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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.11 MB, 1110x663, le retard de bing chiling vox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74285998 No.74285998 [Reply] [Original]

This is what happens when you allow a talent to have any input in the creative process of making a new outfit/model.

>> No.74286116


>> No.74286147

im sure this is inspired by sekiro. sisters would hate it but i personally like it. good brotuber costume.

>> No.74286184

That's an upgrade though

>> No.74286191
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>> No.74286218
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Doki explicitly mentioned how she kept making alterations to the model designs she was given, and then sent them both to friends to see which one was more appealing, the original or her edits.
...The originals won every single time.

>> No.74286229

its brotuber if your brother was a chinkoid who molested you as an infant I guess

>> No.74286241

Your kidding right?The model has Zero sense of aesthetics put into it.

>The Red Eyeliner thingy only makes sense if he is wearing eastern regal clothing as it symbolizes Nobility and wealth.

>Not even Ronins during the Edo period were half naked and if they were they are pretty much a Yakuza

>Also Tassets and quisets and those leggings are worn by Samurai Elites not exhibitionists like this guy.

And what is that shoulder guard? The hell >it's trying to cover?

>The biggest sin of all is the Weeb-ish way on carrying the Katana at your back instead of your waist. Geez

>I don't even wanna mention the damn beard.

If this was originally designed by mAHlowd then that can explain it.

If this is LAM's input then he is pretty much hate Vox cuz in now way with his kind of style were this stuff is gonna fly to him lol

>> No.74286265

Is this the male equivalent of the vtuber with a british accent that went from a cute loli model to a god-awful gaint boobs stripper model?

>> No.74286270

gamers would love it unless they are a third world shitter obsessed with shitty free games like counterstrike

>> No.74286281

Clearly he was inspired by the greatest movie of all time. Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai.

>> No.74286362

nobody cares about those things. ive watched tons of old samurai movies and played samurai games and read japanese history books but im totally fine with this costume. its the best brotuber costume in the en industry even though he isnt a brotuber.

>> No.74286379

This guy has some of the ugliest outfits I’ve ever seen, holy fuck. I’d even concede that his original design was great, but this ain’t it, chief.

>> No.74286431

nice try faggot but its too obvious that you are the same person

>> No.74286441

Worse, this model is just plain ugly

>> No.74286503

all of those are me. im just replying. not even pretending to be anything else.
you just hate it because its niji vtubers costume. i never watch vox. im just rating his costume.

>> No.74286573

it’s ugly

>> No.74286631

from trannies view i guess? its the most manly costume in the en industry. i hate all those homo costumes like k-shit nigger idols.

>> No.74286721
File: 209 KB, 1000x1919, bg_Josuiji-Shinri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude looks like an Insecure Shinri from StarsEN lol.

I mean look at him? Not even Homohaters can say that Shinji's looks awfull cuz it is not.

Despite being Japan themed the only Oriental things he has on him is his blue thingy on his waist and his Sakkat

Notice how despite him having similar build to mAHlowd he does not look atrocious because his shirt complements his build and his pants are simple to make his upper half including his peks stand out.

His face is average but exudes manliness despite not having facial hair.

You Sisters keep on saying brotuber yet all people see in mAHlowd is how ugly he is lol.

>> No.74286726

Meh, it's decent
Reminds me of Sekiro / Samurai Jack... the only shitty thing is the fucking body proportions

>> No.74286815

thats just another idol homo shit. too clean.

voxs new one is much darker than that shit and is closer to sekiro or ghost of tsushima

>> No.74286833

This. The concept alone is not necessarily bad, but the execution of male load’s new outfit looks like total dogshit

>> No.74286851

Sekiro is one of my favorite games and this outfit looks like shit.

>> No.74286877

Just more evidence that moids should not be allowed to be vtubers.

>> No.74286891

He needs a bigger hat. He who has the biggest hat holds the most authority, everyone knows that.

>> No.74286982

Best comment ITT

>> No.74287036

Holy shit the proportions are fucking awful. Are you guys saying this is actually good?

>> No.74287043

its shit indeed. im saying its the best as male vtubers costume. you cant ask too much in the vtuber industry. especially the en industry is full of gayfaggot avatars, has zero brotuber, but this costume doesnt pander to idol homos, is a pretty decent brotuber costume

>> No.74287086
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fucking kek. wtf are those proportions?

>> No.74287143
File: 76 KB, 500x700, 81c79d4bcb83760b3fe631d86935326f-2222748673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of a part in Mick Foley's autobiography where he talks about trying to sell march in Japan that had something like "King of the Deathmatch" written in Japanese on it, which of course is ultra cringe for a Japanese person. But then he made stuff like picrel shirt and it was a massive success. Vox is going in a completely wrong direction.

>> No.74287291

So you just outed yourself eh Nijisis,

There is nothing dark about mAHlowd's new design. It's an abomination and is obviously made by him to fulfill his Weeb fantasies or lack there of cuz in his gruuming mind when it comes to japanese it's gonna be Samurai right?

>Design looks shit
>Zero aesthetics
>Ugly proportions
>It's not Dark, it's literaly trash

Do tell what's so good aboutit?

>> No.74287304

>Anon here assumes a whore costume asked by a BRITISH is respectful of a culture.
Of course it’s a shitshow, it’s a chink-whore costume, the katana needs to be where it doesn’t disturb the blowjobs anon.

>> No.74287352

He looks like MoistCritikal lmao

>> No.74287361

Holy esl...

>> No.74287394

i dont even watch vox. im just rating the costume.

>> No.74287428

The idea seems fine but the execution is just poor. LAM didn't draw that did he?

>> No.74287445

I get that but Chinks prefer their long hair bishounens especially with the red Eyeliner without facial hair and with regal clothing as it makes them think they are from the Donghua they watch and spend money too.

How do I know that? Cuz my Sister is crazy on that kind of shit. I showed her this and she quickly said

>"eeeeewww the fuck is that?"

Clearly Nijisisters are grasping for straws and even deluding themselves just to protect mAHlowd

>> No.74287474

While I don't find this dude's design to be the greatest thing ever or whatever, it's at the very least coherent from head to toe. He's a techwear samurai. Put him in some cyberpunk anime and he would fit right in.
Meanwhile Vox's new design has generically realistic samurai armor from the waist down yet he's inexplicably naked from the waist up save for wrist wrappings, a sleeve and a singular shoulder pad; with a sword that's way too fucking long to be drawn from the back. It's too stupid to fit in any realistic setting yet not stylized enough to fit in any, for lack of a better term, "anime" setting.

>> No.74287484

This Nijisis really believes anyone is buting the sekiro shit. Proves he never played any of the two games, no model there is so ugly. The beard and chest makes him look more like one of those drunk joblesss ronin that would go into banditry. It’s a whore costume that somehow surpasses his second one.
Also lul at the idea Vox is a “brotuber”. All his fanbase is SEAmonkeys who want to rape him. Literally outed themselves so many times I lost count.

>> No.74287519

Kek, wasn't there an MLP episode about this sort of thing?

>> No.74287541

whats your best male avatar then. all those cookie cutter homo faggot ones?

>> No.74287579

i dont watch niji en. you seem really obsessed with niji dramas but i dont even know any of them.

>> No.74287599
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>> No.74287613

Always makes me laugh when morbidly obese or twig dudes have ripped avatars. You know it makes them feel like they're
hot shit. Yes I am referring to fulgur.

>> No.74287645

towa isnt male. tell me your best male one

>> No.74287651

Yes you do sis. Bring up sekiro again. Say the line!

>> No.74287723
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>> No.74287732
File: 133 KB, 1080x592, Altare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know
But seriously I'd probably pick Axel, Oga, or Chaika. All three of them look absolutely fantastic in 3D. Regis too with that insanely cool stage.

>> No.74287743


>> No.74287754

The holo outfits look great, it's just vox being a retard

>> No.74287765

heh, I remember when the sisters accused Shinri of being a Vox wannabe

How the tables have turned

>> No.74287829

Do nijisisters really?

>> No.74287981

>mocks SEA
>writes like an ESL

>> No.74287998

so you are a degenerate shut in trannygger. youd hate brotuber avatars like this.

>> No.74288010

>It's at the very least coherent from head to toe

B*tch what? You are either Blind or just straight up delusional if you think this outfit has any form of coherence.

>Has Red long Chinese Eyeliner which symbolizes Sexy and fierce which is always accompanied by other make up or for males regal clothing.

>Has messy facial hair probably thinking he is a Ronin or something

>No Ronin is Topless unless you are already are a Yakuza, which Tatoo is covered by some transparent shoulder wear of sorts.

> Wears a Samurai Tassets and Cuisser that just because it looks like "kind of" Samurai-ish

>Carries the damn Katana on his back like Weeb loser

So yeah explain coherence sister?

>> No.74288018

Yeah, Shinri's design isn't the best thing ever but it also doesn't practically scream "the artist was either forced to change something" or "the artist couldn't choose between two designs and failed to compromise between them for the final product" like Vox's does.

>> No.74288043

Stop spazzing and read a bit more carefully, mate. I said that SHINRI's was coherent, not Vox's.

>> No.74288051

this is why they dont have a say when it comes to the default design

>> No.74288068
File: 172 KB, 564x444, 1710350176279047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Underage ESL retards screaming about nijiniggers instead of having a good faith, civil discussion
the consequences of SEA being given internet access kek

>> No.74288073

Why are his pecs and abs squares

>> No.74288087

You can't have that kind of beard and have porcelain skin. It just doesn't work

>> No.74288089

Did she show up in another company yet?

>> No.74288102

That's a new one, but no. I actually like the concept for all of Vox's designs. They're pretty cool, or at least they would be if the facial hair didn't look like a fucking wojak.

>> No.74288111

Cuz he is fucking Swol and his jacket covers half of it.

>> No.74288135

Oops my baad kek

>> No.74288138

He was talking about Shinri with the part you're referring to, anon, but at least you've got spirit.

>> No.74288169

my father has black hair, blue eyes and he's very pale

>> No.74288188

imagine being THIS desperate to keep your chinese audience

>> No.74288258
File: 71 KB, 800x450, 1713847198372668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74288261

Yeah I got corrected kek.

But fr tho. Scarle mentioned that more outfits are coming that's why she ain't leaving for awhile. It's probably outfits commissioned to their liking just to appease them I to not leaving or say something nice about them on stream.

>> No.74288318

Rose got home3D recently, too. So she's probably been bribed to stay for a while. Sad for both.

>> No.74288326

He genuinely looks like some kind of wartime racist propaganda

>> No.74288395
File: 244 KB, 1748x1240, 1676845874406293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it hard to believe a professional artist designed this with such awful proportions. Or maybe they just didn't give a damn

>> No.74288460

More like a Hobo sex offender kek

>> No.74288632

This thread just tells me fromsoft fags are vox viewers

>> No.74288680

The Portuguese man-o-war model was sex incarnate

>> No.74288769

Bro no Fromsoft fags are Vox fangirls that's for certain.

>> No.74288969


>> No.74289038

only dexfags

>> No.74289061
File: 147 KB, 600x492, ea283983388001caaf7c1e95f75aa69c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's going for the Captain Tsubasa aesthetic. People ITT have no artistic sensibility.

>> No.74289103

Is this better or worse than hide the pain Fulgur?

>> No.74289135

Nice try sister. We're not going to watch this Chinese cock holder.

>> No.74289227
File: 2.42 MB, 1061x1500, 1686385324092307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were both done by "I don't give a fucking about nijisanji anymore" LAM.
It's insane that the man who can draw this, also drew the last outfits for fungus and vox.

>> No.74289313
File: 334 KB, 1097x1462, 1707123632460006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what happens when you allow a talent to have any input in the creative process of making a new outfit/model.
Idol corp girls gets to pick their own designs. What do you think of those?

>> No.74289345


>> No.74289363

Nothing on this shitty model gives Sekiro vibes. He looks more like the cannon fodder captains in Dynasty Warriors.

>> No.74289365

Holy shit, who is that?

>> No.74289380

I like the right 3.

>> No.74289385
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>> No.74289418
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>> No.74289423
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>> No.74289431

>They were both done by "I don't give a fucking about nijisanji anymore" LAM.
Is there a confirmation somewhere that LAM did them? Sometimes outfits are done by other artists.

>> No.74289516

2 twitch e-girls
2 beginner models sold for $5 on booth
and 1 cute clunny

>> No.74289530

I'm 100% sure he made the Vox as well, but he hasn't posted a sheet yet.

>> No.74289552

you cant ask too much in the vtuber industry. gekiga style avatar isnt a thing even in the jp industry

>> No.74289725
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x904, 77dbac74d24b90cc7188340c6acf158d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I become a vtuber, this will be my model. The horse is included of course.

>> No.74289780
File: 459 KB, 1498x1776, 1713868209014245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74289802


>> No.74289849

This or Kronii's alien limb nightmare /vt/?

>> No.74289857


>> No.74289859

Didn't this guy have a shirt in his new outfit update?

>> No.74289877

Pretty sure you never go topless in Sekiro dipshit.

>> No.74289885

impregnate these women

>> No.74289977

You actually do with the Tengu outfit, although it has a straw cape and more importantly, isn't inexplicably half-armored half-naked.

>> No.74289978
File: 571 KB, 532x708, IMG_5815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. He was a bit shy about about having his tits out all the time.

>> No.74290004
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>> No.74290020

Reminds me of that meme of The Rock wearing a turtleneck.

>> No.74290095

Ooh that looks clean, is the straw cape supposed to represent the Tengu wings?

>> No.74290207
File: 1.66 MB, 320x200, mengde.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He looks more like the cannon fodder captains in Dynasty Warriors.

>> No.74290208

genichiro is.

>> No.74290211

>coom model
>coom voice
>refuses to do coom content
>pulls an Ina and goes full-puritan mode
wtf is wrong with him?

>> No.74290250

If you look deeper, the clean shave on Shinri's face and his properly tied up hair gives an impression that he is a tidy person. The jacket, though it doesn't cover everything, looks like he at least tries to cover himself up to look presentable despite being a homeless ronin. This design tells people he is disciplined and is trustworthy

Meanwhile, this new Vox outfit, with the wild long hair, a stubble, and topless, just screams I AM A WANDERING SAMURAI WHO IS PROBABLY WANTED FOR SEVERAL CRIMES BY THE SHOGUNATE

>> No.74290278

>refuses to do coom content
Anon what the fuck are you talking about, he does coom content all the time, he just doesn't want to be known as Mr coom distracting everyone with his man pecs while aerith is dying in front of him or something

>> No.74290289

He is preparing himself for marriage with a horribly genocidal supernatural entity and he is not going to let human hoes get in his way.

>> No.74290309

i dont give a shit about vox but this is another reason that the western industry cant have a bortuber. its a pathetic trannyhole.

>> No.74290327

this was my first thought as well

>> No.74290353

Watch streams, dipshit.

>> No.74290426

admit that you are a faggot already

>> No.74290479

My niga if you think this rice Paddy looking motherfucker is best representation of this theme, then you need to get out see indies.

>> No.74290490

Didn't Petra add the peak sex bodysuit as her input in her caked up outfit?

>> No.74290545

idk why so many people are replying to it. im very good at sekiro. beat inner isshin without taking any damage, with katana only. its was hard as fuck tho. im just a samurai lover. this outfit is more of an ashigaru but its still precious in this industry.

idk why you hate on this so much. i keep saying it, but i dont give a shit about vox. i just rate the costume

>> No.74290578

>idk why so many people are replying to it. im very good at sekiro. beat inner isshin without taking any damage, with katana only.

forgot to mention it bu ofc with no kuro charm and demon bell.

>> No.74290652

So which looks better, that new outfit or Magni?

>> No.74290696
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>> No.74290713

No, that's what happens when you allow an insecure and extremely numberfag talent to have any input in the creative process of their designs. This model reeks of "please don't abandon me, I'll be your manwhore and do whatever you want"

>> No.74290721
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>> No.74291027

for someone who doesn't give a shit about vox you sure are spending alot of time defending vox and talking about idol homo shit

>> No.74291068

It's the scraggly beard and the horrible silhouette created by the puffy lower armor and naked upper body that kills this entire design. How the fuck did no one look at this and think it's jank as fuck is what I'm wondering

>> No.74291112

Holy kek, whose merkin is he wearing on his face? Is it Millie's?

>> No.74291118

He is for me

>> No.74291193

And then everybody clapped

>> No.74291199

They say you should learn something new every day, and today I learned what a merkin is.

>> No.74291214

if im defending something now im just defending brotuber costumes in general.
i hate homo costumes like k-poop faggots

>> No.74291246
File: 716 KB, 1500x865, IMG_5817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magni’s was actually cool as fuck when you really looked at the details put into it. Not comparable at all.

>> No.74291248

funny that sounds just like what a nijisister would say

>> No.74291273
File: 142 KB, 1200x900, b5f1b5e532cb1b43f3168db773918f7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a vtuber that will show anons what full puritan mode actually looks like
>Passing through the seven gates I ride
>Dusty road behind forever
>You have got no hope, no place to hide
>Ironsides will rise with Oliver Cromwell
>Once upon a time there ruled a King
>Now I see his proud head fallen
>Lord Protector knows true faith will win
>You should kneel and wait for another morning
>Love will be the Law, Love under Will
>But first there is the Law of Cromwell
>Soon there will be a graveyard on this hill
>Filled with those of you who are still standing

>> No.74291291

niji en is full of disgusting k-shit idol homos. id value maimoto and gorilla and such.

>> No.74291306

the problem with Magni's design is that none of the actually interesting bits show up when he's in regular streaming mode where he just looks like a purple slab with a funny looking face

>> No.74291310

I'm so fucking gay for him

>> No.74291317

and yet you spend the last 6 hours vehemently defending nijien, curious that

>> No.74291354
File: 347 KB, 580x502, 1695967632586334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant to post

>> No.74291406

im crossposting on several threads, doing other work. this thread drew my attention bc i like brotubers and am a samurai lover.

>> No.74291414

True but they fixed it later on but he was still mad and then he just rode out his contract. Now he's still seething so bad.

>> No.74291418

just accept you have no artistic sense. and stop calling muhload a brotuber

>> No.74291430

so is that why you decided to spend six hours defending a guy who is the furthest from a brotuber as can be? A likely story nijinig

>> No.74291472

looks better then the model. someome send this to vox's dm and make him stream with it

>> No.74291502
File: 209 KB, 307x600, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we want the Baki audience

>> No.74291561

>more than a full head taller than even traditionally heroic proportions
my goodness

>> No.74291582

No. Baki has better user body proportions and doesn't look like a guy who got half his body squished and inflated his legs with air

>> No.74291648

you cant ask aesthetic in this industry as i keep saying it. im a gekiga reader like goseki kojima, ryoichi ikegami. this avatar is much more like some shojomanga stuff drawn by a female mangaka but anyway samurai avatar itself is precious in this industry.

if i have a purpose i just want to spread brotubers and manly costumes/avatars. not vox or niji en. afaik vox is just another boring vtuber milking fujoshits. i cant be interested in it.

>> No.74291667

You keep claiming that but all you do is defend vox

>> No.74291889

im just defending his samurai avatar and manly avatars in general.

you trannies see it as ugly. i dont. you can praise all those cookie-cutter k-shit homo avatars but you dont need to ostracize other manly avatars.

>> No.74291951

A case of "It looked so much cooler in concept..."

>> No.74291955

Is this the new strategy? Claiming that Vox is a brotuber?

>> No.74291974


>> No.74291993

I would like to add my opinion as a fujo. This model ugly

>> No.74292042


>> No.74292096

Fuck off woman vox only goes after what gay guys like now

>> No.74292105

That's extremely apparent in Roca's design in particular and not in a good way. There's a lot going on.

>> No.74292145

whats the best guy model in your opinion as a fuj'

>> No.74292159
File: 2.00 MB, 3402x1608, vox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shame he lost his flower motif, all that left of it is his hair

>> No.74292275

how does he keep getting worse?

>> No.74292325

You can actually see his insecurities growing.

>> No.74292423

The best in niji or the beat I have seen?

>> No.74292465

From top tier design to chink mobile game dogshit, poor LAM.

>> No.74292499

he really went from one of the most elegant male models to hobo at an anime convention

>> No.74292613

First model could've pulled off the topless shit better saying he went full Yakuza and have like flower tattoos or some shit
Bonus points if it pisses off Luca too

>> No.74292621

I went to a anime convention during the time I was homeless (snuck in to get free water ac wifi and to charge eletronics) and even I didn't look this ugly

>> No.74292668

How did you sneak in?

>> No.74292714


>> No.74292716

just the hottest or best looking dude overall i guess
i dont know much about man tubers but im trying to understand what makes them look good or bad

>> No.74292858

I walked in wearing a lanyard with a blank piece of papper attached. Security didn't even bat a eye

>> No.74293015

Holy shit kek

>> No.74293075

holy shit a bimbofication vtuber

>> No.74293173

He became full Chinese?

>> No.74293187

Nta but look up Belmond Banderas

>> No.74293290

>Kronii's alien limb nightmare
Kronii's proportions unironically work if you go with the angle that she's a non-human metaphysical entity trying to copy what a human looks like and not doing a good job at it

>> No.74293343

I refuse to believe he has the same character designer as Ollie

>> No.74293363

Lamb just doing a little trolling on vox lmao

>> No.74293530

that's the only logical conclusion I can come to

>> No.74293555

Holy shit the one star to five star gacha character pipeline. Except in reverse.

>> No.74293568
File: 382 KB, 489x887, 1709412950538675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing wrong with his character design, his character design is fine. This is because of vox exposing his insecurities and demanding things that he thinks makes him look manly but just end up coming of as being desperate

>> No.74293663

I genuinely actually kinda like his base and robe? outfits but the latest one looks terrible

>> No.74293711

and interestingly enough those two are the only ones that don't make massive changes to the base character design

>> No.74293781

He really does look more and more generic with each one. The more "badass" and "masculine" the outfit, the more he looks like a random mook enemy type from a really generic action game. Like, he really does look like he could have been spawned from a game from the Simple Series in the newest one.

>> No.74294193

it’s what happens when the creatives get steamrolled
but in this case it’s like the reverse of the sonic design fiasco. we got good sonic first but then vox added human teeth

>> No.74294963

nice bait

>> No.74295453

If you ignore the gay sandals, Vox's default model has one of the best male character designs I've ever seen. Wasting it on a NijiEN vtuber of all fucking things is absolutely outrageous.

>> No.74295488

Only genuine faggots, homobeggars and sisters shillers use that word thinking they can persuade the male audience to watch them. Stop using that word is fucking cringe.

>> No.74295618

>exposing his insecurities and demanding things that he thinks makes him look manly but just end up coming of as being desperate
male moment

>> No.74295735

Ur cringe faggot

>> No.74295773
File: 209 KB, 757x1096, Mitsurugi-sc4-hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fucking hat kills the design. also twinky body doesnt work well with samurai designs

he should have gone the Mitsurugi route and he should have done some buffing up his body

>> No.74296015

That's the thing, the musculature looks pretty well defined but the proportions are all wrong.
Why are his arms so big compared to the rest of his body? Why is his torso so skinny? Where are his back muscle wings, (I forgot what they're called)? Why do his shoulders look so hunched in? Why are his hips so wide? Not related to proportions, but why does he have a wojak beard?

>> No.74296454
File: 24 KB, 1224x174, 1689256229611021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no to say more?

>> No.74296626

>missed out on full street mob rivalryKINO
Nothing makes me seethe more than wasted potential

>> No.74297977


>> No.74299020

Yeah Belmond's kino, reminds me of Old Rex from the Xenoblade 3 dlc

>> No.74299059

He should have gone to the Zagreus route, the mc from Hades

>> No.74299128

I dont understand this asian soullessness. They want the frame of a giant masculine nord but the bodyfat of a teenager. It looks extremely uncanny. The pecs look like fucking armor plates. Who thought this looks good?

>> No.74299135

>His face is average but exudes manliness despite not having facial hair.
You are retarded but in general I do agree with you.

>> No.74299193

Could be worse, could be black paw prints or a baby pacifier.

>> No.74299452

The art doesn't look right. The other form before this looked somewhat better, this Is the same problem quinns model has where they are both unproportional. The facial hair looks weird to like it was drawn on like a marker instead of a natural look

>> No.74299597

Damn... that sucks. I guess my main questions would be exactly WHAT edits Doki had made and sent to her friends along with what the exact critiques her friends had for her edits that led to them preferring the original designs?

>> No.74299809
File: 543 KB, 800x750, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an artist nor have studied a hundred hours of anatomy but isnt his proportions off? I fucked around a little on feel and I think the main issue outside of the design itself is how small his upper body is compared to his lower

Isnt it like a lot fucking smaller than it should be?

>> No.74299927
File: 543 KB, 800x750, bruh2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I made his legs too stumpy but yeah my point still stands
t. Not an artist

>> No.74300032
File: 43 KB, 770x513, Pokemon_Mewtwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mewtwo body shape

>> No.74300079


>> No.74300191
File: 226 KB, 302x534, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvpdunk.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74300195

Leave mewtwo out of this

>> No.74300203

God, it's true. lol

>> No.74300350

those long legs makes me believe the artist first thought it's was going to be a centaur

>> No.74300421

I didn't take a close look at his model until now, but holy fuck, he's ridiculously lanky (and it's not helped by his long neck). It's like the upper half of his body and the lower half came from different characters and got mashed together. Forget body shapes named after geometrical shapes, this guy has a kjeldahl flask body shape;

>> No.74300493

>Captain Tsubasa

>> No.74300729

This shit looks like one of those "meth, not even once" PSA

>> No.74300729,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.74300870

Kronii's alien limbs, 100%. It just needs some tweaking of the limb proportions and general posing; whereas Vox's is such a fucking mess that you'd need to edit it pretty heavily to fix it or even just scrap it and try again.

>> No.74300972

The serial sex offender neckbeard still kills it

>> No.74301454

NTA but it's a relative thing. Shinri looks more Bishōnen facial-wise because that's what viewers like unless they're part of the niche that enjoys Bara or Oji-San guys. And it's not like you could call Shinri's body feminine or effeminate. He's just designed to have a pretty boy face with a buff as fuck body.
>Verification not required.

>> No.74301502

And risk spawning more little monsters like them? No, I think not.

>> No.74301569

Looks like a south park character from that one anime episode where they partially blind Butters.

>> No.74301681

TECHNICALLY it'd be HIMBOfication, since Vox is male and all.

>> No.74301881
File: 718 KB, 990x1410, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idol corp girls gets to pick their own designs
I honesty can't believe it. Women always ruin models to make them look like themselves when they get complete creative control. I imagine it's more like idol vetos their bad ideas and tells them to go back to the drawing board

>> No.74302188

holy shit LAM should not be making buff models
or facial hair

>> No.74302428

legs are mostly fine (aside from feet scaling) the torso needs to be stretched a little bit more. Then again that's more in fault of the baggy pants throwing proportions down the toilet in the unedited version.

>> No.74303043

This is obviously just an edit of his 3rd model if LAM did anything here it was probably the hat

>> No.74303542 [SPOILER] 
File: 394 KB, 700x600, Same Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real reason his top half is disproportionate to the bottom half.

>> No.74303660


>> No.74303733
File: 197 KB, 1400x991, 20240423_103730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LAM'S concept illustration doesn't look half-bad, it's just that the rigger completely fucked up and I can bet my ass Vox had his own requests that added tom the mess that is the end result

>> No.74303818


>> No.74303866

you mean a BANDIT GRUNT on the hit game Sekiro Shadows Die Twice? kek

>> No.74304016

Nijisanji's check must have bounced

>> No.74306448

>he does coom content
Shinri never does coom content at all.
The most he's done is some safe for work ASMR and that's it. And calling ghost ladies sexy.
His streams are the "for all ages" kind of content.

He's extremely based for that.
Half of StarsEN is of sexpest coomers but some of them are good.

>> No.74306544

How are Vox fans reacting to the new model? Are they acting like they don't find it hideous? kek

>> No.74306604


>> No.74306841


>> No.74306854

Not even showing feet anymore. Worthless.

>> No.74307027

If anything it's from some fujo porn game fulgur showed him.

>> No.74307323

he looks completely infested with stds. Makes me itchy to have to look at it

>> No.74307375
File: 56 KB, 955x291, 1703726173270781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74307753

i look and dress like this
