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74389430 No.74389430 [Reply] [Original]

Onsen Edition

Previous Thread >>74381103

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.74389456
File: 542 KB, 2048x1152, GLp__SWaQAAH1rX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74389461

Fuwawa more like chihuahua

>> No.74389482


>> No.74389488

You'd be cheering if she opens up with a Blessing of Heaven

>> No.74389530
File: 212 KB, 427x505, 1713941910300886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74389592

Isn't it being boring enough? It just does not seem their type of game, and if they're already cutting down streams each week I'd rather not lost one to an actual snoozefest that they won't even enjoy.

>> No.74389602

I'm done with jong

>> No.74389634
File: 112 KB, 1024x724, 1713538566507408m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mentally fucked by them. I will never become an undying, never questiining simp, but god some of the shit I do for them online I have never and will probably never do for anyone else.

>> No.74389646

No I don't want any jong in any way shape or form unless Mococo convinces me to by doing horrific sex acts for me.

>> No.74389655

Oh the comment was by the guy who made fuwawa cum on stream. Nice.
The way to be loved by them is to be mean so they might love him even more after that post.
They don't trust people that are nice to them, for whatever reason.

>> No.74389679

how do you know they won't enjoy it? the recent mahjong arc with the coaching and final tournament was kino

>> No.74389684

>Fuckers made me check the vod comments
>The new youtube layout is gone
God fucking bless

>> No.74389685

here we go with the cuck shit again

>> No.74389686
File: 11 KB, 289x175, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done playing jong for good
now I only jong for evil

>> No.74389694

Oh, Decoration Cake? Yeah he's terminally /here/ and also a huge fucking retard.

>> No.74389736

why did you make me laugh

>> No.74389738

I hate that I laughed at this image

>> No.74389740

I'm jone with dong

>> No.74389747

jongbeggars are pathetic

>> No.74389749

Then watch and enjoy that arc. Not every streamer is your plaything. I'd rather they do something new than kill momentum and time playing a trash ass fad game that's already lost momentum

>> No.74389781

Well at least you got something decent out of it.

>> No.74389800

The jong hate is strong

>> No.74389816

If they want subs they should do an Uma Musume karaoke

>> No.74389822
File: 875 KB, 2829x2000, F3_UkyGaAAAVFO9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you play majong you're going to burn in hell for all eternity.

>> No.74389835


>> No.74389842

We're servants of demons, we're all going to hell.

>> No.74389849

I only play mancala

>> No.74389852

I have never and will never play jong but I always jongpost because I think it's really funny. I'm also one of the MJbros but I don't really care that much, I just thought "hee hee⤵⤵" would be really funny when I saw someone saying FuwaMoco hate MJ.

>> No.74389855

Streaming it absolutely is. Let me guess, you really liked chess a year or two too?

>> No.74389864
File: 2.95 MB, 498x280, 1690392803181861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the only other uma musume anon here (I think) I appreciate the fact you keep shilling it

>> No.74389915

If they want subs they should kill someone on stream and declare war on Thailand.

>> No.74389933

I'm here too. One day it will be real...

>> No.74389938

Did you know FuwaMoco were fluent in Mandarin?

>> No.74389959

>undying, never questiining simp
You don't have to directly call me out, anon.

>> No.74389974

They should make chat full screen and name and shame retards. Mad dog stream going through their spreadsheet at the one year mark.

>> No.74390012

I don't use ⤵⤵

>> No.74390021

Shitting on fans and weirdos. Totally sounds like them.

>> No.74390024

Know that they don't like you because they know they can never trust you to be honest if they're making a mistake.

>> No.74390037

I don't particularly care for ⤵⤵.

>> No.74390054
File: 174 KB, 740x685, 1631480472891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74390079

I prefer Kaibutsu over White Love

>> No.74390097

Well they did live in Hongcouver their entire lives

>> No.74390103
File: 328 KB, 598x663, 1697905510831245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74390104

They should play Monster Hunter, that will surely bring in the numbers. Japs love Monster Hunter.

>> No.74390118

For me it's the Japanese emoticons they occasionally use.

>> No.74390136

I prefer Mococo's Cute Na Kanojo cover over Fuwawa's. There I said it.

>> No.74390137


>> No.74390139

I disagree with you. It is perfectly reasonable to speculate on this sort of thing with how SHIT many Holo managers have been over the years

Do you not remember stuff like Nene's manager telling her she needs to play Apex and join HLZNTL in order to grow? Managers don't care about us are perfectly capable of pushing the girls in a direction that isn't the most well founded.

>> No.74390158

I want them to do blowjob asmr. I am willing to make the sacrifice and provide the cock for as long as I am able. probably 15 seconds

>> No.74390157

They should play Monster Hunter Stories
Mococo would actually have fun and not have to gitgud

>> No.74390163
File: 176 KB, 1080x1181, 1713631829755488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them too. Would hate them if it was literally anyone else.

>> No.74390166

i too am fluent in pealing a fruit

>> No.74390184

I prefer White Album vastly over White Love

>> No.74390201

we all know they got fed a nice script from the meet and greet organizers

>> No.74390208

i think it's a fair thing to ask considering they broke down in tears like they were saying farewell or something. not exactly reasonable if it's only one week

>> No.74390222

I prefer Yellow Love.

>> No.74390240

I prefer 3 player jong

>> No.74390242

I think most of the holo girls, fuwamoco included assume a manager is there for only them and their best interest. No, a manager is there to hit their own number goals and will pump and dump at a moments notice. If they get to 1M subs in a year, mane chan is going to cash in big time. Probably huge bonus and promotion. No need to care if it completely stunts their future growth

>> No.74390269

Sanma is for babies

>> No.74390294

That's not jong

>> No.74390349

Plastic Love

>> No.74390352

I like 6 player jong with multicolored star tips and a bunch of little balls you gotta move across the board

>> No.74390357

I can't read the squiggle numbers...

>> No.74390359

I'll keep saying it, Kiara is really good at management shit and whips her managers into doing what she wants a lot of the time with no reprocussions. Her and Jenma are even on really good terms.

>> No.74390374

That reminds me I actually gotta give MHS a shot, I was kinda dismissive of it when it first came out.

>> No.74390392
File: 158 KB, 1139x644, 1713971864136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4.24.24 episode 89 'I actually had work to do' edition.

>It's morningaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>Morning has come...
>I don't mind waiting for the convexity as much as I want, but it's been morning recently.
>Hello hello baby!
>Mokochan voice...
>Mokochan's throat is dead...
>Mokochan! ?
>Mokochan's voice is raspy...
>I wonder if it's Mokochan hay fever
>Moko-chan was also yelling while waiting for the convex earlier...
>It's not surprising that you might get sick if you move across the country, so I want you to take care of yourself.
>Pon de Peroro
>Mokochan cheers up everyone even if their throat is not feeling well...
>I guess the only thing I didn't win was Nerissa's card...I wanted to collect Advent...
>What is this disgusting creature? ? (Polka's new key toy)
>Polka plays naughty games and buys strange stuffed animals.
>Mokochan is so cute
>Mokochan, is your throat okay? ?
>Moko-chan looks like she'll find a good otorhinolaryngologist!
>M fluffy
>P panties
>T tea bag
>Mokochan's voice is so cute that it bothers me
>If a child who sneezes a lot comes to Japan, which is a pollen-heavy country, it won't be good for her nose and throat...
>[response to above] I'll crush the cedar trees!
>Don't overdo it, Moko-chan...
>I'm worried about Mokochan's throat, but I'm sure she'll be fine because her older sister, the most reliable(?) person in the world, is always with her.
>Please forgive me for making Mokochan look cute even though she sounds like she's dying.
>Mokochan is so cute...
>The morning is over...

>> No.74390403
File: 2.39 MB, 1280x720, 1712593358252585.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer blue love.

>> No.74390415
File: 612 KB, 3342x2615, GFlwvDFacAAgd51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already burnt out on Bunny Garden streams from JP and Bae's playthrough of it but I don't think they'll play it anyways.

>> No.74390452

>[response to above] I'll crush the cedar trees!
Holy fucking based

>> No.74390475

>[response to above] I'll crush the cedar trees!
is that a hecking mitsuboshi colors reference

>> No.74390514

That made me laugh too.

>> No.74390519

Well you should stop saying it because nobody cares and this is a fuwamoco thread
Yea fucking right

>> No.74390541

>all mogogo spam
they didn't talk about the extra fluffy segment...

>> No.74390577

Seethe more faggot, I love it.

>> No.74390581

Of course not. How could anyone really focus on Fuwawa when Mococo sounded like she had throat cancer?

>> No.74390597

damn nips need correction

>> No.74390708

Wuffian, are you sure you need to browse this thread? Is- is someone forcing you? Blink twice if you need help.

>> No.74390712

Mococo...I know Dempagumi's breakup and the most recent Battle Plan stream has been stressing you out but you've got to lay off the cigs...

>> No.74390746

You love bringing up your irrelevant whore in places she’s not wanted? Yea we know. That’s all you faggots do on this site

>> No.74390792
File: 100 KB, 800x980, 1694632805846848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-No, no one is forcing me to make cute Mogo-chan posts in this thread at all.

>> No.74390794

I'm getting genuinely concerned she's going to be permanently injured from this. She's somewhat joking but at the same time it's not funny. You can fuck your throat forever, ask other holo members. The screaming today, two karaoke this week, screaming tomorrow. I'm hoping I'm worried about nothing but it's concerning.

>> No.74390807

plastic lies

>> No.74390844

She'll be fine, she knows

>> No.74390851

The pero solo bunny garden stream is going to be next week and completely in japanese. Thoughts?

>> No.74390880
File: 47 KB, 510x567, 1713970754270699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd actually stay up for that one.

>> No.74390903

The fact that nips immediately called the allergies at the start of the episode is reassuring. But I am also worried about the double karaoke. They can cancel the RnR Party again if needed, but there's no way they'll cancel the off collab, they'll just kill themselves if necessary.

>> No.74390911
File: 182 KB, 724x1024, 1712679139863920m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatcha gonna do about it faggot? Cry?

>> No.74390940

watch streams. They have already had professional voice training in the past and part of why they get up at least 3 hours before any stream is to properly warm up.

>> No.74390953

He better pick Miuka or I release the Pero expose

>> No.74390961

Can hololive models have visible nipples?

>> No.74390964
File: 94 KB, 705x1000, keino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74390971

mococo can barely keep the voice up for full fwmc mornings
no shot on a full gaming stream

>> No.74391009

Can as in theoretically possible with their tech? Sure. But the models don't have nipples at the moment, they have smooth doll bodies under the clothes.

>> No.74391013

Fine, have it be a collab with a jp member. Who would collab with a nasty dog like him though?

>> No.74391077

i'll blink 4 times because i need twice as much help

>> No.74391164

They could just talk or play a game instead of cancelling the collab outright

>> No.74391200
File: 1.48 MB, 480x360, 1707430063739386.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Severe lack of cumming for fuwawa here.

>> No.74391227

Yeah but they still do retarded shit sometimes. Anyone remember the New years karaoke where Pero sang a full song and wouldn't you know it Mococo's voice got fucked after that.

>> No.74391229
File: 1.53 MB, 1307x1898, y9ygy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74391252
File: 87 KB, 640x1024, 1713465642376914m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74391258

fwmc almost never do that, if something doesn't go according to the schedule they just cancel that stream

>> No.74391299
File: 190 KB, 750x1000, 1713976164154889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't this set added to the mega?

>> No.74391298

That makes sense, Kojima can't write a new script that quickly.

>> No.74391308
File: 167 KB, 960x1024, 1713396591378233m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two twins madly in love with (You)

>> No.74391339
File: 3.51 MB, 2400x3568, HQtYXHze9fC2gZ1orZKv6JoN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74391358
File: 107 KB, 985x1024, 1713302939052707m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwamoco love you very much.

>> No.74391378
File: 1.34 MB, 3072x4348, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74391403
File: 3.51 MB, 2749x4050, q2fi26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74391408
File: 101 KB, 768x1024, 1713205880176927m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cum for fuzzy too

>> No.74391453

Link to the full set

>> No.74391462
File: 3.88 MB, 3000x4200, 7nb70x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74391470
File: 101 KB, 1024x757, 1712785648306802m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let Fuwawa help you relieve some of that stress

>> No.74391471

Someone bought the Fuwawa one, so he should have access to this too, waiting for that anon to show up.

>> No.74391484

I can't even imagine what some Ruffians would say if it got canceled and the Golden Week schedule was put out psudo stealthily, not with all the pot stirrimg happening right now about streams.

>> No.74391516
File: 134 KB, 850x1092, 51c57bd1acb5cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ook ook oooook

>> No.74391526

Nice AIslop guys

>> No.74391544

I would only say that I hope Mococo feels better, you know, because I actually care about her.

>> No.74391567
File: 94 KB, 768x1024, 1711821436656928m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys even love them? Am I the last gorilla?

>> No.74391616

Wow, thanks idiot. My boss just saw my screen and now she wants to see me in her office...

>> No.74391626
File: 115 KB, 838x1024, 1713041843761692m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters love each other. And (You).

>> No.74391630

It's fucking 4pm where I am, it's not time to jerk off.

>> No.74391662
File: 461 KB, 1521x1871, 1716887229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure, wuffian?

>> No.74391700

100%. I know some of you just sit at your computer or lay in yoyr bed all day, but I can't just jerk off in the middle of the day when I have shit that needs to get done.

>> No.74391711
File: 105 KB, 813x1024, 1713012431730700m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck

>> No.74391754
File: 62 KB, 724x1024, 1711546032534035m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cum for fuwawa on company time.

>> No.74391816
File: 726 KB, 764x1080, 84hrjfidjrirjrj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I guess the other gorillas really are extinct. See ya this weekend. Love them always

>> No.74391819

No one makes me cum like FuwaMoco, nobody

>> No.74391853

As a doctor, I recommend them a strict diet of semen

>> No.74391859

Love Love love

>> No.74391886
File: 346 KB, 1512x2048, OFFICEWORKER SEXXXXXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to rape you

>> No.74391904
File: 92 KB, 683x1024, 1713023592000858m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it help with a sore throat? Un un

>> No.74392063
File: 111 KB, 506x840, 1295385963050291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It helps with allergies and helps you lose weight.

>> No.74392232


>> No.74392367

Jong with Mogogo

>> No.74392469
File: 292 KB, 1080x1202, 1703512924049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74392485

Would fuwawa really make her sister swallow nasty wuffian cum?

>> No.74392603
File: 99 KB, 293x315, 1713949189362856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I just have to guzzle it all myself then, hihihihi~

>> No.74392728
File: 45 KB, 317x217, ruffians are garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74392849

Don't ever use that foul phrase with her perfect image again. Thank you.

>> No.74392909
File: 19 KB, 581x428, 1699882988415289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 260: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've continued watching JP stream.
No streams till Adven collab.

>> No.74393396

Where is everyone ?

>> No.74393477
File: 149 KB, 325x317, mococojusthittingkeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been asleep

>> No.74393534

Don’t worry, a crop of 50+ fresh faced doggies all with him to thank joined the pack today. They’ll all be saying it soon in thanks.

>> No.74393537

i was playing jong

>> No.74393585

I’m going to head to sleep soon.

>> No.74393688

I'm doing that thing where instead of doing something I sit here and browse threads that annoy me all day

>> No.74393780

Playing Fallout 4 via remote desktop from work.

>> No.74393860

Just got off work

>> No.74394151

boards been kinda slow all day in general

>> No.74394200

I was playing helldivers, but now I'm looking at 3d printer reviews since I might need one for a fwmc related project.

>> No.74394357

It just looks like melted ice cream

>> No.74394530

If you want I could start shitposting for engagement.

>> No.74394624

Waiting for the stream tonight

>> No.74394652

I thought the fuzzian expose was supposed to drop by now

>> No.74394806


>> No.74394882

Japan! >:(

>> No.74394891

hit me if your most outlandish rrat if possible, I will believe it

>> No.74394899

japan :3

>> No.74394977
File: 1.47 MB, 2436x4096, 1684888057924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was napping until I woke up with a throbbing erection. The high sexual drive because of them coupled with a few days of not doing it made me blow the mother of all loads. Should have made a tribute but I couldn't wait

>> No.74395022
File: 65 KB, 500x500, zangitan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74395051
File: 206 KB, 1000x500, ja_pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japan :o

>> No.74395143
File: 207 KB, 1378x1654, 0k0me0522-1718978741358236010-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of seed lost to a nursing handjob from Fuwawa. Just like when she smiles at the end too.
Just have to make time for fluffy.

>> No.74395174


>> No.74395283


>> No.74395452

Do you think a tribute would cheer them up?

>> No.74395541

Just post a room already

>> No.74395556
File: 326 KB, 2037x2048, 1686837189095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not Mococo, unsure of Fuwawa. I only thought about it because of the size

>> No.74395695

Fuwawa would love it
>oh my goodness moco-chan look at this
>silly wuffian
Pray mane chan can't see her tribute bookmark folder, unless she uses a sub account

>> No.74395959

>unless she uses a sub account
She definitely has a few of those
Her idea of the blue bird in sakura wars being twitter and many being having multiple accounts came to her within seconds

>> No.74396028
File: 51 KB, 928x521, F8cP1ekaYAA--p7@notkenriyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74396103

I don't post enough porn to be noticed by her accounts, I've gotta step it up. I think the first dedicated tribute account will get a follow by her even. I cum for her every day, why am I not doing more with that? I can't draw, I can't clip, I'm not that clever but holy canolli can I cum a lot and often for her

>> No.74396169
File: 172 KB, 348x406, 1713827253519718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gorillaposting still up
Sometimes this place is all right.

>> No.74396493
File: 601 KB, 808x862, 1694754109146136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will this retard fuck off from under the air conditioner

>> No.74396568
File: 120 KB, 1024x972, 1712665851956186m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't call my wife retarded! She's just a little autistic.

>> No.74396578
File: 84 KB, 1410x328, 1694898137119676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will fuwamoco be based and ignore Moris bullshit

>> No.74396735
File: 153 KB, 750x584, fashion dreamer jp vs uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunny game when

>> No.74396759
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x1080, 1376466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that Mococo said that The Fuggler looks like Fuwawa in the morning hot, when it clearly has allergy-eyes lived rent-free in my head the entire day.

>> No.74396805

>Fuwawa steals the winks from her by taking the best camera tracking spot for their l2ds
>Then she puts her under the air conditioner so she gets cold and sneezes more often for more sneeze taxes
This conniving blue temptress I swear...

>> No.74396947
File: 2.87 MB, 600x555, fuwawink2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74397082

imagine if they make a mistake and end up playing this bunny game instead

>> No.74397115
File: 54 KB, 856x953, 1700842949175282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74397119
File: 38 KB, 1001x1001, 418T2TM-yFS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could just get one of those things you hang from the AC to deflect the wind.
Completely trivial to setup, even Fuwawa could do it.

>> No.74397168

How many people are working on the FWMC Princess Maker game? I want to help too.

>> No.74397172

>Completely trivial to setup, even Fuwawa could do it.
They can't even change a light and you expect them to climb up to an AC and install something on it?

>> No.74397230

Call Mori, then, she can do it. It takes like 3 minutes, it's not the same annoyance as "come here build a bed for us", she could do it before an off collab.

>> No.74397246

But Moco-chan likes the way the cold air FEELS on her skin. It's all about that sensory stimulation for her.

>> No.74397255

There is a fwmc princess maker game in the works?

>> No.74397297

I am but it's solo so far. Have a few artists once I get to prototype. Sorry I'm autistic

>> No.74397317

>Hates her cold feet
>Likes to be hit by cold air

>> No.74397370


>> No.74397377
File: 193 KB, 850x950, sample_5c6ffbe2736e8517f40219ff66380764af3bd559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, it's really complicated, ok!

>> No.74397408

Probably, Fuwawa said she would like a game like that to be made, I assume at least 4 of the richfags are running independent projects to get her attention.

Hope it's good.

>> No.74397434

How much sex will it have

>> No.74397456


>> No.74397531
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>> No.74397557
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enjoy not having voice then

>> No.74397582

What's it being made in?

>> No.74397605

I thought about it, and I think when the time comes for Advent to perform Rebellion on stage, it would be fantastic if they entered the stage wearing sexy dark leather outfits, complete with whips and high-cut boots.

>> No.74397816
File: 1.44 MB, 1494x1992, GL9hrSgbMAA1fER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74397835

Considering how early it is I'm not sure. Still brainstorming. Renpy maybe, but I always like more flexibility so may just start in something more open like Godot

>> No.74397842

I just thought of how their Sololive will start with Fuwawa and Mococo coming out to LTST and runing the stage trying to hype up the crowd. Call and response with each 'Fuwa!Moco!'.

>> No.74397943
File: 505 KB, 1920x1080, 1703625489537266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you say no to the baubau sex

>> No.74397961
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>> No.74397970

Stop it... Why are you looking at me like that...

>> No.74398002

I miss Moco-santa, they should collab with her.

>> No.74398010

Yea, but that's still a ways off. They need a couple more orisongs or something.

>> No.74398014
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>> No.74398053
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>> No.74398061
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>> No.74398080

I know, I just think the idea of them getting to interact with the crowd a bit with their first Orisong and pump up the energy is cute.

>> No.74398239
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>> No.74398276
File: 451 KB, 858x1332, Raden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you guys gonna get mad if i shill my new crackship?

>> No.74398280


>> No.74398337
File: 1.64 MB, 464x638, Kek Fuwawa[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1wju7b.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this made me legitimately slap my knee
good shit

>> No.74398340

What is her porn like? She looks and sounds like rape

>> No.74398349

What they should is an entrance where they come in from behind the audience and walk or run to the stage.

>> No.74398373

Well if you just want to make the game mostly VN, Renpy or even RPG maker would be good.
If you want to do some sort of Fashion Dreamer type of game, Godot has some good UI tools for the customization which you could bridge into the "exploration" environment that Fashion Dreamer had. If you do want to do some sort of open environment, you might want to consider how many models you'll have to make for it (unless you're doing some sort of sprite work). If you're not up for that sort of work, it might just be easier to do the exploration top down like in RPG Maker or implement that into Godot.

>> No.74398398
File: 947 KB, 1002x793, WHERE THE DOGS AT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74398423

she gives me the vibe of someone who is hiding a dead body in her apartment

>> No.74398435

not at all, in fact I want raden to go on an hour long rant over glorious japanese fine arts and rakugo for their enjoyment

>> No.74398473

Her excited energy reminds me of the zombie
I hate it

Doesn't seem like a bad person though

>> No.74398479

The entirety of regloss has like less porn than a League of Legend skin

>> No.74398482

oh gosh I can hear this thing's voice in my head kek

>> No.74398579
File: 885 KB, 1800x2047, GHugCX6agAA8u8g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch Raden's streams but I do like a bunch of her fanart. She seems pretty all right from that brief exchange with my wives.

>> No.74398628

Yeah top down exploration like the classic games is my jam. I've made similar ones before so I'm not really seeing any hurdles, just need to figure out all the numbers and Stat curves

>> No.74398672
File: 181 KB, 1333x1000, 16979ddd73ea9a755dc08d68a842f4e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't seen too much desu just some one the namelessstwo stuff, BUT her mama is a bush GOD. he knucked most of his twitter because a bunch of it was bush heavy
i know, she's so hot

>> No.74398776
File: 3.34 MB, 3000x4000, GC51T6BbUAAtqEq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont like none of regloss
But I feel like Raden can revive 1995 Japan any time soon

>> No.74398863
File: 838 KB, 1536x2048, amazing-juufuutei-raden-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has the best cosplayer.

>> No.74398958

Can't be right, I coulda sworn ririka has lots of porn

>> No.74398971

What does this say?

>> No.74399013
File: 1.93 MB, 3000x4000, GC6iaMbWgAAs16z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the translation is shit and loses the feeling

>> No.74399026
File: 73 KB, 850x1060, __juufuutei_raden_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_meru_corone__sample-8c7f644ccd59af93894caf7640e73197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why the fuck i wrote it like that
anyways yea raden is a train wreck art hoe in an endearing way but she's really interesting. it's hard for me to understand wtf she's saying sometimes but there's some dedicated clip channels. i basically want fuwamoco to save her and develop a lesbian triad
i really like all of them except ao. most of them pander to ENs too. i think they're just as good holox was at debut but just got really fucked over by yagoo's autism

>> No.74399030
File: 1.33 MB, 2304x4096, F5-YPjwaMAAXZ7t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I've seen her on my Twitter feed. Her design is just really fucking good.

>> No.74399074

How does it lose the feeling? I can't read moon rune but I think that captures the images pretty well.

>> No.74399108
File: 19 KB, 730x240, 1713302576938777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we received a lot of ponderings but we're concerned about calories
>keep eating if it makes you happy lol
Holy based Raden!

>> No.74399159

Her "Oh but don't get it twisted~" gets me so bricked up.

>> No.74399161

there is no laws against the demon dogs

>> No.74399256

>How do you think it feels to kiss with someone, huh

>> No.74399392
File: 1.53 MB, 4096x3465, GL9QBTDXIAAiE8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74399423

Nip version is way more subtle and relies more on the innuendo
Something like "...hey moco-chan wonder what a kiss feels like huh"
"aren't you curious too moco-chan...?

>> No.74399485

Wow, huh
I finally watched the SC reading portion of the mem stream and they said half way through "It's not gonna be that often, just Golden Week might be a bit surprising". If they would have started with that instead of burying it in the middle of the SC reading, I would have felt a lot better.

>> No.74399548
File: 1 KB, 125x83, gorillasignal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74399562
File: 585 KB, 2304x4096, __juufuutei_raden_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kouhiipan__ed94c30332c2b6b36e251467456738b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too! i'm jealous. i like going to art museums so museum trip with these three sounds like a blast. hope we get some stories
one of us

>> No.74399622
File: 1.53 MB, 640x360, schizophrenia [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvpf3t9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to hear them in your mind but in Japanese
its a different feeling, I think it's more delicate

>ne moco-chan
>kissute donna kanji nandaroune
>naniga iuitaino...?

>> No.74399638

Its what I've been saying for at least a day, they explain stuff like shit but if you actually listen you realize golden week is like christmas or valentines for JP. And if it's only one week out of the year with occasional JP solos, it doesn't bother me

>> No.74399694

which one of you fucks is unironically watching japanese conjugation secret?
stop falling for shitposting for fuck sake

>> No.74399781

The single thing I'm worried about is a VN stream in JP during it. With how close they get with those I would legitimately be depressed if they did that and it would get worse if there was a member version.

>> No.74399783

likeschizos, now is not the time.

>> No.74399825

golden week is going to have like 19 streams, a quarter of them in JP
its going to be like november all over again

>> No.74399828

A paypig architect should dedicate this song to them, the full version has even better lyrics iirc

>> No.74399884

My comment that I posted is still relevant to that thought anyways and isn't blasting them, so it still doesn't change the message I wanted to get across. I just feel a little worse because I think many people who were upset just stopped watching when they hit the break and didn't hear that part. I'm surprised the people who SC'd and stuck around still wrote out stuff though, must have been something gnawing at them with all the shitposting for months about how they were gonna be flopping to JP that made them feel compelled to post their feelings anyways. Either that or they were half tuned out.

>> No.74399910
File: 51 KB, 708x325, Japanese school grade abbreviations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wat

>> No.74399922

I don't even know when it's true or not because I don't care to check, but I laugh every single time someone posts this.

>> No.74399972

Same. That and the following "do NOT open Twitter, the screencaps are being deployed" posts.

>> No.74400045

Wrong on both accounts. It'll be like 8/9 streams, but all in JP.

>> No.74400087

Any Ruffian who wouldn't be excited for a sololive for them should be beheaded.

>> No.74400109

nah i think theres going to be a lot of streams
i can concede a majority being in JP cause idc about that but i think there will be a lot of streams that week, why else would mococo go "you might be surprised" or whatever

>> No.74400122
File: 56 KB, 582x489, monitor touch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah that one is great too, always get a good laugh

>> No.74400153

I'm as excited I can be for something I will never be able to see.

>> No.74400167

dude they barely have 1 orisong. chill

>> No.74400190

Yeah, it's just so stupidly ridiculous to get mad about such dumb shit.

>> No.74400197

Someone said "15 streams in one week" in chat and Fuwawa laughed and said "we still have a lot of homework, ruffians"

>> No.74400203

In what, 3 years?

>> No.74400230

I don't even have a twitter I just like posting it in hopes today's the day one of these menheras finally gives up and stops ruining the community

>> No.74400421

Yeah I was one of those who heard that and immediately assumed the worst, but I went back and listened and I revised a few things I said, still was critical, but a lot of the things I was assuming were wrong, so in a sense it was an apology and a clarification.

>> No.74400615

The thing that just gets me is Mococo says "Something that makes you disappointed might make someone else happy." She even admits it. Mococo, yes it will make me disappointed but it might make some JP Ruffian happy? Why are you trading a known thing for a possibility? Moreover why am I the one that is sacrificed? Why not do something that might make JP Ruffians disappointed (not a lot of JP streams) but will definitely make you current fans happy? (keep streaming in English ) Why do we have to be the sacrifices in our own branch? You already moved to Japan. Every single one of your special events where you look out on the crowd will be in Japan. Every piece of merch and cool event or experience will be in Japan. Why can't we have anything?

>> No.74400661


>> No.74400671

I was gonna delete my comment but it's too late now.
I'll just stop all interactions and leave them alone.
I know they're gonna think I left out of spite but it'll be outta love instead sadly I can't tell them that.

>> No.74400709

Another huge clique RT, that clip has 500k views, comments from all of Advent and was RTed 3 times now. What have you done for them?

>> No.74400710

oh seriously....disappointing
well, the schedule we see on saturday is definitely gonna make or break baubau ww

>> No.74400714

delete and ask for forgiveness

>> No.74400717

Why not just fucking stay and see what happens you fool?

>> No.74400769

this was so ridiculous sounding it actually made me look

>> No.74400790

I think you're misinterpreting the "someone". I took it the same way as how their pup talks are always said to themselves. Today's even started talking about allergies, for fuck's sake. The ones who will be happy being able to use more japanese, interact with their senpai, create more opportunities to achieve some of the JP-centric goals on their list are them.
Remember the Mane-chan talk. They didn't say Mane-chan pushed them to do something they didn't want to do, they said Mane-chan pushed them to do something they WANTED to do but were scared.
They're terrified of losing you, but they themselves would love to do it.

>> No.74400806

>Anything less than a billion streams and its bauver
Fucking faggot

>> No.74400879

Are you genuinely fucking retarded? Were you not listening? They said with every word that they hope that even if you drop them over this that some day you may change your mind and they'll be waiting with open arms.
Stop being a faggot and be there for the Advent collab, nurupo.

>> No.74400882

They might lose me for at least a few weeks if they do a JP CYOA stream and depending on what it's like it could be months.

>> No.74400919 [DELETED] 
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>> No.74400924
File: 23 KB, 589x164, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think fuwawa smells like?

>> No.74400942

are you ok? get a grip, i was just going off mococos phrasing, she made it sound like it'd be packed, i'm only mildly disappointed because it won't be but its not "bauver"
surely there are better posts to bitch at when there was non-stop whining about the JP streams

>> No.74400971

Because it's for a single week. I can personally handle not having content for a single week if it pushes them towards their goal of 1 million. That's all that it is.

>> No.74401042

I mean how negative were you?
They said terrible things about themselves anon. They even said if you hate them it's ok and they'll always be happy when they see you again. I think unless you literally called for them to die or something they'd be more happy to see you still around then upset at your comment

>> No.74401045

A JP CYOA is almost a given and it would also lose me, especially if they had no EN subtitles at least. They've been nice intimate stories that have built up over time. If they whore themselves out to JP tourists that are just meeting them, I won't really be able to take them seriously ever again.

>> No.74401053

Heaven and strawberries.
What does mogotyan smell like?

>> No.74401063

Think that bugs me the most, these girls are so loving and accepting that they will allow literal antis back into the fold, cry over the very thought of people leaving, and are so afraid to try new things because they want to include literally everyone. And some of the stuff I've seen said about them on here makes me genuinely upset cause its blatant fucking sister shit but idiots are fucking buying it.

>> No.74401079
File: 5 KB, 540x442, fwmc daki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this thread was so good for a little while then all the menheras woke up. cya

>> No.74401088

I'm so fucking sleepy bros, I don't wanna ruin my sleep schedule or I won't be able to catch any streams

>> No.74401122

Not talking about Golden Week, talking about them increasing streams after Golden Week to the detriment of English streams.

>> No.74401139

why do you make an effortpost then randomly name someone

>> No.74401145
File: 107 KB, 500x500, WHERE THE DOGS AT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DMX scares the menheras

>> No.74401237

Their pup talks are always partially about themselves but the "make someone else happy" i think has to do with JP ruffians specifically. This isn't the first time they've talked about this and the last time was more overtly about doing things to protect others smiles. That part from Mococo felt pretty targeted at JP ruffians.

>> No.74401277

Go back and listen. I just hit the point in the SC reading where they say that it's purely golden week that they were talking about.

>> No.74401382
File: 2.70 MB, 320x210, ruffians dakimakura.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74401419

As long as it's nothing emotional or personal and there's no member's version then I don't mind if they do a CYOA in nip
Though I don't even know what the fuck they would make the theme about

>> No.74401441

It's stressing me out thinking about the possibility. Those streams are so special and I fear they would do it BECAUSE it's special and they want to show them everything they got.

>> No.74401460

Or Lamy's manager telling her she's not suited for collabs
Or Watame's manager telling her she shouldn't get an oppai mousepad because it wouldn't fit her image when she's literally known as "Wata-oji" by her friends
Or IRyS Project Hope manager ghosting her for months
Or Subaru's manager deleting VODs during the Holocaust, not privating, deleting
Or Coco's manager accidentally making Chinese antis her mods
Or Omega telling all of EN to promote Tempus

>> No.74401529

BS it will be increased jp streams since they want to collab in jp with their senpais and that's okey.

>> No.74401556 [SPOILER] 
File: 387 KB, 1870x1984, GKq01UWXIAALpfD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74401619

>That part from Mococo felt pretty targeted at JP ruffians.
Honestly the thing that struck to me the most about everything they said was how upset they sounded at not being recognized properly by nips
There was pure anguish and sadness on Mococo's voice when Fuwawa said there's still nips that think they're a single person and Mococo said she wants them to know they're two persons

>> No.74401718

Those are clearly the tourist versions of clipwatchers in the EN fanbase why the fuck should they care about those casuals? Just because they are Japanese. They shouldn't care anymore about them then they do about fags who spam WHOWAWA IS DEAD jokes.

>> No.74401737

They need to stop letting their terminal egosearching dictate their thoughts like this. The people who are this stupid won't be reached by a language barrier falling, because they won't watch streams.
I still think pandering to JOPs to get 1 million makes sense, but she's mistaken if she thinks they'll make an impact on someone THIS casual.

>> No.74401746

>they said was how upset they sounded at not being recognized properly by nips
Probably doesn't help that most of the time whenever JP holomems talk about them, they refer to them as "FuwaMoco-chan" which could lead someone unfamiliar with them to believe they're one person.

>> No.74401817

Getting JP fans is the most important thing to them, they will do anything to achieve that even if that requires the sacrifice of their EN fans

>> No.74401814

That's partly their fault since they want to be adressed like that.

>> No.74401862

you're forgetting
>ruffian -_-
>JP ruffian (^-^)

>> No.74401886

Great, I really started this shit again. All I wanted to do was say I was retarded and that I should have listened to the SC reading portion sooner.
Fuck you faggots.

>> No.74401895

Casuals are always the majority. That's why content creators, not just them, care about them

>> No.74401900 [DELETED] 


>> No.74401917

I actually saw one of their prominent artists bring this back recently kek.

>> No.74401942

A dog in estrus

>> No.74401951
File: 174 KB, 366x361, concernedmogogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it makes you feel any better it was gonna start up again no matter what anyway

>> No.74401972

Nerissa still gets comments about Aradia having kids and she addresses it every single fucking time and it drives me mad, just ignore them.

>> No.74402006 [DELETED] 

meh, RM stream was going to cause shit anyways

>> No.74402019

what the dog doing

>> No.74402037

It's frustration more than anything, not wanting to win them over and turn them into actual fans
They know they could do things to make themselves know better yet they have barely done anything

>> No.74402043

This will be the state until things clear up or get better, and Golden Week will undoubtedly be worse once they release the schedule. Nothing you do or don't do will affect it.

>> No.74402061

Once the schedule gets released you'll have a new influx of retards, I'd just say stay away from the thread when it happens

>> No.74402076

>Or Coco's manager accidentally making Chinese antis her mods
How does this even happen lol

>> No.74402152

Someone needs to fucking kill neuron activation

>> No.74402278


>> No.74402282


>> No.74402324

Managers are fucking incompetent. The Antis immediately started banning her longtime fans and then Coco had to have them request to unban her manually through twitter. Then this happened.
So yeah anyone who discounts Managers as being unable to make girls cry is a retarded newfag. As seen by other examples, some managers don't watch streams and will push girls towards horrible decisions for imagined numbers. Or they're just fucking incompetent. The stream literally ended here.

>> No.74402372


>> No.74402403

stop trying to frame me you aren't a convincing esl

>> No.74402478

>it worked

>> No.74402573

That's my exact worry. They see this as their big introduction to JP fans. Probably on the level of their intial debut or more. I wouldn't be surprised if they even released a new cover too, although that's way less an issue because everyone can enjoy it. The CYOA would eat me up inside. I'm selfish I know....

>> No.74402635
File: 2.23 MB, 1550x2467, GHA7BrGa8AALEvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just takes one and if you don't push back against them, you will never get anywhere. The most damning bit of proof in my opinion that nobody every talks about is that Suisei is in a constant state of fighting with her managers, to the point where she jokes about how difficult she is. I think her latest MV was a part of this. Off the top of my head here are the things Suisei's managers didn't want her to do initially

>Her first album
>Her second album so soon after her first album
>Her 2nd sololive so soon after her first one
>Hoshimatic Project

That's fucking Suisei, one of the biggest stars (pun intended) of the company. Every single one of those projects was a resounding success. And she still has to fight tooth and nail with management.

>> No.74402765

i remember fuwamoco themselves have early on said they fight for things they want, so im pretty sure management is not an issue
not that i care about people blaming management but i think fuwamoco of all people have made it clear they know how to push back and have even said they do -- whatever the discussion was originally about (i didnt read) i doubt fuwamoco let their manager run over them for it and conceded/agreed

>> No.74402852

>after party in JP
cool a second worry

>> No.74402914

I don't trust Fuwamoco to stand up to Japanese authority figures. If some suit has it in their mind that they are gonna manage the first EN talent to hit 1 million in under a year since Myth, they will absolutely poison them with bullshit. You think it's just us that have realized what a fucking revitalization Advent is to the EN fanbase? Management sees the SC, merch, and sub numbers too, as well as many others that we can't. They know Fuwamoco are the golden ticket.

>> No.74402991

>Probably on the level of their intial debut or more
That reminds me, they haven't done a debut stream in JP yet, right? They could use that as that special stream and introduction like they said
I would prefer that over a JP only CYOA

>> No.74403025

I will save my pushover wives

>> No.74403090
File: 1023 KB, 218x228, 1628707309079.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright thanks for the posts, I'll stick around for a bit of time see how things go I guess. But I'll stay in the shadows for now.
Sorry for causing the thread to go to shit again.
And yes I am retarded.

>> No.74403101

>EN pig people tell fuwamoco to do something
>fuwamoco says fuck off
>JP pig people tell fuwamoco to do something
>^-^ hai!
its owari...

>> No.74403132

That would be nice. I'm gonna try my best to stop thinking before I get more stressed and sad at something that hasn't happened

>> No.74403153

1 million in one year was there on debut, though. Everyone just thought they were delusional.
Do the impossible, see the invisible.

>> No.74403290


>> No.74403293

I still wonder why they haven't said anything about the goalpost being moved to the end of august

>> No.74403295
File: 3.91 MB, 664x600, FuwaMoco I love Mocochan lots. I love Fuwawa lots too of course.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F947szp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the biggest fucking nap and now my workday is over. I'm gonna MonHun, what are your plans tonight, Ruffians?

>> No.74403296

I actually thought they'd have an easier time than this at getting 1m

>> No.74403303

Kek, I think its more that you called out thr jannies directly.. I've actually found if you directly say the word "Jannies" "Janitors" or "Mods" they'll enter the thread cause they PROBABLY have something that pings them when certain keywords are said.
One time I called out a shitload of incredibly vague posts and said "jannies these posts are all vagueposts" and they fucking mass deleted them lmao

>> No.74403353


>> No.74403376

Fight my menhera and drink alcohol

>> No.74403408

You can thank Fuwawa for jumping the gun and moving to Japan with almost zero planning, halting their streams and thus their growth for almost a month.

>> No.74403413

They stopped streaming for two months, remember

>> No.74403437

If you really love them and support their idol dream, there should be nothing wrong with them joining something like VCR to get their names out there and make industry connections

>> No.74403439

Disco Elysium though I'm kinda stuck

>> No.74403460

There may have been a gap in activity

>> No.74403473

No yeah I meant from the beginning. Because apparently a lot of people thought it was impossible to begin with

>> No.74403504

If you really love them and support their idol dream, there should be nothing wrong with them spamming vertical streams to get their names out there and gain an absurd amount of subs

>> No.74403521

Yeah and it was a nice goal but even then they said "some of these might not be attainable and that's okay". Then they exploded and some higher ups probably saw they were capable of attaining it. But then the move happened and cratered their growth and now they're pushing Fuwamoco to hit 1 million before the year is up. Fuwamoco went from "This is just a dream and it's okay" to "We might have to disappoint our existing fans to chase this as hard as we can" in the span of 6 months.

>> No.74403550

if the stream doesnt interest me, i wont watch it, simple as
if they do VCR, i wont stop watching them as a whole, i may not watch their VCR streams unless i think it'll be funny
im still a fan of them, just not a fan of the specified content they're doing

>> No.74403558

I actually don't mind vertical streams but they said they don't want to do them

>> No.74403581


>> No.74403584

Do You Forgive Them Yet?

>> No.74403615

I skip every single vertical karaoke that isn't by AZKi or Sora

>> No.74403621
File: 35 KB, 514x577, 1697531780548073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get too mad ruffian
don't drink too much (I will also be drinking)
sounds like a good time

>> No.74403629

I'm not an anti so I was never mad at them

>> No.74403632

>"This is just a dream and it's okay" to
this is actually whats been on my mind
1m to them was more of a side-goal at first, then suddenly now they bring it up like they want to go hard at it
minds change so its whatever, just an interesting change of heart

>> No.74403646
File: 1.06 MB, 4096x3049, GKBCVXOXcAAjHiC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was never upset at them in the first place.

>> No.74403651

Vertical streams suck on most pc setups but I can deal with it. They'd get a boost from phone users.

>> No.74403694

baused, azki's setlist are all kino can't wait for 100 song endurance stream though I already know what's in it

>> No.74403713

Cover are the ultimate numberfags, they absolutely saw their explosion, growth, taper off, and are now hounding them to get 1 million before a year.

>> No.74403735

I'd prefer an entire week of vertical streams than JP streams

>> No.74403764

i remember some situations where they'd struggle to come up with anything satisfactory
>FUWAMOCO-chan? but theyre two...
>FUWAMOCO? too personal
>FUWAMOCO-tachi? [insert dissatisfied face]
>FUWAMOCO-chan-tachi? sounds weird
>guess i'll go with FUWAMOCO-chan
I cant remember who went through this on stream

>> No.74403779

What could they ideally stream for a week vertically?

>> No.74403811

Puyopuyo tetris training arc

>> No.74403824

Maybe there's some push from management but you're also crazy if you think they don't want to have regular Japanese streams. They literally decided in a handful of months to pick up their lives and move there.

>> No.74403864

Just do their usual baby talk and baubau every so often

>> No.74403957

Mococo eating natto, obviously

>> No.74403979

I was only sad because they cried. Cant possibly be mad until I actually see what happens and their schedules

>> No.74403990

It's always been something they've been aiming for seriously. You don't stream 100 days in a row just for fun. The reason they said it's not that important is because they were trying to soften things for themselves if they didn't make it, but they've been pushing as hard as they can for that milestone from day 1. What they mean is that they could've streamed some casual bait like Doki Doki Literature Club and made it easier, but they won't compromise their principles to do it. They really want to hit 1 million in a year but it's more important that they do it their way.

>> No.74404066

Well if that's the case, I hope they read my post condemning the idea of doing more JOP solo streams over EN streams with all the homework coming up eating their time.

>> No.74404117

>You don't stream 100 days in a row just for fun
It was for fun though, they even said they had too much fun they didn't know at what point they should stop

>> No.74404172

With a vertical stream on PC FWMC take up maybe 20% of my screen thanks to the new youtube ui
I watch the stream on my phone fullscreen and the bottom part of the screen isn't even visible
Vertical streams are just bad

>> No.74404196

>You don't stream 100 days in a row just for fun
They said they weren't expecting to do it but they enjoyed streaming and being with us so much that they ended up naturally doing it

>> No.74404233

Why the fuck does it have to be within 1 year anyway
They're not the first and certainly not the last holos to have that goal on debut

>> No.74404246

Nobody in Council hit 1 million in a year. They came out of the gate running because they wanted to, not because they wanted a numberfag goal. Also they DID say it was for fun, watch streams.

>> No.74404266

If you posted in the VOD then I'm sure they read it. Just know that you can end up on the losing side of the decision

>> No.74404272

>Do You Forgive Them Yet?
There's nothing to forgive? I wasn't mad at them, I just expressed how I felt and said that I love them and will keep supporting their dreams

>> No.74404289

As someone who worked in an office before, it's entirely optics. 1 million in a year sounds good. 1 million in a year when the entire previous gen didn't manage that sounds great.

>> No.74404298
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Not a bad idea, tetris could be fun to watch when the levels get hard
I don't think that's gonna work the greatest but I'd tune in for it
Ah yes the Moco-chan natto torture hour, now we're talking

>> No.74404318

i guess its so they can say "we did it" and use it as leverage when they ask cover for more shit

>> No.74404383

Well then the retards shouldn't have moved, they could have actually done it then moved

>> No.74404401

It's that fucked too on phones?
Youtube get it together you shitlords.

>> No.74404415

I'm going to assume they leveraged with management to move the goal from end of july to end of august then
Still, fucking retarded corpo bullshit

>> No.74404455

>"they won't compromise their principles"
>they moved to Japan and cucked their english fans for japanese ones
Last time I checked, their most important pledge was to protect the ruffians' smiles, right? Haven't seen much of that lately and in fact they've been doing the opposite which is making their fans sad. So was the pledge just a fucking lie or what?

>> No.74404462

I'm not mad, just disappointed.

>> No.74404497

they are not bright women
they want all the benefits without sacrificing anything then once they notice they actually have to make sacrifices they end up crying

>> No.74404513

That was more about the length, and number of streams. 1 stream a day was the original goal, the getting caught up in the fun part was about schedules that had them streaming 2-4 times a day, like on Halloween.

>> No.74404587

so true

>> No.74404643

To be clear I'm saying "1 million in a year" on debut was them. Management probably laughed and said aww that's cute. Then Fuwamoco became a phenomenon. Then they wanted to do things the Fuwamoco way, long running game series, VNs like Sakura Wars and White Album, and old games people have already played before/ that don't get many views. They were still on track. Now it's almost the 1st year anniversary and they are looking like they won't make it. But they're close. Fuwamoco I think would say "That was nice but we gave it our best." I think management is the one pushing them and giving extra urgency to do it before 1 year whereas Fuwamoco would have been mostly fine hitting it a month after or so.

>> No.74404645

Could also be something they were dared to do, maybe? Like them bringing up very early on something like a concert, or some other big event, and Cover almost jokingly saying "if you can get 1 million in a year, then we'll talk"
And with the current state of EN, if they do manage to get it, you can bet Cover will bend backwards to give them whatever it is they asked that prompted this answer.

>> No.74404665

>they want all the benefits without sacrificing anything then once they notice they actually have to make sacrifices they end up crying
At the rate they're going with all the homework and streams and projects behind the scenes they'll be taking another 2 months break sooner rather than later but this time due to health issues

>> No.74404726

nice fanfic

>> No.74404785

It sucks but they're gonna have to learn the hard way, and it will be really painful when they're hit with the harsh reality

>> No.74404789

We'll see after today

>> No.74404862

I've already done the calculations, they'd be lucky to hit 1 million subs by December unless they start doing regular vertical streams and spam shorts weekly. The August deadline is straight up impossible for them after their genius idea of self-sabotage

>> No.74404900

>I think management is the one pushing them and giving extra urgency to do it before 1 year whereas Fuwamoco would have been mostly fine hitting it a month after or so.
The JP stream increase would've happened anyway at some point to maybe once a week, but this entire week of JP streams for blatant number chasing sounds like 100% management idea
Of course more JP streams is something they want to do and I get that, but pulling something like this seemingly out of nowhere when they clearly care so much about EN fans to the point of crying for hours just doesn't sound like an idea from them at all

>> No.74404960

I still fele bad thay I hope golden week is a collosal failure numbers wise. I hope they have fun, but they should stick to JP collabs only.

>> No.74404978

have some faith faggots, this is the idol business

>> No.74405296

I'm nervous

>> No.74405331

shut up retard

>> No.74405362

How the fuck does Biboo have 40k viewers?!

>> No.74405373

i've completely lost faith in this already cancer fanbase after the last couple of days. just hoping they leave once this is all over

>> No.74405387

>the pillar actually flew to japan
bro if you're here i would send that followup report to cover now

>> No.74405455

is he planning on oshi no ko'ing them

>> No.74405482

Way ahead of you. I'm getting worried.

>> No.74405526

>>the pillar actually flew to japan
For what purpose?

>> No.74405593


>> No.74405594
File: 50 KB, 782x796, 1708539077991792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just doing some tourism haha...

>> No.74405604

I am still insisting on trying to help will burnout soon

>> No.74405613

Spurned ruffians have moved on from their traitor whores

>> No.74405632

To stalk and murder them.

>> No.74405633


>> No.74405644

uh that's really bad news

>> No.74405759

Who the fuck is 'the pillar'. I can never keep up with all the gay shit happening in this community.

>> No.74405761

brat that needs to be impregnated (you)

>> No.74405871

Have withstood pain to create many pillars
But yet, those pillars will never hold anything

>> No.74405967

Is it too late to take back my comment? To truly express how I feel instead of being a scared yesman? I don't even superchat so I don't feel like my opinion would matter, but It just doesn't feel right to be insincere to them.

>> No.74406013

I was wondering the same thing.
She's really got things going for her now.
But I think it's bots.

>> No.74406021

stop being such a bitch Ryan

>> No.74406043

It's never too late. They welcome honest feedback. Just don't put anger into it. Be calm. clear, and concise.

>> No.74406179

>no paused.gif today
its owari

>> No.74406206

mogochan is getting sick... their golden week plans...

>> No.74406209
File: 92 KB, 900x480, IMG_7984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it’s bots
Kek you think

>> No.74406250

Holy fuck

>> No.74406281


>> No.74406292

IRyS has a stream later so someone gets botted

>> No.74406298
File: 5 KB, 132x60, Screenshot 2024-04-24 180855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These dogs gotta play mon hun too

>> No.74406307

>Or Watame's manager telling her she shouldn't get an oppai mousepad because it wouldn't fit her image when she's literally known as "Wata-oji" by her friends
Fubuki and Mio thought it didn't fit her either. Watame never really cared or she could have just made it anyway. Managers can't stop a talent on something like that. It just made a funny joke.

>> No.74406361

Managers can absolutely stop talents from making certain merch.

>> No.74406368
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Mococo is unironically dying

>> No.74406396
File: 840 KB, 2894x4093, GAq3sS3a4AAje3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74406401

Would Mococo be capable of playing it good enough?

>> No.74406424

go to your thread trash fags

>> No.74406494

I'm already here, the trashiest thread on the website

>> No.74406616

I dunno about that, I've seen some really garbage threads in my time

>> No.74406673

Haven't checked the thread in a while
Are entitled manbabies done crying yet?

>> No.74406822 [DELETED] 

Breeder lmao

>> No.74406894

These are the kind of stories I really wish they'd talk about as Fuwamoco.

>> No.74406929

Fuck off back to your shithole

>> No.74406945

There's finally a trash thread? Thank god, I don't have to keep posting in /baubau/ the anti general

>> No.74407001

>trying to talk shit about anyone else

>> No.74407060

Don't even bother baking, I'll handle it

>> No.74407085

anti op incoming

>> No.74407087

Check the time

>> No.74407147

My brain has been all fluffy and fuzzy on days without late night streams go men
