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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74321254 No.74321254 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.74321283

Empty OP, my beloved....

>> No.74321362

report and hide?

>> No.74321377

More effort was put into this thread than fuwamoco put into their battle plan stream.

>> No.74321398

the absolute state of /baubau/

>> No.74321439


>> No.74321441

this one. kino, empty ops should be the norm

>> No.74321457

The baker mirrors the streamers.

>> No.74321494


>> No.74321500

Fuck off phoneposter.

>> No.74321504

time to shit on the piggies so you faggots fuck off again

>> No.74321523

you looking forward to the pup talk?

>> No.74321527


>> No.74321534

I'm a piggy though

>> No.74321548

>paypig meltdown last thread
what the fuck is going on kek

>> No.74321556

I knew it was you pngposter
only a anti would do this

>> No.74321558


>> No.74321564

good thread

>> No.74321604

I found a loop more beloved than the regular one we have now, unironically working

>> No.74321618
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how about a happy thread this time?

>> No.74321644

NO! >:(

>> No.74321656

I prefer talking about this than talking about paypigs because this is actually about Fuwamoco

>> No.74321659

Fuwamoco left them after they spent thousands, now they only have each other and the black mail is already getting released

>> No.74321663
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>> No.74321664

Paypig meltdown is just another tuesday in /baubau/ run before you see how they react to twitter likes

>> No.74321670


>> No.74321799

I miss when you could bait Anal into responding

>> No.74321807

I'm not sure I can trust it anymore. Not much she can say to make it better beyond a full backtrack and apology

>> No.74321811

I just want to talk about FWMC but the current conditions of things just doesn't make that possible
It just turns into arguments

>> No.74321815

no, i’m almost enjoying my anger

>> No.74321862

Too busy grooming cooming and being the center of a circlejerk on discord now

>> No.74321873


>> No.74321875

So will things detoriate even more if they don't address the situation?

>> No.74321899

What? None of them are leaving. Even behind the scenes, all the top pigs are supportive of this.
At most I could see some of the lesser pigs leaving the ranch, but most are too fat

>> No.74321920

We are definitely getting a cloudy feelings mention soon. Ruffians are at full on war with each other. Much worse than the last time they said it.

>> No.74321965

It will take until at least the schedule after GW for things to chill a little unless they address it

>> No.74321973

>jealous schizo namedrops his "enemy list"
>it's the paypigs that are melting down

>> No.74321977

I know, but the top pigs are using this time to try to menhera bait and cull the competition. I know because I'm doing it too.

>> No.74322024


>> No.74322028

Some pigs are getting too fat on love and attention

>> No.74322029

there’s no reason to be this menhera over 1 week of jp streams, you’re all just a bunch of women. even more so than fuwamoco themselves. you don’t know what’s in store after golden week, you’re just making wild assumptions. shut the fuck up

>> No.74322074

Not addressing it is way worse imo, because if they don't and they just go ahead it will mean they flat out don't care about us. Our voice was just an illusion and they will do whatever they want. Which imo goes against everything their pledge was supposed to mean. I just can't see them not addressing it, they have to. I trust them...

>> No.74322086

why don’t you namedrop me for a change?

>> No.74322087

shut up puddingrat

>> No.74322089

I know because this exact same thing happened with Kronies. And literally every other fanbase.

>> No.74322093

Shhh don't get in the way of the psyop. They're hoping you don't realize they spent the last thread calling the paypig "yesmen doormats" and now suddenly they're actually causing trouble and leaving.

>> No.74322116

>you don’t know what’s in store after golden week, you’re just making wild assumptions
Yeah, blame FWMC
They were too vague, just like last time, and the time before that, and probably in the future too

>> No.74322126

Do female demon guard dogs shave their pubes?

>> No.74322134

shut up anan

>> No.74322135

Fuwamoco were menhera. Fuwamoco know what's in store after. And they cried and said they knew some of us would leave. So yeah, I'm a bit worried.

>> No.74322159

understand that they’re menhera women who will continue to vaguepost and simply wait instead of crying about the same things over and over

>> No.74322182

at least the threads will slow down since there are no streams today

>> No.74322205


>> No.74322206

say your name and I will do it

>> No.74322219

I will personally speed up the thread shitting on the clique

>> No.74322225


>> No.74322231

>spent the last thread calling the paypig "yesmen doormats" and now suddenly they're actually causing trouble and leaving.
Kek yeah I noticed this. It's pretty funny how the only explanation the shitposters here have is that they "must have super secret alts shitting on them," which is so stupid.
Is it so hard to believe that some may actually be supportive of them during this time? It's clearly been really hard on them and they need support right now

>> No.74322237
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But how do you KNOW it's going to be shit, haeh? It's not even out yet.

>> No.74322243


>> No.74322273

Shut the fuck up piggy.

>> No.74322317

what comes out of your asshole is usually turds aka shit mocochan

>> No.74322324

>not a piggie

>> No.74322346

My thing is this, I am anxious about the new direction they're going, and while I do support their dreams and appreciate their passion, I need to see how things pan out before I make a decision to leave, I'm putting my trust in them one more time, and I'll fuck off if they break it again.

>> No.74322366
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Paypig hate is deserved

>> No.74322367

>Is it so hard to believe
They don't believe any of what they're saying, they're just pushing an agenda.

>> No.74322392

This isn't even them though, this is their manager. They even said so.

>> No.74322411

didn’t this guy have terminal cancer or something

>> No.74322425

>shitposters gone
>now it’s just paypigs talking about each other again
I want off this ride

>> No.74322458

no he lied for fwmcs attention. he disappeared for 2 weeks and then reappeared and hasn't talked about it since

>> No.74322476

>>shitposters gone
They never left, they just decided to change tactics and shit on paypugs

>> No.74322509

Even so they agreed, and I will say a lot of people were right about some spineless backpedaling, but I see it like a 'one more chance' kinda deal, and they said they had these streams in mind but were scared to move forward with them if I remember right.

>> No.74322521
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>> No.74322526

you guys still bitching about the JP stream thing? What did you expect when you decided to watch the JP obsessed pups?

You lot can't actually be ruffians right?

>> No.74322533

Previous: >>74312558

>> No.74322585

Fuwamoco deserve the menhera fanbase they have cultivated and enabled

>> No.74322688
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fuwawa deserves my cum

>> No.74322690

I deserve English streams. It is my birthright.

>> No.74322729

terminal ligma

>> No.74322770


>> No.74322778

What did people expect from women that made a visual novel stream with segments where we're going on a date and insinuated having sex with them, telling us they love us, "we can be anything you want". How can you not see it's been emotional manipulation. This one superchat sums up the entirety of Fuwamoco and their fans. They both deserve each other for sure.

>> No.74322796

When I watch Hololive English I expect English.

>> No.74322807

he wish he didn’t have them

>> No.74322834
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>> No.74322874
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>> No.74322913

shouldn't of spent the past 8 months including the japan move talking about how they wouldn't be doing a lot of JP content only to pivot one week in.

>> No.74322945

So at no point during any of the Calli JP streams, Kiara JP streams, Bae JP streams, Irys JP streams, you never keyed in that sometimes, a JP speaking talent might do JP streams?\

>> No.74322975

>ruffian randomly posts supportive tweet
>other ruffians see and suddenly do the same
monkey see monkey do

>> No.74322980

I don't watch any of those people.

>> No.74323001

That has never been said, but alright

>> No.74323098

literally proving my post true

>> No.74323119

we had to drown you fucking menheras out

>> No.74323122

They said I love you once so I'm allowed to smear my shit on the walls. Sorry but I don't make the rules.

>> No.74323138 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.74323151

I really hope they get slaughtered during golden week attempting to do solo JP streams. JPs are going to go all out with their content so why would JOPs swap over to them?

>> No.74323156

Just get cucked for a week bro, she'll make it up to you (maybe)

>> No.74323196

You faggots are more broken than /shon/ holy fuck

>> No.74323229

Why do all their pigs talk like them? It’s like every single supa is all structured the same. Tweet replies as well

>> No.74323260


>> No.74323262

>more broken than /shon/
Uh an you elaborate? What's up with that place? I don't go to random indie generals. I don't care if it's off topic, it's better than the shit going on right now

>> No.74323297
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>never send supa
>end up on the list somehow
>now known as "the paypig list"
>mfw I'm a paypig for 5 bucks a month

>> No.74323329

>homework day
We also have homework, Ruffians. It's keeping up with Hololive.

>> No.74323337
File: 19 KB, 581x428, 1691938191279615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 259: Today I've just done my anki, reps, 5 new cards.
Comfy supper chat reading, FWMC morning next.

>> No.74323365

I am only upset that they were not clear and made this shit into a big deal. If they only mentioned that they were doing this for Golden Week, not many people would go nuts. The fucking antis won. Dumbass menhera ruffians took the bait and ran with it. I just hope it doesn't get bad in their chat while streaming. That would fucking ruin their motivation and might cause them to take a break.

>> No.74323377

Ban all repfags.

>> No.74323387

what is your name

>> No.74323391

I find some satisfaction in them completely ignoring it. They've seen the same song and dance so many times before pathetic and angering someone would try it on then. Double during a stressful move. Why did he wait until the precise moment they arrived in Japan to wall trauma post?

>> No.74323395

Japanese pup talk next Wednesday...

>> No.74323436

John Nigger

>> No.74323494

Why wait until next week? May as well start this week. Friday is already a japanese day anyways

>> No.74323495

I hope it spills into chat. They need to remember what branch they're in. I don't want EN vtubers to get JP content.

>> No.74323509


>> No.74323530

Nta. Actual fans of hers go to /lig/ only the most insane members go to /shon/ and all they discuss are paypigs and other well known members of her fanbase - usually ways to fuck them over. It's like watching patients in an asylum trying to play 5D chess. Very little actual discussion of her goes on and when they do talk about her they're usually just looking for schizo rrats about paypigs.

>> No.74323575
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>> No.74323590

You truly have no clue how much worse it is outside of this thread. Fwmc are gonna get kidnapped or killed and I will not be surprised

>> No.74323591

Their chat was perfectly fine for their SC reading and for FWMC Morning. All the shitposters and antis will be asleep during their JP steams/collabs next week, so there's nothing to worry about.
The only public comment was from an obvious anti who isn't even a member whose post read as if he'd heard it all second hand.
There won't be any public outcry. What we got in the mengen stream is the worst it'll get. The grays/casuals don't give a shit and don't even realize that FuwaMoco are actual twins

>> No.74323666

Hello. Is it true that Mococo is Brazilian?

>> No.74323721

no, fuwawa forces mococo to get a brazilian which is different

>> No.74323755

>mainly we're going to do 98% in english

>> No.74323762

For all the bitching I see here, they haven't lost any subs according to social blade.

>> No.74323799

Hasn't updated yet. They lost 2-3k

>> No.74323817

One or two streams a month or a couple of Japanese phrases every stream is acceptable. Changing the majority of your content to another language (doesn't even have to be japanese) it's not. Simple as that.

>> No.74323838 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.74323861

No she is autistic though (very)

>> No.74323870

This guy is such a two faced little shit.

>> No.74323884

When did they say they were switching majority?

>> No.74323900

I bet most of those will resub in a week or two.

>> No.74323901

Proof or fag

>> No.74323944

Idk why people are taking this places it doesn't need to go for the sake of simplicity. They said nothing will change, things changed. I'll be awaiting their response but dont get your hopes up

>> No.74323966

>Changing the majority of your content to another language
So far, outside if GW, they haven't implied this at all. All we know is that they WANT to do more JP streams. Until they elaborate, all we can do is fucking doompost all day and night about the worst possible futures

>> No.74323983

>real fan btw

>> No.74324095

2% of 235 is around 5 so expect only 5 JP streams, one for each day of golden week, then they'll have done their 2% and the 98% will be English. The numbers add up, no lie was told.

>> No.74324101

Holy shit I forgot about that
Good times.

>> No.74324113

They're too autistic to realize what they should and shouldn't be saying out loud. If they just silently did a few more JP strings one single week nobody but the most extreme schizos would care, but theyre bringing back a lot of bad memories for people here.

>> No.74324125

post about piggies and it goes away because no regular engages with it if they can shit on their hated piggie

>> No.74324145

there's 4 jp streams this week too

>> No.74324146
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I deserve Fuwawa asmr streams with her saying Wuffians softy. It is my birthright.

>> No.74324246
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>> No.74324259


>> No.74324297

Graduate Fuwawa Abyssgard, this is all because she's a conniving numberfag who only cares about gaining more
Mococo is innocent in all of this!!

>> No.74324327

Ffs stop being negative Nancies already and wait until the schedule reveal after Golden week so you'll know if you actually have something to complain about.
In the meantime watch vods or something.

>> No.74324367

Not quite asmr but maybe this will do https://files.catbox.moe/auu6xf.ogg

>> No.74324405

Ah yeah, dump her sister, that'll make Mococo feel tons better about what's coming up, the needy abandonment issues girl who needs tons of reassurance

>> No.74324453

At this point they'll probably stop making schedules like every other EN.

>> No.74324475

There's no point to discuss it further because every point has been looped and there is no solo stream with more information until the karaoke where the schedule is releasing anyway. Just sit back and enjoy the ride

>> No.74324508

Makes no fuckin sense, they live and die by their schedules, do you even watch streams?

>> No.74324595

It'll never happen. They're too autistic about schedules and HATE sudden streams with no warning.

>> No.74324603

I believe it's that bitch's fault. I don't believe mococo did this willingly.

>> No.74324609

100%. Or if they said 'Hey guys we'll be doing a lot of JP stuff on Golden Week, but we'll be back to normal after that, with a little less streaming because of homework!', no one excelt actual sisters abd antis would say shit and they woyld be laughed out of the threads. They just had to go and add all that shit about wanting to have the JP Ruffians know them more, wanting to use their skills more, and not doing any followup when a chunk of people asked 'Do you mean you'll be doing more JP solo streams after GW?'.

>> No.74324633

They need to be crystal clear about the jp solo streams. All the vague talk from Fuwamoco is bringing back the uncertainties some Ruffians had back in August. Even though they say to trust them they went back on their "nothing will change" stance before the Japan move.

>> No.74324634

They live and die by their fans and that didn't stop throwing them under the bus to gain a few numbers

>> No.74324638
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my semen belongs to you fuwawa

>> No.74324654

its just part of kayfabe. the vn stream mighve been awkward and childish compared to jp holomems entertainments that have mature comedy tricks but parasocial retards like you are the real problem.

>> No.74324697

>do sisters watch streams

>> No.74324741

If you've followed Hololive for any portion of time, you should know managers are notoriously shit and every Holo has multiple managers. Also Fuwamoco are bad at pushing back, imagine them pushing back against a Japanese manager who they feel indebted too? They probably think they will keep the same manager to the end. What if it's like Watame's manager who said that an oppai mousepad didn't fit her image? What if it's like Lamy's manager who said that she should never collab with anyone? What if it's like Frog with Suisei in INNK or IRyS back when she was in project Hope? What if it's like Omega, or AO-chan, or ENma or some other asshole? Not even going to get into Mel's manager.

>> No.74324742

Swapped back to compaining about parasocial gachikoi this thread, huh?

>> No.74324801

If I want a like today what should I do?

>> No.74324805
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i hate you all

>> No.74324832

tribute on #FWMCPix

>> No.74324857

September felt so long ago....

>> No.74324859
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>FUWAMOCO General that you can't find by searching "fuwa"

>> No.74324901

All I can go by is how they described it, which I think they were afraid to do more JP ruffian streams and their manager may have pushed it, I'm not saying you're wrong, but its hard to know cause they refuse to speak about it, that's the main frustration.

>> No.74324903

I love you Mocotyan

>> No.74324911

Yeah we know Mococo

>> No.74324910

why not search by "moco" haeh

>> No.74324915

good morning mogotyan rabu rabu good luck today!!

>> No.74324972

You don't need to attribute malice to it. They have done 5 solo Japanese streams in 8 months. That is a huge waste of their skill and there's no doubt they realize this even without anything their manager might or might not have said.

>> No.74324975

I love you my fluffy princess

>> No.74324997 [DELETED] 

You know, if you gonna call me out, at least do it on my waking hour
It was 3AM so I missed it, goddamnit

>> No.74325012

Whose asshole is that

>> No.74325066

kill yourself, Kurochan.

>> No.74325082

Saturday is going to be awkward when they reveal the GW schedule with a majority of eops watching. Well, unless they reveal the schedule on Friday with Koyori (because that stream will most likely be in JP with JP tourist)

>> No.74325144

Yeah they agreed, but they feel fucking horrible and cried for hours about it.
Anytime someone said "stay true to yourselves," Fuwawa could barely fucking finish the sentence. Why did that specific line hit them the hardest? Probably because they think they aren't "being true" to themselves right now.
The way they talked about doing JP streams and the GW streams literally made it sound like they were putting down their dog of 18 years.
Mane-chan obviously didn't FORCE them, but she absolutely gave them a talk and probably gave them a harsh talk that if they want to hit their goals, they HAVE to do this now or it'll never happen. She probably said the longer they delay doing more JP streams, the worse the pushback will be.
Imagine if they started doing this by the end of the year? It would SOMEHOW be infinitely worse.
There is no winning for these girls here. They decided to hold back and not do as many JP as they wanted to for over 8 months.

>> No.74325156

I'm expecting it to be mostly JP, again all the worries go to the schedule after their homework week, that's where we'll see how things are going to go.

>> No.74325179

Dropping a new schedule on a JP stream sounds like a terrible idea.

>> No.74325185
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>blue eyes

>> No.74325184
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I will laugh my ass off when they get like 3 to 4k viewers on their JP streams and lose even more momentum on their growth. I hope some other Advent like Biboo or Nerissa beat them lmao.

>> No.74325192

If they did that, it would be proof their afraid of people lashing out. Even then, almost every single concern post in the VoD comments of the doggy pack stream said they gave no fucks about G9lden Week being mostly or even all Japanese.

>> No.74325193

If so, Dantes should hang out with Mocochan

>> No.74325209

They could just briefly mention that they have a Golden Week planned during the collab and invite them to the RnR Party to see the full schedule, double win. They also do have a shitload of JOPs watching their karaoke streams regularly, they're just quiet. Want to see a sea of grey name JP in chat? Pay attention when they sing some nico nico meme song.

>> No.74325215

what's so great about japan anyways

>> No.74325236


>> No.74325296


>> No.74325305

>That is a huge waste of their skill and there's no doubt they realize this even without anything their manager might or might not have said.
They directly said mane-chan was incredibly frustrated that they haven't been doing more JP streams. I guarantee she was at least part of the reason they decided to go through with it. My full thoughts on this here >>74325144

>> No.74325327

>Probably because they think they aren't "being true" to themselves right now.
Fuck you're right
Fuck that hurts now

>> No.74325330
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"what's so great about japan" HAAAH? ... wuffians... i have to say i'm a little disappointed in you

>> No.74325332

Only Mel's manager was malice. The rest was incompetence. And Fuwamoco...aren't the brightest. They're so afraid of losing what they have, they might actually lose what they have.

>> No.74325331

I think they have the same fears their audience has, and most likely had talks just between them about it, Its most likely a mixture of both, they were pressured and its probably something they wanted to do but were scared to. And I can't say why it hit them hard, could be because they feel like they aren't or they feel relieved because of support, Its hard to say. I don't know for sure, I'm just waiting until I do, and then making my decision then.

>> No.74325380

Were they actually crying during the member stream? I just watched the vod and it sounded more like they were acting than actually crying.

>> No.74325388

___________________________________________________________________________________________________ kill yourself _______ _____________ ____________

>> No.74325393

>Hey, have you ever heard of The Tragedy of FuwaMoco the Twins?

>> No.74325403

Didn't EN used to have like one really shit manager or something for all of them

>> No.74325421

Cover's managers are known to be very pushy and not always right. This is gonna be a huge gamble.

>> No.74325442

Next week I'd be amazed if they ever broke 4k unless they have senpai on their channel and I don't think they have nearly that much power or away, JP members are going to want to stream for their fans on golden week and do collabs within their own cliques

>> No.74325446
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>Probably because they think they aren't "being true" to themselves right now.
wasn't that confirmed when they essentially said mane-chan is the one who has been giving them a hard time for the lack of jp streams? it sounds more like they're catering to her demands more than anything else even though i don't doubt that they also want to reach out to nips (that's a whole other matter in itself since i'd argue they've already been doing that)

>> No.74325457

the crying is a psyops from members to catches sisters that never actually watches the mengen
which is a big success because they latches on that real fast

>> No.74325469

do so many ruffians really act this weird? kek they sound like a hyper xenophobic tribe in africa. if you hate jp fans and jp holomems so much, shit the chat up on the collab stream with koyori. id like to see some "culture war" shitfest.

>> No.74325472

I was giving the benefit of the doubt at first, but I refuse to believe anyone is seriously still interested in discussing the same things using the same arguments up until now. This thread is trapped in that fucking infinite stabbing genjutsu Itachi used on Kakashi. It's pure insanity.

>> No.74325500

What's worse is their manager is jp centric. Is their manager not thinking what this is going to do to their eop fanbase?

>> No.74325538

They will never be japanese.

>> No.74325554

this is the anti-magnet thread anyway
real thread was /バウバウ/

>> No.74325556

There have been a few really shit ones so depends on who you're talking about. Omega is the really shit one but he was actually the head of the branch (and later IRyS' manager for a bit since he led project hope)
That guy is THE shit one that got fired.

>> No.74325564

Its really hard for some people to say "I don't know" or "lets wait and see"

>> No.74325590

Yea. Talk about something else and drown the concerntrolls out

>> No.74325596

I honestly blame the manager and Fuwawa equally. Feel sorry for Mococo caught up in this mess.

>> No.74325601

Is that Friend?

>> No.74325609
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longest week

>> No.74325610

I think the JP practice whole technically accurate was just as much cope in convincing themselves it was for the worried ruffians. Mane chan or cover 100% forced this on them. They were planning to do a JP stream next week already I bet but they were told to go all in and stop delaying. The fact they were so worried truly makes me believe there's not a single EN stream.they would not have been so emotionL or dramatic if there were any EN streams

>> No.74325670

Sad thing is Biboo is already beating them nowadays

>> No.74325679
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>> No.74325693

Guess this makes sense, but again, for golden week that's expected, why are we still talking about golden week with most people know its going to be totally JP centric? Again, what comes after is far more telling

>> No.74325736


>> No.74325743
File: 131 KB, 631x443, 1708920040171198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a donnut

>> No.74325758

Yes it was basically confirmed in my eyes when they said that. Also, the fact that they mentioned GW and the JP streams as their way to "reach on million subs."
I do believe they DO want to speak JP more, why wouldn't they? But they REALLY don't want to leave anyone out. I don't think they were forced necessarily, just they were told they need to do it if they want to reach their goals quickly, cause otherwise one million is another year or two away, and they're getting older so they more than likely feel like they have to do everything as quickly as possible.

>> No.74325801

Oh the dumbass that thought he was god. Good riddance

>> No.74325813
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>> No.74325840

There have been a few really shit managers that EN had and basically everything gets thrown onto Omega but we don't know exactly who did what. Here's what we ACTUALLY know Management as an entity has done to EN, how many people this is will remain unknown.
>In the beginning there weren't enough managers for the girls because nobody thought they'd be a success
>One manager was Ina's mod and they were a gigantic cunt and buzzkill who actively would try to police streams
>IRyS was ghosted for months
>Homos were pushed
>Someone told Haachama not to call herself EN 0
>Someone told Haachama not to play on the EN Minecraft server anymore
The Japanese don't give a fuck about the EN fanbase. They just now announced an office in NA for fucks sakes.
This is false nobody knows if he was IRyS manager or even head of the branch.

>> No.74325861 [DELETED] 

Why are EOP niggers so whiny?

>> No.74325887

It's expected but they broke down crying and saying not to be scared. Maybe they n kw their fans are newfag menheras but christ, are ruffians THAT new?
They should have given more details even if they didn't have the schedule finalized yet.

>> No.74325888

I can't stop cause it's been in my brain ever since their battle plan stream. The fact that none of the concerns have been addressed yet means there's a retarded dark cloud that won't go away.

>> No.74325899

Cover as a whole always fuck things up, and it's always the fans and their love for their oshi that unfuc everything they did, HLZNTL is one of the kany exsample

>> No.74325938
File: 172 KB, 800x1200, 1708420284467554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a penguin

>> No.74325941
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>Sad thing is Biboo is already beating them nowadays

>> No.74325942

I think their rush to get to one million is probably tied to their one million wish. These things can take time, if they want whatever they have planned to be ready by their second anniversary, they don't have too much time left to hit that goal. You could even see them moving the date to past their anniversary as the new goal in the Suika endurance stream, so it's not like they NEED to hit it by their anniversary, they just need it as soon as possible.

>> No.74325956

Yep they're completely fucked:
>said their streams will be primarily english near debut
>too scared to schedule them frequently because of that
>fanbase becomes accustomed to under 1 japanese solo per month
>realize their japanese speaking coworkers in holoen have 2~5 japanese streams per month
>feel like they are wasting their ability
>mane-chan intervenes here to push the golden week plan

Like you said the friction will only increase the longer they wait if they actually do want to ramp up on JP streams. They should have just taken the hit at the beginning

>> No.74325963

Yeah but Kakashi was able to escape with his sheer will to shitpost

>> No.74326016

Ok, I'm not even asking you to trust them or whatever, but there's literally nothing else to talk about until the post Golden Week schedule. If you want them to give more information, more details, maybe a hint, go ask them, nobody here can give you anything. There's NOTHING to talk about anymore. People are looping the same arguments.
Talk about the fetishes you weren't into before but you're willing to try with FuwaMoco or something.

>> No.74326041

>Biboo: 6,058
>Fuwawa: 3,200
>Mococo: 3,192

>> No.74326043

I think people are frustrated cause we don't know exactly what Golden week is gonna be like. If it's spamming a bunch of collabs then I think that could be fun. If it's literally a "JP challenge week! We're going to only do Japanese streams all day every day! Even FWMC morning!" then yeah I think that's a bit disappointing.
The problem is we don't KNOW. All we have is Mococo's reaction of begging us to please don't be surprised or upset when we see the schedule

If it's a totally normal schedule with a couple collabs and a solo stream or two then whatever, it's a nothing burger to me. But i can't know that right now.

>> No.74326054

>for golden week that's expected,
Eh, even for them, it wouldn't be expected imo.
At most, before the battle plan, I assumed they'd do some collabs for GW.
If you told me a month ago that the ENTIRE WEEK would be fully in JP without a single EN stream, I would actually have called you N insane shitposter cause it would be so outside the realm of possibilities and would be contrary to things they'd said in the past.

>> No.74326060

I agree, they were bad at communicating, but they're also very sensitive and the idea of anyone feeling left out makes them go menhera, They clearly have issues with being abandoned, it even effected the stream the day after. For christsakes, they always beg to not be forgotten or left at the smallest drop of a hat. They prolly feel like doing this is gonna make literally everyone leave, but they also feel like its the 'best way' to hit their goal

>> No.74326074

>one tiny SEA girl that stays in her lane and doesn’t bite the hand that feeds vs two permanent off-collabing big gesture driven multilingual vtubers
Bijou won

>> No.74326079

Damn I didn't know Haachama even had the staff against her during that period

>> No.74326081

>bau bau eternal morning
>/baubau/ eternal loop

>> No.74326093
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I kneel... if only Bejita could learn from him...

>> No.74326110
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>Fuwawa missing the opportunity to sell mococoes tissues
business dog...

>> No.74326114

So many shit posts I can't even find the real posts to reply to

>> No.74326122

Japanese management has always been fucked. They don't care about EN fans or even the EN girls in general. Meetings are still at Japanese times. Everything is still in Japanese, all the events are in Japan. They love throwing Gura's big number of subs around but that's primarily EN viewers that got them that. It's been 5 years and they just now announced an EN office in NA. Which will probably take at least another year to get going. We get fucked on merch, we don't get any cafes or popups or Aquarium shit, like if it was just Kiara, okay fine she's the only one who lives in her timezone she has to lump it. But the majority of EN is in NA and it's absurd that they still don't have a NA office or NA time meetings after 5 years and the amount of money EN has brought in.

>> No.74326129

okay fuckers
their one million wish is dance lessons
there you go

>> No.74326134

Why does fuwawa get 8 more raffians? haeh?

>> No.74326141
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i'm tired of reading walls

>> No.74326176

It was infuriating, especially since she got along so well with the EN girls and she was going through a rough patch, it was one of the few bright spots.

>> No.74326193
File: 5 KB, 183x155, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you like this

>> No.74326215


>> No.74326248

>forced upon them
For 6 months, they've been showered with attention and money. Every waking moment, they've been given so much love.
As soon as they have the financial freedom, they run back to JP with no planning, (and they were treated like shit there btw).
It doesn't matter what you do. You can love them, treasure them all you want. You will NEVER matter.
It was never about the numbers. They will do anything for jp .
Ruffians are the secondaries in their own community.

>> No.74326276

Cover only gives dance lessons for their events, the others are paid by the talents themselves, they don't need the wish for that.
I do hope they give us very detailed reports on how much they're sweating after each dance lesson.

>> No.74326283
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These are the numbers for Advent when they stream Shinkansen btw. FWMC's numbers are just ridiculous whenever they stream anything that is friendly for JP tourists.

>> No.74326297

The one million wish has to be a solo live. Why do you think Mococo randomly brought it up asking if we would be sad if they had one in Japan? My silly princess...

>> No.74326317

It just means when I continue my JP learning arc after they see me struggling they'll love me even more.

>> No.74326328

>he wasn't invited to the orgy with fwmc

>> No.74326331

>it was mane-chan, mane-chan hate!
>they predicted wrong which is the same as lying! they lied!
>they betrayed en! no one in en enjoys any jp content!
>i can't believe they're going from 8 streams a week to 7 streams and a solo jp!
You are the biggest fucking cat ladies and spoiled bitches I've ever seen. Holy fuck this is embarrassing.

>> No.74326351

t. kfp nigger

>> No.74326353

I'm so sorry Mocochan! I'll create 9 more tulpas to watch your stream

>> No.74326370

>Thread still full of Nijisisters

>> No.74326376

I Essaypost because to me, Essayposting is one of the last bastions of coherent dialogue on this board, nay this site even. I've been here since 08, so longer than most but not as long as some. Essayposting takes a long time to do and few people can be bothered to read the whole thing, thus it filters faggots looking for quick and easy (You)s. Essayposting requires a native level grasp of the English language, thus it filters SEAniggers and other ESLs. It requires more than surface level knowledge of whatever topic you are talking about, thus it filters clipwatchers and threadreaders, along with newfags. Anyone new to the board culture can pick up a few things quickly and repeat them to look like they fit in, like ritual posting, but you can't bullshit an indepth look at a Holo built from months or years of actually watching streams. You can still put the odd term like "SEAnigger" in it, thus it filters easily offended Redditors who are just here as tourists or who think this is "the anti place". Lastly, I Essaypost because I genuinely fucking care about Hololive and the Holos, it matters to me, I actually like these girls and care about what happens to them because it's one of the few things that still makes me happy. Thus it filters normalfags and all the people who are afraid to ironically enjoy something because they are afraid they will be labeled cringe, a loser, a nerd, a geek, an incel, whatever term they fear that will label them as an undesirable. An Essaypost will die quickly, will be lost in the spam of call and response bullshit that speeds threads along, (WAH, Yeah me, etc.) It offers no quick and easy dopamine hit, most people will answer TLDR, mucho texto, ogey, etc. Essayposting is only done by people who actually give a fuck about what they consume, to the bewilderment of all the tourists and people who are just here to enjoy anime girls ironically. Even if I'm in the minority now, I was here first and I won't go quietly. I am here to actually enjoy these fucking girls and talk about them.

>> No.74326378

When's the last time we had 8 EN streams in a week? 3 months ago?

>> No.74326411

Last I checked dance lessons aren't that expensive (for their money at least). Do they go to the best of the best or something

>> No.74326426

>They should have just taken the hit at the beginning
Pretty much. It would have been better and gave certain fans a clear idea of how things would be in the future.
This is ironically an example of them caring WAY too much and it backfiring on them and their fans. They didn't want anyone to feel left out, and even during COLLABS, they tried translating or doing EN/JP switch gimmicks. Now they won't translate at all cause it's frustrating for their senpai. Now they're going to go back to doing JP solos cause it's more convenient for them to do so too

>> No.74326435

Too much for a 1 mil wish, Cover can't promise that. They could get a "regular" live, though. Remember that now anniversary lives are no longer a thing, only birthday is guaranteed. They can ask for a 1 Million Celebration Live and do it their way, however they want. They can have an Advent Musical of Princess and the Pauper directed by Akirose if they want to.

>> No.74326450

No one wants to read your chatgpt nigger. Learn brevity or stfu.

>> No.74326451

I’m beginning to think it’s some ruffians, too. Making the most of having the opportunity to complain.

>> No.74326484

specific dance lessons with a specific dance professor

>> No.74326488

Make sure to do leg shortening and slant eye surgery too.

>> No.74326507

>it was mane-chan
They pretty much said this in the stream, sister. No one is saying they were forced, just that she was a big reason.

>> No.74326544

If your million wish could be a sololive my JP oshi wouldn't be in tears multiple times about it being nigh impossible

>> No.74326549

Somewhat sane take on /Baubau/? Holy fuck anon.

>> No.74326554

Sisters don't watch streams. Remember when the thread went to shit over a 3 month old stream?

>> No.74326561

I'm the dance and the professor

>> No.74326584
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no one recognizes this?

>> No.74326592

Shiori seems happy with her manager. If anything she’s in control.

>> No.74326612

If you mean the cake fuwawa gush that drove me nuts because I had memory holed it. I can't compete with desserts

>> No.74326618

Would pulling a Ririka and doubling the amount of streams and calling them JP streams be a solution?
EN viewers get their streams and JP viewers get their own segment.

>> No.74326619


>> No.74326620

their one million wish is a female manechan

>> No.74326625

Shiori also has no desire to be an idol and doesn't worship the ground Japanese people walk on.

>> No.74326629

Meanwhile mine could get the money in a heartbeat but doesn't feel like releasing an album yet. She probably is working towards it behind the scenes just because of how much people ask her, but still, a little frustrating.

>> No.74326628

>Now they're going to go back to doing JP solos cause it's more convenient for them to do so too
I'd like to remind people that we don't know this 100%

>> No.74326637

>And I can't say why it hit them hard,
I have a guess, but it could be complete nonsense. They probably have thought of doing a lot of Japanes streams for Golden Work for a while, probably even before they moved to Japan. They rushed to get to Japan thinking it wouldn't take too long to get settled and they'd be back to normal well before Golden Week. Instead it took longer for them to find a permanent home, and they only were able to start streaming regularly right before Golden Week. Then they finally come back and end up canceling two streams, even if both were out of their hands you know they felt bad about it. Now Golden Week is approaching, they've been absent for a while, and then stumbled on their return. Now they have to sit down with the fans who waited for them and tell them that they are already going to be doing a week of streams outside their usual hours, in a language they know most viewers don't speak. I'm sure all the "we've been waiting for you" and "glad you are back to normal streams" comments and supas made them cloudy and second guess their decision. Then when they were talking about canceling their Golden Week plans for this year mane-san stepped in and told them to go through with it because they had already been working on it.

>> No.74326638
File: 675 KB, 854x480, videoframe_6581258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did fuwawa do this bros

>> No.74326656

the horizontal dance, with me

>> No.74326666

It's the real reason they won't hug them. Fuwawa has slipped and called mane chan she a few times but only because chat does

>> No.74326672

OK sister.

>> No.74326677
File: 878 KB, 2029x3557, GHBDGepacAAuJOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anego: older sisters

>> No.74326676

Shiori has years of experience with a bad manager that she has enough of a backbone to argue back if she needs to instead of laying as flat as a doormat.

>> No.74326682

Well, here's the counterargument
I guarantee you that Fuwawa is the one who likes the receipt posts too, and encourages more people to purchase more and post some themselves by having them see those likes. This is manipulation at its finest. Fucking snake. She manipulates people to shower her with pinks and akas. All of her words have been lies. Her true personality seeps through when she receives a huge amount of money, or when she reads out the paypigs on stream. I recall several times where Mococo, unintentionally or otherwise, interrupted Fuwawa from getting wet over one of her favorites. Then when Mococo is away, Fuwawa takes control of the Twitter account to like said favorites' posts. I hate to bring this up because people are bad at shedding negative opinion, but in the first months Fuwawa was genuinely borderline abusive with the stuff like "nobody wants to be your sister", renting belly button, credit card, making Mococo call her fuwa-nee with not making food as a bargaining chip etc. making Mococo genuinely upset and then never apologizing for it as a power move disguised as a skit. All of you probably just have forgotten about it because you didn't pay attention to it or just people having bad memory in general, I actually have notes from when it was getting bad. If you go back looking for it, you can see the difference how Fuwawa treated Mococo, often trying to find ways to make her uncomfortable. However after some complaints she turned better and has 95% redeemed herself. But like i said, people tend to stick with the first impression, so even if it has fallen to the unconsciousness, this is where the "fuwawa is the evil twin" comes from, is not a random joke like whowawa. Though I wish people would stop using it since she's improved herself which I have massive respect for (but I guess the average person just parrots the popular thing with 0 thought in their head)

>> No.74326694

this is just kiara with fwmc skin

>> No.74326706

why orange

>> No.74326718

The ribbons on her head is hnecessary

>> No.74326728

"for everyone" is stupid idealism. it lowers quality too like all those shitty woke hollywood movies

give it up.

>> No.74326733
File: 800 KB, 1236x1080, fwmc morning challenge [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbx56b4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74326736

>The Fuwawa anti is so new he doesn't even recognize copypasta from /here/

>> No.74326751

Princess: Mococo
Pauper: Fuwawa
Preminger: Fuwawa
Julian: Shiori
Dominick: Newissa
Queen: Biboo

>> No.74326770

I think this is the most logical reasonable approach to what happened desu, obviously we can't know but it fits in very tightly with what we know about them, in the end, I think they're always terrified of disappointing the audience they have, which may be why they even started crying in the first place during the mem stream. Fuck honestly it fits too well and hurts.

>> No.74326776

SunsetSkyline is a fucking hack, no idea why people wank off his shit.

>> No.74326784

sex with wuffians!!

>> No.74326783

We have no idea how much of it was mane-chan, and whether it originated from her or if she's frustrated because they're holding their own wishes back. And they sure as fuck don't want you idiots attacking her, especially based on your schizo interpretation of their words.

>> No.74326788

>realize their japanese speaking coworkers in holoen have 2~5 japanese streams per month
If that it then I don't even mind, they just made it sound so bad
They care about and love us, and they hate to exclude anyone, but man... The timing of everything and the way they said it, it just doesn't look good

>> No.74326790

Do people actually do this? I know a ton of asians do the opposite

>> No.74326825

This is just conjecture and until they say clearly what happened, goes with all the other rrats.

>> No.74326827

What was the doujinshi they were talking about?

>> No.74326830
File: 368 KB, 808x856, sisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel should be Pero

>> No.74326840

QRD on the shitshow? I've been in the dark and I come back to this

>> No.74326856

is suzu a transvestite from transylvania

>> No.74326864

Maybe they have the same mane-chan as IRyS, she's doing way more JP content lately too

>> No.74326880
File: 386 KB, 1280x1779, FWMCSEX_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuwawa: "we're really grateful~"

>> No.74326881
File: 170 KB, 1026x700, baused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. He got his priorities right.

>> No.74326887
File: 235 KB, 2150x1311, GK9viWHW8AArSWe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sisters site is down
they are weaponizing the jpschizo

>> No.74326895

I know we're in a shitstorm right now and flooded with nonstop antis but we've also ironically gotten some of the best Fuwamoco discussion these threads have ever seen. It's because people are genuinely passionate about this and are speaking up, well the ones who care anyways. Some people are definitely just trolling as much as they can, but I can see a lot of real Ruffians here.

>> No.74326899

>They prolly feel like doing this is gonna make literally everyone leave
Well they aren't wrong about that. The crazy part is still going along with it knowing they're shooting themselves in the foot.

>> No.74326902

Fuwawa started lactating and quickly had to end the stream awkwardly.

>> No.74326915

He very obviosuly had involvement with IRyS because of IRyS streaming FF14. Something she would NEVER do without outside influence. Omega is obsessed with FF14 and modeled the entire generation of HomoEN after an FF14 guild.
Omega was also the original AO mod for Ina, again we know this because of him being a faggot and asking to play FF14 with her in minecraft

Combine that with Omega saying he has been there from the beginning, Ame saying that EN only had 3 staff at the beginning in a stream around advent's debut, and an anonymous interview with the head of the EN branch where the faggot talks all about how lore is so important to HoloEN and it's success and it's obvious he was the head of EN. And coincidentally we haven't heard shit from him since late 2022, the same time EN was looking for a new branch head.

I understand you're trying to keep it to just hard facts, but everyone knows what the deal with Omega was. You don't need to run defense for him. Like can you name a single other instance IRyS has ever expressed interest in MMOs? And she just happened to be really into streaming FF14 on her own without the FF14 autist in the branch egging her on? Come on.

>> No.74326950

Yeah but her breasts are big

>> No.74326956

>This fucking menhera is back
And everything just gets worse.

>> No.74326967

it SOUNDS like it could be correct which is good enough for me

>> No.74326970

I'm drawing mococock and I got nauseus from trying to draw cock

>> No.74326987

Penis is dogs.
My penis.

>> No.74326991

I feel this could be a solution. But would they want to stream basically double?

>> No.74326993
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>> No.74327019

We have literally no idea and it doesn't matter. Suppress your collective autism for a second and put yourself in their shoes: how would they feel if their words caused people to attack mane-chan? You retards keep making things worse.

>> No.74327021

I'm not running defense to him, he was a faggot and I would like to see him publicly killed. But I also have been on 4chan a long fucking time and sticking only to hard verifiable facts is the only thing that separates a good post from a shit post.

>> No.74327026

I don't think everyone will leave, but I can see the attempt completely failing. In which case probably will make them backtrack and realize it was a bad idea, maybe if that's the case we just need to let them make that mistake.

>> No.74327028

She used to play those f2p MMOs growing up, but that's about it.

>> No.74327077

no stream today close the thread

>> No.74327088

Maybe their Mane-chan doesn't see the issue because she's Japanese and doesn't care about the EN fans

>> No.74327095

If you love someone and you can see they're going to do something that will hurt themselves, you should stop them.

>> No.74327106

Ehhh, but don't you need to be pregnant to lactate?

>> No.74327110

We're playing Fall Guys later, keep the thread

>> No.74327131

Why orange and not purple?

>> No.74327145

get over it Sobbi

>> No.74327150

That's definitely the case with a lot of Japanese management for sure. The Japanese will always prioritize themselves, they definitely won't prioritize fans like Fuwamoco will, and they DEFINITELY won't prioritize EN fans.

>> No.74327164


>> No.74327168
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>> No.74327171

there are 2 of them they need to fuckin learn to make use of that
33% fuwawa 33% mococo 33% fuwamoco -obviously the real percentages should probably be more thought out than just evenly split but yea having two people is crazy OP
fuwawa can do a "morning" gaming stream with mococo doing a "night" gaming stream one day yada yada

>> No.74327182

Depends, we know FWMC are stubborn, they aren't going to change their mind, its happening, sometimes your hands are tied and you can't do anything. Its that simple, I care about them a lot and I don't really want this but its not gonna get in the way of me at least trying to support them for now

>> No.74327218
File: 1.64 MB, 990x1584, yagoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, they should just cut back on homework and do this for 6 months. Get the 1M then decide from there. But is hard because the suits are probably trying to cash in on their popularity. Yagoo even posted about them on linkedin. And I think FWMC are also eager to impress the "pig" people.

>> No.74327228

>Don't worry
>Goes scorched earth on their viewers

>> No.74327252

why did my oshis have to be the biggest weebs on this fucking planet?

>> No.74327263

I'm so tired of this excuse. "Fuwamoco are stubborn, they will never change their mind, might as well not even try" To be fair it's not just you but it's so defeatist and also not even correct. Ruffians have nudged them in directions and changed their minds sometimes. At the very least, you can say that they want and value our input, so even if they never changed their minds (which isn't true, they have) you should still give it.

>> No.74327265


>> No.74327315

Seems like a case of girls who before hand never knew what the taste of fame was, suddenly getting it in droves, I'm not sure they know how to accurately handle all this, and it could be putting a lot on their shoulders cause cover sees the money rolling it and wants to crack the whip a little more.

>> No.74327318

I swear not a single mentally stable person plays FF14. Some of the worst people in the fanbase play it too

>> No.74327329

I have done nothing but worry for the past 2 days.
This isn't weebism, this is full blown Wapanese. They don't even question that JPs might be in the wrong.

>> No.74327347

hey, i'm in that image

>> No.74327380

I think the problem is how far in advance some of the homework can be scheduled. They mentioned during the stream that they already know what their schedules will look like for the rest of the year, homework-wise. Streams are more volatile, depends on trends and everything else. For next year they could keep that in mind and save the Golden Week, but now it's too late, they either have to do both or give up on Golden Week, give up on homework isn't a choice for this one.

>> No.74327406

Nigger how do you keep missing the point? I already said we don't know if it was her idea or theirs, or how much pressure is from her vs themselves vs others in hololive. We don't know SHIT.
You're all taking innocuous words and twisting them into the absolute WORST case scenario, and that applies to everything going on. Peak female behavior.
With fans like these who fucking needs menheratubers

>> No.74327416

Beauty and the Beast, tale as old as time (not).

>> No.74327424

How do you know he's menhera?

>> No.74327440

don't you people get jaded after discussing and posting the same shit thread after thread?

>> No.74327443

>I'm not sure they know how to accurately handle all this
They dont. Is just too sudden. They always talk about how this is not real, they feel they are not part of hololive yet and so on. And I dont think management have their best interests in mind.

>> No.74327448

Nah it's definitely them being the biggest Weaboos

>> No.74327449

Monkey's paw

>> No.74327453

>I swear not a single mentally stable person plays FF14.
I exist...

>> No.74327460

mass confusion and hysteria

>> No.74327462

Ruffians did try in the vod comments, people were not silent about this and their displeasure, its not defeatist, its doing what you reasonably can to express your distaste. The rest is up to them, look at what happened with Kronii, despite all that she still made her own decision and paid for it, and while I am praying it doesn't happen to FWMC who knows, but a lot of people have actually spoken out, and some have backpedaled which I do not agree with. But its in the air now, all we can do is wait.

>> No.74327473

>don't worry!
>they're holding back tears or crying for 75% of the stream
the title was their way of coping

>> No.74327487

Cause he publicly complained about not getting likes, not getting noticed, and stopped counting for a few streams because he was sulking? This guy has been full featured on Fuwamoco streams and he still wants more.

>> No.74327512

Post some Fuwawa pics and I'll reconsider

>> No.74327530

I don't, I just know he stopped counting for a while and now he's back.

>> No.74327541

I mean if you ask Kronies, she was forced into it by either Mori or Management or both. Then again anyone who is still a Kronie is on the biggest dose of copium known to man.

>> No.74327556
File: 212 KB, 1335x1329, GJa78eeaMAA_GID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74327571

because you are a fucking weeb in a weeb site enjoying a weeb hobby

>> No.74327580

Kroniis are the very definition of cope, I wouldn't take anything they say seriously.

>> No.74327591
File: 83 KB, 636x900, 1713715795933387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh it's fluffy time?

>> No.74327607
File: 3.15 MB, 1480x2045, 5419a6ce5c97b6e04870b470c9d9faf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops sorry wrong guy >>74327512

>> No.74327621

t. kfp monkey

>> No.74327644

Not sweaty enough

>> No.74327668
File: 2.22 MB, 2000x2848, 1713723605390069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74327673

too big

>> No.74327707

>am supportive of their decision
>still like comments with criticism I find constructive and respetcfully made, because I think it's important they hear every side
>come to thread
>am apparently a two faced snake doormat for daring to not agree with the comments I'm still supporting
well alright

>> No.74327717
File: 467 KB, 2497x4096, GJ4j-auXcAA5S97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not big enough

>> No.74327715

>Ruffians did try in the vod comments, people were not silent about this and their displeasure
only ruffians do this. you are mentally ill

>> No.74327732

That guy is a dangerous basketcase. I don't think we should celebrate.
It is funny because he doesn't pay attention to stream content only BAUs so the stream language does not impact him at all.

>> No.74327772

Fucking Brazilian piece of garbage.

>> No.74327791

i hate koyori btw

>> No.74327804
File: 255 KB, 1518x2048, FUWAWABEAUTFUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74327805

My vod post was critical too, and the tweet I made after wasn't meant to literally absolve them of all my concerns, Its just that for now I still want to support them fully, until they give me a really solid reason not to that isn't based on conjecture and doomposts

>> No.74327815

The mane-chan comment was supposed to be self-deprecating. They're saying that they're being difficult for everyone involved and they understand that. They did not by any means intend to sick the schizos on mane-chan, so you faggots are only making them sadder.

>> No.74327820
File: 1011 KB, 758x1054, Good Evening Mistress[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjb31m6.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day it gets harder to not act like a sexpest on stream whenever this woman starts laughing

>> No.74327821


>> No.74327833

>Typos are an indicator of ESL
Imagine being this retarded, ESLchama

>> No.74327836
File: 2.06 MB, 1200x1920, F8-_HUmaQAA0ZkT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to fuck fuwawa on the stove!!

>> No.74327881

Close, same continent.

>> No.74327887

you absolute temptress

>> No.74327918

Is this the craziest place on the internet right now?

>> No.74327946


>> No.74327960

People are going after the obvious yesmen like the clique. I voiced criticism but I still tried to be supportive. I think it's just the ones saying "We'll watch anything with Fuwamoco in it and everyone else is evil and doesn't really support them".

>> No.74327963

not even the craziest thread on this board

>> No.74327973
File: 236 KB, 1440x1950, F5Wxqw6W4AALdl_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74327974
File: 146 KB, 1024x875, 1713912310636199m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need picrel so much bros...

>> No.74327984

Not even close lol
Kpoop fans are more rabid and have millions upon millions of underage schizos

>> No.74328058

Yeah fuck that frankly, I am all for FWMC but I ain't gonna watch 6 JP solo streams a week and if any kind of homo gets even slightly near them I'm done, but that second option is absolutely not happening that fucking god

>> No.74328074
File: 270 KB, 1279x1800, F6zMGd_bcAAzIFw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fluffy woman makes my penis koseki levels of rock hard

>> No.74328138

This ain't even close to how bad it was a day or so ago

>> No.74328147 [SPOILER] 
File: 372 KB, 2048x1921, 1713803414012741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awawuf my beloved
>that fucking gigasmug Pero in the back

>> No.74328176

It's not new, the clique has been pushing the "No True Ruffian" bullshit for a long time. Why do you think the HUGE Ws are even a thing?

>> No.74328179
File: 521 KB, 1107x1600, GKpPuPuXsAAUio-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74328186

They should sing rolling girl

>> No.74328192

I need to give this fluffy hag some puppies before its too late, I WILL SAVE HER EGGS

>> No.74328258

They should sing Where The Hood At

>> No.74328273
File: 641 KB, 2528x4096, FUWUAUWA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74328279

Will you be watching the Q&A tomorrow?

>> No.74328305
File: 659 KB, 956x1228, 1713620287473759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless Biboo for making them so comfortable with using the phrase "rock hard" all the time on streams. She deserves the world for that alone.

>> No.74328312
File: 656 KB, 2150x3035, F6krufubQAA1l8u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her womb is mine to fill

>> No.74328331

Didn't know shit about that, I just watch streams, support my oshis and interact with them when I can, could give a fuck about anything else.

>> No.74328351

baused, actually

>> No.74328370

They should sing Smooth Criminal

>> No.74328387

>But its in the air now, all we can do is wait
Exactly, thoughts have been put into walls and words have been put out there. We can only wait
We still don't know what the changes even are, or what they mean, but even so some ruffians expressed how they felt and it's all up to FWMC now, like it should be

>> No.74328394
File: 461 KB, 1521x1871, ultimatefuwawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74328398
File: 204 KB, 1000x744, GFUYPkLbUAAa0WG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diamond dog hip shaking on stage soon

>> No.74328418

All the doomposting made me forget they have a fucking off-collab with Koyoro. Do you think they're going to sing WAO with her?

>> No.74328424

MJbro... I believe...

>> No.74328431

i tried it out because everyone always talks about it and man mmos are boring as fuck

>> No.74328452
File: 98 KB, 500x500, 1688835689926850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fuwa-chan

>> No.74328464

Not saying you should get into it, just know there is a cult of toxic positivity and some Ruffians are trying to suggest that the only "real" fans are the ones that act exactly as they do. Happens in every fanbase.

>> No.74328473

Probably. They sang Chloe's song back then too.

>> No.74328479
File: 594 KB, 1702x2280, GK45zRnWUAA-7s7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to tell Fuwawa how much I want to breed her. She obviously knows, she made that very clear, but I need to tell her directly. Would they throw me away from the convention if I said this during a meet and greet?

>> No.74328528

Yeah I skipped most of MSQ, I just enjoy savage/ultimate raiding

>> No.74328533

I mainly watch JP and only watch FWMC in EN but Im starting to feel Ruffians are actually the worst fanbase in Hololive. Ive never seen this level of mass-hysteria except for the Rushia incident. Its really a sign of decline or disaster when fans start to lecture their oshi about what to do with long texts in the comment section.

>> No.74328531

Faggots who ruin the hobby a ton, I gotcha. Goes against what FWMC even said so fuck em

>> No.74328545

nta but it's not all up to them and that's the worry. they clearly have management considerations to think about. and being new to fame and overly deferential to japanese people, they might be lead down the wrong path.

>> No.74328546

>Would they throw me away from the convention if I said this during a meet and greet?
Even if they did, wouldn't it be worth it?

>> No.74328552

This will probably blow over, but let this stream serve as a reminder for all talents to never pull back the damn curtain like this. Not even a little bit. Good entertainers shouldn't drive a wedge between their audience or put them in a position where they feel emotionally conflicted between enjoying them and wanting them to grow/succeed. The two are not mutually exclusive, and it's the entertainer's job alone to figure out how to make both happen.

>> No.74328554

Hope so because it's the only song I know, kek. I want to sing along.

>> No.74328567
File: 1.86 MB, 3200x2400, F7Vklp8bYAAagm_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either way i'm one push away from going full on gorilla and making using egosa terms whenever i feel like expressing how much i want to bust loads in fuwawa so she could find it for herself

>> No.74328594

They were the ones crying on stream about it

>> No.74328596

She'd act absolutely disgusted in the moment but would visit later.

>> No.74328602
File: 193 KB, 2000x1150, 1693328401784052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cats don't know what it's gonna be
>fluffin with a guard dog like me

>> No.74328649

You're right. If I get an accidental "what about Mococo" said by instinct I'm gonna fap to this memory for the rest of my life.

>> No.74328657

Hopefully. It'll be interesting to see what the setlist for their karaoke is like considering the one they had with Kuroe-chan was for a song cover. I'm really looking forward to it, I hope they sing Jouya Repaint

>> No.74328692

Likeschizos don't check.

>> No.74328700
File: 183 KB, 1200x900, @_hinatahirune GKZulrzaAAA8Y-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning

>> No.74328707
File: 1.31 MB, 2970x4096, F5Rm4d3aEAA7ZJ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i pray to one day wake up to every passing second

>> No.74328745

This is the weakest troll I've ever seen, you didn't even try. Off the top of my head.
>Kronii obviously
>Literally every JP Holo when they do a male collab or VCR or something so in that vein, Chloe, Ririka, Aki, Mel, Towa, Botan
>Nerissa's reading SC stream
>Noel for collabing too much with Flare
>Flare for collabing too much with Noel
>IRyS Japanese streams
>Early Kiara for translating everything to Japanese

>> No.74328763

Shout out your phone number too. She wouldn't forget it and would start giggling

>> No.74328770
File: 4 KB, 318x159, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what about me Rufferan??

>> No.74328823


>> No.74328828

>gorilla posting
We are so fucking back

>> No.74328855

Women need to be wrangled when they're having their woman moments. Fans pushing back was the only thing that saved Kronii from completely throwing her career away for homos

>> No.74328862

I hate porn addicts

>> No.74328865


>> No.74328878

I love porn addicts

>> No.74328910
File: 87 KB, 250x250, 1658723948532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74328931

stop replying to yourself

>> No.74328941

I'm indifferent to porn addicts

>> No.74328970

Pero should get his own separate meet and greet

>> No.74328985
File: 292 KB, 1000x1592, @koahri1-1731088223781175626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74328986

Yeah and then she completely 180'd and fucked herself.

>> No.74328991

Can you repeat the question

>> No.74329040

Being a yesman or not does NOT matter. The only thing that matters in this case is numbers. When they become borderline 3views during jp primetime and get sewage level scs only then they will reconsider where they want to go next. Money talks.

>> No.74329045
File: 994 KB, 1002x793, 1692012419852165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74329052

What did she do?

>> No.74329072

horny posting started too late. i already blew my load to tanaka nene tonight.

>> No.74329107

>they might be lead down the wrong path
And the ruffians can voice about that too as it happens, whether FWMC try to correct themselves at that point is up to them
Using their own words "Change is scary, but it might be a good thing" if management is actually pushing this, maybe changing the way they take advice from management might be a good thing

>> No.74329125

You filthy whore

>> No.74329141

>SC dries up
>orange becomes readable
we're so back

>> No.74329152

>the clique has been pushing the "No True Ruffian" bullshit for a long time
Literally no one is saying they're staying through 90% JP content and males. You're just trying to justify your bitching as fighting a boogeyman.

>> No.74329164

They would 100% transition to GO MY WAY in the chorus. Would be such incredible kino, holy shit.

>> No.74329194

Name a single fucking Holo that became a 3view that wasn't ID or CN.

>> No.74329210

There was a guy complaining the other day about why they didn't talk more about themselves. I wonder where he is now.

>> No.74329218

Amelia Watson

>> No.74329247
File: 121 KB, 1877x550, kroniitldr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.74329261
File: 354 KB, 807x758, 1713808832801233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pero should get his own separate meet and greet
Extremely baused, they'd sell out instantly

>> No.74329329

I don't have any nene pics sorry

>> No.74329336
File: 177 KB, 913x1500, 1693499658528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad some gorillas are back. yesterday I felt it but since the thread was shit I ended up not

>> No.74329340
File: 94 KB, 1288x1516, 1687455577676307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74329342

NTA and I don’t agree with him either, but many of what you brought up didn’t really apply. He didn’t just complain about fans voicing their opinions, but about people going as far as writing long paragraphs in the comment section instead.
For example, while there are complaints from unicorns when JP collabed with males, you will actually find it difficult to find any post longer than 5-10ish lines. We are getting people dropping 10-20 lines full of texts essays here

>> No.74329367
File: 105 KB, 850x1202, sample_691e028badf024f9bc82860419782470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking weak. Couldn't even save any for the Royal Assholes

>> No.74329380

First of all you're the one who brought up male collabs. I didn't say that. Secondly there are plenty of Ruffians who say only Fuwamoco are important and they'll watch whatever. Thirdly, just look at how many Kronies stayed after her implosion, I promise you, if male collabs ever became an issue, which they hopefully won't, the clique would immediately start calling people parasocial unicorns for being against them despite the fact that they are too. Hell Purityschizo already does this.
When has Ame had 3view status?

>> No.74329389
File: 743 KB, 2900x4096, GKj8yiRaEAAVTSN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't fuck with chumps (yeah)
>For those that been to jail, that's the cat with the Kool-Aid on his lips and pumps (uh)
>I don't fuck with niggas that think they broads
>Only know how to be one way, that's the dog (woo)
>I know how to get down, know how to bite (bite)
>Bark very little, but I know how to fight (fight)
>I know how to chase a cat up in a tree
>Man, I'll give y'all niggas the business for fuckin' with me
>Is you crazy?

>> No.74329409

After I managed to send the gorilla SC through raul helping me they've now banned my account from Google pay. You win some you lose some.

>> No.74329432

You don't speak Japanese and you aren't membered to them. Nerissa's thing wasn't public either. And only part of Kronii's was.

>> No.74329459


>> No.74329491
File: 61 KB, 960x368, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74329505

RIP. I'll bust one out for you homie.

>> No.74329506

It's bad but nowhere near as bad as other fans. Then again, the situation is nowhere near as bad as others and it's just basketcases blowing it out of proportion.

>> No.74329508

timestamp to the gorilla SC?

>> No.74329524
File: 75 KB, 443x546, gigabau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your sacrifice, Gorirasan

>> No.74329572

haha faggot, that's what you get for being a coomer. creep

>> No.74329578

Kek why did they ban it

>> No.74329592

eigo?yada yada. nihongo onegai schizzomas

>> No.74329594

Well he's not wrong.

>> No.74329615


>> No.74329617

He was trying to send in a cheaper currency before, probably for that.

>> No.74329628

That's a man, ruffian

>> No.74329641


>> No.74329647
File: 371 KB, 1125x2048, F_oXirbaEAAhrMK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright back from taking a massive dump

>> No.74329667

It's ok I'll just pretend it's Mococo..

>> No.74329676

Holy shit, you're right. I'd kneel so hard my knees would shatter the mantle of the earth
Maybe we should push for an anime classics (remixes) Rock'n'Rawr

>> No.74329701
File: 1.23 MB, 1052x1488, GFLs667boAAMBUo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74329735

based americhad

>> No.74329737

They didn't help to be fair. I got caught up in their menhera and it took me until today to realize that I didn't even care if they do JP streams kek

>> No.74329766


>> No.74329773
File: 1.92 MB, 2134x3282, F4ZA1sCasAALPCR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please eat as much as you please fuwawa i need those thighs back

>> No.74329784

You are welcome to show us some - let’s say, 10 to 15 - examples from a case you pick, then

>> No.74329791 [DELETED] 
File: 551 KB, 1200x2153, QvLGOgdBoRgTH9pt0taY2WN7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh Fuwawa...

>> No.74329815


>> No.74329834

he's right

>> No.74329847

fuck thjese whores

>> No.74329850

is that a...

>> No.74329859


>> No.74329862
File: 450 KB, 1745x2660, GBmg76ZbYAANl0P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my tongue circling around that areola
my teeth biting down on her nipple
suck suck suck getting fuwawa pregnant and having her floofies produce milk for me and me alone

>> No.74329886
File: 498 KB, 593x538, 1697802139866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have lovey-dovey sex with Mococo

>> No.74329894

I'm not the guy you replied to. But your position is that "the clique" will support anything including what he said. It's a boogeyman.
>thinking people are overreacting is "toxic positivity"
>being okay with JP streams is being a "yesman"
>it must be the same people who supported gura/ame/kronii
Fuck off with your schizo rationalization.

>> No.74329909

where's pero when you need him

>> No.74329916

i really want to rape moco-chan

>> No.74329935
File: 198 KB, 1072x1500, 173038393933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74329936
File: 1.04 MB, 768x1024, 884839294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will pin fuwawa to the wall and give her so many puppies

>> No.74329953

But what about me?

>> No.74329955

He's getting fucked in the ass by some ruffian ITT

>> No.74329971

Mococo is for lovey-dovey hand holding sex

>> No.74329976

We love FWMC here

>> No.74329992
File: 107 KB, 500x500, WHERE THE DOGS AT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next op onegai

>> No.74330018
File: 619 KB, 2276x2900, GDKvftBbkAAuFOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you blue fluffy fucking semen demon know what you've done to me

>> No.74330016

Only loving sex with the fluffy princess

>> No.74330035

Holy baused

>> No.74330069

What about the baby...

>> No.74330092

I really really want to get Fuwawa pregnant and drink her milk

>> No.74330105


>> No.74330115
File: 647 KB, 1256x892, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzg0ze0.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74330137
File: 34 KB, 472x472, im-sorry-fuwawa-huh-v0-26kng0vg6dfb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the matter wuffian?

>> No.74330149

Would Mococo get jealous if you send superchat saying you want to drink Fuwawa's milk? What is more powerful, her embarrasment or her jealousy?

>> No.74330186

fuck you piece of shit, i hope jared leto rapes your anus

>> No.74330220

Still would be down for a /baubau/ sings of this any time.

>> No.74330222

>Would Mococo get jealous if you send superchat saying you want to drink Fuwawa's milk?
Of course, but only because she wants all of Fuwawa's milk for herself.

>> No.74330225

Battle plan, like the 3rd SC. It got a lot nicer response than I thought, even if they both forgot (?) The moco tummy video

>> No.74330266
File: 728 KB, 2211x4096, mococutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about... umm *softly* Mocomilk?

>> No.74330275
File: 599 KB, 2148x4096, GG07z-fbgAAXjfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwawa WILL take responsibility for my throbbing erection every single time she sways those fat floofies in my face and giggles by animalistic plapping

>> No.74330286

>accused of being yesman with fuwamoco
>was actively anting Ames when she fucked up
I break every narrative
I also don't speak jp
