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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 673 KB, 1179x1080, Screenshot_20240424_090919_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74367511 No.74367511 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive models are outdated and look bad in comparison to pretty much everyone else

They are a multi billion dollar corporation. Why can't they just spend the money to update their models?

>> No.74367591

Anyone who uses a self-made software will look worse than a vtuber using an open-sourced software.

>> No.74367597
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>> No.74367673
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why are you using the war crminal as a example her model is iconic

>> No.74367693

Because the models aren't bad even if they aren't the best of the best, and that money can be better spent elsewhere for Cover. Updating a model isn't going to do much to bring in more fans or money, but concerts and collaborations and such will, so that is what they focus on.

>> No.74367732

She could really use an update kinda like FBK got

>> No.74367735


>> No.74368052
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You're retarded and thanks for wasting another thread

>> No.74368272

You don't need flashing neon signs and LEDs on your tits to impress as a Holo. Leave that to VShojo.

>> No.74368291

Cover uses Live2D Cubism which is open source, facial tracking is the only in-house software they're using and it's based on Apple's tech

>> No.74368389

>good model is when tits bounce at the slightest movement

>> No.74368422

Apart from not bring in new people, change could always drive away current fans.

>> No.74368526

unironically, yes.

>> No.74368704

noel sama please don't eat me

>> No.74368915

I don't think it's a tracking issue, just shit rigging.

>> No.74369052

IRyS 2.0 is 10/10

>> No.74369286

while I agree, why did you post one that still looks really good
Pekora's is so iconic

>> No.74370233

Holo models are not good but literally you have Niji whose models are completely dogshit.
Honestly it's genuinely hard to find an vtuber whose model is as bad as Niji's, even indies.

>> No.74370354

Even if that were so, their models are all well designed and cute (or eventually get there, not that it was irys' fault). The tech is less important than the personality.

>> No.74370619

It's good to update the model and add more features.
But I don't want them to completely remake it and end up like Fubuki.

>> No.74370641

Yes exactly like this

>> No.74370718
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alternative is Suisei, which is doing it right

>> No.74370823

[trigger warning, criticism of your favorite corpo]
I do not like Holo rigging. It's okay until they look to the sides and it looks like theyre sliding up and down on a fixed vertical line. I think about it every time I see a girl look off to the side.

>> No.74370845

this is the way

>> No.74371118

They've used plenty of high-quality riggers whose work outside of Hololive speaks for itself.

It's not a rigging issue. It's SOMETHING in their proprietary software.

>> No.74371210

any examples?

>> No.74371312

Honestly I would rather Cover be slow as fuck with tech than be like Iron Mouse or Juniper where it's always changing how they look. I like how constant and recognizable various girls are, even then I think a bunch of them are ovderdone with too many outfits. I know tech =/= outfits, but my point is I would rather things be slower than change too quicky.

>> No.74371469

Keffiy rigged Vei's first L2D back in 2021, which to this day has a wider range of motion and more accurate facial tracking than Holo models.

I don't know how commonly they use him these days but he used to have his hands all over Holo rigging.

>Honestly I would rather Cover be slow as fuck with tech than be like Iron Mouse or Juniper where it's always changing how they look
You know it's not an either or situation, right?

>> No.74371957

This looks iconic though?

>> No.74372009
File: 3.57 MB, 1920x1080, 2023-10-11 19-15-23_001.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me 1 holo that have anything as close of accurate facetracking?

>> No.74372520
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>Hololive models are outdated and look bad in comparison to pretty much everyone else

>> No.74372913

It doesn't look right when it moves that much.

>> No.74373087
File: 493 KB, 640x640, imagine the taste of the eyebrows.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to suck on her pointy chin and eat her eyebrows.

>> No.74373160

There are some indies I watch just because their models are so great. Can't say that with any holos

Hololive needs to step it up

>> No.74373168

Just say you're a zoomer who needs constant things flying on the screen and be done with it.

>> No.74373292

Because Cover has deals with riggers which allow them to pay less when they commission a new model. Is all about saving money. Sayu and even Shylily old model MOG most of hololive model but those are fucking expensive. You have to remember a lot of rich people never move from the poorfag mentality as long they save money.

>> No.74373362

>op image

>> No.74373364

Snuffy's models is the only good thing about her. Not every of her models tho.

>> No.74373386

>Sayu and even Shylily old model MOG most of hololive model but those are fucking expensive. You have to remember a lot of rich people never move from the poorfag mentality as long they save money.
"Mogging" other models doesn't mean shit when the two you mentioned are terminal coomers, and the other is a genshit streamer..

>> No.74373514

It's been 4 years and they still haven't relocated gura's eyes to a proper distance

>> No.74373637

We're talking about vtuber models not about how the chuubas conduct their streams.you soured grape buffoon. The fuck having a better model has to do with every other pile of bitter garbage you just posted? Get the fuck outta here if you can't stay on topic.

>> No.74373703

They have offered gura a 2.0 but gura doesn't want it. Her eyes unironically are part of her model charm and she loves it.

>> No.74373740

im just saying why having the shiny nice upgrade doesn't mean shit when the person behind it ain't the best.

>> No.74373807

Whats interesting about this kind of choice in eye spacing it is because of her small height.

>> No.74373912

I just uoh'd a little. Damn literal cunny shark

>> No.74374004

nu-fubuk is terrible, she lost that dead look in her eyes and low mouth that made her look really unique imo
now she looks mass-produced and she has that unsightly "kson mouth" where it looks like she's sticking out her tounge slightly when her mouth isn't fully closed on that one U G L Y model Kson has, blech

>> No.74374078

OP is talking about indie models. Everyone knows the other billion dollar company's models are just as bad.

>> No.74374137

And I'm saying that hololive have deal with their own riggers and own their own software which is why their models don't look as good and fluid as other indies models. If they want better models they have to shill more cash so is more of a if it ain't broke don't fix it type of mentality. Nobody is debating their ability to entertain a crowd this isn't what this topic is about. The topic is about the quality of the models.

>> No.74374207

I don’t listen to /lig/gers, though.

>> No.74374223

I know Gura has Iron Vertex models, so a stream using that vs her in-house models would be a good basis comparison.
not that anyone could ever outdo oykeli

>> No.74374348

Fubuki design was iconic and I am tired to pretend the new one is better.

>> No.74374398

Becoming a household name dwarfs being bleeding edge on the tech end. Indies are in an arms race with one another that Hololive doesn’t have to engage in; they already hold the keys. Bar a collapse of the overall medium, that’s unlikely to change.

>> No.74374865
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You could give Pekora the absolute best rigging, expressions and options in a Vtuber model and it'd be a complete waste. She almost never toggles her other expressions or accessories. To her benefit ou could say her default expression is iconic because of that since she's crying or screaming bloody murder with the same smile
I was really looking forward to her putting on the half-closed eyes since it made her look smug by default, but she's never touched it since the model update stream

>> No.74374991

You're still point out irrelevant shit that has nothing to do with the quality of the model. You want your 4chan victory that bad? Here take it, now fuck off somewhere and let people who aren't being tribalist monkeys have a proper discussion about the topic. Having a better model doesn't translate to sucess everyone knows this so I don't know what's compelling you to keep interjecting your tribalist bullshit into a topic that's irrelevant to that.

>> No.74375074

with good rigging you don't need expression toggles lmao

>> No.74375239


>> No.74375486

I loved fubs old design it had soul this new one is kinda soulless probably because is too bright and look extra cartoonish.

>> No.74375523
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im in the minority but I like new friend

>> No.74375545

New friend is pure sex

>> No.74375580

>nothing to do with the quality of the model
It has plenty to do with it, actually. Making massive adjustments is almost entirely unnecessary. Those that need to are often attempting to either stay “fresh” or do so against competitors. Considering they are nearly peerless in several regards, a question as to quality —which is largely subjective until proven otherwise — is less about the why not and more about the why would.
I’m making an observation here, as candidly as possible. Indies generally lack the restrictions, hence why I’d singled them out.

>> No.74375795

Well I think the point they're making is that there isn't a strong incentive for them to do company-wide updated models as a business decision. They can spend on more explosive projects/branding that has greater reach/impact for existing fans.

The talents themselves are already doing a great job driving the experience, and I can't see that more appealing model will make a significant difference at this stage.

But I agree, it'd be nice. I'd update all of them, especially Gura (who needs it) and Bae ( because I'd love to see what she'd look like with greater fidelity and I lobe her :< )

>> No.74375829

Dox "hobo" fakuma

>> No.74375950

Nah I'm just used to old friend model I miss it way too much.

>> No.74376017

Dumb ass retard. Iroha would have worked, Hell all of Holostars first and second gem minus Astel and Izuru(?)

>> No.74376115

It’s a waste of time and money after a certain point. Cover is commissioning 80 models a year minimum on top of whatever brush ups they’re also doing. There’s already bottlenecks where the girls are barely getting their 2023 outfits this year.

>> No.74376190

Indie can spend more money and time on their models and rigging whereas corpos set budgets an deadlines.
Himono explained this back when Kson debuted her top tiet model. Rich indies unironically pay more for their model than corpos.

>> No.74376387

I can only recall RyS, isn't Bean Mouth pretty common on Holo 3D models?

>> No.74376481


>> No.74376587


>> No.74376798

The models are fine, the rigging for a bunch is jank. I hope that retard who did gura and anyas rigging loses their hands.

>> No.74377240

It's a terrible idea.
Better rigging like that costs more money. With the number of talents Cover has, the number they debut, and the number of outfits they get, the cost would grow exponentially over time. Indies can do it fine since they're just single people, but Cover has to worry about all of them, not just one, plus about maintaining the entire companies steady and reliable income. If income went down in the future and they had these nice models, what then? They'd have to do budget cuts somewhere
>Downgrade all new rigging, causing a stir and making them look bad
>Cut down on outfits and debuts, making the girls and fans sad
>All new debuts get the old shit rigging, making people angry at Cover
>Most likely, a mixture of the above
Nobody says they don't watch Holos because their rigging is bad, and very few would be attracted by the newer shiny ones too. It's not practical or cost effective, and the fans like the girls for their personalities more than their models. It's nice to have nice things, but this would just be way more of a potential problem than it's worth.

>> No.74377578

When I'm looking for new chuubas, having a great character design is much more important, visually. If I'm leaving out all other factors, I'll more quickly drop a chuuba for having a unappealing or uninteresting character design, than having unexpressive rigging. Their ability to perform around, or even utilize, bad rigging, is generally a good sign of an interesting chuuba, and it can almost always get upgraded over time without loosing their "personality", whereas changing the actual character design can.

>> No.74377650

>Nobody says they don't watch Holos because their rigging is bad
apparently my name is Nobody

>> No.74377679


>> No.74377995

corpos are capable of spending just as much money as top indies do on their talent's models without it affecting their bottom line, they just choose not to. upgrading every cover talent's model to medium-upper indie tier would be about a million USD, 5% of their profit last year

>> No.74378148

Obviously they do have the cash if they wanted to. They just don't because it's a bad opportunity cost.

>> No.74378178

>Nobody says they don't watch Holos because their rigging is bad
I literally did not watch vtubers until late 2022 despite knowing about them early 2021 because I'd only ever seen videos of hololive and I didn't see the appeal of a png with blinks and mouth flaps over footage compared to just audio. the only reason I started was I saw indies and what they COULD look like

>> No.74378641

Cover doesn't spend that much on 2D but their new 3D models are unironically better than than every single competitor's, save for Kizuna Ai's but she died. Whenever they have outside guests in 3D lives they always look so much worse.

>> No.74378726

they've also fixed up Marine's body too

>> No.74379323

cover has had access to nilotoon (and HDRP) much longer than indie modellers have, how you texture a model changes depending on the capabilities of the shader. until nilo became widespread, detailed shadows on textures had to be hard painted in and contact shadows were never very accurate because URP isn't capable of that. lighting and toon outlines on the URP standard poiyomi also aren't super accurate bdue to those limitations. because it costs money to use (both the shader itself and warudo pro which you need to run it) you won't see every indie with it but larger ones will if they haven't already

>> No.74379523

Try to imagine if anime looked like this. Do you really think that would make it a better experience?

>> No.74379599

lol typical amerimutt cartoon shit. funny that mutts believe this is superior or something lmao

>> No.74379608

>Nobody says they don't watch Holos because their rigging is bad
That's the main reason i don't watch PNG tubers, or corpos.
They look cheap and poorly made

>> No.74379699

>no more cold piercing eyes seeing right through you
guess she's moe now or some shit

>> No.74379754

rent free

>> No.74379787

What made you think he like anime?

>> No.74379813

True, just look at Fubuki, plenty of people still don't like her update.

>> No.74380015

/co/ niggers can never understand why people hate /co/ trash

>> No.74380028

an anime isn't 99% of the time focused on somebody's face. if I'm watching a vtuber I'm watching for their personality and thus I want to see their reactions to things expressed accurately. non-corporate models are objectively more accurate in that regard, if you don't like how it looks then that's your opinion but plenty of people enjoy it. besides expression there's also the ability for indies to look much further sideways which isn't possible on the majority of L2D corp models

>> No.74380088

unironically this is the shit they pull every time they do a hologra since that one Ark episode years ago.
Also there is a good chunk of anime that does that, both 3D and 2D, they used it for comedic effect though, not permanent.

>> No.74380107

>Overly bouncy jellyfish models
Yeah no thanks

>> No.74380125

A lot of people here shouldn't run an IP business.

>> No.74380403

If you don't want to look like anime, why ape the anime style? Why don't these people try to look like Futurama or a Marvel comic?

>> No.74380497

Even her best model is still 90% umishit because the good riggers refuse to modify anything in place and umi is not even in the business anymore.
Unless she can find someone to break out of the cabal and commit to pissing them all off, her only option is to pair a rerig with a top to bottom redesign as well.

>> No.74380502

Is that shader specific to unity? Do they have a chance of recreating the look in Unreal or are they hardstuck?

>> No.74380546

Hololive have great designs and models, beside some cases were they didn't age too well like Fubuki, Flare, Watame, Haachama, Aki, Matsuri, Iofi and Moona that look really bad in 3D because of their proportions.

They lack in the rigging part for sure, but is not really a problem, excessive rigging can be a bad thing, you see it every day with major indies on twitch with their bubbly rigging

>> No.74380675

They look like anime, retard.

>> No.74380699
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They should hire Ui mama to design everyone's model

>> No.74380767

Flare's 3D is honestly one of the best out there post upgrade

>> No.74380832
File: 731 KB, 711x595, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flykzet.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are not even trying anymore. sad.

>> No.74380898

the only trash rabbit model is outdated, Nousagi.

>> No.74381022

because it's aesthetically pleasing? anime "style" isn't hyper specific either, fruits basket, fma, dragon ball, and spirited away all look completely different from each other and have variable framerates but they're all anime
it's written for unity. there's no reason to not use unity for vtubing purposes though since HDRP is available for use now, game companies wanting to use that style can write similar shaders for unreal if they want to use that as their engine

>> No.74381445

Based bunny

>> No.74381641
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Can they upgrade? Yes.
Should they upgrade? Yes, absolutely, it would be great to see.
Will they upgrade? Fuck no, maybe with a few very rare exceptions.

Corporations are antonyms to passion, breaking new ground or anything else of the sort. If they can spend less money and effort, they WILL spend less money and effort. So until the designs get unbearably hideous in comparison to indies or other corpos, or until the maintenance cost for rigging code made in 2018 becomes too high, Cover won't do shit. And kurosanji will just axe the problematic organs, they are a short term investment after all.

>> No.74381841

Indie shitters should stfu until they become more than like 3% of vtuber viewership or whatever.

>> No.74384727

It shows that they're relying on talent skill rather than technology, unlike some indies.

>> No.74384850

Imagine being so retarded and corpo-poisoned that you look at a .webm which is simply demonstrating the accuracy of their facial tracking and thinking
Jesus Christ, the lot of you

It's OK to admit the tracking in Hololive sucks. You don't have to twist your brain to pretend it's somehow superior. Nobody's saying that bad tracking makes them bad vtubers.

Fucking Biboo's mouth just flaps open and closed. Get over yourselves.

>> No.74384987

Even if they wanted to "upgrade" their models, it would mean having to redo the models for every single member to maintain consistency in collabs. Then they have many costumes for each member, too. It's not so easy to change.

>> No.74385308

I like when ironmouse does her talk show when holonijis show up and they just look like garbage compared to her. Especially the male models, they are literally like cardboard cutouts like holo has in 3d streams sometimes as a joke.

Actually now that I mention it, it mouse can get good rigging on her 5000 models then wtf is wrong with these corpos. She probably has more models than hololive has members so logistically it's possible for all of them to have good rigging.

>> No.74386636

Indie rigging looks gross

>> No.74386892


>> No.74387031

Pekora's model is just shit

>> No.74387278

Sure I agree that they're outdated in terms of movement and features, but they definitely don't look bad. I'd prefer a limited but good looking model over a trashy looking 3D one with bounce physics.

>> No.74387437

>a ligger appears
I will always enjoy classic style Monhuns to the new world stuff. The same thing applies here.

>> No.74387982

hololive caters to a more refined, sophisticated consumer of vtubers

the models may not be flashy and over the top but hololive fans appreciate the craftsmanship and actual talent that goes into every single model of each talent

>> No.74388889

rigging is an art and hololive's rigging is bottom of the barrel.

>> No.74388945


>> No.74389054

Do you watch Holo?

>> No.74389058
File: 824 KB, 1280x720, 1713097212344377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive models are outdated and look bad in comparison to pretty much everyone else
>They are a multi billion dollar corporation. Why can't they just spend the money to update their models?

They will achieve brand equity this way. Eventually because of their general recognition, they will just make money by putting it out there on merch like Gura or Mickey Mouse.

Sistas and nijiniggers will never understand business and profit.

>> No.74389180

Yeah you just need the blue dorito and the drones will chow down in whatever dogshit Cover feeds to them.

>> No.74389235

Cardboard cutouts have more movement then Holo models.

>> No.74389344

Pekora is the pinnacle of retarded design. "Hey guys, what can we do to make sure our brain dead audience knows this is supposed to be a rabbit vtuber? Stick some carrots in her braids? BRILLIANT!"

>> No.74389404

You are retarded. If you already watch someone you're gonna know who they are.

>> No.74389410

git gud

>> No.74389467

>Hololive models are outdated and look bad in comparison to pretty much everyone else
For some this really worked. Look at AZKi. She's more popular now more than ever after her long hair design.

>> No.74389677

It's basically this. They know they've got you drones by the balls and so they have no incentive to improve. You demand nothing so they just keep on.

>> No.74389723

Me too. Also they're boring.

>> No.74389820

>3D is better
Useless if you don't ever use it. And give it time. Western indies and a couple of VShojo members are already blowing past them.

>> No.74389856

>would anime with better animation be better

>> No.74389866
File: 3.92 MB, 636x720, ci_autism6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this out.

>> No.74389928

I fucking love Ci, bros

>> No.74390007

Uh... indie viewership is a larger percentage than any corpo.

>> No.74390060

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

>> No.74390122

Anon, they use it constantly. You see, the universe doesn't just stop when you're not paying attention.

>> No.74390165

99 percent of their annual content is regular live2d streams.

>> No.74390196

No. It's not.

>> No.74390244

it's not catering to sophisticated people, it's just bad

>> No.74390332

Okay. And?

>> No.74390342

Okay, anon. I'll just tune in to the next 3d stream. I'm sure there'll be four or five today right? Since they use it constantly, right?

>> No.74390409

Miko only uses 3d

>> No.74390412

You missed Miko's Ao Oni yesterday.

>> No.74390414

they should take a few dollars out of the genshin impact fund to improve it

>> No.74390479

>it would mean having to redo the models for every single member to maintain consistency in collabs
But there's already disparity in rigging quality cross-gens? Advent for example has much higher range of movement than anything before them.

You also don't need to entirely redo the model. They might have some outdated cutting, but you can still improve the rigging. Look at Mint as an example. Whether you like the way Kevin rigs or not, that model is years old and was still adaptable to a higher range of motion and more accurate face tracking.

What's "gross" about it?

Do you watch anything other than Holo? You really don't have to look far to see how outdated their models are.

That's not true, because Niji models are almost literally cardboard cutouts. They literally sway left and right instead of turning.

>> No.74390539

Wow. One. So much constant utilizing.

>> No.74390630

>Do you watch anything other than Holo? >You really don't have to look far to see how outdated their models are.
Are you saying that Ironmouse has smoother facial movement than Miko or Watame?

>> No.74390652

Beyond a certain level of "acceptable" quality there isn't an incentive for corpo vtubers to have good rigging especially when you're managing budgets across however many talents you have. There are like a billion indies with super dynamic rigging that are all in 2view hell because that shit does not translate into any measurable success.

>> No.74390681

It's not only one. There's a few who only use 3D.

>> No.74390696

Miko and others are exclusively 3D and they still can't figure out how to make their home 3D accurate and smooth.

Sure their models look good, but are you guys seeing how they move?
Tracking for 3D models usually blows 2D out of the water with ease but in Hololive they're just as if not sometimes MORE jank than their 2D.

Yes. Her and countless others.
Also I wouldn't be bragging about Watame with her face angles.

>> No.74390711

>99 percent of their annual content is regular live2d streams
No need to be so disengenious

>> No.74390713

I'll say it: yes. And that's 2D vs 3D.

>> No.74390777

Do you want me to admit the 99% stat was exaggerated? I thought it was implied. The point isn't the actual number the point is that they don't have great 3d but don't use it. MOST of the time they don't use it.

>> No.74390801

>Miko and others are exclusively 3D and they still can't figure out how to make their home 3D accurate and smooth.
Show me some clips between "good" home 3d and why it's better than Holo. Go ahead, feel free.

>> No.74390809

Are you basing everything you say on knowledge from 2 years ago?

>> No.74390825

instead of 'upgrading' models to lose soul, GIVE ME FUCKING PERSONALIZED SWIMSUITS ON THE CURRENT MODELS!!!!!

>> No.74390831

Er have great 3d but don't use it. My error.

>> No.74390858

Holy fuck

>> No.74390876

>Studio level tracking with dozens of cameras and a mocap suit vs iphone
Gee, I wonder why

>> No.74390881

Your point was that it isn't used, so I pointed to cases where it's used frequently. Why are you upset?

>> No.74390888

Watch any Zentreya stream.

>> No.74390931

It's a unity model.

>> No.74390986

None of them can reach the kino miko can with her model.

>> No.74391015

His models are just as janky
What are you on?

>> No.74391019

Then it's not very good is it?

Okay fine, I just ran the numbers. Exactly 86.34% of all annual hololive content does not use 3d. There. The numbers are completely real and not something I just made up. Go verify it yourself if you don't believe me. And please take your time doing so.

>> No.74391045

Migo really is something else

>> No.74391097


>> No.74391124

>Check this out.
wow, it's fucking terrible. every element and facial feature is totally disconnected.

zoomers unironically want hyper-busy AI slop RGB designs with wacky wavy inflatable arm flailing tube man rigging.

>> No.74391132


>> No.74391224

I did not mean to offend you. You asked a question, so I gave you an answer. I'm not sure what set you off, but I apologize.

>> No.74391328

>wow, it's fucking terrible. every element and facial feature is totally disconnected.
but enough about you

>> No.74391405

ew the mouth is fucking disconnected from the rest of the face, that is disgusting.

>> No.74391625

Miko's newest stream.
A 3D Koro stream I dug to find

30K follower (former) indie using a VRoid model.
20K follower indie
15K follower indie and this is the oldest model of the three.

Ignoring the fact that two of them have hand tracking on, which I've noticed Holo talents typically don't use for home 3D, you can clearly see a difference in the available mouth shapes and the accuracy of the eye and mouth tracking.
The Holo models can, with some accuracy, open and close the mouth when needed, but there are limited mouth shapes on offer to the point where I'd believe you if you told me it was voice-activated and not face-tracked. They also have difficulty maintaining eyelid movements in-between the open and closed states.

>> No.74391654

look away from the mirror

>> No.74391837

Are you arguing that these look smoother than Miko? How did you even come to that conclusion from your own clips?

>> No.74391883
File: 1.30 MB, 320x213, 1708987323575665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you being serious?

>> No.74392005

I mostly have a different tab going or a game on. I don't actually sit there staring daggers into the model's eyes, you autistic nigger

>> No.74392017

Are you just unable to watch them without bias? The Miko example looked better than all 3 Twitch ones.

>> No.74392097

Do your eyes work? Are you just being contrarian for the sake of your favorite company?

I truly, genuinely do not understand how you can watch those models next to Holo's and think that they somehow don't move better. It's immediately clear.

>> No.74392131

no amount of immature 'no u' quips are going erase the fact that your hideous abomination is shit in the rigging department.

>> No.74392179

Meat is insanely janky, Lala's eyes are fucked, and the last one was bland as hell.

>> No.74392183

don't be so hard on yourself

>> No.74392346

>Meat is insanely janky
>Lala's eyes are fucked
Literally how?
>the last one was bland as hell
What does that have to do with tracking?

>> No.74392429

Holo uses Keffiy all the time. Off the top of my head, the most recent new model he rigged is Ruze (November 2023) and just did new outfit rigging for both Watame and Axel (March 2024).

>> No.74392464

Meat's movements are all jerky. Lala's eyes are expressive but the toggle gets spammed by just her talking. The last one was just a regular model with decent mouth tracking.

>> No.74392563

i genuinely can't understand why some people prefer the jelly mouth rigging, it looks like those weird hologras where they make the faces wobblier than usual to make it look weird on purpose

>> No.74392646

>Meat's movements are all jerky.
I know her arms are kind of messy but I did clarify that I'm ignoring the arm tracking her and Lala have because Holos typically don't use it.
>Lala's eyes are expressive but the toggle gets spammed by just her talking.
It's not a toggle, she's just opening her eyes wider. She's a very expressive person and that's reflected in her tracking. It's working precisely as intended.
>The last one was just a regular model with decent mouth tracking.
Yeah? That was the point.

>> No.74392700

the non-schizophrenics perceive things as they are, unlike you

>> No.74392748

>It's not a toggle, she's just opening her eyes wider.
It's obviously preset for her eyes to widen and her pupils to shrink. If you're saying it's based on how much she opens her eyes, they need to turn it down a bit.

>> No.74392806

So is this just seethe that little shitters with their 'advanced' models can't come to even the ankles of Hololive talents' ability to entertain others?

>> No.74392814

>waaaah waaaaah why don't people agree with my nonsensical contrarian babbling

>> No.74392818

Well that's just a matter of aesthetic taste, not accuracy in tracking.

>> No.74392871

I can't see any of their faces. Accuracy isn't something that can be observed here.

>> No.74392911
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Oh well in that case, I suppose this entire conversation is retroactively null and void, how convenient for you

>> No.74392959

old good, new bad
been over this before

>> No.74393005

This was always about the appearance and how smooth it looks. You tried to switch it to being about "accuracy in tracking", which isn't even relevant.

>> No.74393164
File: 91 KB, 423x287, 1692142693137286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This was always about the appearance and how smooth it looks
I'm the one who started the conversation.
>Miko and others are exclusively 3D and they still can't figure out how to make their home 3D accurate and smooth.
>accurate and smooth
That said, you cannot honestly want to argue that Holo's 3D is "smoother" when their mouths clearly jump between a small set of presets and their eyelids regularly stutter.

>> No.74393228

Smooth = used by a holo

>> No.74393287

>I'm the one who started the conversation.
That doesn't matter. You can't just assume that every model you like accurately represents their expressions and the ones you don't like don't. You can't see any of their actual facial expressions.

>> No.74393355

rigging quality is directly proportional to how much time they're willing to give to the rigger.
for better or worse, agencies have a schedule and can't wait a year just to rig a single model.
moreover, agencies probably don't pay the maximum for every model.

>> No.74393380

Cop-out answer because you can't admit you're wrong.
So obvious.

>> No.74393392

>They are a multi billion dollar corporation

>> No.74393420

That's exactly what it is. You tried to deflect, got caught, and are trying to cop out.

>> No.74393464

Top riggers usually only take a month or two.
The model art is what takes the most time.

>> No.74393520

the only real difference I'm seeing here is more control points in the cheek and eyebrow areas and desu the amount of rigging work needed to make them work vs the additional expressiveness provided is not really worth it

>> No.74393612

At first, was impressed with the rigging done with many indies. But after a while, realized they have the same smooth bounce and motions. As if all done by the same rigger. Clones of each other. Back to Hololive, their motions are all them. Has more personality.

>> No.74393686

There's no good anime in the west. It says it all. The Amerimutt idea of improvement always fucking sucks shit in all entertainments.

>> No.74393730

esoteric cope

>> No.74393738

Were you perhaps watching a bunch of models done by the same rigger?

>> No.74393767

2Ds are fine. It's the 3D cancer that has to disappear.

>> No.74393800

it's true that a indies love to trendchase, even when it comes to riggers

>> No.74393806

Half of the people here can't even tell the difference.

>> No.74393808

Maybe. Is there a popular rigger that does most indies?

Gura for example refuses to update. Says it has character.

>> No.74393820

Miko and Korone - They look fine, am I missing something?

Meat - Something about the 3D looks awkward and I really can't put my finger on it. Sure the eyes are dynamic, but the rest is....stiff? Not a fan to be honest.
Lala - That's a really cool model and insane rigging, so points for that one.
Shin - I really don't see where this is better than Miko or Korone, if not actually being worse. Also if you hadn't said this was 3D I'd have thought it was just weird L2D. It's pretty flat.

>> No.74393953

There are a lot of riggers who are pretty common. The most common right now is probably KevinX. Other popular ones are 2wintails, Dya Rikku, Cillia, and the Iron Vertex team

>> No.74393987

>seething so hard he replied twice

>> No.74394006

This belongs to the uncanny valley, it looks disgusting

>> No.74394096

I must be the only person here that likes Fubuki's new model.

>> No.74394326

You're not. The eyes are much better.

>> No.74394569

>Useless if you don't ever use it.
Sora, Miko, AZKi, and Roboco don't even have 2D models.

>> No.74394603

It's literally just old good new bad
It's an improvement to anyone who doesn't have brain damage

>> No.74394622

If the rigging can properly register even wacky motions like this, then it's obviously going to look great when used normally.

Don't get why there's so many retards that don't realize this and seethe about the fact that it's capturing the weird faces the vtuber is making on purpose.

>> No.74394670

AI generated

>> No.74394684

I think they're fine and each model style has it's charm. I really dislike when everything bounces as if everything is a slinky or a disney animation. It can add more life to the model but if the slightest movement makes everything flip around like tits in High School of the Dead then it gets annoying real fast.

>> No.74394738

Any examples?

>> No.74395061

So do people genuinely care about the rigging when they're watching streams or is it just another pedantic thing for people who don't watch streams to complain about?

>> No.74395162

Stop making excuses for multimillion dollar companies.

>> No.74395213

Point out the specific excuse that was made, also name the companies that are supposedly being defended. I'll wait.

>> No.74395296

Not until you read the OP of the thread you're posting in.

>> No.74395342

Yes, people care about the tech and artistry that makes vtubing possible

>> No.74395365

Everybody read your bait post, OP. And no, I'm not going to watch your favorite indies.

>> No.74395376

For someone who dislikes them, you certainly are invested in their models.

>> No.74395539

Why were you pretending to be a clueless bystander just 2 posts ago?
Just because I can see that improvements can be made doesn't mean I dislike them. The costs involved evidently would not be very big if even indie shitters can do it.

>> No.74395597

Anon, you didn't know basic shit like Miko only being 3D. You obviously don't like them.

>> No.74395636

Don't project your samefagging on me.

>> No.74395736

you're mad that some boring ass indie has a overpriced model and still is a 1view?

>> No.74395830

I think their limiting factor is that all their rigging is done by a handful of contractees. They have like 80 talents and if every single one of them gets a new outfit like one or so years, the backlog would be massive if each rig only took even one month longer to make.

>> No.74395834
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>> No.74395984

I fundamentally disagree with what some retards consider to be good. Simplicity is not the bane of quality, rather, simplicity only serves to highlight quality. The Japanese understand this at it's core. Best steak in the world? Served with light seasoning so that the meat speaks for itself. Best sushi in the world? Served with minimal seasoning to let the ingredients speak for themselves. The gooner need for overproduced models is no different than the Amerimutt need to slather everything in sauce. This is primarily becauise Amerimutts are used to substandard garbage which would be inedible without sauce, much like they are used to shit tier vtubers who need a model as a crutch
>But what about Holosummer?
The reason it's kino is that it isn't all the time. This is the same reason girls hate clingy men with nothing going on in their life - desire is built by an absence of something. The best burger you'll ever have is when you are starving to death, not after your 47th consecutive burger for the day
>but my gooner indie vtuber makes me COOOOOOOOOOM
The fact that so many of you let your dick dictate your entertainment schedule is why you are fucking miserable

>> No.74396184

>indies = clones
>holos = all unique like snow flakes with no uniformity at all
>non holodrone opinion: they all move like bricks

>> No.74396235

>Gura for example refuses to update. Says it has character.
Gura is a lazy twat.

>> No.74396341

>this recycled bait again
Hololive is above wasting resources on 2D models, unlike your 2view shitters.

>> No.74396459

That was me, dingus and thanks to another drone were up to a whopping four full time 3d users. How many Hololive talents are there again? I just want to check to see if the 86.34% totally not made up statistic is going to hold up, because right now I might be giving them too much credit.

>> No.74397008

>thanks to another drone
holodrone anon go back

>> No.74399148

I'm a 3D modeller for vtubers, does anybody have actual questions about tracking/rigging/tech because I can probably answer anything besides "what exactly does holo use"

>> No.74399207 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1710804516565803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holo dudes must be unironically cultist. like this is some of the most high quality while also not over the top rigs I have seen recently. super impressed, quite as hell wide smile with the teeth

but for some reason like a bunch of bronies are doing the
>pointy elbows
>2/10 would not bang
bullshit to pretend its not good

>> No.74401658
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>Why can't they just spend the money to update their models?
Not sure what would the point be. To prevent bait threads on mongolian basket weaving forums?
The fact that Holo - and Niji - feature some of the most popular vtubers on Earth is plenty enough proof that rigging and tracking quality does not make any significant difference.
Might help smaller vtubers catch some eye to push their growth, but other than that, cutting-edge L2D technology is absolutely pointless.
Most indies just do it for vanity and/or lack of other options when it comes to investing into their job.

>> No.74401909

>why would they improve the product?
cover deeply appreciates your blowjob

>> No.74402436

It'd be a meaningless improvement. I'd rather see them make some improvement in the game perms department. Or their 3D tracking, just to stay on topic.
I gladly accept your concession, though.

>> No.74402685


>> No.74402720

It wouldn't be meaningless to anyone that watches. There's no downside to it.

Concede some more room in your throat to that cock you're sucking.

>> No.74402966
File: 89 KB, 656x540, 1666156940180359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It wouldn't be meaningless to anyone that watches
It would, and I already proved you why.

>> No.74403300

Again, there is no downside, so you're only defending it because constantly the dick lodged in your airway has caused you irreversible brain damage.

>> No.74403319

Hololive is the new Pokemon, they produce absolute low effort trash and yet their fans will eat every overpriced turd, their drones will lump to attack anyone else who does it better with a fraction of the money, and will defend their choice to produce dated cheap slop despite having more cash than most of the companies listed in Forbes.

>> No.74403328

>why won’t you spend your money on something you don’t need, Cover?
I’m beginning to think this thread was never about the models and was always just anti-corporate sentiment.

>> No.74403404

Cover doesn't need avatars for their talents?

>> No.74403579

Yeah, because they definitely don’t even have models or anything. Meeting your standard isn’t important. If it were, they’d be doing just that.

>> No.74403591

>Again, there is no downside
I don't know, spending a fuckton of money to periodically upgrade all their talents' avatars sound like a pretty decent downside to me.

>> No.74403688

>fuckton of money
Even no name indies can do it, so clearly it's nowhere close to that much.

>> No.74403939

How much would a top of the line rigging cost?

>> No.74403974

If the models are important, then improving them is also important.

>> No.74404102

Hell yes, extreme amounts of movement and expression gets clipped.

>> No.74404221

Going on the Mouse route would be impractical too, for the same reason why anime characters in Shounen always wear the same clothes - merchandising. You need consistency to market an IP.

>> No.74404303

top of the line 5k, much better than current holo is 3k

>> No.74404343

Not really, no. Those “improvements” are just a crutch.

>> No.74404481

Improvement is improvement. There's no objective reason for a viewer to be against it. You have got to be mentally ill.

>> No.74404523

mouse is an outlier from everybody else, including nearly all indies. she treats models closer to a real wardrobe since she can only wear pyjamas irl and she blows all her money on models and art contests for models because she doesn't have anything to buy or anywhere to go

>> No.74404591

I doubt it. Hololive is likely paying for models way above what an Indie pays for the same level of rigging and design. Because Cover is a company, and they need to buy the commercial right too, and that would be as or even more expensive as the model. From what I've seen when a rigger presents that they rigged a new model on twitter, the model always looks more bounchy and smooth on their presentation. So I think is safe to say that at least a good portion of the stiffness of the characters has more to do with the outdated tracking app they use, rather than with the rigging itself. I guess that upgrading that app, isn't as much as a priority for Cover.

>> No.74404680

And they won't ever do it. It would be a redesign if they did, and that would require changing everything, from her 3D to promos, merch, and figurines. Plus, Gura's model is iconic.

>> No.74404884

>cutting-edge L2D technology is absolutely pointless
Is that why both Hololive and Nijisanji make big deals out of every minor model update?

They literally do a whole song and dance with announcements and social media for something as simple as a couple new toggles or slightly improved rigging. I still remember HoloEN talents farming their community for fan-made assets to pin to their models when that was finally possible (about two years after VTS launched with the feature).

Must be real pointless for them to consistently make such a big fuss over minor improvements...

>> No.74404973

No, I’m just not likewise obsessed with whatever retardation you’re spewing. This isn’t the medical field, nor is it ballistics or industrial works. It’s entertainment; claiming to be dissuaded by the supposed lack of quality makes me believe you only care about form over function. Repackaging this as if it were function is your next move, given that you’ll tout the bells and whistles of an indie’s hyper-clocked physics or expressions, which does little to boost their entertainment value to anyone that isn’t there for form primarily.

>> No.74405051


There is no reason to be against improvement. Treat your mental illness.

>> No.74405069

commercial rights aren't part of model or rigging fees, you're thinking of static art to sell or and entire character design
also I'm extremely certain it's the rigging rather than their tracking, stiffness from side to side is from movement limitations when a model is only rigged to go a certain amount. odd movement on the face would be from crappy tracking but large body/head movements being shitty are crappy rigging

>> No.74405187

Multiplied for the 86 members they have, that'd be 258k-430k. Let's say, what, every two years?
Sounds like a meaningful investment to me, considering how little they'd get in return.
>assets to pin to their models when that was finally possible
Yes, and pretty much everyone forgot about that 3 days after. Kinda proves my point, doesn't it?

>> No.74405337

Are you from the Adeptus Mechanicus or something? Your improvements aren’t really improvements.

>> No.74405344

What you ignore is that here we aren't talking about a few thousands of dollars in investments, we are talking about spending millions. Millions to upgrade something that will bring little benefits. Millions that could be used to produce actual content, media, merchandise or music, which has a far bigger return than adding some more expressions that no one would use.

>> No.74405403

They really are improvements. Seriously, take some medication. You're completely incoherent.

>> No.74405479

it wouldn't need to be every two years, rigging accuracy hit peak maybe six months ago. new rig metas like z axis are interesting but are more about the rigger having fun for gimicks rather than them seriously improving the model with things like vbridger support

>> No.74405546

Okay, you won’t bother arguing in good faith any more. You’re prattling on cyclically and refuse to accept anything but your own opinion.

>> No.74405585

Aqua is an example of an excellent revamped model, good enough for her to even choose to use it over the gamer cat hoodie model. Just looks like her original look but better. It'd be great if people got to see it more via her streaming more than a half dozen times a month, but hey, it looks great.

>> No.74405722

They don't have to do it that often, or at all if they did it from the start with newer models.

There are indies out there with years-old rigs that still hold up, and still surpass what Holo offers even with their newest models.

>> No.74405977

>muh opinion
You can't hide behind this word when you're acting completely deranged. There is no reason for you to be against them improving their rigging. You can't justify your standpoint and you don't even try.

>> No.74406085

Because Iron Mouse is solo. Cover is an agency. If one member get's upgraded, all of them need to be. And this isn't even a matter of costs, which are substantially higher for Cover, than are for Mouse - Mouse pays anywhere between 500 dollars and 5k on a new model. Cover's costs run them closer to 20k dollars per model when you include how much they spend on commercial rights too. So upgrading everyone would cost them into millions of dollars. But even if they had the funds, it would be difficult to do, because rigging a model takes hundreds of hours of work. And Cover doesn't hires riggers from Fiveer. They have their own collaborators, but there are just a handful of them available, as they have to serve a massive industry. So the schedule of the riggers and availability is also an important factor.

>> No.74406198

>Cover's costs run them closer to 20k dollars per model when you include how much they spend on commercial rights too.
What is this new meme? Are there any examples of indies that can't use their model commercially?

>> No.74406203

Is not, the rigging is excellent. Is the motion tracking that's outdated. Each time a new model is launched or outfit is launched, the rigger always show it off on Twitter, and is always smoother and bounchier than what we see in actual streams. Cover's motion-tracking app is nerfing those models.

>> No.74406287

If it ain't broke, why fix it?

>> No.74406386

>Mouse pays anywhere between 500 dollars and 5k on a new model
this proves you have literally no idea what you're talking about. most of her models are above 10k, the majority of that is the art

>> No.74406402

>Miko and others are exclusively 3D and they still can't figure out how to make their home 3D accurate and smooth.

Sure their models look good, but are you guys seeing how they move?
Tracking for 3D models usually blows 2D out of the water with ease but in Hololive they're just as if not sometimes MORE jank than their 2D.

I don't think those girls want to be in a motion tracking suit for hours at home while streaming. They just use their 3D model, with the same 2D motion app to do the tracking as is done with live2D, because is simpler and more practical for the girls.

>> No.74406426

>Mouse pays anywhere between 500 dollars and 5k on a new model.
Huh? I guarantee you her average heads well north of 15K. With all the toggles and features she gets, probably closer to 30K average if I'm honest.
Most of this cost is spent on the art by the way. Rigging probably doesn't go past 10-15K for most of her models.
>Cover's costs run them closer to 20k dollars per model
I don't know where you're getting this number but they're overpaying.
>commercial rights
I've shopped around for model artists and riggers, most of them include commercial rights in the cost of the commission. If it's additional, it's a couple hundred dollars max.

>> No.74406444

What do you think about nu-Fubuki?

>> No.74406535

>bouncy jello = high quality
There a reason why nobody watch them including (you). If you want other to take you seriously at least post your tier 3 membership.

>> No.74406614

NTA but he probably meant for the rigging job

>> No.74406653

>I don't think those girls want to be in a motion tracking suit for hours at home while streaming.
They don't have to be. Most indies using 3D models still use their iPhone for face tracking and optionally have some VR trackers for hands. Very very few of them have invested in a full suit.

>> No.74406671

ahh. well I'm sure she paid $500... four years ago

>> No.74406762

>5 canned expressions = high quality

>> No.74406846

I'm not a woman but I'm positive that fujos are utterly disgusted by this

>> No.74406890

Good morning sir.

>> No.74406906

Because it's not needed?

I love Pekora but I don't really need to know every little movement she is doing in real time.

>> No.74406955

good rigging has nothing to do with bounce. when people say indies have "better" rigging, THIS is what they're talking about, this level of expression. imo 2win is the best rigger out there though

>> No.74406982

>actual riggers begging for a job

>> No.74407195

Is not that. Is about the costs of commercial rights. Those are generally a couple hundred dollars, or a fee the same sum as the model, while some artist undersell themselves and make it free. But, an artist will put less value on commercial rights for an Idie that makes money out of streaming and maybe sell some merch worth a couple grand, than they put on the model they sell to a company like Cover that will generate millions of dollars in revenue each year. So commercial rights are going to be much more expensive for Cover.

>> No.74407607

You know that feeling when you're playing FPS with too high aim sensitivity? That's what's awkward with Meat's 3D rig.

>> No.74407691

>>Mouse pays anywhere between 500 dollars and 5k on a new model.
>Huh? I guarantee you her average heads well north of 15K. With all the toggles and features she gets, probably closer to 30K average if I'm honest.
>Most of this cost is spent on the art by the way. Rigging probably doesn't go past 10-15K for most of her models.
If you think that Mouse is spending 15k-30k dollars on a model that she is going to use for 2-4 weeks, you are out of your mind. Yeah, she is popular, but she is not making millions of dollars a year. Let's not exaggerate.

>I've shopped around for model artists and riggers, most of them include commercial rights in the cost of the commission. If it's additional, it's a couple hundred dollars max.
Yeah, for you... for an indie, who is likely to make no money at all, or very little out of that model. But for a Corporation like Cover, whose whole business model is on commercializing IP, and makes millions of dollars a year in revenue out of each model, and have their merch and image everywhere, they will never get commercial rights for less than 10k dollars, maybe even more. They may even have to pay royalties to artists if they make above a certain threshold.

>> No.74407844

I like these models. But I don't want to see Mumei, or Shiori, or anyone else from Holo like this for some reason. Some holos already have 3D and it looks so much better than these two models here too

>> No.74408250

she uses every main model for around three months, not two to four weeks. she's also around 500k/yr on just twitch subs not including bits/donos/sponsors so if you include those she probably hits close to a million for income
I also don't think her models are 30k but they're certainly above 10k with how many toggles she gets, she also now orders a nude base with new bodies so she can replace the outfits in the future with less hassle

>> No.74408318

Yeah I don't like this. I don't recognize that design but I assume that's snuffy because it's always her with the DreamWorks overly detailed models.
It just looks weird, like a cheap kids movie
vtubers are anime, that doesn't look like anime it looks like western CGI movies from 2004

>> No.74408333

>If you think that Mouse is spending 15k-30k dollars on a model that she is going to use for 2-4 weeks, you are out of your mind
If you knew what high-end models cost these days, you wouldn't be surprised by those numbers.

Here's a quick example. KevinX, who Mouse has used a number of times including on her most recent model, STARTS a full-body rig for $2400. With all of the features and toggles on her most recent Pudding model, that rig easily exceeds 5K.
That's just the rigging cost. The art ALWAYS costs more, and she has to pay Epebe who does her designs.

>> No.74408345

>you are deranged if you don’t care about cutting edge rigging

>> No.74408408
File: 157 KB, 1856x1044, we&#039;ve been over this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive most definitely should update MANY of their models but
is the wrong way to look at them. The models are part of their identity and replacing them outright is gonna drive fans away only for self-satisfaction.
Nu-Fubuki has been (allegedly) very carefully tweaked so as to not be clashing and alien from the old FBK but we still have many people divided over it. On the other hand you still have Gura with her mismatched eyes sticking to her guns for fear of change.
And even debuting new talents with "top tier" models is going to be controversial when you contrast them with the other members in collabs; you simply need to do small tweaks to what already exists and not change for the sake of change.

>> No.74408513

Is a watse of time. Trying to make rigging better.
No matter what you do 2dlive has its limits it will never be as expressive as a real face. Anime has those dumb emoticon exagerated expressions for a reason.
They are just making rigging more expensive and setting the standard of models more higher than it needs to be to be able to read these little facial expression and trying their best to replicate it. It will never achieve it is a futile endevour.
3d models is another thing with more ways to improve but face still have the same issues.
I think corpos going for a nice but not exagerated riggin helps lower the entry level costs also. If all of holos had ultra exxagerated bouncing rigging like some indies do, it will make many loose interest in vtubing as the standard would be too expensive to afford.

>> No.74408589

What a waste of money

>> No.74408876

She has nothing else to spend it on. Ironmouse's money goes towards two things- the charity that helped her, and funding the indie vtuber artist scene.

>> No.74408882

>helps lower the entry level costs
I always complain about this. Vtubing is already too expensive if you want a decent model. Like if you dont have all this wihistles and gimmicks in your model you already feel left behind or that you aint doing real vtibing.

>> No.74408944

The indie vtuber artist scene specially for model and such is struggling. So that is a futile battle since models are becoming more and more expensive to make and rig.

>> No.74409115

I guess, if all you need is for it to move.
But most people want their model to do more than that.

>> No.74409192
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>> No.74409259

Which is dumb most of thw time is for on gag and people dont ever pay attention to it.

>> No.74409298

Even low end riggers still spend like a month or more on rigging because it takes a ton of time at all skill levels, it's not unreasonable to want at LEAST minimum wage for your work. I have a close friend that does rigging and streams it, when you watch them work it's very obvious why it costs what it does. They were under charging for years.

>> No.74409597

And they still are and they still will.
My point is the more rigging is needed the more work and expensive is.
There is a point when it becomesa liability and we already passed it.
Making more complex rigging a standard is not making anyone favors. Neither to those interested in purchasing a model or those rigging it.

>> No.74410002

Vei and Shylily did quite a number on the benchmark price of the model arms race.

>> No.74410018
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i fucking love Stack, bros.

>> No.74410121

The thing is, there will always be artists and riggers available in your budget. They may not be the best in the business but that's just how it is.

The people at the top tend to pass around the same big names but when you go down to smaller streamers you'll see a much wider variety of people working on models.

>> No.74412211

Shylily. It's nice for a bit but after a while it's moving nonstop.

>> No.74412866

