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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74411193 No.74411193 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.74411533

>in the big H, having graduated recently

>> No.74411571

I'm not sure this person fully understands the medium...

>> No.74411609

she does have a good model

>> No.74411625

all of advent were 2views prior to joining, this bitch is lying

>> No.74411680

>in the big H, having graduated recently
wtf is she talking about

>> No.74411729

It's a guess and a recent graduation, Advent debuted quite awhile ago now. She's saying it's somebody for the coming EN gen 4, or maybe ID4.

>> No.74411749

Think she's talking about someone yet to join that she believes made it into Hololive recently. Probably just full of shit.

>> No.74411807

>Sympathy bait
Put it in the trash.

>> No.74411808

If we assume that H company meant Hololive. Since there's like only 2 proper graduation in Hololve and the fact that she said "recently" then there's like only one possibility: Sana.
Of course that is assuming what she said is true and that H company here meant Hololive.
But that just a theory.
A Game Theory.

>> No.74411849

Said person recently graduated, OP is guessing she's going to H(hasn't been debuted yet). That's how my ESL brain is interpreting it anyway.

>> No.74411922

Other way, it sounds like they graduated recently and they got into holo.
We'll have to see. That could be a pretty big drama on debut if true.

>> No.74411937

I mean I'd be pretty disturbed if the guy on Quora that answered my question about unclogging toilets tried to strike up a conversation with me afterwards

>> No.74411938

You have better reading comprehension than some of the eops in this thread

>> No.74411947


>> No.74411984

It’s definitely not your error, it’s moreover how she would know that information definitively.

>> No.74411992

holy fucking retard

>> No.74411995

>twitter screencap thread
Fuck off.

>> No.74412006

Why would it be drama? The way its worded, the person was just looking for info and just never said anything after that. If its drama, its exceptionally stupid.

>> No.74412025

could also be holostar

>> No.74412073

Sounds more like a niji to me. Also this is hbomberguy levels of passive aggressive pity baiting. Just name names if it really bothered you that much, you unbelievable faggot.

>> No.74412113

That's why it'd be drama. Because it's fucking stupid.

That said, kind of a bad move to not at least give them a shout out after getting info.

>> No.74412135

It says "she" and "her" in the post dude, it's not a Holostar.

>> No.74412143

are you trying to make me believe there's a woman out there who is being fake friendly and using other women to get ahead? no sir, not possible.

>> No.74412184

Not a chance they're doing another star EN right now. It's too soon and the last wave hasn't really stabilized, has it?
I only found out Octavio was in starsEN and not starsJP yesterday

>> No.74412185

Welp, that was confusing.
Okay then we can surmise who is it based on who graduated recently, the problem is that whether they are indies or small corpo.
Because even indies nowadays use the term "graduation" as well. It would be easier if they are in small corpo. There's million indies in the sea so it will be imposible if she is.
If we can narrow down the time frame it would be easier, but "recent" is such a broad term.

>> No.74412206
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shitty drama thread
no one cares
fuck yourself

>> No.74412207

>the tweet states it as a her
>also “big H”, not “big” ”””H””””

>> No.74412389

has anyone worth remembering graduated recently at all or she whining about some low 3-view that no one remembers?

>> No.74412393

This thread:
Fucking retards.
Not even fucking esl, you morons go beyond that.

>> No.74412411


>> No.74412456


>> No.74412484

They graduated to join Hololive

>> No.74412560

>how she would know that information definitively.
Wait do you not know people leak shit all the time in the indie scene? I know from a friend that a chuuba about to graduate is getting a spot in one of the mid size corpos

>> No.74412568

yeah this makes more sense, im retarded. even then this is kind of a nothingburger
>interested in the model
>asked where she got it from
this bitch just sounds like an entitled fan, and thats assuming shes not lying through her ass

>> No.74412571

so Shiori im guessing

>> No.74412691

Okay, but a mid-sized corpo isn’t the big leagues. Knowing and guessing are two different things. If the prospect told people she was getting into Hololive and meant it, that’s enough to get the boot.

>> No.74412885

How the fuck does she know that the other person will join the big H if she never talked to her afterward?
>based on my own guesses (lmao divination)
Ah, of course.

>> No.74412942
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Yeah, sadly THAT is a fucking possibility too. There's a fuckton of jealous crabs in the 2view scene waiting to backstab somebody if they can get a whiff of the drama boost.

>> No.74413074


>> No.74413164

>dude trust me

>> No.74413206

The most popular recent graduate was Yuniiho, but I really doubt it's her
Besides her the only notable graduations have been small-time /lig/gers

>> No.74413514 [DELETED] 
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I'm gonna vomit

>> No.74413548

It says that she IS in the big H. That means she's already debuted. Its gotta be someone in Advent because someone who hasn't debuted yet wouldn't share details about their debut with someone they ghosted.

>> No.74413560

OP's tweets are actually from Eilene?

>> No.74413565

did some research on twitter and she has plenty of interactions with shiori there

>> No.74413652

oh there is this
but she seems fond of her so idk

>> No.74413690

Man, why do women have to make benis grow?

>> No.74413764

Long time ago Kiara talked about someone non-family related who was giving her trouble. People were speculating it was a friend who was trying to rip her down from the cos community who was jealous she made it.

>> No.74413831

They don’t debut immediately after getting hired. Mori herself has confirmed that they spend some time preparing the debuts and also building initial chemistry with each other.

>> No.74413904

Yes, and the new members are secret outside of the few privileged people that know and the post says this person is in Hololive now. They would not know this person is in Hololive unless they had already debuted.

>> No.74413933
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>> No.74413942

didn't cover provide the model for any recruits?

>> No.74413987

100%. Her and Kiara have talked a lot on it. They knew each other and hung out months before they actually debuted, and Kiara had said that no one knew who she was on the JP side until they debuted.

>> No.74414190

It sounds standard because I've heard roughly the same thing from both council and advent. Advent in particular spent so long in predebut jail they made it their whole thing.

>> No.74414189

Nerissa had a big enough channel to get some big VA roles, she definetly wasnt some 2view
Also IIRC FuwaMoco's Fleshtuber channel was decent sized, hitting high 3view/low 4view sometimes

>> No.74414271

Probably choosing her artist I guess? Must've beeen a really notable 3view to have that kind of power

>> No.74414336

>holo this holo that
imagine being THIS retarded

>> No.74414358

I honestly think that was more because the whole twin thing was getting figured out and they had to REALLY figure out how they wanted the two of them to debut and stream. I want to believe that Cover busted their ass to pick the twins up and make it work when they reapplied for the 5th(?) time so they had to add in making models for them that were very specific.

>> No.74414397

>I told someone the artist of my model, and they didn't become my best friend and chat with me every day
Pretty entitled, surprised she didn't see how bad this tweet looks for her.

>> No.74414568

some in Advent mentioned that they've all actually met in person before debut.

>> No.74414673

>based on my own guesses (lmao divination)
She's literally just pulling it out of her ass.

>> No.74414706
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I don't get it. Someone liked her model, asked her about it and got their answer, but now they owe her a friendship? it's about the missed clout isn't it?

>> No.74414778

Don't those stories conspicuously miss people? Like, enough that it was theorized that Shiori is a pinch hire because the previous girl dropped out?

>> No.74414989

they keep dancing around it but it's pretty fucking clear the road trip they had was them going to Connect the World

>> No.74415082

>t. my schizo fantasies

>> No.74415172

Don't forget about the retweet and like now. They were practically obligated to retweet and like because they spoke for 5 minutes or something.

>> No.74415332

I haven't seen a single good take born from this twitter chain, artists outing themselves as no-fun allowed judgemental schizos that get heated over the most minute shit. AI can't kill these pricks fast enough. This person is no different, at best they've put someone on blast because they didn't give receive a proper dicksucking for some basic fucking advice. If a vtuber debuts with the same mama as her is she going to go menhara so twitter attacks them out of pity? This cunt knows exactly what she's doing. What happened to vtubers being busy or highly introverted spergs? I guess if it costs clout or grooming opportunities that goes out the window. What a disgusting, catty whore.

>> No.74415344

Probably Shiori, they collabed quite a few times in the past.
Her collab speech sounding more and more justified these days.

>> No.74415364
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The replies are so funny
Yui is such a bitch lol

>> No.74415641

She debuted the model shes talking about in January, the artist is Houkisei. Whoever shes talking about is not in hololive now, she's literally just pulling the guess out of her ass.

>> No.74415701

I don't get it. What's wrong with asking about her artist? Did she expect to become friends just because she got dm'd?

>> No.74415840

She expected exactly that lol >>74415364

>> No.74415841

Cover provides the model, but the new hire Holo can request who they want for their mama. Doesn't mean they'll get their choice.
They should be allowed to choose their papa too so that the rhomus retard hack never gets another job.

>> No.74415846

>based on my own guesses
she doesn't know if this person is in hololive or not. they were popular and graduated recently so she assumes they were accepted into hololive. can anyone on this board speak english?

>> No.74415867

Any popular vtuber that graduated recently that hasn't redebuted yet? Also the person in this tweet sounds very entitled for no reason at all

>> No.74415954

It was me, Austin.

>> No.74416010

That was my read of it. It's never been cleared up who was the last minute hire or whatever

>> No.74416123

thread like this on twitter = bait

>> No.74416189

The venom of a woman

>> No.74416282

100%. Just trying to stir shit for some views, like most often is the case whenever a literal who does this.

>> No.74416296

The most generous way to interpret this is that she considered giving out that contact info as a professional courtesy but did not receive a courtesy she expected in return. I don't know if she should have expected such an esoteric transaction, but that's what she seems upset about.

>> No.74416316

I suspect it was someone who lied about their credentials to get in and when holo found out they gave her the boot. Which is why there have been no real leaks about them because they never had a presence in the community in the first place.

>> No.74416443
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>> No.74416718

Yeah this bitch is nothing more than a condescending sympathy-baiting cunt who knowingly uses outrage culture to incite shit
>Why rain on their parade owo
She says knowing titterfreaks are going to dig into this without her input, already absolving herself of inciting shit
>it made me lose faith in the vtubing community :(
I've seen unicorns crying about male collabs less pathetic than this. Got to love people who immediately leap to decrying their own fucking community over a one-sided slight.
>I'll let it go XD
only after venting it publicly on a trending tweet on the one site in the world that does the most witch-hunting on the history of the internet.

Vile cunt

>> No.74416732

I love disingenuous 2view ENVYtuber tears

>> No.74416747

>This person is no different, at best they've put someone on blast because they didn't give receive a proper dicksucking for some basic fucking advice.
Not even advice. If you're out and about and see some guy with [consoooomer item you also want] and stop them and ask them
>hey, where'd you buy that slop?
they're not obligated to become your bff and invite you into their friendship circle where they daisychain every alternate Tuesday.
I can't count the number of times I've PM'd some rando on a forum to ask about where or how they procured some shit. Wasn't expecting anything cept the info asked for.
Then again, I don't have a vagina so this whore's whining sounds extra retarded.

>> No.74416847

They do, a lot of them don't get to decide artist or design or rigger or anything, some have more input in the design, it would be weird for anyone in hololive to ask for artist or rigger info, the later even more, they only use a small group of them

>> No.74417133

She never said Hololive because Cover can sue her for lying.
She just want to farm likes

>> No.74417209

Anon, I have news for you....

>> No.74417411

No... Shinri? Really?

>> No.74417531

I knew who one of the holostars is if that's any consideration

>> No.74417625
File: 10 KB, 180x204, 1697212073713279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complete stranger asked you a question through DM
>uh you owe me everything 9999999$ tip
the absolute state

>> No.74417751

It is not.

>> No.74417769

least entitled EN indie

>> No.74418266

My point is with this stuff they never go out and say it and break contract they'll just imply it to friends

>> No.74418371

Anon... shadow went schizo because of fauna

>> No.74418399

>Asks a question
>Gets an answer
>Fucks off
What were they expecting?

>> No.74418847

female thread

>> No.74419393

This shit happened in January, noone has debut in Hololive outside of JP in almost a year. She's talking out of her ass to stir up some drama

>> No.74419482

Eh? But Holos don't have a say which artist they get their models from or do they?
>Recent graduation
But Shiori graduated ages ago, in fact she didn't even graduate.

>> No.74419657

probably Yuniiho or shondo

>> No.74420011

Shondo is unironically close to killing herself is definitely not her

>> No.74422021

>Asks how she got the model
>Gives the contact and other information to get said model
>Probably thanked her after

>Expects to continue the conversation like they're besties now

Pretty creepy. I wouldn't want to talk to you either if it was me

>> No.74422570

Sounds possible. It was a mere two months between her alter ego went to sleep to Shiori debuting.
I am sure the process usually takes a little longer.

>> No.74422679

Shondo is known for havin legitimate severe schizophrenia. She never made a secret of it and currently is a very bad state as her meds are giving out.
She is the probably the last person to do with any of this.

>> No.74424049

this. like WTF does she want more? just be happy that your oshi DM'd you, creepyfucker
my oshi won't even read my chat

>> No.74424227

I think that's the sensible interpretation, but even then, it has a small hint of jealousy. The "soul crushing" part is that she interacted with her and then went on to become successful beyond her.

>> No.74426162

Hololive is not a company

>> No.74426317

She thinks this person owes them a lifelong friendship because they were reached out and was asked a question? I'm so confused. Twitter has the most entitled narcissists i've ever seen.

>> No.74426387

>H company

>> No.74426402

Streamers always think other streamers are their best friends, but they're actually your enemies.

>> No.74426650

Saw the spic version of this thread on Twitter and some chuubas mentioned a 40yo guy who apparently was a creep, got cancelled and then decided to pander to the English speaking audience while pretending to be a woman using a voice changer, and now I'm curious who the fuck that is.

>> No.74426903
File: 244 KB, 605x530, contact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she mean the artist who she lists as her mama in her twitter bio? The one who has a contact email listed right in their bio?

>> No.74427332

Yeah im sure Cover go around suing every 2 view saying shit about them

>> No.74427439

Holy shit they draw vtuber models? I love their porn.

But yeah that was confusing. Does the woman not credit her artist? Why would she need to be contacted to find them?

>> No.74427613

it's likely that small singing vtuber, good for her if she is in gen. 4

>> No.74427698

could've added it after or it could be another jealous 2view making shit up

>> No.74427711

Let's see if I can use my own divining powers to translate from insane woman to what actually went down.
>Popular vtuber who I've supported and watched DMs me for the first time spazzing over my model because it's made by and extremely famous artist Asked how I managed it and I gave her details and contact
Popular vtuber was surprised and impressed by the fact I got my model from big artist. Asks how. I provide details. Said Vtuber acted completely reasonably while doing so.
>Ghosts me straight after
The conversation ended normally after the primary (and only) reason for being contacted was completed.
>Best part? She didn't even like or RT my model and debut
I advanced the personal relationship in my head from this simple interaction, and found a way to be offended and hurt through it.
>and based on my own guesses (lmao divination) She is now in the big H big company having graduated recently
What I've said so far isn't enough to garner the kind of sympathy I need to feel vindicated in my hurt feelings. I am now going to make shit up to try and trigger a sympathetic reaction from people
>kinda soul crushing lol
Please feel sorry for me so I feel validated :(

>> No.74427810

>Guessed that she's now a Holo
>Graduated recently
>Ghosts her

>> No.74427844

Yeah this Vtuber model is clearly made by kayahara retard

>> No.74427895

never expected to see my wife here

>> No.74428266

jesus fucking christ i need to check on my wives

>> No.74428337
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>no receipts
part of the reason I'm never giving anyone outside hololive a chance

they're all just a bunch of jealous 2view making shit up

what even is the point

>> No.74428505

Holo is the one who will decide what your model is. #PoorSana

>> No.74429044

They clearly stopped that with advent. The girls' models are tailored WAY too well for each of them for it to be premade, especially the dogs.

>> No.74429269

>The girls' models are tailored WAY too well for each of them
That's like every holo except Towa

>> No.74429371

Shiori has several pairs of the gloves on her model.

>> No.74429660

Probably Yuniiho or that one shondo's friend who cucked her fans.

>> No.74430151
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>> No.74430218

...Why would Yuniiho need help contacting an artist? She's a 4view herself and it's not like she retired. She still uses the same yuniiho account, just not for streaming.

>> No.74430344

The retard really went to ask if it was Shiori even if it was obvious it wasn't, holy fuck

>> No.74430397

average IQ on twitter is somehow even lower than /here/

>> No.74430415

>300 oshi marks
Least obvious falseflagger wanting drama

>> No.74430461

It's a Sapling, maybe it's just retarded.

>> No.74430481

This person obviously was in this thread and went there to ask to start some bait

>> No.74431365

I felt the same about Towa, but that's because we look at the model superficially. She has multiple piercings, even one in her bellybutton, and a tattoo. For japanese autists that screams a yankee with deep voice.

>> No.74431938

>and based on my guess

>and based on my own retardation and assumption
Ftfy, summary of op.

>> No.74432025

Because we all know people who "leak" they audition into holo are all rejected.

>> No.74432709

I thought she meant a big hentai company, but I don't think we have any in the West.

>> No.74432737

I can't believe that friend got into VAllure

>> No.74432859

How is this drama? Did she think they were going to be besties?

>> No.74433006

90% of twitter drama is about making mountains out of molehills

>> No.74433166

What a retarded thread about a retarded person.
The longest hiring -> no content -> debut length was Pekora at a stunning 10 months, and since that's clearly not the standard there's really no true precedent for this stuff. There's pretty much nothing saying someone can't quit their indie career a week before debuting in Hololive, the idea of a length of time where you can't stream pre-debut is really just one people came up with themselves.

>> No.74433310

Am I retarded? How is this person making such a big deal out of that situation? Someone asks you a question, you answer, and because they didn't suck you off after you answer them it automatically means they're a modern day plantation slave owner?

>> No.74433321

This sums up why vtubing is incompatible with the western female mind unless they're weabs.

>> No.74433392

>they only use a small group of them

>> No.74433465

is fakku big?

>> No.74433503

The only advent that would act like that is probably shiori or MAYBE some ultra-bad ending Biboo

>> No.74433611
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>> No.74433675

It was literally said that they were preparing for almost a year before debut. Also the retards with this rrat are the usual Shiori antis that make up the most random shit to try to make her look bad in any way they can.

>> No.74433797
File: 86 KB, 1140x1100, 1670598435487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Popular vtuber somehow doesn't know an extremely famous artist
>Popular vtuber somehow doesn't have a manager or some form of assistant representing her
>Popular vtuber after asking for contact info of this unknown famous artist due to having no representation ends up graduating
>Popular vtuber is now in Hololive
Am I retarded or are each of these points alone worthy of calling this post out for being bullshit?
>Popular vtuber somehow doesn't know an extremely famous artist
Either the vtuber is a turbo normalfag or the artist isn't popular at all. Finding "popular" artists is easy as fuck and almost all of those popular artists have contact information for professional work.
>Popular vtuber somehow doesn't have a manager or some form of assistant representing her
Either the vtuber isn't popular or it was someone imitating them. Every "big" youtube streamer, not just vtubers, has some form of manager or representation to support them unless they're dual streamers and are primarily on Twitch.
>Popular vtuber after asking for contact info of this unknown famous artist due to having no representation ends up graduating
There's literally no point in asking for this info from her if they were planning on graduation as they'd have no real way to utilize their work for themselves
>Popular vtuber is now in Hololive
See previous point: The way Hololive does things is they give you an option to choose who you want as an artist mama. 9/10 times it's basically random because 1: the talents don't know who to choose so one is chosen for them from the available pool; 2: the chosen artists are busy and thus a second choice must be made; and 3: the chosen artists outside of the talent pool just ghost Hololive.
However the more damning thing is that Hololive has a very strict NDA and also hire talents months in advance. To graduate and then immediately show signs of being in "Hololive" means whomever made it in is breaking that NDA (and trust in Cover to find out), or more likely, isn't even real.

Even ignoring how much of a nothingburger this is, nothing about it makes sense in the context of this person being a supposed Hololive talent. Dumb whore just wants attention.

>> No.74433821

Yeah you totally watch them and know exactly how they act

>> No.74433824

>Say something retarded shit without any shred of evidance and peddle it as hard as possible
When people say 4chan is a drama central, they forgot here we at least want evidance and timestamp on their retarded rrat. On twitter, those retard take everything as fact because "why would she lie on twitter"

>> No.74433839


>> No.74433865

That's it. We can dismiss that nijinigger.

>> No.74433951
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>Graduate into Holo
What did she mean by this?

>> No.74434058

You guys are typing way too much. Just call her a lying bitch and move on.

>> No.74434160

>vtubername discord account
>vtubername discord account doesn't reply anymore
thats it?

>> No.74434976

Hijisanji. the negro company.

>> No.74436476


>> No.74437362

You've clearly never watched Shiori

>> No.74438023

It's clearly Hиджиcaиджи not Hololive.

>> No.74439715

>kind of a bad move to not at least give them a shout out after getting info
The fuck did that whore want
>bye gais seeya oh btw subscribe to this random 2view who I asked for stuff, don't ask her what pls
Seems to me like it's just a crab trying to attentionwhore some candidate to "the big H company".

>> No.74439746


>> No.74439994

>some candidate to "the big H company"
Also, if it's actually a holo candidate and some crab friend knows they're getting into holo, that's not a good look.
That said tho.

>> No.74440403

I bet it went like
>My model was done by so and so
>So are you redebuting at some corpo? We will be sisters! Tell me please, i told you whatbyou wanted after all, it's just fair
*NDA prevents this person from directly answering that, and she didn't expect her to try to pry further, best move in the end is just to not answer*

>> No.74440775

based. get hustled dumb bitch. its a doggy dog indie world.

>> No.74444328

She literally says "based on my own guesses(divination)"
are all EOPs here retarded? she just talking out of her ass

>> No.74444450

Literally who?

>> No.74444800

Why would hololive, the company that gets the most famous mangaka to do vtuber art, need some fucking 1 views advice on an artist?

>> No.74444997
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>> No.74445209
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Man I fucking love these vagueposters who refuse to give names because "teehee I don't want to cause drama or have this person be harrassed :P" even though their vagueposting will just lead to people pointing fingers and spreading more rumors.
Fucking cunts.

>> No.74445225

hakka is a woman, this is common knowledge

>> No.74445256

did... did she really?

>> No.74445292


>> No.74445468

> 2view vagueposting and making accusations
>shits about "Ze Community" being toxic and wanting to leave (doesnt)
>gets butthurt over being used as a mean to get into Hololiver, supposedly (totally not jealous)
This is daily seething Vtweeter/Sister propagpaganda

>> No.74446280

It's funny how seriously these people take twitter stuff. Not getting a like/rt from someone is treated like that person spat on your face.

>> No.74446328


>> No.74446796


>> No.74450056


>> No.74450416

Post proof

>> No.74450581

vtubing iz vry srs bizniss

>> No.74450587

I assumed it was referring to the sexy liver compan that I can't remember the name of.

Did they debut yet?

>> No.74451421

who, i dont remember anyone that big ?

>> No.74451909

Cover should just start suing these retards.

>> No.74453164

The hololive girls are human, are you retarded? All of them have flaws and it sounds like a new one about to debut is numbers obsessed

>> No.74453410

>most famous mangaka

>> No.74453833

That wouldn't even hold up in Japan's legal system, much less in America's.

>> No.74453957

>shitty person
>the big H
It could be anyone desu

>> No.74454073

The only person I can think of that fits the bill is Yuuki Hagure doing Pekora, but they're more of a LN illustrator (Konosuba among others) and H artist. Can't think of any serious high level trad mangaka that have drawn a Holo.

>> No.74454093

What's the guarantee that she isn't just making up stuff for attention?

>> No.74454147

She's airing out her dirty laundry and making excuses as to what the piss stains are to anybody that'd listen.

>> No.74454352

Are you all genshin players? Cause your reading comprehension is at their level

>> No.74454575


>> No.74454831

It was me, she's right
I was planning on collabing with her after the collab ban was over to give her a boost, but screw that bitch now, couldn't even keep quiet for a few months

>> No.74454994

>Hey nice rigging, could you tell me who did it?
>Oh yeah it was x
>Do you have their contact information?
>Sure it's x@domain.com

>Didn't even retweet or like anything, fucking greedy bitch.

>> No.74455672

>it has a small hint of jealousy
Yeah, that appears to be the case. She probably wouldn't have thought twice about it if the streamer in question didn't make it big. In fairness, it's not like she went on a rant about it unprompted. I've seen and heard far worse instances of jealousy meltdowns.

>> No.74455873


>> No.74456064

A popular vtuber who graduated recently, and people think will join Hololive, and someone who fangirls over famous Japanese artists...
She's talking about Mint, isn't she?

>> No.74456249

Saplings are really annoying

>> No.74456251

They probably mean the model she used as an indie before graduating. You should research how indie vtubing works. Essentially they contact an artist then rigger and pay for everything themselves. So what they mean is probably that this person contacted them, took down their info, did everything themselves, and is now moving onto hololive.

>> No.74456316

That's how the indie scene works. And interaction means you are now obligated to shill each other. If you don't, you get a callout post later for abuse.

>> No.74456646

I don't want to sound like a broken record here, but I do have to use the phrase "professional courtesy" again. It's not totally unheard of in these circles, but unwritten rules are more like suggestions than obligations. The word jealousy isn't far from the truth, but since she had to be prompted with a question I don't think it's a precise descriptor.

I don't think it was a realistic expectation for her to have, but at the same time she wasn't expecting someone to kiss her feet for a connection. It's not something people should judge very harshly IMO, but this is 4chan and harsh judgment is customary and always has been.

>> No.74456744

By "H" she means "hentai". It's a reference to Riifu's Vallure agency. Not Hololive

>> No.74456747

She said popular.
Also ignoring the fact that it's Mint, Hololive doesn't allow someone to be active on another account during the training process. It's something that's been known for a while thanks to Milky.

>> No.74456943
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actually the big H means hentai

>> No.74457830

No, they said it's someone who just graduated from being indie. >>74430151
Mint did the opposite: she redebuted as an indie.

>> No.74461072

>used me and then left
what goes on in the indie scene that makes someone think that asking who made their model is using them?

>> No.74461461

But I don't understand, am I retarded guys?
This Xperson watched and supported Xvtuber.
Xvtuber one day asks Xperson about their model saying it looks cool or whatever.
Xperson now feels entitled to some recognition because ??????
What's the problem here?

>> No.74461509

I wouldn't be surprised if people think they have some sort of secret club exclusivity when it comes to their artist. Most artists that design indies actually pump out so many indieslop designs that they probably don't even keep up with the girls they even designed. Not worth the translator juggling just to read stuff like what's in the OP.

>> No.74461890

>What's the problem here?

>> No.74462043

I've watched enough of PL Shiori to know she has no problem stepping on people to get ahead. The "History of Vtubing" stream should have told you that she's a disingenuous person.

>> No.74462529

>being asked by another chuuba for mama contacts
>gives them
>being ignored after
>somehow this is the most ??? thing that ever happened to you
Holy fuck, I thought I'm retarded and can't read but that's literally it. Grow some skin, woman

>> No.74462547

>least obvious falseflagging sister

>> No.74462659

seeing shit like this makes me not want to be a vtuber. i don't wanna have to deal with people like this.

>> No.74462822

NTA but what about the stream gave that impression? I haven't watched her since debut week, so don't care if you go off about it.

>> No.74463084

Nah, she's done a bunch of Shiori cosplays and seems to like her so no chance it's her.

>> No.74466639

I mean a thank you would be nice

>> No.74466844

Nice but it isnt obligated

>> No.74467142

>it isnt obligated
It's not but not doing so is a faux pas

>> No.74467279

I mean we don't know they didn't say thank you?

>> No.74468334

Shiori doesn't fit the timeline of this tweet though

>> No.74468382

How do know they didn't thank her? She just said they didn't retweet her debut

>> No.74468436

>Hey I like your model, who made it?
>*provides info*
>OK thanks, bye!

>> No.74468697

She doesn't say the person didn't thank her. Her gripe is that the person didn't become her little small indie incestuous buddy and start promoting her.
Also, would you find a minor faux pas "soul crushing" like this girl claims to? kek

>> No.74471554

Where do you retards grow? She said she was ghosted.

>> No.74471708

Even top tier quality mamas who worked on holos don't remember some of their children (the non-holo ones).

>> No.74472609

Ghosted could have meant she followed up after and got no response.

>> No.74472777

yuuki hagure did porn?
Man, I know okayu's artist did a doujin of a catgirl that looked suspiciously like okayu before okayu was a thing.
I know there was that whole mizuuryu kei thing. Did anyone ever find out what was up with that?

>> No.74472944

'fraid so.

>> No.74473834

>yuuki gaure did porn?
Yeah, but not for a while. He was one of the bigger H artists along with Tomose Shunsaku 6-10 years ago, but they both got cushy gigs with Konosuba and Classroom of the Elite respectively. Main difference between them though is that Yuuki Hagure actually drew porn of Konosuba after taking on a job for the series. By proxy, this probably means there's official Pekora nudes that are being hidden, at the very least.

>> No.74474026

hagure* I can't believe I'm going to /become/ Miko over this.

>> No.74477648

When you don't talk to twittards ever again they call it ghosting too. Bitch could've said ok thanks and then never interact with her again. Can't you see she's mad this vtuber didn't like and retweet too? That's the level of delusion here

>> No.74479550

i dont care for indies but the model is pretty
the model is as cluttered as you would expect from any indie, but its easy on the eyes

>> No.74479986

When did milky confirmed this?

>> No.74480117

How could milky confirm this? Did Mori leak something about it to her?

It also seems extremely unrealistic considering how short the time was for Advent between PLs going silent/graduating and them being announced.

>> No.74480390

Wasn't there only like 2 months in between Shiori's PL graduation and her debut in Holo? Don't think anyone is expecting EN4 in the next 2 months.

>> No.74481310

>blind item
Fucking attentionwhore. Just say who it was.

>> No.74482581
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>> No.74483412

>The lie went too big for her to handle

>It's okay we talked it out.

Fucking attention whore

>> No.74484831

Thank you Sayu for starting the new meta of private apologies.
Seriously. I hope this catches on even more.

>> No.74486036

Seethe elsewhere elentranny

>> No.74486093

Hyperfragile 2view mentality means you'll never make it, menhera-chan. But I'm glad your intense mental distress about not getting RTed by someone who messaged you once got cleaned up.

>> No.74486258


>> No.74486484

I suppose those contact details are really hard to come by, maybe she wanted something more in return?

>> No.74487688

good end

>> No.74488553

this person is 100% lying out of their own ass, nothing happened. would they really get a reply this fast? Even in this fake scenario, there's nothing where they "got used", it's literally a stranger asking a question (which any person would just look up easily themselves). In any case, if this imaginary person WAS in Hololive, what the fuck does that have to do with anything?
The impression I get is that literal whos have this kind of victim complex where people in hololive are BAD PEOPLE because they are popular.
Also, it's ghosting if the person has an established relationship with you or hasspoken to you before. If someone's spoken to you once and never again that's a completely normal interaction, move the fuck on. They don't owe you anything because a question isn't a favour.
THIS is the kind of toxic "parasocialism" that actually needs to be called out, when random whos think popular content creators owe them shit.

>> No.74490158

That sort of things fall into the "Things that never happened" category, Jimmy.

>> No.74493133

>Enough pl
Lmao so I'm guessing you didn't watch her streams back then and just based your judgement from the skits her managers made her do.

I guess nijisisters did get mad about nijisanji not being mentioned at all in the vtuber history stream she did.

>> No.74493136

Where's the issue? They wanted knowhow, not to make friends.

>> No.74494780

Hololive lawyer put her in her place right?

>> No.74495531

You fucker are retarded as hell if you think this was recent:
Noel just coincidently gets the big titty knight
Pekora just coincidentally gets the hestia esque dress
Marine just coincidentally gets a red haired character

Kanata coincidentally gets a flat chested character
Towa coincidentally gets purple hair and a cap wearing character
Watame gets a busty sheep character

There's example in every gen of similar "coincidences" that if you have forbidden knowledge aren't just a "coincidence" , sure the girls can't design themselves but they can ask for adjustments many of the talent have straight up talked about this shit I can't believe to this thread you catalog fags and thread readers still are so un/misinformed on this shit.

>> No.74495603

What are you talking about? Didn't Gen 3 and older have the models for people to audition for?
Hoshikawa Sara has gone on record saying she auditioned to be Akai Haato and got rejected.

>> No.74495937

>literal who
she is doing this just for attention and you are giving it to her you retard

>> No.74496132

What's happening in this image...

>> No.74498690

Maybe gen 1 but
>Hag wolf
