ending lol. Some of the games I play are kinda wack (Saturnalia) and my audio settings are still ass. Im Prolly gonna take another crack at it this weekend.

Don't need guides tho because I don't have skill issue and don't have followers because I don't shill myself hard enough

>> No.74434101

Oh yeah I misread the post and I think I should add that I'm retarded.

>> No.74434138

Finally posted a schedule, feel like a big boy fr fr

>> No.74434376
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Give me a few copypastas to read. I may choose one or more that appeal to me. I won't say who I am. You will have to guess that for yourself.

>> No.74434429

the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, my dick is throbbing, what a beautiful day for cooming.

good morning alix lynx! been awake for 20 whole seconds and i havent COOMED yet. its time to hop onto my porn throne and machine gun jack hammer my death grip blood shot semi chub with my roided doomfist once again.

furiously typing on keyboard

gasp is-is that a...a female girl?


i must sniff.









cough cough oh fuck houughh hooh fuck oh jesus oh shitohfuck...fuck...oh fuck...o h h h...

There you are...my slippery white gift to the world...my son..my son! ooh fuckk.......

Well, time to get some breakfast. actually a little coom first won't hurt!

>> No.74434585

This is K'Sante, a champion with 4,700 HP, 329 Armor, and 201 MR, has Unstoppable, a Shield, and goes over walls. Has Airborne, and the cooldown is only 1 second too. It costs 15 Mana. The W CD is even refreshed when he transforms. He has true damage on his passive. Then, when he stacks Armor and MR, he gets Ability Haste too, Ability Haste to his Q, and his spell casting speeds up. Then, he has an AD ratio, so his W…AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.74434607

NTA but I'm bored and want my neighbors to hate me so I'm gonna do this one. I'll record once, not even listen to how it turned out then dip from this thread and graduate if anyone clocks me.

>> No.74434743 [DELETED] 


>> No.74435084

I am so sleepy

>> No.74435171

your voice is kinda quiet and your mic noise is loud

>> No.74435227
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>I am now second guessing a lot of the choices I’ve made regarding games to stream
Inscryption has been alright so far, save for a bit of ass kicking
Though I hope you aren't surfing the horror tag simply because you're a ghost, you can cut back on the theme a bit save it for the "Ghost haunts one corner of your room and watches you spank asmr

>> No.74435291

someone said my voice was cute yesterday but I don't get it...

>> No.74435395
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we need more girls in glasses

>> No.74435919


No, I had the horror tag on for Dropsy because there’s some fucked up shit in it. It’s like less than 5% of the game but it was still stuff I thought needed the tag.

>> No.74436313

going live with more DS2 in 30 minutes!

>> No.74437027

I miss Andy...

>> No.74437214

I’m bored give me ur stream to watch and I’ll rate you. I have a lot of experiencing watching vtubers you see. I know a quality chuuba when I see one.
Can’t guarantee I’ll watch more than 2-3 minutes if you can’t hold my attention though

>> No.74437237

*shartblasts all over you*

>> No.74437288

Nice stream

>> No.74437370

Let her stay dead in peace

>> No.74437546

https://www.twitch.tv/ricecakevs - Voices of the Void
https://www.twitch.tv/scege - dragon's dogma 2
https://www.twitch.tv/berylberu - roblox

She isn't dead. She's still in the process of moving, it seems.

>> No.74437562

i hate getting a gifted sub to a vtuber i don't watch
now i have some retards stupid anime face cluttering up my emote box

>> No.74437772

You can turn that off in Twitch's settings.
Settings -> Security & Privacy -> Block Receiving Gifts on Channels You don't Follow

>> No.74437825
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>> No.74438060

How do I block throne messages on twitter? People keep getting stupid shit and I have not gotten a single dime. It fucks with my brain!

>> No.74438085

Good boy. You're so big and strong.

>> No.74439095


>> No.74439295
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Real question, what's his audience?

>> No.74439361


>> No.74439420

>none of them have the sex glasses
Women have no taste

>> No.74439457


>> No.74439507

If you have to ask this then you are ngmi and should stop trying to stream as you will never stop being a 1 view

>> No.74439627


>> No.74439789

I am baffled, why the fuck do I have Vartists consistently liking my stuff on twitter? They dont follow me, I dont use tags, I never interacted with them before, and there is no mention of art or any assset required. Also add that they are all humans, i would get ut if they were the scammer vartists one, spamming likes, or something similar. But they randomly once or twice a week drop a like?? The fuck they meant with that????

>> No.74439811
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 1305420114056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 fuzzy slipper, barefoot
>1 sandal and sock
i hate vtuber designs so much. can you imagine walking around like that?

>random bandaid
hate these almost as much as random asymmetry

>random belt on a bare leg
only times I've ever seen this was when my friend was shooting heroin

also the pillow he's holding looks more like a half filled trash bag. Would not sleep on that mess/10

that said, he obviously must be doing something right if so many people like him. I follow him on twitter and he seems cool. don't be a hater

>> No.74439924


>> No.74439943

I do heroin every day before during and after streaming, I get the belts!

>> No.74439947

damn look at this autistic videogames yapper go

>> No.74439984

so that's how beryl stays so slim

>> No.74439990

>reposts only female
Yep, I knew you were retarded like that. Wont bother appearing in your chat again!

>> No.74440039

name and shame

>> No.74440046

Just thank god he doesn't have that generic asymmetrical braid that fucking every single vtuber to ever exist needs for some reason

>> No.74440137

yeah actually I do kind of like the upper half of the model's design, this was my first time seeing the whole thing. Not trying to crab, but design choices like the ones I pointed out just boggle the mind.

>> No.74440280

my biggest debuff is having a shitty model but i only plan on vtubing for 3 years (currently I’ve been vtubing for about 8 months) is it worth spending more money to get a nice model people want to look at, even though I already know I’ll be ending my streaming eventually?

I guess my worry is just spending 1-2k for a new model and then it taking a few months, leaving me only a year and a half of use.

>> No.74440358

even 1 year is a lot of time as long as you're a consistent streamer, I'd say why not as long as you can afford it

>> No.74440679

Then go with fast delivery artist, a big part of them might take their time, but you can also choose (by asking here, or trying to see for yourself with patience and proper information gathering) one of the artist that delivers ASAP.
>inb4 but the one I like takes a bajillion seconds to deliver
Well, make your bed then lay on it. Nobody forces you to go only with X artist or rigger but you.

>> No.74440721
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> Posts Schedule

> Our system thinks your post is spam

> ngmi

>> No.74440760

Thank you for the advice !

>> No.74440972

Alright, choose between an elephant and a horse

>> No.74441003

Horse :3c

>> No.74441027
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Why can't you males be like him and stop shitting up threads?

>> No.74441111
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>> No.74441147

Because I am not a fag, bro.

>> No.74441162

Yet you are here with us faggots

>> No.74441224

There are also women here, what is you point?

>> No.74441305

I wasn't talking about women.

>> No.74441357

But I am, are you retarded? There are some gay, there are some fags, there are some racists, there are some women. Yet im none of those you bastard

>> No.74441395
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someone please talk to eraxs

>> No.74441441
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Tsk tsk tsk

>> No.74441468

fuck that nigga honestly

>> No.74441494

Go do it yourself you fucker i am having some tea right now

>> No.74441512

i hope he realizes nobody actually likes being around him sooner or later

>> No.74441574

Exactly, but sometimes I have stuff to do. sorry bro

>> No.74441702

>can you imagine walking around like that?
good thing it's just a drawing and no one does

>> No.74441751

Its the literal representation of his self.

>> No.74441841

>anon cannot separate fiction from reality

>> No.74442169

What did he do?

>> No.74442208 [DELETED] 

I heard you a pedophile nigga, i heard you like young boys and girls nigga

>> No.74442415

me when i look at real boys
>ew yucky gross
me when i look at 30 year old men masquerading as boys
>i NEED to violate him

>> No.74442503

Why are you pretending to be black online?

>> No.74442525

pineapple coded post

>> No.74442568
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all is well now

>> No.74442603

harg is the only person who cares about eraxs

>> No.74442683

Reminder I'm not an onahole

>> No.74442721

Until I find you, that is :3c

>> No.74442813 [DELETED] 

nigga you don't know the one drop rule I gots 1% nigga in me it makes me full blooded nigga

>> No.74443538


>> No.74443562

might i recommend a trip to Canada for a spot of euthanasia

>> No.74443583

I love you, please keep working on it.

>> No.74443632


>> No.74443703

I love you too, I'll keep trying

>> No.74443725


>> No.74443727

Name them, Sis!

Name them too!!

>> No.74443896

we wuz kangs n shit

>> No.74444036

Don't make the post you're thinking about making or I'm going to be very disappointed. You're better than this.

>> No.74444087

I won’t. I haven’t thought about old men in a few days now, I think I’m cured. (I’m not.)

>> No.74444134

There will always be hits and misses, so don't think too hard about it.

Unrelated, but I enjoy the random licks and rubs you do with the mic. They feel way better than when I watch ASMR videos, which is interesting. I think it's because the videos overstimulate while the random rubs are just the right amount to cause tingles, so please do keep doing that.

>> No.74444140

i'm weak i'm weak i'm weak i'm weak i'm weak i'm weak uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.74444262

He lies in wait like a starved wolf, hoping, praying that a naive girl will jump into vc with him so he can try to sexpest her and she'll be stupid enough to ignore the many red flags he gives off

>> No.74444278

Maybe, but I am not. You're going to make it.

>> No.74444359

Make the post!!

>> No.74444553

i made good progress on my character sheet today! good night guys (ꈍᴗꈍ)

>> No.74444566

otsu anon, good job. sleep well.

>> No.74444733

Why do people have such attraction towards me, can't a guy sit in vc and edit in peace?

>> No.74444732

Pretty pleased with my answers for the First Stage Production audition form. Gonna try making a video later.

>> No.74444752

Hell nah, Sukadrii just shared art of that wvt psychopath mumkeydee
I'm going to need some scissors the way I'm cutting contact with him

>> No.74444896

Don't bite.

>> No.74444921

Almost did, thank you Sanityanon

>> No.74444982

Post the link to the groomer cord again so I can be lewd to him in vc

>> No.74445058

What is wrong with Mumkey?

>> No.74445074
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No problem, kid. That's what I'm here for

>> No.74445104
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>> No.74445213

renata why are you like this

>> No.74445237
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>> No.74445318

this board has always made mountains out of molehills. best not to give them any attention.

there is nothing wrong with hanging in a VC in case anyone wants to hop in and chat a bit.

>> No.74445341

It's his entire personality as a groomer

>> No.74445350

Too accurate going to edit this with my face once I get some coffee

>> No.74445380

me but with him

>> No.74445399
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>> No.74445567

Two faced bitch, as well as very close to Abigail who is the main schizo here

>> No.74445600
File: 165 KB, 600x400, ProfessorAlbench.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professor Albench is back in the building. Going live in about 15 minutes at twitch.tv/alpinalbench with a half educational, half funny stream about exercise form/failure and correcting it.

>> No.74445616
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At least he's better than 90% of the trash here

>> No.74445723

Every time I think about poor form my brain suddenly fills with all of those horrible "stupid asshole locks his knees and breaks both legs" clips and I hate it.

>> No.74445733

Mumkey's a cute retro hag. She did some cute and cheap art commissions for a while before her re-debut.

>> No.74445762

If I haven't gotten him to quit yet, I can at least take heart in knowing I've caused a lot of people here to hate him too or filter his name. All in a days work really.

>> No.74445773
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Oof hope it doesn't decline further. It's still early, you can get away from the circlejerk. Worked for Beryl

>> No.74445774

does she still do comms? i really like the chibis she did for Mawg.

>> No.74445783

you can just dm him if you're so eager

>> No.74445809

Why do you hate him?

>> No.74445833

Playing metroid fusion and it fills me with rage

>> No.74445851

If anyone actually hates him just because of your schizoing those people are not worth caring about because they are dumb af

>> No.74445867

Insufferable shitter who astroturfed for several months.

>> No.74445890

First stream? I'll be monitoring your numbers

>> No.74445948

Name and shame or go shit yourself somewhere else

>> No.74445950

Does anyone here even watch this schizo autist?

>> No.74445992

You clearly never got initiated into the cult

>> No.74445995
File: 69 KB, 640x580, scho2t6txlu81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need artists to comm with a style close to Yuji Uekawa

>> No.74446012

>Abigail streaming for several years now and still didn't pop off
Yeah lol, doing really "great"
Also hi Abi

>> No.74446027

you must be a newfag that description fits over 90% of the faggots here

>> No.74446038


>> No.74446063

There are /asp/ies who's been streaming more than him and still below 20ccv. In fact, majority of males are

>> No.74446096

What cult? theres a cult?

>> No.74446130

Keitaro is the worst of the worst.

>> No.74446150

someone tell him he's muted

>> No.74446247
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Their stuff is scuff at first but theyre improving over time. Really curious to see where it's going

>> No.74446372

>grr he was posted a bunch in the thread and that makes me angry!
>I'm going to get him to quit by posting about him a bunch in the thread. That'll show him!
the mental ward isn't sending its best these days

>> No.74446451

Haven't seen her do that in a while, maybe try DMing her?

>> No.74446514

I'm going live right now. Please take care of me.

>> No.74446580

>no link
ngmi just give up

>> No.74446581

Link or I'm not watching anyone in case it might be you

>> No.74446968

You're literally retarded if you can't tell the difference.

>> No.74447013

Their discord, you can their youtube for it

>> No.74447019



>> No.74447044



>> No.74447127

I'm not the one rage spamming a thread with 30 users because some guy got a raid that one time.

>> No.74447184
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>> No.74447271
File: 2 KB, 114x248, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm winning.

>> No.74447366

People in this sphere that care about their reputation wouldn't want their name tarnished by associating with him so it's not exactly surprising.

>> No.74447406
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>I'm winning

>> No.74447594


>> No.74447660

Are there any males doing better than him?

>> No.74447714
File: 1.36 MB, 3000x1687, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74447890

shut the fuck up numberfags

>> No.74447926

ermm maybe watch the stream if the view counts sad :^)

>> No.74447973

(YOU)! What are (You) getting into today, huh? Gonna stream? Planning to stream? Waging? Getting some assets together? Psyching up to stream for the very first time? Working up the nerve to reach out to someone? C'mon, share, I wanna hear about it!

>> No.74447993

wip cute

>> No.74448010

WIP is male

>> No.74448036

so i cant make it as a newcomer female? wtf?? thxs for the encouragement, assh*le.

>> No.74448053

My favorite gacha just got a major update and I get to play a real smt game today... life good

>> No.74448158

Gonna try to stream later, as long as fifty aspies aren't streaming at the same time, I always get distracted wanting to watch them all.

>> No.74448261

That's what I look like seeing those numbers.

>> No.74448421

>favorite gacha
which one?
If you're streaming from 7 pm EDT it's gonna be prime Red Ocean Overlap Hours. Your only options are to stream a bit earlier in the day if you can manage it or knuckle down and cast yourself into those bloody waters. Either way, be sure to toss your link here. You might luck out and some /asp/ie's might bring a raid or two your way!

>> No.74448449

I wanna suck on Alpin's nipples

>> No.74448489

Honkai impact 3rd (not to be confused for honkai star rail)

>> No.74448490

Will stream after taking a bath, It Will Happen Today!!!!!! And I Will Try To Last MORE THAN 2 HOURS!!!!!! LFG

>> No.74448586

Para was here at any point, or aspies just orbited her enough to now make her seem like an adjacent? She isint even in the discord if im not wrong

>> No.74448589
File: 137 KB, 1600x1131, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idgaf about numbers
If I have two cool people chatting with me while I stream, I'm winning

>> No.74448632


>> No.74448636

I only need the voices in my head to keep having arguments, I win.

>> No.74448650

As a future lolcow, maybe.

>> No.74448672

Crane stfu you didnt even drop the link nor you got in you fucker

>> No.74448678

I had a design kinda made about my character, I had still to make it into a model but then I decided to start streaming and found out I don't like streaming the theme of games I was planning to do and based my design off so I am now stuck with the problem being me

I have ended up only streaming games directly the opposite of what my original design was so now I am kinda stuck not knowing what to do

>> No.74448780

Wait, you have still gold in your hands you fool. Think about the gap moe, the so desired gap moe of a sailor girl playing darkest dungeon is incalculable, the opposing poles create the most attracting fields, ITS BASIC PHYSICS.

>> No.74448815

Just adapt and adjust anon, it's okay to do that. This is a hobby, enjoy it however you want.

>> No.74448821

Denpa found her and orbited her and basically made her get associated here.

>> No.74448857

Literally the only thing I have ended up playing right now is pokemon
I will end up looking like I just escaped from Palworld, I am the direct opposite of "chill child-friendly monster catcher"
Is that this moe gap thing you mention?

>> No.74448872

nuh uh

>> No.74448887

This, skab playing cooking mama, hello kitty world, and slime rancher ToT

>> No.74448993

But palworld has more than 50% of the designs directly stolen from pokemon/AI mashed to make them look somawhat different? I think its not the biggest gap moe possible. Still, even if you are a guro chuuba, it will have somewhat of a gap moe effect.

>> No.74449014
File: 16 KB, 112x112, EmotesJam3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.74449042

It doesn't take a genius to figure that out after taking a look at your twitter. You're an aspiring landmine with warning signs all around you. Hopefully people can read.

>> No.74449101

No, sorry I was mentioning Palworld in reference on "pokemon but mash it up with whatever non sense you can think off" not in "this design came from palworld". Sorry if I didn't explain myself properly

Like, for example, if this Skab guy who looks like a CS terrorist played pokemon would you guys say there is a gap moe thing and that it is "good"?

>> No.74449110

EEEEK! stop peeping at my twitter~!

>> No.74449166 [DELETED] 

>can you imagine walking around like that?
Idont have to because i actually do this. You've clearly never experienced being a mess of a person.
Its not baffling, you're just a very unimaginative closeminded person.

>> No.74449283


>> No.74449362

If skab did play pokemon he would have somewhat of a gap moe, but he could exploit it if he had constant jokes and gags about being shocked that stuff is so "family friendly" everything in pokemon, the lack of more aggresive and realistic violence, and the absence of some weapons, like kuromaru could also do if he played more into the militar character. Sometimes the existing gap moe can be boosted by the chuuba playing more into it. But yes, the final response is that he would have some, and even create some more.

>> No.74449380

cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny

>> No.74449413

Carry oakey :]

>> No.74449456


>> No.74449536

I want thwm to notice me, but I am at work and I cannot get distracted...

>> No.74449582

i think leaning on a "character gimmick" excessively is lame but i am also extremely not the target audience for basically anyone
for instance, i would never under any circumstances consider watching a streamer who does not use words of voice. but somehow multiple streamer who is words of text on stream is popular.
"inconceivable" - me.
to put my feeling in sports terminology: "just play the game, stats dont mean a thing"

>> No.74449635

I think this was a pretty good stream for me. It’s Yugioh tho, so sorry if you don’t care about that.

>> No.74449729


>> No.74449745

Crane is too powerful for NEXAS

>> No.74449750

If this repeats on my next tweet i will sto tweeting for a week, i dont like the attention of randoms that seem to orbit me with ulterior motives

>> No.74449754


>> No.74449766

I wrote this

>> No.74449809

English, nigga, do you speak it?

>> No.74449815
File: 5 KB, 414x475, 1706873038499402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I fucking love the way Asian boys speak so much
need average Asian American bf

>> No.74449876

anon, could you do better? https://twitter.com/BakurahNoir/status/1782547015240499226
Cause he got in and you didn't

>> No.74449886

Wait, do you mean it???? will you take requests? Will they all be on that almost whispering voice or will you go loud? How mamy songs do you have prepared? :3c

>> No.74449956

i have sustained many blows to the hread over my life

>> No.74449999

Sorry, i didnt divine that a new random corpo that nobody ever named had aufitions open, will upgrade from a christmas globe to a transparent glass orb for the next divination sesh. . .

>> No.74450009

What design things scream menhera?
Apart from: scars, medical stuff, bandages, blood and angels.

I am unsure if I want people to know that I am a super menhera on first impression so I think I would like to try to avoid doing anything that could lead someone to think I am insane on first impression but again, I am unsure on how of a good move is this

>> No.74450115

Shakey eyes or intended trembling on the shoulders, constant rapid eye movement, random vocal sounds at any given point, repetitive speech. I will sniff you and avoid you.

>> No.74450141

>another 'teehee metal illness' pandering whoretuber

>> No.74450183
File: 1 KB, 95x58, 1687887857488085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and 8 other dudes

>> No.74450225

Denpa stop this

>> No.74450256
File: 1 KB, 96x54, 1701881173686222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74450269

The opposite, I am asking to avoid it, I am scared my inner menhera will come out on accident u.u

>> No.74450328

don't forget to make your color scheme primarily green so the boys know you're /here/!!! xP

>> No.74450357

Can you rephrase what you tried to say? I literally didnt even get it.

>> No.74450364


pills, loli that is sexualized at all, references to /here/

>> No.74450388

>>74450183 >>74450256
where you find this? I want to share mine

>> No.74450400

Kill yourself

>> No.74450401
File: 1 KB, 93x54, 1689669729494128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74450409

And add a 4 leaf clover!!! And bag under your eyes!!!!!! YAYYYY /here/ ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

>> No.74450444

>I am unsure if I want people to know that I am a super menhera on first impression
Post who you are with evidence so I can avoid you.

>> No.74450503

Doomer girl

>> No.74450537

I asked for two things and you gave me neither.

>> No.74450554


>> No.74450568

What? Lol

>> No.74450573

no, i dont think i will

>> No.74450580

Alpin could carry me with one arm... and take me to bed

>> No.74450689
File: 4 KB, 514x72, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not menhera. You're just stupid.

>> No.74450708

>i think leaning on a "character gimmick" excessively is lame
Like FuwaMoco? That's the most "excessive" gimmick I can think of. I think some /asp/ies play into their kayfabe in a pretty fun way, like Brickman's golem factory and Ria's Neo-America. I think Charley has actually developed a love for rats, too.
>for instance, i would never under any circumstances consider watching a streamer who does not use words of voice.
So the streamer's gotta speak for you to like them, is what you're saying.
>but somehow multiple streamer who is words of text on stream is popular.
Like Corpse_ch? Yeah, that happens.
Funnily enough, you just made me remember the old 2000's era forums where people did Let's Plays using screenshots. I think they still do that on /v/ sometimes. Always liked those but I don't really care for the silent-with-text streamers.
>to put my feeling in sports terminology: "just play the game, stats dont mean a thing"
I think you're talking about numbers here, but there's no point. I'm sure the people here who actually care about their numbers and growth know exactly what they are, so there's no sense in bringing them up. All those number posts are idiotic.

>> No.74450841 [DELETED] 

I love all my viewers. I didn’t think that was even a possible number for me when I started and I value all the people that helped me get to there. <3

>> No.74450877 [DELETED] 

stop feeding trolls slushy you idiot

>> No.74450930

Slushy stop posting here on good conscience, you're gonna get bullied.
Instead come to my room and watch me fuck this big guy while you sit.

>> No.74450929

Yeah tru I’m being dumb

>> No.74451001

where are all this stats on twitch!!!! i think i am literally blind, help!!!!

>> No.74451047

I wish you were literally blind

>> No.74451078

Were you referrin to me, doomer-chan? Im sorry for my human imperfections, I can also forget... but I can still provide me with what I missed, like I did before when you asked for mine. Dont you think?

>> No.74451130

Don't you have your numbers on your dashboard

>> No.74451189

Try deepl instead of google translate. Maybe that will help.

>> No.74451219

nta but doomer-chan is me
no, i can't find them??
maybe because I am on desktop?

>> No.74451255

That is sullygnome, the site that tracks stat and underreports numbers, you can also use twitchtracker but it tends to overshoot. Twitch itself is the best when it comes to numbers, go to analytics

>> No.74451295

>underreports numbers

>> No.74451325

I want Alpin to fuck me while Slushy watches.

>> No.74451357

what if i was purple?

>> No.74451420
File: 9 KB, 643x179, anlitys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since i have started stream this is are my stats:

>> No.74451460

Okay but WIPlash is still a man

>> No.74451494
File: 348 KB, 844x612, purple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74451498

Almost impossible, check if you have the whole timeline since you started and not just the past month grabbed

>> No.74451527
File: 1 KB, 94x49, 1695770657717643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is

>> No.74451562

i haven't been streaming for very long, i have the whole month grabbed and i have been streaming less than a month so

>> No.74451601

https://dashboard.twitch.tv/u/ [YOUR NAME HERE] /analytics/stream-summary

>> No.74451635

But you gonly one follow? Are you the one who refuaes to drop their link? At least that viewer is dedicated to try to be there for 30% of your streams. Also weird that you have no more follows but had 16viewers...

>> No.74451683

only one follow on my first stream. i haven't seen that viewer ever again
all the 3 chatters are from my first stream, which was the shortest stream i did also

>> No.74451756

Those are probably just people clicking in/out of the stream to see how its going then moving on. Stats are weird sometimes.

>> No.74451763

What about dropping that link, sis!

>> No.74451805
File: 844 KB, 720x1080, sketch-1714067194396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes live

>> No.74451816

name chuubers

>> No.74451871


>> No.74451873
File: 1 KB, 99x56, 1691013831631024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less schizoposting, more self improvement

>> No.74451915


>> No.74451952


>> No.74451998
File: 32 KB, 500x500, GFyEZzTXgAA4Joc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't expect to be in the OP...!
After the technical difficulties in the first Tenra stream made it a bit difficult to watch, I decided to make a replay to make up for it!
A replay just goes over all the events of a session in a more structured way! I got all of the participants together to re-record their lines! So if you missed the stream or had to dip, this should get you up to speed!
I apologize pre-emptively for the lackluster presentation, I'm new to video editing-


>> No.74452075

Are you a boy or a girl?
Serious question, I don't know who to believe in these threads.

>> No.74452078

You still haven't given your response to what uwo said about you

>> No.74452121

Why don't you talk about being trans? Are you ashamed?
What happened to "Trans Pride!"?

>> No.74452185

Doomer girl

>> No.74452261

Why do you keep pretending to be a girl but not put any effort into it

>> No.74452271

They already answered girl before which is what got the schizo going

>> No.74452334

why don't you talk about being a faggot? Where's the "gay pride"?

>> No.74452343

mikio gregg

>> No.74452352

This is what obsession looks like.

>> No.74452369

Nice projection you got there gay boy. I am pafu

>> No.74452474

Complete list of people who will believe this:

>> No.74452493

Crabbing then admitting it, kek

>> No.74452728

Who do I have to kill to get somebody to cry this much about me?

>> No.74452792

Be a generally positive person and these miserable fucks will find a reason to despise you

>> No.74452873

>I decided to make a replay to make up for it!
>I got all of the participants together to re-record their lines!
That's actually really friggin' cool. Your production quality looks great here.
I've seen some JP TTRPG replay vids on YT, they had a similar idea but they use TTS for their characters. I bet recording all these lines took a long time.
One recommendation though: Subtitles. If you're using Premiere, try using Premiere's auto-transcription and export it as a .srt file so you can upload it to YT for your video. You can see how here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ey63xz4lwE&t=42s

>> No.74452876

This is 100% true. People here constantly crab me when I have supported and been nice to everyone

>> No.74452917

....One of the many reasons I'll probably never fully come out.


>> No.74452927

Fwfie I just do it because I wanna get in your pants sorry

>> No.74452946

You should apply for NEXAS when the next auditions open

>> No.74452957

kill yourself keitaro stop going for the pity route and try being actually entertaining

>> No.74452958

And you think that does what for you?

>> No.74452980

If you go to their page and they don’t actually stream and they have coms open they are a bot/scam account EVERY TIME no exceptions, anyone who isnt knows how to not look like that and knows it makes them seem like a grifter

>> No.74452987

>Keitaroschizo still crying several hours later

>> No.74452993

DM me and I will give you a surprise

>> No.74453008

>> 73241483
Not self posting faggot

>> No.74453034

We had a good streak of threads without him, not sure what summoned him back

>> No.74453066

Who am I? You believe I'm one of the good sprouts :^)

>> No.74453091

Recording the lines didn't take *too* long, it was mostly a matter of scheduling- though because I'm not used to audio recordings either, I wasn't mindful enough of clicking sounds or the like, though I cleaned up most of them-
I did hear about the caption thing! I asked a bigger youtuber months ago about how these things worked, and apparently adding captions even gives you a boost in the algorithm. But I only had like a day to throw this together, and I still have prep for tomorrow, so I decided to sacrifice it this time...

I'll look into it! Honestly I haven't given much of a look at corpos in general, since I imagine I'd have to build a content repertoire first anyhow-

>> No.74453135

>You believe I'm one of the good sprouts
Who said anything like that?

>> No.74453159

That's nice, honey. Run along now.

>> No.74453210

The shitposting is so bad its actually really annoying that there are people still replying to them. How fucking obvious do you have to make it?

>> No.74453217

Fwofie herself has posted a list with people she thinks are good friends, various schizos included.

>> No.74453275

I can tell by how this is written that I wouldn't trust any list of "schizos" you chose to name.

>> No.74453312

Today I learned the iq of a asp is equal to their ccv. It made me understand why you gay niggers are so dumb

>> No.74453316

All the schizo does is repeat the same posts everyday attacking the same people and pulling up the same names. Dont you guys get sick of things and why arent you reporting the schizo?

>> No.74453386

Anon, you can only have pride for being gay in June.

>> No.74453470
File: 889 KB, 649x711, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now's your chance, anon. Call that guy an asshole. A real shitter. That will teach him a lesson for sure.

>> No.74453526
File: 37 KB, 1141x1168, BF82F0899A1B4494A2682F59D4146B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74453572


>> No.74453585

Did you guys notice that "painting" starts by "pain".
Painting my chuuba model is painful.

>> No.74453598

I hate that I heard this post in my head with the narrator's voice.

>> No.74453736

I heard it in Satan's Voice from The Adventure's of Mark Twain.


>> No.74453819

Painful has ful, which is also in fulfilling :) mke something fulfillING, amusING, and outstandING

>> No.74453821

WIPlash is still a man

>> No.74453866

and you're still obsessed, get help

>> No.74453906

I'm not the one pretending to be a girl, why do I need help?

>> No.74453965

Because you should be working on yourself, your interests and desires, not obsessing over some chuuba on the internet. It's unhealthy and you need some fresh air.

>> No.74454002

If I don't then no one will even know that chuuba exists.

>> No.74454046

The subject tends to project their worries and annoyances onto others, what they percieve as a chuuba who is ambigious with their gender is just an outward expression of their doubts of their own gender and the feelings of rage subscitated by his consistent intranquility to all of this.

>> No.74454129

I am still thinking I need help but yeah, it will be fulfilling once it is finished, yeah.

>> No.74454241

>the tulpa is just arch's tranny persona
This ruined the gimmick for me

>> No.74454295

Sniffing fowfie's toes...

>> No.74454565

Is this thread dead too?

>> No.74454712

No, I think she's actually a woman, and Arch is the tranny persona.

>> No.74454817

In about three pages.

>> No.74454875

Arch is ftm... i could have saved her.....

>> No.74454929

God I miss wasp. I don't want the schizos back here again. Schizos please jump off a bridge, I beg of you. The threads were still kinda ass before, but it was an enjoyable sort of ass, not what it is rn

>> No.74455029

What if it was the other way around, you paying for their estrogen?

>> No.74455054
File: 173 KB, 322x447, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at yourself. Pleading and grovelling like a dog at the feet of some cheeto dust fingered nerd in a third world backwater country. Have some self respect. Is this your thread or theirs?

>> No.74455055

I will only jump from the bridge of my top bunk into yours and bounce in your bed!

>> No.74455107

One day i'll be good enough to keep faggots like you entertained

>> No.74455442

Keitaro post

>> No.74455560

Post a jigsaw if you're so great.

>> No.74455590

>decide to draw a few muscular /asp/ies doing jojo poses
>get a tingling feeling in my chest
i blame renata and her beefy men spam.

>> No.74455721

Did uwo gain weight?

>> No.74455767

>be me
>love a theme
>decide to make my stream about it
>theme is a dogwhistle for political extremists i don't belong to
So...? Is your day doing good, Anon?

>> No.74455819

Yes he is obese and needs medical help

>> No.74455906

You should ask him

>> No.74455924

I am asking him. He ego searches daily.

>> No.74455963

saw a particularly angular sonnenrad and thought "thats neat, let me use it"?

>> No.74456048

Everywhere I go, I see him... The Brick Man...

>> No.74456102

he's pretty fat

>> No.74456147

everyone in ohio looks like that

>> No.74456155

I'm finally meeting people that support me. I don't need to cling to asp anymore.

>> No.74456160

Nobody ever defines what work on yourself means

>> No.74456176

charleyfolds keep fat for winter..........

>> No.74456186

Is that the actual name for it?

>> No.74456204


>> No.74456347

If she is actually mtf, I'd just want to cuddle her and inject her with E....

>> No.74456368

The /wasp/ schizos came from /asp/ originally, never forget this fact

>> No.74456466

You really sat down to your computer to lie like that huh?

>> No.74456504

Camuischizo was shitting up /wasp/ on day 2
Their schizos are our schizos

>> No.74456574

Don't talk about "our" like you belong here, schizo

>> No.74456636

so they're all pretty fat then

>> No.74456745

Did anyone else caught when he showed his face on stream yesterday?

>> No.74456810

>women leave
>thread becomes good
>women come back
>it's shit again
someone PLEASE revive /wasp/

>> No.74456849

Nobody is going to revive your schizo den for you

>> No.74456868

>he trusted an anya

>> No.74456896

how about we make a men only /asp/

>> No.74456933

I'm not using that the same way I never used /mvp/, /sig/ or any of the other splits.

>> No.74456941

Nice try rewriting history but sadly the archives exist
/asp/ has always been a dumpster fire filled with assmad ngmis that failed to incline and now live on the thread hurling shit at good faith chuubas

>> No.74456961


Testosterone Asp

>> No.74456984

>he thinks /wasp/ actually had women

>> No.74457005

You can always tell a schizo post by how it assumes to know the identity of posters, especially enmasse

>> No.74457029

bold claim from a threadreader who doesn't watch streams

>> No.74457050

Last for Renata, I need more male /asp/ie lewds!

>> No.74457073

It did just long enough for the women to bait and then mock the thread schizos.

>> No.74457113

>/asp/ schizos were /wasp/ schizos
>no they weren't!!!!
>reps, they made the same exact schizo posts they made in /asp/
>threadreader!!!! you don't watch streams!!!
What do you call this level of willing ignorance

>> No.74457124

kill yourself

>> No.74457193

>they plural are all the same
>that's objectively impossible because we know that several were imported from other threads because they self-ID'd as being from other threads
>no they're OURS

ok schizo we get it you miss your groomer den and it is never coming back

>> No.74457198

It's mental retardation.

>> No.74457215

The extra ! really added to your clearly hinged post

>> No.74457233


>> No.74457237

no femboys, no women, just manly men.

>> No.74457244
File: 2.95 MB, 540x404, kaorin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-someone needs to bake!

>> No.74457259

You're going to support a thread on 5 vtubers?

>> No.74457296

Oh yeah, those classic Amelia Watson general posters, always shitposting about Camui and Layla all the time

>> No.74457311

You can't shut out our femboys.

>> No.74457321


>> No.74457368

If they had a picture why would they be asking retard

>> No.74457393

We're all in /pcg/ crabbing them right now in fact and we're also crabbing Gumpai and Rinna in /MANS/

>> No.74457444

i only watch one vtuber im just here because they got namedropped a few times and i want to make sure nobody gets weird

>> No.74457451

>hurr what's the word for this level of willful ignorance???
What was your cope earlier anon? "archive reps?"

>> No.74457484

/mvp/ save me
save me /mvp/

>> No.74457490

>telling someone to do reps instead of making shit up is cope

>> No.74457554
File: 119 KB, 235x235, 1617919389442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is someone really arguing that /asp/ has always been this bastion of good faith posters that like and support each other? Do you not remember Gen 3? Hell do you not even remember Gen 5?

>> No.74457555

Anon if you actually did reps you'd know that the majority if not all of the schizoposting was from /wvt/ /vrt/ /fig/ and /pcg/. You would know that if you weren't trying to run interference right now.

>> No.74457574

Which post said that?

>> No.74457615
File: 1.79 MB, 2508x3541, 1388462-4.output(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious, delicious thread.

>> No.74457624

not-/asp/cord trying to change the narrative again after their golden boys eraxs and abigail got named as crabs

>> No.74457668

Wwwhatt *pikachu shock*

>> No.74457673

Anon if you actually did reps you'd know that schizoposting comes from the same likable nice down to earth /asp/ies who are just bored while they're not streaming and sincerely do not mean a single thing they say nor intend to hurt anyone.

>> No.74457680

Proof? Name him sis! Proof? Proof? Got any proof? Moving the goalposts! Keitaro sucks!

>> No.74457706

Damn that's a lot of not evidence.

>> No.74457778

gen3 drama is as relevant as everyone involved in it

>> No.74457799

I treat /asp/ like a high-school locker room where we all fuck with each other in-between games. I really have nothing against lgbt people or whoever else

>> No.74457807

It's true I'm one of them

>> No.74457821

I know chaos, who totally isn't me, reads and posts in thread just to lurk while I- I mean, they, are at work.

>> No.74457858

Providing evidence would defeat the purpose. I'm just saying the truth because I know it's true of me nd many I've interacted with. Believe it or not.

>> No.74457862

You really don't have to sign your posts.

>> No.74457873


>> No.74457880

Last for cutting off all of your penises with gardening shears

>> No.74457882

>providing evidence would defeat the purpose
>just trust me bro


>> No.74457883

The only supportive gen was the first, gen 2 barely existed and gen 3 was when it became a den of schizos

>> No.74457908

>he continues to fail

>> No.74457916

it will turn into a faggot erp den instantly, no thanks, i liked the cute vagueposting arc

>> No.74457919

Yeah....ngl. I have a distinct menhera vibe that leeks through your device.

>> No.74457965

That will make the thread entirely only those schizos obsessed with haru, beryl, keitaro, camui, etc
have fun with that, faggot

>> No.74458012

Make this please I wanna rp with other bros

>> No.74458053

The funny thing about thread splits is that the people who think they'll protect them from schizos don't realize that you can open two browser tabs at the same time.

>> No.74458059

thats what your discords are for, fagboy

>> No.74458078

Great, let them have their containment thread

>> No.74458099

>post the truth
>nobody believes me and they all continue to get mad and argue with obvious shitposting
>they probably viciously argue with their /asp/ oshi and don't know it

At this point you all just choose to be mad. Whatever, my karma is clean.
You can lead a horse to water....

>> No.74458129

shut the fuck up rebel

>> No.74458147

Somebody make the malecord I wanna imagine getting fucked and having babies

>> No.74458206

There are four and you can't join any of them.

>> No.74458233

Nah, summer-fall '23/gen 4 was a really great time. I think we can get back there. I'll do my part when I go on hiatus from my main account for summer vacation.

>> No.74458234


>> No.74458267

I don't have an /asp/ oshi. I hate almost all of you by pure virtue of you posting on 4chan. I know you're a low functioning retard that I won't like as a human being just from that alone. I'm no better but I wouldn't want to be friends with a stupid faggot like me either

>> No.74458303
File: 419 KB, 1024x1024, resident evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident Evil: Directors Cut (PS1 version)
Stream starts in about 20 minutes.


>> No.74458468

Stream Idea: make a pre recording of yourself playing fallout new vegas so you can have really kinky gay sex with me instead

>> No.74458514

move whenever

>> No.74458701

Late gen 4 and early gen 5 was nice. Then Camui/Layla shit happened and things went out the window. Hear me out: Hyde coming back would revert things to normal. He’s our only hope.

>> No.74458868

Hyde was one of the people responsible for fanning the flames in that situation

>> No.74458869

Chrii would bully the shit out of Hyde if he comes back, after the stunt he has done to her

>> No.74458926

I want to sexpest him SO BAD right now HIS DMS ARE OPEN AHHH

>> No.74459016

>gen 4
I miss Digby

>> No.74459140

I don't give a fuck where they came from, they used that thread and left us alone! That's what matters
