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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7431847 No.7431847 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7431901

wow what a faggot

>> No.7431913

based ame not giving a fuck

>> No.7432023

poor guy needs to face reality already

>> No.7432168
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>> No.7432263

>June 5

>> No.7432343


>> No.7432410
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>> No.7432490

>Music was pulled from spotify by Cover
>Usually something that happens when you don't actually have the right to post the music
>He thinks he has the power or right to copyright claim other videos for using the music he doesn't have the rights to

>> No.7432534

Where is that faggot now? Kek

>> No.7432633

Holy fuck this guy is a decent producer but he is fantastically retarded. Yeah, Pop on Rocks is good. But he didn't make the vocals, that belongs to Ame/Cover, and he didn't write the lyrics because those belong to the Seuss estate. You can't get buttmad because a song you owns 1/3 of the assets to is being blocked by corpos.

>> No.7432745

Meh. I would cut him a bone and consider it transformative work. His man-child reaction to it though is retarded.

>> No.7432802

Holo Bass is an ubelievably retarded faggot and nobody cares about him anymore. Your thread is a waste. A big fat waste.

>> No.7432845

For me, it's Gura Cunny Remix. https://twitter.com/HoloBass_EDM2/status/1401385089020407809

>> No.7432878

Old news.
We already had threads about this months ago.
Shitting on that clipper is the new FOTM

>> No.7432882

Cover don't own the rights either, so he'd be entirely within his rights to take them to court for using his music without permission. And he probably should if he wants to get any kind of outcome, because otherwise it's just infinite limbo where they all claim they own the copyright but in reality none of them have anything to prove they do. He owns the music, I'm not sure you can copyright lyrics in that way, and I'm quite sure that whilst you can c&d someone using your voice clips that you do not magically gain copyright of the song just because of it.

>> No.7432901 [DELETED] 
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Shit the fuck up, you sniveling bitch. No one cares.

>> No.7432949
File: 386 KB, 1197x1564, 447D82D0-0B19-4CAF-AE5D-84EE5CBCCA94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, you sniveling bitch. No one cares.

>> No.7432955

holy shit, this guy is fucking retarded

>> No.7432997

>this shit happened two months ago
god it hasn't even been that long

>> No.7432999

Why does hololive attract so many fucking manchildren? The shit fujo mangaka (woman), the shit slutty doujin artist that liked Marine a little too much, this drooling retarded music guy. That anime..what was it called? Eizouken? It was right. Creative people have absolute shit business sense.

>> No.7433024

>no one cares
>in a thread explicitly about it
>which you yourself are posting in
Okay butthurt baby :^)
This image doesn't transfer the rights over to cover, you braindamaged buffoon. A statement like this would allow them to use it at most, not allow them to issue takedowns against it.

>> No.7433060

>Cover don't own the rights
It was pulled from Spotify because Cover owns the rights.

>> No.7433063

do it faggot.

I wouldve respected him if he just did it anyway instead of going the manchild route of 'im gonna do it! im really gonna do it! LISTEN to me!!

>> No.7433080

the trick is that you can use hololive members clips or voices to make videos or music but then Cover can use your content and you can't do anything about that. the worst thing you can do is to expect to get money from that

>> No.7433126

Either his work is fair use and he has the rights to it, or it isn't and he doesn't. He doesn't need Cover's permission for anything, and they both probably didn't have permission for Fox in Socks to begin with.

>> No.7433169


>> No.7433182

He owns the music. Fair use.

>> No.7433245

No it wasn't, just because they issued a takedown request doesn't mean they own the rights. Are you stupid? Do you not understand that every site online is dogshit when it comes to copyright and will take down your shit if ANYONE requests it because they're better safe than sorry and are happy to let you retards go to court and sort it out.
Cover do not own the rights to that song, and they would certainly not win a court battle where they tried to say they did for that matter either. Why do you burgers not understand copyright law, it's baffling.

Sure, that's just like I said here >>7433024
But they don't own the rights to the thing you made, so any copyright claim they issue is complete nonsense.

This >>7433126
Nothing in the universe will ever grant cover the rights to the music that the dude made, unless he specifically signs those rights over himself

>> No.7433246

It doesn't work that way.

>> No.7433267

>He owns the music
Cover owned it the moment Homo Bass incorporated Ame's voice.

>> No.7433340

>takes audio from ame's asmr stream and shoves a nigger beat in the background

>> No.7433388

So the problem is that
>cover is used his music
>he used cover's amelia voices
and it might seem both have a claim against another. I GUESS that what matters here is the order of the events...

>> No.7433389

>doesn't understand copyright
cool story bro

>> No.7433473

>Cover owned it the moment Homo Bass incorporated Ame's voice.
This is not how copyright law works you fucking brainlet, holy shit it actually riles me up how lacking in knowledge you are about a topic whilst simultaneously spouting shit as if you are right.
Copyright does not work this way and cannot be transferred by fucking magic because of any action, it has to actively be signed away legally. You own everything you create, which is why companies that employ inventors and all sorts of shit make it a part of their contract that anything they create belongs to the company and not them.

Yeah, you don't. Literally a music graduate, literally had to study this exact thing. Copyright law is really fucking simple you dumb ape

>> No.7433503

No. At no point would Cover own the music.

>> No.7433506

Does cover own Ame's voice? It's literally a transformative work. It's not even a case of sampling a copyrighted song, it's just a reading of a dr. Seuss poem. No judge would side against holo bass, there's no infringement here. He made a brand new creative work using her voice, that's fair use.

>> No.7433571

Why are you white knighting this faggot ?

>> No.7433589

>Cover don't own the rights either, so he'd be entirely within his rights to take them to court for using his music without permission.

And Cover could counter-sue for using voice lines from their copyrighted YouTube video.

Remixes aren't technically legal unless the remixer is given explicit consent from the rights holder.

The song is a remix of her voice.

>> No.7433602

I'm against corporations trying to fuck artists using bullshit methods. I will always side with the artists.

>> No.7433638

And you do this by shitposting on 4chan ?

>> No.7433659

>haha ur dumb for being on topic

>> No.7433693

do you have a peer reviewed study to back this up

>> No.7433756

Nobody cares how copyright works in whatever 3rd world shithole you live in Anon. Homo Bass used Ame's voice so Cover owns his song. That's how it works in the civilized world.

>> No.7433787

Once again, that's not the point being made. The point being made is, here let me make it clear
Nothing changes that. So yes, cover could counter sue, they could try and claim he doesn't have permission to use her voice clips, that belongs in court. I imagine they'd lose, but it's up to court. They still do not own the copyright to the song, and thus they do not have the authority to copyright claim it - if sites actually weren't so lazy and didn't only care about themselves 99% of copyright claims would not actually result in any action until they proved they own the copyright. But we don't live in such a world, they just cave and accept any claim at their word which is why you or I or any anon can copyright claim tonnes of shit and get it taken down.

He's a faggot and nobody cares about him, but I care about retards trying to spread falsehoods about how copyright law works for sure.

>> No.7433817

A topic that is weeks old and only tangentially related. Even the /pol/ shit is more relevant.

>> No.7433849

Does this guy still make hololive music or did he stop after that? Would be pretty sad if he's still pumping them out.

>> No.7433868

Oh and also
>The song is a remix of her voice.
No, it is not. The song is made up of an entire music track he created and thus owns full rights to. If you use any famous persons voice clips in a song you make, that person does not suddenly own the rights to your song anon, that is not how anything works. The most they can do is take you to court to make you stop using it, the other dozen instrument tracks are still theirs.

>> No.7433870
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>Guy uses 2% of a one hour video to make a work that has no relation to said video
>work is a musical piece where he did everything from the arrangement, to the instruments and melody
>the voice clip used is a reading of an actual copyrighted material
Clearly Cover would win if they sued him. That's how it works.

>> No.7433895

You are retarded.
He does not have a copyright, because never applied for it.
The only copyright holder is Cover.

>> No.7433902

Woe betide if/when Turbo or Tian Nya go through the same timeloop with their Reflect/Hinotori remixes. Hopefully that never happens.

>> No.7433927

>This image doesn't transfer the rights over to cover
there is not such thing a "rights" to making cover. and Ame's performance of the song would easily fall under Fair Use anyway

>> No.7433966

Holy fuck you are retarded.
>Do I have to register with your office to be protected?
>No. In general, registration is voluntary. Copyright exists from the moment the work is created. You will have to register, however, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for infringement of a U.S. work. See Circular 1, Copyright Basics, section “Copyright Regi

>> No.7433978

Most of the "artists" are lazy ass faggots that are unable to get a real job, they use obscure payment methods in their commissions to avoid taxes and steal a lot of resources from databases, also a lot of them pirate the programs that they use to make music/draw/edit videos
These faggots won't last a day in a real world with a real job, they deserve all the bullshit that they get

>> No.7434064
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ngl they sound pretty based

>> No.7434069

Not how copyright works. You don't have to 'apply' for it, you have it by default for anything you can prove you created. You realise a common thing amongst musicians for example is simply mailing yourself a copy of the song/lyrics and keeping it unopened, right? This is because it proves you created it at this date, and thus courts will hand all rights to it to you in any legal case happily.
Why do you post when you do not know anything about copyright and have never once had to interact with it?

Listen retard, the song has multiple music tracks. It has drums, synth, effects, all of which are original and the dude created. He owns the rights retard, just because you put someones voice over it doesn't change that.
Ame's performance probably wouldn't fall under fair use there honestly in any court, but that's irrelevant because that's not what he's even talking about and he's fine with it lol. Ame performing the song =/= cover copyright claiming songs and videos on spotify etc dumbass.

Yeah they don't know shit about copyright, I'm impressed he linked something that specifically argues against his own claim though

>> No.7434078

>said the anon that can't live without jerking off to hentai of copyrighted material

>> No.7434088

Get a job negro

>> No.7434132
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I've haven't not had one for the past 17 years honky.

>> No.7434149

>ITT: Cover shills oust themselves as total retards

>> No.7434194

>still arguing that Cover doesn't own the copyright even though they successfully copyright struck it because they own the copyright

>> No.7434195
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Oh look, a time loop where THE MAN ITSELF ADMITTED HE IS WRONG & EVERYBODY ELSE ARE ALREADY MOVED ON? In 4chan? Unbelievable.

>> No.7434225

Then why do you like these faggots that don't do any real work and avoid all kind of taxation while you work your ass off and have to pay them?

>> No.7434248

None of it matters from now either way since they updated the fan works guidelines.

Use Hololive IPs, and Cover can use your works. End.

>> No.7434256

Because I hate being a slave to capitalism, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it.

>> No.7434266

I usually hate most of these artists, but do you have any idea of how based this sounds like ?

>> No.7434296

This board is filled with commies

>> No.7434303

>they successfully copyright struck it because they own the copyright
No, as explained they successfully copyright claimed it because ANYONE can copyright strike ANYTHING and every media site like twitch, jewtube, spotify will immediately comply because they're scared of legal repercussions directed at them.
>hurr durr yeah you have to own the copyright to get it struck which is definitely why people consistently get their *own* work copyright claimed by third parties and corporations swinging their weight around
You are retarded, you should leave

>> No.7434310

This is probably what's going to fuck that clipper over, too.

>> No.7434311
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>they use obscure payment methods in their commissions to avoid taxes and steal a lot of resources from databases, also a lot of them pirate the programs that they use to make music/draw/edit videos
This sounds based to me.

>> No.7434315

holo bass is a retard that sabotaged himself and will never be relevant ever again
and that's funny

>> No.7434352

>Not liking capitalism implies you're a commie

>> No.7434373

>youtube and Spotify bending down to large corporations acting in bad faith
Wow what a surprise

>> No.7434418

Cover didn't get a license to read the book
Holo Bass didn't get a license to use the book neither Amelia's voice or image in the EP's cover
Cover didn't get a license to use the the instrumental made by Holo Bass

Also, we don't know if Holo Bass has a license to use the samples and plugins used to make that song

This is a complete mess that is impossible to define who is more wrong here

>> No.7434420

This. Of all the things to snap at, you picked the stream where none of the money is going to the talent.

>> No.7434453

This board is a lost cause, tons of commies actually being happy about people piracing and stealing the work of corporations that actually work and aren't leeches of the society

>> No.7434470

>normalfags that love paying taxes and are against piracy post here now
What happened to this website?

>> No.7434518

>Listen retard, the song has multiple music tracks. It has drums, synth, effects, all of which are original and the dude created. He owns the rights retard
tell me that you're not a copyright lawyer without telling my you're not a copyright lawyer. none of what you said matters because free use defeats it. it's an affirmative defense for a reason, retard.

>> No.7434540

>still doesn't understand copyright
maybe you'll get it some day bro

>> No.7434586

You can't steal something by copying it. Copyright law is a attack against our liberty

>> No.7434594

It is completely fine to use it for a charity stream. Holobass actually had the public support against cover, it was his rants during the charity stream that destroyed him.

>> No.7434638

Plumber, old shit, etc. Why are you like this?

>> No.7434663

>willingly break rules that are clearly stated and he even admits to knowing that he is violating the terms
actual retard

>> No.7434677

oh its the artcuck again.

>> No.7434686

>just because you put someones voice over it doesn't change that

No even the dumbest lawyer would try arguing this in court

>> No.7434689

Paypiggie cuckold.

>> No.7434765

>Copyright law is a attack against our liberty
Copyright laws do have a lot of flaws because they've been heavily corrupted by the kikes, but the Founding Fathers would have hung you from a tree, communist scum.

>> No.7434773

Sad basement dweller poorfag

>> No.7434797

Has it already been two months..?

>> No.7434824

Music artists have been successfully sued for less than 2% of the total media it is sampling from.

>> No.7434847

I'm not the anon saying they own the copyright for his song.

They do own the copyright for the voice lines, and that can be used to file a DMCA takedown on his YouTube video or his Spotify upload.

But they couldn't play his song legally, and her charity video could receive a DMCA takedown from him.

>I imagine they'd lose, but it's up to court.

I don't see why they would. Cover's YouTube video is a copyrighted broadcast recorded on a fixed medium, similar to a live TV show.

The only recourse he has is fair use, but fair use is a high bar.

>> No.7434881

Dude sucks. He deserves to be forgotten. Stop timelooping

>> No.7434883

Again, stop posting if you don't know shit about copyright. You can infact be sued for using the same or too similar of a musical melody you dipshit, just that most musicians don't care and only insanely wealthy ones bother to do it. There is no free use, if you sing someone elses song - especially if you use the backing track of their music - you can be copyright claimed or sued. Once again, artists just generally don't because it's a lot of effort, no payout and gets them a bad rep. You singing peoples songs to thousands of people actually needs permission if you're speaking legally, which is why famous artists who cover other artists songs at their shows GET PERMISSION FIRST. Holy shit you're annoying

>> No.7434884

You are fun.

>> No.7434920

> You can infact be sued
AND FAIR USE IS A DEFENSE IN A LAWSUIT. YOU ONLY USE IT WHEN YOU GET SUED. no one goes to a court and pre-emptively tells a just "fair use" and becomes immune to law suits. fuck off or post your bar license, you larping faggot

>> No.7434947

This is correct cover does not own the song however the guy is on shaky ground regarding the vocals and he was an idiot to press the issue in such an aggressive way especially on a fucking charity stream as that basically eroded any good will he might have had.

>> No.7435003

>The only recourse he has is fair use, but fair use is a high bar.

Fair use comes down to how good your lawyer is. Might get messy when both sides argue over whether its covered by American or Japanese law.

>> No.7435007
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Cover owns Amelia's voice and the Amelia's image that was used in the cover.
Many musicians have been sued for much less but Cover is also wrong because Amelia and Mori have used the instrumental part of the music, which is the part that HoloBass owns

>> No.7435026

holy shit I hate internet artists so much

>> No.7435037

>The only recourse he has is fair use, but fair use is a high bar.
Transformative works are generally comfortably fair use, and not only did he create an entire musical song he also dramatically altered her voice lines too.
>I don't see why they would. Cover's YouTube video is a copyrighted broadcast recorded on a fixed medium, similar to a live TV show.
Because copyrighting everything someone says is not possible. First of all, she was reading a completely separate copyrighted work that I would imagine she did not have permission to read to thousands of people for profit which is a different issue, so with the words put aside from the moment it comes down to just her voice, can you copyright your voice? Not really. Can you demand your voice stopped being used in any for profit medium? Generally absolutely you can.
We don't disagree that much, neither of them is legally in the right completely here and they just believe they are. My qualms are with retards in this thread thinking you can just yoink the copyright to someone elses created works and not understanding that's not how the law works.

>> No.7435049

>Fair use.
Not a thing in Japan and Cover is a Japanese company. Also, I don't think HoloBass owns Ame's voice.

>> No.7435059

stop projecting, you fucking subhuman 4ch user.

>> No.7435084

>I will always side with
Fucking tankie ass bitch.

>> No.7435088

>uses THEIR talent's voice for his song
>complains when he doesn't get paid
kek what a retard

>> No.7435187

And performing someone elses song to thousands of people in a for profit medium is not fair use, by any understanding of it. Cover would not win a fair use claim there at all, hence why I explained that dipshit. The retard has a better chance at winning fair use claim than cover does in this regard

Literally exactly what I've been saying anon, I am unsure why you're replying to me with this when that's what I've said from the start. Essentially everyone involved is a retard, cover should have just left his spotify alone, or shouldn't have allowed her to perform the song afterwards, and he should be less of a retard. Ultimately he's slightly less retarded than cover because a corp should know better and have entire departments for exactly this kind of thing

>> No.7435214

Derivative works cannot be copyrighted unless if they got permission from the original owner. If they didn't get permission from the original owner, then that must mean the original owner owns some part of the derivative work. The original owner do have the authority to copyright claim it since the derivative work used a copyrighted part of the original owner's work.

>> No.7435253

>Not a thing in Japan and Cover is a Japanese company
>implying Cover can sue HoloBass in Japan despite the fact that he doesn't live there, never lived there, doesn't do business there, and has zero connections to it

>> No.7435347

>for profit
literally says Charity stream in the title and HoloBass wasn't even selling it for money so his market wasn't harmed. fuck off larper.

>> No.7435349

If I were to take the wheels, engine and doors off your car, and use them for my car, would I be able to keep my car? More so, would I be in the right for arguing that if you took my car you're the one at fault?

>> No.7435406

Monetary exchange is monetary exchange. Doesn't matter who you say the recipient is going to be, that's for profit. Additionally, things like boosting your own audience directly ties into being for profit. Any major artist who performed a cover of a song by another at a show but said it was "for charity" would still lose when taken to court in about 5 seconds flat anon

>> No.7435457

>it was "for charity" would still lose when taken to court in about 5 seconds flat
i'll wait for you to provide some case citations, larper

>> No.7435548

Boy do I love all these struggling and starving musicians trying to defend this shit, please never change.

>> No.7435588

Well again, I'd say it's transformative work. I think he's created something entirely new, and spent tine and effort on it, and should be eligible to make money off of that. The same way many other songs use song samples. It's a grey area and sometimes artists do end up having to pay royalties to record studios for songs that they sample, but it's completely different from outright plagiarism too. Holobass could have handled this like an adult, but the reason he's cringe is because he had a turbo meltdown and posted shit like that, instead of keeping it professional. If he had worked out a deal, even if he had to give a percentage to cover in royalties, he still would have gotten further than he is now.

>> No.7435660

>The same way many other songs use song samples
even a 1 second sample of someone else's song is enough for copyright infringement. this isn't the argument you think it is.

>> No.7435677

They don't do it because it would be insanely negative media you dumbass. That doesn't change how the law is written, it is quite clear, there are no magic exceptions where you can use someone elses work if they don't want you to. Anytime you do so is because they allow you to or because they don't actually care because realistically most use is one person singing it infront of maybe 100 or a dozen people somewhere and suing a bar or karaoke business will net them no fucking money anyway.

>> No.7435688

>Be Holobass
>Ruining own reputation by being an asshole
>Lose relevancy and work opportunities
>Make a thread on 4chan to feel important once again
>They took the bait
>Proceed to reply to anyone saying how he would win in a court against Hololive
>Finally feel important after so long
>Screenshot all this before it gets deleted.
>Cry yourself happily to sleep

>> No.7435712

>they'd lose the case in 5 seconds flat, anon
>b-bu-but, of course no one will take them to court for such an easy win
armchair lawyer larp harder, faggot

>> No.7435751

>It's a grey area and sometimes artists do end up having to pay royalties to record studios for songs that they sample, but it's completely different from outright plagiarism too.

Thank you for skipping over this part. Things are sampled literally all day every day for commercial purposes. If cover wants to play hard ball, they're entitled to that, and other musicians have had to pay after court rulings for that same reason. He just quit, pulled all of his stuff and started talking shit though, which is not how you resolve anything.

>> No.7435841

I saw him in an anison music event as guest DJ.

>> No.7436227

Profit & monetary exchange is different, anon, as far as the judge is concerned, Amelia is losing a lot of money at that stream.
